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Page 1: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

SpellWriteTerri SauderAndrea MalatestaMelissa GoffBill PecikaKira PaukovitsIntroduction to Business

Page 2: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Company Overview

•Name▫SpellWrite LLC

Page 3: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Mission Statement

•To help individuals maintain their credibility and alleviate stress while writing

Page 4: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Vision Statement

•In ten years we hope to export our product and develop a chip to enable the consumer to change to the desired language of the dictionary within the highlighter

Page 5: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Company Overview

•Location▫Office: Philadelphia, PA

Good Location Help economy  Port city

▫Factory: Langhorne, PA

Page 6: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Company Overview

•Type of Business▫Limited Liability Corporation

•Company Objectives▫To provide customer satisfaction▫To expand from just selling/producing in

Pennsylvania▫To provide a quality product

Page 7: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Product Plan• Features

▫Clear ink▫Touch screen▫Small size

• Customers and Target Market▫Ages 9+▫Educators and students▫Office personnel

• Protection▫Copyright▫Patent Pending

Page 8: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Marketing Plan• Price

▫ $34.99• Promotion

▫ Infomercials, commercials, radio, internet advertisements

• Place▫ Online stores▫ Superstores▫ Office supply store

• Target Market▫ Intermediate and High School students▫ Educators▫ Office Personnel

Page 9: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Marketing Plan

•Attracting Customers▫Unique product▫Easy to use▫Technologically advanced

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Management Plan

•Functional Departmentalization▫Marketing▫Operations▫Financial▫Research and Development▫Human Resources

Page 11: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Management Plan

•Span of Control▫Narrow

•Centralization of Decision Making▫Upper level managers

•Growth▫Increase employees▫Decentralization

Page 12: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Managerial HierarchyPresident

Terri Sauder

Vice President of FinanceMeliss Goff

Vice President of Operations

Andrea Malatesta

Vice President of MarketingBill Pecika

Vice President of Creative

DevelopmentKira Paukovits

Vice President of Human Resources

Page 13: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Human Resources

•Employee selection process▫Reviewing resume▫Calling references▫Interviewing

•Recruiting ▫Job Fairs▫Newspaper Ads▫Flyers▫Internet posting sites

Page 14: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Human Resources

•Training▫Responsibility of Department Manager▫Mentoring

•Compensation▫Salary based▫20 paid vacation/sick days▫Benefits

Holiday bonuses Health care Retirement plans

Page 15: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Human Resources

•Motivation▫Goal setting▫Positive reinforcement▫Rewards and incentives

Decided by peers and managers Longer lunch breaks Coupons for free dinner VIP parking spaces

Page 16: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Operating Plan

•Lease warehouse•Raw materials


•Quality control▫Testing 5 out of every 100 made

•Maintain perpetual inventory

Page 17: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Financial Plan

•Items needed▫Technology▫Machines to produce product▫Office space▫Office supplies▫Loans

•Financing costs▫Long term loans

Allows pay back of debt over time•Projecting a very high revenue

Page 18: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Office Technology

•Networked computers▫Internet▫Intranet

•Software▫Windows Vista▫Microsoft Office▫QuickBooks

•Database▫Collects data on daily operations

Page 19: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Ethics and Social Responsibility• SpellWrite’s Accountability to

Employees▫ Under Equal Pay Law of the

Department of Labor and Industry of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Act 1959, P.L. 1913, No.694, Section 3, Wage Rates Hours of labor correctly correspond with

salary/pay that such employee earns Hours of labor do not extend past maximum

amount for part-time/full time employment without overtime pay

• SpellWrite is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate based upon gender, ethnicity, orientation, and/or age.

Page 20: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Ethics and Social Responsibility• SpellWrite’s Responsibility to

Customers▫SpellWrite guarantees excellent

service to all consumers▫All products are insured to be

100% excellently functional ▫Limited time warranty for one year

Covering malfunction, decoding, and ink

Excluding water damage, and dropping• Refund within 90 day purchase


Page 21: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Ethics and Social Responsibility• SpellWrite’s Accountability to

Investors and Society▫ SpellWrite insures that all products

made by the company will not affect the environment if disposed of properly

▫ Creating and solidifying alignments between our strategic partners

▫ Better understand our customers, enhance our organizational effectiveness, capitalize on the talents of our workforce and represent the communities in which we do business.

Page 22: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Competitive Advantage

•By creating an original product •More convenient in a technology savvy

world •Time efficient •Expanding product line •Expanding global intention

Page 23: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Assessing Economic Conditions

•Philadelphia▫Changing economic landscape

•United States▫Inflation and unemployment on the rise▫Affects of inflation

Consumer gains/loses power

Page 24: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Assessing Global Conditions

•Importing/Exporting•Growth•Value of the Dollar

▫Depreciating: 6.5%•Internet

▫Remain connected

Page 25: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

Future Vision• Create website• Expand to grammar usage • Expand to accommodate other languages and cultures

through having an additional chip that helps spell in other languages 

• Change look and outer appearance to an variety of colors

• Special customization • Expand selling to other countries: England, China,

Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan, Russia, and Egypt          


Page 26: SpellWrite Terri Sauder Andrea Malatesta Melissa Goff Bill Pecika Kira Paukovits Introduction to Business.

References• Gitman, C. & McDaniel, C. (2008). Future of

business: The essentials – Title       created for Bloomsburg University, 90.101 Intro to Business. Ed. Mason, OH:        Thomson.

• Makinen, G. E. (August 22, 2008). Current Economic Conditions and Selected Forecast. November 13, 2008, http://www.usembassy.it/pdf/other/RL30329.pdf

• (2008). Philadelphia Economy.  November 13, 2008, http://www.city-data.com/world-cities/Philadelphia-Economy.html

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