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Psychiatric Medicationand minors

Madison Jennings

benefits of medication

alleviation of symptoms

temporary fix

aides in conjunction with therapy

issues with medication


lack of research

can cause a dependency

Lack of Autonomy

under 18

can not legally control their medication

doctors must rely on the parents

lack of research

not enough scientific evidence

medication can lead to suicide

can increase certain symptoms in minors

zoloft, risperidal


increased risk of dependency

depression, anxiety

“gate way” medications

hormonal adaptionshttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001522.htm

What is normal?

over zealous parents

kids will be kids

An under developed brain

amygdala development occurs at 25

can alter bodies natural chemistry

Treating the problem

medication .vs. therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Slippery slope

teaching children prescription vs. drugs

early self medicating

who decides whats okay

Social Implications



Schools and Medications

side effects

excess doctor appointments

natural remedies

safer alternative

treat a variety of conditions

st. johns wort


children learn from parents

therapy is required

natural remedies do exist