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Page 1: Spirit Lake Dam/Weir Project UPDATE , SLPOA Board Member

SLPOA Mission: To develop the capacity within our community to provide a sustainable lake habitat that will allow all people who live, work and play within its environment an optimal North Idaho experience.

• November, 2019 • Vol.5

The engineering phase has been completed by Tate Engi-neering and we have made some cost saving changes to keep the Estimated Cost of the project to approximately $160,000. This includes removal of the old dam, site preparation, construction of the new weir/dam, permitting, engineering services and some possible contingencies. Tate Engineering is now working with the necessary Gov-ernmental Agencies to obtain permitting to make it truly “Shovel Ready”. After that, we will be seeking bids from local contractors.

Now all it takes is money…$$$ We continue to seek Grant Funding opportunities, but they are few & far between and that is why we need your help too!!! This project is “long overdue” and is the highest priority project there is for Spirit Lake. The current dam has been deteriorating for decades and is now prone to failure. Not only is it extremely dangerous to remove and then reinstall the dam boards against the out flow current, but is also dependent on someone’s discretion and availability of when to do it. The proposed “Weir” style Dam will be a permanent solu-

Spirit Lake Dam/Weir Project UPDATE by: Jerry Peterson, SLPOA Board Member

tion to prevent flooding in the spring and maintain a full lake level, for the longest time possible during the year, with no human intervention. Seems like a “no brainer”… Anyone who lives, works or plays in the Spirit Lake area needs to contribute to support this long overdue “necessity”.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…There is currently no Government Agency or Program that will replace or repair the dam when it fails. It’s up to us to make this project happen, to preserve & improve beautiful Spirit Lake!

The Friends of Spirit Lake (Spirit Lake Property Owners

Association), SLPOA Celebrates #GivingTuesday.

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and orgnizations to encourge philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide.This year’s #GivingTuesday takes place on December 3rd a nd kicks off the season of giving. SLPOA is participating in #GivingTuesday. Join us by giving to the Spirit Lake New Dam Project by contacting us to learn of ways you can help us reach our goal and help spread the word of the work we are doing in our community. Spirit Lake Property Owners Association has already raised nearly $29,000 toward the the New Spirit Lake Dam Project and need your help and generosity in making it a reality. The Friends of Spirit Lake are proud to partner and support the #GivingTuesday movement,

The Dangerous job of adding/removing boards from the existing Weir/Dam

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Page 2: Spirit Lake Dam/Weir Project UPDATE , SLPOA Board Member

Help Us Fund The Spirit Lake Dam Project by Making a Donation at: www.friendsofspiritlake.com

Friends of Spirit lakeSpirit Lake Property Owners AssociationPO Box 363Spirit Lake, ID 83869

“Do the Math!!!…” There are currently 425 lake front parcels: 425 X $377 = $160,000 = the total cost of the Dam Project!

We’re Closer to our goal with $28,900.00 in donations to date.

The consequences of a Dam Failure would include:

• Shorter Lake Season • Poor water quality • Decreased fishery • Cost to extend docks, ramps & water intakes • Lower property values • Unusable boat launches and community park

“Thank you to all that have donated.”

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Proposed Labyrinth Weir/Dam Design

Ask yourself, “Would you think twice about spending $377 on a necessity repair to your own place?” Well, this is a “necessity” repair and we are all Stakeholders!

Ask your neighbors tomatch your contribution!!!

Together we can makethis happen…

Please make checks payable to: SLOPA-Dam Project P.O. Box 363 Spirit Lake, ID 83869

...or donate online at: www.friendsofspiritlake.comDonations are tax deductable!

(501c3 Tax Deductable)

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