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  • SSC CHSL 2016 Synonyms with

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    There were total 135 Synonyms questions asked in SSC CHSL 2016.We will upload all topic-wise material asked in SSC CHSL 2016 exam ASAP. Like our Facebook page (facebook.com/Luckyexam) or join our telegram group (t.me/Luckyexam) for latest notification. 7-January-2017 Q1. Select the synonym of dignity गौरव, सभ्यता Options: 1) decency 2) immoral 3) primacy 4) chagrin Correct Answer: decency Q2. Choose the synonym of defecate ख़ा�रज करना, �छपाना Options: 1) chaff 2) quench 3) ingest 4) secrete Correct Answer: secrete Q3. Select the synonym of eminent प्रख्यात, प्र�सद्ध Options: 1) obscure 2) common 3) renowned 4) phenomenal Correct Answer: renowned


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    Q4. Select the synonym of snatch छ�नना, झपटना Options: 1) detonate 2) bequeath 3) confer 4) wrench Correct Answer: wrench पाना 8-January-2017 Q5. Select the synonym of splinter �चपट� पट्ट� Options: 1) stub 2) share 3) chip 4) friction Correct Answer: chip पट्ट�, टुकड़ा Q6. Select the synonym of spartan संयमी व्यिक्त Options: 1) garish 2) forgiven 3) civilized 4) brave Correct Answer: brave , बहादरु Q7. Select the synonym of astonish च�कत करना Options: 1) mundane 2) empress 3) overwhelm


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    4) calm Correct Answer: overwhelm, अ�भभूत करना Q8. Select the synonym of gaudy भड़क�ला Options: 1) modest 2) showy 3) refined 4) sophisticated Correct Answer: showy, �दखावट� 9-January-2017 Q9. Select the synonym of gregarious झुण्ड म� रहनेवाला, सुसामािजक Options: 1) introvert 2) melancholy 3) affable 4) pensive Correct Answer: affable �वनम्र Q10. Select the synonym of reassert पुिष्ट करना Options: 1) renounce 2) acknowledge 3) disbelief 4) conceal Correct Answer: acknowledge, मान लेना Q11. Select the synonym of bedevilment सताना


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    Options: 1) delight 2) beset 3) facilitate 4) contentment Correct Answer: beset नाक म� दम करना Q12. Select the synonym of deprive वं�चत Options: 1) bestow 2) confer 3) dispossess 4) endow Correct Answer: dispossess, बेदखल 10-January-2017 Q13. Select the synonym of inscription �शलालेख Options: 1) scrubbed 2) rivet 3) jaded 4) engrave Correct Answer: engrave, नक्काशी Q14. Select the synonym of rip चीर Options: 1) cease 2) terminate 3) gash 4) sew Correct Answer: gash काट


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    Q15. Select the synonym of stash �छपाने क� जगह Options: 1) dearth 2) deficit 3) lack 4) cache Correct Answer: cache गुप्त जगह Q16. Select the synonym of Ancient पुराकाल�न Options: 1)topical 2)extant 3)archaic 4)fad Correct Answer: archaic प्राचीन Q17. Select the synonym of Splayed बाहर को �नकला हुआ Options: 1)nimble 2)jade 3)frayed 4)spread Correct Answer: spread फैलाव 11-January-2017 Q18. Select the synonym of Choke दम घुटना, दबाना Options: 1)stifle 2)aid


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    3)carbon 4)breathe Correct Answer: stifle दबाना Q19. Select the synonym of Carnal कामुक Options: 1)chaste 2)sensual 3)decent 4)spiritual Correct Answer: sensual कामुक Q20. Select the synonym of incinerate जला देना Options: 1) parch 2) moderate 3) ignite 4) quench Correct Answer: ignite जलाना Q21. Select the synonym of nutritious पौिष्टक Options: 1) insubstantial 2) exceptional 3) nourishing 4) superlative Correct Answer: nourishing पौिष्टक Q22. Select the synonym of transient ��णक Options:


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    1) lacerate 2) ephemeral 3) perpetual 4) enduring Correct Answer: ephemeral, अल्पका�लक 12-January-2017 Q23. Select the synonym of metropolitan महानगर Options: 1) idyllic 2) arcadian 3) bucolic 4) urbane Correct Answer: urbane, महानगर Q24. Select the synonym of clasp पकड़ Options: 1) grip 2) commute 3) clemency 4) acquittal Correct Answer: grip पकड़, 13-January-2017 Q252. Select the synonym of conspiracy सािजश Options: 1) fidelity 2) plot 3) ardour 4) zeal Correct Answer: plot षड्य़ंत्र


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    Q26. Select the synonym of dire सख्त जरूरत , महत्वपूणर् Options: 1) calm 2) mild 3) critical 4) trivial Correct Answer: critical 15-January-2017 Q27. Select the synonym of incursion चढ़ाई Options: 1) hurt 2) retreat 3) aggression 4) cut Correct Answer: aggression, आक्रमण Q28. Select the synonym of rot सड़ांध Options: 1) mature 2) stagnate 3) smell 4) decay Correct Answer: decay, सड़न Q29. Select the synonym of confuse भ्र�मत Options: 1) explicate


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    2) perplex 3) mix 4) divert Correct Answer: perplex हैरान Q30. Select the synonym of spine र�ढ़ क� हड्डी Options: 1) supple 2) vertebrae 3) rotund 4) grime Correct Answer: vertebrae मेरुदण्ड का अिस्थखण्ड Visit http://www.Luckyexam.com/ for more updates Q31. Select the synonym of purge शुद्ध करना, ख़ाल� करना Options: 1) evacuate 2) pressurize 3) thrust 4) float Correct Answer: evacuate, ख़ाल� करना 16-January-2017

    Q32. Select the synonym of aground �टका हुआ, फँसा हआ Options: 1) stranded 2) higher 3) afloat 4) buoyant Correct Answer: stranded, फँसा हआ


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    Q33. Select the synonym of decree हुक्मनामा Options: 1) certificate 2) Law 3) title 4) award Correct Answer: Law ,कानून Q34. Select the synonym of gripe कष्ट , पीड़ा देना Options: 1) To grieve 2) To grasp 3) To flatter 4) To hold Correct Answer: To grieve, शोक Q35. Select the synonym of stumpy गठ�ला Options: 1) rangy 2) pudgy 3) lanky 4) lofty Correct Answer: pudgy, नाटा और मोटा Q36. Select the synonym of sheath म्यान , खोल Options: 1) weapon 2) hide 3) encourage


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    4) coat Correct Answer: coat, आवरण Q37. Select the synonym of genre प्रकार Options: 1) celebrity 2) common man 3) category 4) pleasant Correct Answer: category, शे्रणी 17-January-2017 Q38. Select the synonym of rendezvous सभा का स्थान Options: 1) tryst 2) dispersal 3) rift 4) split Correct Answer: tryst, �छप कर �मलने का स्थान Q39. Select the synonym of defuse कम करना Options: 1) irritate 2) alleviate 3) agitate 4) incite Correct Answer: alleviate, कम करना Q40. Select the synonym of crown ताज


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    Options: 1) frown 2) apex 3) nadir 4) base Correct Answer: apex चोट� Q41. Select the synonym of preacher उपदेशक Options: 1) atheist 2) agnostic 3) evangelist 4) pagan Correct Answer: evangelist, प्रचारक Q42. Select the synonym of deployment तैनाती , बैठाना , स्था�पत करना Options: 1) bane 2) banishment 3) stationing 4) strategise Correct Answer: stationing , तैनात 18-January-2017 Q43. Select the synonym of to moan �वलाप करना Options: 1) to sigh 2) to beam 3) to smirk 4) to simper Correct Answer: to sigh, आह भरना


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    Q44. Select the synonym of melodramatic नाटक-संबंधी Options: 1) tranquil 2) halcyon 3) bucolic 4) theatrical Correct Answer: theatrical नाटक-संबंधी Q45. Select the synonym of: streak लक�र , धब्बा Options: 1) freak 2) bright 3) immaculate 4) smear Correct Answer: smear धब्बा Q46. Select the synonym of sentry पहरेदार , चौक�दार Options: 1) bandit 2) competitor 3) sentinel 4) foe Correct Answer: sentinel चौक�दार Q47. Select the synonym of Subsidy अनुदान ,दान, चंदा Options: 1) endowment 2) forfeit 3) mulct


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    4) reward Correct Answer: endowment, दान, चंदा 19-January-2017 Q48. Select the synonym of to permeate �रसना Options: 1) to desiccate 2) to imbue 3) torrid 4) stale Correct Answer: to imbue �भगोना Q49. Select the synonym of swine सुअर Options: 1) hog 2) simple 3) immaculate 4) shine Correct Answer: hog, सूअर Q50. Select the synonym of Extrapolate अनुमान करना Options: 1) deduce 2) rejection 3) Scruple 4) Vacillate Correct Answer: deduce प�रणाम �नकालना Q51. Select the synonym of Inheritance उ�रा�धकार, �वरासत


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    Options: 1) encumbrance 2) obligation 3) manifest 4) bequest Correct Answer: bequest वसीयत Visit http://www.Luckyexam.com/ for more updates Q52. Select the synonym of Bother तंग करना Options: 1) obscene 2) beset 3) obfuscate 4) oblivious Correct Answer: beset नाक म� दम करना Q53. Select the synonym of Elate उल्ल�सत करना , ख़ुश करना Options: 1) abase 2) faze 3) exhilarate 4) enervate Correct Answer: exhilarate, ख़ुश करना 20-January-2017 Q54. Select the synonym of: to entrain पे्र�रत करना , चढ़ना Options: 1) to alight 2) to debark 3) to mount 4) to disembark


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    Correct Answer: to mount, चढ़ना Q55. Select the synonym of discerning �ववेक� , चतुर Options: 1) naive 2) asinine 3) inept 4) astute Correct Answer: astute, चतुर Q56. Select the synonym of succulent रसीला Options: 1) torrid 2) luscious 3) arid 4) bare Correct Answer: luscious सुस्वाद Q57. Select the synonym of snarl गरजना Options: 1) growl 2) empathy 3) accord 4) amity Correct Answer: growl, गुरार्ना Q58. Select the synonym of to theorize �सद्धातं बनाना Options: 1) to measure


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    2) to prove 3) to speculate 4) to calculate Correct Answer: to speculate

    Q59. Choose the synonym of to thrash �पटाई करने के �लए Options: 1) to pin 2) to grasp 3) to pinch 4) to beat up Correct Answer: to beat up �पटाई करन 21-January-2017 Q60. Select the synonym of privation असु�वधा कष्ट Options: 1) hardship 2) abundance 3) private 4) luxury Correct Answer: hardship कष्ट

    Q61. Select the synonym of carnage नरसंहार , क़त्लेआम Options: 1) accord 2) butchery 3) concord 4) cessation Correct Answer: butchery सामू�हक हत्या


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    Q62. Select the synonym of batter चोट देनेवाला, प्रहार Options: 1) insulate 2) assure 3) bash 4) bulwark Correct Answer: bash प्रहार Q63. Select the synonym of murmur बड़बड़ाहट , भनभनाना Options: 1) fuzzy 2) muffled 3) buzz 4) taciturn Correct Answer: buzz, भनभनाना Q64. Select the synonym of peripatetic जगह-जगह घूमनेवाला , घुमंतू Options: 1) confine 2) spire 3) ultimate 4) nomadic Correct Answer: nomadic Visit http://www.Luckyexam.com/ for more updates 22-January-2017 Q65. Select the synonym of synchronicity समक्र�मकता , समनुरूपता Options: 1) conformity 2) conflict 3) vendetta


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    4) altercation Correct Answer: conformity, समनुरूपता Q66. Select the synonym of accolade सम्मान , �व�शष्टता Options: 1) bungle 2) performance 3) fiasco 4) distinction Correct Answer: distinction, �व�शष्टता Q67. Select the synonym of redemption छुटकारा , ऋणमुिक्त , प्रायिश्चत करना Options: 1) forfeit 2) atonement 3) retribution 4) penalty Correct Answer: atonement, प्रायिश्चत करना Q68. Select the synonym of haste जल्द� Options: 1) soon 2) eventually 3) later 4) never Correct Answer: soon, जल्द�

    Q69. Select the synonym of pal दोस्त Options: 1) buddy


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    2) lad 3) foe 4) dude Correct Answer: buddy दोस्त Q70. Select the synonym of to defile अशुद्ध करना , मैला करना Options: 1) to esteem 2) to besmirch 3) to elevate 4) to sanctify Correct Answer: to besmirch, मैला करना 23-Jan-2017 Q71. Select the synonym of to reiterate दोहराना , पुनराव�ृ� करने के �लए Options: 1) to hark 2) to drawl 3) to halt 4) to recur Correct Answer: to recur, पुनराव�ृ� Q72. Select the synonym of hypnotist सम्मोहनकार� व्यिक्त Options: 1) rookie 2) novice 3) conjurer 4) amateur Correct Answer: conjurer जादगूार


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    Q73. Select the synonym of panorama �चत्रमाला , प्रदशर्न Options: 1) puny 2) wee 3) diminutive 4) spectacle Correct Answer: spectacle, तमाशा Q74. Select the synonym of initiative पहल, आत्मबल Options: 1) apathy 2) cowardice 3) dynamism 4) lethargy Correct Answer: dynamism जोश , उत्साह , ग�तशीलता Q75. Select the synonym of objectionable आप��जनक, अनु�चत Options: 1) aperitif 2) abhorrent 3) savory 4) saporus Correct Answer: abhorrent �घनौना Q76. Select the synonym of to recline झुकाना, सहारा लेना Options: 1) to lounge 2) to rewind 3) to sheer 4) to plump


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    Correct Answer: to lounge बरामदा 24-Jan-2017 Q77. Select the synonym of antithesis प्र�तप� �वरोध Options: 1) contradictory 2) harmony 3) affinity 4) analogy Correct Answer: contradictory अन्त�वर्रोधी Q78. Select the synonym of ascetic आत्मसंयमी, कठोर Options: 1) spree 2) austere 3) bacchanal 4) binge Correct Answer: austere , कठोर Q79. Select the synonym of meadow घास का मैदान, चारागाह Options: 1) metro 2) pasture 3) borough 4) civic Correct Answer: pasture, चारागाह Visit http://www.Luckyexam.com/ for more updates Q80. Select the synonym of to superimpose ऊपर रखना


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    Options: 1) to overlap 2) to adjoin 3) to juxtapose 4) to continue Correct Answer: to overlap परस्पर-व्याप्त होना Q81. Select the synonym of to scram भागना, दौड़ना Options: 1) to cluster 2) to array 3) to convene 4) to scoot Correct Answer: to scoot, दौड़ना Q82. Select the synonym of to gnaw नाश करना, कुतरना Options: 1) to drool 2) to slaver 3) to nibble 4) to spit Correct Answer: to nibble, कुतरना 25-Jan-2017 Q83. Select the synonym of to predispose प�हले से मन मानी इच्छा होना Options: 1) to assail 2) to thwart 3) to defy 4) to incline Correct Answer: to incline इच्छा करना, झुकना


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    Q84. Select the synonym of ominous अशुभ, सवर्नाश से संबं�धत, भ�वष्य सूचक Options: 1) secure 2) auspicious 3) apocalyptic 4) propitious Correct Answer: apocalyptic सवर्नाशक Q85. Select the synonym of repentance पश्चाताप, अफसोस Options: 1) intransigent 2) obdurate 3) resolute 4) remorse Correct Answer: remorse, अफसोस Q86. Select the synonym of antagonize दशु्मनी मोल लेना, Options: 1) alienate 2) placid 3) sync 4) serene Correct Answer: alienate पराया करना Q87. Select the synonym of: incisive तीखा, प्रभावशाल� Options: 1) daffy 2) concise 3) stolid


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    4) tedious Correct Answer: concise सं��प्त 27-Jan-2017 Q88. Select the synonym of bouffant गुथे हुये बाल, चोट� करना Options: 1) braid 2) barren 3) hirsute 4) glabrous Correct Answer: braid, गुथे हुये बाल Q89. Select the synonym of dependant जागीरदार, आ�श्रत Options: 1) absolute 2) reliant 3) autonomous 4) nonpartisan Correct Answer: reliant, �नभर्र Q90. Select the synonym of improvident अदरूदश� Options: 1) provident 2) extravagant 3) miserly 4) thrifty Correct Answer: extravagant, अ�तव्ययी, असंयमी Q91. Select the synonym of to ebb घटना, कम होना


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    Options: 1) to abatement 2) to swell 3) to ascent 4) to surge Correct Answer: to abatement कम होना Q92. Select the synonym of To bewilder घबराना Options: 1) to explicate 2) to elucidate 3) to baffle 4) to orient Correct Answer: to baffle घबराना 29-Jan-2017 Q93. Select the synonym of Deviance �वचलन, पथांतरण Options: 1) accordance 2) compliance 3) alliance 4) aberrance Correct Answer: aberrance �वचलन Q94. Select the synonym of Alleviate कम करना, शान्त करना Options: 1) irritate 2) aggravate 3) allay 4) agitate Correct Answer: allay कम करना


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    Q95. Select the synonym of to cite उल्लेख करना, Options: 1) to conceal 2) to ignore 3) to indicate 4) to deny Correct Answer: to indicate संकेत करना Q96. Select the synonym of Poise संतुलन Options: 1) tizzy 2) turmoil 3) agitate 4) elegance Correct Answer: elegance �शष्टता , सुन्दरता Q97. Select the synonym of to jeopardise खतरे म� डालना, संकट म� डालना Options: 1) to chaperone 2) to picket 3) to imperil 4) to escort Correct Answer: to imperil संकट म� डालना Q98. Select the synonym of Evicted बेदख़ल Options: 1) congenial 2) sympathetic 3) cordial 4) ousted Correct Answer: ousted बेदख़ल


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    30-Jan-2017 Q99. Select the synonym of to concoct पकाना, योजना बनाना Options: 1) to obliterate 2) to contrive 3) to decimate 4) to pulverize Correct Answer: to contrive योजना बनाना Q100. Select the synonym of Eccentric अद्भुत, �वल�ण व्यिक्त Options: 1) whimsical 2) chronic 3) bona fide 4) typic Correct Answer: whimsical सनक� Visit http://www.Luckyexam.com/ for more updates Q101. Select the synonym of Perusal अवलोकन, अध्ययन Options: 1) inspection 2) delinquency 3) inconsideration 4) laxity Correct Answer: inspection अवलोकन Q102. Select the synonym of Consensus अनुकूलता, सामंजस्य, सवर्सम्म�त Options: 1) cacophony 2) harmony


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    3) tumult 4) clamour Correct Answer: harmony सवर्सम्म�त Q103. Select the synonym of Famished भूखा Options: 1) glut 2) jaded 3) satiated 4) starved Correct Answer: starved भूखा Q104. Select the synonym of Thrashing �पटाई, प्रहार Options: 1) edifice 2) prefabrication 3) bashing 4) contour Correct Answer: bashing प्रहार 31-Jan-2017 Q105. Select the synonym of Sinister कुट�ल, दषु्ट Options: 1) malevolent 2) magnanimous 3) auspicious 4) benevolent Correct Answer: malevolent दषु्ट


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    Q106. Select the synonym of Probable संभा�वत, मुम�कन Options: 1) futile 2) plausible 3) absurd 4) preposterous Correct Answer: plausible सत्य प्रतीत होने वाला Q107. Select the synonym of Invincible अजेय, अभेद्य Options: 1) ethereal 2) frangible 3) Impregnable 4) delectable Correct Answer: Impregnable अभेद्य Q108. Select the synonym of To proselytise फुसलाना, समथर्न करना Options: 1) to spurn 2) to apostatize 3) to repudiate 4) to advocate Correct Answer: to advocate समथर्न करना Q109. Select the synonym of perplexity ज�टलता, पेचीदगी Options: 1) empathy 2) amicability 3) puzzlement 4) concordantly Correct Answer: puzzlement ज�टलता


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    01-Feb-2017 Q110. Select the synonym of to preside अध्य�ता, �कसी पद पर काम करना Options: 1) to acquiesce 2) to concur 3) to officiate 4) to accord Correct Answer: to officiate �कसी पद पर काम करना Q111. Select the synonym of Dabble ऊपर� ढंग से करना, मन बहलाना Options: 1) solemn 2) austere 3) meditative 4) dally Correct Answer: dally आमोद करना Q112. Select the synonym of to ordain आदेश देना Options: 1) to anoint 2) to retract 3) to veto 4) to void Correct Answer: to anoint अ�भषेक करना Q113. Select the synonym of to stranded फँसा हुआ, �टका हुआ Options: 1) to douse 2) to aground 3) to swamp


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    4) to inundate Correct Answer: to aground धरती पर अटका या फंसा हुआ Q114. Select the synonym of to scar दागना, आघात Options: 1) to maim 2) to bedeck 3) to adorn 4) to embellish Correct Answer: to maim काटना 02-Feb-2017 Q115. Select the synonym of Proximal �नकटस्थ Options: 1) frontier 2) obscure 3) remote 4) adjacent Correct Answer: adjacent �नकटस्थ Q116. Select the synonym of to alight उतरना , descend, get off, Options: 1) to escalate 2) to clamber 3) to disembark 4) to astride Correct Answer: to disembark उतर जाना Q117. Select the synonym of Parlance उच्चारण, भाषा, शब्दावल�


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    Options: 1) definitive 2) lingo 3) canonical 4) classic Correct Answer: lingo शब्दावल� Q118. Select the synonym of Obstreperous ऊधम, प्रचंड Options: 1) boisterous 2) bashful 3) reticent 4) taciturn Correct Answer: boisterous प्रबल Q119. Select the synonym of Maestro आचायर्, �वशेष� Options: 1) neophyte 2) catechumen 3) sophomore 4) conductor Correct Answer: conductor मागर्दशर्क Visit http://www.Luckyexam.com/ for more updates 03-Feb-2017 Q120. Select the synonym of Shimmering जगमगाहट, चमकता हुआ Options: 1) stolid 2) glinting 3) daft 4) daffy Correct Answer: glinting चमकता हुआ


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    Q121. Select the synonym of Bounder लोभी, बेढगा आदमी Options: 1) lout 2) mediocre 3) done 4) decorous Correct Answer: lout गँवार, बेढगा आदमी Q122. Select the synonym of Impassive आवेगह�न Options: 1) ardent 2) reticent 3) agitated 4) susceptible Correct Answer: reticent मौन रहने वाला Q123. Select the synonym of to revamp मरम्मत करना Options: 1) to overhaul 2) to maraud 3) to raze 4) to sabotage Correct Answer: to overhaul जीण�द्धार करना Q124. Select the synonym of Nifty ब�ढ़या, अच्छा Options: 1) dandy 2) obnoxious 3) grody 4) gross Correct Answer: dandy उत्कृष्ट


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    Q125. Select the synonym of to visualise कल्पना करना Options: 1) to repudiate 2) to anticipate 3) to eschew 4) to scorn Correct Answer: to anticipate प्रत्याशा करना 07-Feb-2017 Q126. Select the synonym of Precedent �मसाल Options: 1) contingent 2) criterion 3) arbitrary 4) fortuitous Correct Answer: criterion मापदंड, कसौट� Q127. Select the synonym of Digression झुकना, �वषय बदलना Options: 1) meandering 2) candid 3) categorical 4) unequivocal Correct Answer: meandering घुमावदार Q128. Select the synonym of Proscriptive हुक्म देनेवाला Options: 1) squalid 2) exiguous 3) excessive


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    4) thrifty Correct Answer: excessive अत्य�धक Q129. Select the synonym of Proximity नजद�क� Options: 1) futile 2) preposterous 3) absurd 4) imminent Correct Answer: imminent कर�ब Q130. Select the synonym of Dare धमकाना, उकसाना Options: 1) cohort 2) taunt 3) patronize 4) chum Correct Answer: taunt ताना मारना 08-Feb-2017 Q131. Select the synonym of to delude छलना Options: 1) hoodwink 2) conscientious 3) scrupulous 4) bona fide Correct Answer: hoodwink आखं म� धलू झ�कना Q132. Select the synonym of Scarcity कमी


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    Options: 1) opulence 2) myriad 3) plethora 4) dearth Correct Answer: dearth अभाव Q133. Select the synonym of Cheeky गुस्ताख, ढ�ठ Options: 1) nervous 2) aghast 3) brash 4) startled Correct Answer: brash ढ�ठ Q134. Select the synonym of to subsume सिम्म�लत, �म�श्रत Options: 1) to bate 2) to obviate 3) to preclude 4) to incorporate Correct Answer: to incorporate �मला हुआ Q135 . Select the synonym of to lash कोड़ ेक� मार, घोर �नदंा करना Options: 1) to endear 2) to fondle 3) to chastise 4) to snuggle Correct Answer: to chastise घोर �नदंा करना


    Correct Answer: imminent करीबCorrect Answer: hoodwink आंख में धूल झोंकना

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