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Page 1: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Spiritual Gifts

Every good and perfect gift is from above,

coming down from the Father of the

heavenly lights, who does not change like

shifting shadows.

James 1:17

Page 2: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Copyright © 2011 by Don Youts

11210 West 13th Ct N

Wichita, KS 67212

(316) 721-5759

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written

permission of the author.

Please feel free to contact me with your comments and questions.

Don Youts

(316) 721-5759

(316) 393-7016 (cell)

[email protected]

Page 3: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Table of Contents Spiritual Gifts ................................................................................................................................................. 1

1. God is Spirit. He who IS Spirit gives Spiritual Gifts. .......................................................................... 1

2. Foundational Scriptures .................................................................................................................... 2

3. Functions of Spiritual Gifts ................................................................................................................ 4

4. Gifts are for the Body of Christ ......................................................................................................... 4

5. Character Gifts .................................................................................................................................. 5

6. Calling Gifts ....................................................................................................................................... 5

7. Crisis Gifts .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Character Gifts .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Character Gifts – Prophet ....................................................................................................................... 10

Character Gifts – Servant ........................................................................................................................ 12

Character Gifts – Teacher ....................................................................................................................... 14

Character Gifts – Exhorter ...................................................................................................................... 16

Character Gifts – Giver ............................................................................................................................ 18

Character Gifts – Leader ......................................................................................................................... 20

Page 4: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,



Spiritual Gifts Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father

of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

1. God is Spirit. He who IS Spirit gives Spiritual Gifts.

Everything we receive from Father God is a GIFT. No one can obligate him so that he owes

us. No one can earn anything from him.

Spiritual gifts are not the same as our natural talents. Our natural talents may give us clues

to our spiritual gifts but my intellectual and physical abilities are not the same as my

spiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God

and that operates by the power of the Spirit.

Therefore, the manifestations of carnal talents such as a beautiful voice, an Olympic running

ability, a master artist, a Pulitzer writer, etc., are not the same as spiritual gifts. Although

we may use those abilities to God’s glory, they can also operate apart from the power of his

Holy Spirit. Far too often our natural talents become great hindrances to our ability to live

according to his Spirit. If I am naturally gifted in logic and intellect, I may be able to say all

the correct religious words but have none of the Kingdom Authority. It’s quite possible,

even likely, that other Christians will see me as spiritually mature when in fact they are

judging by the carnal evidence only. Or if I were born with the talents and abilities of a

good teacher, I may operate in that venue alone since I can feel good about myself. When I

excel in my flesh, I may never risk discovering what my spiritual gifts may be.

What we will study as Spiritual Gifts will be those God-given abilities that can effectively

operate ONLY by the power of the Holy Spirit who is the gift that not only seals us unto

eternal salvation but also is the baptizing power to do the works that Jesus has done. Jesus

himself gives the greatest importance to THE gift of the Holy Spirit:

“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how

much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Luke 11:13

Page 5: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,



But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you

all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 14:26

On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not

leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me

speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with

the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 1:4-5

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you . . .”

Acts 1:8

“Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ

for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The

promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord

our God will call.’”

Acts 2:38-39

Since baptism in the Holy Spirit is required by the New Covenant in Christ Jesus, the gift is

essential for all Christians to actually function in the power of the Spirit with any of the

subsequent gifts we might receive. Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we are usually

operating in our carnal talents which only have worldly power rather than spiritual power.

2. Foundational Scriptures

Spiritual Gifts are identified and discussed throughout scripture. However, there are three

major passages that focus explicitly on listings of the gifts:

Gifts of Character – Romans 12:3-8

3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more

highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance

with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 4 For just as each of us has one body

with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in

Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is

prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if

Page 6: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,



it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving,

then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it


Gifts of Calling – Ephesians 4:7, 11-16

7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it

11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and

teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be

built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God

and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here

and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their

deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in

every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the

whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds

itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Gifts of Crisis – 1 Corinthians 12:4-14

4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different

kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at


7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common

good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to

another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another

faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to

another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing

between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to

still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one

and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he


12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form

one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so

Page 7: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,



as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free —and we

were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of

one part but of many.

3. Functions of Spiritual Gifts

These passages identify the giver of the gifts as God, as Christ, and as Spirit. God has

distributed the character types and each one has a particular set of core values that are

interdependent with each of the others. Christ apportions ministry gifts that are specifically

intended to build up the church in the maturity of his own headship. The Spirit distributes

gifts according to the needs of the moment for the church to complete God’s work.

By using the differences in function, we can better understand how each category works

with the others.

Gifts of God: Character Gifts

Gifts of Jesus: Calling Gifts

Gifts of Holy Spirit: Crisis Gifts

Prophet Apostle Message of Wisdom Server Prophet Message of Knowledge Teacher Evangelist Faith Encourager Pastor Gifts of Healing Giver Teacher Miracles Leader Prophesy Mercy Discerning of Spirits

Speaking in Tongues Interpretation of Tongues

4. Gifts are for the Body of Christ

All three categories of Spiritual Gifts are given for the BODY, not for the individual. Perhaps

the greatest danger in studying the gifts is that we typically become very self-focused. The

study of the Spiritual Gifts should never be focused on self but on how each gift works

together for the Body of Christ, i.e. the Church. Understanding our own character gifts and

our own calling gifts can certainly help us grow as we study the value each one brings to the

Body. However, it is far more important for me to understand and value the other

character and calling gifts even more than my own. Remember the caution at the beginning

of the Romans 12 passage: “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought.”

Refusing to use the spiritual gifts God has given us not only robs him of his glory, but also

prevents others in the Body from growing into the spiritual maturity of Christ Jesus. No

Page 8: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,



matter how much we may develop our own spiritual gifts, we are not capable of reaching

maturity without the entire Body functioning in each of its separate giftings. Obviously no

gift has sufficient value or significance by itself. Each gift is of greatest value when it is

appropriately fitted together with all of the other parts of the Body. Only then does the

“whole body . . . grow and build itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

5. Character Gifts

Character gifts determine the core values of our inmost being. As Christians we all love

Truth since that is Jesus himself. However, a person with the character and core values of a

prophet will typically see all situations in terms of God’s black and white Truth. A person

with the character and core values of mercy will typically see all situations in terms of God’s

grace and mercy for the person’s need. Which is correct? Of course, each thinks their own

perception is correct since it is essentially filtered through the core values of their particular

character giftedness. In the reality of our messy lives, we are also quite often a mixture of

two or more of these gifts. Each of the seven character gifts is part of the identify of Jesus,

the perfection and completion of all seven.

6. Calling Gifts

Calling gifts determine what we do. I personally do a lot of teaching but my core values are not

those of the teacher’s character gift. We often identify our calling gifts as our ministries. The

American and Western European cultures value productivity (i.e. ‘doing’) over character (i.e. ‘being’)

so we are typically much more aware of the calling gifts than we are of the character gifts. A pastor

who has the character gift of an encourager will want people to ‘get along’ and will work hard to

avoid all conflict. He will be willing to change the established goals or to compromise them if

necessary to avoid conflict in the body. However, the pastor who has the underlying character gift

of a leader will not avoid conflict but will want all the activities and programs of the church to

operate smoothly and efficiently. He will recognize that it’s not possible to please everyone all the

time but will be willing to work with compromise in order to obtain the established goals.

7. Crisis Gifts

Crisis gifts are a response to the need in the Body at a given moment. They do not determine our

core values and they really are not callings although we have popularized a few of them as

‘ministries’ such as with healing and miracles. Essentially anyone with any of the character gifts and

any of the calling gifts may be used in any of the crisis gifts according to the need in the Body. The

gifts of healing would seem to take on a separate ministry or calling since any Body of believers

seems to always have an abundance of physical healing issues. However, we who have need of

healing are instructed to go to our elders who will anoint us with oil and pray for us so that our sins

may be forgiven and we may be healed. We often fail to comply with those instructions and prefer

to have someone with a “healing ministry” simply pray us into wellness. Again, our culture much

prefers having an action ministry rather than simply submitting to the Word in faith.

Page 9: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,



Our study of all three categories will be through the perspective of God’s Holy Covenant. The gift of

the Holy Spirit baptism is with the evidence of speaking in tongues is given to those who have

entered into the New Covenant through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. All of God’s spiritual

gifts are then based on having received that singular outpouring of his Spirit.

In our institutionalized Christianity we have understood these gifts through our historical, cultural

and personal filters. That is to say, we have redefined the gifts through our carnal understanding

completely separate and apart from the Holy Spirit and the Word of God say. My experience, for

example, is that many people think they have some understanding of the functions of teachers,

pastors, and evangelists. Unfortunately, these are rarely in agreement with the Spirit and the Word.

Many (maybe even most) people think prophets foretell or predict the future. That may be

occasionally true but it is certainly NOT the primary function of prophesy. And most people think of

apostles as primarily the ‘sent ones’ who plant new churches. Again that may be correct at times

but again that is not their primary function.

Would you agree with me that in this study we are willing to give up our thinking and our traditions

so that we can discover the spiritual TRUTH about Spiritual Gifts?

Page 10: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Introduction


Character Gifts 4 Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not

all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we who are many form one body, and

each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to

the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in

proportion to his faith. 7 If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let

him teach; 8 if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to

the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him

govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.

Romans 12

One of the names of God is simply “I AM.” There is no greater gift to mankind than God’s

revelation of his beautiful and glorious character. Although God may reveal his law and his

judgment to all creation, he reveals HIMSELF in his nature and character to those who love

him. At least a portion of that revelation is given through his gift of a part of his own unique

personality to each of his created people.

Each person is also his own unique “I AM,” created in the image and the likeness of the ONE

“I AM.” Since no other being in God’s creation has been endowed with God’s character and

values, we can know our Father God more by knowing who he has created each of us to be as

representatives of himself. As I discover God’s design for YOU, I also will discover more about

God himself. Would it not require ALL of us fully living in the Spirit to more completely

represent the fullness of God himself? This is also the significance of Christ giving the keys to

his Kingdom to the CHURCH and not just to individuals. Collectively we ARE the Body of


God designed the ‘I AM’ of our inmost being as spiritual gifts to function in the Body of Christ.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:13

The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man; it searches out his inmost being.

Proverbs 20:27

Page 11: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Introduction


We can understand God’s gifts of character best if we focus on them as the design he has

given for our very spirits rather than as just personality traits. As Spiritual Gifts, the “I AM”

that God designed me to be in my inmost being is far more than just a personality which is

actually much more closely associated with soul than with spirit.

This is the ‘starting point’ for us and represents a core of internal values designed by God and

that remains throughout our lives. Although it can be perverted from a God-focus to a self-

focus, even Satan himself cannot undo the original design God has given us. He can only

pervert it by encouraging our own sinful tendencies to use God’s gifts for our own benefit

rather than for God’s Glory. In our sin we pervert what God has intended for Good and used

it for evil if we see his gifts as belonging to ourselves rather than to the Body of Christ.

Here is a short sketch of each of the character gifts. However, because God is infinitely

creative, none of us is going to be fully ‘captured’ in these descriptions.

Prophet: The prophet values TRUTH above all else. In any given circumstance, who’s right or

what’s right is the major issue. They are willing to force the issue any time they think right

and wrong are at stake. They tend to be visionary and aim for the highest standards since

they perceive that everything is ‘right or wrong,’ ‘good or evil,’ ‘life or death.’ Others are

likely to see them as difficult, judgmental, and negative perceiving such high standards as

difficult if not impossible to achieve.

Servant: Obviously, servants serve! They focus on physical needs and are often not

especially verbal people. They enjoy a general closeness or being ‘with’ people and hate

contention and conflict. Their expression of their God-designed ‘I AM’ is usually through the

things they do. They are very action oriented and do not easily tolerate lengthy theological


Teacher: Teachers tend to analyze all issues and enjoy systematizing their information into

complex paradigms. They prefer a concrete written standard or rule book so they can gain

the best possible result within the appropriate guidelines. They love ‘understanding’ but are

slow to make decisions for fear they have missed something in their analysis.

Exhorter: An exhorter is the ultimate ‘people’ person. They study the faces, voices, and non-

verbal communication of others and respond by putting themselves in as favorable a position

as possible to accomplish their real goals. They will usually agree with and reflect the values

of those they are with. They enjoy the challenge of the impossible. Extremely horizontal in

relationships, they want everyone to be ‘brothers’ and equals.

Page 12: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Introduction


Giver: Givers are extremely focused on relationships with those they can nurture and

prosper. As givers, they mostly give ‘value’ to others by showing them who they are in their

God-designed ‘I AM.’ They often are able to provide for others and take on parenting roles.

Most of their relationships are grounded in vertical authority/submission roles much as


Administrator: Administrators value efficiency and especially like to see everyone doing their

fair share. They grasp how various parts and functionalities fit together for the common

good. Although they enjoy starting new projects, they prefer to delegate as much as possible

once they are past the beginnings. They value people primarily as means to accomplish

process and outcomes.

Mercy: Those who are Mercy people are also ‘people’ oriented, but are especially focused on

how others ‘feel.’ They are extremely sensitive to the emotional wellbeing of others. They

value ‘intent’ more than performance or actual deed. They themselves can be overwhelmed

with the power of others’ emotions. Self-discipline is not a strength since they tend to follow

what they value, i.e. emotions.

With this very brief snapshot, we will now go into more depth to understand each of these

Spiritual Gifts God has given to the Body of Christ. We’ll look at some Biblical examples and

identify the nature of God’s design as well as the typical ways sinful man has perverted that

design. If we can understand each one’s core values according to God’s design, we will also

reveal something of our God himself.

Page 13: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Prophet


Character Gifts – Prophet You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has

set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

Psalms 45:7

Biblical Examples:

Elijah (1 Kings 17-19)

Micaiah (1 Kings 22)

John the Baptist


Core Values:

Hearing from God



Speak for God

Establish His Authority

Receiving from God:

“Hearing”; often as audible voice


Completely committed to speaking FOR God (NOT future telling)

o No compromise

o Understands absolutes

o Direct quotations from God

Only concern is to find out what God says and speak it for him

Statements are plain language; not usually obscure

Purpose driven – very black and white

Completely comfortable in pointing out sin without condemnation

Always targets the one at highest authority to make changes

Weakness (carnal):

Page 14: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Prophet


Extremist (taunting of Baal’s prophets)

Social misfit

Not concerned with horizontal relationships

o Elijah’s call of Elisha (“Go back” and walks away)

o Passing of ministry (“Stay here” three times)

o Overly blunt – even rude and arrogant

o Relationships are difficult

o Isolation – withdrawal from others


Absolutely vertical in relationships; poor socially


Prophet is also a calling and we must distinguish between the character and the calling. For

example, Jeremiah’s function as a prophet was his calling but his character was that of mercy.


The Spirit of Jezebel wants to kill (silence) the prophets of God. This can take many forms but

prophets in character or in calling experience particularly targeted rejection and destruction in

the spiritual realm.

Page 15: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Servant


Character Gifts – Servant His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have

been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of

your master.'.

Matt 25:21

Biblical Examples:

Moses (Exo 4:10; 2:16-19)

Core Values:


Meeting the spiritual needs of the people


Fulfilling the needs GOD says his people have

Receiving from God:

“Seeing” the concrete needs

Very visual


Takes the prophetic word and see’s how to put it into action

Speaks for God by saying, “Yes, this is a need.” (Verifies Prophetic word)

Emphasis on fairness and equity. Jethro instructed Moses to assign more people as

judges so he wouldn’t have to do all the work


Extremely loyal

Always for the underdog

Prayer life is very practical: “God bless this work we are doing to Your Glory.”

Weakness (carnal):

Doesn’t like being directed; wants to be asked

Can be too concrete in thinking and understanding; slow to understand allegorical


But symbols and rituals are very important

Page 16: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Servant


Often butt heads with prophets because of tension between spiritual words and

concrete actions

But hates conflict; generally will enter conflict only to rescue underdog

Slow to delegate; prefer to do the work themselves unless someone volunteers help

Don’t like to be “caught” leading (Exo 4:10)

Often become over-committed and overwhelmed quickly

Frustration when not feeling valued by leadership and the body

Moody, withdrawn, even temper tantrums when not feeling valued.


Very horizontal and very social. Servants like to be appreciated/honored by the body.

The like to hear others say, “I want to do that with you.”

Page 17: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Teacher


Character Gifts – Teacher How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get

understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. Proverbs 16:16

Biblical Examples:

Ezra (Ezra 1 & 2; and especially Ezra 7:10)


Core Values:




Systematically teaching God’s people his Kingdom and his Will

Devoted to:


Observance of the Law of the Lord

And teaching its decrees and laws to God’s people

Receiving from God:

“Hears” God through his written word


Takes the prophetic word and teach how it fits into the greater work of the Kingdom

Speaks for God by giving meaning (Explains Prophetic word)

Communicates the whole wisdom and structure

o Leave NOTHING out!

o Excellent planners

Compelled to share wisdom and understanding

Not easily offended

o Point out what scripture says, not personal opinion

o Conflict of ideas is not personal

Extremely orderly

o God is a God of ORDER: “God so loved the orderliness of his creation. . .”

o Takes life’s lessons and teachers them to others

Page 18: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Teacher


Paternalistic towards students; very parenting as teacher

Detached emotionally except for God’s Word; passion for God’s principles and laws

Weakness (carnal):

Can be oblivious of conflict since verbal words are not given much significance

Tendency to keep God “in a box”

Can be slow in making decisions since they must have ALL the info to decide

More passion for principles than for God or God’s people

Fearful of making a mistake without complete information

Wants control as a teacher

Fears emotions


Healthy relationships are the result of obedience to Law

Vertical; typically either the student or the teacher in relationships

Sees sin as breaking the Law more than breaking relationship

Difference between Teacher and Administrator: Teacher values order; administrator values

task accomplishment

Teachers ‘fit’ in the American culture so are often valued.

Page 19: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Exhorter


Character Gifts – Exhorter I have become all things to all people.

I Corinthians 9:22

Biblical Examples:

King David (1 Samuel 17; many Psalms)

Core Values:

“Other” focused


Encouraging others to reach full potential

Take on impossible tasks as challenges

Receiving from God:

“Senses” God through what he sees in others


Forms many relationships easily

Often considered as a ‘best friend’

Motivates others

Subtle influencer – gets others to want to do what he wants them to do

Easily adapts to ‘fit’ with others

Loves a challenge and overcoming problems ; even bold in a situational conflict

Confident for others

Especially effective in one-on-one

Primarily shaped by their ‘calling gift’

Endless planning for all contingencies but may lead to slow decision making

Weakness (carnal):

Most manipulative

Appears very horizontal

Lacks vision and direction for his own life

Complete ‘people pleaser’

Feels frustration and rejection when they can’t influence

Wants control as a teacher

Page 20: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Exhorter


Fears emotions


Healthy relationships are the result of obedience to Law

Vertical; typically either the student or the teacher in relationships

Sees sin as breaking the Law more than breaking relationship

Difference between Teacher and Administrator: Teacher values order; administrator values

task accomplishment

Teachers ‘fit’ in the American culture so are often valued.

Page 21: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Giver


Character Gifts – Giver Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ,

you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I

became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge

you to imitate me. I Corinthians 4:15-16

Biblical Examples:

Abraham, Elisha, John

1 Kings 19:15-21; 2 Kings 2; 4:8-37

Core Values:

Nurture; loyalty; honor


Revealing God’s value in others

Familial headship; nurturing the body of Christ

Receiving from God:

Visions; typically very visual and sensory in receiving from God


VERY vertical

Extremely nurturing

Models behaviors and values for others

Intuitively understands connections in body, soul, and spirit

Often entrepreneurs

Tend to test others to determine where they are in their walk with God

Use the ordinary things of life to teach others

Demands honor and respect for ALL that is of God

Intensely relational; in fact, just intense!

Adopts many as children

Detest ‘mixed messages’

Often love music, artistry, craftsmanship (evidence of value)

Not pretentious

Great resource managers

Page 22: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Character Gifts – Giver


Avoid the center stage and spotlight of the typical leader

Live in extremes: all in or all out

Determined to be strong for others

Weakness (carnal):

Create dependencies

Difficulty receiving

Too private

‘Used’ by others


May be seen as aloof and unapproachable


Givers see most relationships in terms of parent/child. Gives great nurture to those who

have been ‘adopted’ as their children with the aim to ever increasing godliness. Their view

is usually on long-term outcomes.

Difference between Exhorter and Giver: Exhorters values many relationships; Givers value

intense relationships

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Character Gifts – Leadership


Character Gifts – Leader I went to Jerusalem, and after staying there three days I

set out during the night with a few men. I had not told

anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for

Jerusalem. . . Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and

we will no longer be in disgrace. Nehemiah 2:11-12; 17

Biblical Examples:

Nehemiah, James (Jesus’ brother who was leader of the Jerusalem church)

Nehemiah 1:1 – 7:3; 13

Core Values:

Accomplish collective goal


Motivate people to accomplish God’s goal for his people

Receiving from God:

See God in how he moves with his people; finds the complexities of God’s solutions




Order and structure

Maintenance or restoration of order

Works within the rules

Systems thinker with focus on resources and goals rather than on people

o Systems solutions; create whole ways to accomplish vision

o Not focused on individuals or emotions

Vertical in relationships, especially in using any authorities to accomplish goals

Prayer is typically quite formal and very practical: God, we’re doing what you want so

bless it!

Makes personal commitment to the group task

Hates chaos, lack of structure, emotionalism, wasted effort

Practical: whatever works to get job done; works within social structure

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Character Gifts – Leadership


Weakness (carnal):


Self-pity, even suicide

Self-rejection Abuse of authority

Bully, intimidation

Dictatorial and manipulative




Always comparing


Expect relationships to have practical value and mutual benefit. Really uncomfortable with

strong emotionalism.

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Character Gifts – Mercy Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a

fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the

slain of my people. Jeremiah 9:1

Biblical Examples:


Jeremiah 8:21 – 9:1

Core Values:

Emotional connection, enduring relationship


Share the feelings of God

Joy of carrying your cross

Peace of suffering for Christ

Connecting people to the heart of God

Restore the broken people

Receiving from God:

Feel God’s feelings


Unconditional love


Strong connection to the emotions of the Holy Spirit

Often evident at early age


VERY horizontal

Can connect with hostile people without creating conflict

Enjoy almost all people

Special love for victims such as widows, orphans, etc

Can be great counselor and mediator

Looks for something ‘good’ in others

Weakness (carnal):

May connect to spirit, i.e. demon, behind emotions

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Unable to accept God’s judgment and righteousness

Dictatorial and manipulative

Hates conflict, especially among those he loves

Can be very dark and morose

Take offense FOR others

Drawn to strong emotions rather than righteousness

Often imaginative and creative


Expect relationships to endure through ALL life’s struggles. Just ‘being together’ is enough

to maintain relationship.

Page 27: Spiritual Gifts - God's Placespiritual gifts. By its definition, a spiritual gift is something that we have received from God and that operates by the power of the Spirit. Therefore,

Crisis Gifts


Crisis Gifts 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for

to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of

knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to

another gifts of healings by the same[b] Spirit, 10 to another the working of

miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another

different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one

and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as

He wills.

1 Corinthians 12

The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

God has given His people nine mighty gifts of the Holy Spirit to enable them to mature spiritually, edify others, and do the work of the ministry. Although these gifts of God are perfect, the manifestation of these gifts are sometimes not so perfect because they are manifested through an imperfect channel: men and women. However, perfect or imperfect, it is still God's will that the Church have all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation and that every believer be open to the working of these gifts in their life. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul confirms this statement when he exhorted God's people by writing: "5 For in him you have been enriched in every way—in all your speaking and in all your knowledge— 6 because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. 7 Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed." (I Corinthians 1:5-7). Therefore, these gifts are not only essential for spiritual maturity and ministry, but they also prepare you for Christ's return. The gifts are the spiritual senses of the Church. Just as we have five physical senses that allow us to function in the natural realm (world), so we also have nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (the "spiritual senses") that enable us to function properly in the spiritual realm. These gifts are identified in I Corinthians 12:8-11:

"8 To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these

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are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines."

These nine gifts can be broken down into three categories:

Revelation Gifts - gifts that reveal something

Word of Wisdom Word of Knowledge Discerning of Spirits

Power Gifts - gifts that do something

Faith Healings Miracles

Inspiration Gifts - gifts that say something

Prophecy Diverse Tongues Interpretation of Tongues

Purposes of the Gifts

Spiritual maturity You cannot strengthen someone who is weak unless you are mature yourself. Spiritual gifts help you mature so you can edify the Church and strengthen others. (I Corinthians 14:12).

Edification Spiritual gifts are used for the edification of the Church and are tools that bring us into spiritual maturity: "So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church." (I Corinthians 14:12)

Credentials A credential is having evidence or testimony concerning your authority. When the gifts are displayed, it publicly confirms that you are a true believer, an ambassador of God: "17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on

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sick people, and they will get well. . . 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” (Mark 16:17-18,20) We are identified as believers through the gifts of the Spirit: "God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will..." (Hebrews 2:4)

Spiritual Prosperity I Corinthians 12:7 declares, "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good " The gift of the Holy Spirit can be compared to a precious stone which brings prosperity.

Can We Have All of The Gifts?

The revelation, power, and inspiration gifts were all operative in the ministry of the Apostle

Paul. God wants you to have these gifts of the Spirit; that is why the Bible encourages us to "

earnestly desire the best gifts." (I Corinthians 12:31).

How to Receive These Gifts?

These nine spiritual gifts come by prayer, so ask for them, desire them, pray to receive them,

and covet earnestly the best gifts (I Corinthians 12:31).

Personal Rewards of Spiritual Gifts

Knowing we have a gift that is an asset to the body of Christ, we are able to achieve a deeper

level of self-acceptance and purpose in life. As we exercise our gifts, we experience personal

fulfillment and a deep sense of joy. By concentrating on our gifts, we achieve maximum

fruitfulness with minimum weariness.

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Revelation Gifts

Gifts that “Reveal Something”

Word of Wisdom

Category – Revelation Gift

Definitions – Seeing life from God's perspective.


Paul before the council (Acts 23:6)

Jesus' answer to the question regarding taxes (Matthew 22:15-22)

The temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-14)

There are three types of wisdom:

The wisdom of God (I Corinthians 2:6-7)

The wisdom of the world (I Corinthians 2:6)

The wisdom of man (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18)

The gift of the word of wisdom is the application of knowledge that God gives you ( I

Corinthians 2:6-7). This type of wisdom is a gift which cannot be gained through study or

experience and should by no means try to replace them. The gift of the word of wisdom is

seeing life from God's perspective. As a Christian exercises this gift, he begins to develop a fear

of the Lord. This is the "beginning of wisdom" according to Proverbs 1:7.

The gift of the word of wisdom is also the revealing of prophetic future; it is speaking hidden

truths of what is not known. It is a supernatural perspective to ascertain the divine means for

accomplishing God's will in a given situation, and is a divinely given power to appropriate

spiritual intuition in problem solving.

Furthermore, this gift involves having a sense of divine direction, being led by the Holy Spirit to

act appropriately in a given set of circumstances, and rightly applying knowlege.

The gift of wisdom is the wisdom of God. It is the supernatural impartation of facts; it is not

natural. You can't earn it. It is received from God through prayer (Ephesians 1:17).

The gift of the word of wisdom works interactively with the other two revelation gifts:

knowledge and discernment.

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Word of Knowledge

Category – Revelation Gift

Definition – The supernatural comprehension of Christ and His Word.


Noah building the Ark. (Genesis 6:14-22)

Joshua knowing about Achan's sin (Joshua 7:10-11)

Elisha knowing that Gehazi lied to Naaman (II Kings 5:20-27)

A word of knowledge is a definite conviction, impression, or knowing that comes to you in a

similitude (a mental picture), a dream, through a vision, or by a Scripture that is quickened to

you. It is supernatural insight or understanding of circumstances, situations, problems, or a

body of facts by revelation; that is, without assistance by any human resource but solely by

divine aid.

Furthermore, the gift of the word of knowledge is the transcendental revelation of the divine

will and plan of God. It involves moral wisdom for right living and relationships, requires

objective understanding concerning divine things in human duties, and refers to knowledge of

God or of the things that belong to God, as related in the Gospel.

The gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge function together; knowledge is

raw material and wisdom builds on it.

Discerning of Spirits

Category – Revelation Gift

Definitions – Recognizing what is of God verses the world, the flesh, and the devil.


Paul recognizing that the girl in Philippi had a spirit of divination.

Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to perceive the source of

a spiritual manifestation and determine whether it is of God (Acts 10:30-35), of the devil (Acts

16:16-18), of man (Acts 8:18-23), or of the world. It is not mind reading, psychic phenomena, or

the ability to criticize and find fault.

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Discerning of spirits must be done by the power of the Holy Spirit; He bears witness with our

spirit when something is or is not of God. The gift of discerning of spirits is the supernatural

power to detect the realm of the spirits and their activities. It implies the power of spiritual

insight - the supernatural revelation of plans and purposes of the enemy and his forces. It is a

gift which protects and guards your Christian life.

How to Test a Spirit

You can discern or test whether or not a spirit is of God by the following three ways:

1. Observing what a person does. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus explains that false

prophets are known by their fruit - by their conduct and actions.

2. Observing whether or not a person exalts Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as

Lord and Savior (I Corinthians 12:3).

3. By listening to what a person says (I John 4:1-3). Does their confession line up

with the truth of God's Word?

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Crisis Gifts


Power Gifts

Gifts that “Do Something”


Category – Power Gift

Definition – Function on the behalf of the believer to perform something impossible by

ordinary human efforts. God intervenes with His sovereignty and glory to work this

miracle for us.


While in Pharaoh's court, Moses laid down his and it turned into an adder and

then changed back into a staff.

Healing of a man afflicted with leprosy (Matthew 8:1-3)

Healing of the crippled man by the Pool of Bethesda (John 9:1-7).

Judgment upon a sorcerer (Acts 16:16-18)

The gift of faith is the supernatural ability to believe God without doubt, combat unbelief, and

visualize what God wants to accomplish. It is not only an inner conviction impelled by an urgent

and higher calling, but also a supernatural ability to meet adverse circumstances with trust in

God's words and messages.

The Bible speaks of several different types of faith which increase from faith to faith (Romans


Saving faith - faith which gets you into Heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Fruit of faith - faith which gets Heaven into you (Galatians 5:22-23)

Gift of faith - stems from saving faith and the fruit of faith; It is the ability to believe for

the miraculous (II Thessalonians 1:3).

This gift not only operates in healings and in miracles, but in the realm of the impossible as well.

Saving faith produces the active faith of the fruit of the Spirit which, in turn, produces the gift of

faith. When the gift of faith is empowered, the results are miraculous!


Category – Power Gift

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Definition – Removing diseases from the spirit, soul, and body.


Elisha telling Naaman the Syrian to dip seven times in the water to rid himself

of leprosy.

The gift of healings refers to supernatural healing without human aid; it is a special gift to pray

for specific diseases.

Healing can come through the touch of faith (James 5:14-15); by speaking the word of faith

(Luke 7:1-10); or by the presence of God being manifested (Mark 6:56; Acts 19:11-12).

The Bible speaks of "gifts" of healing because there are three types of healings: physical

(diabetes, blindness, cancer, deafness, etc.), emotional (jealousy, worry, discouragement, and

other destructive attitudes), and spiritual (bitterness, greed, and guilt, etc.).

Although there are three main types of healings, there is much diversity with the gift of

healings. While one person might have the gift of healing to rid a person of cancer or perform a

creative miracle, another person might have a diversity of the same gift to correct lower back

problems or remove a root of bitterness).

According to Mark 16:17-20, the gifts of healing belong to all believers. You can know whether

or not you have the gift of healing by the following:

By the inner witness of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16).

When you have a special ability to believe for physical healing for someone (Romans


When you have an overwhelming feeling of compassion which moves you to action

(Matthew 20:34).


Category – Power Gift

Definition – Natural or supernatural events with precise timing to bring glory to God.


Moses parting the Red Sea.

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Crisis Gifts


A miracle is the performance of something which is against the laws of nature; it is a

supernatural power to intervene and counteract earthly and evil forces. The word miracles

comes from the Greek word dunamis which means "power and might that multiplies itself." The

gift of miracles operates closely with the power gifts of faith and healings to bring authority

over Satan, sickness, sin, and the binding forces of this age.

Miracles can also be defined as supernatural intercessions of God. God exhorts us with energy

to do something that is not natural or normal to us. Just as the ministry gift of miracles is the

expression of prayer, so is the function of the Holy Spirit to direct our prayers (Romans 8:26).

However, the greatest miracle (and often least talked about) is the miracle of salvation. Sure, it

doesn't appear as spectacular as parting a sea or even raising a person from the dead, but then

again, we as human beings are truly impressed by the manifestations of outward signs and

wonders. God, on the other hand, isn't so concerned about outward appearances and

flamboyant showmanship but rather a person's heart condition. It is God's desire that believers

utilize these spiritual gifts to combat unbelief and bring non-believers to repentance in order

that spiritually dead people can be transformed into new creatures in Christ Jesus.

After you become a new creature in Christ, a miraculous transformation begins to occur in you

every day to confirm you to Christ's image (Ephesians 1:17-20) and to strengthen your inner

man (Colossians 1:10-11). The power of God was miraculously manifested in the lives of

believers in the New Testament church (Acts 4:33; Mark 16:20), and God wants His power not

only working in you, but also through you (Acts 1:8).

Jesus said, "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God" (Matthew 22:29). The

Apostle Paul warned Timothy about those who have a form of godliness, but deny the power

thereof, and he told him not to associate with such people (II Timothy 3:5). If you want the gift

of miracles to operate in you, make sure that the Word of God is in you and that you are being

influenced by the right people. Miracles are the product of the spoken Word of God, because

the Word of God and God are one (Psalm 33:6).

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Inspiration Gifts

Gifts that “Say Something”


Category – Inspirational or Vocal Gift

Definition – Bringing to light secret motives of the heart.


Jesus speaking forth the strengths and weaknesses of the seven churches in Asia

(Revelation 2-3).

The gift of prophecy edifies, exhorts, and comforts (I Corinthians 14:3); helps us build up or

strengthen; and should lead us to the Word of God. It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict

of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come (John 16:8-11).

Prophecy is divinely inspired and anointed utterance; a supernatural proclamation in a known

language. It is the manifestation of the Spirit of God - not of intellect (I Corinthians 12:7), and it

may be possessed and operated by all who have the infilling of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians


Intellect, faith, and will are operative in this gift, but its exercise is not intellectually based. It is

calling forth words from the Spirit of God. The gift of prophecy operates when there is high

worship (I Samuel 10:5-6), when others prophets are present (I Samuel 10:9-10), and when

hands are laid on you by ministers (Acts 19:1-6).

Some Common Misconceptions About Prophecy

The gift of prophecy (I Corinthians 12) and the office of the prophet (Ephesians 4:11) are not

the same thing.

There is a ministry of the prophet, but not everyone is a prophet. For example, a boy may wear

a Cubs baseball cap, but that does not mean he plays professional baseball for the Chicago

Cubs. You may prophesy, but operating in the simple gift of prophecy does not qualify you to

stand in the office of a prophet, much like wearing a Cubs hat does not qualify you to play

baseball for the Chicago Cubs - you must be gifted. To stand in the office of a prophet, one must

have a consistent manifestation of at least two of the revelation gifts ( word of wisdom, word of

knowledge, or discerning of spirits) plus prophecy.

Prophecy is not the interpretation of tongues.

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The Bible says that "he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues " (I Corinthians

14:5), even though both are inspired utterances. Tongues, of course, is inspired utterance in an

"unknown" tongue. The interpretation of tongues is inspired utterance telling that which was

spoken in tongues. Prophecy, on the other hand, is inspired utterance in a "known" tongue. The

difference between interpretation and prophecy is that interpretation is dependent upon

tongues, whereas prophecy is not.

Prophecy is not prediction. People sometimes think that "prophecy" means to predict (foretell)

what will happen in the future. Actually, the simple gift of prophecy is essentially forthtelling; it

is a ministry to make people better and more useful Christians now. Prophecy in the New

Testament church carries no prediction with it whatsoever, for "he who prophesies speaks

edification and exhortation and comfort to men" (I Corinthians 14:3). Notice that there is no

mention of the word prediction here.

Prophecy is not the same thing as preaching. The words preach and prophesy come from two

entirely different Greek words. To "preach" means to proclaim, announce, cry, or tell. Jesus

said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15). Note that He

didn't say to prophesy the Gospel. The word prophecy means to "bubble up, to flow forth, or

to cause to drop like rain." Teaching and preaching are preplanned, but prophecy is not.

The Bible tells us that we are to "20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things." I Thessalonians

5:20-21. When a prophecy is given, we are to test it and hold on to what is good in it.

Seven Ways to Judge Prophecy

1. By their fruits you shall know them. (Matthew 7:16-18,20)

2. Does it glorify Christ? (John 16:14; I Corinthians 12:3; I John 4:1-2)

3. Does it agree with the Scriptures? (Isaiah 8:20)

4. Are their prophecies fulfilled? (Deuteronomy 18:22) Some prophecies are not of God

even though they may come to pass. The benchmark remains that all prophecies

should exalt the Lord Jesus.

5. Is the prophecy disjointed or confused? True prophecy is line upon line and precept

upon precept. (Isaiah 28:13)

6. Do the prophecies produce liberty or bondage? (Romans 8:15)

7. All believers have an unction (anointing) within them that tells them when something

is wrong. Prophecies should witness with our spirit. (I John 2:20,27)

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Why Is Prophecy Important?

There are five reasons why prophecy is so important in the local church:

1. It brings life. Prophecy brought life to the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-4).

2. It gives spiritual vision. The Bible says, "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off

restraint.” (Proverbs 29:18) The Lord gives revelation through the prophetic word

3. It edifies, exhorts, and comforts (I Corinthians 14:3).

4. It brings revival and restoration. True prophecy brings restoration and revival (Acts


5. It guides you to your right position in Christ. Prophecy is used by God to direct you

where you need to go (Acts 13:1-3)

Diverse Tongues

Category – Inspirational or Vocal Gift

Definition – Glorifying God through language and music.


Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2.

Supernatural utterance through the power of the Holy Spirit in a person that manifests as

spiritual language. The Holy Spirit energizes the tongue to edify believers through language and


Diverse tongues is the most misunderstood and dynamic gift. It is not your prayer language, but

it can surface through intercession, conference, or through the individual.

Supernatural utterance in languages not known to the speaker; these languages may be

existent in the world, revived from some past culture, or "unknown" in the sense that they are

a means of communication inspired by the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:4,

10:44-48, 19:1-7; I Corinthians 12:10, 13:1-3, 14:2, 4-22, 26-32).

The spiritual gift involving ability to speak in foreign language(s) not previously studied or to

respond to experience of the Holy Spirit by uttering sounds which those without the gift of

interpretation could not understand. At Pentecost the church received the gift to communicate

the gospel in foreign languages (Acts 2). God gave His Spirit to all His people to empower them

to witness and prophesy. In Corinth some members of the church uttered sounds the rest of

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the congregation did not understand (I Corinthians 12-14). This led to controversy and division.

Paul tried to unite the church, assuring the church that there are different gifts but only one

Spirit (I Corinthians 12:4-11).

There are three types of tongues mentioned in the Bible:

1. An unknown tongue unto God (I Corinthians 14:2).

This type of tongue edifies you (I Corinthians 14:4; Jude 20), assists you in prayer

(Romans 8:26-27), stirs up the prophetic ministry (I Corinthians 14:5), refreshes your

soul (Isaiah 28:11-12), gives victory over the devil (Ephesians 6:18), and helps you

worship in the Spirit (I Corinthians 14:14-15; Hebrews 2:12).

When you sing in the Spirit, God joins in with you and confuses and defeats the

enemy (Isaiah 30:29-31); it breaks the yoke of bondage (Acts 16:25); it brings you into

the presence of God (Psalm 22:3); and it aids you in intercession (Romans 8:26).

2. A known tongue that is a sign to unbelievers. (I Corinthians 14:2; Acts 2:6).

3. A tongue that is understood through interpretation and edifies the church. (I

Corinthians 14:15).

Please note that the gift of tongues (as well as your prayer language) is a product of both God

and man. Every believer has a part to play in speaking in tongues for the Spirit gives you

utterance, and you do the talking. The Holy Spirit does not talk with tongues. In fact, nowhere

in the Bible does it mention that the Holy Spirit ever talked with tongues. Instead, you will be

doing the talking in the flesh; after all, God said He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh.

Everyone who has ever spoken in tongues was in the flesh; however, he or she was inspired by

the Spirit when they spoke.

Interpretation of Tongues

Category – Inspirational or Vocal Gift

Definition – A supernatural verbalization and subsequent interpretation of the diverse


Interpretation of tongues is a supernatural verbalization and subsequent interpretation to

reveal the meaning of a diverse tongue. This gift operates out of the mind of the Spirit rather

than out of the mind of man.

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It is important to note that "interpretation" of tongues is not the same thing as "translation" of

tongues, for the interpreter never understands the tongue he or she is interpreting. For

example, the message in tongues may be long and the interpretation short because the

interpretation only gives the meaning. On the other hand, one may speak a short time in

tongues and then given a lengthy interpretation. Yet still, at other times, the interpretation is

almost word for word.

The Word of God says that if you pray in tongues, you should pray that you will also interpret -

not only for the benefit of others - but for your own benefit as well.

If someone speaks in tongues, you can ask God to move through you to give the interpretation

so others will understand, but you can also do this in your private prayers for your own

personal benefit. You can pray, "Father, help me understand what I've just said to you in the

Spirit," and the Lord will give you the interpretation.

The gift of interpretation of tongues is the second of three inspirational or vocal gifts of the

Holy Spirit. When combined with the inspirational gift of diverse tongues, the miraculous and

supernatural phenomenon known as prophecy results.

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