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Page 1: St Joseph’s School Improvement Plan -2016-18 (25.3.17).… ·  · 2017-03-25St Joseph’s School Improvement Plan 2015 – 19 ... of at least 2 sub-levels ... with local cluster


United in our Faith, Striving for Excellence

St Joseph’s School Improvement Plan

2015 – 19 (3.3.2017 SLT) P CH

St Joseph’s School Development is based on the cycle of audit, setting targets, action and review – each section evaluated at end of each term.


2015-16 SATs PROGRESS & ATTAINMENT measured against National average/expectations.

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Robust SAFEGUARDING practices in place to ensure Children are kept Safe in Education PROGRESS, ACHIEVEMENT & ASSESSMENT

2013 - 14 2014- 15 2016-19 Timescale 2016-19 Impact/Outcomes

Raise the quality of teaching in Shared and Guided Reading in KS1 & 2, to good by June 2014 resulting in 80% L2b+ (KS1) and 75-80% L4b+ (KS2). Achieve 35% level 3 in KS1 reading by June 2014. Achieve 40% level 5 in kS2 reading by June 2014.

Raise the quality of teaching in Shared and Guided Reading in KS1 & KS2, to good by June 2015 resulting in 85% L2b+ (KS1) and 85% L4b+ (KS2). Achieve 40% level 5 in kS2 reading by June 2015 (Graduate TA – 1:3 Reading & Maths am & pm x 5 weekly. Also Y6 f/t TA = £30,000 agency fees) Budget Ref. EO1- 9827 ACHIEVED Evidence:- See SATs results 2014-15 See Summer SAR, July 2015

Raise the quality of teaching in Shared and Guided Reading in KS1 & KS2, to ensure progress is in line with the national average for 2016. Particular focus on improving Boy Reading & Reading for pleasure across the school esp impact of progress of vulnerable chn. READING REVOLUTION targeting boy reading gap. Identify boy groups for additional 1:1 support using gender texts with special appeal. Robust focus closing the gender gap in reading, esp in KS2. Arrange for more banded books in KS2. (Children’s Bookshop, Muswell Hill Education Bookshop. Literacy Consultant (A.S.) Once a term Budget spend on updating and provided books with particular appeal to boys. CLPE Training for all staff “the Power of Reading” develop boy positive attitudes to reading. Cost /Code EO9 9855 Ensure disadvantaged pupils continue to achieve in line with disadvantaged pupils nationally, especially at higher ability levels.

Refer to School’s CPD 2015-16-17 Internal & external Training. 2016-2017 Summer Summer 2016+ Summer / Aut ‘16 On-going

Raise % of pupils meeting expected & above standard in new assessment & reformed tests - inline with and exceeding NA, in 2016-17

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PiXL Resources with directed teaching and assessment to identify specific gaps within school. Ensure that pupils with SEND continue to make good progress. Budget ref E28 £1300.00 Implement the use of KS2 class laptops within theguidedreadingcarouseltoensureeachchildhastheopportunitytoresearchandreadarticlesusingtechnologyweekly.

To raise attainment in MATHS to at least 85% on track across the school and to 90% at Yr 2 and 6, by summer 2013-14

To raise attainment in MATHS to at least 85% on track across the school incl Yr 2 and 6, by summer 2014-15

To raise progress in MATHS to at least 85% on track across the school incl Yr 2 and 6, by summer 2017 , using more robust ………. CT’s will focus on – developing pupils’ maths reasoning ability, using reasoning in maths and applying number concepts to maths challenge. Key Vocabulary and Enhanced provision for HA pupils. U & A is a regular feature of lessons. 85% of pupils achieve working at expected attainment by 2017 Working at greater depth increased 25% Improvement Support through - LT Weekly book audits. Observations. Learning Walks. Data Analysis. PPM’s. DH will focus on Planning formats, Teaching Yr 6 LA, Yr HA and Yr 4/5 booster groups All children in booster group

Summer 2017+ Half-termly monitoring audit

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achieve accelerated progress (3 subs+) Working closely with Governor linked to Maths eg frequent meetings, maths governor delivering maths presentation to the GB, to inform them of school improvement measures. Janet Smith – Maths Reasoning Training

Termly meeting with K Denyer, Governor Maths Subject Link Aut 2016

To achieve 75% children reaching a GLD - good level of development across the 17 areas of the early learning goals by June 2014. Pupils achieving combined English and Maths to 80% level 4 and 15% level 5.

To achieve 80% children reaching a good level of development across the 17 areas of the early learning goals by June 2015. Pupils achieving combined English and Maths to 85% level 4 and 20% level 5. 2 p/t TAs deployed strategically to enable experienced TA to lead interventions = £22,000 – includes add-on costs). Budget Ref E01- 9827 ACHIEVED – 82% GLD (Higher thn NA & LA) Evidence See School’s performance information (data)

To ensure majority of children reach a good level of development across the 17 areas of the early learning goals by July 2016, inline with and above national standard. Pupils achieving combined English and Maths at expected progress (100) and at higher levels (110+ ) – in line with the National Average for 2016. Using school’s assessment system identify & track disadvantaged pupils (PP) in each class and ensure good progress, esp at higher levels. Ensure they progress in line with similar pupils nationally. Using PiXL Intervention system work towards dimishing their differences in Yrs 3,4, 5 & Yr 6.

Summer 2016 Summer 2016-18

Ensure 90% of children passing phonics screening in year 1 by June 2014. (Result of 18% SEN – x 4 Mid year admissions).

To continue to achieve high levels (90% passing phonics screening) by June 2015

To ensure 91% of children pass phonics screen by June 2016.Literacy Consultant (A.S)

Provide intervention support for underachieving

Summer 2016 + On-going as and

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ACHIEVED – 92% passed Phonics Test. (Higher thn NA & LA Evidence See School’s performance information (data)

pupils e.g. phonics catch-up, early words, toe-to-toe to bring them back on-track. iPads used within EYFs classroom to support SEND and LA pupils with their phonics learning and introduce them to phonics based games. TA’s Training from SALT (SLA) £5650.00 E28 professional services TAs to attend weekly tailored CPD to develop their teaching skills and subject & assessment knowledge, increase their confidence in providing effective feedback to pupils.

when identified

Continue to raise standards in Writing. To continue to promote a culture of writing that includes pupil response and pupil editing. Strengthen the balance in Development of Skills (handwriting, spelling & grammar). To raise attainment of writing in KS1 and KS2 to between 80-85% and 95% in year 6. To increase the L4 attainment of FSM in Yr 6 to 85+%. ACHIEVED – See SATs or SAR Data results, 2014

To achieve the attainment of WRITING throughout the school to at least embedded 90% on track in KS1 and KS2 by June 2015. ACHIEVED To increase the PP Pupils’ level 4 attainment in Writing in Yr 6 to 90%. ACHIEVED To close the Level 4 gender gap to within 5-8% (2-3 pupils) in reading, writing and maths in KS1 and KS2. KS1 & KS2-ACHIEVED in Writing & Maths. ACHIEVED – and exceeded

To raise the standard & progress of WRITING throughout the school to Expected (old L2b) in (KS1) and above floor targets in KS2 - in line with the national average for 2016 or equivalent performance information if available. To increase the ARE of FSM/disadvantaged pupils in Yr 6 - in line with the national average for 2016, especially in reading. TA Intervention E03 9827 Support staff CPD to establish accurate standardisation process prior to moderation process. In partnership with partnership school develop an exemplar showing clear examples of pupils’ work that meet the standards e.g year 5 writing. To continue closing learning gaps to within10% in writing and maths in KS1 and KS2 and

2016-18 On-going Achieved by Summer 2016

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See SATs 2015 SAR DATA, 2015

especially in KS2 boy reading. Increase higher level reading & maths across the school, especially in KS2 E03 9827 GraduateTAs – Booster costs £2,000 To ensure Science investigation learning include opportunities for extended writing using scientific vocabulary correctly. To raise standards of achievement in science across the school. To implement new Spelling scheme: No Nonsense Spelling. To improve standards of spelling across the school. Grammar focus: Mondays and Lindsay Pickton Grammar training.

To ensure effective differentiation & provision for pupils with SEND and by July 2014, all SEND children make an average of at least 2 sub-levels progress in R/W/M. Ensure 100% HA children make a minimum of 2 sub levels progress across the school. Achieved - (96% - 100% - 96%, One pupil out)

To ensure effective differentiation & provision for pupils with SEND by July 2015, 80%+ of SEND children make an average of at least 2NC progress in R/W/M by end of Yr 6. ACHIEVED. SEND pupils achieved 80-100% in Re/Wr/Maths at ARE. Evidence in Yr 6 Progress To continue closing the gap between pupil premium and non pupil premium at ARE and above. Achieved & exceeded: at

To ensure effective differentiation & provision for pupils with SEND and by July 2016. Ensure SEND children make good progress in R/W/M by end of Yr 6, in line with the national average for 2016, . Continue to embed SEND reforms incl EHCP & support teachers and TAs in providing good quality teaching & interventions to SEND pupils. Monitor the quality of interventions to ensure they are appropriate and having an impact on the learning of pupils. Continue intervention training LSAs – SEN & non-SEN e.g PECs, SALT, Early Words, Phonics, Guided Reading, Maths. All LSAs attend weekly CPD /curriculum training

On-going. Always a work in progress. Spr & Summer 2016

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ARE (age related expectations) and above, KS1 & KS2 Evidence: Pupil Tracker, Y2 & Y6 SATs 2015 Summer SAR 2015

with class teachers. E03 9827– TA’s extra hours, ½ hour extra am & pm £3000.00 Ensure children make MEP progress To continue diminishing the differences between pupil premium pupils and similar pupils nationally esp at higher levels, EO9 1007 Course / Resources = Pixl costs £3,000

Teaching & Learning

2013 - 14 2014- 15 2016-19 Timescale 2016-19 Impact/Outcomes

Continual strengthening of teaching through CPD and induction programme, from 93% good to 40% outstanding by Summer 2014 ACHIEVED – See SATs results, 2014

Continue embedding quality of teaching through CPD and induction programme, to 100% good and 50% outstanding by summer 2015. ACHIEVED. See HT’s Report, Summer 2015.

LEARNING LADDERS Assessment without levels Embed new Learning Ladders system during Autumn 2016 through to summer 2017. Increase staff confidence in the quality of their judgements. Carry out Baseline Assessment and use system to do Autumn 2105

Aut 2015 – Sum 2016 + Benchmark & moderation , with & sharing of exemplification materials, with local cluster schools, John Ball School, with

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3 teachers sent on Out Standing Teacher’s programme, 10 days. Fees and cover = £2,800 Budget Ref. E09-1007 course Budget Ref. E26-1069 supply

assessment. E09 1007 Course £720 E19 1033 Resources £1256.00 E26 1069 Supply to cover 6 days £1386 Make moderation central to ensure accuracy of teacher judgements. Continue to devise L/L effective tracking system to monitor the progress of all pupils and benchmark with local schools (Mary Magdalene & John Ball). Moderation leading to standardisation. Develop assessment to ensure focus is on gaps in pupils’ learning rather than focusing on data. Greater involvement of staff in analysing data and identifying focus groups, awareness of progress differences between groups and reflecting on next steps action to address the issues. Teachers’ high expectations of improving teaching and learning to outstanding to impact on good quality teaching and learning. Expectation that teaching is - 100% good with 70% outstanding by summer 2016. Monitoring cycle – triangulation – book audits. Remove lesson observation

PiXL partner school (Mary Magdalene Sch) and Learning Ladder partner school (John Ball) See CPD 2015-16 Tailored n-house & external training (with LA and partner schools) 2015-16 Monitoring Cycle, setting & reviewing timed targets, sharing good practice. PPM & teacher appraisal. See evidence folder 2015-16-17 PECs, SEND training (Pru & SALT), Pixl intervention training, G/R, Phonics Ph 1-6, Early Words & Toe to Toe.

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grades. Replace with end of term/year judgements based on triangulation evidence and tailored targets. Teachers attending external Maths training. Fees and cover = £2,800 E09-1007 course E26-1069 supply Maximise the impact of other adults in the classroom e.g. Learning Support Assistants to improve learning experiences of all pupils. E27 1084 Professional services- Phonics & Guided Reading Training = £3,000 (Janet Smith, A Smalberger & Marion Reilly, Andy West)


To embed greater challenge for all abilities to develop independent learning and behaviour for learning (in reading, writing and maths) by July 2014.

To raise all teachers expectations for greater learning challenges towards achieving full independent learning and outstanding behaviour for learning (in reading, writing and maths) by July 2015. ACHIEVED : School’s School Improvement Advisor graded behaviour and

To continue developing Higher order questions to effectively probe pupils' understanding and to correct misconceptions. (Bloom’s Taxonomy). Through teaching of philosophy, develop Thinking Skills pupils – knowing how to think rather than what to think. Develop speaking and listening skills so that children are able to respond in grammatically correct sentences. Will

2015-17 + Philosophy cycle – all classes involved in rolling programme with philosophy teaching integrated across the curriculum through topic & thematic teaching. 2015- 2018

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Behaviour for Learning as Outstanding, SAR 2014/15 Section 48 Inspection graded schools’ Behaviour & behaviour for Learning as outstanding. January 2015.

understand how to construct a persuasive discussion e.g. through English, RE, Philosophy and PSHE curriculum. Must show an impact on learning behaviour. Whole staff training in MINDFULLNESS (promotes concentration & cognitive thought – “Paying attention on purpose”.). Ed Psych SLA E27 1084 Professional services - £3,000 of Philosophy Sessions

Embedding Using & applying skills across the curriculum

To continue embedding U & A as a regular feature of all lessons across the curriculum incl. history, geography, science and RE. 80%-85%+ of pupils achieve age related expectations in reading, writing and maths. Achievement targets used by all staff to ensure this outcome. ACHIEVED. See SAR Tracker, July 2015.

To improve English SPAG focus on the quality of written communication and grammar, punctuation and spelling. U & A is securely embedded as a regular feature of all lessons across the curriculum, especially in English and Maths, in the science and thematic curriculum and the other foundation subjects. To ensure scientific vocab is used by pupils with accuracy in spelling and scientific context. Using and applying opportunities take place in most scientific investigations. Improve the quality of spelling. Continue focus on Handwriting &

2015 -18 School focus on using and applying skills across the curriculum e.g. every piece of writing should apply cursive handwriting, well presented, spelling & grammatical knowledge applied. In maths number operations, investigative skills applied etc. See CPD & Aut, Spr & Sum Planners 2016-17 for evidence of training

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Presentation linked to NC curriculum and applied across the curriculum. Will be the focus of monitoring & lesson obs. Spring/Summer 2016+ Learning Ladders Targets to be used by all staff to ensure this happens. School monitoring will make U & A major focus and set targets for staff/classes where there is insufficient practice.

To raise attainment in Numeracy to at least 85% on track in KS1 & KS2, by 2014. KS1 = 96% KS2 = 85% See SATs Report. To embed teacher modelling +as s a key factor in all Literacy and Numeracy lessons and displays. Lesson Observations’ Reports, 2013-14

To ensure teacher modelling remains a key factor in all English and Maths lessons and promotes outstanding learning. ACHIEVED. See school’s Monitoring Standards Reports. New Maths Scheme of Work = £1,000

Ensure teacher modelling continues to have a very high profile and begins to impact on outstanding learning (teacher appraisal and monitoring focus). E26 1069 Supply Cover 6 days £1386.00 PiXL Maths Intervention & Resources Identify & Address ability differences at all levels, in Yr 4, Yr 5 & yr 6. Work closely with partnership school to share moderation in raising standards. (Mary Magdalene) E26 1069 Supply Cover of PiXL approx £3,000 Robust Maths monitoring to identify and address differences in learning &


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understanding, between groups inschool and nationally. Increased focus on Reasoning, application of knowledge, skills & decoding maths language. Raise achievement at higher levels. Maths S/L plan with and model/observe good practice. Peer observation using other models of good practice as CPD E26 1069 supply teacher, class cover

To implement, embed and evaluate the new RE scheme “Come & See”. Used Successfully through the school. Evidence in RE Monitoring Reports.

Embed tracking system in RE to ensure accurate assessment Levels of Attainment by Summer 2015. ACHIEVED. See Sect. 48 Inspection Report, Jan 2015 (External Monitoring). To ensure that Collective act of Worship is of a high standard, as would be expected in a Catholic school. All children are expected to know and use the Mass responses. Greater involvement with Catholic fundraising societies and charities e.g. CAFOD, Christian Aid, Mission Together etc. ACHIEVED. See Sect. 48 Inspection Report, Jan 2015 –

To integrate the greater Catholic community with the school community and school life e.g. inviting Catholic speakers in from a range of other settings e.g. church, CAFOD Art Project, collaboration with Mary Magdalen’s School, To develop the RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) Curriculum. Workshops for parents and governors, Aut Term 2016. To make close links between RE, Science, PSHE & SMSC curriculum. Team leaders work as a team improving provision across the school. Personal Development sessions (health & hygiene, puberty etc) delivered by team leaders and leadership coaching for class teachers on subsequent delivery. Aut Term 2016

Planned for Aut 2016 + KS2 - Aut 2015 On-going & always a work in progress. Aut 2016-18

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(External monitoring.) Develop British Values throughout the school community

Appoint staff to lead SMSC across the school.

Strong leadership of SMSC across the school. Assemblies, School Council, Values Board, visit Mayor’s Chambers, Mayor’s visit to school, all classes parliament & House of Commons, monitor curriculum to ensure coverage e.g. democracy, rule of law, respect & tolerance for others eg religion, ethnicity etc, managing finance,

Aut 2016 +

To raise the standards of learning environment in classrooms, corridors and across the school e.g more children's work on display. Embedded and still a continuing work-in-progress. See Autumn Planner 2014.

To achieve an outstanding learning environment that is used by both teachers and children. Must have a direct impact on outstanding behaviour for learning. Greatly improved. ACHIEVED – See Schools; Monitoring Reports, 2014-15

Embed high expectations of learning environment in the classrooms, in all subjects. Interactive displays on table tops, greater use of enquiry questions, working walls. Create collaborative Environment Policy To ensure that there is this consistency and good practice in all classes. Look at and share existing good practice in years 1 and 2 and set specific, timed targets for other classrooms in the school.

CPD 2015-16 Evidence and details of training in CPD & School Planners Inclusion & Learning environment Inset 6/6/16 Viki Redgrave.

To embed a Thematic Curriculum embedding formative assessment in planning. New curriculum implemented in September 2014, following several staff training sessions

Continue embedding the enquiry based curriculum, make links between learning and context, embedding and sustaining transferable skills. To embed ICT within the Thematic

With English driving the thematic curriculum ensure purposeful and in-context cross curricular links that impact on engagement with good and better learning outcomes. Improve boy writing & reduce gender

Aut 2016 – 18 + 1st Drafts are NOT rough drafts. Same high expectations applied.

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Curriculum. Now embedded. ACHIEVED. EVIDENCE : Planning, pupils’ work books. See Subject Leaders Impact Statements, July 2015.

differences, both inschool and nationally. Talk for writing – oral opportunities to rehearse ideas, explore vocabularly options. Purposeful writing (esp for boys). Using and applying learning and subject knowledge across all curriculum areas is essential e.g. handwriting expectations applied during a science lesson. Use practical hands on investigations in Science to ensure pupils think of themselves as lifelong scientists. Practicing their scientific skills in a cross curricular context. Where pupils are aware of the strand of science they are learning (Biology, Physics, Chemistry). Especially in KS2 to ensure smooth transition into KS3. The IT strand of the Computing curriculum sees children being given the opportunity to use and apply ICT skills within the Thematic Curriculum. Introduce and embed computing as set out in the 2014 NC document and schools own ICT and computing policy. ICT consultant M.R E27 1084 £1800.00

Pie Corbett Training. ICT Consultation training for all teaching staff & subject leader 2015-16 Science Leader to attend collaborative forum’s every term to obtain relevant subject specific information.

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To ensure developmental marking is a regular feature of marking. To ensure that pupils are given the opportunity to respond to their teacher’s marking and move their learning on. See Monitoring Book Audit Reports, 2013-14

To further strengthen developmental marking and effective feedback. To ensure that pupils are given the opportunity to respond to their teacher’s marking and move their learning on. Self editing and peer editing are a major factor of this. Continue building outstanding behaviour for learning. ACHIEVED and still on-going. Evidence: Pupils’ work books showing v good progress over time.

Continue improving marking so that it impacts on pupil outcomes, with good and better progress. Marking offers clear advice on how to improve e.g. guidance & next steps for learning. Marking policy must be followed. Pupils must be given time to respond to teachers detailed feedback comments. Change of hours - (8.45 – 9.05am daily) Developmental marking is good and has direct impact on outstanding behaviour for learning. Pupils are completely involved in their own learning and have a clear understanding of their next steps for learning and targets. Self editing and peer editing to become a focused outcome of Friday's sustained writing before pupils redraft their writing. Bi-weekly monitoring to ensure marking is impacting on pupils' learning.

CPD 2016-18 Bi-weekly evaluation, staff’s self-evaluation in phase groups, pupil voice. Marking working parties, in phase & mixed phase teams.

To develop the outdoor learning and playground provision for EYFS and KS1. This continues to be a work-in-progress. See HT Reports to Governors (Aut, 2013, Spr & Sum 2014) for details

To continue to embed outdoor learning and provision - for EYFS/KS1, continue staff training and CPD training, Work in progress. With funding now available plans in place for further developing the outside learning environment.

EY-Improving & redeveloping the EY playground & outdoor learning provision to ensure that there are 17 areas of learning and that all characteristics of effective learning are nurtured in the outside environment, To ensure continuous provision in all weathers that allows children the opportunity to learn and revisit skills

Spring 2016 – Aut 2017

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outside as they do inside. Continue to improve outdoor learning and provision - CPD training for EYFS/KS1 staff EO9 1007 Course EO3 1069 Supply Cover – development of EY environment

SLT and Subject Leaders use all data to monitor vulnerable groups to establish patterns and proactive actions. Raised standards across the curriculum – see Subject Leaders’ Reports, 2013-14

To ensure effective differentiation & provision for pupils with SEND (Including HA children). ACHIEVED. Evidence: See Data on Pupil Tracker & HT’s Report showing v. good attainment & progress for SEND pupils. July 2015.

To address the learning differences between groups of pupils to less than 10% e.g. disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged, SEND pupils and gender groups – within school and nationally. To increase the attainment and progress of disadvantaged learners so that more are achieving at higher levels. Embed inclusive planning to meet the needs of SEND in R & W and close the attainment gap. Laptops available in every KS2 classroom to support children that need support with written English and require the aid of technology.

Improve Reading for boys and increase achievement at higher levels (110+)

Review and develop the variety of reading to appeal to boy readers e.g marvel comics, Reading Revolution & Bug Club for KS2 readers with particular appeal to boys. Promote reading for pleasure - Bug

Spring term 2016 Character Day Book Week, Parents reading

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Club for KS2.

Grammar Punctuality & Spelling.

Improve T & L of grammar, punctuation & spelling – follow and embed programmes from school’s English curriculum. Ensure skills are applied to writing across the curriculum. Monitor until standards are raised.

Aut 2015-17 Weekly SPAG lessons, spelling lessons (taught) spelling tests. Focus on U & A skills in all writing.

Behaviour, Welfare & Safety

2013 - 14 2014- 15 2016-19 Timescale 2016-19 Impact/Outcom

Behaviour policy with positive reinforcements is embedded in school and continues to impact on reduced f/t exclusions, eradicating bullying and ensuring happy pupils who enjoy their learning experience. Keep f/t exclusions to a minimum. Ensure Risk Assessments are used for all external visits. 2 Exceptions:

• Violent Y6 pupil who was excluded before school

To embed behaviour policy, securely embedded with positive reinforcements embedded in school, eradicating bullying and resulting in greatly reduced f/t exclusions. ACHIEVED. Evidence: No fixed term exclusions since 2013 To increase behaviour for learning with pupils being more enthused and showing more initiative.

Behaviour policy & behaviour systems Good to be Green & Going for Gold are securely embedded in school and is impacting on the eradication of f/t exclusions. Need to extend system to ensure pupils are highly attentive and engaged in lessons and there is little or no low level disruptions in class. To ensure 93%+ of pupils are “Staying on Green” (Good to be Green) within our behaviour system on a daily basis. Continue embedding pupils’ behaviour for learning with pupils taking on more challenge, showing more initiative and more self-

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did a managed-move to a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU).

• 2nd pupil: Mid-year admission with extrme violence issues. LA moved pupil to a special unit with ability to meet his complex needs.

Anti-bullying week ACHIEVED. Evidence. See Sect. 48 Inspection Report, Jan 2015 – (External monitoring.) SAR Dec 2014

engagement in their learning. Peer-on peer bullying. Continue high profiling bullying behaviour and raise children's awareness of the different types of bullying e.g. assemblies, anti-bullying week, PSHE and circle time. Ensure all bullying incidents are reported and action taken as per our anti-bullying policy e.g. parents involved, targets for pupils and monitoring period of behaviour. Police sessions with Yr 5 & Yr 6 on gang culture and how to keep safe. HT, PSHE & SMSC Assemblies – Always Tell an Adult ! Stranger danger, awareness of extremism & keeping safe. Who to tell. Mindfulness: Whole school INSET delivered on Mindfulness – 16 NOV 16 by School’s EP. Teachers implement and use mindfulness resources and activities with children in the classroom. Staff encouraged to feedback at INSETs on usefulness of resources and any resources they would like to share. Roots of Empathy takes place every Friday with a Year 4 class. To improve children’s behaviour and empathy with others. Currently we are looking into our school’s budget capacity to see if it allows for us to buy in provision and support from the ConnectEd School Counselling & Therapy Service. 1 day

Roots of Empathy: Begin Oct 16 but ongoing Mindfulness training: Nov 16 Use of resources and feedback from staff: March 16 Sept 17- for Counsellor

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per week at £6,500 (School Budget 2017/18) will allow us to provide Therapy and Mental Health Counselling. Free Mental Health Training for staff, parents and students to be arranged for September 2017. To organise with Charlie Waller Memorial Trust. To provide a more positive experience of playtimes and lunchtimes for children throughout the school. To continue improving children’s behaviour at playtimes and lunchtimes by ensure children are kept busy, active and engaged in stimulating play, dance and sports teams building activities. Install an outdoor music system (speakers) to support pupils’ love of performing, singing, dancing etc using semi-circle stage. Sports Coach working with children at lunch time to teach new skills. Football Team E27 1084 £7589.00 E27 £3000 speakers installation & materials (VBM) & Spotify licence All MMS engaged in play activities with the children. Play Buddies Establish daily lunchtime Construction Club to

Mental Health Training: Sept 17

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support vulnerable pupils who struggle to cope in the playground. Therapeutic play while providing a safe environment. E03 9827 TA £2086.50 E19 1033 Consumables £300.00

To ensure H & S checks produce safe learning environments, accurate policies, RA meet schools needs, Business Continuity Plan. ACHIEVED. Health checks giving high rating. All RA used by all staff. Business Continuity Plan frequently discussed with staff to ensure all are aware of procedures. Safeguarding traning – HT, SLT & BM Safeguatding –all staff training, Level 1 Prevent Training – Keeping Children Safe in Education SCR – kept updated and check by HT & Safeguarding Governor

Ensure weekly health and safety walks by leadership and premises manager to identify any faulty equipment or other hazards around the school and premises. Keeping children safe in education a priority Ensure health and safety policy is regularly reviewed and updated and shared with school staff and governors. Ensure leadership and admin staff have annual safer recruitment training, that all staff have annual child protection training and fire awareness training. Special awareness of safeguarding challenges faced by pupils with SEND eg need for RA for individuals or small groups. SAFEGUARDING Safeguarding Governor training Level 3 CP SENCO / Assistant & DeputyHead level 3 CP Risk assessments must be robustly adhered to. Ensure critical incident plan & lockdown plans are regularly reviewed with staff so that all have awareness of what to do in emergency situations from within and without. All TAs have first aid training that is updated as

Several key staff trained in first aid. Majority of teaching assistants. Further training planned 1/9/2016 Aut 2015 -16 H & S Audit 29/2/2016 H & S Training-26/2/2106 HT, SBM & PO See evidence folder. Trained planned for all staff and governors RA – mike.penny@widerhorizons,org.uk Date tbc

26/2/2106 Aut 2016

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required. 14 TAs first aid training booked for Sept 16 E27 1084 £800.00 Update Safeguarding Policy– Keeping Children Safe in Education Sept 2016. Shared with all staff (signed evidence of having read it) & governors Safeguarding Audit / Health check if school’s systems Annual Safeguarding for all staff Safeguarding Recruitment refresher training – SLT Attendance at half-termly Safeguarding Forum – Civic Suite Safeguarding an item on all GB meetings & school briefings. Policies updated to include new guidance from Keeping Childrenn Safe in School Sept 2016 EO9 1007 Training £1000.00 Continue to monitor attendance particularly of vulnerable pupils who are off school without permission – heightened alert to FGM practice. Training

Lewisham – N Orumbie, 17/10/16 HT & SBM1 Jan 2017 All staff, Solo Safeguarding, 10/12 – Level 2

To ensure ICT safeguarding policy, e-safety policy, ICT safe usage policy and Risk Assessments for off-site trips. E-safety policy understood by all and followed / adhered to. RA always used. Updated Safeguarding Training for all staff – June 2014

To monitor ICT safeguarding policy, e-safety policy, safe usage policy and off site policy. E-safety policy understood by all and followed / adhered to. All staff aware of who the lead CP officer is and all disclosures passed on. Evidence:

continue to profile the e-safety policy, safe usage policy on and off site E-safety policy understood by all and followed / adhered to. Staff training and workshop for pupils on safe use of message sites, see COEP resources. CPD Safeguarding for the SLT & staff delivered annually. (Also available to governors). E-Safety workshops for parents.

Aut 2016 Spr 2017

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Safeguarding & CP is on the Briefing Agenda & safeguarding issues discussed daily. Safeguarding/CP/SEND bi-weekly meetings with SLT.

Embed PSHE policy through weekly assemblies, discreet teaching and wider use of circle time. To ensure PHSE lessons support positive collaboration and support our Catholic ethos. Weekly assemblies delivered to KS2 pupils.

Integrate PSHE across the curriculum e.g. science, RE, PE and literacy (speaking and listening). Raise the profile of Social, Moral, Spiritual and cultural learning (SMSC) so that it is taught holistically across the curriculum and all key stages. Appoint an SMSC coordinator to lead good practice. Training for teachers to run circle time in class.

2015-16-17 ongoing

To ensure CP training and awareness needs of staff are met. Monitored by HT & CP Governor

To ensure CP training and awareness needs of staff are met.

To ensure robust safeguarding practice - (See School Safeguarding Audit 2015-16) CP training and awareness needs of staff are met. Annual training for all staff, level 2 CP & Safeguarding training for SLT CP on Briefings Agenda EO9 1007 – Safeguarding training – Group & individually.

Aut 2015-17 + 29/1 & 10/3 See CPD 2015-16

Maintain school systems which protect pupils (Anti-bullying and ICT safe awareness procedures).e, corded All incidents recorded and sent to LA. Follow-up school action taken.

To monitor that all pupils are aware of the school systems, which protect them (Anti-bullying and ICT safe awareness procedures).

To ensure all pupils are aware of the school systems which protect them (Anti-bullying and e-Safety policies) and ICT safe awareness procedures. This is included within the current Computing scheme of work under ‘Digital Literacy’ and being used by all teaching staff. To raise awareness of extremism and radicalisation – staff training and pupil

Evidence in CPD & School Planner 2015-16-17

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workshops. DFE Training – Nov ‘15 FGM training – 18.1.16 at Francis Drake School

To ensure clear and immediate ways of recording and reporting accidents, with a priority to head injuries are followed thoroughly. All staff aware of follow-up action, what to do, who to tell and where to record

To continue practice of both pupil and parental surveys are analysed and actioned to further enhance good communication and ‘listening’ links.

To strengthen practice of pupil and parental surveys and ensure results are thoroughly analysed by the whole school community. Negative responses are addressed and carefully actioned to improve communication and better outcomes.

Aut /Spr 2015-16-17

To continue to monitor attendance (97% +) and tackle unauthorised absences and school leave. Attendance continues to improve – 97.3%. See Wauton Samuel’s tracker.

To continue to monitor attendance and tackle unauthorised absences. ACHIEVED Evidence: High attendance 97%, above national average.

To refuse all in-term leave for pupils except in exceptional cases. To improve attendance to 97.6% and tackle unauthorised absences. Member of SLT line support admin officer in addressing persistent absences.

Always on-going

WHOLE SCHOOL FOOD POLICY & PLAN – Compliant with DFE Food Standards 2015. Currently being developed. Completed policy available on website from 20.516 (Ratified by GB) Whole school food policy. Will include:- Breakfast providion, school dinner provision, healthy lifestyle provision. Healthy School Leader – AHT & SBM, monitoring quality of school dinners, contents of packed lunches and generally ensure that snacks are healthy rather than sugary. Healthy School Fortnight - whole school involvement celebrating healthy living.

Policy completed end of Spr/summer term, 2016 Meeting – Chartwells Catering Co on 16/3/16 to review dinner hall provision. Share with GB – Annually, June 2016

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Leadership & Management

2013 - 14 2014- 15 2016-19 Timescale 2016-19 Impact/Outco

mes To ensure Governors involvement in monitoring cycle and life of the school continues– Autumn 2013 Autumn Planner 2014 inviting governors’ involvement in monitoring school standards.

To ensure Governors involvement in monitoring cycle – Autumn term 2014 and ongoing. ACHIEVED Several governors involved in the life of the school, in monitoring & standards’ audits, Recruitment (Chair of Governors on interviewing panel for DHT – May ’15), attendance at Open Days CoG leadership support,

Develop leadership skills of the business manager (SBM) and completes the DSBM. £2000.00 Strengthen roles and responsibilities of office staff to provide greater support to SLT - external & LA training and SLT coaching. DHT completes the NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship), 2016 EO9 1007 – £3000 Continue to strengthen links between named governors and subject leaders for English, Mathematics, PE, Religious Education, Art & Design, SEN, Science, Early Years, SEND, Safeguarding and Computing. Links are established with at least 2-3 points of contact over the year. In some subjects, some governor involvement in monitoring with the subject leader. By the end of 2016-17, governors know what is happening in their subject; are aware of strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum and attainment and progress. At least 4 governors are confident to talk to

2014- completed Feb 2016 SAO training, 2016 Termly meetings + Spring & Summer 2016-17 2016 - 2016/7 on-going.

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the governing body about their subject. Training for leaders and governing body to effectively analyse data so that: it informs the school improvement plan, * impacts on pupil outcomes and progress, * holds teachers to account for the progress of the pupils they teach, Governors understand data and tracking systems – new assessment systems, to hold school leadership to account for accelerating the rates of pupils' progress and achieving at the 2016 floor targets. Linked governors meeting with subject leaders. Pauline Watts Training for all Governors preparation for Ofsted. E27 1084

Governors Prep for Ofsted, Governors Training on Code of Conduct, 8.3.2016 Dr Pauline Watts Spring & Summer terms 2016 & on-going.

Students & NQTs

SLT & senior teachers Support and mentor NQTs and students on the staff team with coaching support, non-contact time, professional development and assessment paperwork.

2016 +

To establish an Induction programme for all new teachers in Sept 2015, to ensure consistency, uniformity and continued CPD for all staff. All staff following school policies, fully embedded impacting on high standards in Learning, with teaching judged 100% good and better by July 2015. (See SAR Summer 2015 and school’s CPD Programme) Achieved.

Continue strengthening the roles and strategic vision of Middle leaders. Focus on subject performance at all levels to sustain the stability of the school and maintain the high standards achieved, by July 2014-15 Embedding cross-curricular links between own subject and rest of curriculum.

Build leadership capacity throughout the school. Succession planning, to keep the best staff Continue strengthening the roles and strategic vision of Middle leaders. Succinct Action Plans that focus on actions and outcomes. Develop collaborative leadership where leaders work in clusters and raise standards collectively e.g monitor progress & standards together - 6 week cycle Monitor-Set targets – Review. Use outcomes of monitoring to develop, as a team,

2015-16 2016-18

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See HT Reports to Governors & Lewisham’s SAR.

ACHIEVED. Evidence: Subject assessment systems now a prominent part of T & L with good reliable evidence showing a positive impact on raised standards. Thematic curriculum firmly embedded with purposeful integrated links.

professional development training for all staff Pro-active middle leaders taking full responsibility for raising standards. Leaders inform link governors of the strengths & weaknesses in their subject, across the school Subject leaders model good practice and Improve teaching in foundation subjects to 70% outstanding e.g. setting targets, modelling/monitoring Further development of subject leadership to ensure subject leaders have a sound grasp of strengths and weaknesses in pupil attainment. Subject leaders lead effective assessment systems showing impact of good teaching and learning enabling reference to individual pupils in terms of “emerging, developing, secure & exceeding” age appropriate expectations.. Focus on high subject performance at all levels to sustain the stability of the school and maintain the high standards of progress achieved, by July 2015-16. Focus on progress esp of higher attainers (leaders’ awareness of coasting) Embed cross-curricular links between Science, Art & DT, Music, PE, Maths, English, Thematic Curriculum and rest of curriculum. Continue to raise progress by embedding assessment systems in subjects. Curriculum enhancement & Subject Celebration Days, International Day etc.

Link Gov-subj leaders meetings, termly Science Leader and Computing and Assessment Leader to attend Craig Voller’s Beyond Monitoring course to continue to strengthen the roles and strategic vision of Middle Leaders.

Inclusion Mark Awards developed with whole staff involvement, using criteria that complements school’s curriculum and raises standards. DHT achieves the NPQH Award AHT School Business manager achieves SBM Diploma

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Begin leading school towards achieving a Quality Mark Award in each subject. Professional development of Senior leadership Team. DHT studies for the NPQH Award AHT training on role of monitoring to raise standards School Business manager studies the SBM Diploma. CPD – HT, DHT & AHT on conference training = £800 AHT Leader on Craig Voller Training (Monitoring) = £500 E09 – 1007 Join CHALLENGE PARTNERS NETWORK HUB To share school improvement practice through annual self-evaluation SIP reviews. EO9 – 1008 (£3000)

Summer term 2017

To ensure the Monitoring and evaluation of every aspect of the school’s performance is seen as a priority. See School Planners, 2013-14 for information on timetabled monitoring.

Implementation and further training in Implementing the Thematic Curriculum – roll out Sept 2014. Weekly monitoring cycle for core subjects / half termly for foundation subjects. CPD - Assistant Headteachers on conference training = £800 Senior Leader on Craig Voller Training (Monitoring) = £500 E09 – 1007 Achieved See subject leaders’

continue training to embed the new National Curriculum and Assessment system - Learning ladders. (Assessment without levels). Monitoring and evaluation – using triangulation system. Remove lesson observation grades (improves staffs’ acceptance of constructive feedback). Replace grades with end of term/year judgement on :- book audits, pupil voice and performance information (data). Continue with weekly monitoring cycle for core subjects / half termly for foundation subjects. Strengthen cross-curricular links between own subject

Summer/ Autumn 2015 /6/7 +

Continue training to fully embed the new National Curriculum – Learning ladders. (Assessment without levels). Confidence of all using the new curriculum.

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assessment evidence. and rest of curriculum. Collaborative working with partnership schools - Heronsgate, St Mathew’s Academy, St Saviour’s, Pilgrims Way, impacting on a sustained middle leadership capacity. Ensure staff (NQT’s) are graded as good by 2014. Achieved. See Triangulation dataSecurely embedded with much good practice shared between schools.

Work towards achieving quality awards - Quality Mark, Investors in People, Healthy School Status - by 2014-15 In-progress

Work towards achieving quality awards – Inclusive Quality Mark. Enhanced Healthy School Status - by 2015-16

Aut 2017-18

Continuing upgrade of ICT provision, Laptops, wireless networks and other digital media), ACHIEVED 2015 ICT Inventory

Embed CT have skills to enhance new curriculum and Numeracy/Literacy lessons. Implement provision for HA children on Maths Booster & Sec Teacher Every classroom has a Touchscreen TV installed to improve the delivery of teaching and to enable the children to engage with technology during teaching, i.e. through interactive games.


To develop the role of PE subject leader to support current needs of the school. Evidence of increased sporting provision across school e.g. daily Fitness for Life sessions, (Measured pupils’ improved fitness levels trained coaching support for teachers, sharing PE equipment & resources with secondary schools. See PE Action Plan.

To embed a scheme of work for PE which meets new curriculum requirements. ACHIEVED Roll out Fitness for Life sessions to all of KS2 pupils – daily sessions. Continue teaching 1 in 4 PE lessons with a focus on healthy lifestyles, importance of exercise and good nutrition. Dangers of drugs, smoking etc. ACHIEVED

To continue improving the quality of T & L in PE. Build competitive element into PE, both in-school and across collaborative/borough. Resume Saturday mornings football training sessions at Blackheath. Continue partnership with secondary schools and use of hi-tech resources. Continue fitness activities programmes :- Ball skills – professional coach, daily provision (rota) Coach plans with and supports teachers develop their PE skills PE ensures planning includes a 1/7 theory lesson on

2016 + Summer 2016+ 2016 +

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Evidence: See Summary Report, July 2015 with evidence of improved fitness levels.

Fitness & good health To improve attitudes towards exercise & sporting activities and to improve fitness levels of pupils. Implement Daily Mile – pupils walk/jog one mile daily. Skip to be Fit as part of daily routine. Continue to build upon links made with Science through shared monitoring cycle and PE/Science week held in 2015-16. To be held in March 2017

To continue CPD for TA's on G/R, Benchmarking of reading and ICT skills. ACHIEVED. 80% of TAs skilled at delivering Phonics, Guided Reading, Early Words and PiXL Interventions. Evidence: See Pupil Trackers showing improved levels of targeted pupils. See Entry & Exit Interventions Reports.

To embed CPD for TA's on G/R, Benchmarking of reading and ICT skills. Continue to improve teaching assistants professional development. TAs are now included in all school’s CPD provision and now attend weekly INSETS, with their teachers, on raising progress, standards of achievement and new curriculum developments. E09 - 9827

Aut 201/16/17

School choir raises school profile in the community through involvement in external performances and competitions. Several public and in-school performances with very positive public & press feedback.

Develop profile of School choir and promote in profile in the community through involvement in external performances and competitions. ACHIEVED. Choir performs weekly during the HT’s Assembly. Annual Ukulele & Recorder

Develop the teaching of musical instruments across the school. (ukulele & Recorder) School choir continues to raise school profile in the community through involvement in external performances and competitions and in-house events e.g HT Assembly, open day admissions, secondary transfer meetings with parents, visiting inspectors, clergy etc. Extend teaching of ukulele and recorder across the

2015 /16/17

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Performance, for whole school community. Several public and in-school performances with very positive public & press feedback, 2014-15. Catford Broadway Theatre, Royal Festival Hall, (10 Pieces), Fabulosity Ensemble Performance, Albany July, 2015. Hither Green Memorial Service, 5 July, 2015.

school. To continue identifying pupils who show exceptional musical abilities.

To develop a Teacher Appraisal model to fall in line with new statutory requirements (Quality of T & L, Prof Dev, Accountability for all & School Improvement). In use.

To fully embed Teacher Appraisal model (Quality of T & L, Prof Dev, Accountability for all & School Improvement). ACHIEVED Targets reviewed, June 2015 with objectives achieved.

To monitor the impact of the Teacher Appraisal model (Quality of T & L, Prof Dev, Accountability for all & School Improvement). Link closely to monitoring cycle/triangulation outcomes, choosing areas for development as PM targets Performance management for all school staff. Continue to keep governors fully informed of school’s progress and standards through:- writing School’s Improvement Plan, termly HT reports, governing body meetings and finance committee meetings. HT & CoG regular update meetings

Ongoing 2015-16

ICT Resources a) Update wireless to

managed system – access points on top floor.

b) Change switch cabinet & move over to Virgin via LGfl

c) Add cabling to KS1 classrooms for 2xPC

ICT - Continuing upgrade of ICT provision, Laptops, wireless networks and other digital media), Replace IWB with plasma screens – cheaper, safer & more environment friendly. Rolling programme – ground & middle floors E20 9876 – Ji’s invoice £15,000.00 Strengthen data protection by providing teachers &

2015 – Aut 2016 CPD 2015 +

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d) Re-model ICT suite to new layout (tables in the middle) Hardware and Software

Audit Health & Safety/ICT furniture in class. ALL ACHIEVED

SLT with encrypted laptops for home use/planning. E20 9876– Ji’s invoice £7,000.00 Upgrade server to ensure safety of data stored, stored information and programme backup. E20 9876– Ji’s invoice £1,000.00 Encrypted USB Keys for teaching staff E20 9876– £600 A) Re-organise pupil/shared folders, to ensure pupil portfolios Support with plans to focus on skills and progression. ICT Staff Development

a) Continue evaluating staff training needs from staff Inset Evaluation Form.

b) Continue 1:1 planning with staff to support with new curriculum

c) ICT Subject Leader support from consultant. d) Keep school e-Safety policy under constant

review. 1084 – consultancy training costs - MR Cyber bullying to form a large part during anti- bullying week Upgrade classroom IWB with interactive 65” screens. Update website to improve communication and marketing of school. Establish a Twitter account to facilitate ease of information transfer. Building maintenance ongoing. Cost – overview price

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Notes - SDP short term focus – 2016-19

1. Big focus on PROGRESS. No Coasting – Teachers’ PM target – All pupils make good and more than expected progress 2. Reduce gap between vulnerable pupils and others, especially at higher levels.

3. Subject leaders begin working towards achieving Quality Mark Awards in their subject areas, Spring 2016.

4. Continue raising higher attainment across all year groups. .

5. Monitoring cycle – triangulation – book audits, lesson without a grade. Termly judgement at end of term and overall judgement at end of year.

6. Continue raising the standard of teacher’ marking until outstanding. Develop through working marking parties.

7. Improve quality of Pupil response to teacher’s marking – build in extra daily time 8.45 – 9.10 in class.

8. Continue PiXL interventions to identify and close learning gaps in Yr 6 and in Yr 5.

9. Improving quality of TA’s impact on raising standards - attend weekly curriculum training insets

10. Improve GPS – taught discretely across the school. Spelling lessons taught with the spelling list given as homework. Tested & corrected every week.

Will be monitored. (word families, patterns etc.)

11. Presentation – best handwriting applied TO all areas of the curriculum

12. Boys reading considerably lower than girls esp at higher levels. Also affects PP achievement reading levels. Resource more boy-friendly books & heightened focus on inference in G/R

13. Improving and re-developing the EY environment

14. Embed SMSC objectives throughout the school curriculum. 15. Monitor PSHE & RSE teaching to ensure NC expectations are met.

16. LT Action Plans coaching. Middle Leaders taking more responsibility for raising standards

17. Upgrade Classroom IT – IWB replaced with an Interactive Screens

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18. Continue improving school’s decor with the planned improvements. Staff room and classrooms during summer 2016

19. Marketing the school – website update, video, pupils’ pictures around the school, 2015-16 +

20. To raise attainment in Numeracy in line with the national average for 2016 in KS1 & KS2, by 2016.

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