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Department of National Defence

Defence Research and Development Canada

Industry Canada

October 8, 2010

Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap

Workshop 4: C4I/Sensors

Montréal, March 9-11, 2010

Volume 1. C4I/Sensors Report

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The Department of National Defence (DND), Defence Research and Development Canada

(DRDC), and Industry Canada (IC) would like to acknowledge the contributions and support

provided by the IC Special Events team that organized the C4I/Sensors workshop venue,

logistics, and accommodations; the Soldier Systems TRM C4I/Sensors Technical Subcommittee

and co-chairs, and the Executive Steering Committee for sharing their time and expertise; the

Strategic Review Group Inc., for facilitating the workshop; and the participants from across

Canada, the United States, and abroad, who contributed to making the workshop a success.

Special thanks to those who presented at the workshop, for sharing their time, energy, and


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Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... viii

Preface: C4I/Sensors and The Soldier Systems TRM ..................................................... 9

About the Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap (TRM) ......................................... 9

C4I/Sensors and the Roadmap .............................................................................. 10

The Workshop Process .......................................................................................... 12

C4I/Sensors Workshop Introduction .............................................................................. 13

Introductory Presentation Abstracts ........................................................................ 13

Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap Development

and Implementation Phases, Mr. G. Nimmo (IC) .................................. 13

Soldier Systems Modernization Effort Update and Return

on Power/Energy Workshop, LCol M.A. Bodner (DRDC) ..................... 14

Overview of DRDC R&D Strategy and Program, Dr. G. Vézina (DRDC).......... 15

Focus Days Program and Process, Return on Visioning Workshop:

C4I Elements, Mr. P. Carr (SRG) ......................................................... 15

Part I. Soldier Systems C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers,

and Intelligence) ................................................................................................... 16

1. Soldier Systems C4I Deficiencies, Vision, Themes/Needs and Goals .................... 16

C4I Session 1 Presentation Abstracts .................................................................... 16

1.1 Overview of Current Soldier Systems Equipment and C4I

Deficiencies, Capt. A. Dionne (DND) ................................................... 16

Demonstration of the Need for C4I in the Field ................................................ 17

1.2 Future Soldier C4I Capabilities Requirements,

Mr.P. Comtois (DND) ........................................................................... 20

Luncheon Speaker: Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (MERS): Trends

and Initiatives for Infantry C4I Systems, Mrs. S. Torfin (USMC) ........... 20

C4I Breakaway Session 1. C4I Needs—the Vision ................................................. 21

Inputs to C4I Working Session 1 ............................................................................ 21

Results of C4I Working Session 1 .......................................................................... 24

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2. C4I Objectives, Driving Elements, Barriers, and Technical Challenges .................. 31

C4I Session 2 Presentation Abstracts .................................................................... 31

2.1 Overview of Army IM Strategy and C4IST Concept,

Mr. S. Hoag (DLCI-3) ........................................................................... 31

2.2 Soldier C4I Systems Development Trends & Technical Challenges:

an Industry Perspective, Mr. L. O'Neill (Industry Co-Chair) .................. 31

C4I Breakaway Session 2: The Challenges & Functionalities ................................. 32

Inputs to C4I Working Session 2 ............................................................................ 32

Results of C4I Working Session 2 .......................................................................... 33

Other Presentations ............................................................................................... 35

Collaboration Tool (ICee) Presentation, Mrs. M. Huard (IC/DND) .................... 35

Overview of IRB Program, Ms. Nathalie Couture, Senior Manager,

Industrial and Regional Benefits Policy (IC) ......................................... 35

3. Potential Solutions/Options and Related Technologies .......................................... 36

C4I Session 3 Presentation Abstracts .................................................................... 36

3.1 NATO LCG1 Soldier C4I Architecture & Symbology,

Mr. C. Lemelin (DND) .......................................................................... 36

3.2 Soldier Communication & Software Radio Technologies:

State-of-the-Art Overview, Mr. J. Schelsak (CRC) ............................... 36

3.3 Applications of Novel Biometrics Technologies to Soldier

C4I Systems, Dr. Q. Xiao (DRDC) ....................................................... 37

3.4 Soldier Navigation Technologies in Complex Environment:

State-of-the-Art Overview, Mr. J. Bird (DRDC) ..................................... 37

3.5 Human Factors Lessons Learned about C4I Interfaces

for Soldiers, Maj. L. Bossi (DND), Ed Nakaza, Sr Consultant,

HumanSystems Incorporated ............................................................... 38

Luncheon speaker: NSERC: Overview of NSERC Research Partnerships

Programs, Mrs. M. Michalska ............................................................... 39

C4I Breakaway Session 3: C4I Technologies/Solutions ......................................... 40

Inputs to C4I Working Session 3 ..................................................................... 40

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Results of C4I Working Session 3 ................................................................... 42

4. Technology Gaps and Collaboration Opportunities ................................................... 45

C4I Session 4 Presentation Abstracts .................................................................... 45

4.1 Unattended Ground Sensors: State-of-the-Art Overview,

Mr. B. Ricard (DRDC) & Mrs L. Lamont (CRC) .................................... 45

C4I Breakaway Session 4: Priorities and Collaborators .......................................... 46

Inputs to C4I Working Session 4 ..................................................................... 46

Results of C4I Working Session 4 ................................................................... 46

5. ICee Contest Winner Presentations ......................................................................... 52

Rapid Intervention Tracking System, 3D RFID TAC ........................................ 52

innUVative Systems, Mr. Mike Meakin ............................................................ 52

MicroDAGR, Rockwell Collins ......................................................................... 53

Newtrax, Low Energy UGS Mesh Networks for Persistent Surveillance

in Remote Areas .................................................................................. 53

Part II. Soldier Sensors Systems ............................................................................... 54

Introduction to Soldier Sensors ..................................................................................... 54

Introductory Presentation Abstract ......................................................................... 54

Return on Lethal & Non Lethal Weapons Effects Workshop:

C4I Related Considerations, Mr. D. Compton ...................................... 54

1. Soldier Systems Sensors Deficiencies, Vision, Themes/Needs, Goals,

Objectives, Desired Systems Performance, Barriers, Technical Challenges........... 55

Sensors Session 1 Presentation Abstracts ............................................................. 55

1.1 Future Soldier Sensors Capability Requirements, Drivers,

Challenges and Gaps, Capt O. Sylvain, DND ...................................... 55

Demonstration of the Need for Sensors in the Field ........................................ 56

1.2 Overview of Soldier Sensor Systems Development Trends &

Challenges: an Industry Perspective, Mr. Rick Bowes

(Industry Co-chair) ............................................................................... 59

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Sensors Breakaway Session 1. The Vision & Challenges ...................................... 60

Inputs to Sensors Working Session 1 .............................................................. 60

Results of Sensors Working Session 1 ............................................................ 61

2. Potential Solutions/Options and Related Technologies .......................................... 67

Sensors Session 2 Presentation Abstracts ............................................................. 67

2.1 See Through Wall Sensing Technologies: State-of-the-art

Overview, Mr. Pascale Sévigny (DRDC) .............................................. 67

2.2 Emerging Sensing Technology Overview, Mr. J. Maheux (DRDC) ....... 67

Luncheon speaker: Overview of Precarn Programs on Intelligent

and Communication Systems, Dr. H. Rothschild .................................. 68

2.3 Physiological Status Monitoring Technologies: State-of-the-art

Overview, Dr. S. Stergiopoulos (DRDC) ............................................... 68

2.4 Nano/Micro Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Technologies:

State-of-the-Art Overview, Dr. F Wong (DRDC) ................................... 69

Sensors Breakaway Working Session 2: The Technologies ................................... 70

Inputs to Sensors Working Session 2 .............................................................. 70

Results of Sensors Working Session 2 ............................................................ 71

3. Sensor Technology Gaps and Collaborations ......................................................... 74

Sensors Breakaway Session 3 ............................................................................... 74

Inputs to Sensors Working Session 3 .............................................................. 74

Results of Sensors Working Session 3 ............................................................ 74

Part III. Next Steps ....................................................................................................... 75

Ongoing and Upcoming Roadmap Activities ................................................................. 75

Ongoing C4I/Sensors Collaborations...................................................................... 75

Sharing Knowledge with the ICee Database and Wiki ............................................ 75

Upcoming Workshops ............................................................................................ 76


A. Workshop Agenda .................................................................................................. 77

B. C4I/Sensors Scope Definition ................................................................................. 81

C. List of Workshop Participants ................................................................................. 85

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D. C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input ................................................................ 95

E. C4I Working Session 2 Participant Worksheets .................................................... 101

F. C4I Working Session 3 Participant Stickies—the Challenges ............................... 108

G. Sensors Working Session 2 ................................................................................. 149

H. C4I/Sensor Mind Maps ......................................................................................... 164

List of Figures

Figure 1. C4I/Sensors and the Soldier Systems TRM .................................................... 10

Figure 2. The Technical Roadmapping Process ............................................................ 12

Figure 3. Three sections of dismounted soldiers proceed through a village ................... 17

Figure 4. The sections are separated geographically, and the soldiers

can't all see each other ................................................................................... 17

Figure 5.The point man in section 1 encounters what appears to be a villager

with a weapon ................................................................................................ 18

Figure 6. Example of completed worksheet for C4I Session 2 ....................................... 33

Figure 7. C4I Challenges Determined from Breakaway Session 2

Participant Responses .................................................................................... 34

Figure 8. Example of a completed sticky from sensor working session 1 ....................... 41

Figure 9. Distribution of C4I stickies on the wall by challenge and

potential for progress ...................................................................................... 43

Figure 10. Distribution of C4I stickies on the wall by challenge and timeframe .............. 44

Figure 11. 40 Key Technologies to Research, and Suggested Key Players .................. 47

Figure 12. The sensors demonstration focused on observation post "Falcon's Nest,"

represented by the triangle in the graphic. .............................................................. 56

Figure 13. Distribution of Sensor Stickies on the Wall by Challenge and Timeframe ..... 72

Figure 14. Distribution of Sensor Stickies on the Wall by Challenge and

Potential for Progress ................................................................................... 73

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Executive Summary

This report describes the C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and

Intelligence) and Sensors Workshop held in Montréal in March, 2010—the fourth in a

series of technical workshops held as part of the Soldier Systems Technology

Roadmapping (TRM) initiative.

The Preface introduces the Soldier Systems TRM project, which involves industry,

government, academia, and other interested parties in working toward developing an

integrated system for the dismounted soldier. It places C4I and sensors in the context of

the project, and describes the process followed during the workshop to achieve the

ultimate goal of identifying research and development priorities and collaborations for

meeting the dismounted soldier's future C4I/Sensor needs.

Part I, Soldier Systems C4I, describes activities on days 1 and 2 of the workshop, which

focused on C4I and the dismounted soldier. It provides abstracts of the presentations

made on those days. It also describes four breakout sessions, during which participants

worked together to develop a vision for C4I and the dismounted soldier, identify the

challenges and key functionalities involved in realizing the vision, outline the

technologies to work on, and establish priorities and collaborations for working on those


Part II, Soldier Systems Sensors, describes activities on day 3 of the workshop, which

focused on sensors and the dismounted soldier. As with Part 1, it includes presentation

abstracts and working session descriptions and summarizes the results of the working


Part III, Next Steps, describes upcoming activities in the ongoing Soldier Systems TRM


Appendixes to the report provide the workshop agenda, define C4I/Sensor terms, list the

workshop participants, and describe DND's soldier systems mind maps for C4I/Sensors.

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Preface: C4I/Sensors and The Soldier Systems TRM

The C4I/Sensors Workshop held in Montréal, Québec, March 9-11, 2010, was one in a

series of workshops associated with the development phase of the Soldier Systems

Technology Roadmapping initiative.

About the Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap (TRM)

The Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap (TRM) project is a unique industry-

government collaboration to apply roadmapping principles and processes to develop a

comprehensive knowledge-sharing platform and identify technology opportunities in

support of the Canadian Forces Soldier Modernization Effort.

Participation in the Soldier Systems TRM is free and voluntary and open to Canadian

and international manufacturing, services, and technology-based companies of all sizes,

and to researchers and other experts from academia, government, and not-for-profit

research organizations from Canada and around the world.

The focus of the Soldier Systems TRM—the soldier system—is defined within NATO as

the integration of everything the soldier wears, carries and consumes for enhanced

individual and collective (small unit) capability within the national command and control

structure. It centers on the needs of the dismounted soldier, who is often away from the

supply network and must be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours.

The overarching goal of the Soldier Systems TRM is to understand how today's

technology—and tomorrow's—might contribute to a superior soldier system that

increases capacities and operational effectiveness for the individual soldier in the five

NATO capability areas of Command, Control, Communications, Computers and

Intelligence (C4I); Survivability; Mobility; Lethality; and Sustainability.

The Soldier Systems TRM exercise is governed by an Executive Steering Committee

made up of government and industry representatives, and includes technical

subcommittees dedicated to each capability area.

For information about any aspect of the Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap project,

visit http://www.soldiersystems-systemesdusoldat.collaboration.gc.ca

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C4I/Sensors and the Roadmap

C4I/Sensors1 was the fourth workshop held as part

of the development phase of the Soldier Systems

TRM. (Figure 1. C4I/Sensors and the Soldier

Systems TRM). The first two days of the workshop

focused on C4I, and the third day on sensors.

C4I/Sensors and the Soldier System

As with all of the Soldier Systems TRM workshops,

the focus of the C4I/Sensors workshop was on the

needs of the dismounted soldier. C4I and sensors

play a critical role in meeting those needs with a

soldier system. They are the key to providing

networked situational awareness at the dismounted

soldier and small team level.

This, in turn, is critical for precise navigation;

information exchange, storage and retrieval; target

acquisition; and intra and interconnectivity between

soldiers, leaders, weapons systems, and a range of

factors associated with awareness of what is

happening in the field.

C4I and sensors can be defined in different ways.

To ensure that participants came to the workshop

with a shared understanding of the workshop's

purpose and scope, and of key definitions related to

C4I/Sensors, participants were sent basic definitions

and other information in advance of the workshop.

The full information is provided in Appendix B,

C4I/Sensors Scope Definition. A brief summary of

the information follows.

1 C4I stands for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence.

Figure 1. C4I/Sensors and the Soldier Systems TRM

5. Technical




Visioning & Future Capabilities

(Held in June 2009)

2. Technical Workshop:


3. Technical Workshop:

Weapons: Lethal & Non-Lethal

4. Technical



6. Technical Workshop:


& Footwear/Load Carriage

7. Technical Workshop:

Human & Systems Integration


Roadmap Integration

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C4I/Sensors Definitions

The acronym C4I stands for "command, control, communications, computers, and


Command and control is about decision-making, the exercise of direction by a properly

designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of a

mission. Information, computers and communications technologies support command

and control, and are used to achieve information superiority. C4I systems provide also

tools to improve commanders with situational awareness—information about the location

and status of enemy and friendly forces.

Command and control (C2)—The exercise of authority and direction by a properly

designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the

mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of

personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a

commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in

the accomplishment of the mission.

Command—The authority that a commander in the Armed Forces lawfully exercises

over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. Command includes the authority and

responsibility for effectively using available resources and for planning the employment

of, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling military forces for the

accomplishment of assigned missions and meet the commander intent.

Computing and communications—Two pervasive enabling technologies that support

C2 and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Computers and communications

process and transport information.

Control—Authority which may be less than full command exercised by a commander

over part of the activities of subordinate or other organizations. Physical or psychological

pressures exerted with the intent to assure that an agent or group will respond as


Intelligence (I)—The product resulting from the collection, processing, integration,

analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign

countries or areas. Information and knowledge about an adversary obtained through

observation, investigation, analysis, or understanding.

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The Workshop Process

The goal of the C4I/Sensors Workshop was to:

1. Identify and validate the future C4I and sensor capabilities required by the

dismounted soldier.

2. Identify the functionalities that can meet those capabilities, and the challenges

associated with developing them.

3. Identify the technologies that must be developed to meet the challenges and

address the needed functionalities.

4. Identify R&D priority areas and collaborations to be the focus of technology

development efforts in the context of the Soldier Systems TRM.

To achieve this goal, the workshop followed a carefully designed process (Figure 2. The

Technical Roadmapping Process) using a series of presentations and working sessions.

This document summarizes those presentations and the results of the working sessions,

following the structure of the workshop agenda (See Appendix A. Workshop Agenda).

Figure 2. The Technical Roadmapping Process

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C4I/Sensors Workshop Introduction

The workshop started with a series of introductory presentations designed to familiarize

participants with the technical roadmapping process and with soldier systems.

Abstracts of those presentations follow. The full presentations are provided in Volume 2,

C4I/Sensors Slide Decks, Day 1 of 3—C4I. They are also available in the Innovation

Collaboration and Exchange Environment (ICee) tool, which is accessible from the

Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap web site: http://www.soldiersystems-


Introductory Presentation Abstracts

Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap Development and Implementation

Phases, Mr. G. Nimmo (IC)

Defines and provides an

overview of the technology

roadmapping process.

Describes other Canadian

roadmapping experiences.

Outlines the Soldier Systems

TRM Project, including its

objectives and the roles of

industry and government.

Describes Soldier Systems

TRM project enablers, including

the workshops, the Innovation

Collaboration and Exchange

Environment (ICee) database

and wiki, and roadmapping software.

Lists project stakeholders. Outlines the governance framework and lists the C4I

technical subcommittee members. Describes roadmap activities and schedules. Makes

clear that roadmapping is about better planning, and is not part of the procurement

process. Provides success snapshots associated with the Soldier Systems TRM to date.

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Soldier Systems Modernization Effort Update and Return on Power/Energy

Workshop, LCol M.A. Bodner (DRDC)

Describes C4I technologies

evolution. Outlines next-

generation soldier needs.

Provides definitions of C4ISR

and soldier systems, including

the C4ISR NATO Definition:

The provision of information

and intelligence that enables

decision superiority necessary

to execute the Commander's

Intent, along with the

appropriate level of situational

awareness, to the point of

achieving the desired effect.

Describes Canadian Forces Objective Force 2028 Vision. Outlines C4I/Sensor

initiatives, future capability vision, and army strategy. Describes the soldier

modernization effort and the integrated soldier "system of systems." Outlines soldier

systems R& D history.

Describes core C4I/Sensor

capabilities and future


Places the soldier system in the

context of the world stage.

Summarizes global market

opportunities. Places the

Soldier Systems TRM project in

the context of the preceding

soldier systems efforts.

Describes outcomes of the

Power and Energy Workshop

held Sept 21-23, 2009.

Summarizes future soldier systems challenges. Describes the pre-eminent place of the

soldier in Canadian Forces combat systems.

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Overview of DRDC R&D Strategy and Program, Dr. G. Vézina (DRDC)

Outlines the "Canada First"

strategy of DRDC (Defence

Research and Development

Canada) and the Land R&D

Program. Outlines the strategy

direction. Describes Defence

R&D Canada partners.

Explains how science and

technology can help solve

defence and security problems.

Outlines technologies that can

lead to advantages or

disadvantages. Lists defence

S&T partner groups, thrusts,

and themes. Describes new

related DRDC initiatives.

Focus Days Program and Process, Return on Visioning Workshop: C4I

Elements, Mr. P. Carr (SRG)

Defines a technology roadmap

(TRM). Outlines its principles.

Describes its three phases.

Provides an overview of the

TRM process.

Describes the objectives of the

C4I/Sensors workshop.

Outlines progress made in past

Soldier Systems TRM

workshops. Outlines the

logistics of the workshop,

including the working session


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Part I. Soldier Systems C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence)

1. Soldier Systems C4I Deficiencies, Vision, Themes/Needs and Goals

This chapter provides abstracts of the presentations that focused on C4I deficiencies,

vision, needs and goals, and describes C4I Breakaway Session 1. The Vision.

C4I Session 1 Presentation Abstracts

1.1 Overview of Current Soldier Systems Equipment and C4I

Deficiencies, Capt. A. Dionne (DND)

Points out that critical

deficiencies exist in the area of

C4I, and that deficiencies in this

and other areas must be

addressed holistically.

Describes the communications

equipment available to the

soldier of today. Outlines

deficiencies/gaps in the areas

of command, sense, and action.

Describes the scenario of a

platoon of soldiers entering,

passing through, and exiting a

village, and the C4I issues they

face along the way (see "Demonstration of the Need for C4I in the Field," on the next

page). Concludes with a description of the Future "GAP" in the 2015-2020 timeframe.

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Demonstration of the Need for C4I in the Field

Included in Captain Dionne's

presentation was a

demonstration of the scenario. It

followed the progress of a team

of soldiers entering, passing

through, and exiting a village.

The team, led by Captain

Dionne, whose call signal was

"One One," was divided into

three sections with call signals

"One One Alpha, One One

Beta, and One One Charlie". A

commander for each section

was chosen from the workshop


The platoon commander

described how the platoon would

progress through the village—

entering from the southwest,

passing through the main

square, and exiting to the south

east. The sections were

separated by about 5-10 meters

distance between soldiers.

Captain Dionne described how

the soldiers in the sections,

separated as they are by

distance and buildings, have

limited situational awareness.

Their information is limited by the

briefing at the start of the day,

the map provided to them, and what they can see based on their order in the sections.

Captain Dionne described the situation of the point man at the head of section 1—in a

busy village, with people nearby, children trying to get candy from him, mopeds passing

him, and other activity taking place around him.

Figure 3. Three sections of dismounted soldiers proceed through a village

Figure 4. The sections are separated geographically, and the soldiers can't all see each other

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A confrontation

At this point, a volunteer dressed in battle gear took the role of the point soldier, who

knows the rules of engagement and has to determine what is a threat and what is not as

he leads the section through the


When a villager approaches

carrying what appears to be a

weapon, the soldier sends the

radio message that he has made

contact, and shouts at the villager

to show his hands.

Section 3 only gets a portion of

Section 1's message, because of

obstacles to transmission

involving direct line of sight—they

hear "One One Alpha" and know

only that something is happening.

Section 2 stops, but doesn't see

what is happening.

Section 1 is taking position to help the point man do his job. The point man is trying to

engage the villager, asking him to show he is not a threat. The soldier knows he could

be dealing with a member of the civilian police force, a local employee of a security

organization, or a possible threat. He continues to try to get the person to respond.

When he gets no response to several attempts, he shows a more aggressive posture

and tells the villager to put his rifle on the ground. The villager then pulls out a handgun

to try to shoot the soldier, and the soldier is forced to take action to neutralize the target.

Throughout the encounter, Section 2 had no visual, so it doesn't know what has

happened. They will try to get as close as possible to assess the situation. The section

leader has to see what is happening and what might happen in order to build a plan and

communicate it to the soldiers in his section, to Sections 1 and 3, and to headquarters.

At headquarters, someone is trying to determine exactly where the soldiers are, and

what is happening. The platoon commander knows he has one section engaged, and

has to reach the third section and pass along that information.

Figure 5.The point man in section 1 encounters what appears to be a villager with a weapon

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What is happening?

All of the soldiers are asking "What is happening?"

To answer that question, they need information. Where is everyone? What are they

doing? Where are they going?

The section leaders, who can feel very alone and can be faced with long lead times to

get assets, have to anticipate what the platoon commander will be asking, and what the

plan will be to respond to the situation.

The need for C4I

Captain Dionne summed up the demonstration by emphasizing the need for better C4I

capabilities to operate more effectively in the demonstration situation and similar

encounters. It set the scene for the questions that workshop participants would be asked

to address over the next three days:

What needs does the soldier have that this demonstration points out?

What is the C4I vision for the soldier?

What functionalities must the soldier have?

What technologies can provide those functionalities?

What research and development must be done to develop the needed


Who has the capabilities to do the work?

Who can work together to realize the vision?

How long will it take?

More to come ...

Captain Dionne concluded by pointing out the triangle at the bottom of the first

demonstration slide (Figure 3. Three sections of dismounted soldiers proceed through a

village), and promising that it would be explained in a further demonstration, later in the

workshop (See "Demonstration of the Need for Sensors in the Field, in Part II. Soldier

Sensor Systems).

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1.2 Future Soldier C4I Capabilities Requirements, Mr.P. Comtois (DND)

Provides a vision statement for

C4I. Describes constraints and

limitations associated with C4I.

Outlines C4I functional and

performance requirements in a

range of theme areas that were

described to workshop

participants in a handout.

Concludes that the C4I vision

and requirements are

continuously evolving, and that

solutions must involve many

disciplines and require

involvement by many



Luncheon Speaker: Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (MERS): Trends and

Initiatives for Infantry C4I Systems, Mrs. S. Torfin (USMC)

Describes the Marine

Expeditionary Rifle Squad

(MERS) mission, and

methodology. Provides a

description of marine infantry

battalions, and a snapshot of

their deployment process.

Outlines current operations.

Explains the types of radios

deployed by MERS for various

missions. Provides feedback on

the quality of C4I from marine

infantry battalions. Outlines

future plans for C4I and soldier



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C4I Breakaway Session 1. C4I Needs—the Vision

The objectives of the first working session were to:

Discuss the overall vision of how DND/CF intends to meet the dismounted

soldier's C4I needs

Set a focal point for some of the C4I "theme" areas

Inputs to C4I Working Session 1

Working session inputs included the preceding presentations, and the participants pre-

existing knowledge based on their areas of expertise.

Before working session 1, participants were asked to sit with people from other

organizations, with a maximum of 3 non-industry participants at each table (coloured

cards indicated non-industry participants and helped ensure the required groupings at

each table). Participants were also asked to choose a leader and a recorder for the

discussion that was to follow.

In addition to the presentations that preceded the working session, the workshop

participants were given the following inputs:

A description of C4ISR Vision and Future Capability Requirements

A copy of participant input from the C4I/Sensors Visioning Breakout Session at

the Soldier Systems TRM Visioning Workshop held in June 2009

A vision statement

Instructions to follow during the discussion

Each of these is included on the following pages of this report.

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Participant Input from the Visioning Workshop Held in June, 2009

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Participant Input from the Visioning Workshop Held in June, 2009 (continued)

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A Vision Statement

The following vision statement was provided to workshop participants prior to working

session 1:

In the next 10 to 20 years, the soldier should be capable of obtaining a complete

relevant picture of an operation based on the current situation with 99% confidence

in the information accuracy in near real time within a transparent solution from a

weight, volume and cognitive load perspective.

Working Session 1 Instructions

The workshop participants were give the following instructions:

After introductions, please spend about 20 minutes on each exercise:

1. Answer the question: Is the C4I vision sufficient? (i.e., is there an important

dimension that hasn't been mentioned? Is it ambitious enough?)

2. Have your table pick two of the C4I "themes" that were discussed. Develop a

"vision" for one theme, and then again for the other (e.g., With respect to C4I, in

3 years, the dismounted soldier would be able to...; in 5 years, the dismounted

soldier would be able to ...; in 10 years...). Be as precise and quantified as


For report-back purposes, summarize your table's discussion on the flipchart

provided. Also summarize the discussion on the laminated sheet provided at each


Results of C4I Working Session 1

Following the table discussions, a facilitated report-back was held, during which selected

tables presented their results and participants were invited to comment and ask

questions. The laminated sheets that participants at each table filled out to summarize

their discussions were collected. A summary of their contents follows. The detailed

content for each table, see Appendix D. Working Session 1 Participant Input.

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Is the C4I Vision Sufficient?

Vision statement lacks any mention of survivability or stealth.

Confiance de 99.9% semble idéaliste. Bon objectif, mais il faudrait place a une marge manœuvre plus grande

Better definition of use of robotics in terms of their use and outcomes

Vision timeframes are too long (3 years instead of 5)

The statement is too generic and requires elements of situation / context / interconnectivity

Vision statement needs clarity on the word ―transparent‖

Vision is overambitious in how it is measured. To achieve 99% confidence amounts to increased inputs, costs and redundancies.

Systems evolution requires standard interfaces between components to allow individual small upgrades

Vision statement is sufficient

Missing a networked concept to extend beyond the soldier.

More detail is needed in what is relevant for the soldier, to answer if this vision is ambitious enough

Vision scope is too large for timeline (incremental growth is 5-10 years while disruptive growth is 15+ years)

How do we define 99% Confidence?

How to ensure that industry will co-operate (open source, propriety, etc…)?

15 years is too far out due to the rapid change of technology – the next 5-10 years is more realistic

Vision statement lacked the fundamentals of a push/pull concept that would support technology/concept evolution (i.e. ‗Obtain‘ vs. ‗Collaborate‘ on complete relevant picture)

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Vision Statements

Increased capability that cannot compromise user‘s position, increase risk of attack, or reduce lethality.

A heavy enterprise solution which is mission specific and takes into consideration ITSEC.

Surcharge de poids : régaler ce problème en intégrant plusieurs fonctions dans un même équipement. Équipe multidisciplinaire doit travailler sur un même produit

Correction a l’énonce: ―obtenir un portrait pertinent au rôle de chacun‘

Information management hierarchy diffusion :

o SA definition

o BFT definition

o Colleagues for information requires definition

Application capability:

o To deliver CM information capability with accuracy and reliability

o Vision is too broad and required the highest confidence for decision takers instead of 99%

o Obtain and use complete relevant picture and a need to integrate human factors

Human Interfaces :

o The soldier should be able to interchange the suite of technologies


o Introduction of commercial technologies to the dismounted tactical domain (i.e. customization, carbon nanotechnology)

Vision Statement:

To achieve this vision depends on the time horizon envisioned. Issues to be considered include

o 99% confidence is overly ambitions

o Cognitive load

o Ergonomics—sustainability/combat applications

o Prioritization

In 3-5 years we can achieve 1 meter/1 second accuracy with GPS for all

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Vision Statements (continued)

For non-GPS, we can achieve the same capability

In the next 5-10 years, the soldier will be capable of accessing high fidelity (i.e. good enough to make a decision), relevant operating data with an appropriate level of confidence in near real-time using compact, light-weight, seamlessly integrated operator-friendly technologies.

Issues to be considered for such an ambitious plan:

o Ability to effectively integrate devices

o Information overload

o Filter for COI

o Ability to provide only relevant information

o Ensure/ Improve Reliability

Advancement must provide immediate access to relevant information used for real-time situations.

Information must be interactive for all users


o evolution/ characterization/ generations of capability

Security: Increasing confidence in system

o Increased capability that cannot compromise user‘s position, increase risk of attack, or reduce lethality.

o A heavy enterprise solution which is mission specific and takes into consideration ITSEC.

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How current is the data, refresh rate


Need for better picture definition (i.e. day/night vision, target ID, tracking, etc…)

Data Transfer:

Need to addresses ability to send data and not just receive it


Ensure that soldiers are active participants in the transmission of data and not just end recipients of information.


Provide SA of unmapped areas/regions and share locations with allies in NATO standard language 3 year – GPS in radio/satellites 5 year – GPS Denial 10 year – Partial reliance of air/space signals


3 year – Secure voice, data and GPS at a rate of 7Mbps

5 year – Secure voice, data, GPS and delivered by an ad hoc system at a rate of 20Mbps

Intégration Information et Connaissances :

Manque de temps

Interface usage:

5ans: Maximiser intégration au niveau textile (par exemple: écran flexible sur avant-bras).

5ans : Vision interactive; Partage champ de vision accessibilité des différents points de vue, adaptables en fonction des rôles.

15ans : Optimiser l‘utilisation des 5 ans (Un seul afficher pour les 5 sens)


Data modelling

Adaptive equipment

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Themes (continued)


Appropriate information is accurate

Communication to appropriate colleagues


Need BLUE vs. RED forces tracking

Combination of GPS and other FFID technologies to ensure enemy neutralization in GPS denied zones.

Human Interfaces :

3 years: to use in one place; present technology multifazed;

5 years: BAA in one place


Adaptable wave forms – definite radio ad hoc network (i.e. each soldier is a relay).


3 years : Transparent regrouping

5 years : MILS / CDS

10 years : Multiband conveyance (LOS/BLOS)


3 years ; 1 meter/1 second locator at a cost effective price

5 years: 3 axis (altitude, longitude, latitude)

10 years: Simultaneous location mapping


3 years: Reliable encrypted data and voice communications to soldier

5 years: Combined PRMS integration 10 years: Wireless PAN


A multi-technology solution (i.e. GPS, DR, Inertial Azimuth, Triangulation, TOA, DMC, MEMS)

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Themes (continued)

Information Integration and Situational Awareness:

Soldiers networked together to combine information for location

Architectural standards for Industry

Integration of cutting edge technologies within 5 years

Ensure pace is kept by Defence Industry with commercial progress / technologies

Information Management:

Who controls information, controls access, how to prevent information overload?


10-15years 1meter/1second, GPS independent


5 years: Device to convert data from any device into any format required by user (to be done at national level, not JIMP)

10-15 years – device to be made available at JIMP.


Immediate GPS knowledge

Solution biometrics

Alternative solutions should satellite signals be lost

Human Interface Evolution:

PDA with GPS evolving to Goggles/sun glasses head-up display (similar to DARPA Ultras-Vis)

Holographic 3D display to know where you and your colleagues are within the terrain

Displays and Interfaces integrated into textiles

Auditory augmentation with protected hearing


5 years : Push location; receive SA

10 years : Receive filtered target; push : push into production

15 years : Receive : target fusion; producers as well as agents; enhanced soldier logistics for ammo types/levels and health


avoid security compromise – compromised SA will result in rejection of the system

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2. C4I Objectives, Driving Elements, Barriers, and Technical Challenges

This chapter provides abstracts of the presentations preceding the second working

session, and describes Working Session 2: The Challenges.

C4I Session 2 Presentation Abstracts

2.1 Overview of Army IM Strategy and C4IST Concept,

Mr. S. Hoag (DLCI-3)

Outlines the scope and

strategic environment evolution

of land forces C4ISR.

Describes key gaps.

Summaries strategy to 2028,

including four main thrust

areas—Governance and

compliance, Institutionalization

and sustainability, Capability

development and integration,

and Interoperability—and how

each will be addressed.

2.2 Soldier C4I Systems

Development Trends & Technical Challenges: an Industry

Perspective, Mr. L. O'Neill

(Industry Co-Chair)

Provides an industry

perspective on Soldier Systems

C4I. Describes what industry is

hearing, technical challenges

for information exchange—

including the soldier as a

sensor, easy connectivity,

support for standard interfaces,

and more. Describes what

industry needs to know.

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C4I Breakaway Session 2: The Challenges & Functionalities

The objectives of the second working session were to discuss:

The functionalities required to "move forward" within a theme area

The technological barriers/challenges to moving forward in that theme area

Inputs to C4I Working Session 2

Prior to the second working session, the workshop tables were organized by these six


1. Communication

2. Human interfaces

3. Geo-location

4. Integration

5. Interoperability

6. Security

Participants were asked to choose a table that corresponded to their domain of expertise

or interest.

Working Session 2 Instructions

The following instructions were provided to guide the discussion:

1. For your theme, set out some of the main "vision" characteristics.

2. To achieve that vision, what functionalities need to be provided to the soldier?

What would be a quantifiable objective for that functionality?

3. Identify the main technological obstacles/barriers/challenges that need to be

overcome, so that the functionality can be provided to the soldier.

A laminated working sheet was provided for each table to record the results of their


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Results of C4I Working Session 2

Following discussions at the tables, a facilitated report-back was held, during which

selected tables presented their results. Participants were invited to comment and ask


The laminated sheets that participants completed (see example) were collected from

each table.

Figure 6. Example of completed worksheet for C4I Session 2

Based on the discussions that took place during the breakaway sessions, and the

collected input, fifteen main technical challenges were identified, grouped into the six

theme areas. The content was retained to be used in the next working session, during

which participants would propose potential solutions to address the challenges.

Figure 7 lists the challenges associated with each theme area. The detailed participant

input used to generate this summary is provided in Appendix E, C4I Working Session 2

Participant Worksheets.

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Figure 7. C4I Challenges Determined from Breakaway Session 2 Participant Responses

For detailed content of the working sheets, see Appendix E., C4I Working Session 2 Participant Worksheets

Challenge Theme

1. Lack of UI configurability/usability C4I Human Interfaces

2. Overcoming infection/comfort-related to C4I equipment

C4I Human Interfaces

3. Denied signal environment Communication

4. Inability to scan and use a range of frequencies


5. Spectrum availability Communication

6. Effective language recognition (including language/cultural AI)

C4I Human Interfaces

7. Lack of standards/agreed guidelines Interoperability/Integration

8. Power/energy limitations

9. Poor signature management Communication

10. Detecting and overcoming jamming/spoofing


11. Inability to configure C4I devices to context (functional)

C4I Human Interfaces/Integration

12. Inability to configure C4I devices to context (cross-domain, interoperability, security)


13. Over-reliance on technology solutions (no longer training the fundamentals)

C4I Human Interfaces

14. Poor bandwidth/capacity management Communication

15. Lack of High Performance User Interface Characteristics C4I Human Interfaces/

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Other Presentations

Collaboration Tool (ICee) Presentation, Mrs. M. Huard (IC/DND)

Provides an overview of the

Innovation Collaboration and

Exchange Environment (ICee),

a database and wiki that

supports the Soldier Systems

Technology Roadmap and can

be accessed at the roadmap's

web site. Explains the

objectives and concepts of the

ICee. Defines the wiki and

explains its importance for the

Soldier Systems TRM. Outlines

advantages for participants.

Describes steps that

participants can take to start using the ICee.

Overview of IRB Program, Ms. Nathalie Couture, Senior Manager, Industrial

and Regional Benefits

Policy (IC)

An update on offset policy in

Canada. Describes

enhancements to Canada's

Industrial and Regional Benefits

(IRB) Policy. Explains that the

program is client-driven and

market-driven. Outlines the

rationale for policy review.

Describes alignment of the key

drivers. Provides background

on the updating of Canada's

Offset Policy, the direction of

the policy, policy enhancements, and IRB opportunities under the Soldier Systems TRM.


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3. Potential Solutions/Options and Related Technologies

This chapter provides abstracts of the presentations that preceded the third breakaway

session, and describes Breakaway Session 3: Potential Solutions and C4I Technologies.

C4I Session 3 Presentation Abstracts

3.1 NATO LCG1 Soldier

C4I Architecture &

Symbology, Mr. C.

Lemelin (DND)

Summarizes NATO's approach

to Soldier Systems. Explains

the key is interoperability.

Describes interoperability

challenge, and the NATO

outlook to 2035. Outlines

lessons learned. Lists reasons

to migrate to XML as a

standard. Outlines a solution in

the making, including addressing systems architecture and security.

3.2 Soldier Communication & Software Radio Technologies: State-of-

the-Art Overview, Mr. J. Schelsak (CRC)

An overview of soldier radio

communications, including

description of tactical mobile ad-

hoc network, target

characteristics, and current

soldier radio communications.

Describes challenges

associated with design, key

technologies, radio spectrum.

Discusses adaptive radio and

adaptive channel aggregation,

MIMO systems and measured

channel MIMI capacity.

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Provides overview of networking techniques to support advanced radio. Discusses

software defined radio (SDR) and interoperability and implementation challenges.

3.3 Applications of Novel Biometrics Technologies to Soldier C4I

Systems, Dr. Q. Xiao (DRDC)

Describes biometric basics.

Outlines CF/DND biometric

activities. Describes common

access card (CAC) and its five

core areas. Describes

automated biometric

identification system (ABIS),

biometrics automated toolset

(BAT), and handheld

interagency identity detection

equipment (HIIDE). Outlines

US Navy biometric system and

describes future USN biometric

device. Describes smart gun.

Outlines possible biometrics to be embedded within the future soldier system.

3.4 Soldier Navigation Technologies in Complex Environment: State-of-

the-Art Overview, Mr. J. Bird (DRDC)

Describes soldier navigation in

complex environments, and

why it is so difficult. Provides

information about global

navigation satellite systems

(GNSS), the new military M-

Code GPS signal, and GNSS

limitations. Discusses

integration with other sensors.

Provides overview of NATO

RTO study. Describes a

number of systems and

devices associated with soldier


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3.5 Human Factors Lessons Learned about C4I Interfaces for Soldiers,

Maj. L. Bossi (DND), Ed Nakaza, Sr Consultant, HumanSystems


Describes human factors

lessons learned and C4I

requirements with regard to

human factors. Discusses

digital maps, messaging, and

reporting, visual display

hardware alternatives, and

tactical cuing at night.

Describes possible input

devices and weapon-mounted

controls. Introduces potential

future soldier C4I control

devices. Describes future

soldier C4I interface research


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Luncheon speaker: NSERC: Overview of NSERC Research Partnerships

Programs, Mrs. M. Michalska

An overview of the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and

its partnership programs. Outlines its budget, strategy for partnership and innovation.

Describes a four-point plan for industry-university collaborations, seven strategic target

areas. Outlines a range of grants available through NSERC, including interaction grants,

engage grants, and collaborative R&D grants. Discusses eligibility requirements.

Describes NSERC-related research chairs in Canadian universities. Explains "idea to

innovation (I2I)" concept.


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C4I Breakaway Session 3: C4I Technologies/Solutions

The objectives of the third working session were to discuss:

The specific technologies to work on to solve the C4I technical challenges

The time horizons for developing those technologies

Inputs to C4I Working Session 3

Before working session 3, the technical obstacles and challenges that each table of

participants described on laminated forms during working session 2 were analyzed and

used to define the challenges (see figure x) with the themes under which they apply.

Instructions to Participants

One of the walls of the conference room was divided into a grid, with the fourteen

challenges along the top, and time periods (5 years, 10 years, more than 10 years)

along the side.

Participants were provided

with pre-printed sticky notes

to fill in, like the example

shown here, and asked to

stick them on the wall under

the challenge they


They were also given red and

green coloured sticky dots,

and these instructions:

Use the sticky notes

and go up to the wall

and populate the

columns with

―solutions‖ for that column, contributing technologies and their time horizons

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You have 3 sticky notes:

o Fill them in at your table

o Using the coloured dots supplied, colour-code them to indicate your 1st,

2nd and 3rd, indicating relative ―potential for progress":

Green = highest potential

Red = second highest potential

articipants were also asked to summarize the results of the sticky

notes for their table, using a laminated form provided:

The questions they were asked to address using the stickies were:

1. What technologies need to be worked on to overcome the challenges?

2. What would be the relative ranking of these technologies in terms of potential for


3. What would be the time horizon for developing each technology?

Figure 8. Example of a completed sticky from sensor working session 1

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Results of C4I Working Session 3

The stickies were collected and used to plot the distribution shown in Figures 7 and 8.

Figure 7 shows distribution by challenge and potential for progress. From left to

right, the columns for each challenge area represent high potential for progress,

medium potential for progress, and potential for progress left blank

Figure 8, shows distribution by challenge and timeframe (by the years 2015 and

2020) and includes a third column where no timeframe was specified

For detailed contents of the stickies used to generate these tables, see Appendix F., C4I

Working Session 3 Participant Stickies.

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Figure 9. Distribution of C4I stickies on the wall by challenge and potential for progress

From left to right, the columns for each challenge area represent high potential for progress, medium potential for

progress, and potential for progress left blank.

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Figure 10. Distribution of C4I stickies on the wall by challenge and timeframe

From left to right, the columns for each challenge area represent the time frame in which progress can be expected: by

2015, by 2020, and timeframe left blank.

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4. Technology Gaps and Collaboration Opportunities

This chapter provides abstracts of the presentations that preceded the fourth breakaway

session, and describes Breakaway Session 4: C4I Priorities and Collaborations.

C4I Session 4 Presentation Abstracts

4.1 Unattended Ground Sensors: State-of-the-Art Overview, Mr. B.

Ricard (DRDC) & Mrs L. Lamont (CRC)

Describes unattended ground sensor (UGS) technology. Explains what UGS is, why it is

used, and its benefits. Provides a state-of-the-art overview of UGS, including sensing

and networking aspects. Describes multi-hop ad hoc networking and clustering. Outlines

development trends, technical challenges, and gaps to fill. Presents a multi-day scenario

for UGS technology and the dismounted soldier.

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C4I Breakaway Session 4: Priorities and Collaborators

The objectives of working session 4 were to:

Choose the highest priority technologies to work on

Identify collaborators that should be involved in working on the technologies

Inputs to C4I Working Session 4

The workshop participants were asked to answer two questions:

1. Which technologies does it make sense to work on first? Why?

2. Whom would it make sense to involve in that collaboration for any variety of


To provide their answers, participants were instructed to:

1. Highlight three (3) lines on the tables they had completed in working session 3, to

indicate these are the highest-priority technologies to work on

2. List the collaborators they believe should be involved in working on these priority


Results of C4I Working Session 4

The following table summarizes the participant input from the breakaway session. To

reiterate, this content is the result of

It indicates 40 technology focused projects that should be undertaken in priority to

address the technical challenges identified in session 2. Some of the key players or

collaborators that could contribute to the development of these technologies have also

been indicated.

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Figure 11. 40 Key Technologies to Research, and Suggested Key Players


Number, if Noted More than Once Key Players

1. Wireless Networking Industry

General Dynamics

Lockheed Martin

Regent Technology

2. Mobile Ad-Hoc network (TLR 3) Industry

Radio Systems Developers

Network System Developers Ericsson

Communications Research Centre

Network / Research Centres of Excellence

3. Satellite with frequency scanning to send out multiple frequencies - user's interface also scans

2 Wireless Industry

Mining Industry

Geomatics Industry

IT Security Industry

UAV Industry


4. Frequency agile transceivers Research labs



5. Software development (TRL 3) 4 DND

Mobile Device Developers

Militarized Display Companies

6. Speech recognition 2 Nuance – speech software manufacturers

Commercial GPS Providers

Military GPS Providers

7. Voice/Language recognition software (TRL 5).

4 Universities

Software developers

Radio developers

8. Adaptive radio frequency 2 Spectrum Regulators

Radio Manufacturers

Spectrum Users


9. Artificial Intelligence , simulation, machine learning (TLR 5-6)


Militarized Display Developers

Mobile Device Companies

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Figure 11. 40 Key Technologies to Research, and Suggested Key Players


Number, if Noted More than Once Key Players

10. Flexible rollable OLED display




Large LED Manufacturers

11. Optical communication (ad hoc). (TRL 3).



Optical communication companies / researchers

12. Optical interface, tactile interface. Academia


User Interface / Output / Display Hardware Developers

13. Know what standards already exist and are relevant (TRL N/A)




14. Development of AI content of C4I to perform coarse GUI adjustment with operator fine adjustment (TRL 7)

DRDC Valcariter


Subject matter experts

15. Optimization algorithms with robust cost functions (TLR 6)

Communications Research Centre

Rockwell Collins

Harris Corporation

Telecommunication companies

16. Network monitoring dynamic priority based allocation (TLR 8)

Communications Research Centre

Rockwell Collins

Harris Corporation

Telecommunication companies

17. Tactical micro UAVs, improved MANET solutions matched to SWRs (TRL 6)

Communications Research Centre

Rockwell Collins

Harris Corporation

Telecommunication companies

18. Laser rangefinder, target locators with covert comms (TRL 6).


Communication researchers

Optics researcher


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Figure 11. 40 Key Technologies to Research, and Suggested Key Players


Number, if Noted More than Once Key Players

19. Digital fused visible & near IR and possibly thermal technologies

Night Vision Laboratories

DRDC Valcartier


Laval University

20. Li Battery, solar, bio-mech generation and capacitors + to store defined energy level.

4 Research in Motion


Rockwell Collins

21. New material development + (organic). Photo voltaic organic material. (TRL 2).

Groupe CTT


Solar Energy Harvesting Companies

22. Fuel cell, wireless power (electromagnetic radiation).

4 Energy / Power Research Institutions

Power Generation Industry

23. MIMO – Multiple Input Multiple Output





24. Fielding the capability within the acquisition timeframe – obsolescence avoidance

Research in Motion


Rockwell Collins

25. Alternative Energy Source Solar, Biochemical Processes, Energy Harvesting of motion and residual heat


Ballard Power

Texas Instruments

Analog device producers

26. Algorithm Fractal Application Mapping Awareness

DRDC Valcartier


Subject matter experts

27. Artificial intelligence for detecting user context and info push

DRDC Valcartier


Subject matter experts

28. Active RF Power Control Commercial wireless manufacturers




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Figure 11. 40 Key Technologies to Research, and Suggested Key Players


Number, if Noted More than Once Key Players

29. Higher degree of soldier hw system integration continuing miniaturization efficiency in components


Power / Electronic industry

Battery producers

30. Make content and context based security filters which can be accepted and certified by NSA and NATO

DRDC Toronto

C4I companies

31. Power combination: chemical-battery-bio-kinetics-low power computing

Research Institutes

Electro-textile companies

Space Agencies

Companies developing / using mobile energy

Wireless power developers / researchers

32. Micro nuclear energy reactor Research Institutes

Electro-textile companies

Space Agencies

Companies developing / using mobile energy

Wireless power developers / researchers

33. Bidirectional neural interface Electro textile companies

Research Institutes

New material developers / processor companies

34. Sustainable Power Generation Tech


Textile companies


Research Organizations

35. Data centric comms. Software Developers


Research Organizations

Banking Industry

36. Open source approach (std) CLS

Innovation Collaboration Environment



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Figure 11. 40 Key Technologies to Research, and Suggested Key Players


Number, if Noted More than Once Key Players

37. Smart Power Management Battery Companies

Fuel Cell Companies

Power Harvesting Companies

IT Companies



ITT Corporation


Rockwell Collins

General Dynamics

CHI Systems

Draper Labs


38. Visual display WDR Camera Physiological Researchers

Physio - Physical Researchers

Display Manufacturers

39. Meta-data exchange/practice Academia

40. Defining intelligent default: PDA I-Phone type platform with robust development frameworks



Mobile Device Companies

Militarized Display Companies

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5. ICee Contest Winner Presentations

In advance of the C4I/Sensors workshop, four names were drawn from a list of

organizations that contributed content to the ICee database or wiki. Each was then given

the change to present at the workshop. This chapter provides abstracts of those


Rapid Intervention Tracking System, 3D RFID TAC

Describes the RFID TAC

Access Control™ system for

advanced real time location

(RILS) technology. Explains

the RFID TAC difference and

the RFID TAC wireless grid.

Summarizes field testing

results and presents

conclusions. Describes RITS

for first responders and for the


innUVative Systems, Mr. Mike Meakin

An overview of Mr. Meakin's

background, which includes

eight years as a combat

systems engineering officer.

Describes elements of the 4CE

Control Station©, its history,

and the problem it addresses.

Explains how the solution

reduces risk to the soldier in a

number of ways, including by

providing organic air capability,

SUAV/MAV as precision

munitions, combined UGV/UAV

combat operations, and more.

Discusses counter IED operations and simplified interfaces.

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MicroDAGR, Rockwell Collins

Describes the MicroDAGR

handheld GPS, including

current features and potential

future enhancements. Provides

overview of the front, back, and

sides of the MicroDAGR. Shows

the main menu, as well as

pages for present position,

compass, map, mark waypoint,

planning, and setup.

Newtrax, Low Energy UGS Mesh Networks for Persistent Surveillance in

Remote Areas

Gives an overview of the

Newtrax L1 network. Describes

typical problems with UGS

deployments. Explains how L1

addresses the problems and is a

cost-effective solution. Provides

examples of deployment

scenarios, including a trail

scenario and waterfront


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Part II. Soldier Sensors Systems

Introduction to Soldier Sensors

Part II describes activities on day 3 of the workshop, which focused on soldier systems


Introductory Presentation Abstract

The day started with welcome and opening remarks from Mr. Geoff Nimmo of Industry

Canada, and with the following presentation.

Return on Lethal & Non Lethal Weapons Effects Workshop: C4I Related

Considerations, Mr. D. Compton

An overview of the results of

the Lethal and Non-Lethal

Weapons Effects Workshop

held in March, 2010. Describes

its purpose, number of

participants, and outcomes.

Summarizes key points,

including the vision for lethal

and non-lethal weapons.

Emphasizes the need for a

standard power rail.

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1. Soldier Systems Sensors Deficiencies, Vision, Themes/Needs, Goals, Objectives, Desired Systems Performance, Barriers, Technical Challenges

This chapter provides abstracts of the presentations focused on Sensor deficiencies,

vision, needs and goals, and describes Sensors Breakaway Session 1.

Sensors Session 1 Presentation Abstracts

1.1 Future Soldier Sensors Capability Requirements, Drivers, Challenges

and Gaps, Capt O. Sylvain, DND

An overview of soldier sensor

requirements, vision, and

scope. Provides key definitions,

including detection, recognition,

identification, location, tracking,

and engagement. Describes

current technologies, including

night vision and laser aiming

devices, binoculars, and sights.

Summarizes deficiencies.

Includes a demonstration of the

Need for Sensors (description


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Demonstration of the Need for Sensors in the Field

Captain Sylvain's presentation

included a demonstration—a

continuation of the mission

described by Captain Dionne

on day 1 of the workshop in his

Demonstration of the Need for

C4I in the field (See Part 1,

Chapter 1, soldier Systems C4I

Deficiencies, Vision,

Themes/Needs and Goals).

A workshop participant

volunteered to play the role of a

soldier for the demonstration.

Capt. Dionne equipped him with

battle gear to demonstrate the

weight of the equipment

typically carried, the options for

the various sensors the soldier could choose to carry or not, and the difficulty of

choosing among the options and of carrying the selected sensors in a way that makes

them usable.

Capt. Sylvain reminded participants of the mission described during the demonstration

on day 1, in which a platoon of three sections of soldiers set out to enter, pass through,

and exit a village. The point soldier for Section 1 was confronted by an unidentified

armed person, and followed a recognized engagement process to confront that person,

including reporting the situation to the other sections and the platoon commander via


The sensor demonstration revisited that mission from the perspective of observation

post Falcon's Nest, located to the south of the village, indicated in the graphic by a

triangle. Captain Sylvain reminded participants that situational awareness among the

soldiers was limited by line-of-sight and radio communication. For the purposes of the

sensors demonstration, however, CCAN15—a small UAV—is available for support, and

may be available to the observation post.

Figure 12. The sensors demonstration focused on observation post "Falcon's Nest," represented by the triangle in the graphic.

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Situational stages

Capt. Sylvain described the typical stages involved in handling a situation (although, as

he pointed out, not all of the stages are involved in all situations):

Detection. The realization that an object is present (e.g., something is raising


Recognition. The type of object is discerned (e.g., the dust is raised by

someone walking along a path)

Identification. Specific objects can be discerned (e.g., the person walking along

the path is carrying a shovel, not a weapon). Positive identification goes further

(e.g., the person is using the shovel to remove weeds from a garden.) Often,

confirmation is needed from multiple sensors to reach this point.

Location. Where is the object? Can involve using a laser location, a GPS grid, or

a description (e.g., at the corner of building 18).

Tracking. Knowing the location over time—especially difficult if the object is

attempting to avoid detection.

Engagement. When appropriate, sighting a weapon and firing.

These steps are followed by an assessment phase, after which the process is repeated.

What to carry, and where to carry it

Capt. Sylvain pointed out that soldiers already have many sensors available to them,

including the "Mark 1 Eyeball," which is the best sensor available and shouldn't be

blocked by other sensors.

He went on to discuss sensor needs, and available sensor devices, including night vision

goggles, laser aiming devices, kite sight and maxi kite magnification devices, binoculars,

C79 and holographic sights, hand-held thermal imagers, and thermal weapon sights. He

also outlined requirements for target handover from one soldier and device to another,

and for sensors that can identify friendly forces quickly.

During the discussion, Capt Sylvain used the volunteer to point out the difficulty of

choosing among the sensors to carry on a mission, and the logistical problems of using

more than one sensor at a time. For example, when the soldier needed binoculars, these

were out of reach, attached to equipment on his back. Asked whether he would like the

binoculars integrated into the sight on his helmet, the answer was a resounding "yes."

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What the demonstration showed

The demonstration illustrated the sensor needs of the soldier in the field, the existing

technologies available, the limitations of those technologies, and the need to integrate

technologies and devices and provide new technologies and devices to meet soldiers'

needs. Currently, the soldier cannot carry all of the sensors available, and choosing the

right devices is impossible because upcoming needs cannot be predicted.

As Capt. Sylvain explained, what is needed is:

Integration—"fewer boxes; multi-spectral sights; everything in one box"

Integration of sensors with weapons—"the weapon sights and binoculars need to

be integrated"

Devices for recognition, identification, location, tracking, and beyond, all need to

be integrated

Devices that can see through walls, around walls, and more—all without adding

to the weight the soldier carries

Integration of sensor information—"We already have more information than we

can process. How do we process it? How can we pre-screen the information to

use the right information at the right time?"

In short, the demonstration brought to life the sensor challenges and needs of the

dismounted soldier in the field, and challenged the workshop participants to address

them in the upcoming working sessions.

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1.2 Overview of Soldier Sensor Systems Development Trends &

Challenges: an Industry Perspective, Mr. Rick Bowes

(Industry Co-chair)

Provides an industry

perspective of Soldier Sensor

Systems. Outlines soldier

requirements. Describes key

trends, focusing on the trend

toward delegating decision

making to lower levels of the

command echelon. Describes

key challenges, including

continuous force

transformation; adaptable

mission solutions; integrating

mounted and dismounted

operations; and reduced size,

weight and power (SWaP).

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Sensors Breakaway Session 1. The Vision & Challenges

The objective of the first sensors working session was to discuss:

The vision of how DND/CF intends to meet the dismounted soldier‘s Sensor

Systems needs

The functionalities required to ―move forward‖ within a Sensor Systems theme


The technological barriers/challenges to moving forward

This working session for repeated, for sensors, the process carried out for C4I during

working sessions 1 and 2 on day 1 of the workshop. Because participants were already

familiar with the process, having gone through it on day 1, the two C4I sessions from day

1 were condensed into one session for Sensors.

Inputs to Sensors Working Session 1

Participants were asked to choose a Sensors theme from this list:

1. Personal sensors

2. Crew sensors

3. Area sensors

4. Weapons sensors

5. Sensors Integration.

They were given the following instructions, and asked to spend about 20 minutes on

each question.

1. For your Sensor Systems ―theme,‖ develop a ―vision‖ (e.g., With respect to

Sensor Systems, in 3 years, the dismounted soldier would be able to …: in 5

years the dismounted soldier would be able to …; in 10 years …). Be as precise

and quantified as possible.

2. To achieve that vision, what functionalities need to be provided to the soldier?

What would be a quantifiable objective for that functionality?

3. Identify the main technological obstacles/barriers/challenges that need to be

overcome so that the functionality can be provided to the soldier?

Each group was asked to organize its discussion on a flipchart for report-back, and to

record the discussion on a laminated form provided to each table.

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Results of Sensors Working Session 1

Following the table discussions, a facilitated report-back was held during which selected

tables presented their results and participants were invited to commend and ask


The completed forms were collected. A summary of their contents follows in provided in

the five tables on the following pages. This information was used to identify fifteen main

technical challenges that would be addressed in the second working session.

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Theme 1: Personal Sensors (3 tables reporting)

Theme vision elements

Brain-sensor interface prototypes (5 years) and fielded systems (10 years)

Reach an extended vision/audio (within the next 5 years)

Body worn sensors. Have all body worn sensors integrated and able to communicate to a soldier worn common display within 3 years. Within the 5 years range, those sensors would communicate to ‗network‘. Within 10 years, there would be an expansion of ―body worn se fused sensor suite‖.

Key Functionalities

Brain Sensor Interface functionality (―Thought controls‖)

Get a visual within 500m

Use a wide-angle vision/optics

Directional hearing

Common interface standards and protocols for body worn sensors

Enhanced navigation sensors

Expanded multispectral sensors

Bio-Metric sensors (health, environment, stress)

Environmental sensors

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Interpret brain signals

Improve brain interfaces (more precisely electro enchephalo gram).

Adaptable trainable interface

Train soldiers, while considering human factors of brain control.

Variable frequency ?

Resolution sensors ?

Merging of information from many cameras

High resolution display

New sensor detection,

Image processing capability





Fault Tolerant Architectures (Micro Electro Technical Systems

Submicron integrated circuit technologies

New photonic materials extending E-O sensor performance

Fault tolerant data architectures suitable for wearable applications

Artificial intelligence useful for information fusion

Nano-material science

Other Barriers


Other comments


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Theme 2: Crew Sensors (1 table reporting)

Theme vision elements

Not provided

Key Functionalities

Long range ID of people in all lighting and weather line of sight, which is about 2 km

Non-line of sight ID – 500m (around the corners, in buildings, in coves)

Have an accurate location of targets –blue force – with one meter accuracy

Have an ability to share, record, and transmit pictures, video, target location within a section and outside of section

Have small, lightweight, and low power consumption capabilities

Data have to be filtered / proceed in a way to avoid information overload

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Fuse multiple sensors (digital fusion) in order to be able to identify the threats at night

No sensors that can see through walls yet


GPS denied environments

Information overload

Many electronic devices required for long-range surveillance purposes

Other Barriers


Other comments


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Theme 3: Area Sensors (2 tables reporting)

Theme vision elements

Deliver an accurate and timely sensor product to the soldiers and that it fits is current area of interest

Within three years soldiers could access current existing ISR assets.

In five years those sensors could be fitted to organic interests

Within ten years, nothing less than available fused data.

The soldier deployed autonomous system (arial + crowd – RSTA system) must be situation adaptable.

Key Functionalities

―Wide Area Visual Allowing Zoom by Individual Soldier‖

Soldier Cueing‖ - wide area sensors (i.e. acoustic) and by moving target indication.


Allowing for observation and surveillance through multi-sensor

Endurance capability (72 hour mission)

―Threat Detection, Threat Elimination‖: data information (from detecting, recognizing, pursuing, to destroying)

Sensors reusability

Networked communication with other soldiers and soldier knowledge generation

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Camera resolution insufficient (Mav – Bandwidth)

Need for multi MAV solution

Building which lead to ground based processing

Processing power

Need for additional power



Integration to integrated to

existing displays

Artificial intelligence (to keep the soldier in the loop) and the operator interface (easy on the go identification of objects of interest)


The intermittent communications vs. no communications reality

Power storage

Choices of storage medium (conversion devices, fuel cells, ICE…)

Data communications protocols

Data display to soldier

Intelligent data fusion and filtering

Other Barriers


Other comments

The importance to have sensors that are passive.

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Theme 4: Weapons Sensors (2 tables reporting)

Theme vision elements

Within five years soldiers will have a single device that work as a rifle sight (day and night) through a range of 0-300m and is integrated over standard power/data rail.

Within three years soldier would be able to transmit the sight picture to its section level (day or night).

In five years, the section level will be networked with effective communication protocols.

Key Functionalities

Be able to detect and recognize identity (0-300m) in all light conditions.

Integrated targeting to enhance accuracy

Integrated geo-location to enable target hard-over

Networked interoperability

Combat I.D. to prevent fratercide

Power/data rail (being developed by NATO)

Image splitter on sight (exists)

Data management system (under development)

Transmission module

Technical Challenges/Drivers


High resolution

Low power sensor

Wide spectrum optics

Instantaneous zoom to range display




Night vision

―Boresighting‖ and ―parelax‖ for multi-sensor ballistic solution for different ammo types and moving targets

Bearing, range, elevation to accurately target, and DTED data in order to allow the soldier to locate accurately

Integrated DMC in sight

Other Barriers


Other comments

This table also wrote a general ―challenge‖ statement in which they express that there is a need to achieve industry teaming agreements. This would involve time and finances, and the standardization of protocols.

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Theme 5: Sensors Integration (1 table reporting)

Theme vision elements

Have all existing functionalities integrated in one box (in 5 years), i.e. basic integration of local assets (self and platoon support systems).

A systems approach oriented to provide simplified SA from COI (i.e. plug and play).

Within 3 to 5 years, it is about sensors integration through ―Manual Crosstell‖.

In 5 to 10 years, the integration will be automated.

In 15 years, there will be the true sensor integration (seamless, noven, common picture).

Key Functionalities

Local processing: forces stakeholders to think of a higher capacity FPGA, because soldier systems must be self-sufficient and connected

A way to ensure the best connection

Common data format

Fuse of different types of data (model situation)

Model of situation (difficulties are found at HI, processing, etc.)

Physical interface standards

Data interface standards

Sharing of the information (COI, Communities of interest)

Situational awareness to overlay simplified delivery

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Data / information exchange across unit and soldier centric (developing technology)

Information overload

Language (common engineering),



Overload issues (human factors filtering)

Delivery of information in time

Other Barriers

Set standards (determine who sets the availability)

Other comments


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2. Potential Solutions/Options and Related Technologies

This chapter provides abstracts of the presentations preceding the second sensors

breakaway session, and describes Breakaway Session 2: Potential Solutions and

Sensor Technologies.

Sensors Session 2 Presentation Abstracts

2.1 See Through Wall

Sensing Technologies:

State-of-the-art Overview,

Mr. Pascale Sévigny


Describes requirements for through-

wall sensing. Reviews technical

issues associated with seeing

through walls. Describes current

through-wall radar productions,

motion detection and localization

devices, imaging with stationary

radar concept, and Synthetic

Aperture Radar (SZR) imaging. Provides information about the DRDC experimental test

bed for SAR technology. Describes challenges.

2.2 Emerging Sensing

Technology Overview, Mr.

J. Maheux (DRDC)

Describes potential soldier sensor

systems, including acoustic small

arms fire localization, hearing

enhancement and protection,

translation devices, and day and night

vision sensors. Outlines current and

future technologies and current trends

in sensors.

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Luncheon speaker: Overview of Precarn Programs on Intelligent and

Communication Systems, Dr. H. Rothschild

Provides a brief history of

Precarn, Inc., which supports

pre-commercial development

and industry use of leading-

edge technologies. Describes

Precarn programs, including

the National Program, Small

Company Program, Industrial

T-Gap (Technology Gap

Assistance Program), Alliance

Program, and Application

Sector Funds. Provides

innovation summary and the

role of Precarn.


2.3 Physiological Status Monitoring Technologies: State-of-the-art

Overview, Dr. S.



An overview of assessment of

operational readiness in

combat casualty care, including

a description of the current vital

signs approach. Describes

challenges. Outlines different

treatment phases, including

remote triage. Provides

overview of wireless low level

communication technologies

and wireless secure

communication technologies. Discusses biometrics technologies for quantifying

operational performance. Outlines client needs, proposed investigations and

methodologies, and current efforts in biometrics for stressors.

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2.4 Nano/Micro Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Technologies: State-of-the-

Art Overview, Dr. F

Wong (DRDC)

Describes the situation,

mission, and key question

associated with airborne

sensors for the dismounted

soldier. Outlines technology

domains relevant to the

development of a mobile aerial

sensor. Summarizes current

options, including fixed wing,

ducted fan, rotorcraft, and

flapping wing. Explains the

R&D challenges associated

with miniaturization and with

power and autonomous navigation. Outlines R&D domains for a mobile aerial sensor.

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Sensors Breakaway Working Session 2: The Technologies

The objectives of the second working session were to discuss:

The specific technologies to work on that will solve the sensor challenges

The time horizons associated with developing those technologies

Inputs to Sensors Working Session 2

Before working session 2, the technical obstacles and challenges that participants

described on laminated forms during working session 1 were used to define the sensor

challenges (Figure 10).

Instructions to participants

The workshop participants were given pre-printed stickies like those provided during

working session 3 on day 1 of the workshop (recall that C4I sessions 1 and 2 were

compressed into Sensor session 1).

Participants were given the following instructions for using the stickies and the sheets:

Use the sticky notes individually and go up to the wall and populate the columns

with technologies and their time horizons—you have 3 notes; fill them in at your


Also, to help us keep it all straight, would you list all your table‘s solution

(technologies) on the plasticized summary sheet. Please write clearly

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Results of Sensors Working Session 2

The laminated tables completed during the working session (example below) were


Their contents are summarized in Figures 13 and 14, on the following pages:

Figure 13 shows the sticky distribution by challenge and timeframe for the 15

challenge areas identified in the first working session

Figure 14 shows the sticky distribution by challenge and potential for progress for

the 15 challenge areas idendified in the first working session

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Figure 13. Distribution of Sensor Stickies on the Wall by Challenge and Timeframe

The sticky distribution by challenge and timeframe for the 15 challenge areas identified in the first working session

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Figure 14. Distribution of Sensor Stickies on the Wall by Challenge and Potential for Progress

The sticky distribution by challenge and potential for progress for the 15 challenge areas idendified in the first working





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3. Sensor Technology Gaps and Collaborations

This chapter describes the third, and final breakaway session of the Sensors workshop.

Sensors Breakaway Session 3

Inputs to Sensors Working Session 3

For the third working session, the workshop participants were asked to return to the wall

to review all of the stickies that were posted there. They were asked to use coloured

dots to identify which they believe have the most potential for progress:

Green = highest potential

Red = second highest potential

Results of Sensors Working Session 3

The following table shows the distribution of the coloured dots on the stickies, indicating

priorities for further collaborative effort by theme.

Technology identified by the participants as having the most potential.

Solution Description Technologies Timeframe

1. Soldier to Soldier and Soldier to communications center transmit priority handling

Master Slave or bandwidth on demand

2. Experience from video gaming industry to uncluttered the graphical display and to improve learning curve


3. Dynamic model-based representation of environment and situation

Standard data format, interoperability


4. Self sufficient data aware soldier as the main decision link

Priority in information handling

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Part III. Next Steps

Ongoing and Upcoming Roadmap Activities

The C4I/Sensors Workshop was just a part of the Soldier Systems Technology

Roadmapping process. It represents one step on the journey to a superior soldier

system for the Canadian Forces.

Ongoing C4I/Sensors Collaborations

One of the key results of the workshop was the identification of areas for ongoing,

collaborative effort. The C4I/Sensors Technical Subcommittee, with the guidance of the

Soldier Systems TRM Executive Steering Committee, will continue to clarify these

collaborations and, with industry and government participants, to work on moving them


Sharing Knowledge with the ICee Database and Wiki

A key to the success of any technical roadmapping initiative is ensuring easy

collaboration among its participants. For the Soldier Systems TRM, the Innovation,

Collaboration and Exchange Environment (ICee) provide collaboration opportunities.

To reiterate, the Innovation, Collaboration and Exchange Environment (ICee) is an

online database of information relevant to soldier systems, and a Wiki that enables

online networking, communication, and contribution to the roadmapping process on an

ongoing basis. It is a password-protected single tool that includes sections for

communicating restricted, sensitive information meant for a selected audience.

The ICee is open to all who wish to participate in the Soldier Systems Technology

Roadmap. Participants can contribute to both the database and the Wiki. For more

information about the ICee tool visit http://www.soldiersystems-


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Upcoming Workshops

Discussion and collaboration in all aspects of the Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap

is expected to continue throughout this development phase of the roadmap and beyond.

To ensure this, additional Soldier Systems TRM workshops are planned in focus areas

that include:

Survivability/Personal Protective Equipment/Footwear/Clothing/Load Carriage

Human and Systems Integration

Overall Roadmap Integration

Dates for these workshops, and information about them, is available at the Soldier

Systems Technology Roadmap website:


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A. Workshop Agenda

Monday, March 8

18h30 – 21h00 Networking Dinner (not hosted): Lapalme et Raphaël Bistro Français, 40-1155 rue Metcalfe.

Tuesday, March 9—C4I Focus Day 1

7h30 – 8h00 Registration, Continental breakfast

Soldier Systems TRM Introduction

8h00 – 8h05 Welcome and Opening Remarks, Mr. T. Page (CADSI) and Maj. S. Dufour (DLR-5)

8h05 – 8h15 Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap Development and Implementation Phases, Mr. G. Nimmo (IC)

8h15 – 8h40 Soldier Systems Modernization Effort Update and Return on Power/Energy Workshop, LCol. M.A. Bodner (DRDC)

8h40 – 8h55 Overview of DRDC R&D Strategy and Program, Dr. G. Vézina (DRDC)

8h55 – 9h15 Focus Days Program and Process, Return on Visioning Workshop: C4I Elements, and Mindmap Exercise, Mr. P. Carr (SRG)

1. Soldier Systems C4I Deficiencies, Vision, Themes/Needs and Goals

9h15 – 9h45 1.1 Overview of current Soldier Systems Equipment and C4I Deficiencies, Capt. A. Dionne (DND) Demonstration of Current Soldier Equipment

9h45 – 10h15 Coffee Break (ICee Registration & Networking)

10h15 – 11h00 1.2 Future Soldier C4I Capabilities Requirements, M. P. Comtois (DND)

11h00 – 12h00 Breakaway Roundtables Facilitated Discussions (1)

12h00 – 13h30 13h10 – 13h30

Lunch (no host) Guest: Mrs S. Torfin (USMC), MERS Program Overview

13h30 – 14h15 Report Back (Plenary), Mr P. Carr

2. C4I Objectives, Driving Elements, Barriers, and Technical Challenges

14h15 – 14h35 2.1 Overview of Army IM Strategy and C4ISR Concept, Mr. S. Hoag (DLCI-3)

14h35 – 15h00 2.2 Soldier C4I Systems Development Trends & Technical Challenges: an Industry Perspective, Mr. L. O‘Neill (Industry Co-Chair)

15h00 - 15h30 Coffee Available

15h00 – 16h00 Breakaway Roundtables Facilitated Discussions (2)

16h00 – 16h55 Report Back (Plenary) and closure of C4I day 1 program, Mr. P. Carr

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16h55 – 17h10 Collaboration Tool (ICee) Presentation, Mrs. M. Huard (IC/DND)

17h10 – 17h30 Mr. D. Duguay (IC), Overview of IRB Program

17h30 – 18h00 Icee Registration/Individual training sessions

17h30 – 18h30 Cash Bar Reception

Wednesday, March 10 — C4I Focus Day 2

7h45 – 8h00 Registration Continental breakfast

8h00 – 8h05 Welcome and Opening Remarks, Mr. G. Nimmo (IC)

3. Potential Solutions/Options and Related Technologies (exploring solution sets)

8h05 – 8h15 Overview of Day 2 Content and Process, Mr. P. Carr (SRG)

8h15 – 8h35 3.1 NATO LCG1 Soldier C4I Architecture & Symbology, Mr. C. Lemelin (DND)

8h35 – 8h55 3.2 Soldier Communication & Software Radio Technologies: State-of-the-art Overview, Mr. J. Schelsak (CRC)

8h55 – 9h15 3.3 Applications of Novel Biometrics Technologies to Soldier C4I Systems, Dr. Q. Xiao (DRDC)

9h15 – 9h40 3.4 Soldier Navigation Technologies in Complex Environment: State-of-the-art Overview, Mr. J. Bird (DRDC)

9h40 – 10:00 3.5 Human Factors Lessons Learned about C4I Interfaces for Soldiers, Maj. L. Bossi (DND)

10h00 – 10h05 Breakaway Session Instructions, Mr. P. Carr

10h05 – 11h35 Brainstorming session: stickies on the wall (3)

10h00 – 10h30 Coffee Available

11h35 – 12h05 Report Back (Plenary), Mr. P. Carr

4. Technology Gaps & Collaboration Opportunities

13h30 – 13h50 3.6 Unattended Ground Sensors: State-of-the-art Overview, Mr. B. Ricard (DRDC) & Mrs L. Lamont


13h50 – 14h10 Return on Mindmap Exercise, Mr. P. Carr

14h10 – 15h30 Breakaway Roundtables Facilitated Discussions (4) (Instructions Mr. P. Carr)

15h00 – 15h30 Coffee Available

15h30 – 16h10 Report Back (Plenary), Mr. P. Carr

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16h10 – 16h15 Icee Contest Winners Introduction, Mr. G. Nimmo

16h15 – 17h05 Icee Contest Winners Presentations

17h05 – 17h15 Closure of Soldier C4I Focus Days, LCol. M.A. Bodner (DRDC) & Mr. L. O’Neill (Industry Co-


17h15 – 18h15 ICee Tool Individual Support Sessions

17h15 – 18h30 Cash Bar Reception

Thursday, March 11 — Soldier Sensors Systems Focus Day

7h30 – 8h00 Registration Continental breakfast


8h00 – 8h10 Welcome and Opening Remarks and Sensors Focus Day Program & Process, Mr. G. Nimmo

8h10 - 8h25 Return on Lethal & Non Lethal Weapon Effects Workshop: C4I Related Considerations, Mr. D. Compton

1. Soldier Systems Sensors Deficiencies, Vision, Themes/Needs, Goals, Objectives, Desired systems performance,

Barriers, Technical Challenges

8h25 – 9h05 1.1. Future Soldier Sensors Capability Requirements, Drivers, Challenges and Gaps, Capt. O. Sylvain (DND)

9h05 – 9h30 1.2. Overview of Soldier Sensors Systems Development Trends & Challenges: an Industry Perspective, Mr. R. Bowes, (Industry Co-Chair)

9h30 – 10h40 Breakaway Roundtables Facilitated Discussions (1)

10h00 – 10h30 Coffee available

10h40 – 11h20 Report Back (Plenary), Mr P. Carr

2. Potential Solutions/Options and Related Technologies (exploring solution sets)

11h20 – 11h40 2.1 See-Thru Wall Sensing Technologies: State-of-the-art Overview, Mrs. P. Sévigny (DRDC)

11h40 – 12h00 2.2. Emerging Sensing Technology Overview, Mr. J. Maheux (DRDC)

12h00 – 13h15 12h55 – 13h15

Lunch (no host) Guest: Dr. H. Rothschild : Overview of Precarn Programs on Intelligent and Communication Systems

13h15 - 13h45 2.3. Physiological Status Monitoring Technologies: State-of-the-art Overview, Dr. S. Stergiopoulos (DRDC)

13h45 – 14h05 2.4 Nano/Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technologies: State-of-the-art Overview, Dr. F. Wong (DRDC)

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14h05 – 15h15 Breakaway sticky-on-the-wall session (2)

15h00 – 15h15 Coffee available

15h15 – 15h45 Report Back (Plenary) and instructions for session 3, Mr. P. Carr

3. Technology Gaps & Collaboration Opportunities

15h45 – 16h30 Breakaway Roundtables Facilitated Discussions

16h30 – 17h10 Report Back (Plenary), Mr. P. Carr (SRG)

17h10 – 17h15 Closure of Soldier Sensor Systems Focus Day,

LCol. M.A. Bodner (DRDC) & Mr. R. Bowes (Ind. Co-Chair)

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B. C4I/Sensors Scope Definition

This background information on C4I/Sensors was sent to workshop participants prior to

the workshop.

Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap Technical Workshop on Soldier C4I & Sensors Scope Definition - C4I and Sensors for the Dismounted Soldier

This definition is provided to participants of the C4I & Sensors Technical Workshop that

is part of the Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap. C4I-Sensors can have a range of

definitions, depending on the context and audience. The following definition will be used

to guide the discussion at this SSTRM Workshop. Additional definitions are provided on

page 2.

The Context and Scope

The SSTRM is about the needs of the dismounted soldier. Soldier System is defined as

everything (items or equipment), that the dismounted soldier conducting land operations,

wears, carries and consumes to fulfill his tasks as individuals, as members of fighting

teams (sections and platoon) and as parts of higher-level operational units (companies

and below) in a tactical environment. Future Soldier Systems are designed to enhance

tactical level individual and team performance in the five NATO capabilities areas:

Lethality, Mobility, Survivability, Sustainability, and C4I in the complex, network-enabled,

effects-based digitized battle space.

These future capabilities will enable the Adaptive Dispersed Operations (ADO) force

employment concept. Research has shown that use of the latest technologies in the

areas of command execution, target acquisition and situational awareness significantly

contribute to increased operational effectiveness at the lower tactical levels

C4I-Sensor or ―C4I-Sense‖ at the dismounted soldier and small team level also cover

technologies related to mission planning, navigation, information exchange, intra/inter

section data connectivity, weapons/body-worn sensors, and remote sensors (Small

Unmanned Ground Vehicles (SUGV), Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MUAV), and

Small Unattended Ground Sensors (SUGS)). Also included are Unit STANO capabilities

(Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Night Observation) at the soldier and small team

levels (Unit).

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For the Workshop, Soldier C4I-Sensors is not:

Strategic, Joint, Army, Navy C4ISR

C4ISR and ISTAR at company level and above

C4I, Sensors, and Other Related Terms

The acronym C4I stands for "command, control, communications, computers, and


Command and control is about decision-making, the exercise of direction by a properly

designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of a

mission. Information, computers and communications technologies support command

and control, and are used to achieve information superiority. C4I systems provide also

tools to improve commanders with situational awareness—information about the location

and status of enemy and friendly forces.

Command and control (C2)—The exercise of authority and direction by a properly

designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the

mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of

personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a

commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in

the accomplishment of the mission.

Command—The authority that a commander in the Armed Forces lawfully exercises

over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. Command includes the authority and

responsibility for effectively using available resources and for planning the employment

of, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling military forces for the

accomplishment of assigned missions and meet the commander intent.

Computing and communications—Two pervasive enabling technologies that support

C2 and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Computers and communications

process and transport information.

Control—Authority which may be less than full command exercised by a commander

over part of the activities of subordinate or other organizations. Physical or psychological

pressures exerted with the intent to assure that an agent or group will respond as


Intelligence (I)—The product resulting from the collection, processing, integration,

analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign

countries or areas. Information and knowledge about an adversary obtained through

observation, investigation, analysis, or understanding.

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The term "C4ISR" is often employed. The additional SR elements to C4I are surveillance

and reconnaissance, which are defined as follow:

Surveillance—The systematic observation of aerospace, surface or subsurface areas,

places, persons, or things, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic, or other means.

Reconnaissance—A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other

detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or

potential enemy, or to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or

geographic characteristics of a particular area.

Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance are also often

grouped under the ISTAR acronym:

ISTAR: is the capability linking several battlefield functions together to assist a combat

force in employing its sensors and managing information.

Two additional terms are commonly used in describing C4I capabilities:

Situational awareness—The knowledge of where you are, where other friendly

elements are located, and the status, state, and location of the enemy. Situational

awareness (SA) allows the Land Force to understand and assimilate the battle

dimensions to exploit enemy weaknesses from a position of strength. Shared situational

awareness (or situation understanding) enable collaboration and self-synchronization

and enhance sustainability and speed of command.

Information superiority—The relative advantage of one opponent over another in

commanding and controlling his force. Information superiority or dominance is achieved

by enabling better and faster decision-making using superior technical information.

Sense is the Army operational function which integrates sensor and sensor analysis

capabilities into a concept which allow for comprehensive sensor fusion and all source

analysis within an integrated system providing commanders with timely and relevant

knowledge. The Army Sense operational function includes all the C3ISR capabilities as

Command stand alone in the Army construct, and it includes:

Data Processing / Fusion

Includes automated processing, information management (IM), and modeling /

analysis of all sources.

Decision Support

Systems and knowledge bases (e.g. database) that enhance accurate and timely

human decision-making.

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Information Dissemination

Complete, accurate, timely distribution of information and analysis to all required


Integrated Information

Includes fusion of information from all sensors and sources enabling real-time

analysis, comprehension and decision making.

Intelligence Collection

Includes the collection of information and data on enemy forces, the environment

and friendly forces using the human intelligence (HUMINT), imagery, open

sources, reconnaissance and surveillance, signals intelligence (SIGINT), and

soldier surveillance, target acquisition and night observation (STANO).

NEOPS or Network Enabled Operations (NEOPS), is the concept involving the

integration of information systems, weapons and other effects-producing platforms such

as to increase the effectiveness of military operations. By linking knowledgeable entities

in a battle space, forces will be more capable of gaining information superiority and

resulting ultimately in greater mission effectiveness.

ADO or Adaptive Dispersed Operations is the ability to conduct coordinated,

interdependent, full spectrum actions by widely dispersed teams throughout the width

and depth of the Battlespace. The concept envisages networked and integrated

maneuver forces alternatively dispersing and aggregating over extended distances to

find, fix, and strike full spectrum threats throughout the Army of Tomorrow battle space.

These operations are dispersed in relation to time, space, and purpose.

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C. List of Workshop Participants

Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Abielmona Rami Larus Technologies Corporation

Agnew Fred T. Valley Associates Group

Aitken Philip Halltech

Alessandro Voli SelexGalileo S.p.A.

Alexander Pete L-3 Ruggedized Command & Control Solutions

Anderson Leon DND

Anthony David IBM

Appleton Andrew CAE

Archibald Mark NAIT

Armstrong Patrick Xacore

Arsenault Gilbert Mannarino Systems & Software Inc.

Audette Celine Industrie Canada

Avishai Gadi KG Canada

Bahlis Jay BNH Expert Software

Bain Robert IBM

Bauml Pat Canadian Special Operations Forces Command

Beaudoin Bob Vanguard Magazine

Beaudry Julien IREQ (institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec)

Bédard Stéphane B-Temia Inc

Begriche Aldjia Groupe CTT

Beland Paul DRDC

Belanger Micheline DRDC

Belzile Jean Ecole de Technologie Superieure

Benaddi Dr. Hamid Stedfast Inc

Bensouda Karima LGFI

Bentahar Jamal Concordia University

Bentaouk Amine Purelink Technology, inc

Bertrand Hugo IREQ (institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec)

Bird Jeff DND/DRDC

Blais Pierre Harris Corporation, RF Communications Division

Bodner L.Col. Mike DND

Bosco Eric MiITACS Inc.

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Bossi Maj. L. DND

Bouchard Tommy ETS

Bowes Rick DRS Technologies Canada Ltd

Brooks John Biopeak

Brown Doug General Dynamics Canada

Brunet Claude Canadian Space Agency

Buchanan Major Kevin National Defence

Bujold Alain Mawashi Protective Clothing, Inc

Croteau Dominique Revision Eyewear Inc


Campbell Matthew Harris Corporation

Carr Phil Strategic Review Group

Carson Clay Raytheon Canada Limited

Cayouette Richard Martello Defence Security Consultants Inc

Cervinka Alexandre Newtrax Technologies Inc

Charlebois Scott

Cherkaoui Soumaya Universite de Sherbrooke

Christopher Scott ITT Electronic Systems

Clairoux Gilles DMR a division of Fujitsu

Colbert Heather CAE

Compton David Colt Canada Corporation

Comtois M. P. DND

Connolly Peter Fidus Systems Inc

Cook Trevor Thales Optronics Ltd

Coomber Richard Revision Eyewear

Copeman Mike R. Nicholls Distributors Inc

Corriveau Robert CIPI-Canadian institute for Photonic Innovations

Couillard Denis Ultra Electronics TCS

Couture Nathalie Industrie Canada

Coxford Tom Senstar Corporation

Croghan William Rockwell Collins

Crossman Danny PSP Inc

Croteau Dominique Revision Eyewear

Curie Philippe Exensor France

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Dabrowski Sue Mannarino Systems & Software Inc.

D'Anjou Richard CGI

Darling Marie Rockwell Collins

Davis Gregory BAE Systems

Dec Albert BAE Systems

Decoste Roch DND

Deegan Michael Boeing

Delorme Luc A. Communications Research Centre Canada

Deters Ralph Dept. of Computer Science / Univ. of Saskatchewan

Detombe John ADGA Group

Diefenderfer James L-3 Communication Systems-West

DiNardo George Larus Technologies Corporation

Dion Bruno CMC Electronique, Esterline

Dionne Capt. A. DND

Dixon Anthony Peerless Garments LP

Dore Steve IBM

Dosani Shazmin Strategic Review Group

Downing Warren DRS Technologies Canada Ltd

Dudek Gregory McGill University

Dufour Stephane DND Land Requirements

Duguay Dan Industry Canada

Dupuis Marc-Andre Rheinmetall Canada inc

Dwyer Brendan Australian Army STANREP

Edwards Eric Xiphos Technologies Inc

Egery Robert Valley Associates Group

Eisenhardt Dan Recon Instruments

Eklund Mike University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Elagizi Bill L-3 Communications Electronic Systems

El-Sheimy Dr. Naser University of Calgary

Emery George J. Strategic Review Group

Emond Laura Industrie Canada

Fakih Adel U. Waterloo

Feliziani Giulio SelexGalileo S.p.A.

Ferguson John Strategic Review Group


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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization


Fleming Barry DND

Fleurant Aude-Emanuelle Technopôle Defence & Security

Fortin Marc-Antoine Ecole de Technologie Superieure

Fotia Sam ACOA

Fullick Andrew Cobham Defense Communications

Gabiot Julien IREQ

Gagnon Francois Ecole de Technologie Superieure

Gagnon Claire DRDC

Georgaras Konstantinos Industrie Canada

Gerkema Adrian CAE Professional Services

Godin Michael CGI

Goergaris Stamati computer vision and robotics system's

Goodall Chris Alastair Ross Technology Centre

Gordon Eileen Strategic Review Group

Grant Kim Raytheon Canada Limited

Gray Mark Industrie Canada

Haddad Emilie MPB Communications Inc

Hall Fraser Recon Instruments

Harris Paul DRDC

Harrison Ronald BAE Systems

Hartman Leo CSA

Hassaine Fawzi DRDC

Hayes Kevin National Research Council

Heffner Kevin Pegasus Simulation Services

Heydari Shahram S. University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Hill Ian NRC

Hoag Mr. S. DND

Hoemsen Ray Red River College

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Hoffman Joy Rockwell Collins, Inc

Hu Cheng NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation

Huard Mariane DRDC

Huber Dr. Kris Array Systems Computing Inc.

Hung Benjamin Array Systems Computing Inc.

James Jeremy Collaborative Robotics Inc

Jonassen Hans Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS

Jones Stephen T. Rockwell Collins

Kan Adir Elbit Systems

Kassouf Marthe IREQ (institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec)

Kellett Matthew DRDC

Kelly John rockwellcollins

Kessler John ITT

Kevser Dr. Taymaz DND

Khakhanov Yuri Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies

Knight Darren Lockheed Martin

Kogut Bob The O‘Gara Group

Koniz Ronald Gentex

Lachapelle Dominic Groupe CTT

Lafond Eric CRC

Lamont Louise Communications Research Centre

Land William ICx Technologies

Landry Rene ETS

Lange Christian Canadian Space Agency

Langevin Pierre DND

Laou Philips Defence R&D Canada

Lapierre Marc DGLEPM/QETE


Larose Stephanie Univalor

Lavigne Marc Valley Associates

Lawrence Chris Canadian Police Research Centre

Lefebvre Vivier NRC

Lefrancois Sylvain Sagem

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Lemelin C. DND

Lemieux Claudette Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada

LePoidevin Darren DND

Lesage Francois DRDC

Leungh Henry University of Calgary

Levesque Jacques Materiel Group, NDHQ

Levesque Jerome DRDC CORA

Liu Edward Thales Canada

Lo David DND

Lopez Damian Thales Canada

Lurz Patricia Harris Corporation

Lutes John

Lyngar Eivind Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace

Lypps Brian CAE

MacDonald Mark ING Engineering

MacKenzie James L-3

MacLennan Charles CFN Consultants

Magierowski Sebastian University of Calgary

Maheux J. DRDC

Makris Aris Allen-Vanguard

Mannarino John Mannarino Systems & Software Inc.

Marceau Jocelyn DND

March Brian Kaycom Inc

Marchildon Alain ImmerVision

Martin Guy computer vision and robotics system's

Mastalski Tony Cobham Defense Communications

May Roger Saft America Inc

McConnell Gregory Cross Match Technologies Canada

McCuaig Mathieu Advantech

McDonald Mike Dell Canada Inc.

McHugh Cathy Senstar Corporation

McKoy Rocky Cantec-Systems

Meakin Mike InnUVative Systems Inc.

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Meliot Sebastien Consoltex INC

Merle Dr. Philippe G. DND

Merry David Insight Technology Incorporated

Michalska Ms. M. NSERC

Michaud Francois University of Sherbrooke

Michaud-Shields Max DND

Mison Ron

Mitchell Ian Instro Precision Limited

Moore Daniel Rockwell Collins

Morose Bob RFID Canada

Mouysset Laurent ETS

Mrad Nezih DRDC-DND

Nakaza Edward Strategic Review Group

Nelson Troy Red Ball Internet

Nerat Emerson Purelink Technology, inc

Nerguizian Vahe Ecole de Technologie Superieure

Newman Eric General Dynamics Canada Ltd

Nikonorova Elena

Nimelman Menachem MDA

Nimmo Geoff Industrie Canada

Noete Mark SED Systems

Nokovich David Cross Match Technologies

Noureldin Dr. Aboelmagd Royal Military College of Canada

O'Brien Bernie R. Nicholls Distributors Inc

O'Neil Laurence General Dynamics Canada

Page Tim CADSI

Pageau Gilles DND

Palmer Patrick CAE

Paquet Ron bulzi communications, PR firm for Sonomax Technologies

Paradis Stephane DRDC Valcartier

Parent Andre NRC-IMS

Parker Michael MDS Systems

Parslow Alan Deep Vision Inc.

Parsons Bob

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Perreault Marie-Josee computer vision and robotics system's

Perron Denis Revision Eyewear

Perron Jean-Philippe Industrie Canada

Pich Cornell General Dynamics Canada

Plante Ghislain Chief of Land Staff / Director Land Requirements 2-8

Poole Richard L-3 Communications

Powell Craig ICx Technologies

Provencher Louis Gestion Univalor

Prudhomme Lcol Michel DND

Quéau Yannick Technopôle Defence & Security

Quintin Marc Conseil national de recherches Canada

Ramirez-Serrano Alex University of Calgary

Rancourt Etienne Canada Economic Development for the Quebec Regions

Reedel Gary MDA

Ricard Benoit RDDC Valcartier

Riendeau Sylvain IREQ (institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec)

Robinson John Electro-Optical Systems L3

Rochefort Pierre Cirrus

Rodi Colleen Visiontec Systems

Romano Paul Thales Canada

Romeo Paul ADGA Group

Ross George National Research Council

Rothschild Dr. Henri Precarn

Rousseau Marcel SolaCom Technologies Inc

Roy Claude RDDC

Roy Nathalie DRDC

Rozumovich Eugene 3DTAC Inc

Ruane William AVANCE

Russo Jason Strategic Review Group

Sampson Sammy Black Coral Inc

Sandron Litizia Peerless Garments LP

Sarkissov Souren Quantum-Laser

Schelsak Mr. J. CRC

Semeniuk Kevin Allen-Vanguard Technologies Inc

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Senske Randall 2kPlus IS Consulting Inc

Senske Brian 2kPlus IS Consulting Inc

Sevigny P. DRDC

Sheitoyan Jean-Marc Mawashi Protective Clothing, Inc

Simard Steve computer vision and robotics system's

Sinai Dan University of Western Ontario

Singh Paul Corcan/Correctional Service Of canada

Skene Dave L-3 Electronic Systems

Stergiopoulos Dr. S. DRDC

Stewart Jef AirBoss-Defense

Stojanovic Ljiljana DND - DLCSPM

Stroup Adam US Army International Technology Center-Canada

Sylvain Capt. Olivier DND DLR 5-7-2

Tang Kevin Raytheon Canada Limited

Teed Brenton Colt Canada Corporation

Terry Bernadette British High Commission

Tessier Dominic Groupe CTT

Thibault Marc Gestion Marc Thibault Inc

Tindall Dan Ultra Electronics Tactical Commnication Systems

Tomanelli Francesca Thales Optronics Canada

Torfin Mrs. S. USMC

Trask Brett MDA Halifax

Tremblay Simon computer vision and robotics system's

Tremblay Lionel CSA

Tscissons Tim Ontario Center of Excellence

Turcotte Gilles Thales Optronics Canada

Underhill Major E.L.M. DND

Vallee Pierre evison Eyewear Inc

Van Ham Claude L-3 Electronic Systems

Vandenbroucke Jack-Eric ETS

Vandeventer Terrence Sagem

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Participants at the Soldier Systems C4I/Sensors Workshop

Name: Last First Organization

Vandeweerd Helena Tulmar

Vezina Dr. G. DRDC

Vidal Charles ING Engineering

Vincent-Herscovici Jesse MITACS Inc.

Voli Alessandro Selex Galileo

Walsh Bud Thales

Waterman Donald Global Marketing & Strategic Development

Webber Justin Vxsim

Webster Neil Biopeak

Weight John JPOM Inc.

Wensley Craig SEA (Group) Ltd

Williams Alan Cobham Surveillance

Winship John GENTEX

Wong Doug Allen-Vanguard

Wong Dr. F. DRDC

Woodliffe Elizabeth DND-DRDC Valcartier

Wright Neil General Dynamics Canada

Xiao Qinghan DRDC

Zelek John S. University of Waterloo

Zhulego Vladimir G. Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute

Zlotnik Zev Elbit Systems

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D. C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input

This appendix contains detailed content, by table, of the flipcharts completed during

Working Session 1.

C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input (15 Tables Reporting)

Table 1 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Vision statement lacks any mention of survivability or stealth

Increased capability that cannot compromise user‘s position, increase risk of attack, or reduce lethality.


How current is the data, refresh rate


Need for better picture definition (i.e. day/night vision, target ID, tracking, etc…)

Data Transfer

Need to addresses ability to send data and not just receive it


Ensure that soldiers are active participants in the transmission of data and not just end recipients of information.

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C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input (15 Tables Reporting)

Table 2 Vision Statement: Theme(s)

A heavy enterprise solution which is mission specific and takes into consideration ITSEC


Provide SA of unmapped areas/regions and share locations with allies in NATO standard language 3 year – GPS in radio/satellites 5 year – GPS Denial 10 year – Partial reliance of air/space signals Communication:

3 year – Secure voice, data and GPS at a rate of 7Mbps

5 year – Secure voice, data, GPS and delivered by an ad hoc system at a rate of 20Mbps

10 year – N/A

Table 3 Vision Statement: Theme(s)

Confiance de 99.9% semble idéaliste. Bon objectif, mais il faudrait place a une marge manœuvre plus grande

Surcharge de poids : régaler ce problème en intégrant plusieurs fonctions dans un même équipement. Équipe multidisciplinaire doit travailler sur un même produit

Correction a l‘énonce: ―obtenir un portrait pertinent au rôle de chacun―

Intégration Information et Connaissances : o Manque de temps

Interface usage: o 5ans: Maximiser

intégration au niveau textile (par exemple: écran flexible sur avant-bras). 5ans : Vision interactive; Partage champ de vision accessibilité des différents points de vue, adaptables en fonction des rôles.

o 15ans : Optimiser l‘utilisation des 5 ans (Un seul afficher pour les 5 sens)

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C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input (15 Tables Reporting)

Table 4 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Better definition of use of robotics in terms of their use and outcomes

Information management hierarchy diffusion :

SA definition BFT definition

Colleagues for information requires definition

Application capability:

To deliver CM information capability with accuracy and reliability


Data modelling

Adaptive equipment


Appropriate information is accurate

Communication to appropriate colleagues

Table 5 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Vision is too broad and required the highest confidence for decision takers instead of 99%


Need BLUE vs. RED forces tracking

Combination of GPS and other FFID technologies to ensure enemy neutralization in GPS denied zones.

Table 6 Vision Statement Theme(s)

The statement is too generic and requires elements of situation / context / interconnectivity

Human Interfaces :

The soldier should be able to interchange the suite of technologies


Introduction of commercial technologies to the dismounted tactical domain (i.e. customization, carbon nanotechnology)

Human Interfaces :

3 years: to use in one place; present technology multifazed;

5 years: BAA in one place


Adaptable wave forms – definite radio ad hoc network (i.e. each soldier is a relay).

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C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input (15 Tables Reporting)

Table 7 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Vision statement needs clarity on the word ―transparent‖

N/A Communications

3 years : Transparent regrouping

5 years : MILS / CDS

10 years : Multiband conveyance (LOS/BLOS)


3 years ; 1 meter/1 second locator at a cost effective price

5 years: 3 axis (altitude, longitude, latitude)

10 years: Simultaneous location mapping

Table 8 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Vision is overambitious in how it is measured. To achieve 99% confidence amounts to increased inputs, costs and redundancies.

Systems evolution requires standard interfaces between components to allow individual small upgrades


Table 9 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Vision timeframes are too long (3 years instead of 5)

Obtain and use complete relevant picture and a need to integrate human factors


Table 10 Vision Statement Theme

Vision statement is sufficient


3 years: Reliable encrypted data and voice communications to soldier

5 years: Combined PRMS integration - 10 years: Wireless PAN

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C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input (15 Tables Reporting)

Table 11 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Missing a networked concept to extend beyond the soldier.

More detail is needed in what is relevant for the soldier, to answer if this vision ambitious is enough?

In 3-5 years we can achieve 1 meter/1 second accuracy with GPS for all

For non-GPS, we can achieve the same capability


A multi-technology solution (i.e. GPS, DR, Inertial Azimuth, Triangulation, TOA, DMC, MEMS)

Information Integration and Situational Awareness:

Soldiers networked together to combine information for location

Table 12 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Vision scope is too large for timeline (incremental growth is 5-10 years while disruptive growth is 15+ years)

How do we define 99% confidence?

How to ensure that industry will co-operate (open source, propriety, etc…)?

In the next 5-10 years, the soldier will be capable of accessing high fidelity (i.e. good enough to make a decision), relevant operating data with an appropriate level of confidence in near real-time using compact, light-weight, seamlessly integrated operator-friendly technologies.

Architectural standards for Industry

Integration of cutting edge technologies within 5 years

Ensure pace is kept by Defence Industry with commercial progress / technologies

Information Management: o Who controls information,

controls access, how to prevent information overload?

Table 13 Vision Statement Theme(s)

N/A Issues to be considered for such an ambitious plan:

Ability to effectively integrate devices

Information overload

Filter for COI

Ability to provide only relevant information

Ensure/ Improve Reliability


10-15years 1meter/1second, GPS independent


5 years: Device to convert data from any device into any format required by user (to be done at national level, not JIMP)

10-15 years – device to be made available at JIMP.

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C4I Working Session 1 Participant Input (15 Tables Reporting)

Table 14 Vision Statement Theme(s)

15 years is too far out due to the rapid change of technology – the next 5-10 years is more realistic

Advancement must provide immediate access to relevant information used for real-time situations.

Information must be interactive for all users


Immediate GPS knowledge

Solution biometrics

Alternative solutions should satellite signals be lost

Human Interface Evolution

PDA with GPS evolving to Goggles/sun glasses head-up display (similar to DARPA Ultras-Vis)

Holographic 3D display to know where you and your colleagues are within the terrain

Displays and Interfaces integrated into textiles

Auditory augmentation with protected hearing

Table 15 Vision Statement Theme(s)

Vision statement lacked the fundamentals of a push/pull concept that would support technology/concept evolution (i.e. ‗Obtain‘ vs. ‗Collaborate‘ on complete relevant picture)


evolution/ characterization/ generations of capability

Security: Increasing confidence in system


5 years : Push location; receive SA

10 years : Receive filtered target; push : push into production

15 years : Receive : target fusion; producers as well as agents; enhanced soldier logistics for ammo types/levels and health


avoid security compromise – compromised SA will result in rejection of the system

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E. C4I Working Session 2 Participant Worksheets

This appendix provides the detailed participant input from the worksheets completed

during the first C4I working session. This is the input that was used to generate the

summary information in the body of this report. (See Figure 6. C4I Challenges

Determined from Breakaway Session 2—Summary of Participant Responses.)

The input is organized into these theme areas:

1. Communication

2. Human Interfaces

3. Geo-location

4. Integration

5. Interoperability

6. Security

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Theme 1: Communication ( 2 tables reporting)

Theme vision elements

Every soldier has to be connected with their respective section, section leaders, and the backbone network

Solutions must meet the demand

Resources available should be considered

Key Functionalities

Have access to any real time information requirements (i.e. such as position location; enemy; supply; OP status; control measures; friendly activities)

Need for an audio fashion of auto-translation of local language


Need for an informal way of communicating (organic – external)

Information assurance (avoid over crowded E.M. spectrum)

Classes of service & prioritization

Rely on a 24/7 communication

Instantaneous allocation of bandwidth on demand and the importance that message formatting be compatible with NATO, or even interoperable among allies

Different bandwidth and ad-hoc to various groups at all levels of command

A cross domain solution which would consider secret and unclassified information

Expected range for COI (10km – 15km, etc.) and WPAN

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Human interface

Future display of those technologies

Operating environment

Compatibility with current equipment


Absence of an access mechanism u/e of users and the fact that prior technological investment is required

Missing a hidden node function


Self interference under all environment conditions.

Underlined OTAZ (Reset for radio), OTAR, and SWAP

Other Barriers


Other comments

DND should consider the range extension

The engineering was more important than the design, while acknowledging that there might be a gap between the day it is designed and the user generation.

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Theme 2: Human Interfaces

Overall, three tables worked on Human Interfaces

Theme vision elements

Importance for human interfaces to be ‗intuitive‘, comfortable (or unobtrusive – easy to carry), and easy to use (cognitive and physically)

Reception and the sending of battlefield information: not only this information should go through an interface that senses and filters, but the soldiers should be able to provide such information without any overload and in a timely fashion.

Key Functionalities

Short term: 2D map with red and blue force tracking annotations, markers, and waypoints in terrain

Medium term: 3D version of the above functionality

Longer term: Immersive/augmented reality display overlaying the real world

Health status of the soldier

Equipment status

Viewing of images, in order to locate UAV‘s / to have a visual of the area / to have a visual from other soldiers

Importance of visual, audio, and tactical customization

A centralized system control on weapon

Covert operation is suggested

Multiple sensory inputs

Technical Challenges/Drivers



Environmental security

Light spillage


Heat MGT/signature

Power processing

Satellite connectivity

Power limitations

Low weight

Data transmission


Equipment hygiene




Visual overload

To have a common interconnected network

Configurability to any inputs

Realizing at the same time that SWAPS








Information overload

Prioritization of information

Other Barriers


Other comments


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Theme 3: Geo-location ( 1 table reporting)

Theme vision elements

Overlapping of information on graphical map

Use a common language

Share info with coalition partners

Key Functionalities

audible-visual-tactile component

Non-GPS connection

Need for multiple source of geo-location

The ability to publish technologies that are integrated + information transmission coming from enemy coordinates (sight) using trigger mounted targeting system

Technical Challenges/Drivers











Other Barriers


Other comments


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Theme 4: Integration (1 table reporting)

Theme vision elements

The soldier systems should be integrated at multiple levels from the individual to the command

Key Functionalities

Efficient HMI (considering controls and displays)

Information fusion Modularity

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Easy reconfiguration

Interface standards

Power distribution

Single use devices

Different generations of users

Availability of power





Other Barriers


Other comments

Participants wanted to make sure that the evolution of the theme would incorporate a training ease dimension to lead to a technology turn over.

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Theme 5: Interoperability (2 tables reporting)

Two tables worked on this theme.

Theme vision elements

Seamless aspect of communication and cooperation in their vision definition

Key Functionalities

Radio system/device must have multi-function abilities (leads to a challenge related to security)


Allow soldier to communicate over a large distance

Harmonized transparent exchange systems Conceptualized as harmonized exchange, and different than a standardized exchange)

Technology agnostic, mission independent, and simplistic

Responsive/timely configuration

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Communication overload

Power consumption



No technical challenges were mentioned.

High degree of confidence is needed


Overload of data

Other Barriers

N/A Politics


Soldier acceptance

Need to keep pace with change

The importance to avoid obsolescence with previous technologies

Other comments

One table focused on section platoon, while the other incorporated all necessary partners.

NATO should provide direction/standards

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Theme 6: Security (1 table reporting)

Theme vision elements

The transparency of the user must meet the requirements

Security must rely on a seamless interoperability with adequate protection.

Key Functionalities

Simple access control to support the need

Need for intrusion detection and response

Seamless interoperability (domestic, coalition, JIMP)

Technical Challenges/Drivers

Lack of federated IDM system

The maturity of technology at the DSS level

The maturity of technology at the DSS level




Other Barriers

Security policy

Common understanding of the definition of simple access central


Other comments


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F. C4I Working Session 3 Participant Stickies—the Challenges

The details of the solutions proposed during working session 3, and their related

technologies, are listed in the tables below. This information is summarized graphically

in the body of this report (see C4I Breakaway Session 3: C4I Technologies/Solutions).

The technical challenges for which solutions are proposed are:

1. Denied Signal Environment

2. Detecting and Overcoming Jamming/Spoofing

3. Effective Language Recognition

4. Inability to Configure C4I Devices to Context (Functional)

5. Inability to Scan and Use a Range of Frequencies

6. Inability to Configure C4I Devices to Context (Cross-domain, Interoperability,


7. Lack of Standards/Agreed Guidelines

8. Lack of UI Configurability/Usability

9. Overcoming Infection/Comfort-related to C4I Equipment

10. Over-reliance on Technology Solutions (No longer training the fundamentals)

11. Poor Bandwidth/Capability Management

12. Poor Signature Management

13. Power/Energy Limitations

14. Spectrum Availability

15. Lack of High Performance User Interface Characteristics

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1. Technical Challenge: Denied signal environment

Solution Description Technologies #


Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 For radio comms (in different environments) use of lower frequency bands suited to such environments

Multi-channel radio e.g. 1 channel for denied

environment (low frequency and low bandwidth) and 1 channel soldier radio. (TRL 6)


2 Vision system on a low power embedded device

Tech1: Computer vision (TRL 5) 2 2015

Tech2: Highly Parallel, low power, RISK embedded systems (TRL 5)

3 Line of site laser based send/receive capability? Fiber Optic Tether?


4 High divergence/wide angle free space optical communications (FSOC)

Transmitter= laser + holographic diffuser receiver array of APDs and optical filters (TRL 7)


5 Redundant connectivity on single product


6 MANET with breadcrumb capability. All vehicles become wireless nodes and soldiers can deploy repeaters and mini UAV/aerostats that act as wireless repeaters.

Tech1: Wireless Networking 2015 *

Tech2: Cognitive radios

Tech3: Power Management

Tech4: Vehicles as mobile Servers large data storage and processing capability to offload bandwidth requirements on smaller portable radios.

Tech5: Peer to peer networking

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Solution Description Technologies #


Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

Tech6 Distributed, wireless cloud processing to improve cross cueing of sensors and comms to better cover gaps

7 Satellite systems for BIOS, smaller than USAT antennas possibly using a larger teleport antenna

DUB-RCS, VSAT, Antennas (TLR 6) 2015

8 Multi UAV network as an intelligent relay system for short-range communications.

Tech1: multi robot swarms 2015

Tech2: enhanced power for mobile devices

Tech3: network/communication standards (TLR 7)

9 Store and forward approach for non-perishable data (messages, overlays, reports) so that it is delivered as soon as connectivity is re-established.

Distributed mailboxes with time stamped messages - only those generated during blackout are retrieved (TRL 2)


10 Micro, accurate, intelligent transmitters. Size must be reduced while maintaining accuracy of the larger systems

Advancement of accelerometer and gyroscope size and cost


11 Advanced server technologies

Visual optic, volumetric sensing, mm wave radar


12 Cognitive radios that can switch to another frequency when jammed


13 Millimetric radio Waveforms Software definable radios (TLR 4) 2015

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Solution Description Technologies #


Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

14 Enhanced deployment of portable relays

Relay Communication Channels (TLR 6) 2015

15 Equipment to adapt to other communications means

Communications, Antennas, transmission, network technologies


16 Magnetic wave communications

Antennas, amplifiers etc 2020

17 Micro UAV based network following COA

Flapping Wings 2020

18 Use radio signal for data propagation when dead air

IP based radios or RF to IP radios (TLR 9) 2020

19 Prevent limited line of site contacts in cluttered terrain

Communication relay by micro-UAV (TLR1) 2020

20 Lithospheric waves propagation

Signal to vibrations/seismic waves converter (TLR 2-3)


21 Intelligent (stearable) antennas

RF modulation, efficient DSP 2020

22 Extra booster added to communications device when operating in a known dead signal area. Special satellites.

GPS's positioning devices, special software to communicate with other devices


23 A continued operation in all environments

Improved inertial/dead reconning systems (TLR 4)


24 Signal repeater integrated with communication terminal

Tech1: Mobile Ad-Hoc network (TLR 3) 2020 *

Tech2: Smart on frequency amplifier/repeater (TLR 3)

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Solution Description Technologies #


Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

25 Every soldier is a retransmition node (for comms and for location. Droppable

Computers doing triangulation to track soldiers. Returns "Roc k" dropped outside of denied environment.

2 2020

26 Transmit signal at an entirely wide range of frequencies. Assume at leats one sucessfuly penatrates the barriers

Very Wide Range SDR

27 Allow Target localization within shorter ranges (1 meter)

Use of different satellites on one targeted and phased info differential (TRL 8)

28 Allocation of spectrum to suit different classes of services

Spectrum allocation - cross layering with MAC and routing

29 Middleware that provides various services

Service oriented architecture

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2. Technical Challenge: Detecting and overcoming jamming/spoofing

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Sense jamming frequency , use DSA dynamic spectrum access to locate non blocked/jammed spectrum

Satellite with frequency scanning to send out multiple frequencies - user's interface also scans

2 2015 *

2 Use of SAASM GPS embedded in system and augmented with embedded DRM solution and any sensor fusion/position update available

Micro DAGR/micro GRAM by Rockwell Collins with embedded DRM module (TLR 8-9)


3 Cognitive radio Frequency agile transceivers 2015 *

4 Assured communications/blueforce tracking

Tech1: Improved military radios/GPS 2015

Tech2: automatic crypto-key distributions (TRL 6)

5 Emitter receiver radar Radar see through wall 2015

6 Radio with wideband pick and choose capabilities similar to DSL modems (often with water filling algorithm)

powerful and small DSP/FPGAs, switchable RF front-ends (TLR 2)


7 Enhanced Authentication techniques? E-password (personal) or biometric authentication

Biometric screening 2015

8 Increase power output on use of physical link connection

Jamming technology evolves at the same speed as anti-jamming


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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

9 Selectiveness of the volume and location for data processing instead of simultaneous communications

RFID TAC perform selective secure and quick data processing without collision


10 MEMS adaptive phase array, anti-jamming digital processors

MEMS, micro electronics (TLR 2) 2015

11 Advance jam resistant signal encoding, wide band frequency hopping

Advanced jam-resistant encoding algorithms, wide band frequency hopping radios (TLR 7)


12 Software enabled radio and dynamic spectrum allocation

(TRL 6) 2015

13 Radio/device with built-in search for hostile signals

Satellites with special signals for friendly signals 2 2020

14 ENGR solution. Current low

need that will increase over time


15 Nano robot with sensors RFI in the cloth, interactive

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3. Technical Challenge: Effective language recognition (including language/cultural AI)

Solution Description Technologies # Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 IPhone has an application that recognizes song title.

NLP - Natural Language Processing (TRL9-9) 3 2015

2 AI learning - machine adapts itself to the specific user preferences/personal differences.

Genetic algorithms/machine learning (TRL 4-5)

2 2015

3 Icon/symbology development (i.e. more graphics, less text)

graphic designers. Cognitive recognition.


4 Some automatic translation capabilities already exist but they could be improved and specialized to the specific domain (infantry troops)

Microsoft word speech recognition sw, combined with some more specialized automated translation (TRL 5)

4 2015 4

5 Text-to-speech, speech-to-text, translation

natural language processing/understanding language identification, speech processing (TRL 7)

3 2015

6 speech recognition of a limited vocabulary + automatic translation

Tech1: speech recognition 2 2015 *

Tech2: Automatic AI translation (TRL 5)

7 Commercial translation context sensitive databases. COTS voice recognition algorithms

COTS translation software. COTS voice recognition algorithms (TRL 8)

4 2015 4

8 Universal language recognition translator

Voice/Language recognition software (TRL 5). 4 2015 4 / *

9 Ability to provide translation in seamless fashion

SW + PC program 2015

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

10 look to commercial solutions commercial domain 2015

11 Speech to text of speech to Icon graphic algorithm (ability to transfer info to non-combattants). Speech to text for reports + returns (force to force)

not known: perhaps audio background noise filter algorithms (perhaps similar technology in TV closed captions world.

2 2015

12 Universal communication Tech1: Voice recognition (TRL 6) 2 2020

Tech2: automatic translation (TRL 3)

13 Complete database on language & cultural efficient software

Software development (TRL 3) 4 2020 4

14 Better certified intelligent algorithms

Compact high-speed processing unit (TRL 3-4)

3 2020

15 Automatic conversion of human language to standard machine language and back (TRL 2)


16 Off the shelf solutions will allow a better update rate with supported languages and enhanced features.

google translator type with application similar to Iphone.

17 Use of graphics and international symbology to communicate - new development for basic exchange of info vice text or speech.

further development of mapping symbology strandardization.

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4. Technical Challenge: Inability to configure C4I devices to context (functional)

Solution Description Technologies # Reps Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Data centric security architecture based on authentication and labelling of information objects

Tech1: Public key infrastructure 2015

Tech2: Encryption algorithm

Tech3: Software quality assurance (TLR 5)

2 User interface should automatically be adjusted to the current C2 task to be done by providing appropriate decision support functionalities

Mixed initiative interfaces (TLR 4-5) 2015

3 Configure device to switch from secure to non-secure

Radios already exists, just need further R&D 2015

4 Self, mission roles and time phase appropriate automatic configuration

Tech1: Select biometric entry + roles cross reference database (TLR 4)


Tech2: Additional soldier sensor fusion to adapt configuration (presented Info + CTLS) to subsystem/user (TLR 6)


5 Automatic identification of similar situations

Tech1: Automatic interpretation of written text 2015

Tech2: case based reasoning (TLR 4-5)

6 User serviceability of functions at soldier level. Very flexible system management


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Solution Description Technologies # Reps Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

7 Data-centric architecture - allows device interfaces to configure based on exchange of objects described by metadata so devices can auto-configure as the situation requires

Standards, security, interoperability (TLR 6)

2015 *

8 Intelligent data fusion. Part of the problem is that it is

relatively easy to get more info, but more info will just

overload the user


9 User devices recognizes the type of info required and

adapts the type and quality of info as situations evolve

Artificial intelligence based on user profile, better system design, software design (TLR 3)


10 Make content and context based which can be accepted and certified by the NSAs at NATO

(TLR 3) 2020 *

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5. Technical Challenge: Inability to scan and use a range of frequencies

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 No new technology needed 2015

2 Increased compression scheme for image data exchange. All Tx is data: voice image text

Standard format approval (TRL 6) 2015

3 Adaptive, configurable direct RF sampling

Tech 1: Wide band analog-Digital converters 2015

Tech 2: Adaptive filtering and decimation 2

Tech 3: wide band antenna (TRL 7)

4 Radio with wideband waveform capabilities (OFDM, DSSS, FHSS, VWB)* & smart interference detection/avoidance algorithms (*Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing; Direct sequence spread spectrum; Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum; Ultra Wide Band; Digital Signal Processor; Field Programmable Gate Array)

Powerful, small & affordable DSPs & FPGAs. Suitable wideband RF front-ends (TRL 2)


5 Real time full band scan Tech 1: Fast filter selection or adaptation (TRL 8)

2 2015

Tech 2: Special waveform (TRL 2)

6 Agile electronics / wideband viewing – flexible RF

OAC/AOC converters, electronics capable filters


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Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

7 Radios with multi-band operating i.e. L/S/C/ETC

Digital links that auto scan 2015

8 SDR + Wideband RF head High Speed A/D 2015

9 RFID TAC multi-channel technology working with any frequency

RFID TAC words with UHF, UWB, Wi-Fi, LF, etc.


10 Regular communication driver with capability to provide wide spectrum of freq. in both secure and non secure mode

Tech 1: BW + Radio Freq. Control 2 2020

Tech 2: IP commonality

11 Cognitive / software define radios.

Better user of existing spectrum / use of white spaces

Beam forming antennas, automatic tuneable,

front ends. High power DSPs, Miniaturization of RF parts, etc.


12 Adaptive radio Adaptive radio frequency 2 2020 *

13 Flexible Awd + combined SW

that operates in all environments. WW.

Provide new Awd/SW solution while defining a larger freq. range.


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6. Technical Challenges: Inability to configure C4I devices to context (cross-domain, interoperability, security)

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Develop a software translator for data exchange between dismounted, mounted C.F., NATO groups etc.

Small lightweight translator computer (TLR 3-4)

2 Multi domain, multi level communication capability

MILS/CDS data terminals

3 Need to evolve and elaborate interest management solutions beyond geospatial indexing to include other filtering and prioritization mechanisms

Smart push information exchange mechanisms - publish and subscribe using notification. For example the OMG - DDS standard should be evaluated as a possible candidate IEM. Work in the US at the Naval post-graduate school (NPS) on smart push technology is relevant - see VIRT (valued Information at the Right Time)(TLR 6)


4 Standards for software embedding and integration

Service oriented architectures UML, SysML

5 Use of common interfaces as in commercial technology. Use of wireless technologies.

Develop low power WPAN. Security is not compromised due to range limitations

6 Develop IA Crypted Key management policy for S to TUI, vice versa use MILS crypto solution within system with crypto bypass for management of black data passed on may then be formatted for desired interoperability

JANUS MCM by Rockwell Collins with turnstile CDS (TLR 8/9)

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

7 Ability to subscribe to info/intel produced by OGDs and Allies and engage using chat or other means

Meta data tagging standards. Cross-boundary (domain) guards. Search engine (next generation)

8 Authentication of C4I devices Exploitation of biometric data (TLR 7)

9 Data centric systems Architecture. Renditions of objects allow for effective exchange with layered security for a high level of granularity and flexibility in configuration.

Standards, functional configuration (TLR 6)

10 Ability to move in, out, through networks seamlessly. Ability to move between modes of TPT seamlessly, Ability to EMPL VEHS as RRB

Software defined system

11 Bi-directional "data diodes" to link between secret Hi and TUI/SBU radio/data links that accommodate security level matching and data bridging

Tech1: Context parser for structured data (TLR 6-9)

Tech2: Data packet keyword parser for digitized VOX and Free text (TLR 5-6)

12 Artificial Intelligence Data Mining/neural networks

13 Automated projection of team member position/action

Artificial Intelligence , simulation, machine learning (TLR 5-6)


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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

14 Perform field trials to clearly identify all different contexts, define, selectable defaults for each context (OP'r selectable); add additional configurations for OP'r based on user trials

(TLR 5)

7. Technical Challenge: Lack of standards/agreed guidelines

Solution Description Technologies # Reps Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Commercial standards available cap/capan/georss/oasis/masas adopt or modify

Situation awareness + mapping (TRL 6) 2011

2 Make best use of available commercial standards

Information systems. 3 2015

3 Increased use of industry standards and open architecture

Publish standards and ontologies currently in use in operational systems

2015 *

4 Open Source Approach (standard)

2015 *

5 Common Functions – Scripted functions, visuals, audio, text, and images

Processors smart displays 2015 *

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

6 Standards creation & agreement on data management, symbology for soldiers, interoperability

Xml, 2525c/App6b, 802.11*, C-BML 2015

7 Adoption of commercial standards where possible e.g. xml, c#, 80211N, Bluetooth

Xml, c#, 80211N, Bluetooth 3 2015

8 Use or augment existing commercial or industry standards vs. creating new military standards

Ethernet, USB, Firewire for communications 3 2015

9 Development of standards, understanding what we are talking about several standards

Jc3iepm (from the MIP) to be extended to support soldier systems (PDAs) or tablets (TRL 4)


10 Technology life cycle modeling tools/standards

Product life cycle management, business process modeling uml/sys ML, model-based system engineering


11 Use metadata based repository to harmonize ―objects‖ to be exchanged with or without standards dependence

Interoperability, security (TRL 6) 2015 *

12 Need industry participation and emphasis on need. Need to draw a link in the sand.

Non or what standards already exist and are relevant (TRL N/A)

2015 *

13 The use of international standards (EBTS)

Crossmatch is an extremely flexible company modeling their products to soldiers needs.

4 2015 4 / *

14 Use less energy Optimization sources code 2015

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

15 International Alliance/Committee to determine the bases for standard

N/A 4 2015 4

16 Agreed, but the real lack is commonality amongst users


17 Systems Integration hardware abstraction lawer for com. links

Make ethernet firewire wireless usb wifi all TCP/IP


18 Use of Stanag 4586 and/or JAUS for ISR assets beyond unmanned systems (e.g. tower mounted cameras, traffic cams, etc.)

Uav, ugc, usv device (TRL 4) 2015

19 Publish a format of expected data from a soldier, example ―x,y‖ platoon name make it an open standard

Sdp protocol belongs to sip (voice example) 2015

20 Wiki-standard-pedia 2 2015

21 NATO Interoperability Consensus decisions that provide global standardization of C4I tools.

Existing agreements and efforts that are currently underway should enable future collaboration

4 2015 4

22 Create new group including industries and university researchers

TRL 2 2015

23 Industry engagement with policy developers and when regular, on-going meetings

Wiki, tele-presence 2 2015

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

24 Adopt industry + already available standards as much as possible. Participate in standards bodies

W4c, ITU 2 2015

25 Communicate between countries and military groups (from top to fringe)

International standards 4 2020 4

26 Adopt industry standards N/A (TRL 3) 2

27 Need to elaborate a digitized representation of tasks and orders to support exchange between soldiers and soldiers and C2 systems and soldiers and robots

The coalition-battle management language is an emerging standard that addresses this need (TRL 3)

8. Technical Challenge: Lack of UI configurability/usability

Solution Description Technologies # Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Projector-based augmented reality display capable of mimic devices

Augmented reality computer vision 2015

2 Protection glasses / Read wanted display that does not mase the field of view of the user

Micro-projection system (TRL 5) 2015

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

3 One system - on set of equipment configurable for EA level of user ie Rifleman, Sect. leader, PI and Coy CMD. Ability to turn on/off data displayed. Enable a MSN Vice hinder it.

XML? Similar to web based designs and selection of user preference


4 Better training provided to subject. Better understanding of the problem to be addressed. More powerful PDA/portable laptops to help.

Flexible displays. 2015

5 Danger: Restricted uses to avoid software hang up in a real time environment.

Use enable/disable function + layered on/off display.


6 Better HFI design HFI - Man Machine Interface 2015

7 Configure device as per user preference

Touch pad easy interface for military apps. (TRL 8)


8 Partner with commercial leaders in user interface (i.e. Apple, Ubisoft) to devise soldier interface rather than re-invent the wheel.

Adapt to interface standards which users will be familiar with from previous exposure.


9 Allow for UI to "learn" its user

Utilized in Mercedes + high end vehicles machine learving. (TRL 8).


10 Use of flexible display within uniform.

OLED & printable electronics 2020

11 have intuitive systems - machine model itself to the human; not vice-versa

thought generated control interface + machine learning (TRL 4)


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Solution Description Technologies # Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

12 Hand held devices - scale/tailer multiple windows/including text + imagery) to reduced screen size.

Human factors R+D-develops new approaches to display information to meet cognitive requirements.


13 Difficult - std GUI design/evaluation/cognitium, walkthium, heuristics)

Usability analysis - SW Development. 2020 *

14 Development role/context based GUI for C4I

Development of AI content of C4I to perform coarse GUI adjustment with operator fine adjustment (TRL 7)

2020 *

15 Software input/display interfaces

Software Development

16 Ongoing support of R&D in this area.

Also affects #9 high-prof UIs (TRL 6)

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9. Technical Challenge: Overcoming infection/comfort-related to C4I equipment

Solution Description Technologies # Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Garment integration Smart Textiles that would incorporate the C4I functionalities.


2 Bone conducting vibrator frees up soldier ears for situational awareness

Hearing protection that cancels out high impulse noise; but allows soldier to hear (TRL 7+)


3 Ear canal/in-ear and over-ear combination headsets - combined comms/hearing protection

Tech1: Ear canal vranning/moulding technologies for individual fit in-ear devices (TRL 6-7)


Tech2: Head side/shape 3D scanning database. DND database available (P. munic DRDC did the work) not available to industry! Key for developing 5-95% headset fit.


4 Antibacterial materials (ear plugs)

8 nanotechnologies. Silver nanoparticles in solution.

2 2015

5 Develop device (headset) that controls noise level - low noise up and loud noise down, voice (Form Fitting)

headset tech. 2 2015

6 Apply accepted industry style guides (e.g. windows) as much as possible to increase operator familiarity, reduce training, ease operation under stress

TRL 6 2015

7 Use of antennas made from electroconductive yarns. Would reduce weight from antenna.

Deposit of electroconductive yarns to form irregular shapes.


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Solution Description Technologies # Reps * Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

8 Swappable foam earplugs (disposable) with anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. Antiseptic wipes. Use soft materials inside ear that are shaped/ergonomic.

Ergonomics antimicrobial/fungal - commercialized for t-shirt, socks, etc. (TRL 9).


9 Intégrer directement les capteurs dans les tissus des vêtements.

Intégrer des capteurs MEMS dans les vêtements.


10 System in a box. Miniaturization of electronic, radio/CPV/Display all in the same box (TRL 5).


11 Human factor engineering. Integrated woven vest-body armor head gear. (TRL 7)


12 Prevent ear discomfort/infections due to headsets.

Audition by in durting mech. vibrations in the jaw bone (TRL 6)


13 Hearing - antimicrobial conformal ear plug perhaps air inflatable ear plug.

Chloramides - syringe to inflated 2015 *

14 Wireless systems low power wireless (communication) conductors fabrics


15 Custom Fitting - Self decontaminating materials

Nano-Technology. 2 -

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10. Technical Challenge: Over-reliance on technology solutions (no longer training the fundamentals)

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Ensure personnel can perform their tasks without technology (maps + compass, range finding, hand signals etc.)

Good basic training, technology should enable, not cripple

2 2015

2 Using simulation to train for different technologies in the same environments (e.g. map/compass vs. blue force tracking in same environment)

Add-ons to existing services games (e.g. VBS2) (TLR 6)


3 Use commercially available gaming technology to train soldiers to sue military equipment

Interface between commercial games platform and military C2


4 Adopt tools role/phase + Resource option - basic training + Structure

Enabling tools (display, Avoid, etc.) to auto-train users based on task (TLR 7)


5 Dual-use devices (e.g. holographic weapons that have a fixed iron sight on top in event prism is damaged).

Likely requirements based - SOR needs to define objective to threshold capabilities on a device for dual use.


6 Define basic principles of the equipments (maps, and compass navigation, light and electromagnetic waves introduction)

Training of fundamentals (TLR 9) 2 2015

7 Introduction in education system - easy to train but likely hard

Education System 2020

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

8 Drive a combat team with a computer generated forces (one SAF, for example) and play war-gaming. Use same for pre-mission brief to do what-if scenarios

Dismounted soldier simulator (DRDC Toronto) - use it more (TLR 9)

9 Training at appropriate

level/ongoing continuous in various modes developed in consultation with user (soldiers); and are appropriate technology

Wiki (self learning/sharing)

10 Prior to provide training to the soldier with advanced

technology the soldier should be educated in the basics and trained in that area.

(TLR 1)

11 Use of training methods that

date back to the old days where soldiers did not have access to sophisticated equipment

In addition to the current and future training,

use fundamental training using basic weapons and war scenarios (TLR 8)


12 Built-in software for training

on fundamental underlying skills

Software development

13 Continue to train the basics

to provide necessary understanding. User application will evolve

(TLR 9)

14 New code of cognitive solution for training new generation of soldiers

New application on Apple iPhone

15 Fundamental shift in training operations. Build better, simpler UI interface

Focus on more general approach to training (vs. unit-specific while teaching "offline" alternatives.


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11. Technical Challenge: Poor bandwidth/capacity management

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Increase Spectrum efficiency MIMO Technologies/more efficient modulation, computer algorithmes

2 2015

2 Mission based management of RF resources


3 Better frequency detection and allocation

optimization algorithms with robust cost functions (TLR 6)

2015 *

4 Better compression, optimized code at low-level monitor, allocate, throttle users, change resolution

Network monitoring dynamic priority based allocation (TLR 8)

2015 *

5 Make some soldiers wireless access points, allowing I/P communication when in close proximity permitting relay to headquarters

COTS wireless routers and access point (TLR 7)


6 Use centralized infrastructure at a teleport

DSA, Hubs (TLR 8) 2015

7 Policy- based, dynamic network management

software definable radios (TLR 5) 2015

8 Tactical area aerial rebroadcast and advanced managed mesh networks

Tactical micro UAVs, improved MANET solutions matched to SWRs (TRL 6)

2015 *

9 Make use of infrastructure free 3G mobile phone technology - leverage power of COTS road maps etc. to deliver military capacity

(TLR 6) 2015

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

10 Send only the required information, thus limiting the bandwidth requirements

Data synch guard, use of geo-tagged information - get what concerns soldier (TLR 7)


11 Use efficient packaging/compression of data to limit bandwidth requirements

Use of packaged data units (PDUs) - a form of compression XML being used with CIEM (TLR 9)


12 Software defined radios combined with capacity management solutions

MPLS, SW defined radios (TLR 6) 2015

13 Better planning for end user system use. Adherence to well developed standards.

The art of getting a consensus among working groups


14 Smart applications adapting to available radio connectivity


15 Process and compress data at one service

Artificial intelligence (TLR 5) 2 2015

16 Radio that has a capacity to transfer video to all members over a range of up to 100 m without passing connectivity due to physical instances.

Multi-band, ad hoc networking radio (TLR 7) 2015

17 Algorithm needed to automatically determine center of mass of an organization based on locations of elements

Geographical approximation algorithms 2015

18 Define meta data for heavy information sources and publish meta data on the net instead of raw data.

OLAP technology (TLR 9) 2015

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

19 Frequency planning and management for related zone

Frequency management and planning software


20 Frequency reuse, TX at minimum power, better control of information needed to be transmitted to end user

Cell phone frequency reuse techniques, training on bandwidth management


21 Increase available bandwidth on communication devices

New communication technology that overcomes bandwidth issues (TLR 1)


22 Automatic bandwidth

allocation with cross reference

Artificial Intellect (TLR 5) 2 2020

23 Dynamic spectrum allocation,

Adaptive channel aggregation, adaptive radios, adaptive modulation

MIMO, better processing power 2 2020

12. Technical Challenge: Poor signature management

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Soldiers are not stealthy; they wear camouflage vests but blast out RF. Use 2010 Emission Control (EMCON) and wired PAN.

Electro textiles, ultrasonic PAN (Personal Area Network), cabling (TRL 9)


2 Display dimming capability 2015

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.


3 Display technology that does not produce visible light signature

Display technology based on an infra-red (TRL 6).


4 Real time signature database

database 2015

5 Algorithm fractal pattern mapping identification application awareness

Using to analyze digital imagery + from satellite and find of a target.

2015 *

6 Improved, low weight shielding alternatives

New Material developments 2015

7 Tool for squad/platoon to check their RF emissions prior to a mission

Tool also becomes a detector for enemy RF emissions


8 IR: The use of a new material already address this signature reduction: RF; This is inevitable and must be controlled through emission control & RF power management & brainstorming.

RF Power management & brainstorming technique.

2020 *

9 NVG viewable PDA screen Dual view display nvg/naked eye; Covert Display Technology


10 ANR type solution - Apply ANR type solution to other types of electromagnetic ENERGY

Sense signature and broadcast "noise" canceling waveform.


11 Electromagnetic emissions control systems

Magneto - inductive technologies. 2020

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

12 Direct optical Communications at Video rate.

Laser rangefinder, target locators with covert communications (TRL 6).


13 Visual Display that is visible in low light - high light - and near IR without the user constantly making adjustments.

Digital fused visible & near IR and possibly thermal technologies


14 Smelling sensor identification to target and pine point.

Fire Security System

15 Use of more efficient power supplies and CPU cards.

Phare-shifted resource converters increase power supply efficiency (TRL 9).

16 (relating to IR) Reduction of power consumption and development of low radiation finishes.

Reduction of power consumption of system and improved finishing techniques/progresses (TRL 5).

17 Auto correcting to minimize power output to stay connected vice high power low power settings.

Sensors to autocorrect power output.

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13. Technical Challenge: Power/energy limitations

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Device that converts motion info electric current which would then charge the system battery (ies) & lower energy consumption.

Permanent rare-earth magnet generating a current when the magnetic flux cuts through a coil. (TRL 5)


2 Very high density power source and cloat-embedded power distribution.

Micro hydrogen fuel cell (TRL 6). 4 2015 4

3 Integrated Power/Data Bnsg smart power management.

Intelligent textiles, universal connector, energy harvesting + storage

4 2015 4

4 Reduce power usage with not keeping communication, location, etc. devices active all time.

RFID TAC technology keeps devices silent and sleepy till selective activation performed.


5 Use energy efficient signal processing algorithms combined with low power.

Low power processors, low power algorithms 2015

6 For night vision/thermal imaging /fuzzed - need power demand < 3 watts max.


7 Use other than regular AA batteries

LiSOCL7 batteries: same shape as AA batteries, more energy.

4 2015 4

8 Lower consumption devices. ongoing product improvements 2015

9 1 single power source w/distribution (smart) system to dispatch energy "on-demand".

Portable fuel-cells + smart energy dispatcher. (TRL 7)

4 2015 4

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

10 Wider use of renewable sources of energy

Photo elements (TRL 8). 2015

11 Low power, low energy waveforms

Develop high efficiency manet waveform not based on beaconing.


12 (Referring to power as computational power) - Development of faster DSPs/FPGAs/GPPs.

More efficient higher energy density portable batteries (voltage).

4 2015 4

13 Higher degree of soldier system hw-integration ¿ phone type of common unit for the soldier.


14 No one solution. May require a combo of syst. to sustain syst. operability for defined periods/missions.

Li Battery, solar, bio-mech generation and capacitors + to store defined energy level.

4 2015 4 / *

15 New micro electric integration. Innovative software management. Self Power generation.

Solar panel technology. Micro-pump power generation. (TRL 2-3).


16 Use of thermal energy to generate electrical energy.

Integrating thermoelectrical materials within uniform.

4 2015 4

17 Energy harvesting from other devices + wearable systems.


18 Dynamic re-allocation of smaller amount of resources based on available signals ¿ universal configurable channels.

Reconfigurable FPGA chips based on sensed environment (TRL 7).


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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

19 Build solar + kinetic capabilities into soldier uniforms to charge power sources (TRL 2).


20 Integrated (clothing, equipment, etc.) solar cells and docking stations to either recharge or slowdown batteries consumption

Robust protective film for cells. 2015

21 Adaptive communications, reduce power to necessary level based on SNR

Communications electroniks 2015

22 Energy harvesting photovoltaïque.

Solar cells, flexible panels (textiles). 2 2015

23 Integrate multiple devices into a single product to reduce total power requirements.

Software defined radio instead of 2 different radios.


24 Provide common power source that will complete the mission apps for 24, 48,72 or more hours

Establish low voltage supply / ability to storage energy + to be self contained.


25 Use of novel triggering/cueing technologies with unattended sensors to minimize power usage. (TRL 4).


26 Explore new technologies Replacement of Lithium to lighter efficient power energy retainers (TRL 7).


27 Longer lasting batteries power manager, energy storage cell. 2015

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

28 Combination of improving technology - chemical battery - Bio-Kinetic - Low Power Computing

Non-battery - motion harvest systems CPU manufacturing. (TRL 6).

2015 *

29 Cooperative beam forming to extend radio range - utilize all radio's within squad to generate extended range/directionality. (TRL 4).


30 Develop aggressive power management techniques for comms & sensors designed into as many systems as possible.

Aggressive power mgmt (see newtrax) technologies approach to power management.


31 Further reliance on natural sources for generating energy (solar, wind, etc.). Use of wireless electrical devices for battery recharge.

Energy storage capabilities. Wireless electricity generation. (TRL 3).

2020 *

32 New battery and/or energy generation capability

Beam forming 2020

33 New photo voltaic material for improved efficiency battery solar cell.

New material development + (organic). Photo voltaic organic material. (TRL 2).

2020 *

34 Better batteries or energy sources

Chemistry, fuel cells, solar 4 2020 4

35 Avoir une source d'énergie portable et légère

Les piles à combustibles à hydrogène (TRL 4).


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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

36 Profile where / how power is used and how / where power is lost - wasted (do you need 10W radio far 1km range segmentation). Smart Power management (on-demand power throttling) - power management in cell phones + MP3 players are very much on-demand type. What energy you don't use are shutted down.

Power management tricks used in mobile devices + semi-conductor industry.

2020 *

37 Micro nuclear energy reactor Possible? Nuclear fusion? TRL 3. 2020 *

38 Smart Power solutions that know when to provide power.

self monitoring power circuit. 2020

39 Combination of improving technology - chemical battery - Bio-Kinetic - Low Power Computing

Non-battery - motion harvest systems CPU manufacturing. (TRL 6).

2015 *

40 Cooperative beam forming to extend radio range - utilize all radio's within squad to generate extended range/directionality. (TRL 4).


41 Miniaturization Power sources improvement - higher energy density.


42 For night vision/thermal/fuzzed - need sleep model - instant on.


43 Energy harvesting solar cell, piezoelectric 2 2020

44 Bared-in energy recuperation system.

Electro-textile that charge up with movement (TRL 1).

4 2020 4

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

45 New Power source, such as power cell.

Fuel cell, wireless power (electromagnetic radiation).

4 2020 4

46 Movement harvesting energy

Piezoelectic fibers or embedded in uniform. 4 2020 4

47 Alternative energy source, solar or biochemical sources energy harvesting from motion or residual heat.

Functional material like piezoceramics nanotechnologies. (TRL 4).

2020 *

48 Personal nuclear energy pack.


49 Alternative sources (other than batteries) such as energy harvesting.

Mechanical generation (from soldier movement) to charge batteries (TRL 3)

2020 *

50 Lighter, last longer, rapidly rechargeable, low cost, environmental friendly.


51 Harvesting Human Kinetic Energy

Efficient harvesting of kinetic energy. -

52 Kinetic power generation from soldier movement. Thermal power generation from soldier heat.

Refrigeration, electrical (TRL 1).

53 Continuing miniaturization of components.

Improved battery technology. Ad hoc networking. (TRL 8).

4 - 4

54 Power harvesting from walking or from curyload system movement. Micro generator engine.


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14. Technical Challenge: Spectrum Availability

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Opportunistic use of the spectrum

Uncontiguous bandwidth waveform for example: OFDM based (TRL 8)

2 2015

2 Prioritizing users according to agreed on protocols, could be updated as situation changes, remotely managed


3 Data image compression Energy efficient high speed processor (TRL 7-9)


4 Increased GARDR (RMS) bandwidth modulations with longer high rate spreading codes

Tech 1: Increased sampling rate with lower power


Tech 2: Wider antenna with LNA

Tech 3: Greater dispreading gain

5 Multi radio system on each soldier simultaneous


6 DSA Radios. Better compression

Miniaturization of RF and Filter parts 2020

7 Increase spectral efficiency of new radios

MIMO – Multiple Input Multiple Output 2020 *

8 Not technology: Military has to pay for use of frequency space in competition with the civilian word


9 Opportunistic use of radio spectrum to increase bandwidth availability – dynamic spectrum access, need real time spectrum mg.

Highly adaptive radio (cognitive) with frequency + bandwidth agility (TRL 3)

2 2020

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

10 Implementation of new modulation techniques

Spread spectrum 2020

11 Automatic spectrum allocation dynamic spectrum changes

New miniature pf components radio signal processing

2 2020

12 Automated spectrum ‗hole‘ management

SDR with dynamic spectrum ‗hole‘ seek + capture capability-non-disruptive (TRL3)


13 In war time, interferers can be shot down (remember day 1 in Baghdad and what the F-117 did), artillery, air force can all destroy unwanted emitters as required

Direction finding ESM (TRL 9)

15. Technical Challenge: Lack of High Performance User Interface Characteristics

Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 design of brdw: trackball, board headset, a radio sensors

noise reduction, dynamic audiosensors, H.R. screens


2 Requires a "Definition/Requirements Identification" from users to enable industry to develop.

2015 *

3 Improve human factor software buil & engineering

Following the iphone application sdk metaphor. (TRL 7)

2 2015

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

4 Intuitive, easy-to-use, easy to learn UIs.

Design for usability user trials, involvement, best practices (e.g. iphone). (TRL 9).


5 See through display Tech1: Variable light transmission (TRL 4). 2015

Tech2: Free form lens design (TRL 4).

6 Adaptive user interface based on location, situation and user skills

Artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms.


7 Engage video game software developers (TRL 4).


8 Install a lightweight camera (wide dynamic range) on helmet or eyewear

Sensors toward CMOS. Target detection/recognition. (TRL 4).

2015 *

9 Multi-modal interface capability

No hands or hands optional controllers. (TRL 3).


10 New devices that are like an i-phone that allows easy control of interface GUI.

New software for ease of configuration. 2 2015 *

11 Direct manipulation graphic environment.

HTMLS, WebGL, Wikis, Web 2.0. 2015

12 New tablets PC need to be made more robust, and have less power consumption.

more efficient batteries and less power consuming tablets (should exist in R&D labs).


13 Defined UI requirements. Optical interface, tactile interface. 2015 *

14 See through HMD visible at night and in bright sunlight

Digital display (OLED) + begun splitter + micro-shutter (MEMS) instantly adjustable. (TRL 4).

2 2015

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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

15 Utiliser des UAV pendant les opérations des soldats pour faire une map avec les positions des soldats. (TRL 6).


16 Use COTS handheld device with custom applications for military.

IPhone, Ipad. (TRL 7). 2 2015

17 Sunglasses (ballistic) with projected display on back side of sunglasses that are distortion free and aligned to normal vision.

pre-distorted digital projection display that corrects for glass curvature + eye tracker and computer to align projected display with natural FOV (TRL 3)

2 2020

18 Multiple interface modalities (sound, vib. visual, text, video) embedded in cloat aud equipment.

Tech1: soldier personal embedded network (TRL 4).


Tech2: Laser display

Tech3: Flexible rollable OLED display


19 bidirectional neural interface to soldier (so it can receive data, like commands, and control devices and send data)

Related neura sciences... standards! (TRL 3). 2020 *

20 Adaptive trained soldier system based on game simulator

Warfighting simulator. Each soldier should go through a trainer which will define his profile. The way he fights, etc. Once done, his profile is loaded in a database, automatically loaded when he log himself on a system (TRL 3-4).


21 Increased S.W. sophistication to load of UI i.e. Facial recognition, behaviour recognition, etc.

video cameras, TI etc. + software devel. and behaviour theory (TRL 5).


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Solution Description Technologies #

Reps* Time frame

Priority (from

BS 4 - * and 4s)

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

22 Display C4I Symbology on real scans.

See trew tech.

23 Optical detectors - multiple -immaterial so no wire links necessary (to torso CPV) between sensor weapon etc.

Optical communication (ad hoc). (TRL 3). *

24 Not technical - procedural. Require access to soldier user community for voice of customer exercise. Has been done before in Canada for Sam5.

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G. Sensors Working Session 2

The details of solutions proposed and their related technologies are listed in the tables

below. The column repetition (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have identified

more than once to create different solutions that can help solve same or different

technical challenges.

The technical challenges for which solutions are proposed are:

1. UAV Weaponization

2. Increasing Bandwidth

3. Enabling Brain to Sensor Control

4. Improving Configurable User Interfaces

5. Enabling High-Performance User Interface

6. Increasing Sensor Resolution

7. Managing Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

8. Developing Multifunction Sight

9. Enhancing Power Availability and Endurance

10. Developing Power/Data Interface to Weapon

11. Processing Multiple Input Signals/AI

12. Enabling Different/Intermittent Communications

13. Improving Signature Management

14. Enhancing Signal Processing and Security Standards

15. Developing Technologies to Enable Devices Recovery

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1. Technical Challenges: UAV Weaponization

Solution Description Technologies

# Reps* Time frame


* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Smaller and different weapons

UAVs that understand that it has a weapon


2 Self propelled munitions that do not impact flight of UAV


Tx + Rx data and video

3 Ceaseless ammo (40-50% lighter)

Also better for infantrymen

I4 multifunction sight/fire control system requires new gun, combine with electronic fire control for precision


4 Careful pick of weapon strap them on

Weapons development now

5 Permit self selective destruction of loitering munitions + other UAVs without authorization


6 UAV battery punctures self before crashing into enemy camp

Power/energy 2015

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2. Technical Challenge: Increasing Bandwidth (to improve multi-band resolution)

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Time frame


* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Synthetile – Vectorize background algorithm


2 High Speed electronics D-A conversion, High speed image processing

Crew Sensor Systems 2015

3 Saleable/Adaptive BW wireless Link w/Low power/short range for weapon to soldier

Compact hi Frequency Transmitter electronics


4 Spread Spectrum/broadband RF

Encoding for secure communications

Higher communications frequency transceivers


5 Dual/multi-band optics and weapon sights

Lower pitch micro-bolometers



6 Utilize, for short distances with wideband technology, and higher order modulation for high BW short distance communications between sensor and receiver

COTS UWB devices requiring low power/size


7 Don‘t bother, too much data already – extract information on board and send as a pulse only when absolutely necessary

Data ->information 2015

8 Radio Frequency Communication at 50 Ghz with Ghz BW

Monolithic Microwave integrated circuit


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Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Time frame


* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

9 Soldier to Soldier and Soldier to communications center transmit priority handling

Master Slave or bandwidth on demand


3. Technical Challenge: Enabling Brain to Sensor Control

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Time frame


* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Use all faculties - touch, voice, movement

Voice recognition, dense force sensors, smart sensor filters

2 Helmet with EEG type sensors Phase 1 Tech to use brainwaves to control prosthetic limb

Phase 2 tech to turn on/off switch


3 Algorithm data processing/compression


4 Thinking to control digital objects control functionality





5 Lightweight sensor to control weapons systems and to monitor inputs

Medical field 2020

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4. Technical Challenge: Improving Configurable User Interfaces

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 All sensors (personal) feed to central processing which can display and transmit selected information

Eye touch screen iPhone type technology but which move icons with motion of users eyes. Sense and track focus of attention and movement


2 Focus interface on data user wants and allow it to be organized into layers based up on priority or context and provides a ―moving} filter to display


3 Provide AI in C4I to interrogate terrain, movement, and instruction to configure HCI without operator input

Development of AI, algorithms and fusion of data


4 Strategic system architecture, open well engineered standards, continuous maintenance/upgrade

5 Reduce user data access time by iconic graphical user interfaces

Data (numeric) mostly sent for upwards analysis

6 Multi modal interface providing access to different levels of granularity of info based on mission needs

Data fusion

Preference handling

Modal interface

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5. Technical Challenge: Enabling High-Performance User Interface

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Provide imagery to the eye without impacting night vision or field of view

Holographic imagery/heads up display


2 Intuitive user configurable weapon centric fused data display, contextual controls

LCD, OLED, Bone speakers, haptic feedback

3 Self training, self guiding operation interface leveraging existing & intuitive controls (e.g. 4CE control station SW)

STANAG 4586 interoperability standard

JAUS interoperability standard


4 Experience from video gaming industry to uncluttered the graphical display and to improve learning curve

2015 *

5 Use glove type interface to control payloads

New gaming gloves 2015

6 Finger motion detector

Eye motion detector

Voice/sound recognition

Biometric sensors

Noise synthesizer


7 User interface is where all sensor input is integrated – needs to communicate with current and future sensors

Integration technologies and an interface standard and protocol

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6. Increasing Sensors Resolution

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Un cooled /cooled detectors with smaller pixel pitch

InGaAs detectors

2 New fabrication technology of sensors, high speed electronics, D-A conversion


Fused Imaging sight/system


3 Adaptable zooming, automatic target acquisition, light sensitive screen

New lens technology

New material for screens


4 New High Density solid state detectors, detector stitching

New fab process 2015

5 Digital image fusion High resolution Displays approaching photo cathode resolution

Signal processing algorithms


6 Foveal systems – wide FOV with high resolution only where the operator is looking

Accomplished with optics – wide angle objective for SA and telephoto tied to eye tracker plus digital stitching of images


7 Requires materials and structures of higher sensitivities e.g. micro/nano structures and advanced E-O materials (e.g. InGaAs etc.)

MEMS, uncooled E-O Sensors

8 Multi sensors in multi-static configurations (multiple input, multiple output concept)

Sensor fusion

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7. Technical Challenge: Managing Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Coordinated autonomous flight, in band remote programmable control


2 Simple icon (map) based interface which gives the vehicles position on a map – when selected, control/view is switched to the second vehicle

Signal jamming prevention, PDA/tablet interfaces, User interface design, Integration of different vehicle control into one platform


3 Software development and improvement to C4I software

Track file software and algorithms enabling multi sensor fusion


4 Vehicular algorithm interactive Autopilot 2015

5 Advanced UI (e.g. 4CE control station) with operation queuing and self guiding corrective actions; interoperability standards

Stanag4586 Interoperability standard

JAUS Interoperability standard


6 Artificial Intelligent system/tech

Data fusion

Collaborative surveillance systems


7 Universal controls, mission configurable aggregate displays, semi autonomous functions

Autonomous control systems

Computer situational awareness

8 Cooperation between those vehicles

Artificial intelligence in autopilots/decision making


9 If they are autonomous they can manage themselves, self and situational awareness

Data -> Information (perceptive capability)


10 Some mission autonomy – soft challenge algorithm

15,2, 9.10,14 2020

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

11 Swarm theory Artificial intelligence 2020

12 Self coordination of ‗swarm‘ through message exchange to complete tasks. Automation/AI


13 Develop waypoint navigation with alerts to operator if irreconcilable issues arise

GPS interaction

Transmit data to operator

14 Automated coordination of a team of autonomous vehicles based on mission intent and localization

Artificiel intelligence, augmentation, position estimation, planning

8. Technical Challenge: Developing Multifunction Sight

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Common optical chain for main spectral sight

Composite material to be developed to refract multi-spectral


2 Modular day/night + multi spectral sight elements (with camera output and data input capabilities)

Microelectronic fusion of I2

SWIR, Thermal Tech

Compact lightweight glass/optic elements


3 Multiple detectors and electronic zoom

IR 2020

4 Quickly identify moving object within sight and to zoom it

Algorithm/processing power 2015

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

5 Fuse thermal (for human detection) with visual -> SWIR detector for ID and situational awareness

Micro bolometer or InSb + electron bombardment CCD


6 Long range (500 m to 2 Km) target id at night

SWIR scope + laser illuminator (both CW + gated)


7 Incorporating (fusing) multiple sensors in a module design that can be integrated on a single optical path

Optical material that work in the SWIR, MWIR and digitization

8 Enable confirmation of target location and capability to ―hand off‖ targets to others for confirmation/engagement

Laser range finding

Pointing (digital magnetic compass)

GPS + Communications network


9 HUD with multi input box capable of lasting long hours

NVG, IR, laser range finder, GPS


10 Modular plug and play architecture with common and optional blocks

VSB, near-field induction 2015

11 Networking of distributed sensor via section radios and transfer of data into sight in operator accepted format

Networking radios and weapons STA system integration


12 Integration of current technologies

Miniaturization of components 2015

13 Nanotechnology – based optical materials that allows waveleband specific pixel fabrication in same substrate

Mew materials, development, processing methods for high density self assembling technologies


14 High resolution sensors

Low power cooling

Wideband optics (visible through IR)


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9. Technical Challenge: Enhancing Power Availability and Endurance

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 New rechargeable batteries or energy storage device – long life recharcheable

Chemical cell technology 2015

2 Light weight fuel cell to replace Lion battery integrated with prop motor to generate FC pumps. Extended flight duration, reduces weight

Fuel cells 2015

3 Multi function platform replacing 50-60% of single technologies


4 Low RPM high output ratio rotor turns from reaction torque of vertical prop. Wing is reconfigurable to swept-wing flying wing for high speed

Aeronautics 2020

5 Reduced electronic geometries (sub-micro) uncooled sensors, intelligent power management

Energy recovery systems

6 Combination of improved batter chemistry – solar – low power electronics

Nano meter manufacturing

Chemical engineering


7 For fixed wing make battery the shape of the wing and easily detachable for recharging

Research into higher energy density batteries

2 2015

8 Energy harvesting form Photovoltaic cells

Placing photovoltaic cells in textile substrates


9 Power management chips with programmability

Circuit design and low-volume manufacturing methods


10 More efficient power sources Miniaturized thermo-electric and thermoacoustic generators/sterling engines


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Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

11 Smart power, power cell reduction

Battery research 2 2020

12 Smaller size, increased amperage


solar 2020

13 Inductive or conductive physical interface

Wireless data transmission standards

USB, Bluetooth, inductive power

14 Micro fuel cell - battery is not as energy dense. Power source to replace in UAV applications and soldier portable power

Micro fluidics

10. Technical Challenge: Developing Power/data Interface to Weapon

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 Wireless connection between soldier and weapon

Low range high throughput data communications using magnetic induction


2 NATO STANAG resolution on power data rail


3 Wired to wireless integrated power/data exchange via sling + future transceiver (see tech 2) + inductive power transfer

1 Robust integrated in-textile cabling (sling)

2 Inductive power transfer Interface


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11. Technical Challenge: Processing Multiple Input Signals/AI

Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

1 High/fast data processing electronics/computing

Neural network

Collaborative Surveillance systems


2 MTI and video MTI; operator selectable declutter, data fusion algorithms

Positional technology (GPS etc.)

3 Fuse multiple signals of different types and quantities and make sense of them

Machine learning - AI 2015

4 Sequential processing with high speed and low energy consumption

Wireless communication grid within RFID RTLS Technology


5 Redundant info and image enhancement from multi spectral sources

We already use redundant edge information in video compression


6 Algorithm design matched to threaded or vector processor architectures

Algorithm design, generation of new concepts for data fusion and filtering


7 Dynamic model-based representation of environment and situation

Standard data format, interoperability

2015 *

8 High speed, compact processing unit

Digital; senso/EI2 2015

9 Wide-angle sight Integrating many cameras within a helmet to get 180o in front of soldier


10 Utilize core processing of C4I System to process raw sensor data to reduce distributed processing, weight and power

Development of processing techniques to sustain C4I functions and sensor processing of multiple threads


11 Neural networks, quantum computing

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Solution Description Technologies # Reps* Timeframe Priority

* The column repetitions (# reps) indicates that similar technologies have been identified more than once, to create different solutions that can help solve same or different technical challenges.

12 Self sufficient data aware soldier as the main decision link

Priority in information handling *

12. Technical Challenge: Enabling Different/Intermittent Communications

Solution Description Technologies # Reps Timeframe Priority

1 The only reliable means of sensors communicating with a common display/processing module is by hard wiring them on the soldier

Miniature wires integrated in fabrics first then nanowire technology

2 Communications that self adapt to the SA and environment


3 Multiple/dynamic communications with always DES and connected e.g. ad-hoc or cell based multi frequency, hard wire when applicable

Dynamic spectrum allocation

Plug and play


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13. Technical Challenge: Improving Signature Management (passive)

Solution Description Technologies # Reps Timeframe Priority

1 Packaging for shielding and size reduction of all electronics

Ceramic packaging for high frequency


14. Technical Challenge: Enhancing Signal Processing and Security Standards

No discussion on this technical challenge were recorded during the breakaway session.

15. Technical Challenge: Developing Technologies to Enable Devices Recovery

No discussion on this technical challenge were recorded during the breakaway session.

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H. C4I/Sensor Mind Maps

Thinking about technology in the context of the soldier

system did not begin with the Soldier Systems Technology

Roadmap. Earlier projects include a DND project to

develop mind maps showing technologies involved in the

soldier system.

Mind maps focusing on weapons were provided to the

Soldier Systems TRM workshop participants in a handout

following Day 1 of the workshop. Participants were invited

to provide their feedback on the mind maps. Several

participants handed in their comments, and these were

compiled and retained to provide additional soldier

systems information.

The mind maps included in the handout, and the

accompanying table and Technology Readiness Level

(TRL) scale, follow.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Description

1. Basic principles observed and reported.

Lowest level of technology readiness. Scientific research begins to be translated into applied research and development. Examples might include paper studies of a technology's basic properties.

2. Technology concept and/or application formulated.

Invention begins. Once basic principles are observed, practical applications can be invented. Applications are speculative and there may be no proof or detailed analysis to support the assumptions. Examples are limited to analytic studies.

3. Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept.

Active research and development is initiated. This includes analytical studies and laboratory studies to physically validate analytical predictions of separate elements of the technology. Examples include components that are not yet integrated or representative.

4. Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment.

Basic technological components are integrated to establish that they will work together. This is relatively "low fidelity" compared to the eventual system. Examples include integration of "ad hoc" hardware in the lab.

5. Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment.

Fidelity of breadboard technology increases significantly. The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements so it can be tested in a simulated environment. Examples include "high fidelity" laboratory integration of components.

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6. System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment

Representative model or prototype system, which is well beyond that of TRL 5, is tested in a relevant environment. Represents a major step up in a technology's demonstrated readiness. Examples include testing a prototype in a high-fidelity laboratory environment or in simulated operational environment.

7. System prototype demonstration in an operational environment.

Prototype near, or at, planned operational system. Represents a major step up from TRL 6, requiring demonstration of an actual system prototype in an operational environment such as an aircraft, vehicle, or space. Examples include testing the prototype in a test bed aircraft.

8. Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration.

Technology has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions. In almost all cases, this TRL represents the end of true system development. Examples include developmental test and evaluation of the system in its intended weapon system to determine if it meets design specifications.

9. Actual system proven through successful mission operations.

Actual application of the technology in its final form and under mission conditions, such as those encountered in operational test and evaluation. Examples include using the system under operational mission conditions.

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