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Page 1: St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 2020...St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 September 30, 2020 Over the last several years, and perhaps especially

St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church

405 Emma

Chenoa, Il 61726

September 30, 2020

Over the last several years, and perhaps especially over the last few months, I have

become increasingly convinced that focusing and dwelling on politics poisons your

soul. Our world, as I am sure you have noticed, is becoming increasingly

politicized. Every single aspect of life is becoming turned into an ultimatum on

what “side” you are on. Everything has been turned into a right vs left, us vs them

issue. I simply cannot believe that this is healthy. It isn’t healthy for our nation, for

our communities, for our homes, for ourselves?

Just look at how angry everyone is all the time. As we become more and more

politically-focused, the number of people who say they’re unhappy or suffering

with depression rises higher and higher. Communities, even families are becoming

more and more divided. This is what happens when we stop seeing each other as

people, and instead view each other as foes to be defeated in debate, or crushed for

supporting the wrong candidate, or to be cut out of our lives for backing the wrong


A significant part of the issue, I believe, is that the focus in politics is so often put

on the negative. It isn’t enough to speak of the things we stand for, we have to

spend as much or more time speaking of things we are against. Even statements

framed as being positive often end up being passive-aggressive digs at the


St. Paul, writing in chains waiting to have his trial before Caesar had learned

something in 60 AD that we would do well to remember in 2020: Everybody needs

a whole lot less politics in their lives, and a lot more Jesus.

Page 2: St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 2020...St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 September 30, 2020 Over the last several years, and perhaps especially

Here’s what he writes in chapter 4 of Philippians: “Finally, brothers, whatever is

true, whatever is honorable, whatever

is just, whatever is pure, whatever is

lovely, whatever is commendable, if

there is any excellence, if there is

anything worthy of praise, think about

these things.”

How often do we struggle to do that?

It’s so easy to get sucked into the

ways and habits of the world when it

comes to what we focus on and how

we speak. But what the media and

activists would have us focus on and

make most important in our minds and

lives are not the good, lovely,

honorable things of God. Rather, they

would have us focus on the bad, ugly,

shameful things of this sinful world. They would have us replace the worship of

God with the worship of presidents, legislators, and judges.

My encouragement to you is to turn out the world and tune in to God. Take your

anxiousness, and your frustration, and hand them over to God. Find comfort in His

love and mercy. Receive His peace as you trust that He is in control and will

provide for His people both now and forever. For as St. Paul goes on to say, “What

you have learned and received and heard and seen in me-practice these things, and

the God of peace will be with you.”

Be filled with the grace of our Lord Jesus, and the peace and joy which He alone


In Christ,

Pastor Jeremy

Page 3: St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 2020...St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 September 30, 2020 Over the last several years, and perhaps especially

Here's the link to sign up for services. All of the October services are there, so if

you are signing up for more than one at a time, please double check your dates and

the number of people you are signing up.


St. Paul’s Discipleship

Date Attendance Offering Missions

09-06 62 5,011.76 55.00

09-13 71 2,624.00 45.00

09-20 64 1,383.00 45.00

09-27 52 1,334.00 25.00

Ladies Restroom Renovation 48.00 NEEDING OUR CONTINUING PRAYER Rose Bailey [friend of Jonnita Vogel’s,]

Norman Beitz

Alma Brucker

Michelle Darguzis

Jim Erdman

Stacie Hensley

Barbara Lambert [mother of principal at PCJH]

Donna Leonard [friend of Roger and Pat Wahls]

Trent Nelson [Natashia Nelson’s father-in-law]

Carla Nobis [at Good Samaritan Home]

Dr.Jim May [cousin of Pat Wahls]

Thom Palmer [high school friend of Pat Wahls]

Elaine Rhoda

Dwight Schuler

Gerald Schuler [had eye surgery]

Ramona Schuler

Beverly Sohn

Rick Trachsel [cousin of Roger Seeman]

Jalene Wollford [grade school student at St. Mary’s, Pontiac]

Please notify Joy if anyone could be removed from the Prayer List.

Page 4: St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 2020...St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 September 30, 2020 Over the last several years, and perhaps especially

With the Annual Voters’ Meeting coming up, two new Elders are needed,

anyone interested please talk to a current Elder or Pastor.

Thanks to the following for their ministry in delivering Peace Meals this month:

Sharon Barrett, Carolyn Shane, Fred Rhoda, Diane Brandt, Greg and Lois Pulalski,

Joe and Judy Bertsche, Loren and Joy Poppe, David Coan and Jim Meyer.

incere thanks and appreciation to Kurt Rhoda, Greg and Lois Pulaski for all their

efforts in getting the rental house in shape for us to move into after our fire. We

are overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of this family of God towards us.

We are truly blessed.

Our thanks to all of you.

Loren and Joy

Note: Our church will not be participating in the Garage Sales

this weekend in Chenoa.


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-


Page 5: St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 2020...St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 September 30, 2020 Over the last several years, and perhaps especially

From Our Parish Nurse Pam Norris

Until further notice, routine blood pressure checks will be suspended.

Prayer Tops Pinot

During anxious times when you need to relax, consider wrapping your hands in

prayer versus wrapping them around the neck of a bottle of wine.

Research suggests that prayer can calm your nervous system, make you less angry

and make you less reactive to negative emotions.

One study found that people who pray 20 minutes a day experienced greater

reductions in anxiety and stress. Researchers found that participants felt a sense of

emotional support and a connection to God – someone that had more power than

them and who was actually in control. That same study found that prayer was more

beneficial than meditation.

Source: The Week, printed by permission of Better Health

From our current seminary student who writes:

To the Ladies Group and the saints at St. Paul’s,

Grace to you and peace in the name of Christ. I pray that you are all well and

staying healthy. My family and I are doing well. Amadeus is growing so fast [he

is almost 2]. Bethany is due September 26th

, so soon we will have 2 boys in the

house! Fall quarter will be busy with an infant, but I am excited nonetheless. I

have been busy this summer as the summer sacristan at the Seminary chapel. It

has been a fun job and I have learned a lot. Thank you all so much for your

prayers and continued support, especially during all this Covid craziness. You are

all in my prayers continually. The Lord bless you all and keep you from all harm.

Gunnar Campbell

Page 6: St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 2020...St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 405 Emma Chenoa, Il 61726 September 30, 2020 Over the last several years, and perhaps especially

Our former seminary student, Dan Golden sent the above letter.

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