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Page 1: Spot's Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose
Page 2: Spot's Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose

Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out With a Rose is copyright

© 2006 by Aaron Victor Steimle. All rights reserved. No part of this

publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any

information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing

from that guy.

Private Edition.

Page 3: Spot's Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose

For Kristin, the object and aim of my affection.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose



Oh fairest mistress, my lady dear,

Please take a moment and lend an ear

To read the verses beholden here

(Or give an eye, as case may be,

As in reading's task we work to see

What messages now have come to be).

Begin to read the poems from their start,

Uncovering the feelings they impart

As each placed word will unfold my heart;

But feel neither caution to beware or worry,

Nor need to discard this book in a hurry,

As the poems within strive not to cause a flurry.

Read them instead with an open mind,

Welcoming free complements you will find;

And with your criticism, please be kind.

For it is the poems' giving that is the goal,

The opportuned sharing of the soul,

That the writer, I, may once be whole.

So peruse the poems at your leisure,

Perhaps from them draw personal pleasure

(And, if you will, find hidden treasure);

Carry not with you the slightest fear,

For within these pages you are here

My fairest mistress, oh lady dear.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Floored in the moment, on the sight of her face,

Struck senseless you fall to display'd carri'd grace;

Eyes sweeping across slice soulself in two,

Piercing through all barriers maintained by you.

Transformed defenseless, to her mercies you race

Being floored in the moment, on the sight of her face.

A deer caught up in the headlights

Stands staring, struck into frozen awe

At approaching luminescent glory.

Upon sight of your face

I transform into that deer,

Dumbstruck and powerless to act

For the awe seizing my being.

But is the glorious light I view

A beacon to joy unending,

Or just the oncoming traffic?

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


From first impression's sight

Of several years now past

To current day to day,

Exhilaration's tight

Grip does hold me fast

Whene'er you look my way.

Each moment you're in view,

In portrait and in life,

Swift-sends me to the floor;

All thoughts transform askew,

Relieving any strife.

So still I yearn for more

Chances to be floored

By looking on your face.

How I ever wish I knew

Why you are so adored

Through any time and place,

And perhaps the future, too.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose



First you see her there


Then you see her move;


Now she sweeps her hair


Its arrangement to improve.


Her eyes soon glance your way,


Just searching for a while,


Until she brings to play


That jewel of a smile.


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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Soon she all-fills your mind


So there is no free space;


Your life is left behind,


All you see is her sweet face.


Regardless when she's viewed,


Be it night or day,


You are each time renewed


With the only thing you say:


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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Faces in a Fog

We walk through life

As individuals

Among the throngs of people,

Knowing ourselves only;

All others are merely

Faces in a fog,

Their images seen,

But not too clearly.

Each of us hides

Within this pervading shroud

For comfort and protection

From possible harm;

Safe from exposure,

Yet kept truly from

Each other.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


But one day,

Wading through the mist

I chanced to see you.

Your wondrous face

Pierced through the thickened fog

With such clarity

And precise sharpness,

Paralyzing any and all

Efforts of mine to hide,

And remain oblivious;

Frozen I became,

Unable to move

Or act,

Or speak,

Or be concealed any longer.

For in that moment

When I saw your face


I began to know

That we all are not


Faces in a fog.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Attraction's Perplexing Cause

Attraction arises often

Through the clearly-seen gate;

From slender form to shining face,

Rose-smoothed skin and movements' grace,

Silken hair and brightening smile,

Harmonious voice and playful wile,

Glinting eye and tender touch

Given by the lithe hand... and such.

And while you carry constant

Each of these qualities and more,

The attraction pulling me to you comes

Without perceptive cause,

Beyond any obvious source;

From some undiscovered mystery

Reaching beyond those surface facets

Into the deepness of my being,

Seizing my heart with unyielding grip

And wrenching my hidden affections

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Past protecting affectation

Into scrutiny's sight.

What is it within you

That makes you the exception;

What especial inner depth

Draws me beyond my boundaries

Into embracing attraction's clutch

For only you?

Whatever its perplexing cause,

I would endure it

Ever more.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Moment's View

When once taken back by one moment's view

I'd thought I was hit by a dream;

Shattered were all conceptions I once knew,

Sufficient to cause me to scream.

But the slightest of noises I was unable to make

Nor unable to move was I too,

For all motor functions your glance did quick take,

And also my voice it did shoo.

Still kept in this frozen state I'd e'er choose to be,

And showered with the peace that I feel,

With the exhilaration this moment's view brings to see;

Transforming my dream into real.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Magical Melody

Your fingers' slightest movement,

And a melody rises through the air

Drifting with the breeze to listening ears.

All are swept up into the sound,

Through crescendo and ritard,

Taken from their footing



Upward into the heavens

And beyond,

Enwrapped in the magical melody

Brought by your delicate act.

And when the piece is finished,

When you step away from

Piano's keys,

The melody continues

In you.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


In the Details

It's in the details we find our joys,

The precious things we most admire,

For in these details we find convoys

For that which gives a person fire:

In rounded eyes, their jewels held,

Sparkling bright with excitements' shine,

Non-callow awareness with innocence meld

Into an affection reflecting mine.

'Pon slender nose, the slightest scar

Remaining from pained times now past,

Reveal how sad experience can't mar

A joyful optimism forever to last.

A playful taunt with unraspberry'd tongue,

At moment's presenting has one taken back,

Shows the retention of fun of the young;

A quality any grown person should ne'er lack.

And finally a glint of a feisty smile

Gives away a flash of a wittened mind

Ever laying in wait to sharply beguile

With whimsies most pleasured e'er to find.

Each tiny spark here, and many more

Minute-each contributions do all combine

Into one blessed unto the very core;

It's in the details that we find out our shine.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Indifferent Maskings

Often we work to seem unaffected

To avoid all the pain of being rejected

For feelings far greater than shown;

We hide our attraction behind an indifference

While secretly hoping for a deux ex deliverance

Before all opportunity's flown.

But wearing this mask with affection hidden

Also prevents any responses bidden

Through resulting unawareness to be.

So I must discard indifferent maskings,

Alter my courses from space-distanced baskings,

If desired reactions should e'er come to me.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Greater Than Fantasy

When someone finds affection growing for another

Through incomprehensible means they soon come to discover

Their view of that other is becoming transformed

From the reality foundation to an image deformed,

Made into a fantastic archetypical work;

Wiping away any flaws, accentuating each perk,

Until the fantasy formed is the thing that they love,

Rejecting the real person, when push comes to shove.

But if relating with you can be any touchstone,

Then this distinction must clearly be made known:

The very real person you are, at least to me,

Becomes more amazing, far greater than fantasy;

For what a fantasy could never bring me true

Is the awe-striking beauteous wonderment – you.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


Admission's Moment

Facing in life the unreal proposition

Of loving joy's reciprocated admission

Places both the abusers in precarious position

For injury possible to come.

But with both prepared to make the confession

Of love's panging pulling to border obsession

Moves each to prepare a more willing concession

To allow admission's moment to run.

There facing the challenge injects a confusion

Toward if common feelings are but an illusion,

Leading them both to even greater resolution

To have first admissions be done.

So quickly and clumsy the words give fruition,

Not with grace as desired are the made the admission,

Giving embarrassment for the mad rushed exposition;

So where from therein lies all the fun?

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


A book full of poems found out with a rose

May seem ever so despairing

When it is unexpectedly found,

Especially when the poems mean to disclose

Unsolicited attentions of caring,

Not before known there around.

But the gift combined intends no despair

As it relieves building pressure

Of unspoken affection's place;

Instead it hopes perhaps to make you aware

Of what I have held as a treasure,

And perhaps bring to your face a smile.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


With Reading's Finished

Now that the words here have finally been spoken,

Granted with hopes that nothing is broken,

Please keep ever this volume as a brief token

Introducing my affection to you.

Think neither expected is reciprocation,

Nor intended reaction any compensation

(Only hoped perhaps is a slight jubilation

For additional admiration's debut);

It's enough for my side that the gift has been given,

That the effort was made brings me out near to heaven,

And honestly, stirred persisting feelings had driven

Me to somehow insure that you knew.

Well, now you know of the things I've been feeling,

Of how you had sent my heart through the ceiling,

How each impression of you had started out thrilling

And from there continued and grew.

But with reading's finished, the poems completed

I hope you don't feel in the least slightly cheated,

Oh precious maiden, at how oft I'd repeated

The presence of my affection true,

Of how it continued and grew,

Somehow insuring you knew

About affection's debut,

And finally provide the impression

Of how much I care for and ever admire you.

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Spot’s Book Full of Poems Found Out with a Rose


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Poems Page

A book full of poems found out with a rose 20

A deer caught up in the headlights 6

Admission's Moment 19

Attraction's Perplexing Cause 12

Entreaty 5

Faces in a Fog 10

Floored in the moment 6

From first impression's sight 7

Greater Than Fantasy 18

In the Details 16

Indifferent Maskings 17

Magical Melody 15

Moment's View 14

With Readings Finished 21


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