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Page 1: Spencer Tools Early Man

By. Spencer T.

Page 2: Spencer Tools Early Man

There are six kinds of hominids that we are going to look at. They are Australopithecus aferensis, homo hibiscus, homo erectus, homo sapiens neandrathalensis, homo sapiens Cro-Magnon and homo sapiens sapiens. We are going to look at what tools they use. The tools, as you see, get more advanced as the time goes on. It starts with rock knives for hunting small mammals to bows and arrows and guns to hunt larger animals like elk and deer.

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Australopithecus Afarensis did not actually make tools but the did use found tools. The found tools consisted of rocks to smash open nuts, sticks to poke in termite holes and other basic tools.

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Homo Habilis was the first Hominid to actually make their own tools. They used rocks weapons to ward off larger animals like tigers and cave lions. They could use fire to also ward off animals but they could not make or control fire. Once it went out they had to try to find more somewhere else.


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Homo erectus was the first hominid to control and make fire. They were the first hominids to hunt for their own food with the tools they made. They made stone axes and knives. They made sharpened sticks for spears to hunt.

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They made stone knives and spears to hunt and eat animals that were around. They had animal skin clothing that they wore. They had other things like bone fishhooks and bone needles to sew their animal clothing. They had warm boots to keep their feet protected.

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Homo Sapiens Cro-Magnon were the first humans to create the bow and arrow. They had good shelter like little huts and houses. They were expert hunters and they made clothing out of animal skins and firs.

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Homo sapiens sapiens are the modern humans. They are the now people. They use metals and other complex materials to make weapons and houses. They are us so they use whatever they use.

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