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    In any household with more than one child, parents have to deal with sibling rivalry. The more benign forms find expression in simple compe-tition, in which one child strives to do better than another in contests or sports. At other times, the rivalry shows itself in a negative light, offering up comments on who's not doing what, whether that is schoolwork or house-hold chores. The supposedly aggrieved child has a heightened sense of jus-tice, often proclaiming that the other child seems to get away with doing less. It almost seems as though this is what is playing out in the Gospel story today between Martha and Mary. Martha wants Jesus to be the arbiter of the dispute, much as if she would be running to Mom or Dad. Mary seems to have found the sweet spot, sitting at the Teacher's feet. Plenty of German-inspired stained glass windows show exactly that, portraying Mary with an almost beatific quality to her face, while Martha stands in the back-ground with a rather sour grimace. Jesus sits between them as though he is the referee between the two feuding sisters. Since the time of Augustine the story of Martha and Mary has often been interpreted as a commentary on the difference between the active and contemplative life-with the contemplative winning out. It's hard to imagine that a Gospel such as Luke's, so filled with stories of compassion and assistance, would profess that view. It is Luke's Gospel that includes the story of the good Samaritan, the classic example of active love of neighbor. Maybe a better way for us to un-derstand the story of Martha and Mary is this: Mary's example is a reminder that we must clearly hear what Jesus is teaching. We cannot just run about acting as we always have. Rather, we need to take his teaching to heart, and in that way ensure that our actions are based on his commands.


    Rectory: 440-934-4212 Fax: 440-934-0507 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stmaryavon.org

    School: 440-934-6246 Convent: 440-934-5173 FR. C. THOMAS CLEATO", PASTOR

    Rev. Arthur B. Egan, Pastor Emeritus MASSES: COFESSIOS: Saturday Evening4:00 pm Saturday2:30-3:30 pm

    Sunday...8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 oon Monday..7:00-7:25 pm

    Monday & Thursday...7:30 pm

    Tues., Wed, Fri.8:30 am MIRACULOUS MEDAL OVEA:

    Saturday Morning .. 8:30 am Monday...7:30 pm

    Holy Days: Vigil...7:30 pm

    Holy Days..8:30 am, 7:30 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATIO:

    Holidays....9:00 am Thursday...1:00-7:00 pm

  • Please Pray For the Sick: Patricia Carnac, John Matthew Gibson, Joan Rodger, Thomas Richards, Mary Anne Berthold,

    Kristy OBrien, Debra Deremiak, Gwendolyn Gurney, Joan Votes, Eliza-

    beth Conners, Chuck Docs, Anita Grant, Jim Hricovec,

    J. Koerner, Owen Winters, Genevieve Smith, Robert Gates, Virginia

    Sump, Thomas Ackerman, June Naelitz, Kate Liauw, Arthur Rossi,

    Diane Urig, Martha Adkins, Natalie Butchko, Wendy Hallier, Carol

    Gates, Robert Werner, Sr., Bob DeChant, John Khoma, Vicky Motes,

    Kathleen Mahoney, Jeffrey Hostottle, Brenda Hazelwood, Bill Grabert,

    Alexa Jennings, Barbara Milota, Ryan Case, Irene Chrulski, George

    Drda, Stanley Perusek, Gloria Simon, Kerry Coleman, Josephine

    Jankowski, Dan Kelovsky, Kathleen Drellishak, Sandra Pitts, Rosemary

    Wysocki, Marie Mayton, Henry McCowan, Kennedy Noar, Betty Drda,

    Joe Zivosecz, Patrick Fahey, Gloria Simon, Urban Klingshirn, Gene

    Coghlan, William Mayton, Kelly Hunt, Ron Lewis, Greg Poyle, Carol

    Ledo, Bob Walther, Roman Wearsch. If anyone needs communion

    to be administered to a HOME BOUD individual, please con-

    tact the Rectory to make the appointment.

    For the Deceased: Joseph Merk, may he rest in eternal peace,

    Sponsor of the Week: Please support our Sponsors, Dr. William M Schwartz, family dentistry.

    Offertory Collections: Last weeks collection was $9,765.00. This year's budget is based on a weekly offering of $10,200.00.

    Rosary: We need more people to come and say the Ro-sary on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Please come and join us.

    CPO Gift Certificates St. Mary School Fund-raiser: Please do your best to help support St. Mary School by pur-chasing CPO Gift Certificates, the proceeds will go directly back to the school! We all need to purchase food for gro-ceries; weekly-monthly, so why not help out our school at the same time by purchasing Giant Eagle or Heinens gift cards first! You may place your order by calling the convent at 934-5173 or you may find CPO order forms at the back of the church, please complete and return it to the school of-fice, convent or rectory along with your check made out to St. Mary CPO by Tuesdays and on Friday your order will be ready to pick-up at the school office or convent. In addition, after purchasing $2,000 worth of CPO cards per family, the family will qualify for a $40 discount off.

    St. Mary Parish Oktoberfest Raffle: St. Mary is raffling off a 2013 Chevy Sonic, generously donated by parishioner, Jim Fir-ment of Firment Chevrolet. Early return ticket sales are due this weekend for the incentive prizes. Top Seller A Pig Roast Party or $500 in cater- ing from J. Thomas Catering 2nd Place seller an iPad Mini

    3rd Place seller - $100 Gift Card If you still have tickets from church, school or PSR dis-tributions, please return stubs and sales to the Okto-berfest car raffle ticket table next Sunday. There will be extra tickets available at the Oktoberfest for those who would like to purchase. Tickets are $10. each or 3 for $25. Hope you can join us July 18 at 8:00 pm to see

    if you are the winner of a new car!!! Take a Spiritual Journey This Summer Dioce-san Pilgrimage 2013: All Weekends beginning May 18/19 through Sept. 7/8 Join the parish community for Mass See Gods beauty in the sacred statues and artwork Experience the culture and history of the diocese During this time of pilgrimage, celebrate the Sacrament of Rec-onciliation at any local church in the diocese Reflect on your own spiritual journey Visit one of the parishes listed to receive your Pilgrim passport. Then, travel to the remaining parishes to have your passport stamped, including: St. Mary, Elyria St. Mary, Painesville St. Mary, Wooster St. Sebastian, Akron Complete your journey at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Downtown Cleveland . The first 1,200 to complete their pilgrimage with a fully stamped passport, receive a commemorative Year of Faith medal blessed by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Most of us are familiar with the idea of making a pilgrimage. People have been taking such jour-neys for thousands of years. For Christians, some sites became pilgrimage destinations because they were important in the life of Jesus, like Jerusalem or Bethlehem. Others, like Lourdes or Gua-dalupe, are connected with the Virgin Mary. During the Year of Faith, several churches have been designated by Bishop Richard Lennon as pilgrimage sites in the Diocese of Cleveland. Why make the journey to these places? One important reason is be-cause we hold these places to be sacred. Because of their history, we expect to encounter God there. They are places where it seems as if there is less distance between us and God, as if there is a more direct connection with God. When we walk through the door, we transition into a new place where we sense that there is better communication between heaven and earth. For religious people, sacred space focuses us, giving us a fixed point towards which we can re-orient ourselves. When we do this, we have the opportunity for transcendence, to rise up to meet God who comes down to meet us. For more information visit us online at



    ***Meetings & Events*** There will be no Liturgical Meeting during the month of July.


    Monday, 7:30 pm Sarah Guggenbiller, Jackie Ziegman Tuesday 8:30 am Colin & Noah Mangan, Alex Mrosko Wednesday, 8:30 am Jack & Kelsie McNally, Cameron Carandang Thursday, 7:30 Kaitlyn Porter, Allison Bayer, Jacob Walther Friday, 8:30 am Morgan Thomas, Paige Kay, Kennedy Noar Saturday, 8:30 am Lauren & Meadow Smith, Madeline Cagnina 4:00 pm Lucy, Greg & Mary Greaney Sunday, 8:00 am Sarah & Nicholas Perusek, Jimmy Roach 10:00 am Carly Holowecky, Mallory Hricovec, Emily Brassell 12:00 pm Nina Kurtzweil, Alyssa Weigman, Caroline Waters


    Avon Oaks: (Tues, 7/23 Rosary) Nancy Danese ,Linda Havlik, Marge Jones (Wed..7/24 Communion) Joe & Marian Ertler (Fri. 7/26 Communion) Mario & Carol Romano

    Saturday, 4:00 pm Toni Burch, David & Joanne Mrosko, Julie Novasel Sunday, 8:00 am Theresa Szippl 10:00 am Nell Buckley, Ken Ganobsik, Mark Mollison, Lisa Marshall, Dorrie Bommer, 12:00 pm Kathy Petersen, Carol & Mario Romano


    Saturday, 4:00 pm Flip Niebrzydowski Sunday, 8:00 am Tess Wearsch 10:00 am Meghan Hriicovec 12:00 pm Pat McGreal


    Monday, July 22, St. Mary Magdalene 7:30 pm Zachariah Ebaugh (Barbara Freeman) Tuesday, July 23, Weekday 8:30 am Fr. Albert Mackert (Jackie & Dave Ramsey) Wednesday, July 24, Weekday 8:30 am Ray & Betty Linden (Ray & Doris Linden) Thursday, July 25, St. James, apostle 7:30 pm Tom Sutter (Bill & Marie Mayton) Friday, July 26, Sts. Joachim and Anne 8:30 am Timothy Stockard (Clements Family) Saturday, July 27, Weekday 8:30 am Hildred Carman (Robert Fitch & Agnes Oakes) 4:00 pm Special Intentions for Mrs. Theresa Obran (Friends) Sunday, July 28, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Elizabeth Kissel 10:00 am Anthony Ravotti (John & Janet Ravotti) 12:00 pm People of the Parish

    Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors needed! Please call ancy Danese 934-4277 or the rectory to volunteer.

    Thank you!


  • Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities (New section! - Check us out every week for new ways to get involved in YOUR Parish.)

    Oktoberfest is July 28th!! contact Hermann Wearsch or look for signup sheets in the back of church over the

    next several weeks. We need your help!.

    Big Shot Basketball Academy: Enters its 20th sum-mer providing basketball fundamentals, competition, and enjoyment for boys and girls in the greater Cleveland area and is conducting this program at St. Mary Avon. This camp will give the young player a chance to build a sound, fundamental base for the game of basket-ball. Registration Fee is $110 (includes T-shirt and Bas-ketball). Download the registration flyer at www.stmaryavon.org.

    PSR and Sunday Preschool Registration for 2013-2014: Registration materials have been sent via US MAIL to all families of students who attended the PSR Program in 2013-2014, If you do not receive your mail-ing, please contact Sister Thomas at 934-5173 as soon as possible. Registration for students NEW to our pro-gram is scheduled for Sunday, August 11 after the three Sunday Masses and for Tuesday, August 13 at 6:00-8:00 pm. Both Registrations will take place in the School Cafe-teria Hall. Sunday Preschool Registration will take place at the same times listed above. Children must be 4 to 5 years of age as of 8-1-2013.

    PSR Teachers Needed: 2 for Grade 3, 1 for Grade 6 and a Team Teacher for Grade 8 and a Monday Night Secretary. If you can be of assistance, please contact Sister Thomas at 440-934-5173. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this important Ministry!

    Vacation Bible School: St. Mary Parish is partnering with Holy Spirit Parish, Avon Lake in sponsoring a Vaca-tion Bible School program entitled Kingdom of the Son. Children entering Kindergarten through those entering Grade 5 are invited to participate. The VBS will take place at Holy Spirit Parish, August 5-9 from 9:15 am to 12:15 pm. All pertinent information is available at the main entrance of St. Mary Church. HELP is needed in a variety of areas if our program is to be successful. If you can be of assistance, please call Sister Thomas at 440-934-5173.

    St. Mary Day School and PSR Boys and Girls: entering 1-3 and grades 4-8 are invited to attend our summer basketball open gym program. There is no cost associated with open gym-it is simply designated time where the gym will be available for kids to get together and play. Participation will be voluntary whenever the athletes are available. Format for game play will be de-termined based on number of athletes and grade levels present. Each session will include approximately 15 min-utes of drills and skill development followed by game play. June Sessions - Grades 4-8 begin on Monday 7-8 pm. Monday 6/24 (grades 1-3 from 6-7 pm; grades 4-8 from 7-8 pm). Dates for the remainder of the summer to follow. Please watch your email and the bulletin. If you have any questions or would like to help out with the sessions, please contact Mike Niederst (Gr. 1-3)) [email protected] or Pat Roach (Gr. 4-8) [email protected].

    St. Mary School Registration for 2013-2014 St. Mary School is accepting applications in grades K 8 for the 2013-2014 school year. Please stop in our school office during extended summer hours on Tuesday & Thurs-days from 9:00 am1:00 pm to retrieve an application or visit our website at www.stmaryavon.org . For individual tours and information, contact the principal at (440) 934-6246

    School News:

    ATTENTION 5th thru 8th GRADERS!! The Oktoberfest Team needs your help. They are looking for volunteers to help support the kids games during the Oktoberfest on Sunday, July 28th. This is good opportunity to support your Par-ish and School and have some fun at the same time. There is a signup sheet that will be located in the back of Church so that you can sign up after Mass or feel free to email Erich Papesch at [email protected] to select a time. Shifts are 2 hours and run from 3:00 - 5:00 and 5:00- 7:00 pm. Par-ents, encourage your kids to grab a friend and signup to-gether!

    Congratulations to the Honor Roll Students of St. Edward High School for this grading period: Kevin C. Khoma, Collin C. Walker, Connor T. King, Robert M. Kaleel, Mat-thew C. Carandang, Jr. and Jose Miguel T. Poblete. Your awesome!!

    New Fall Sport Offering at Saint Mary Avon Intra-mural and CYO Boys/Girls Cross Country! We are excited to now offer a cross country program at St. Mary Avon for boys and girls in grades 1-8! The program will consist of an Intramural Division Grades 1-2 and CYO Grades 3-8. Youth Basketball open gym of St. Mary will continue through the month of July for St. Mary School and PSR boys and girls in grades 1-3 and 4-6. Sessions will be held on the following dates: Monday, 7/22 Monday, 7/29 Grades 1-3 will be from 6-7 pm and grades 4-8 from 7-8 pm. Some instruction will be provided but the emphasis will be to just let the kids play and have fun. If you have any questions, please contact Pat Roach [email protected] or Mike Niederest Mi-

    [email protected].

  • Holy Name High School Summer Sports Camps: Holy Name High School will host a variety of grade school sports camps this summer including football, volleyball, boys and girls soccer, boys basketball, girls basketball and cheerleading. Please call (440) 886-0300 x101 if interested or obtain a camp application at www.holynamehs.com.

    Holy Name High School Place Test Prep Classes: Holy Name High School will offer prep classes for the High School Placement Test (the HSPT) through-out the summer. Cost is $50 and seating is limited for each class. The HSPT is used by many area Catholic high schools in determining both acceptance and place-ment into course. Please call (440) 886-0300 x101 if in-terested or obtain a registration form at www.holynamehs.com. EWTN EVENTS TO LOOK FOR IN JULY: July 23-July 28 - World Youth Day in Rio - The 14th World Youth Day from Rio de Janeiro. July 25 - El Camino - The Way of St. James - Young American men between the ages of 17-22 make a pilgrim-age on the historic route in Spain, 6:30 pm For More Programming and Information www.ewtn.com

    The Avon/Avon Lake Knights of Columbus is sponsoring The Kelly Miller Circus at Avon Village School 36600 Detroit Rd. in Avon on Saturday Aug. 3rd with shows at 2:00 and 5:30 PM. The presale ticket cost is $10.00/adult and $6.00/child under 12. Tickets purchased on the day of the Circus will cost $15.00/adult and $7.00/child under 12. The Circus features a galaxy of stars from many nations in aerial acts and acrobatics as well as dis-plays of exotic animals. On the morning of the Circus come see the elephants raise the Circus tent. Proceeds from tickets sold before Aug 3rd will be used by the Knights for charitable purposes so please get your tickets in advance.

    Grief Support Group-- "Hopeful Hearts", for seniors 60 and over, will meet on Tuesday, July 23th, 1-2:30pm at Holy Spirit Church Family Center, 410 Lear Rd. Avon Lake. Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month, are open to the community at no charge, no reser-vations required. Sponsored by Hospice of the Western Reserve and Holy Spirit Bereavement Ministry. For fur-ther information contact JoDee Coulter,Bereavement Co-ordinator, 440-892-6680 or Mary Lou Kraven,440-933-4423.


    38th Annual Oktoberfest, 2013 St. Mary is pleased to host our main social event and fundraiser on Sunday, July 28, from 2:00 -10:00 pm. Well have great food and beverages, along with games and live music from Ice Cherry and the Chardon Polka Band! Seniors receive a

    bonus ticket for every $5.00 spent on food/beverage tickets. Raffle Tickets: Your Oktoberfest raffle tickets can be picked up any time church is open through July 21. They can be re-

    turned in the collection basket or the Rectory. You could win a

    2013 Chevy Sonic!

    Volunteers eeded: Thanks to everyone who has already volunteered. Please share your time and talent by signing up

    today. You can sign up on the sheets found on the table near

    the main entrance of the church We especially need volunteers

    for adult games and cleanup.

    Desserts: Once again we are asking for help with desserts. We need whole cakes, cookies and fruit pies only (no cream

    pies or cupcakes) please. All of the donated baked goods that

    add to the enjoyment of this event are sincerely appreciated.

    Please drop of your baked goods at the School Hall on Oktober-

    fest Sunday before 2:00 pm.

    Yard and Window Signs: Yard Signs can be picked up by the School Hall main entrance while they last.

    Pie Contest: Bring you best recipe! A favorite event returning

    this year is our Oktoberfest Pie Baking Contest. The judges

    favorite wins bragging rights and a fun prize.

    Pie Baking Contest: 1) Only amateur bakers are allowed to enter

    2) Pie must be homemade.

    3) Pie must me made from scratch; no pre-made crusts or fil-

    ings should be used

    4) Only the first 20 pies, brought to the School Hall and regis-

    tered by 3:00 pm, will be accepted

    Parking: Please do not park at the Baptist Church across the street. They have services going on later in the day.


    Yes, Id like to be an Oktoberfest Sponsor or Patron!

    Name or Company Name:________________________________________ Address:______________________________________ Phone Number_________________________________ Amount Enclosed: $_________________________ Platinum/Corporate $125.00 Gold Patron $ 75.00 Silver Patron $ 50.00 Bronze Patron $ 25.00 Please cut out form and drop in the collection basket or

    mail to the Rectory with your contribution.

    *** All patron support contributions are fully tax-

    deductible thanks for your help! ***

  • 3-E-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com 2013 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1071

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