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Page 1: St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Alphonsus Liguori St. Eusebius ...icclouisburg.org/uploads/4/5/3/3/45339221/july_30_2017.pdffeasts, the origin and center of the Christian liturgy. CCC2042

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2017

Bulletin notices: [email protected]

Monday, July 31 St. Ignatius of Loyola

8:00 a.m. Fr. Shawn Tunink Tuesday, August 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori 8:00 a.m. Jim Wise † Wednesday, August 2 St. Eusebius of Vercelli 8:00 a.m. Frances Stone † Thursday, August 3 8:00 a.m. Frank and Noureen Bleier †

Friday, August 4 St. John Vianney 8:00 a.m. For vocations

Saturday, August 5 First Saturday 8:00 a.m. Henry Carson Williams Saturday, August 5 5:00 p.m. Virginia Bednarek † Sunday, August 6 8:00 a.m. The Parish 10:30 a.m. David Vallacqua †

Due to privacy laws, only names requested by a family member will be added to the sick list.

Ken and Mary Agnew, Richard Anderson, Roxanne Casaert, Mike Caswell, Helen Collins, Alex Cook, Dee Cooper, John Cook, Debbie DuFour, John Duke, Steve Edgar, James Fladung, Jeanne Watrous Gardner, Diane Fladung Giefer, Joe Gittings, Phyllis Green, Mike Hake, Sherman Harlow, Linda Fladung Hofstad, Hunter Knop, Katie Kalahurka, Jerry Lambertz, Brian Long, Roy Luna, John Madrid, Ruthie Mathewson, Ella McNeil, Denton Meek, Gerald Ernest Meier, Loretta Miller, Betty O’Brien, Angie Onions, Richard Pfannes, Mike Paulsen, Chris Pottorff, Colby Reed, Jim Seck, Shirley Seck, Kyson Seth, Jim Seuferling, Laura Simmons, Mary Kay Sillyman, Madison Smith, Janice Stevens, Theresa Strader, Bill Vogel, Tony Vallacqua, Abby Werth, Emma Wilkerson, Clay Williams, Elaine Williams, Ethan Workman, Junior York, Ann Yoakum, Alice Zeller.

Contact the parish office to add / delete a name on the prayer list


July 23, 2017

Sunday Contributions $ 3,407.00 Capital Improvements $ 350.00 Votive $ 28.00 Altar Society $ 40.00

July 29—5:00 p.m.

Servers—Knights of Columbus


Ministers of Communion—Knights of Columbus

Greeters—Knights of Columbus

Choir—Knights of Columbus

July 30—8:00 a.m.

Servers—Alexis French, Chance French

Lector—Patti Wagner

Ministers of Communion—Phyllis Martin, Jerry Lambertz

Greeters—Mike Martin, Dean Wagner

July 30—10:30 a.m.

Servers—Catie Lemke, Delaney Wieland

Lectors—Jim Stambaugh

Ministers of Communion—Dara Stambaugh, Corinne Prettyman

Greeters—Teresa and Mike Lemke


Counters—Jackie/George Waldron, Jeannette Smotherman

August 5—5:00 p.m.

Servers—Nathan Apple, Caleb Chase

Lector—Scott McCaskill

Ministers of Communion—Bradley Hennigh, Kathy Dee

Greeters—Amy Loomis Family


August 6—8:00 a.m.

Servers—Dylan DeShazer, Ambrose Stefan

Lector—Mark Goode

Ministers of Communion—Amy Goode, Bob Calvert

Greeters—Tarah and Mike Callahan

August 6—10:30 a.m.

Servers—Bryce Kuhlman, Brianne Kuhlman

Lectors—George Waldron

Ministers of Communion—Teresa Lemke, Kris Goering

Greeters—Holly and Brian Kuhlman


Counters—Kathy Smith, Janie Prettyman

Please get a sub if you cannot be there for your assigned time

8/1 Bible Study, 7:00 pm, Rectory 8/2 Choir practice, 7:00 pm, Church 8/3 Friday Piece Makers, 12:00-4:00 pm 8/6 Altar Society, 9:00 am, Parish Hall

This Week’s Activity Schedule

Tuesday Wednesday Friday Sunday

The Precepts of the Church

The precepts of the Church are set in the context of a moral life bound to and nourished by liturgical life. The obligatory charac-ter of these positive laws decreed by the pastoral authorities is meant to guarantee to the faithful the indispensable minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor: CCC2041

1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holydays of obligation and rest from servile labor. (Covered last week)

2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year The second precept ensures preparation for the Eucharist by the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) which “continues Baptism’s work of conversion and forgiveness.” CCC2042

3. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season. The third precept guarantees as a minimum the reception of the Lord’s Body and Blood in connection with the Paschal feasts, the origin and center of the Christian liturgy. CCC2042

Found in Church after the weekend Masses and Baptism on July 8/9, a pair of earrings. Call the parish office, 913-837-2295 to identify.

Page 2: St. Ignatius of Loyola St. Alphonsus Liguori St. Eusebius ...icclouisburg.org/uploads/4/5/3/3/45339221/july_30_2017.pdffeasts, the origin and center of the Christian liturgy. CCC2042

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2017

Bulletin notices: [email protected]

Enduring Storms and Scandals

The Church, and we who are members of the Church, are in the world, but not of the world.

Keeping this in mind can help us deal with two difficulties that we all have to face.

First, it helps us understand why scandalous things happen inside the Church.

The net is in the ocean, so if it's being dragged through an area of polluted water, some of the pollution is bound to flow through the net.

This is one of the reasons why Pope Benedict reminded us that we must evangelize culture from within, purifying the water around us by lives of holiness and virtue: :

"Truly caring about young people and the future of our civilization means recognizing our responsibility to promote and live by the authentic moral values which alone enable the human person to flourish". (Address to US Bishops, 16 April 2008).

Scandals should sadden us, but they shouldn't weaken our faith. As long as the net is in the water, the polluted water can affect some of the fish.

Secondly, this perspective helps us understand why we ourselves are still constantly bombarded by temptations.

Just because we pray, receive the sacraments, and try to follow Church teaching doesn't mean that our lives are going to be free from conflict and suffering.

God in His wisdom has left the net in the water, and so we are not insulated from life's storms.

But as long as we stay inside the net, the storms can do us no lasting damage - they will just make us better swimmers.

And how do we stay inside the net? By following Christ's example and teaching.

As the Psalmist says in today’s Psalm, “Truly I love your commands more than the finest gold”.

Gold sinks, but obeying God's commands as taught by the Church will lift us up onto the bright, warm shores of a deeper friendship with Jesus Christ, our Lord, our Savior, our priceless and everlasting treasure.

TSGT Micaelee Neubert

CPT Nathan Valle

LCPL Michael Beals

LTJG Ali Zalekian

Capt. John P. Warson

SFC Jeremiah Krumm

Seth Miller

Capt Mark Edgar & Co.

CMDR Erik C. Estenson

LT Col Todd Giefer

SPC Richard Stouder

2LT Paul Speckin

PFC Coleman Unthank

SGT Whitney Stevens

SGT Matt Smith

AC Robert Jacob Herbert

LT Katrina Stegner

Maj. Neilson Wahab

SPC Cody Richardson

E2 Coleman Griff

AMN Cheyenne Williams

AMN Stone Williams

LT Matthew Zeller

TSGT Scott Klusman

L/CPL Seth Garner

A1C Ryan Asbury

Pray For Our Military

New Parishioner (Please Print)

Last Name ____________________________________

First Name ____________________________________

Home Phone ______________Cell_________________


Email Address_________________________________

Register you student(s) for School of Religion! We provide Catholic education for grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. Register online at http://www.icclouisburg.com

Please fill out a form for each of your children even if they were enrolled in previous years.

School Supply Drive—Please place your donations in the

box at the back of church to help local students in need.

Fr. Tom Cusack, a Columban missionary, will preach at all the Masses next weekend, August 5-6. Fr. Cusack is originally from Ireland, and was ordained a Columban Missionary priest in 1962. He has split his missionary life equally between the Philip-pines and the United States. Today, Columbans minister in fourteen different countries around the world. Despite government restrictions on their life and ministry, they support the forgotten church in China. They minister among the deprived and downtrodden Catholics in Paki-stan in spite of great personal risk. They support the struggling church in Myanmar as that country emerges from decades of military dictatorship. For more about the Columban Fathers, visit the website:


The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

We would like to bring an American Heritage Girls troop to

Immaculate Conception! American Heritage girls is a character development program for girls ages 5-18. An informational meeting will be held August 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall. Please come and learn about what American Heritage Girls can do for your daughter. Call Kim Grandon, 913-439-8370 with questions.


Altar Society

Meeting next Sunday, August 6th at 9:00 in the Parish Hall. All women of the parish are invited to attend. Come help us plan upcoming events including the Ice Cream Social in August.

New officers were elected on June 10. They are: President—Ambrose Stefan Vice President—Melia Rice Treasurer—Ryan Haight and Michael Waldron Secretary position is still open.

The next Youth Group meeting is August 20 at 4:30 pm.

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