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  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1995 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Cambria's Environmental Newsletter Vol. I, No. 2 . Spring 1995

    Dedicatedo theconserontionf Cambria's reek,forestand openspace.GreenspaceMembership Meetingto CelebrateEarth Duy

    event gives Cambrians rare opportunityto enjoy a day at Camp OceanPinesIn celebrationof Earth Day,Greenspace ill hold itsGeneralMembershipMeetingon Sat.,Apil22,10 a.m.to 3p.m. Thegroupb AnnuafWildflowei Walk will beheldthe same-day, eginning at 9 a.m.During the dayihere"will bEslide shows,discussionsanddemonstrations swell as ra il andnaturewalks edby localexperts.A MontereyPinediscussion/class il lbi: conduciedby localbiol6gist Linda WarrenSeek.Anative lower field trip will6e guidedby notedauthorMary Coffeen.Therewill be a recyclingdemonstrationbv RALCCO.A "paintout" bv arti-stmeinbersof SLOPE(San Luis Outdoor PainteirsEnterprise)will giveattendees chance o see andscape itists'atworli."This Earth Day celebration is a chance for ourmembersand supliorters o get to know one another,"said Rick Hawleip executivEdirector of Greenspace."We're alsohopeful that this eventwill result n gr-eatervolunteer ntefest n our many conservation rdjects."Foodand beverageswill bepot luck. Barbdcues il lbe available or tho-se ishingio cook their food.Hawley added hat the Wildflower Walk presents n

    excellenfopportunitv for Cambrians o learhabout hewildfloweiiin bloorir this time of year as well as manyof the native plant and animal species ndigenous bCambria.

    FIIND-A-BENCII-'Neighb orsof this Greenspaceocketpark arenout able o enjoya quiet momentof reflectionon this recently nstalleil bench.A program allowingindiaiduals to ileilicate bencheso loaed ones s beingestablished y Greensp ce.

    author of the group's recently passedTree and OpenSpacePreservationProgram. Remaining money willcome rom Greenspace undraisingeffoits during thewildflowefs in bloorir this time of vear as well as manv next two years.of the native plant and animal species indigenous t6 "T,oc.atedadja.cent to Highway One, the Wilton Dr.Cambria. pocket park. will create a lovely preserve of nativeFor urthernformationontact reenspace. ijl',lij"ftli ;O,O"tJ#ce at the gateway o ourPocket arksHaveComeo Cambria J|f":*,:1:T$:',?1,*-'iJJd:"ft',",fi*"fGreenspaceurchasesots or neighborhoodarks ;t;,1"L'"t"*","'J"il:At#9.??iffiflTne'GreensPaGreenspace as taken the lead n privateefforts o Currently,thedirectorsaredevisingaprogramundestablishheighborhoodpocketparks"after he defeat which an ndividual may fund a comiremorltive benchof Measure"E"lastyear.Voters fo be placedon an existingorn a r r o w l y r e j e c t e d t h e m e a s u r e ' . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . i . ' i . ' . . ' . . . . . ' . ' . . . . . ' ' : : ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' 'lastyeaLwhichwouldhavesetWdl!ilh;a,li_rnea;i ' 1r'...;,,iJde,, Donation of land toupaparksproqraminCambr ia . ' ' . - ' - i - : ] } | ; r ' : 1^ ' . -'In^Febrirafrr of this year sJre.tcn:r,ojnrg$;lanqolvlomgtne'i,arears..ii,keepsoheivine.ThecomlmunityGreenspace l

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1995 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    GreenspaceDirector TakesActiveLead in StatewideTaskForceon Pine Pitch Cankerdiseasehreatens uture of Cambria'sForest

    GreenspaceExecutiveDirector Rick Hawley hashelped edtablisha statewidePine Pitch Cankef TaskForce PPCTF)o dealwith thepotentiallydevastatingeffectsof the pine pitch canker-infestation.This disea6e,which originated in the Americansoutheastand has migratedwest, has the potentialofkitline asmuch as85%of all afflicted rees'rhe"resnoknownemedJor l-"rtlg'"";il$l#

    .='''.' '.,,j.''Lehi;j;,.,||..l,,.,||...:...'',,.:Tff[x,,,"',,X,1)'W-LE-h,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,'.,,,i,ii"'uuuo',,.: pine pitch cankgr that was" j'wj, E?it'#Hil:f,iit'i:r.+;. SO,lltEEA-St:frfld.:;;,,i,dvisorv ommitteeo thet,,.,hai,lmigriibili',',,"" Califolnia Board of',',',,t,iltiiii'E'':1W'"":::,:., t 113t1{uu,wo a ko c,,.,;pot9.lltx,fll""ol' ,,1'i,,':,,11ii,,,;,tembers,RickHawleyand:',,,tHlllins:fiji,l ii-h't::t,:ttu,tinda Warren Seek,,,,",r,,,,nfrg!f;itt|ttiil,,",",';,,':,,fili;.jtt Sft"'r:i"ilillj,;,,,,ffl,i d',,trc!:',',',,,,,'",r;*l*r'gitTiiiif;il';more diseasewas fouridthan had beenanticipated.Pine pitch canker was found in the San SimeonChristntasTree Farm, the native standof pines near he

    state park and along Highway One.-The County$gricrilture DepartmEnt hlas belennotified of thesenncrmgs'the infestatio-nf i, ,,::irii,i:ritnil iliii,ff#'.:flSiTf,#?"*ft"':'"';"'':''iiflf4'isactionsof Countv dump '.found-xn'tne'5an,,trucks. heywereobserve?l .","i"' '. . "'1""'S;imiai:#1t"i11"-'J?1"*"il:H|i,--]chrti.*:to theCouhtv's reenwaste',,t ' :anW;,"tf le"na-tlv-e,,,site on SanSim"eon reek ',,,,""":";t:g'sfl,"oif'bihiii"oof,rl'o",removal,rans-]'t',itiiiirtjl$il'portation and disposal of , "ip-afKi1ilnil lIotl*'..;,infected trees s crifical. The ':;,"Hiih7ttAU Ohi';,,disease an be easilyspread ... ', o....', ,* i'r ,bv thewind. It is advise?lhataflcuttingsbebaggedandsealed efore ransportinghemto a dumpsite.The PiriePitchCankerTaskForcehas ecommendedotheCalifomiaBoardofForestryhata"zoneof nfestation"be declared.This would alert all countiesadiacent ocurrentlv infestedcountiesthat their treesare at risk.Watcli for announcements n The Cambrian regardingdate and time of Greenspace's orkshop on pine pitchcanker.

    ENDANGEREDFOREST-- Pine pitch canker is anexoticdiseasehat canspread apidly, killing most ofthe orest. Only about 1-5 eyceytof-Monterey pine.sseem o be resiitant to thii blight, which now afflictsCambria's orest. Treeon the left is iust beginning oshow signsof thedisease,which killed ailiacentttees."Weeds& Wildflowers"DemonstrationSet

    shows property owners how to trim weeds whileprotecting native floraGreenspace sPonsors i t s annua l "Weeds &Wildflowers" everit Apr.7,2p.^. at the corner of Tullyand Avon on Lodge Hill.Local biologist author, artist and teacherLinda WarrenSeek wil l c londuct the free workshop. She wil l

    demonstrate how to save Monterey pine saplings an-dother native plants during the annual cutting of weedsfor fire protection."Thode who attend the demonstration will be arnazedat how little effort it takes to savenative trees and plantswhile clearing property of flammable weeds," accordingto Rick Hawley, GreeirspaceExecutive Director.


  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1995 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    SteelheadLosing Ground inCambria SanSimeonCreekslisting as endangeredspeciesmminentTheSteelhead rout,oncesoplentiful in localwaters,is now called"the ocean's anary" referring to the oldminer's practice of fleeing a ririne if a l'ive canarysuccumb-edo fumes underground.As developmentcontinuedo threaten he low of our

    local creek-s, he SteelheadTrout has just aboutdisappeared.It'3 -not so long ago that avid fishermen came toCambria n droveE oTish ocalwaters or theSteelhead.As recently as the 60s, a Chamber of Commerce ilmshows thit local motels and shops welcomed the:: : r ,: : buSiness rought by"""rrtittoo:littdiL ,, llg];T#?";"it:. s,ai'b hi|"'oi;11ce,,,,,,,,,11,t,,: good iihing.., .Abii.d f f;,gft2 ,,,,,,,:,;,;;:i:- Is t too ate o save::nii;i 'i;,6iut.:,,,,,,i',,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,1i3;r"?:?f:Jrltfl; 1 , 1 , ; , 1 t - t . p7 lS ; ' pnCgXS, , . , . . i .r e e n s p a c e i s m a k i n g"" 'm'akii.i'a Cbnierf4d a conc,Srtedffort b,,'7,i' i*,;n,9,19nte,,"''" El::?T:r?:tll,"l3i+:5ilt7la Rosa CreeK'i""', ,, to thesteelhead.",',,,hshabitatt thatt"is 'tt"t' Greenspace has",frinitdly'lO;,rutara 1'..:'::':uPllied'important,"streLh)iad:,,,',,''' ,,,,,tl?ffiXi""i""Jl: ,:,; "r. rr , ,, ,,,,r,i,,eirii"ri", serviceI/NMFS)and the National Oceanicand AtmosphericAdministration. These ederalagencieswere retentlypetitioned to list Steelhead oncdrhynchusmykiss) asin endanseredand threateried peiies hrouihout itsrange n Washington,Oregon,Cilifornia and-Idaho.G-reenspace lovided-two detailed reports onendanserid species o theseagencies:TheSantaRosaCreeknhancement Ian fL99 ahdThe tatu ofDecliningAquaticReptiles,mphibiansndFishesn theLowerSaniirRosa reeli, ambria, alifornia.Last year Greenspacdoined forceswith two localranchirie amilies td block developmenton the upperSantaRisa Creekwatershed.Unfoitunately, heappealwas denied, which will result in the loss of histbiicalasricultural and to residentialdevelopment. hisputsai risk the best remaining Steelhe:adearing andspawning habitat n the Cambriaarea.^ Like tfie canarv, f the Steelheadansurvivehere,wecan rest assuredhat our creek s healthy," explained

    Rick Hawley, Executive Director of Gr'eensp^ace.Ifthevcanno irngermake t upstream o spawn,however,*etll kno* tha"tour creek 'snot in goodhealth."',f'Cambria'sForest: ts Natural HistoryLocalfield biologist Linda WarrenSeekwill teachaone-dayseminaron MontereyPines,Saj.,Apr. 1,9 a.m,to 3 p.rir. n Cambria.Shewifl discussdistribution andstatusof theMontereypine orest n Cambria.Enrollmentis limited; fee or the day is $21.For more nformationcall CuestaCollege Conimunity Education, 546-3132'

    Greenspace ppeals Mid-StateBankShoppingCenterseeks o protectSantaRosaCreek's ragile habitatGreenspacehas appealed the County Board ofSupervisors'ecentdecision o allow Mid-StateBank opr6ceed with development plans for a bank and'shoppingcenterat the nterseciionof CambriaRd. andMain St.,adiacent o Highway One.Two othei appeals,ndt connectedwith Greenspace,have alsobeen iled with the California StateCoastalCommission.Rick Hawley, Executive Director of Gr,eenspace,attended he March t hearing on the project beforetheCommission n SanDiego."Greenspaceis notaga'insthebank'splans o developtheproperty," explainedHawley. "We simply want toproiect'SaniaRosaCreek's ra gili: habitat,which wou-l{bevirtually destroyed f their currentplans go for;uVt!'!'TheCoaitalCommissionStaff as iecominendedhatthe commissionvote o denythe Mid-Statedevelopmentpermit afterhaving deterniined hat "substantialJssues

    bxistwith respect o the groundson which the appealhasbeen iled."The staff report also calls for Mid-State to obtainpermission rom East/WestRanch or work done onianch property which would include cutting down astand of Monhrch Butterfly habitat Eucalyptus treesandpavinsof hecreekbott6mandbankswilh concrete'Mid-Stale'sdevelopmentplan includesdumping filldirt on theproperty tb raise l somenine feet, evel withMain St. t is feared hat the bank'sbuilding of a leveeandparking ots would causewater thatnow sinks ntothe ground- o run off into Main St. and flood WestVillage.Asbf publicationdate, he CoastalCommissionhadnot yet voted on this issue. *:ISlideShowby Walter RobieGreenspace illhosta slideshowby localadventurerand andscape hotographerWalterRobieThurs.,March23,at7 p.m.Robie-lsresentations entitled"Awakenings:a oullgyinto the soulandmeaningof nature." Theeventwill beheld at the home of Greenspace ice PresidentAllenPeters, 253Nottingham on Cambria'sParkHill Sinceseating s limited to 25 pleaseRSVP o 927-2633.

    VolunteersNeededGreenspaces avolunteerorqanization hatdependsonmembers'andconcemeditizeis.Ifweall doa itflebit,wecanmakea big differencen keepingCambria hespecialplace t is.This=year, e needvolunteers or the ollowingproiects:' .'Earth Day/GeneralMembershipMeeting, AptllZ2. 7th Anndal Greenspace rt AuctioruSept.16. Annual Greenspace reekCleanup. Grant Writing TeamsTo volunteercontactRickHawlev,927-4964.


  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1995 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Art Shows Benefits LocalEnvironmental CausesProceeds rom two art shows at the Terry DelappGallery this year will be donated to heip prot6itCambria'senvironment.. The critically acclaimedworks of localartistsKenButterfield, Dennis Curry, Terry Delapp, FredericOhringerand Arthur Tressarecurrenttyon exhibit n ashow entitled "Environmental Impaci" at the TerryDelapp Gallery n Cambria, hrough April15.The artists will donate a percentageof sales o anenvironmental organization of their choice,helpingconservationefforts n Cambria.Several avedesignatedGreenspace s he recipientof their donations. -These ive artists are nationally and internationallyrenowned.All currently ive nCimbria. Theshowwasmountedunder thedirectionof artistandguestcuratorAni Garrick.. A showing of work by 15artistswho are membersof SLOPE SanLuis Outdoor PaintersEnterprise)s setfor Nov. 4 - Dec.1 at the Delapp Gallery.Ail paintingsin the exhibition will deal with Cambria'sMontereyPine Forest.Thirty percentof the artists'proceedswill be donatedto Greenspace nd will be earmarked or use n fightingthe pine pitch cankerdiseasehat threatens he ulure oTCambria'spine trees.TheTerry Delapp Gallery s locatedat750SheffieldSt.,Cambria.Galleryhoursare11a.m. o 5 p.m.,Mon.through Sat., Sun. by appointment. For furtherinformation call 924-9416.

    Earth Dav Wildflower WalkGreenspace itl hoid its annual zaildflower zoalkonSat.,Ap r.22,at 9 a.m.aspar of t sEar h D ayCelebr tionand GeneralMembershipMeeting,See tory onPageTfO f iletAilS. original arroon ourtesy rt vanRhyn

    page 4

    ible. Members receiveGreenspace newsletters andother information on our conservation activities.Check category and payment method below:D Family $25 O Contributing $50ff Sponsoring $100 fl Patron 9250D Sustaining $500 fl Benefactor $1000

    O New Member D RenewalO I can't become a member at this time. Enclosedis my $-donation. Pleasesend newsletters.NameAddressCity State/ Zip

    GIFT MEMBERSHIPSI'd like to give aName Gift Membership o:AddressCity State/ ZipA Please endacknowledgment o the recipientO I want my gift membership o be anonymousO Bill menextyear to renewthis gift membership

    PAYMENTtl CheckEnclosed O Chargemy VISA or MCCard #SignatureExp. Date

    I'D LIKE MORE INFORMATION ON:Deferred Giving - "Grftt thatkeep n giaing"ConservationEstatePlanningTax Advantages,ConservationOptions forLandowners Send to:Greenspace, Th e Cambria Land TrustPost Office Box 1505 . Cambria, CA93428805-927-4964


  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1995 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    SantaRosaCreekWatchBy RichardHaznley,ExecutiaeDirectorThere is good news for thirsty Californians andespecially o"r ocal residentsdependenton SantaRosaCr'eekfof heirwatersupplv.Theidrought n heCentralCoast s officially over^for this yeai. Also, perilousconditions for aciuatic ife in SanlaRosa Cre-ek avebeen emporarily relieved.If water trsers nlhe SantaRosaCreekWatershed ontinue

    toconservehisprecious esource, ive streamlow couldbemaintainedhrough.",,H:X#fl.?:",iffiSffit :?3ffi:trH3ffiffmi,?iX1"ffi:?We still face a gy heCCSDo meet heeier-i,iiltlt d At'gy',,,','',,,.:,,,,,,,,ncreasmg aterdemands fitiii.rtt"n,.s.o,;''-,"',"".'hi"*tffiHfl,'o theCOnSeft)AtrOn XS communitv'sdemandon theof,,ad.ded creekwater,usersintheuppe,riipo:iin" #:'i't""::"t11,i";f,f:":lOgCAUSSf me conservingwater, too. Thehiii,i.erilryiyahst if;:[if"B:'#?,?;,*ru:X::Addecl that thisprogram saveswater.diii,ilopment WeencouiageheCCSDo' provide data-that suPPortscrefrtes' ;;iti"g r"rl"* land irdo g:??t'*["8:l?i'**{"'1""Y::L00vearsof time by a single family residence.Cambria hasadd"edhundreds 6f hories withbut adding one drop ofadditional, permanent water to its system.We still face a deficit water conditibn, soconservation is

    of added importance becauseof the heavier demand thatadded devefopment creates.The dumping situationon thecreek has ihpioved, but thereare hosewh

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1995 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Flowering Current RibesGlutingsum Toyon H eter meleArbu ifolia


    Monterey Pine PinusRadiata

    Sketches f native lora by Lynn Rathbun

    U.S.Bulk RatePAIDPermitNo. 37Cambri+ CA93/,28Non-ProfitOrganization

    If you careaboutCarrrbria'suturcread his. .@Copyright Greenspace,The Cambria Land Trust 1995Printed on RecvcledPaper

    PostOffice Box1505Cambria, CA93428Telephone 805 927 49 4TheCambriaLand Thust

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