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Giving all glory to God, Rosa Elena’sdream is built on FAITH.


Thank you so much for taking

the time to read the Messenger.

I am excited to share with you the “new look” of our

magazine but more importantly the stories of success

detailed inside. While you read the pages and see the

photos, I am sure you will understand this magazine

can only contain a small amount of what is going on

in our many ministries. I must say that Rosa Elena’s

story is one of tremendous faith and transformation. I

have enjoyed getting to know her and see her amazing

faith in action. She is a very special lady whom God

has used to impact the lives of so many children and

families through her servants heart. Not only have

I gotten to know Rosa Elena personally, but I have

gotten to know her teachers and the children in her

school, “the Glory goes to God”.

Eron Green, President and CEO

You will also read stories of how God has called others

to serve Him through joining our team here at South

Texas Children’s Home Ministries whether as staff,

volunteers, or donors. In Matthew 9:36-38, he wrote,

“When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them.

They were troubled and helpless like sheep without

a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest

is large, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord

who gives this harvest to send workers to harvest his

crops.’” I challenge you to pray about what God has

called you to do. We should always remember that we

must have a willing heart to serve. We strive diligently

to serve those entrusted into our care at South Texas

Children’s Home Ministries. Service before self!

Service Before Self!

Join us on www.STCHM.org [email protected] STCHM is a Texas Baptist agency affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

2 Spring 2014

Family Counseling - Rockport 361.575.5151

Family Counseling - Victoria 361.575.5151

Christian Women’s Job Corps - Corpus Christi 361.334.4263

International Ministry - Corpus Christi 361.994.0940

President’s Office and Development 361.375.2417

Homes for Children - Beeville 361.375.2101

Homes for Families - Goliad 361.375.2101

Family Counseling - Corpus Christi 361.991.8680

Spring BreakThere were kids everywhere! During

spring break, we hosted several

churches that provided activities and

meals for the children at the Boothe

Campus in Pettus. Oak Hills Baptist

Church of Floresville’s youth group

kicked off the week with activities in

the gym and some outdoor fun while

the sun was out. First Baptist Church

of Floresville and Spring Baptist

Church kept the fun going with a block

party and games. Mark Childs, Vice

President of Residential Programs, said

the youth and church members “shared

lots of smiles, friendships, and the love

of Christ to our students and staff.”

contentsSTCHM Snapshots

Homes for Children

You are Loved

We demonstrate our love to the special

people in our lives in many ways. We

pray for them, we take care of them,

and we provide for their needs.

Valentine’s Day provides a special

opportunity to demonstrate our love to

one another. On the Boothe Campus,

the staff threw a wonderful celebration

for the kids that included homemade

sweets, from cakes and cookies to

pudding and chocolate covered

strawberries. The kids received gifts

and heard from God’s word during the

“You are Loved” inspired chapel service.

The message the children heard was

from John 3:16, “For God so loved the

world, that he gave his only begotten

Son, that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish, but have everlasting

life.” No matter who you are, where you

come from, or what you experience in

this world…You are loved.

www.STCHM.org 3


P4La gLoria a dioS

P6viSion Trip 2014

P7FaiTH MakeS THingS poSSiBLe... noT eaSY

P8FroM THe HearT

P9igniTe Your reLaTionSHip

P10voLunTeer appreCiaTion


P12SToCk SHow 2014

P14CHriSTMaS reFLeCTion

P15growing a MiniSTrY

FoLLow uSConnect with us on Facebook for an up-to-date, as it happens, snapshot of what we are doing daily. There is always

something post-worthy! We encourage you to share what we are doing with your Facebook friends, so check us

out and tell others about us, www.facebook.com/stchm.

“Ruth! Ruuth!” The voice penetrated… across the

street and up the hill. Ruth sat motionless, tears running

down her cheeks staring at the cup of “tea” brewed

by a neighbor. Her four children suffered with hunger

every day and now she was pregnant again. An abusive

husband, a two-room shack lacking beds for all, no

hope and no future for the children she already had,

how could she face bringing another child into this life of

misery? Her neighbor assured her this cup of tea would

help her abort her “problem”. “Ruth!! Ruuth!” The voice

of Rosa Elena persisted louder.

Rosa Elena was a single mom who had moved into the

dark and desperately poor neighborhood of Hatillo.

Rosa Elena herself had known hopelessness and poverty.

Deserted by her unfaithful husband, completely broke

after failed business ventures, she and her two girls moved

near the IBQ church. While praying to a God she was sure

existed but didn’t know personally, Pastor Rudy, IBQ Pastor,

knocked on the door, and introduced her to Christ. Over

the next few months, Pastor Rudy and his wife, Patria met

her needs for housing and food, and discipled her. Almost

instantly God placed in Rosa Elena’s heart a passion for

making a difference in the lives of children in the Hatillo area.

In the divorce settlement, Rosa Elena had been granted

a small amount of seemingly worthless land that slanted

straight down on both sides of a gorge outside the town

of Hatillo. The roots of this community were imbedded

in prostitution to service the former dictator, Trujillo,

and his henchmen. A burning desire began to grow

within her to reach the children in this poor community,

children without a personal knowledge of Christ, without

hope of an education, and no future.

Could God use this land and an untrained school teacher

with no resources to fulfill this vision? “To impact this

community with biblical principles and moral values; to

help break the cycle of generational curses; to alleviate

spiritual and physical poverty by providing children and

adolescents the tools of education but always with

the truths of the Gospel as our guiding North Star.”

And so she began with 7 children in 1996. “Just be

faithful,” she was told repeatedly as missionaries

helped her chisel into the side of the canyon

and erect 2 small wooden chapel-buildings for

housing and a classroom. She labored faithfully

for 10 years, often without resources. The

struggles seemed overwhelming at times.

“We had to break a crayon in four pieces

to share.” The school grew to over 50

children ages 2-8, poor children who

could not pay tuition, whom she also

fed once a day. Rosa Elena’s vision

included classes to reach mothers

with the Gospel and give them training in

parenting, hygiene, health, and nutrition.

In 2007, God brought STCHM and partner churches

who began to sponsor children through the Samuel’s

Fund Sponsorship program, they shared resources

of school supplies and food. And so it happened in

God’s providence that Rosa Elena remembered Ruth

one morning. As a child, Ruth had accepted Christ,

but drifted away during her teen years. “Ruth!” cried

out Rosa Elena. Ruth hesitated, put down the tea, and

walked down the street, broken and desperate. Rosa

4 Spring 2014

By: Joanna Berry

“The glory goes to God”

barrowing it over a precipice, disassembling heavy

playground equipment and inching it up a ravine to a

new location, hammering zinc roof sections over a new

open-air porch, while others re-built fences, painted and

replaced rotten wood, built a new kitchen and more. With

a thumbs up! Rosa Elena gave God all the glory….but her

vision included more.

In 2012, STCHM President, Eron Green visited Rosa

Elena’s school, inquiring about her vision for the future;

Rosa Elena gave him the architect’s blueprints developed

by her daughter several years before. She had no doubt

that God, who had given her this vision and sustained

her for over 15 years, had the resources to provide. In the

summer of 2013, an amazing transformation occurred at

the Rosa Elena School. Assisted by mission teams from

several Texas churches, STCHM Projects Coordinator,

Russell Jerez, under the leadership of Dominican

Contractor Luis Pichardo, have built beautiful classrooms

that cascade down the hill to the canyon level, including

rooms for a science class, a library, a computer room,

and a new dining room. The exact plan Rosa Elena’s

daughter drew up 10 years before. At every stage

of this amazing story, Rosa Elena’s faith in God never

wavered. He would provide in His time. Her part was to

be faithful and continue to work. And she never wavers

when people marvel or question. “La Gloria a Dios,” is her

refrain, as she points with her thumbs to the skies. The

Glory belongs to God.

Many individuals and churches have joined in faith to

make Rosa Elena’s dreams a reality. Together they

believe that Rosa Elena’s God is big enough to provide

these needs in His time. For all who have participated

and witnessed what God has already done, we join

Rosa Elena with a “Thumbs up! All glory to God!”

www.STCHM.org 5

Elena shared from Psalm 127:3, “Children are a gift from

the Lord. We can help you feed your children, and they

can go to school here because of the Samuel’s Fund

Sponsorship program.” Today Ruth gives the glory to

God, and thanks the many sponsors of her five children.

She is in charge of the kitchen, and all of her children

attend school and are active in serving God.

In 2009, God led mission teams to build a cement

classroom to replace a rotting wood structure. The

following year, a lady of modest means and great faith

looked at the shack where food was cooked for the

children, and began to raise funds for a new

kitchen. In 2010, Trinity Baptist Church

from Kerrville and First Baptist Church

from Kenedy began a significant

renovation: picking at

caliche, wheel

6 Spring 2014


When we leave they are able to

continue to grow and take care of themselves physically and

spiritually. The Vision Trip gave an opportunity for Board Members, Staff, and Pastors to meet people we serve and our staff in the Dominican Republic.

“This is an opportunity to get

a full picture of STCHM across

the board, to hear about the

future plans for all parts of

our ministry,” stated Eron

Green, STCHM President and

CEO, of the Vision Trip taken

in January to the Dominican

Republic. What a great way

to showcase how vast our

International Ministry is, while

sharing about the needs and vision of all of our ministries.

To get an understanding of why Vision Trip 2014 was

important, you first need to understand what we do at

STCHM and the vision we have as an organization.

The vision of STCHM is to show the love of Christ to each

and every child and family we minister to each day. We

do this by creating a culture where the needs of families

are seen and met in creative and innovative ways, in each

of our ministries.

It is wonderful to raise money for

a cause or collect donations for

a country in need. This is great,

but “we don’t want to give until it

hurts,” responded Eron. “We help

them build up themselves and

be self-sufficient.” This ensures

when we leave they are able to

continue to grow and take care

of themselves physically and

spiritually. Would it be in the Dominicans best interest

for us to start purchasing their land and then just hand

it over to them? No. What makes the greatest impact

is working alongside the people to help them raise the

money they need or build the structure they need, all

the while praying, encouraging, and fellowshipping with

them. That builds them up as a people, allows them to be

successful in their endeavors, and gives us and the rest of

their community the opportunity to bear witness to the

grace, love, and power of our God.

STCHM has a special calling to partner with those already

doing what we feel led to do, people who are doing it

right, and help them continue to, as Eron says “grow

and impact people for the Kingdom of God.” “We want

to come alongside those doing the best they can with

what they have and help them, not start something

new.” Establishing relationships with the community and

strategic business partnerships are crucial to the growth

and the success of our ministry. The Vision Trip gave an

opportunity for Board Members, Staff, and Pastors to

meet the people we serve and our staff that help fulfill our

responsibilities on a daily basis in the Dominican Republic.

With the help of our staff members Russell Jerez, Projects

Coordinator and Rebecca Dinzey, Samuel’s Fund Director,

we have the unique advantage to continue our ministry

between mission trips. They oversee many functions of

our projects and relationships in the Dominican Republic,

guaranteeing continued success.

Continuing these relationships and building new ones is

the key vision for 2014. But our vision does not stop there;

it is to continue to establish roots now that will continue

to grow when we are gone. Eron says “I want deep roots

for all of STCHM. Our purpose is to help others grow

spiritually and see God’s Kingdom grow.”

Sometimes as Christians we feel that we should have

things easy, things should just naturally fall into place

for us. However, life teaches us that those times are

rare. It is not because we have angered God that bad or

difficult things happen; it is because that is a part of life.

Sometimes we ask “why me” or “why would God let this

happen” when in truth, these are the moments when God

is with us the most. “God can use our brokenness and

pain, and change it into a source of blessing for others”

reflects Joanna Berry, Vice President of Family and

International Ministries. “A Christian therapist can make

that truth more real by their presence and support. It’s

what we do at STCHM Family Counseling.” This echoes

the popular saying, faith makes things possible…not easy.

The Family Counseling program offered by South

Texas Children’s Home Ministries is growing faster than

ever expected. But how did it start? On faith…faith

demonstrated by a donation made with hope that it

would help families and children. With that faith the

ministry began by providing prevention counseling. With

the established children’s home filled with children, there

was a desire to get to the root of the issue with the

family as a whole, in order to deter children needing to

be placed at all.

In order to maintain STCHM’s integrity and mission, the

services were offered on a donation only basis. This still

continues today, giving the program the opportunity to

flex its Christian muscle. Joanna says, they offer “overtly

Christian counseling. We are licensed professionals


integrating Christian principles, to help ordinary people

with ordinary problems of living.”

Joanna believes that “Family Counseling is our (STCHM)

future; it has the biggest impact on the most people!” It

offers referrals to both Homes for Children and Homes

for Families, connects women to Christian Women’s Job

Corps, and provides the opportunity for families to serve

together in the Dominican Republic through International

Ministry mission trips.

“Families are the building blocks of the church, community,

and nation!” said Joanna. Christian counseling offers

the opportunity to shape the community from within.

“People are desperate for quality Christian Counseling,”

Joanna stated. With this need in our community and the

surrounding area, the Family Counseling ministry has

grown. Beginning with an office in Corpus Christi, STCHM

branched out to include an office in Victoria and recently

announced a new satellite office in Rockport.

Christian counseling is unique in the way it allows the

counselors to get to the root of the issue spiritually,

which in effect makes a difference in every relationship

a client has, including their relationship with God.

STCHM Family Counseling successfully demonstrates

the organization’s vision “to show the love of Christ to

each and every child and family we minister to each day.”

With faith, this ministry will continue to receive blessings

from our Heavenly Father and grow to reach even more

children and families.

www.STCHM.org 7

“I felt strongly about learning in my chosen field from STCHM specifically, because of the reputation of the organization and the demonstrated values.”

Christi Walker, LPC Intern

Faith Makes Things Possible…Not Easy

“God is good and faithful and he opened the path for me to join with the awesome counselors and staff in Corpus Christi.”

Karen Knowlton, LPC Intern

New STCHM Family Counseling Staff

8 Spring 2014

”God openedthe door andI walked through

it. Putting my faith in Him that He has good things planned for me at STCHM.”

Stacy ForbesDevelopment and Communications Assistant

From the Heart

“We lived as a family, helping with duties; we cleaned the kitchen, we cleaned the floors, we set the table, and they had huge tables!” said Linda with her arms stretched out, “And there was always so much food, good food.”

Linda remembers her time at the

home with fond memories. When

five of the Argo kids first came to

the children’s home, they really didn’t

want to be there. Their mother had

just passed away and they had been

split, girls in one cottage and boys in

another. However, she later realized

how wonderful her life was there,

getting to grow up with her siblings,

“We were blessed being there.”

The Mineral Baptist Church was one

of her favorite places. The kids would

go to Wednesday night services

on campus, but on Sundays, they

all attended Sunday school at the

little church. In 1960, Linda and PC,

her high school sweetheart, were

married by Brother Lunsford in that

same church. Mrs. Lunsford would

not allow the girls to marry until they

had graduated from high school,

so Linda and PC were married that

afternoon, then later that evening

she graduated.

Linda shared that the home had

strict rules that had to be followed,

especially for the girls. When the

pool was first opened on campus, “it

was something!” The boys and girls

were not allowed to swim together.

Girls had to cover up as they went to

and from the pool. They also had to

ask Mrs. Lunsford for permission to

date. However strict, the home was

a warm and friendly place to live.

Having six kids in her family, she was

not accustomed to going shopping

and picking out her own clothes. The

Commissary was very impressive to

her. Here she got to pick out her

clothes and shoes. That was really

wonderful for her as a child.

At the passing of one of her brothers,

Linda and her husband agreed to

make a donation in his memory. Now,

when a family member or a friend

passes, they make a donation in their

memory. Her family donates together.

The Coffins also donate at Christmas

time because of the memories Linda

has of that special time of year at

the home. She remembers how each

child at the home was given five silver

dollars to go Christmas shopping in

Kenedy. The Coffins are so grateful to

the children’s home and continue to

keep in touch with her STCHM family,

“We wish we could do more, but what

we do, we do with all our heart.”

“We love the home and what it did for our family,” reflects Linda Coffin.

“I prayed one morning that there was a job close to my home that had purpose, where I

could grow in my faith and encourage others spiritually. That very day I found out about an opportunity at STCHM and here I am.”

Maxie BeyerDirector of Communications


New STCHM Development and Communications Staff

“I am being richly blessed every week as I meet with our donors, serve

alongside Godly men and women, and watch our Moms and Pops pour their lives into the children we serve.”

Jeff BrewerDirector ofDevelopment

Share Your STCHM Story by visiting www.stchm.org/sharestory

www.STCHM.org 9

the surprising wayTo a

stronger marriage

This year our Family Counseling offices in Corpus

Christi and Victoria teamed up to provide a wonderful

opportunity for nearly 250 couples and singles. Sponsored

in part by the Blanche Davis Moore Foundation and hosted

by Second Baptist Church of Corpus Christi, the evening

was full of laughter and personal testimonies that allowed

us to drop our guard and open our hearts as Michael

and Amy Smalley, a dynamic couple who specialize in

marriage counseling presented, The Surprising Way to a

Stronger Marriage.

Darin Griffiths, Administrative Director of Corpus

Christi and Satellite Offices, began the evening with

the analogy, “Marriage is like rubbing two rocks, there

is a lot of friction and some crumbling. After a while

the two rocks have a mirror image of one another and

fit together rather nicely.” Enter Michael and Amy, with

their non-judgmental and humorous approach to what

they call, The Dance. They ask the question, “Why

do couples get so stuck?” Well, first you have to ask

yourself, why do we argue? Would you believe that it

is not about finances, kids, or your in-laws? It’s about

buttons! Yes, I said buttons.

The buttons being feelings

of embarrassment, being

ignored, judged, neglected,

mistrust, disconnected, and

so on. Understanding

these buttons helps us

understand the dance.

Before understanding

the dance, you need to

understand that conflict

is not bad. It is perfectly

natural, expected even.

According to Michael

and Amy, “Conflict reflects intimacy; what is bad is

unresolved issues.” Michael asked the question, “Do

you wake up in the morning thinking, ‘I want my wife to

feel rejected or I want to control my husband.’?” No, of

course we don’t. But sometimes we get so caught up in

feeling rejected or controlled that we assume that is what

our significant other is doing on purpose. So, if we feel

rejected or controlled by our loved one, we need to focus

on the buttons and how we react to them being pushed.

Instead of reacting like we usually do, that in turn starts

the dance. Our button is pushed, we react, which pushes

our loved one’s button, and then they react…starting a

never ending dance of button pushing and reaction,

which gets us nowhere.

“So, how do you stop the dance?” asked Amy. “Can you

stop having your buttons pushed? No. But you do have

control over how you react.” Once you know the dance,

you know how to stop and react better and this allows

you control over the situation.

With Michael and Amy’s approach, they illustrated that

we shouldn’t take ourselves so seriously, recognize that all

relationships have their moments, and don’t let pride get

between you and the person you love. Michael and Amy

assured us this is just a teaser. To learn more about The

Surprising Way to a Stronger Marriage, sign up for their

two day seminar, the ER4Love Intensive at er4love.com.

Retired from the Department of Justice after 23 years of service

and having been a brick mason for many years, Michael brings a unique set of skills to STCHM.

Michael YeomanMaintenance

“I had a dream about the children’s home and in

the dream I was here for a job interview. STCHM chose me and the rest is history!”

Anna WoodCase Worker

New STCHM Homes for Children Staff

“We have a heart for children; God called us to pour

into the lives of the next generation.”

Jeremy, Heather & Genesis MillerHouseparents

We are very grateful to volunteers who serve on our campus, assisting with our needs and in turn helping us continue

our ministry. During the month of March our Boothe Campus in Pettus was a host to 106 volunteers. From providing

activities for the kids to working on many of our ongoing projects, we were blessed by the generosity, energy, and

fellowship we received.

Steve Brazzel of Exposed to Christ Ministries (ETC Ministries) served as the leader for each Mission Team Group that

visited our campus during the first three weeks in March. ETC Ministries exists to “Expose students to Christ through

student camps and missions. Train them for ministry and connect student ministries

to missions.” Overseeing projects and six groups while we continued to operate our

Homes for Children ministry was no

easy task. However, these volunteers

not only were able to tackle

renovating one of our duplexes, they

did repairs on other buildings and

helped with landscaping flowerbeds.

With Spring Break falling right in the middle of all these projects, the

teams took time to “contribute 20 hours of student activities,” shared

Mark Childs, Vice President of Residential Programs. “They provided three

meals, coordinated a Block Party and shared lots of smiles, friendship and the love of Christ to our students

and staff.” We appreciate all of the teams who took the time to help make the much needed changes to

our campus and for the memories they made with our STCHM family.

10 Spring 2014

Volunteer Appreciation

Thank you!Exposed to Christ Ministries

Hillcrest Baptist Church – Austin

First Baptist Church – Shepherd

Oak Hills Baptist Church – Floresville

First Baptist Church – Floresville

Spring Baptist Church – Spring

Life After STCHM

www.STCHM.org 11

When a child in the care of South Texas Children’s Home

Ministries graduates from high school and moves on to

the world outside of the Homes for Children ministry, it is

curious what life is like after they leave the campus. Where

do they go, what do they do, and does STCHM help them?

For many STCHM alumni, like Johnny, they go on to pursue

their dreams and to seek the life that God has planned

for them. Johnny lived on the Boothe Campus for several

years before graduating from Pettus High School. He had

thought about college, but before coming to STCHM had

no clue how he was going to make that dream a reality.

Once in care, he learned about the College Scholarship

Program available to students living there.

The College Scholarship Program assists students with

their tuition, fees, room and board, and books. It also

includes an allowance for clothes, as well as, medical and

dental expenses. There are guidelines that outline what

the requirements are to receive this scholarship. Among

some of these requirements are: the child must live two or

more years in the care of the children’s home, they must

pursue all possible avenues of acquiring scholarships

and other forms of financial assistance, and complete

life skills education classes. Once the scholarship is

attained, the student must keep a 2.0 with a minimum of

15 hours each semester, live in university housing their

freshman year, and they are encouraged to be actively

involved in a local church. Each scholarship recipient

maintains close communication with the Director of

Student Ministries,

Becky Robertson.

The requirements

to attain and keep

the scholarship are

a little intimidating.

However, Johnny is

excelling in his college

career so far. Proving

that however steep

these standards are,

they a re de f in i te ly

attainable. Johnny is

taking 15 hours toward a

Criminal Justice degree at

the University of Houston

- Victoria, while working

a ful l-t ime job detai l ing

cars. He has plans to transfer

to the University of Houston in

the fall and change his major

to Political Science. Inspired by

Theodore Roosevelt, Johnny

wants to go into politics, “I have

always liked helping others

and I think politics will give me

a chance to make the biggest


CeloPlans to attend

Texas StateTechnical College

JoePlans to attend

Texas StateTechnical College

kianaPlans to attendVictoria College

LeighPlans to attend

University of Texasat San Antonio

TessaPlans to attendCoastal Bend


ZachPlans to attendCoastal Bend



Congratulations to our 2014 Graduates!

All Graduates of Pettus H.S.

12 Spring 2014



Showed a pigPlaced 8th

Class 8 division


Showed a goatPlaced 1st

Class 1 division


Showed a lambPlaced 8th

Class 4 division


Showed a lambPlaced 9th

Class 4 division

grand Champion

Joe, a senior this year at

Pettus High School, won Grand

Champion for his artwork

submission. When asked what

his inspiration for the artwork

was, Joe responded, “Well, God

gave me a wonderful talent

and I saw the opportunity to

show people that anything can

be possible through God who

strengthens me. The drawing

was an inspiration of a daily

struggle in mine and my families

lives. It is an angel knelt at the

cross praying, so that the people

around him would see that even

the simplest prayer can be heard

and answered through faith and

motivation. I have 3 brothers

and 4 sisters and even though

we didn’t have anything but

each other, we’ve managed to

make it to where we are today,

all because of our faith and

belief in God.”

www.STCHM.org 13

Art work for Craft portion of show Grand Champion,

sold for $2,000


Showed a pigPlaced 5th

Class 2 division


Showed a lambPlaced 7th

Class 1 division

Showed a pigPlaced 4th

Class 2 division

Showed a lambPlaced 7th – Class 3 division

Showed a pigPlaced 8th – Class 6 division


14 Spring 201414 Spring 2014

ConocoPhillipsChristmas Party

Imagine Santa pulling up to your

home in a decorated diesel tanker

rig, climbing down from the cab,

toys in hand…that was the highlight

of the Christmas party hosted by

ConocoPhillips. They prepared

hamburgers for our entire campus

and presented gifts to each child

and to the Houseparents.

Homespun Christmas

Our Homespun Christmas had an old-fashion feel, with an evening full of festivities, from buggy rides to a live Nativity

program in the chapel. It was a great opportunity for guests to interact with our STCHM family and to see how the

generosity of others has impacted the families in all of our ministries. New and old friends were invited to share in a

home-cooked meal, tours of our cottages, and a time of fellowship. The event was a great success thanks to the help

of our staff, Otto Kaiser Hospital, Oak Hills Community Church, Cowboy Fellowship Church in Pleasanton, George West

High School FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America), and First Baptist Church in Zapata.

Marathon OilChristmas Party

Each year that Marathon Oil has

hosted a party for our Homes for

Children ministry, it has grown. This

year they arranged an afternoon

of decorating gingerbread houses,

pictures with Santa, and a meal for our

children and staff. Each child received

gifts, including personalized blankets,

sporting goods, and new shoes.

Each staff member present and the

Houseparents received gifts as well.

Annual Blanco Association

Christmas Kick-off

With several hundred “friends”

from churches in the Blanco Baptist

Association convening on our Boothe

Campus in Pettus, we kicked off

Christmas with games, songs, dinner,

and presents…lots of presents! Church

members joined in for a full group

participation of “The Twelve Days

of Christmas” which provided great

entertainment for everyone involved.

www.STCHM.org 15

By: Joanna Berry

In the on-going quest to fulfill our

mission statement of “honoring God,

and ministering to hurting children

and families” STCHM has attempted

to impact the cycle of generational

poverty, crime, and broken families

that have trapped so many in our

community with their children in

a state of dependence and a deep

sense of hopelessness.

Since 2008 STCHM has sponsored the

Christian Women’s Job Corp program

and has provided the facility, staffing

and financial support to ensure the

success of this ministry under Lil

Abshier’s leadership. We are grateful

for the collaboration of faithful

volunteers from over 27 churches who

have volunteered countless hours.

Their efforts included physical labor

to prepare the facility and serving as

presenters, instructors, office help,

prayer supporters, mentors, lunch

providers, and donors of monetary and

material gifts. A significant percentage

of the women who have participated

in this training have grown spiritually

as they have developed a personal

relationship with Christ, and have

been able to secure employment and

improve the stability and quality of life

for themselves and for their families.

In 2014, we decided to expand

the program and partner with

CrossBridge Fellowship in the

downtown Corpus Christi area in

order to remove the obstacles to

access this training for some of the

most destitute individuals in the

Corpus Christi community.

In response to the growth of

this ministry, we are expanding

this program in the fall and will

continue to use material from CWJC,

developed by WMU, with expanded

use of the Jobs4Life curriculum,

including Bible study, computer

classes, mock interviews and other

job preparation skills. Continued

classes will be held on nutrition and

health, as well as sessions to build

interpersonal skills. Participants in

the program will also be paired with

“champions,” these are mentors who

will continue to encourage and pray

for each enrollee for at least one year.

The ultimate goal of this ministry will

be to help individuals grow spiritually,

improve deficiencies in their job

skills, develop healthier relationships,

and move toward economic self-

sufficiency. Volunteers will continue

to play a major role in the daily

success of the program.

GrOwinG A MiniSTry


Providing a safe, comfortable home setting for single

mothers and their children during times of crisis.


Marshall Ranch Campus in Goliad


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Needed Food ItemsCereal (presweetened)

BBQ Sauce

Brownie Mix

Cake Mix

Cookie Mix


Picante Sauce

Ranch Dressing


Friends of STCHM enjoy honoring loved ones on special occasions by giving a gift in their name to further

the work of South Texas Children’s Home Ministries. You can also honor those who have passed on by

making a memorial donation in their name. Please use the envelope attached to make a honor or memorial

gift. To make a gift online, please visit www.stchm.org/give.

We would love to host you and your group on campus to show you first-

hand the wonderful ministry you are making possible. A visit to the Boothe

Campus Commissary is a favorite stop on our tours, so let us know if you

would like to schedule a time to drop items off or tour the campus. For the

latest Commissary Needs List, please visit www.stchm.org/needslist.

Cleaning Products409


Dishwashing Detergent

Fantastic Cleaner

Laundry Detergent

Tile Cleaner

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Trash Bags (kitchen & lawn)


Personal Care ProductsDeodorant



Other Needed ItemsPaper Napkins

Paper Towels

Toilet Tissue

Ziploc Bags


361.375.2101 [email protected]

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