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Page 1: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709

(909) 465-5503 ● FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: [email protected] ● Web site: sptacc.org


We, the people of St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Faith Community, Baptized into Jesus Christ, formed by Word and Sacrament, and Empowered by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Seek to be a visible sign of God’s love. We seek to build the Kingdom of God by: Using our unique gifts to minister to one another, Welcoming all and caring for those in need, Teaching our faith to others and Uniting in worship as a family with the Body of Christ.

Dear Holy People of Pentecost:

PENTECOST SUNDAY! It’s the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus on EASTER. It’s commonly known as the Church’s “birthday!” And the “birthday” GIFT of Jesus to the Church is the Holy Spirit, he said:

“Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them…”

Entrusted into that GIFT is a mission, a mission of FORGIVENESS. Jesus said, “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them...” The Holy Spirit, as a GIFT, is the healing-energy of forgiveness. With a forgiving heart, this is how the Holy Spirit reconstructs our hearts to be effective wounded-healers in our times today:

The Holy Spirit will empty our hearts from pride in order for us to practice the spirit of humility and become builders of community that offers belongingness.

The Holy Spirit will wipe out racism from our hearts so that we can practice the spirit of hospitality that offers healing and acceptance.

The Holy Spirit will drain our hearts from hypocrisy so that Jesus can fill our hearts with honesty, and we live a truthful lives – the truth and nothing but the truth!

The Holy Spirit will take away sin from our hearts so that Jesus can fill our hearts with mercy and we become wounded-healers, living a reconciled and reconciling way of life.

The Holy Spirit will erase hate from our hearts, so that Jesus can fill our hearts with love, a love that will transform us to be practitioners and guardians of God’s love. In short, we become “visible signs of God’s love!”

The recreation of our hearts is also the reconstruction of our characters. Our character is reflected in our words. Our word is our honor. In heaven, God will not ask about the color of our skin, God will ask about the content of our character. God will not ask, “What’s in your wallet?” But he will ask, “What’s in your heart?” What we are is God’s gift to us, and what we can become is our gift to God.

With our hearts becoming the Holy Spirit’s temple, may I request all of you— to please place your right hand over your heart, as I pray this commissioning prayer for you:

“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit upon them and they shall be renewed, and they will renew the face of the earth. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. Amen.


Fr. Romy, Seleccion, MS, Pastor

Page 2: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

Mass Intentions & Readings for the Week Pentecost Sunday

† Deceased

Saturday, May 30 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 5:00 p.m. Marietta Mas, †Mark Helou, †Pablo Castro, †Fr. Salvador Jocson, †Alejandro Resurreccion, Jr. 7:00 p.m. †Crescensio Sanchez Sunday, May 31 Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23 Pentecost Sunday 7:30 a.m. Lily Ruddell, †Salvador Ramiro, †Alfredo & Alejandra Antonio, Sr., †Kathleen Trinidad 9:00 a.m. Leo & Jennifer Dalusong, Christine Dum Lao, †Nestor Savellano, Sr., †Valentin Maiquez 11:00 a.m. Raymundo Family, Sonia Pacis, †Harvey Kellersberger, †Cirila & Jesus Ayala, Jr. 1:00 p.m. Olivia Montemayor, Jim Hermanson, †Veronica Fortaleza, †Ronald Nishida 5:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish 7:00 p.m. Ladwig-Lopez Family, †Concepcion Songco, †Rolando Sebastian, †Anastacio Soleta Monday, June 1 Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14; Ps 87:1-3, 5-7; Jn 19:25-34 The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church; 9th Week in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Ron Blake, Benjamin Amador, Sr., †Segundo de los Angeles, †Art & Ruperta Dabatos Tuesday, June 2 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18; Ps 90:2-4, 10, 14, 16; Mk 12:13-17 Ss. Marcellinus and Peter 8:00 a.m. Julie Blake, Best & Rosa Santos, Juliet Coelho, †Alberto Flores, Sr.

Wednesday, June 3 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2; Mk 12:18-27 St. Charles Lwanga and Companions 8:00 a.m. Patricia Amparo, †Consuleo Luas, †Alexander & Esperanza de Guzman, †Edisa Castillo Thursday, June 4 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mk 12:28-34 8:00 a.m. Glenda Ong, Fr. Joseph Pilotin, MS, Ivory Santos, †Consolacion Cruz Friday, June 5 2 Tm 3:10-17; Ps 119:157, 160, 161, 165, 166, 168; 1-6; Mk 12:35-37 St. Boniface; First Friday 8:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph Pilotin, MS, Alan de Guzman, †Alexander & Esperanza de Guzman, †Rudy Almero Saturday, June 6 2 Tm 4:1-8; Ps 71:8-9, 14-15ab, 16-17, 22; Mk 12:38-44 St. Norbert; First Saturday 5:00 p.m. Kevin Lamont Bachar, Rudy Sandoval, †Amraphel Tebangin, †Leon Marmito, Sr. 7:00 p.m. Geovannie Corral Sunday, June 7 Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3:52-55; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18 The Most Holy Trinity 7:30 a.m. Lilah Mavis, Jeffrey Wilson, †Betty Hayden, †Kathleen Trinidad 9:00 a.m. Michael & Lea Doria, †Rafael Arraraz, Sr., †Abelardo Castillo, †Conrada Martinez 11:00 a.m. Ying & Amy Palmos, †Raul Martinez, †Luis Flores, †Concepcion Songco 1:00 p.m. Rose Anne Beacham, †Catalina Solis, †Elena Orlando 5:00 p.m. Ladwig-Lopez Family, Carmelita Lunod, †Marinel Ladores, †Enrique Fatacioli 7:00 p.m. For the People of the Parish

Please PraY For:


Ellen Ahrens, Antonio Alamillo, Thomas Albers, Ana Alvarado, Carlos Barron, Leni Basilio, Leodi Basilio, Sue Ellen Brooks, Ryan Carmona, Lynn Carvelli, Rose Casado, Rick Cerda, Clara Chan, Robert Chan, Eddie Colyn, Marc Cordero, Fr. Brian Costello, Gary Covington, Dean Crawford, Fr. Peadar Cronin, Eleuteria Cruz, Maria Dalusong, Gus Davila, Thomas Espineda, James Fay, Robert Fay, Ester Felix, Colleen Field-Weis, Charlie Field, Wayne Fisher, Edward Funk, Jr., Vanessa Garcia, Harvey & Patricia Geiss, Mary Ann Gomez, Gerardi Gonzales, Jose Guadalupe Guerrero, Myrna Guiao, Juana Guillen, Chuck Haeflinger, Elma Holgado, Jose Huerta, Marcelo Izquierdo, Monica Jimenez, Robert Kuhnert,

Jason Leong, Marlene Lombardo, Corina Lopez, Nora Lovato, Ramon Luna, Carmelita Lunod, Fr. Michael Maher, ss.cc., Gerardo Medina, Fr. Bill Moore, ss.cc., Sara Moronez, Alexis & Alexander Musni, Anita Musser, Juanita Musser, Suzanne Naseiro, Sonia Pacis, Josephine Parreno, Alfredo Perez, Sarah Perez, Susie Pinter, Mano Ponniah, Michael Rabina, Julian Revilla, Ricky Rodriguez, Larry Rubio, Dan Saldivar, Leonora Santos, Connie Schaeffer, Lynda Shim, Desmond Silveira, Margie Sullivan, Antonia Trello, Roy Tottin, Stephanie Tribe, Victor Vengua, Al Vergara, Diane Villa, Regina Villa, James & Mary Watson, Bruce Weber, Sheila Williams, Sandy Wolfsberger, Earl Woodman and Melba Zuniga.

Page 3: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

May 31, 2020 Page 3

St. Paul the Apostle Will be cLOSED UNTIL




Pentecost sunday

There appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.

— Acts 2:3

Saint Charles lwanga and his companions

“Master of Pages,” reputedly the handsomest man in all Uganda, Charles Lwanga, lay catechist, coura-geously led about forty teenaged boys, Catholics and Anglicans, on a forty-mile forced march to martyr-dom for their common Christian faith. Teaching each other the hymns of their different churches, they strengthened one another for the ordeal ahead. King Mwanga, himself barely twenty, had ordered them executed for being “those who pray.” But these royal pages were the king’s male harem, who, now Chris-tians, refused what pious accounts demurely describe as his “unreasonable demands.” Some were clubbed to death, most burned alive; the youngest, thirteen-year old Saint Kizito, whom Charles had often shield-ed from the King’s lust; the most tragic, Saint Mbaga, whose father was his executioner! In 1964, Paul VI canonized the young Catholics and praised their An-glican companions, recalling the heroism of early Christianity’s African martyrs, which we modern Christians of far less faith never expected to see re-peated. Forty years after the pope’s words, what does our faith cost us? Heroism aside, how generous is our response?

—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Please PraY For:

The pregnant women and all the new moms of our Parish: Cassandra Porras and Theresa Slutsky.

If you would like prayers, support, meals and a gift after your baby is born, contact

Alexandra Latten Argosino at 707-416-3311, Elizabeth Ministry.

We are now accepting Food Donations for the Food Pantry. You can leave your donations in the boxes outside the Parish Office.

Please check the expiration date before donating.

Thank you and God Bless!!

Fr. Joseph, “May God always provide you the most

precious thing in life: health, love, joy, peace and prosperity.” Blessings. . . .

Page 4: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

May 31, 2020 Page 4

COVID-19 Please see the Diocese Website

sbdiocese.org for important Covid-19 information!

Page 5: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

The richness of the spirit

Students, and most adults recalling their school days, are familiar with the phrase “compare and contrast” that shows up from time to time on tests. Today we hear two different accounts of the giv-ing of the Holy Spirit to the church. Let’s contrast, then compare. Luke’s account from Acts is filled with arresting details: the mighty wind from heaven, the tongues of flame, the miracle of different lan-guages. John’s account seems timid: fearful disciples, the wounded Christ, the expelling of breath from his risen body, not from the sky. Our literal, modern minds wonder which way it happened; our noisy culture probably makes us prefer the former. But if we compare the two, we find that the daz-zling richness of the Spirit fills both accounts, for it is the very breath of the risen Christ, ascended to the sky in Luke, that appears to his disciples in John and sends his followers forth to carry on his mission of forgiving sin and proclaiming the mighty acts of God.

~Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

May 31, 2020 Page 5

The American Red Cross remains in serious need of blood. Please help assist in this life saving mission by donating.

St Paul the Apostle is proud to sponsor a Blood Drive with American Red Cross on Thursday, June 4th

Maher Hall from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

For information on eligibility: https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements.html

Appointments are scheduled online only. No Walk-Ins will be allowed. To make an appointment please visit: https://www.redcrossblood.org/ in the top right enter our sponsor code SPTACC click blue arrow

• If you are Red Cross donor, login and select your time and confirm.

• First time Red Cross donors are required to create a login. Start by clicking Sign In on the top right corner.

• Click I Need to Create an Account. • Complete the form. When completed you will be redirected to schedule your time.

• I’m Ready to Make an Appointment Click Find a Drive at top right and enter our sponsor code SPTACC • Choose a Donation Time click desired time. • Click Confirm appointment • Thank you for scheduling your gift of life, see you on Thursday, June 4th.

Page 6: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

Aún hay tiempo Vea Nuevas Fechas: Abril 1, ¡Día del Censo! Extensión de fecha de Abril 2 a Septiembre 3. Si usted no completa la forma del Censo 2020, la Agencia del Censo 2020 enviara personas a visitar casas comenzando en Agosto 11 a Octubre 31. Para evitar la visita personal… ¡Complete su Forma del Censo 2020 HOY!

Online: My2020census.gov -utilize el numero de Código que recibió por correo. Por teléfono: Llamando al 844-330-2020 – Apoyo en Ingles, Español y 11 otros idiomas Por correo/en papel: Cuestionario en Ingles/Español solamente!

Es importante que sepa que la información del Censo 2020, no será compartida con otras agencias gubernamentales. La información ayudará para que nuestro Condado de San Bernardino reciba la asistencia Federal para las escuelas, cuidado de niños, asistencia a perso-nas de la tercera edad, servicios médicos para las familias etc., esta ayuda será muy necesa-ria para la recuperación de las comunidades después de la crisis de la Pandemia del COVID-19.

Preguntas que se harán: Número de perso-nas viviendo en la casa.

Tipo de residencia: casa, apartamento etc. Número de teléfono (llamadas solamente para negocio oficial de la Agencia del Censo 2020) Sexo, edad, fecha de Nacimiento, lugar de origen y raza. Parentesco familiar de las personas en la casa.

No se les preguntara: Ciudadanía o estado legal Número de Seguro Social Permisos de construcción o conversión de cuartos. Uso de Servicios Sociales públicos Condenas o registro criminal. Cuentas bancarias o información sobre pagos Estado de empleo, salario u otra información sobre sus finanzas.

May 31, 2020 Page 6

2020 CENSUS There is still time

Extended from April 2- September 3. If you do not complete the Census 2020 Form; The Census Bureau will send Census takers to visit homes from August 11- October 31. To avoid this visit… Fill out your 2020 Census Today!

Online: My2020census.gov -utilize code sent to you by mail

By telephone: 844-330-2020 – Support offer in English and 12 non-English languages

Mail/Paper: Questionnaire English/Spanish Only!

It is important for everyone to complete the 2020 Census. The information will not be share with any other governmental agencies. The infor-mation collected by the Census 2020 will help bring much needed Federal assistance for edu-cation, childcare, Senior programs etc., espe-cially for the recovery after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Questions will only ask:

Number of people living or staying in the house.

Type of residence: house, apartment etc. Telephone number (call only by official

Census Bureau business) Sex, age, date of Birth, Ethnic Origen and

race. Relationship of persons in household

You will not be asked: Citizenship Status Social Security Number Permit for building or room conversations Use of Public benefits Convictions or criminal record Bank account or payments information Employment, income or any other financial


Page 7: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

Evangelization & Faith Page 7

T his week we celebrate Pentecost, the feast of the

Church’s birth. With a roaring of the heavens and in tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit comes and enlightens the Apostles. Peter begins to preach with boldness and authority what Christ’s life and Death truly means.

From that moment, the great mission of the Church begins. The Apostles were emboldened to spread the Gospel, not on their own, but through the power of the Holy Spirit who descended on the upper room that spring day.

Who and what is the Holy Spirit? In many ways, the Holy Spirit is the most difficult of the three Persons of the Trinity for us to comprehend, yet he is fully and truly God, co-equal with the Father and Son. Indeed, the Holy Spirit is the bond of love between the Father and the Son. The mutu-al, eternal, perfect love of the Father and the Son is the third Person of the Holy Trinity— the Holy Spirit.

When we are baptized, the Holy Spirit is breathed into our souls, but the Spirit’s work within us is

intensified in the Sacrament of Confirmation. When we are confirmed, like the Apostles, we are strengthened to give greater witness to the faith. The Holy Spirit comes to each of us, bestowing his gifts. He directs us in a particular way, as a member of the Body of Christ, for the common good of the entire Church.


members can watch the short “Opening the Word “ VIDEO free at sptacc.formed.org

Reflect on these following ques-tions with a friend or family:

• According to Father Riley, what is the Holy Spirit?

• What is the Holy Spirit?

P RAYER: “The Spirit makes one man a teacher of

divine truth, inspires another to

prophesy, gives another the power of casting out devils, enables another to interpret holy Scripture. The Spirit strengthens one man’s self-control, shows another how to help the poor, teaches another to fast and lead a life of asceti-cism, makes another oblivious to the needs of the body, trains another for martyrdom. His action is different in different people, but the Spirit himself is always the same.”

What action of the Holy Spirit that St. Cyril mentions do you notice most in your life? What action of the Spirit do you want to allow more into your life? Spend a few minutes in silent prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to help you in that way.

R ESOLUTION: Once you have determined a poten-

tial gift of the Spirit in your life, consider ways that you might bring that gift into fullness in your family, your work, and your parish. Use your journal to write down your thoughts and reflec-tions and your resolutions.

Reflections reprinted here with permission

from Augustine Institute.

We encourage you to take notes as you reflect on this week readings / homily


Page 8: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

Temporadas de Fe Page 8

C uando ponemos el Evangelio en su contexto, Juan 20 empieza con el sepulcro vacío y la

aparición a María Magdalena. Aún así, los discípu-los estaban asustados y confundidos. Se reunieron para reagruparse. Cerraron la puerta con llave por miedo a los judíos, a quienes habían vistos furiosos en una turba, quienes acababan de crucificar a su amigo Jesús. Estos discípulos tenían miedo de los judíos, pero también podían haberse sentido culpa-bles y confundidos por haber huido de Jesús en la cruz, por esconderse, por tratar de protegerse ellos mismos.

Ahora Jesús resucitado viene hacia ellos dicién-doles: “la paz sea con ustedes,” mostrándoles sus cicatrices, y saludándolos una vez más. Jesús está moldeando algo muy poderoso aquí. Muchos de nosotros odiamos ser vulnerables. Intentamos esconder nuestras heridas y cicatrices. Intentamos protegernos y mostramos a todos que todo está bien. Para poder ser sanados, para recibir al Espíritu, para seguir con nuestras vidas, nece-sitamos abrir nuestras puertas interiores. Nece-sitamos dejar a Jesús entrar a nuestra casa, a nues-tros corazones, y en aquellas esquinas oscuras de

nosotros. Podría ser aterrador. Podría significar ir al Sacramento de la Reconciliación o hablar con un director espiritual o incluso con un terapeuta.


Frecuentemente nos preocupamos por cómo los demás responderán si no somos perfectos. Jesús sabía que los discípulos eran humanos con defec-tos. Él no se enojó ni los hizo sentir culpables. Él dijo: “la paz sea con ustedes.” Fue gentil. Jesús les dio el don de la vida nueva por medio de un gesto simple. Él sopló en ellos el Espíritu Santo. Esto es una reminiscencia del Génesis, cuando Dios sopló vida en Adán; y Ezequiel, cuando Dios volvió a soplar vida en los huesos secos. Jesús concluyó con: “a quienes les perdonen los pecados, les serán perdonados; y a quienes se los retengan, les serán retenidos.” Así que no sólo les confió Jesús este papel, este poder, sino que primero les mostró cómo se hace. ¿Cómo nosotros insuflamos vida a nuestras familias y amigos? ¿A nuestros com-pañeros de trabajo? ¿Al extranjero que encontra-mos?

Lecturas de hoy: Hch 2:1–11 Sal 104 (103): 1, 24, 29–30, 31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b–7, 12–13; Jn 20:19–23

Page 9: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org


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Page 12: St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church...2020/05/31  · St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church 14085 Peyton Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 465-5503 FAX (909) 465-1683 E-mail: info@sptacc.org

Pastor Fr. Romy Seleccion, MS Parochial Vicar: Fr. Michael Fredericks Fr. Joseph Pilotin, MS Deacons Deacon Gary Quinn Deacon Pat Martinez Deacon Tony Moralez Parish Manager Manny Perez, Jr. Parish Ministries Dir Paulina Espinosa (ext 313) Audio Visual Michael Palacios (ext. 330) Catechetical Min. Dir Jeanie Kiefer (909) 325-8900 Music Coordinator Erika Regalado (ext. 335) Preschool Director Chrissy Stutzman (909) 325-8950 Young Adult Ministry Hailey Angeles (ext. 342) Youth Ministry Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Weekend Masses: • Saturday: 5:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. (Chinese/Chapel) & 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) • Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. (Youth Mass) and 7:00 p.m. Weekday Masses: • Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. • First Friday Mass - 7:00 p.m. Holy Day Masses: Check the bulletin for the schedule. Eucharistic Adoration: • Adoration: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. (Church) Saturday/Spanish 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Church) Tuesday & Thursday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass OR by appointment with a priest.

Baptisms: Baptism are held on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. Parents and Godparents must attend a Pre-Baptism Class. Parents please stop by the Parish Office to register. Your child’s County Birth Certificate is required at the time of registration.

Marriages: Six months advance notice. Contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.

Sick Calls: Contact the Parish Office to schedule.

Funerals: Contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church MINISTRY CONTACT PHONE


Boy Scouts Edzel Fuertez 909-519-4958

Cub Scouts Monica Palmisano 310-749-5575

Filipino Catholics Romy Reyes, Jr. 951-505-1605

Finance Council Sandy Gage 909-597-2488

Grupo Hispano Sinai Martinez 714-768-4817

Harvest Festival Raoul & Melinda Raymundo 909-590-7339

Marriage Enrichment Alain & Nerissa Valdellon 714-887-6924

Pastoral Council John Steins 323-377-2945

Special Needs Families Kareem & Amy Zoque 909-597-1507

Faith Formation

Catholics Returning Home Sonia & Primo Pacis 909-762-3454

Ignite Evangelization Andy & Linda Lujan 909-376-9885

Men's Fellowship Paul Hutchinson 909-628-4106

RCIA Jerry Watson 951-264-9790

Sacred Hearts Secular Branch Magda Vitale 626-664-4554

Small Faith Communities Faye Wong 909-720-1167

Social Justice Chris & Phyllis Floersch 424-337-2299

Women's Fellowship AM Andrea Lueken 909-702-9781


Divine Mercy Rick & Emily Jiao 909-248-8790

Eucharistic Holy Hour Teresa Fahrenhorst 714-996-9067

Grupo de Oración Miguel & Angelica Ortega 909-973-8531

Legion of Mary Craig Steffes 714-883-0517

Legion of Mary (Chinese) Clara Chan 909-310-6141

Rosary Group Lulu Enverga 909-497-0558

Vocations Committee Jerome & Carol Murphy 909-315-8108

Christian Service

Bereavement Grief Share Leeza Montoya 714-342-8418

Cancer Support Randy Candelaria 310-691-9853

Coffee and Donuts Pat & Kathleen Hamamoto 909-217-4051

Divorced & Separated Ministry Diane Dale 949-300-8931

Elizabeth Ministry Alexandra Latten Argosino 707-416-3311

Knights of Columbus Jim Dunkelman 909-489-8656

Ministry to the Sick John & Tessie Duffy 909-993-7324

Respect Life & Family Kelly Schlegel 909-896-6351

Restorative Justice Pablo Alvarez 909-606-1317

St. Paul's Clothing Ministry David & Maria Nunez 714-746-5137

St. Paul's Food Ministry David & Maria Nunez 714-746-5137

Warm up St. Paul Yolanda Ravega 909-952-8034 Liturgical

Altar Servers Annette Granados 909-568-8469

Environment Raoul & Melinda Raymundo 909-590-7339

Eucharistic Ministry Vincent Enverga 909-527-5734 Hospitality - Youth Kristine Velasco 909-529-2361 Hospitality (Ushers/Greeters) Dennis Balich 909-591-1542 Lectors Brenda Dunkelman 909-437-0284 Sacristans Rick Quintero 909-374-0690

Senior Adult Ministry Zeny & Gilbert Ong 909-217-8526

Knot Just a Prayer Candace John 909-465-3157

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

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