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Page 1: archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/tribune/trib06291914/trib06291914015.pdf · sr.n and another motorcvcltst were riding Ithe direct. n ofthe lIreat orney's officeyes- pral


Yankees A'so Are TrainingMexican s In Medicin e and

Hospital Werk.



Thi. i. the third of a se ie. o( liveletter. from Mr. McCutcheon roe-ounting the remarkable reaulta ac-

complished by the American army Iand medical orp« in cleaning up the i

san tary condition« of Vera Cruz in ,the ahort time they have been prellent Ian that city. I


A Glimpse of the Loop from the Deck of a Dirigible.

The names of three teaming companies hare said to be the victims of labor exto

VERNON L. BEAN, ttomsts will be presented to United Sta.tqATTORNEY AT LAW. District Attorney Wllkerson today. T.. I tearnmg compantes employ men who be10nc

The name of Chief of Police Gleason's sec- to the Truck DrIvers' unlon.retarv Is Vernon L. Bean. He Is on duty at I In a letter to Jo,hn J. (Boss) M~augh-the offlce or the chief trom 9 o'clock in the I lin, whose charge started the reder 1 graDfS,morning until ;) o'clock In the afternoon. He jury Investtgatton of labor un on extoIs a clvll service employe and his salary is tiona, a teamster nd a member f the$3,000 A. year. In Hill) he was secretary to union whose representa tlves he charge withtormer Mayor Bu se after B. J. Mullaney be- extortton made the charges.carne commissioner of publlc works. • Letter Gives Names.Mr, Bean also has held the positions of H;s le ter lollows:

secretary of the boards of examiners llond :.\11'. J,ohn J. McLaug lUn-Dear Sir· Isecretary of the clvll service commlsston, want to give the names of three eamtneIn the latter post he becl\me familiar with companies that h d to pay sums of moneyall the clvll service rules, and now, far from to offic rs of th s Chicago Tl'1/ckDr1v rl·denying his ••outstde business," admlts It. organization. The" agents were paldpoints to the lack of anything In the civil 1 $500 for settling a fal' strike called on ;[service law prohibiting it, and defends it. I J Broderick TeamIng company at 231

Does Not Appear in Court. .shleids avenue,·0 I was admitted to the bar in 1Il1:l,"he said. d. J. Mackey of 1722' st Adams stre t

when asked about his "outside" affairs, j also was the victim f a $:200 demand." and if I can secure any proper legal work Then they wanted to c<>11c $800 fromoutside of. my office ho Irs 1 am glad to do I th Lewison express at Thirty-second andso in the absence of any objection by the I Wentworth avenue. These agents al.ohead of the department. I do not go Into called a strike on J. J. O'Her on Teaml &'court owing to my civil service position, company for discharglne a teams er fotwhich engages all my time in the daytime'j loafing two hours with his team. O'Her-I am, of course, not k>o!icitingbusiness. on's drivers were out four days, and th."I know of no civli service rule whtch would strike cost O'Heron $400,

prevent me from &0acting, turtling the active A fake str ke on the H. Levere tz om-work over to another lawyer, and assurntr.g I pany- at srr Mather street was calledresponsrbiltty for his integrity and abillty." when Leverentz refused to pay mon y,In spite of~r. Bean's assurance that he has Later It was settled but I don't know how

MAjestic and the North American bu .Iding just back of !t. committed no offense In pr~icing law 0 out much it cost the company.The dirigible made the t r p rrom the h ngar at Whtte Cit) to the locp by sailing of lours." a demand may m:de onfCh12~ Statements Are Verified.

up the lake front and aCl'O""S 'I'ant pa k while thousands of persons hned the Win-I Gleason today that charges pr:terr e Other teamaters and officials of some of th.

dows of loop structures and rowds In the streets stopped to crane their necks at against him. It will come fro~ an a o~ney companies verlf'ed the stateme t c talnethe method of travel which now come only within th lim ts of the wea.l thv man's for Harry L. Hudson, former cltHyexam rtlv In the letter. However, the letter will •~lUrlie. . • , or public automobile chauffeurs. e recen y given to the -vernmcnt mveatlga rs this

1 was discharged alter a civll service trtal and mor-ning to Investiga.te, and 1tis probab e that______ ..• holds Bean responsible for his r moval. th officials of the teaming compani s named"I Detective Sets Trap. will be summoned before the special grand

WOM AN ARREC1TED It W!WIHudson who uncovered l;;ean's law jury which will be ca lled t Inv t gate t e11 ~ Ipractice. After he. was ousted he consulted I labor extortion char e ,

IHelPert 1". ¥ .iung, a private detecttve, who The letter In a measure subst

AS A "FIREBUG" laid a trap for Bean. He had a woman charges of McLaughlm that th bus nesaa3slstant In Detroit. Mich., write Bea a I agents of the teamsters' unions have calle

. le trer asking If he would take a case Inv orv- fake strikes to force employers to pay h tr, inil the settlement of an estate, Bellon" fell , money demands. McLaughlln ch trged th •

I for" the trap, I the murder of George Hammond, a busln SlDcreotrve Young's letter to his asststant, I agen~ o~ the ,Excavat nil' I'earnstera' union,

Iearrying his rnstrucnons as to the ia~'1ngor I by Patrick Dlgna~, a contractor, was the re-the trup, In part foil, ws: \' Suit of Hammond s d mands for money from•. Wish ~·ouwould write to Vernon L. Bean, DIgnan.

attorney at law. 11<11Umty building, asktng' Say He Is "Shadowed.'hrrn If he will represent you in ci0sing u,pan Dlstrict Attorney Wilkerson air y Is In-estate. you wlll requtre amdavrts and Vestigating McLaughlin's charge" swella.ckowtedg'ments taken, etc., as there are as charges that eastern manufacturers pr _scverat nctrs In \:hlcago. Tell him you did tlcally have been barred tr m Chicago be-not know of any attoi ney in Chlcag,o and he cause of the extortion methods of Chlcapwas recommended by a. rrtend, I labor union offtcta ls,

Ralph G. Benson of 611 South :Francisco A ,\ oman h Id as " firebug" w ) is said ••What, I want you t , ao is to get him to Mike Norrfs, business agent for tl St ne,boutevard 'Was killed yesterday when II. to have be r, Irnpirca.t a in, ) nres of sus- commit umseir as practicing law, so make !Llr.l", and Cement 'I'eamstors union, chargemotorcycle on which h was riding collided Vicious origin, Will be arraigned this morn- ' your tetter strong, Tell him you do not care last night that men "hom he b ieved to behead 0'1 with an automobile at Marshall bou- nl!; on a charge of arson. She is Mrs D about the reea charxed, but want some one agents of MeLauglllln, were followin him.

I ora. who can be retied on for honest.y, etc. Bean, Mc La.ughl in charged Non sand Jol n H yIevard and West, Twenty-second street. Ben- McBain. 40 YEars Ol~. She was arrested at I is e. CIvil service nptoye and should not be with a tt e nj ts to extort 5,000 f om hin .sr.n and another motorcvcltst were riding I the direct. n of the lIre at orney's office yes- pral tieing law In hi. present POSIt! i. I Norris said that h was dr lving' in hisouth along h boulevard Spectatel I!l<jaY terday followmg fire 111 her home at 535 I wan; to have him soliciting law bustriess ver Ing car to hIS wif smother's restd nee tthey appeared to be racing. ,1ul1us Rob- North La Sn.lle st.re ,t or Sa turd y night. hIS own s.gnature The mere you corree pond 1422 Sangarnon tr t last nigh w En thrcerts, a p bHc chauffeur of 3661 Grenshaw A p~destrlan ottce d smoke Issuing from Iwith rum the bett r. ' men approached hlm, He said I le~ rol (IW davenu , was driVing his car north. the wrncows aid turned in an alarm, \Yhen I Reasonable Fee Promised. his machine to several other nlaces whe e h.

the firem n reached the sceris they dlsccv- , . atopped,Both reached Twenty-second street at the ~,d flam S In s ver al different places en th :111'. Bean s letter to LUJ.. blanK, written

same time, and Roberts attempted to turn flr',t I'd second fl ors. Part of the floor was on h s office sta ionerv, headed" Vernon L.west. Benson, who apparently had plarin 1 oil oake d, The flre was ext ingula led with I Bean, attorney at law, 11;\1·6UniLy bu Id-to pass to the rtgh t of the automobile, be- small loss ing, Telephone Central' ':>I," Is dated 0 June'

When questioned about the origin of the 1st, 1\)11." The text is as follows:came confused and plunged directly into M dtire Mrs. MeBat, was unable to give satis- Dear. a ~:

the car, fact ry answers. I received your letter of the 28th u t.,th rams are now being Impr oved by the II-I The motorcycle was wrecked and Benson ••I canot divulge all the evld enca we have and In reply I beg to advise you that Ipartm nt of rubh works III charge of h BEARS UPON TRUST BILLS was dr'agg ed 100 feet under the automobile against the woman .at this time for f ea r of would be pleased to a.tte nd to the mattermah drains wh.ch re part of the street • bef·, e it was stopped. lie was taken uncon-/ SP ilmg our case, ~ s id Pire Attorney Mur- which you mentIOned n your letter. Idodram&!;e s~st ill. f clo s to St. Anthony's hospital wh 1'0 he ray. "It Is ufficient. I beli v to obtain a nc t know at thiS time Just what the htl-••The collat~ral <Jralnll, 'VI Ich care for I :r.Ioore Make Publi Note in Which died of a. fractur'J of the ,,,uIl. 'Roberts is I' c nvlctlon. Ve have plel ty ~f evidence gatlon con,sists of and just what Is In- lIIore than a. dozen per Qns, m ,st f them

6wamp 'Water, where malar al mOl!lQuitoes F rmer Effort to Exempt Labor Is being held pending an inquest. Vlhl h conne ts her wlth t'l\ofires. Inbotho! valved, but after you have given 1M all girls. were InjUrEd Saturday wh as ••bleed, a.r be ng cared for by the h~ !th de- Denou:tlced. A mall believed to be John" ega. died at them lots of oll was found and othpr circum- the facts I would be glad to Inform you car struck and over urned & wa.gon copartment. All etandjna- wa.ter Is elthey thl!>IroqUOIs Memorial hospltaJ. early In the stances were I1lch that it was evlder.t they a.. to what m~' charge wl1l be. You may talnlng a. hay rack pa.rty t torty petaodrained or relfUlarly oiled. a.ndopool.are being Washington. D. C., .Tune 2S.-[Speclal.]- day ofilljuries suataJned when he WaSstruck were of Incendlar~ rlgln. It Is net a sensa- rest as lured that It wlll be entirely fall' at Ch 'call'O avenue and Ke ne;y llIU'eet 11

tilled In.'' A letter wi1tt<ln bY' President Roosevelt on by an automoblle driven. by Thomas C. Cooper tional eas€\, howeve-r, as the money In' olved and reuonabll!>. EVanston. The pa.rty was given b M~An arrangement hall been made b7 the de- of ll4li Margate terra<:e, general 8uperin- 18 small." I wish you would· kindly write and glve Mahon. of 2735 ShendfUl read All the o<:cu-

partment of public 'Works, under orders of Oct. 21. 1908, In which he de unced leg!.. tencient of Butl~r El'OB •• at Mlchli'an avenue me a.ll the faots in the matter, pants were hurled to the paveme t and &

Provost Marshal Plummer, by h ch the vel- lation pending at the time de Igned to Ii.X- and A ams stree<t late Saturday night. JUDGE SCULLY PLAYS HERO YOUNlven' trul;', nwnber of them tl'curred severeiy apra.lnedS Is ancho"ed io the h rbor wlll du 1>their llmpt organized labor trom pros cutlon. was The man was crossing east on :M,chlgan ROLE IN BLAZING' T VERNONL. BEAN. and bruised legs and arms. The Wec'ea hes en one spot not far from the principal made publlc tonight b) Reprl'sentat!ve avenue m front of an ll.utomoblJe n'ltll hI'S HEATER. The original of thl9 letter was brought to•• taken to tte St. FranCIS and Evanston ~h rves. nd the a~he III be used to 1111 Moore f PennsylvanIa.. a epubllcan. Mr. b~sd down and "alked i110front of Coo""r'll THIll TRIBUNE by Hudson, He Insisted It

yv ••• It' --' t h I B pitals. A few ttf them who rece! ed cutalUldU;1holes In test "ee "l and to ever mut.dy .1oore cites this 1 tt(\r as evidence that Mr. machine. Hears Cry of Fire While Passing Ash-' was su •••c en • a••.•1l or c .a.rgel aga ns ean.tl th t I I ,. brui-es were given trea.tment in n-ea.rbydoo-p.aces l!uCh 80S lose n e erm na iI ••••••- Rooae"elt Is oppo~ed to th labor provisions COOper took him 0 the h(l.llplt&lin the ma- land Movie-Enters, OIl'mbs on Seat Puts It Up to Gleason.

tl tors' offices. 'l'he hay rack was driven byon. of the CI yton anU-tru£t bll ,l'ecently passed chln.e and then, afwr leaVing his name there. IUld Calms Audience-400 Escape.' ~ It WOUldn't receive the saIne consldera-d •• to th C tIt ti H La.rnperl Freeman of 2116Em ral<1 t t.Levy :Building Material. at the nstance of the Democratlo admlnls- ro,~ e en ra s a on. e was ques- t10n from the civil service commls!lion If I

tratlon, tioned and r<lleased. took It there tlrst," he sa d, •• but my attor- The rear wheels .t the wa (In c ugh.t InHouseholders 8J' hul dem who have on Her~ Is one paragraph In Mr. R<>osevelt's I Mu!)' tlPa~ J'l1d~eThomas F. SCUllystopped ney, John M. Duffy, wlll demand that Chief the car tracks as the ariver VIas LUrnIIII' OU

hand piles of bro; e st· ,e, broken brick and letter: OBITUARY. ong. ug eln s evenmg walk Saturday to Gleal;o,n fll' charges on it. There may not to let the car pass nd he mot<:rtnan, tlllnk-mortar which are useless tc. tll€'m .have been e. s.<y tll 101e01h roo be anythi.. n the civtl service law prohibit- I ing that the veh (',,, was eear of the traclu,asked to dor.ate them to the ub Ic works ••I d nol1nce as wlck'Cd the proposition to A cry 01tire came 1rom the Ashland theate Ing Bean fcom practicing law on the side, f started tte crt rw I'd s r,kl he 8&,0d partment f use ~nrepairing and impJ'<>V- secur a law which. according to the expl!clt a~ W4 West T veifth Stree as tl:ieMUtliCIPa~ but there Is a civil servlce rule prohibiting irl l~ ~ar. Mavor ,James Sm,ut In S to-Ing th srt.r{,(;ts t f "I G I <:<urt jud.;e 'IIalked past. A minule later 'he. v .~" . Mat men 0 J> r. ompers, Is to prev<lnt the •.•, members of the pollC.e department from en- lnob.l. W8." on., of t ~ I' " a par ~.AI 0 the department has on hand 1,000 courts trom effectively interfering with riot- deors Vlere ~amn ed by persons in the the- gaging In outside husiness. They may fay . v ,,~ V ~ <> ,

I v•..• -'g ted Iro~ t- .h s ater trymg to get out.r ,co er"", ,~. a. ••• as can ous VIolence when the object is to d"stroy I Bean is not a member of the department, butwhiQb are beln s Id to the public for $7.50 b sin ss a.nd hlch '11 I all bl JUdl;€ Scully pushe, through tho doors I

1 1 I d bl' a. u e w "I eg ze a ae - m unted one or the t d ' I c':Jntend that he is. It wou d be a strangeMex. ar e, ry 1 te, sa oon, an pu 10 es- list and the "","condary !>oycott. bo'h (t them th' excited audl n~e sneoattSo'carrowcdo.D"n nded thing for the civil service com,mission to say TAB SIGNING DAYtabU, Inn ,t is bemg urged to "'et th"se or the ar·t III'truments of unrllanl ""rs c ~, h f f II" •. ~ •... e u- "You'lI be ki ,ed surd It that the secretary of the c Ie 0 po ce canother slmlla.r ~CEP !l.cl J:l 110rtheir garbage. n" •. '" v YOUcrowd to the I practke lllowon the Side."AFIan lru;tance of the effe<ltlven<'ssot tile Further alol'g Mr. Roosevelt saId: de I, he s d T.ake your time. \\ men I Ch'ef Gleas' said his se otar" had told Dil"edors Decide to Abolish

. d th f alld chil ren first ,. I ~ 'l. -, It' .•.••.A&Yl.U-moqmto ('rUBa e, ere are <lwermos- ••The blacklist and the secondary boycott 'l'he em lo"~ f t him he had a law office. He saW he had Liquor-Onwen s.•.a .•,••••.yllulto s tHs y.,r aroun'! Los COool!,on the ,re two 01 the !nO t ruel forms of oppres- t' :n j 4~t he theater opened the consented to his maintaining It and that he Same Course.o ltsklrts of town, th never befJOre. A cr at Ion ever lEVised by the' it of man for the eX1s I~ ~o .e. Eons tsc.apcd. Only two , Imew of no law or rule vrohlblting it, If thed al of fllIlng In nd oiling hall bee ("on In 'iction of ufferl Igop his weaker tellows." w:;: fi ur~ . t d I conSlent uf the department head had beenth-er& and pi a.c leAlly all ot the It· rshy e ro s 8 r e nth operating I' m When obtained .• tretches !Jl. which t rilosql1to la.rvlQ li.n CARS RUN WILD; NO MOtORMAN the film caught fire In th Jlrojectlr.g~a.chine. _hat h have b n oiled or drained, Although the operating room Is supposed toMaj, Lyster POke partiCUlarly of the work :M:an Thrown Off and Killed After At- be fireproof, the flames Quickly Spread

that Is being d ne In th markets, which ha"e tack of Heart Disease Near through the building. which wa, destroyed,been n<>torlou breeding places for flies, Laporte, Ind. causing a 10lOSof $8,000 to Schiff Bros., the- w nd!vldual stalliil must be screenetl ll.nd proprietors.tty traps inB'talltd. The floorjl are ling La Porte. Ind:, June 28.-A twO-<:a.rtra.ln -----------cove ed •ith cern tad all aoeumulat!oll.'l I on the Northern. Indiana In ectr'o raHWay(\ a bilge nd rMUge must be taken out to

I ran" Id for half a m Ie loday before fright-the indllerator t the tdge ot town andburned. ened passeng"rs dlscovere;!' the motorman

\faa m ssin •The conductor applled th brakee and ran

the tram back to a curve, here the body ofth~ motorman, Eta.nley Witucke, 'VIasfo nd.It bell oed 'W'tuc

tI at IllS b

Just how It feels to obtain a real bird's eye view of the canvoned streets andthe towsrtng skyscraper s of the loop drst rtc t Is shown In the accornpauy lng p cturetaken by a ~'R1Bn.''lJ photographer from the cockpit in Roy Knabenehue's d rlglhleballoon, "Wha,; Cl1y" 'I'he phot')graph was taken as the cigar shaped craft sailed

b ng bustnass center, The larger bu'ldlngse. (B) the Tribune building, (3) the Hart-hotel. Farther t» ck may be seen (5) the


MONDAY. 15JUN.ri 29. 1914.



Chief's Secretary Revealed asAnother City Employewith "Out-ide Busi-ness Interests."



Writes of Methods ofExtortion.Vernon 11. Bean, with Law Of-

fices, Faces Charge of Vio-lating Rule of Civil

Service Code. FAKE STRIKE THE SYSTEMAnother city employ6 who has an" outside

business" was uncovered yesterday.On the door of room 1131of the Unity build-

ing appears this sign:

ltll<1 every bar must be kept washed andcl ea ned..In the old days whenev er an Inspector vls-

It<ld these places he was given. a present anGdeparted happy, He or curse made no re-port that would oblrg'ate the proprietor tomake Improvements. Sinke and drains wereoat d with the dIrt a nd grease of years,

whfle washrooms and toilet s were foul and IRalph G. Ben on, Confused,III smellfng.'Ift Mexlclln proprletors have trl<ld their Steers Motor "'\Theel" I d.

bribing tactics on the Amerrcan Inspectors'and lJa ·e' heen profoundly di6heartened to 10nO' Into Machi! p.tind that their advances met a chi'llng recep- ~tlon. .•.•••__

Fin s Enforce Cleanup.

Flies ~rearly All Gone Now.


Ml' . Dora l\fcBain Is Accusedof Setting Torch to

Her Home.



Girls An ong Tlose Injured When aRear End Colli ion Happens-MayorSmart Leads ResCUlng Party.


KANSAS OFFICIAL QUITS POST.F. D. Coburn, for 21 Years Secretaryof Board of 1griculture, Resigns-J. C. Mo .ll;r Succeeds Him.

MAl B. M. KqEHLER DISMISSED. Topeka. Kas., Ju- 28.-After n arly twe -ty-one y aI'S' sen lee as secretary o-f heKansas board of agricu!ture, ro' D. Cobu Dha' tendered his, slgna.i n. 0 be effeotlveJune 80. Mr, Cobur 'hae heen re-electedten times. His assistant, J. C, Mohler, w111succe d him to tI e offiee.

Officer in Coast rtillery Corps Oustedfrom Service by P~esident

After Co ut M tial.

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