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Page 1: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

THE LORD’S DAY – MASSES Saturday Evening: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 7:00 p.m. Sunday: 5:00 p.m. Spanish Mass Weekdays: 6:45 & 8:00 a.m., and 12 noon Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. Summer Weekdays: 6:45 and 8:00 a.m. Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Monday, 12:30-7:00 p.m. Rectory: 219 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell; Tel: 973-226-0221 Fax: 973-226-2204 Website: www.stalscaldwell.org Email: [email protected] facebook.com/StAlsCaldwell twitter.com/StAlsCaldwell Parish Center: 253 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell Religious Ed: Phone: 973-226-0209 Ext. 31 Fax: 973-226-0923 Jackie Alworth, Rel. Ed. PreK-6th - Ext. 35 Ed Karpinski, Rel. Ed. 7th-8th grade - Ext. 29 Rel. Ed. Email: [email protected] RCIA, Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. - Ext. 30 Homebound Ministry, Sr. Eleanor Uhl, O.P.- Ext 39 Social Concerns, Dee Taylor - Ext. 32 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Penance) Saturdays:1:00 pm and by appointment, call the rec-tory.

SACRAMENT - ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notify one of the parish priests in the event of serious illness. Communal celebrations of the Anointing will be held twice yearly.


PARISH STAFF INFORMATION Rev. Msgr. Robert E. Emery, J.C.L. - Pastor Rev. Juan Jose Esteban - Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Michael E. Kelly - Weekend Asst. Rev. Thomas F. Blind - In Residence Rev. Jack Cryan - In Residence Deacon Raj Srinivasa Jackie Alworth & Edward Karpinski - Pastoral Associates for Faith Formation Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. - RCIA Coordinator Sr. Eleanor Uhl, O.P. - Pastoral Associate Dee Taylor - Social Concerns Joseph J. Wozniak - Organist /Music Dir. Dr. Carmine LoMonaco - Trustee Mary Edwards - Trustee James (Rick) Cahill - Chair, Finance Council

St. Aloysius Parish

Page 2: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of all who have passed from COVID19.



CABRINI, SAINT KATERI TEKAKWITHA: 1. Special Intention for Health of all who are ill. ST. JUDE, ST. ALOYSIUS, ST. PATRICK: 1. In Memory of Bill Reynolds by Cathy & Clare.

Votive Lights for Sanctuary & Shrines

Arrangements may be made Via email at [email protected]

until the office reopens.

“Please support our advertisers , They make our bulletin possible.”

Thank you.

May 31, 2020

Pentecost Week Weekday and Weekend Mass intentions will be fulfilled in private by our Parish Priests. Teresa and John Moglia Dec’d Members of Petrillo Family Arthur F. Klein Kevin Soprano Lee Early Benjamin J. Serico Christopher Novellino Nicholas Mergel Mary, Adelina & Alfredo Tolli Morley Family Anthony Ciafullo Teresa B. Swift Jacqueline Beusse Michael Trusio Patrick Conaghan Anne Mahe Russo Joseph DelGuercio, Jr. Diane Gareffa Thomas Joseph Sellitto Paulette Salvanto Benjamin J. Serico Norberto Laquardia The People of the Parish

Sunday Mass is recorded for you. To view; go to the link on our website.

Our Church is now open on Sundays for private prayer from 8:00 am to 12 noon including Adoration. Also open Monday through Saturday from 12 noon to 2 pm, limited to 10 people at a time, 15 minutes, if there are people waiting. Please wear a mask for safety. We also have Confession on Saturdays at 1:00 pm.

Notices will be posted in the bulletin as well as on our website and facebook and through Flocknote. Our Offices are still closed. However, we are available through email and voicemail. Website: www.stalscaldwell.org Email: [email protected] facebook.com/StAlsCaldwell twitter.com/StAlsCaldwell

Page 3: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

May 31, 2020

The Ministry of Prayer

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under

heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

“.…A time to be healed….” Sick list: Victoria Aloia, Pusha Bhatia, Caroline Bifalco, Bobbie M. Bowler, Mary Calandra, Mary Centeno, Joseph Cetrulo, Mary Aloysius Comer, Marialaina Consolate, Eleanor Cook, Anne Cordasco, Diane Cusic, Maxine Diakos, Michael Dininno, Sophie Donohue, Carol Dwyer, John Dwyer, Susan Eiben, James Fergusson, Filomena Ferrentino, Donna Fitzgerald, Eleanor Fitzgerald, Carol Flink, Rich Foster, Kathy Bonnasi Fuhr, Joann Galinis, Gary Gillen, Jennifer Gilman, Rosa Giovine, Larry Glenz, Patricia Griffin, Ambrose Grizzetti, Meena Grizzetti, Gabriel Guillermo, Anne Mary Hayes, Marianne Heesters, Cihan Hazer, Barbara Hellstern, Carly Hofmann, Katie Hofmann, Shannon Hofmann, Janet Hourihan, Dolores Keller, Victor Kolenik, Michael Kovach, Rene L., Baby Rhea Lagonigro, Mary MacIntyre, Pasquale Mastriani, Donald Moglia, Gerry Nolan, David Nowak, Sr. Justine Pinto, O.P., Kim Piro, Lori Pratt, Charlie Priolo, Marcia Renzetti, Maria Reynoso, Mary Ann Ronga, Alice Rossi, Frank Rossi, James Rotonda, Vera Sax, Rosemary Scott, Giovanni Sereno, Salvatore Sereno, Megan Sheridan, Steven Smith, Susan Smith, Melissa Sullivan, Blanche Tolli, Ellen Williams Turso, Bernadette Twomey, Paula Ummarino, Ann Vargo, Lucien Vessichelli, Angela Vitale, Peg Waters.

“.…A time to die….” Deceased: Alice W. Gibson, Bill Reynolds, Richard Urisko.

“..A time for war & a time for peace..” For national and world leaders and for those in the armed services, especially:

Michael Beier, Nathaniel Carmona, Michael C. Howley, Joseph R. Hyer,

Beckie Piela, Michael Piela, Rose Poyourow, Shawn Rice, Edik Serrano, David G. Testa.

Amen Take this list home with you and use it in your daily prayers.

Bulletin Quote ~ Let us trust in Him who has placed this burden upon us. What we ourselves cannot bear let us bear with the help of Christ. For He is all-powerful, and He tells us: 'My yoke is easy, and my burden light’. - St. Boniface of Mainz (675-754), Bishop, Martyr, Patron of Germany, Feast Day June 5

Stewardship Reflection: Pentecost Sunday “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 CORINTHIANS 12:7 To receive the gift of the Holy Spirit you must open your heart and invite Him in! Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, words and actions every day! Be grateful for all the gifts God has given you! Regardless of our individual circumstances, God has given all of us many blessings. What we do with those gifts is our gift back to God! By generously sharing everything we have and everything we are, we become more “God-centered” and less “self-centered” and our lives truly reflect God’s light, love and mercy.


PARISHIONERS The collection will be announced

in next weeks bulletin. Thank you.

Prayers for Medical Workers and First Responders

As a parish family, we want to pray together for all of our parishioners who are serving in the medical field and as First Responders during these chal-lenging days. We invite you to send us the names of anyone you know in our parish who is serving in this way and we will have a special section in our weekly bulletin to remember them. Please send names to: [email protected] Thank you!

Pray for Medical Workers and First Responders

Rachel Callery, RN, Michael Connors, Sr. First Responder, Kelly Goldbach (pharmacist), Kelsey Goodman, RN, Maureen Goodman, RN, Julia Kennedy, RN, Katherine Kinslow, RN, Dr. Edward Krupp, Susan McMullan, LPN, Kara Nancoz, EMT, Patrick Nancoz, EMT, Peter Nancoz, EMT, Thomas Nancoz, EMT, Dr. Thomas Migliaccio, Theresa Migliaccio, RN, Dr. Kaitlyn Philips, Michael Reilly, Firefighter, Timothy Reilly, Police Officer, Geralyn Rodano RN, Anne Marie Wertz, RN.

Page 4: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

May 31, 2020

Dear Parishioners, “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.” (Acts 2:4) The Spirit is everywhere today—in wind and tongues of fire, in breath and spoken words. If we let ourselves sink into the first reading today from the Acts of the Apostles, we can imagine the house shaking from wind, as maybe we have experienced in an especially violent storm. We can almost hear the loud blending of different languages being spoken all at once, as we might in the midst of a popular tourist site in a foreign country. Our senses are overwhelmed by all that is happening when the Spirit enters the scene today. How interesting, then, that for us to truly know the Spirit we must create just the opposite scenario: a still, quiet place where even the slightest whisper can be heard. We would probably prefer it if the Spirit came to us in a dramatic light show. It would be easier to recognize, easier to believe. On this Pentecost, we are likely not going to find ourselves speaking in tongues or caught in a windstorm of spiritually epic proportions. More likely, we will have to look for the Spirit amid the ordinariness of our daily lives, but, to be sure, the Spirit is there, waiting for an entry point, hoping we will slow down long enough for the movement to catch us up and propel us forward. Sometimes that might happen in prayer, but, often, it will happen when we are going about our chores and responsibilities. Some call those moments God-incidences, and they are all around us, all the time. Give this a try: Sit in silent prayer today for at least five minutes. Turn off all electronics. Sit in a chair or on a cushion, kneel in a pew in a church, or walk down a path through the woods, whatever suits you. Breathe deeply and put yourself in the presence of God. Whenever your mind begins to drift, gently bring it back. Invite the Spirit into your heart. Don’t speak any words; just silently listen for what the Spirit is asking. Can you do this once a day, or at least once a week? As we end this journey through the Easter season, make a commitment to keep this prayer practice going in the weeks and months ahead. Let us pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth. Amen! (from a reflection by Mary DeTurris Poust). Wishing you and your loved ones a Spirit-filled Pentecost and a Joy-filled June! May God bless you with good health and peace. Ed Karpinski Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation



Rocky Railroad VBC has been derailed!

We’re hoping to get it back on track for next year.

Join us this year for VIRTUAL REWIND SUMMER


We’ll visit friends and stories from the past

with NEW games, crafts, and science activities

that kids can do at home!


Page 5: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic

community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to deepen their spiritual and personal lives

through active participation in weekly Liturgy, the celebration of the Sacraments,

Parish ministries and community activities. Acknowledging our incompleteness and

our need for God’s grace, we commit ourselves, through Baptism, to responding

to God’s call to become and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ in our time.

Jesus Christ is at the center of all of our lives.



St. Aloysius Parish Giving Program It’s Simple: Log on the www.stalscaldwell.org and click on the Parish Giving logo and follow the easy registration instructions. It’s Secure: Parish Giving is PCI compliant and uses the strongest

It’s Convenient: No more searching for the check book or Sunday morning stops at the ATM. You can pick the day of the month for the recurring contributions to be processed. Tax Benefits: You will be able to print out a report detailing your contributions for the year. Parish Benefits: Weekly or monthly contribution choices. Significant reduction of parish administrative costs. If you have questions, Parish Giving customer service at 1-866-307-7140.

Prayer Intentions We invite you to submit any prayer intentions you may have to us by e-mail and the priests of the parish will read and remember those intentions at their private daily Masses. Intentions will not be made public. Please submit any intentions to: [email protected]

May 31, 2020 The 2021 Mass Book is now open All Requests must be made in writing. Since our office is still not open to the public, any request for Mass intentions for the 2021 Mass book will have to be sent in the mail or dropped in our mail slot in the rectory office door. No one will be allowed entrance to the office. All intentions need to be sent to the office in print, (legibly hand written) and dropped in the mail slot in the rectory office door or mailed. Please date and put a time on your envelope. They will be processed in the order that they are received. The information we need includes; The person the intention is for, the date and time of the mass requested, who the request will be from. PLEASE NOTE: There are changes to some of the scheduled masses and times during the summer months. For the months of July, August & thru Labor day: We do not have a noon mass Mondays thru Fridays, only 6:45 am and 8:00 am. On Sundays, instead of 10:30 am & 12 noon Mass, we will have an 11:00 am mass. Also note that on Monday Holidays, we only have one daily Mass. Thanksgiving and the day after, we only have one daily Mass. Once we have completed your request, you will be contacted if we need to discuss alternative dates or times. Therefore, please include your contact info in the letter. Please enclose your offering with your Mass requests. Offering is $10.00 per Mass. We will do our best in completing all requests, however, we are not in the office every day. Please be patient while we work through this new process with you. Thank you, Rectory Staff

Page 6: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

Respect Life Crisis/Information (All calls and emails are confidential)

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We would like to invite you to become part of the LIVING ROSARY. This activity was started at Saint Aloysius Parish a number of years ago as a means of joining our prayers together to pray for peace in our country and for all our special intentions. It is also in response to people’s needs for greater spiritual growth. At this time we have several teams of 5 members each participating in our living rosary. It is a power house of prayer!

This activity may be taken on by anyone. Families can participate, the home bound can become part of the Living Rosary; persons on their way to work can join also. There are no meetings to attend.

What is necessary to become part of the Living Rosary is a commitment to say one decade of the Rosary each day. You then become a member of a team who together says the entire rosary each day. It is said for the intentions of those members comprising the Living Rosary and for the specific and special intentions of our parish. It can be done at home, in the car, on the train, and any time of your day.

The Rosary has been used for centuries for world peace, against the heresy of the times, during the Nazi occupation of Poland and at many other times. This is a simple devotion, parish oriented, that demands little of its members and produces great spiritual results.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the LIVING ROSARY. Please complete below and drop at rectory or call Dee Taylor 973-226-0209 x 32. We will then contact you to coordinate the groups and mysteries of the Rosary.

I am interested in becoming a member of the Living Rosary:

Name __________________________________

Phone __________________________________

Flocknote is a great way, especially during these difficult weeks, to stay connected to your parish community. If you have not already signed up to receive text messages and/or e-mails, it only takes a couple of minutes. See the easy to use link for Flocknote on our parish web site.

Dear St. Aloysius Parishioners,

You who are so kind and donate food to our food pantry, please know because of COVID19 we have moved our food supplies to the Caldwell Food Pantry at 14 Park Avenue, Caldwell, which is next to the Post Office. They are open on Wednesdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you drive to the back of the building there is someone there who can help take the food out of your car.

Also, the Buddhist Temple Tzi Chi Foundation at 150 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, NJ Is giving food to all denominations on Fridays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Everyone is welcomed.

As always your generous donations help so many local families, especially those who are struggling during this very difficult time.


May 31, 2020

Page 7: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

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Page 8: St. Aloysius Parish · 2020-05-31 · St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius Parish is a Roman Catholic community dedicated to celebrating the life and word of Jesus Christ.

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Gregory T. Josephsen DMDAlfred P. Josephsen DMD, FAGD, FICOI

Thomas P. Bergwall, Esq.(St. Al’s Parishioner)

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Dr. Sean McLaughlin, D.C.Chiropractic PhysicianJames Bonardi, M.P.T.

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Fax: 973-403-991225 Greenbrook RoadFairfi eld, NJ 07004

Repast Luncheons • Baptisms • Confirmations283 BLOOMFIELD AVE., CALDWELL



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Private & Public Healthcare - Law Enforcement, Public Safety - Offi cers & First Responders - Food & Agri-culture - Energy Sector - Waste & Waterwaste - Transportation & Logis-tics - Public Works & - Infrastructure - Communications & Information Technology Workers - Community & Government Workers - Critical Man-ufacturing - Chemical & Hazardous Materials Financial Services - Defense Industrial Base - Commercial Facili-ties Workers - Residential & Shelter Services & Facilities - Hygiene Prod-ucts & Services - Private & Public Healthcare - Law Enforcement, Public Safety - Offi cers & First Responders - Food & Agriculture - Energy Sec-tor - Waste & Waterwaste - Trans-portation & Logistics - Public Works & - Infrastructure - Communications & Information Technology Workers - Community & Government Workers - Critical Manufacturing - Chemical & Hazardous Materials Financial Servic

To all those essential workers keeping us safe,

yourservice is

invaluable & appreciated.


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