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Page 1: SSIS  V12.4 Release Training Individual Family Community Support Plan (IFCSP)

SSIS SSIS V12.4V12.4 Release TrainingRelease TrainingIndividual Family Community Individual Family Community

Support Plan (IFCSP)Support Plan (IFCSP)

Presentation for VPC

December 2012

Part #1

Setup Tab & Print Blank Plan

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1. Right-click on the Service Plans folder.

2. Select New State Service Plan.

3. Select CMH Independent Family Community Support Plan.

Service plans contained in the ‘New Plan’ selection are the ‘old’ service plans. Each is being revised; as the revisions occur, each moves into the New State Service Plan selection.

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1. Right-click on the Draft IFCSP in the Tree View to access the Action menu.

2. Select Print Service Plan.

3. Three additional selections display. Select Blank Plan to print a blank IFCSP, or select Signature Page to print only a blank signature page. In a future SSIS release, the third Help selection will print the Help Text specific to the IFCSP.

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4. A blank IFCSP can also be printed by clicking on Tools and selecting External Documents.

5. Expand the External Documents folder and scroll down to locate the blank CMH Crisis Plan.

Currently, the blank CMH Crisis Plan is not available from the Tree View. This is the only location.

6. Beneath the CMH Crisis Plan a blank IFCSP is also available.

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The IFCSP is now separated into two separate service plans. The IFCSP is the first plan, and is one of the new plans in the V12.4 SSIS release.

The CMH Crisis Plan is the second plan. It is currently only available in blank format. It is anticipated to be included as one of the new plans in the upcoming V13.1 SSIS release.

It is encouraged that both plans be completed if applicable; however, the Crisis Plan is not required unless warranted.

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7. Click the Viewer tab to display the blank CMH Crisis Plan.

8. Note the Print icon in the toolbar.

9. Note the Save icon in the toolbar. The plan can only be saved to a separate location outside of SSIS.

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1. Enter the Review Date on the Setup tab of the IFCSP. The Review Date is the date the plan is designated to be reviewed in conjunction with the child and family. This may or may not be the same as the Effective from date.

2. Click yes to display the Language block at the end of the plan. (The language block provides information about interpreter services in several different languages.)

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3. For a new IFCSP, select Original. If you are reviewing an existing IFCSP, select Update. (If you copy an IFCSP to revise it, you are Updating the plan.)

4. Enter the date the IFCSP is Effective from. 5. Enter the date the IFCSP plan is Effective to.

Note: The IFCSP must be reviewed at least 180 days from the Effective to date, but may be reviewed earlier per request of any party.

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1. Select the name of the identified child for CMH Services in the Participant field. If the desired child’s name doesn’t display, click the word Participant. The cursor moves to the Participants folder in the Tree View where the child may be entered as a (New or Existing) Client.

2. The Date of birth and ICWA fields merge from the child’s Client node (‘big head’).

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1. Information in the Diagnosis Axis section of the Setup tab merges from the Disability/ Diagnosis/Substance Abuse folder.

2. Each Diagnosis entered from the Tree View merges into the Setup tab, even if an End date displays.

The name of the diagnosis displays to the right of its corresponding check box on the Setup tab. It is no longer necessary to expand the field to determine the diagnosis that displays.

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3. Click in the check box next to the Diagnosis to view more information. If the check box remains selected, this Diagnosis merges into the service plan. Select each current Diagnosis pertaining to the child.

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1. All addresses entered for the child from the Address/Phone/Email/State Detail folder merge into the Address field.

2. The word Address is a hyperlink. If no address displays, click on the word Address to return to the Tree View, and enter an address for the child.

3. If only one address exists, that address displays in the Address field.

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4. If multiple addresses exist, all display in the menu. Select the current Address for the child.

5. Note the diagonal lines that display at the bottom right of the menu. Click and drag these lines to expand the size of the box.

(The length and order of columns in menu boxes cannot be altered as they can in SSIS grids.)

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1. All CMH Assessments entered in the CMH Screenings and Assessments folder for the child display in the Children’s Mental Health Assessments section.

2. Click in the check box next to any CMH Assessment to view its details. Each selected check box merges that CMH Assessment into the service plan.

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Note from 12/07/12 VPC: From the Tree View, on the CMH Assessment screen, select the name of the caseworker supervising the child’s CMH Services in the Assessed by field. Names of professional collaterals who may have completed the actual CMH Assessment (such as a CAFAS) are not selected in this field. Rather, select the name of the primary caseworker responsible for the provision of the CMH services in this field.

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1. Private insurance information merges into the IFCSP from the:• Case Details folder – Insurance folder, and• Participants Health/Insurance folder.

This is a new feature. 2. All Private insurance entries from either folder

merge into the Insurance section of the Setup tab. Click the check box next to the name of the Insurance to view information. Any selected Insurance merges into the service plan.

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Hint: Insurance information entered for one client is easily copied to other clients by ‘associating’ them.

•Right-click on the desired workgroup and select Open With Case in New Window.•Expand the Case Details folder. (This folder only displays after selecting Open With Case in New Window.)•Right-click on the Insurance folder and select New Insurance. •Enter the private insurance information and click Save.

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• Click the (+) sign next to the new Health Insurance node to expand it.

• Right-click on the Associations folder and select Add existing client to search for names of family members to add to this Insurance policy.

• Click on one client’s name in the grid. • Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and

multi-select additional family members by clicking on their names as applicable.

• Click the Select button.• SSIS will copy that insurance information to each

selected client – and the insurance data merges into the IFCSP if copied to the identified child.

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1. The child’s school(s) merge into the Education field from the CWB/Checkup/Education folder.

2. The word Education is a hyperlink. If no school displays, click on the word Education to return to the Tree View and enter a school for the child. If only one school entry exists, that school displays in the Education field.

3. If there are multiple school entries, each displays in the menu. Select the current School name for the child in the Education field.

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Hint: How Participants merge from the Tree View into a service plan differs between service plans. These instructions are specific to the IFCSP’s Relationships section.

1. Enter a Client or Collateral into the Participants folder. Next, from the identified child’s Relationships folder, enter a New Relationship between the child and each Client or Collateral. (Numerous relationships exist in the Relationships folder which are both familial and non-familial.) Clients or Collaterals in this folder with a Relationship to the child display in the IFCSP. SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 30

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1. x

2. Select the check box next to a participant’s name to view his or her contact information. Selected names merge that participant’s name and contact information into the service plan.

3. If an address has been entered for a Client from his/her own Address/Phone/Email/ State Detail folder, it displays beneath the name. Each address associated with this Client displays from the Setup tab’s Address field. Only the Address field for the Child is a hyperlink; Address fields for Clients and Collaterals are not. Select the current address.

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1. All telephone numbers associated with a Client now merge beneath their name and Address in the Phone section.

2. The Phone numbers are identified by Type (Home, Work, etc.). Select the check box next to the type of Phone to view the number. Even a number defined as Unknown merges.

3. Select the check boxes next to current telephone number(s) to merge those Phones into the service plan.

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1. Addresses and Phones for Collaterals merge from a different location in the Tree View than those of Clients.

Hint: Expand the Collateral node in the Tree View and click on the Address/Phone/Email folder. Enter a New Address and one or more New Phones in this folder to merge them into the Setup tab.

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Addresses associated with Professional Collaterals from a Business Organization Search do not merge into the service plan. Addresses and telephone numbers must be entered in the Address/Phone/Email folder beneath the Collateral’s node in order to display on the Setup tab. 2.An Address displays just as it does for Clients on the Setup tab. Select the current Address.3.A Phone number displays just as it does for Clients. Select the current Phone. Multiple Phones may be selected as applicable.SSIS V12.4 Release Training December 2012 36

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1. Information that merges into the Worker section comes from SSIS Admin. If the caseworker’s Full name, Document credentials, or Phone is incorrect, it must be corrected by an agency staff person with specific administrative rights.

2. Select the name of the primary caseworker in the Staff field. If only one caseworker is assigned, that name automatically displays.

3. It is recommended that a general agency telephone number be reflected in Admin to ensure that an outdated number does not merge in the Phone field.

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1. When returning to a service plan, the Setup tab displays a Display Setup button. Click the Display Setup button to return to the Setup tab fields. If the Setup tab is complete, skip the Display Setup button and click directly on the Document tab to view the IFCSP.

More Hints:

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2. Required fields on the Setup tab display with a yellow triangle. All required fields must be complete, and the Setup tab saved, before the Document tab is accessible. It is Best Practice to complete all fields on the Setup tab, not just those that are required.

More Hints:

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3. Information entered in the Tree View to add or correct Setup tab selections may not immediately display. If this occurs, after saving the new data entries, click the large Refresh button on the SSIS toolbar. Click the Display Setup button and scroll to the appropriate field to review the new data entry selection(s).

More Hints:

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