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S t . A n t o n i n u s C h u r c h 1 5 0 0 L i n n e m a n R d C i n c i n n a t i O H 4 5 2 3 8 A U G U S T 1 3 , 2 0 1 7

S E R V E R S A U G U S T 1 4 - 1 8 , 2 0 1 7 Monday & Friday 8AM Mass

Tuesday & Thursday 6:45AM Mass Lucy Guenther Hailey Willen

Wednesday, 8AM Mass A d u l t S e r v e r s

S E R V E R S A U G U S T 1 9 & 2 0 , 2017

4:30PM Brenna Bohan, Lucy Guenther, Hailey Willen 8:00AM Adult Server 9:30AM Joe Emmett, Ryan Hawk, Matthew Rechtin 11:30AM Aiden & Chase Huebner, Mason Goetz


4:30PM Kathy O’Connor, Judy Gerstner, Carol Niederhausen, Liam & Ellie Bohan 8:00AM Larry & Diane Reiring, Linda & Norb Guetle 9:30AM Carly Hawk, Alyssa & Lucas Palicki, Bailey & Maddy Venard, Carol Jacob, Judy, Danny, Jason, Timmy & Kevin Rigney 11:30AM Karen Klaene, Jane Hoffman, Kate Hein, Robert Nussman, Nick Oehler, Cathey McDonald, Isabella Rueve, Joan & Ray Loebker, Tom Fleming, Sandy Gerhardt

L E C T O R S A U G U S T 1 9 & 2 0 , 2017 4:30PM J. Squeri K. O’Connor 8:00AM C. Kerley M.L. Rapien 9:30AM T. Douthat T. Re 11:30AM P. Autenrieb C. Neville


Monday thru Friday after the daily Mass. Saturdays after the 8 AM Communion Service. Mondays 7:00PM Fatima Prayer Group in the Chapel. Every evening at 7:30pm for the special Pro-Life intentions of Protection of our Unborn Children and the overturn of Roe v Wade.

Friday mornings at MaryAnn Baverman’s home for Moms and grandmoms and young children. We extend an invitation to join our group for prayer on Friday mornings from 10AM to 11:00AM. We will show you how to pray the rosary. Please call MaryAnn at 503-9537 for details.

St. Antoninus Prayer chain: To intercede for prayer requests, please go to www.saintantoninus.org/prayer-chain , or pick up a list in the back of the greeting room on the right side of the counter. Requests for prayers may be left there, or emailed to: [email protected], or you may mail request to St. Antoninus Prayer Chain, 1500 Linneman Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45238.

MONDAY, AUGUST 14 Saint Maximilian Kolbe 8:00AM MASS Rose Groene—Bd. Rem.—Richard

TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:45AM MASS For the people of the parish 8:00AM MASS Lena Kahny– Ed & June Brady

7:00PM MASS For greater devotions to the Bl. Virgin Mary WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16 Saint Stephen of Hungary 8:00AM MASS Special Intentions of Robert & Kristen Corey – Bill & Mary Corey THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 6:45AM MASS Marilyn Mueller—Paul & Joan Kohls FRIDAY, AUGUST 18 8:00AM MASS Anthony Mueller—Anonymous SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 Saint John Eudes and Bl. Virgin Mary 8:00AM Communion Service 4:00PM Rosary 4:30PM MASS Scott Dannemiller— Anniv. Rem.– Family SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM MASS Intentions of Celebrant 9:30AM MASS Terry Murphy—Anniv. Rem.– Phyllis 11:30AM MASS For the people of the parish

E U C H A R I S T I C A D O R A T I O N In Matthew 26:40, Jesus says to Peter [and to us], “Could you not, then, watch one hour with me?” Please consider joining your fellow parishioners for 30 minutes, or even one hour, at Eucharistic Adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Fridays from 9:00AM until the Adoration ends at 10:00PM.


Thursday, August 17, 7:30-8:00PM– Fr. Haft Saturday, August 19, 3:00-4:00PM– Fr. Haft

THANK YOU to Al Smith and Paul Haverstadt at Esterkamp Automotive & Alignment for advertising in our bulletin.

P A R I S H C O N T R I B U T I O N S F o r t h e w e e k s e n d i n g J u l y 3 0 a n d A u g u s t 6

Sunday Collections $33,144.78 Maintenance $ 130.00 School Grounds Project $ 225.00 School Parish Support $ 378.00 Donations $ 2,225.00 Holy Days $ 85.00 Thank you for your continuing support of the parish and school. Please remember Saint Antoninus in your will. Gifts of stock can also be made to St. Antoninus Church. If you currently work for, or are retired from, a company that has a Matching Gift program, you can make your contributions to Parish School Support and have those contributions matched by your company.

K R O G E R P L U S C A R D If you are new to the Kroger Plus Card program, please sign up at Kroger.com. Go to Account Registration, and fill in all your information. Saint Antoninus’ number is 80164. If you are already a member of the Kroger Plus Card program, you do not need to renew this year. If you need to update your personal information, please follow the same instructions as above. Your support to St. Antoninus Parish is very much appreciated.

G O I N G O N V A C A T I O N ? Please use Online Giving to catch-up on offertory giving. Your support during the summer months helps sustain our parish. To start,

go to the official Saint Antoninus Parish website at www.saintantoninus.org, click About Us, then click Giving, click on the Our Sunday Visitor button, then click the green Create New Account button. You must set yourself up with your information, including your envelope number. Look on your envelopes, or call the rectory office, for your number. You then have choices of recurring donations or a one time donation. If you want this service but do not have a computer, or if you have any questions, please call Beth at the rectory office at 922-5400, x 2. NOTE: If your credit card company is changing, or your card expired, please update your account with your new credit card number, so your gift giving is not interrupted.

F L O W E R S F O R T H E A L T A R If you wish to dedicate the placing of flowers for one week at the altar in memory of a loved one, or to honor a

person or special occasion, please send $50 (check made out to Saint Antoninus Church, with Altar Flowers in the memo line) to the rectory office with your name, phone number and the week you would like to reserve. More than one family may reserve the same week. There will be no flower arrangements during the Advent and Lent seasons. If you have questions, call Steffany Reid, Business Manager, at 922-5400, x 3.

For the week of August 12 thru August 19, 2017 In memory of Dr. Charles Hafner

From Mrs. Mary Hafner

T R A V E L I N G C H A L I C E Now, more than ever, PLEASE consider taking the Traveling Chalice into your home and pray, either as a family or alone, for the intentions of our Holy Church, for Vocations,

Pope Francis, all Church leaders, our country, and for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Call Debbie at 922-2414 to schedule the Traveling Chalice.

S T . A N T O N I N U S N E T W O R K O F C A R E As we go through life’s stages, sometimes we are in a position to help others, while at other times, we are in need of help. A network of volunteers is prepared to serve the St. Antoninus

Parish Family by providing a meal after hospitalization, surgery or medical treatments; transportation to medical treatments or to Mass; prayer for the intentions on the St. Antoninus Prayer Chain; and A Listening Ear to parishioners facing difficulties. For more information, please leave a message on the Network of Care Phone Line at 922-5400, ext. 8, and someone will return your call.

H O L Y S P I R I T P R A Y E R G R O U P The St. Antoninus Holy Spirit Prayer Group will not

meet this Tuesday evening, August 15, due to the

holy day. Instead, we will join the parish in

celebrating the feast of the Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary at the 7 PM Mass.

M O P S ( M o t h e r s o f P o t e n t i a l S a i n t s ) Would you, or a mom you know, like to meet other moms? Now you can! Join us, and share ideas of how to raise our children in God’s way. MOPS is a group for mothers with children of all ages. It is a wonderful way for moms to connect and share their experiences, gifts and talents. We have moms from many parishes in our group, so all mothers are welcome! Our meetings are typically on the last Wednesday of the month in the undercroft from 9:15 to 11:00 am. Babysitting is available. Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 30. We will be discussing “Mom Tips & Tricks.” This year, MOPS is also going to have a women’s Bible Study on the second Monday of the month at 8:00pm, as well as other social events for moms and kids. We are excited about all the activities we have planned for MOPS this year. Please come and see if the group is a good fit for you. If you have questions, please contact Heather Flick at [email protected], or 859-803-0429, or Julie Scott in the parish office at [email protected] , or 513-922-2500 ext. 2029.

Members of St. Antoninus Parish who are also members of Presentation Ministries. Photo taken in Bellarmine Chapter XU. Back: Karen Klaene, Julian Hein, Paul Autenrieb, Mark Autenrieb; Middle: Maria Willig, Denise Autenrieb, Janet Willig; Front: Dave Willig, Mary Jo Roe, Laura Fleming, Clare Fleming, Diane Autenrieb, Judy Erwin, Evie and Ed Gerke. Those not in the picture: Mary Handermann, Ben Klaene, David and Katie Hein family, Tom and Jeanette

Fleming family, Tom and Mary Freidiger family, Cliff Roe. Presentation Ministries was founded by Father Al Lauer and is a Catholic Lay organization. It held its 31st Bible Institute conference at XU in July.

MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL has been offered for Virginia Klekamp and Anthony Mueller. Please keep them and their families in your prayers. ADULT SOCIAL GROUP next luncheon and communion service will be on Monday, September 11. Communion Service starts at 12:30PM. Cost is $12 per person. Please send to the rectory office before Wednesday, September 6. RSVP to Bob Brown at 295-9517. ST. ANTONINUS CLASS OF 1967 50th YEAR REUNION will be on September 9 at Price Hill Chili Garden Room starting at 7pm. Please spread the word. While we have found most of our class members, we are still missing about 20 members. Please see our FACEBOOK page for St. Antoninus class of 1967 reunion for a list of classmates we need to find and more information on the reunion.

Discover Girl Scouts! We are building girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place! If your daughter would like to join Girl Scouts,

please contact Melissa Tepe at [email protected], or at 513-284-5283.

S A I N T V I N C E N T D E P A U L S O C I E T Y In this Gospel, Jesus immediately stretched out his hand and caught Peter and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring respite and hope to the elderly who are not able to find relief from the summer heat, and you will bring them faith and hope!” ST. ANTONINUS WIDOWS are welcome to attend a lunch/brunch at Perkins, 3360 Westboune Drive, at 11AM on Thursday, September 7. Meal is individual choice, individual payment. RSVP before September 5 to Barbara Kock at 922-9700.

Reading I: 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a: The books of Kings show us the knowledge of God that Israel acquired over its history and how it acquired it. The books of Kings also show us how God was acting towards His people: they reveal His righteousness (fidelity) and His mercy preparing for the coming of Christ. Our passage for Mass this weekend presents Elijah’s encounter with God. Elijah has taken the desert road that leads, Mt. Horab (also called Mt. Sinai), to the place where the living and true God reveals Himself to His people. Like Moses before him, Elijah hides in a cave, until the mysterious presence of God has passed by. There are clear similarities between Elijah and Moses which have led some Biblical scholars to see Elijah as the fulfillment of God’s promise to Moses (“I will raise up a prophet like you”). In the passage, we hear of a strong wind, an earthquake, and a fire. God was not present in any of these. Presently, there is a gentle breeze, and in the breeze, a “small voice”. There is a sharp contrast between the spectacular forces of nature, in which God is not present, and the small, still voice of a gentle breeze, in which Elijah recognizes God to be present. Addressing this passage, St. Irenaeus wrote, “In this way, the prophet who was greatly downcast by the transgression of the people and the murder of the prophets, learned to work with greater calm. After the wind that moves mountains, after earthquake and fire, the calm and peaceful age of His reign (God’s) will come, in which the spirit of God will revitalize and gently encourage the growth of man”. In this reading, we have Elijah the prophet and the presence of God in a gentle breeze and small voice. Elijah foreshadows an even greater prophet like Moses, Jesus, who is both prophet and a manifestation of God’s presence.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85: 9, 10, 11-12, 13-14, (8): Psalm 85 is an entreaty to God trusting in His steadfast love and faithfulness. Using the image of fruit produced by rainfall and the earth’s fertility, the psalmist proclaims that salvation also comes about through God’s steadfast love (through which He bestows forgiveness) and through His faithfulness to His promises. In deeds and in words, the Lord revealed His mercy from the very beginnings of the people, which He chose for Himself; and, in the course of its history, this people continually entrusted itself to the God of mercies. Many spiritual commentators see in verses 10-11 the Incarnation of the divine Word, the union of Godhead and human nature in Jesus Christ.

Reading II: Romans 9: 1-5: St. Paul makes a statement in verse 3 of this epistle which doesn’t seem to be consistent with his being such a zealous and devout follower of Christ: “I wish that I, myself, was accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen by race”. Is he wanting to denounce Jesus? No. This statement is similar to what Moses said in Exodus, when he interceded with God on behalf of the Israelites who had fallen into idolatry: “If thou wilt not forgive their sin, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book, which thou has written”. Both Moses and Paul know that God loves them and protects them, and that the vision of God necessarily involves the indescribable happiness of heaven, but they want to make it plain, that they put the salvation of the chosen people ahead of their own personal advantage.

Gospel: Matthew 14: 22-33: In the verses preceding our reading for Mass this weekend, Jesus has performed many cures and the remarkable miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fish, a symbol of the future Eucharist. He has also heard of the death of John the Baptist. It has been a very full day. Jesus sends the disciples, in a boat, to the other side of the water, while He dismisses the massive crowd. After the dismissal, Jesus goes alone into the hills to pray in private to His Father. When Jesus finishes prayer, it is evening, so the boat carrying the disciples is fairly far at sea. A strong wind had propelled the boat a great distance. Jesus sees this from His position in the hills and goes to their rescue, when He is finished praying. The disciples are floating about in the boat when, out of the darkness, Jesus approaches them walking on the water! They were terrified and thought He was a ghost. Jesus reassures them that it is Him and tells them not to be afraid. Peter isn’t convinced. He tells the Lord that if it is, indeed, Him walking on top of the water, to bid him (Peter) to come to Him (Jesus). So, Jesus says to Peter, “Come”. Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking on the water toward Jesus. Continued on next page


Continued from the previous page.

However, Peter becomes

aware of the wind and

where he is, and he starts to

sink. He calls out to the Lord

to save him. Jesus reaches

out His hand and catches

Peter then asks him why he doubted. The whole

episode, while it does involve the disciples’ fear and

doubt, was a powerful experience nevertheless.

When Jesus stepped into the boat, the disciples

bowed down, knowing that Jesus is truly “the Son of

God”. Jesus has given them important

demonstrations of His divine power: walking on the

water, enabling Peter to walk on the water, and

calming the strong winds as suddenly as nature had

whipped it up.

Reflection: The readings for Mass this week are

powerful lessons on God’s rock solid love for us and

His equally solid faithfulness to His promises to us.

Elijah and St. Paul are examples of recognizing when

God is near and their unshakable faith in Him. The

disciples, bobbing about in the boat in the Gospel,

show us that Jesus never abandons us in our need; He

only asks us to believe in Him. He wants us to believe

in Him without limits as indicated when He asked

Peter why he doubted. When Jesus steps into the

boat, the storm dies away, and peace resumes. Jesus

wants to be our peace, our strength, and our solution

to all of life’s troubles. Yet, there is symbolism in this

scene from the Gospel. That boat was the infant

Church with Peter at the helm. It struggled then, and

our Church still struggles today. This week, ask the

Lord to give strength and prudence to Pope Francis,

now at the helm of the boat, to the bishops, to the

priests, deacons, consecrated religious men and

women and to us, the laity, whom are bobbing about

in the boat. Let us ask Jesus to take us by the hand as

He did Peter. Ask Him to save us, increase our faith,

and calm the storms. Finally, let us ask Jesus to make

us like Him: He saw the needs of others and went out

to meet them. May we be more aware of the needs

of others and may we, by the grace of our Lord, do as

He did: go out to meet them.

Youth Ministry Core Team Leaders Needed! Passionate about your faith? Enjoy working with teens? Looking for a way to give back? If so, consider becoming part of the Youth Ministry team! Core Team members are needed for the 2017-2018 school year. Commitment is one to two Sunday nights per month for two to three hours and you must be 21 years of age. If interested, or for details, please contact Youth Minister, Lauren Ulmer, at [email protected], or 922-2500 ext. 2036. Calling all incoming 7th and 8th grade parishioners!! We want YOU to join youth ministry! Registration for two junior high programs, Anchor and Rooted, is now open. Please visit www.saintantoninus.org/youth to register. Contact Youth Minister, Lauren Ulmer, with questions at [email protected], or 513-922-2500, ext. 2036. **There will be an information table in the greeting room after the 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Masses on Sunday, August 20th. Attention girls, incoming 3rd grade through high school, please sign up for volleyball. The season will begin with practices in October and games starting in November. We will hold tryouts in September for 5th- 8th grade. If you have any questions, please contact Tina Hawk @ 467-6355, or Beth Venard @ 347-3707, or http://sports.bluesombrero.com/stantoninusjags.

Guide Book & Directory Advertising Opportunity We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the church. This book will contain everything pertinent to our church: the various ministries, organizations, committees, activities, functions and events, plus a complete directory of all members. This book is being provided and direct-mailed to each family at no cost to our church, and it is again being subsidized by local businesses that advertise. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertising in our book, please call the Church Office at 922-5400 x2, before August 20, 2017.

Update Membership Information Does our Church database have YOUR family membership record correct? Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children still at home, and are they all included in your membership record? Do you want your record published? If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your record, please let us know now, (before August 20, 2017) so that the information in the Guide Book & Directory is correct. The Church Office number is 922-5400 x 2.

A m e s s a g e f r o m F a t h e r B r y a n R e i f Father Andrew Umberg and I invite you to join us on a 12-Day Pilgrimage to Israel and Rome, November 6th through the 17th. This Pilgrimage is $4,298.00 from Cincinnati: Your all inclusive price includes: Basic Tour & Guided Sightseeing, Round trip International Airfare, Admin Fees, Entrance Fees, Hotel Gratuities & Program Fees, Daily Buffet Breakfast & Dinner, Deluxe Motor coaches, First Class Hotels, and much more. For info, or to book your trip, contact Kathryn Raaker at 513-616-6986, or [email protected] .


VIRTUS MEETING WILL BE HELD AT ST. ANTONINUS, IN THE CHURCH UNDERCROFT, at 7PM on August 23. ALL EMPLOYEES AND REGULAR VOLUNTEERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE VIRTUS TRAINING MEETING. YOU MAY ATTEND HERE OR AT ANY OTHER LOCATION WITHIN THE ARCHDIOCESE. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AT: www.virtus.org. MAKE SURE THAT THE “USER’S LOCATION” YOU CHOOSE DURING REGISTRATION IS ST. ANTONINUS – EVEN IF YOU ATTEND VIRTUS AT ANOTHER LOCATION. PLEASE BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN YOUR VIRTUS USER- ID AND YOUR PASSWORD. YOU WILL NEED TO USE THEM MONTHLY. Volunteers (unless you coach high school students) are no longer required to get fingerprinted. Instead, volunteers are required to complete an on-line background check. If you wish to pay for the on-line background check yourself, you can complete it as a part of the VIRTUS registration. If you volunteer at St. Antoninus and would like a pre-paid code to pay for the background check, contact Deacon Bob Schroeder before you register for VIRTUS, or do not complete the background check when you register for VIRTUS. Contact Deacon Bob Schroeder at: [email protected]. He will send the pre-paid, one-time-use, code to you via e-mail. The code will work only for those who have St. Antoninus as their primary user location on their VIRTUS account. If you coach high school students, you are also required to complete fingerprinting. E-mail Deacon Bob at the address above, and he will send directions to you.

JULY WINNERS OF THE ST. A 250 LOTTO ARE Joshua & Gabriel Pille who won the $200 and Nick Bianco who won the $50. Congratulations to our winners.

FRIENDS OF ELDER HS TRAVEL 2017/2018 Dec. 29, 2017 – Jan. 1, 2018: California Rose Parade/New Year’s Eve Get-Away April 11-20, 2018: Israel, A Journey to the Holy Land September 5-15, 2018: Maritimes Coastal wonders (Canada) Plans for 2019 include Magical Rhine River Cruise; “Spotlight Tours” Europe and US. Plans for 2020 include Oberammergau Passion Play and Alpine Tour. Call Norb Guetle ( Elder ‘59) at 513-451-1227 for information on tours.

Concerts For Catholic Schools - Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder, Saturday September 23 at Mount St. Joseph University at 7:30 PM. Tickets for the concert are $65 and $55. For tickets and info, go to www.cincymusicseries.org, or

call 513-570-0652. Proceeds from these performances support tuition assistance programs at Catholic elementary schools. CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER is a wonderful marriage preparation weekend that fulfills your Pre-Cana requirements for getting married in the Catholic Church. Sept. 16-17 & Oct. 6-8. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Altenau at 479-1700. To register, e-mail www.cincinnatiengagedencounter.org . CINCINNATI CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB invites single catholic men and women to its annual picnic Sunday, August 13, 3pm, Delhi Park, Section #3, Delhi or Foley Rds, Delhi Twp. Call Don, 574-8573, for more information.

PLEASE HELP: Pregnancy Center West Needs Donations of Clothes and Other Baby Items! If you don’t have clothes to donate, a monetary gift will help us cover the cost of our needs. To arrange a drop-off or make a donation, please contact Karen Mueller at 513-244-5700, or e-mail [email protected]. Thank You!

“Renewed Hope” Pregnancy Center West Annual Fundraising Banquet on Thursday, August 17, 2017, 6:30PM at St. Antoninus Church Undercroft, ‘Mass of Thanksgiving’ at 5:30 PM in the church. Tickets are $50 per person; table sponsorships are available starting at $500 for a table of 8. Please RSVP by August 11th. For more details, please contact PCW at 513-244-5700, or e-mail [email protected]. Those interested can register online at www.pc-west.org by going to the August Event Calendar. Thank You!

On behalf of the Superior General and her Council, the Entire members of the

Handmaids of the Divine Redeemer of Accra-Ghana West-African, and on my own

behalf, I wish to express our sincere gratitude to the Archbishop, Most Rev. Dennis

Schnurr, and the members of the Mission Cooperation Plan for accepting our

community to be part of the 2017 Mission Plan in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Also,

our deepest appreciation goes to Fr. Bryan Reif and the Saint Antoninus

administration for welcoming me to preach our mission at St. Antoninus Church. Our

special thanks to you, our beloved St. Antoninus Community, for your love and continuous generosity to God’s

faithful in the other parts of Africa. Thank you for putting your resources at the disposal of the Kingdom; most

especially for supporting our ministry to build a Home to cater for the less fortunate, Aged and for the

neglected in our society, and environs.

Thank you, and May the good LORD reward you.

Sister Mary Genevieve Ofori-Atta, HDR

Website: www.hdrghana

Christ Hospital Needs Communion Distributors Christ Hospital (Auburn Avenue) needs volunteers to distribute communion to Catholic patients. Please call Dan Long at 513/315-3006, or [email protected].

C A T H O L I C C H A R I T I E S Counseling Catholic Charities assist people with various life events. When faced with a crisis, a family issue or struggles with feelings of sadness, we are here to help. We have therapists in Hamilton, Montgomery, Delhi, & Roselawn. If you or a loved one could benefit from some counseling, call our central number at 513-489-8898. We serve people of all faiths and income levels. We accept several insurance plans, Medicaid and have a sliding scale for those with limited resources. Refugee Resettlement Warehouse We are in need of volunteers to help on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at our warehouse. Volunteers help accept new donations being dropped off, sorting and gathering items that will go to new homes. You can volunteer anywhere from one hour to five hours. For more information, please contact Laila Aladimi at [email protected].

S E R R A U S FAITH AND PRAYER do not resolve problems but enable one to address them with a new light and strength in a way fitting to man and, also, more serenely and effectively. Pope Benedict XVI, pray to hear God’s call. SERRA US. GOD SPEAKS IN WHISPERS, and we live in a loud world. Hearing God’s voice amidst the noise and busy-ness of our lives can be difficult. But he is always there to guide and help us, and he has given us other people and resources to help us as well. If you think God may be calling you to religious life, and you need someone to talk to, please contact Fr. Dan Schmitmeyer, our Vocations Director, at (513) 421-3131, ext. 2890. SERRA US. Natural Family Planning 3 Ways To Learn 1) The full course sympto-thermal method of NFP (live onsite in classroom). 2) Live on-line--your computer (virtual). 3) Self-paced on-line taught by video with certified teaching couples. For more information, or to register for a class, go to www.ccli.org or call 471-2000.

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