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Page 1: St. John’s Parish · Pam & John Mizerak 9:30 AM ANITA ROSSI Louise Tinti 11:00 AM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MR. & MRS. FRANCIS P. FLORIO Monday, November 13th 9:00 AM INTENTION

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St. John’s Church Church Phone - 845-679-7696 St. Augustine’s Chapel 12 Holly Hills Drive FAX - 845-679-8393 71 Watson Hollow Road Woodstock, N.Y. 12498 www.sjwoodstock.org West Shokan, N.Y.12494

CHURCH EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

St. John’s Church Saturday Mass 5:00 pm Sunday Mass 8:00, 11:00 am Mass 9:00 am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday Eve of Holy Days 5:30 pm Holy Days 9:00 am and 7:30 pm

Penance 4:00 - 4:45 pm Saturdays


Rev. George W. Hommel, Administrator

St. Augustine’s Chapel Sunday Mass 9:30 am Holy Days 5:30 pm Penance 9:00 am, 2nd Sunday of the month.

Religious Education—845-679-2869 Elementary: Tues….1st-6th Grade....4-5:30 pm Jr/Sr High: Mon…..9th Grade……...7-8:30 pm Tues….8th Grade……...7-8:30 pm Wed…..7th Grade….…..7-8:30 pm John A. Coleman Catholic HS ….…..845-338-2750

Page 2: St. John’s Parish · Pam & John Mizerak 9:30 AM ANITA ROSSI Louise Tinti 11:00 AM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MR. & MRS. FRANCIS P. FLORIO Monday, November 13th 9:00 AM INTENTION

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 12, 2017 Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. — Matthew 25:13

Upcoming Meetings

Parish Council on Nov. 16th

Liturgy Meeting on Nov. 27th at 7pm

KRAUSE BOXES OF CANDY & LOLLIPOP SALE ON NOV. 11/12 & 18/19, AFTER ALL MASSES! The 9th grade Confirmation class will be selling 1/2lb. boxes of Krause’s candy and homemade lollipops. This fundraiser will make it possible for the Confirmation class to shop for presents for residents of the Midway Houses in Kingston and Ellenville. The residents of the Midway Houses are young adults, who for one reason or another, cannot live at home. They learn life skills while at Midway Houses. They either attend school or work. Thank for supporting our 9th gr. Confirmation class with this special fundraising event!

Our Second Collection for November 18/19 is to support the Catholic Charities Campaign for Charity and Justice

(formerly the Catholic Campaign for Human Development). There are countless families in the ArchNY living in poverty.

Please be generous in your response.

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, hosted by the Woodstock Jewish Congregation, located at 1682 Glasco Turnpike Woodstock, NY 12498 on Monday, November 20th at 7pm. All are welcome!

Thanksgiving Day Mass at St. John’s church, on Thursday, November 23rd at

10am. All are welcome.

WREATHS, POINSET-TIAS & KISSING BALLS! We’ll be taking orders after all Masses on Nov. 11/12 & 18/19. Order forms will be in church/chapel lobby. Pickup your order

on Dec. 2/3, at St. John’s, after the 8am & 11am Masses. The money raised from this fundraiser will go toward our Christmas food baskets. Thank you for your support!!

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS On Tuesday, October 24, 2017 St. John’s religious Education families walked in the shoes of Jesus by hearing the stories of people in the New Testament. We shared how we can be followers of Jesus. Thank you to Deb Nickerson for playing music while the children and their families entered the church and during our evening of fellowship. The evening be-gan with Father saying the opening prayer and saying the Ro-sary. A puppet show about the Mass was presented by Steven Blakely and Audrey Deliessio. A round of applause on a job well done Steven and Audrey. Then we joined together in the parish hall for a “Quiz Show” on, Can you guess the name of the disciple? The Jr. /Sr. High teens dressed up as disciples who followed Jesus into the parish hall. Another round of ap-plause to the 10 teens who dressed up as a disciple. Thank you to John Spindler for portraying Jesus. Each table had a chance to guess the names of the disciple as books from the New Tes-tament were read. It was amazing to look around and see how all the families worked together as a team trying to figure out who each disciple was. Families were invited back into the church for reflection on how you would follow Jesus. The chil-dren and teens followed Jesus into the church as their parents, grandparents, aunts etc. looked on. The families all created a quilt square made out of paper to make one large quilt to repre-sent they are followers of Jesus. The evening concluded with a delicious spaghetti dinner prepared by parishioners and par-ents. Thank you to all who helped prepare the meal for the families and serve the ice cream sundaes. Thank you to Father George for sharing this evening with us. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. As you all look back on this evening al-ways remember Jesus would like us all to be followers of him, one example is in the story of the “Friendship Pencil”, “I will always be your friend for FREE! As each family left to go home to continue to be followers of Jesus they were given a hand-made cross made from clothespins. Thank you to Jen Sudlik for helping to make the crosses and to Alice Haberski for organiz-ing the spaghetti dinner and the disciples. Also, thank you to all the catechist, volunteers and parents for taking on the greatest role in our religious education program in teaching our children their faith and sharing this evening with us. The Sunday following our Family Gathering was the continuation of our families getting together as the Religious Education 6th graders participated in the Mass joined by Reli-gious Education families and parishioners. Thank you to Berna-dette Poremba who prepared the children for this Mass along with Steve Thomas for preparing and playing music for us. God Bless! Cindy Frisbie, Elementary R.E. coordinator

Page 3: St. John’s Parish · Pam & John Mizerak 9:30 AM ANITA ROSSI Louise Tinti 11:00 AM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MR. & MRS. FRANCIS P. FLORIO Monday, November 13th 9:00 AM INTENTION

Added in August Craig Entwistle Tory Entwistle Nancy Bernard Merrilyn William Dean Andrew S. Jodi Ryan Added in September Flavia Murazzi Christine Williams Kathleen Clark Ruth Temple Lori Wright Nancy Gunn Deb Kahmke Vincent Patrick Anthony Jim Glen Patrick Jessica Shultis Leilani Robichaux Lemmieux Added in October Conor Harkins Roger Temple Anthony Flick

Andrew E. Michael L. Kristen Joseph Mullen Richard Lucas Nancy Oswald Marilyn C. Roz Y. Mary Lou S. Hugh Schrader Janine Stoffey Dave Fair Carol Fair Carol Colao Rose Pompey Walter Schenkel George J. Fauci Theresa A. Fauci Michael X. Fauci/Dell Dominic Fauci, S.I. Carol Young Joan C. Fauci Theresa Ortenzi Angelina Fauci Added in November Lisa LeClerc Ralph brueckner

WISDOM We consider wisdom today. The first reading from the book of Wisdom presents this precious gift as a femi-nine spirit, a very desirable virtue sought by many and graciously present to all who seek her. In today's Gospel, Jesus tells a parable to illustrate wisdom in a practical, measurable way. The wise will conserve their resources, use them prudently, and mark the passing of time. The foolish, on the other hand, not planning ahead, will be in the dark. Both of these readings tell us how accessible wisdom is to all who simply and honestly seek it. Paul's words to the Thessalonians are not about wis-dom, but describe one result of true wisdom: To the wise person of faith even death holds no terror. Our faith in Jesus' resurrection tells us we will all one day rise to new life in Christ. ~Father George


What’s happening at John A. Coleman Catholic High School...

Coleman’s 3rd Annual Cosmos & Canvas on

Friday Nov. 17th 6:30-10:00pm - $50.00 per person—Enjoy delicious food and fabulous Cosmos and wine while creat-ing a Christmas painting.

Coleman Theatre presents: “Musical memories: Return of the Alumni” Musical Theatre Highlights from 1971-2017. We have been in contact with many, many of our alumni who are coming back to be a part of this fabulous production! The shows are Sat. Nov. 25th 7:00pm and Sun. Nov. 26th at 2:00pm. Tickets are $16 for adults and $11 for Children under 12. We are offering a limited number of cushioned seats for $20 each. We will also be having a reception after the Saturday night show. Tickets for the reception are $25 which will include food and drinks. RSVP by 11/20/17. For more information call the school 338-2750, e-mail: [email protected] or check out our website: www.colemancatholic.org.

Nightfever NYC is coming back to St Pat-rick’s Cathedral on Saturday November 18, 2017. On this night, Nightfever NYC will be hosting this night of praise, worship and reconciliation at Saint Pat-rick’s Cathedral (50th Street and 5th Avenue). For more information, email us at [email protected].

WHITE EAGLE SOCIETY: Nest “Dancin’ On A Sunday Afternoon” Sunday, Nov 12, 1-5 PM. Featuring The Internation-als. For info or to reserve a table, call 339-5685.

Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Woodstock, NY Thank you to all who helped out at the Daily Bread Soup Kitchen in October (and beyond)! Whether you picked up the soup, worked in the kitchen, or served as a substi-tute…your help was so very much appreciated by all! You’re the best! If anyone is willing and available to add their name to the Soup Kitchen yearly substitute list, please contact me at 973-222-5489 or [email protected]. Thank you…Barbara Runz

Page 4: St. John’s Parish · Pam & John Mizerak 9:30 AM ANITA ROSSI Louise Tinti 11:00 AM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MR. & MRS. FRANCIS P. FLORIO Monday, November 13th 9:00 AM INTENTION


11/06/16 $4,783.50 11/05/17 $3,945.50 11/01/17 (All Saints) $455.00

Renew + Rebuild Goal is $413,000.00 47 Parishioners contributed $341,910.00 (83% of goal)

(Only 10% of our parish has participated thus far)

Cardinal’s Appeal Goal is $26,500.00 We have reached our Cardinal’s Appeal Goal! (It will

be deducted from the Renew + Rebuild total)

Thank you for your generosity!

Saturday, November 11th 5:00 PM PRO POPULO For parishioners of St. Mary’s Sunday, November 12th 8:00 AM BOBBIE & JOHN NATOLI Pam & John Mizerak 9:30 AM ANITA ROSSI Louise Tinti 11:00 AM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MR. & MRS. FRANCIS P. FLORIO Monday, November 13th 9:00 AM INTENTION OF PARISHIONERS Tuesday, November 14th 9:00 AM ANDREW D. HACKER Frank Florio Wednesday, November 15th 9:00 AM MARILYN KAVANAGH Her Friends Thursday, November 16th 9:00 AM NO MASS Friday, November 17th 9:00 AM DARYL ANNE FLORIO Frank Florio Saturday, November 18th 5:00 PM PRO POPULO For parishioners of St. Mary’s Sunday, November 19th 8:00 AM PRO POPULO For parishioners of St. Mary’s 9:30 AM MILKA BORDI Mr. & Mrs. Oppimitti 11:00 AM ANDREW D. HACKER Frank Florio

Our Military, especially for Joseph Turck, James Mault, Johnathan Schwab and Danny Brennan (Navy) Repose of the Soul

Page 5: St. John’s Parish · Pam & John Mizerak 9:30 AM ANITA ROSSI Louise Tinti 11:00 AM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MR. & MRS. FRANCIS P. FLORIO Monday, November 13th 9:00 AM INTENTION

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS & CONTACT PERSONS Altar Servers ................................. Cindy Frisbie 246-1819 Altar Society ................................. Christine Molinelli, 679-5332 Baptismal Committee................... Francine Carmody 679-7205 and ........................................................ Bernadette Poremba, 679-7643 Beautification Church ........................................... Brian and Joan Hagedorn, 679-7622 Grotto ............................................ John Spindler/Julie Middleton, 679-4462 Bereavement Committee ............. Francine Carmody 679-7205 Bulletin .......................................... Jeanine Meisler, 679-7696 Eucharist Ministers/Lectors ........ Bob Dietrich, 657-8556 Food Pantry .................................. Guy Oddo, 338-0624 Holiday Food Baskets .................. Harold & Cindy Frisbie 246-1819 Liturgy Committee ........................ Sue Curran, 679-8617 Maintenance Committee .............. David Sudlik, 657-6782 Music Group ................................. Dave Christi, 430-8040 Newsletter ..................................... Colleen Mountford, 679-8546 Parish Council .............................. John Spindler 679-4462 Parish Nurse ................................. Colleen Short, 417-4522 Pins and Needles .......................... Pat Lindtveit, 338- 1720 ........................................................ Helen DeVoe, 679-5947 Religious Education 1 - 6 ........... Cindy Frisbie, W 679-2869 Religious Education 7 - 9 ........... Alice Haberski, W 679-2869 and H 679-6791 R.C.I.A. .......................................... TBD Respect Life .................................. Rosemary Cyr 679-6872 Secular Franciscan Order ........... Lorraine Pioli Sciarrino 626-7000 Social/FUNdraising Committee ... 679-7696 Soup Kitchen ................................ Barbara Runz 251-1174 Tree of Life .................................... Dolores Hagedorn 679-7607 …………………………………… Jeanine Meisler 845-853-3042 Ulster Vicariate ............................. TBD Wedding Committee ..................... Alice Haberski, 679-6791 ........................................................ Sandi Armstrong, 679-1098 Youth Ministry/Activities ............. Harold & Cindy Frisbie 246-1819

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Wednesday: St. Albert the Great Thursday: St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude Friday: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Saturday: The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne; Blessed Virgin Mary

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Wis 1:1-7; Ps 139:1b-10; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43; Lk 18:1-8 or (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]

Page 6: St. John’s Parish · Pam & John Mizerak 9:30 AM ANITA ROSSI Louise Tinti 11:00 AM WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR MR. & MRS. FRANCIS P. FLORIO Monday, November 13th 9:00 AM INTENTION

COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: Saint John’s Parish 12 Holly Hills Drive Woodstock, NY 12498 BULLETIN #: 911156 BULLETIN FOR WEEK 11/12/17 NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Contact Jeanine, 845-679-7696 Cell phone # 845-853-3042

Printer HP Officejet Pro 8600 Plus SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional Windows Vista TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday, 1:30 pm

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