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Page 1: Staff Announcement In the News - Spratton Hall · 2016-10-07 · Imogen Lott: Rayban bright purple framed glasses Jacob Mason: grey school trousers (named) Missing white trainer Pierre

Sport News

Pre-Prep News

Art News

Supporting Alzheimer’s Society

Book Fair ‘Challenge’

Outspan School Project

From the Head Master 7 October 2016

In the News


[email protected]



Congratulations to Olivia Cockburn and Rebecca Eales who have been selected to join the county netball team. Well done.

Pupil Achievements

Staff Announcement I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Benn is to become the new Head of Pastoral Care (Designated Safeguarding Lead) at Spratton Hall from September 2017, taking over from Mrs White who, as I informed you a few weeks ago, will be retiring at the end of this academic year. This is an absolutely key role in the school and I am delighted to appoint somebody of Mrs Benn’s calibre and experience. Mrs Benn will be working closely with Mrs White through-out this year and she will continue to work in the Learning Support Department next year. Mrs White’s other roles of Head of Year 4 and Maths teacher will be resolved later in the year.

School Visits As always, I continue to visit senior schools regularly and as such on Wednesday I enjoyed a visit to Oundle for the opening of their most impressive SciTec facility, and today I am visiting Rugby School to spend time in the day hous-es. Later in the term, I will be visiting Radley College and Oakham. I always enjoy these visits, catching up with for-mer pupils, meeting staff and maintaining close relations with these schools and their Heads and Registrars.

Road Closure Unfortunately, the Chapel Brampton to Spratton road is to be closed for up to four weeks from the end of this month. The following is the official detail from Northampton Highways Agency:

“Northamptonshire Highways are requiring to carry out major repairs to Spratton Sands Bridge. To undertake this work safely will reduce the available carriageway to such a point that it will not be possible to allow traffic to pass at any time and therefore the road will be closed from the 31st October and is expected to remain closed for up to four weeks (31 Oct – 25 Nov). The section of road closed will be between Merry Tom Lane and Spratton Grange. The plan and diversion can be viewed here https://roadworks.org?tm=84617.”

Photo Gallery I am very pleased to hear from many parents that our photo galleries on the school website are very well used in-deed and it is always nice to hear from parents how grandparents and other family members view the galleries to see what their grandchildren get up to at school. We always try to upload photos of matches, trips and events at least the day after.

Winter Uniform Just a reminder that from Monday all children should be in winter uniform please, details of which can be found in the school calendar or on the website in the parents’ section. Just a reminder that girls should wear green knee length socks or green tights please. With the weather having turned a little chillier the last day or two, it feels the right time to move to winter uniform.

House Matches The first House sport fixtures take place next week with Years 5 & 6 Hockey and Rugby on Monday at 3.00 pm, and Years 7 & 8 Hockey and Rugby on Friday at 3.00 pm. As always, parents are most welcome to attend the match-es. Needless to say, there will be a Spratton Tea served afterwards.

Visiting Housemaster Next Friday, Mr Peter Last, Housemaster of Walpole, Stowe School, will be speaking in assembly. Parents are very welcome to attend and meet him for coffee afterwards.

Weekend Matches Due to a longstanding family commitment, I am unable to watch the home matches tomorrow, but I wish all the very best to the boys against Maidwell, the U8 boys taking part in the festival at Winchester House and the girls in the hockey tournaments at Oakham.

Thank you

Year 7 Visit to Kenilworth Castle

“We walked around the outskirts of the castle and at the end we were

able to climb to the top of the very high Leicester Tower and look at the

amazing view over the walls. They were so thick that soldiers used to do

‘wall walks’, walking along them whilst shooting attackers below!”

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Spratton Hall Newsletter Page 2

Music Department

Oakham Music Day We had a fantastic day on Tuesday with our Year 6 singers at Oakham. The pupils enjoyed a day of rehearsing under the direction of Oakham’s Director of Music, Peter Davis. They then came to-gether with a string orchestra to perform a wonderful concert to staff and parents. It really was a brilliant day and a wonderful experience for everybody who took part.

Informal Concert – Thursday 13th October The programme for our first Informal Concert of the academic year has now been finalised and can be viewed on our school website. All those involved should have received a letter by Clarion Call. Please can I ask for all reply slips to be returned as soon as possible.

Music Lessons Should you wish to terminate your child’s individual music lessons from the start of the Spring term, notice must be received by October half term.

Head Lice - Send them Packing!

As this is a problem throughout the school at the moment, please could you take the time to check your child’s hair and treat accordingly. Head lice are wingless insects that live on the scalp and neck. They are grey or brown, have six legs and when fully grown are about the size of a sesame seed. Females attach their eggs to your hair close to your scalp. The eggs hatch about 7–10 days later and it takes 10 days for them to be adults and laying new eggs. When the lice hatch they leave empty shells called nits attached to the hair. Nits are white and you may mistake them for flakes of dry skin. Nits stick to the hair and you won’t be able to remove them with normal shampooing. You can only get head lice through head to head con-tact. They cannot hop, fly or swim. Although head lice maybe embarrassing and sometimes uncomfortable, they do not usually cause illness. However, they WILL NOT clear up on their own and you need to treat them promptly. Treatment of Head Lice There are many treatments available including: Insecticides – e.g. Full Marks liquid or Derbac M, wet combing with special fine toothed comb, Non–insecticide based products – e.g. Hedrin. Insecticides and Non-Insecticides When using these products for treating lice they are available as lotions, liquids and shampoos. Always follow the instructions carefully. Usual-ly the insecticide lotion should be rubbed onto scalp and hair, left for approximately 12 hours before you wash it out. Then comb using a fine toothed comb. This process should be repeated after 7 days to kill any new lice that may have hatched. Wet Combing This is a method of removing lice with a fine toothed comb. You need to spend 20–30mins combing through the entire head of hair. It is easier to remove the lice and nits if the hair is wet and conditioner still on hair. The process needs repeating every 3 days until there have been 3 consecutive sessions without seeing any lice. Thank you—Matron

Lost Property Imogen Lott: Rayban bright purple framed glasses

Jacob Mason: grey school trousers (named) Missing white trainer

Pierre Fraser-Allen: one white trainer (named on tongue)

Cancelled Clubs Thursday 13th October: Art & Design Club is cancelled due to the

Year 5 Visit.

With over 300 books sold during last week’s Book Fair, it would be good to hear what

pupils, and parents, thought of the books they purchased. We would like to encourage

pupils who have read a book, bought at the Fair, to bring it to the Library during morning

or lunch break to tell a Librarian, or me, about the book. We will then write an illustrated

report to display in the Library which we hope will encourage others to read the book or

look in the Library for books written by that author. I would also be interested to receive

feedback from parents, which can be done via email ([email protected]) or by pop-

ping into the Library to see me between 9 am and 2.15 pm.

Jane Coverdale - Librarian

Book Fair ‘Challenge’

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Sport Department Art Department

Artist of the Week is awarded to Isabel Stock (8W) for her Christmas card design.

Next week is the last week for children in Years 3-8 to finish their Christmas cards. If necessary they can go to the Art Depart-ment at lunch times to complete them.

Artist of the Week

Amendments & Notices


1st VII Hockey Tormead Home 30.9.16 Won 5-3

2nd VII Hockey Tormead Home 30.9.16 Drew 1-1

3rd VII Hockey Tormead Home 30.9.16 Lost 0-5

4th VII Hockey Tormead Home 30.9.16 Lost 0-2

1st VII Hockey Bedford Modern Home 1.10.16 Lost 1-8

2nd VII Hockey Bedford Modern Home 1.10.16 Won 2-1

3rd VII Hockey Bedford Modern Home 1.10.16 Lost 0-5

4th VII Hockey Bedford Modern Home 1.10.16 Lost 1-3

U11 A Hockey Bedford Modern Away 1.10.16 Lost 1-2

U11 B Hockey Bedford Modern Away 1.10.16 Won 8-1

U11 C Hockey Bedford Modern Away 1.10.16 Won 2-1

U10 A Hockey Bedford Modern Away 1.10.16 Drew 2-2

U10 B Hockey Bedford Modern Away 1.10.16 Won 2-0

U10 C Hockey Bedford Modern Away 1.10.16 Won 2-0

1st VII Hockey IAPS Away 5.10.16 Finished 5th

U10 A Hockey Witham Hall Away 5.10.16 Won 3-1

U10 B Hockey Witham Hall Away 5.10.16 Lost 0-2

U9 A Hockey Bilton Grange Home 6.10.16 Won 1-0

U9 B Hockey Bilton Grange Home 6.10.16 Drew 2-2

1st XIII Rugby Akeley Wood Home 1.10.16 Won 35-0

2nd XIII Rugby Akeley Wood Home 1.10.16 Won 35-5

U10 A Rugby Wellingborough Home 5.10.16 Lost 0-55

U10 B Rugby Wellingborough Home 5.10.16 Lost 10-35


Saturday 8th October Addition: U8A Rugby at Winchester House U8 Rugby Festival from 9.30 am - 12.00 noon. Cancellation: 3rd X Rugby v Akeley Wood (H) Amendment: Rugby matches on this day are now as follows: 1st & 2nd XIII Rugby v Maidwell Hall (A) at 2.30 pm U11A Rugby v Maidwell Hall (H) at 2.30 pm U10 A/B Mixed Rugby v Maidwell (H) at 2.30 pm Wednesday 12th October Amendment: 1st, 2nd XIII, 3rd X Rugby v Oakham (H) is now AWAY at 2.15 pm. Thursday 13th October Cancelled: Year 5 Girls’ & Boys’ Team Practice Saturday 15th October Addition: 3rd VII Hockey v Maidwell (A) at 2.50 pm. Amendment: 1st & 2nd VII Hockey v Maidwell (A) will now start at 2.00 pm Thursday 10th November Rescheduled: U9 A&B Rugby v Bilton Grange (H) at 3.00 pm—this match was postponed from 6th October.

Objects wanted for

Observational Drawing on our

William Shakespeare theme:-

Skulls Ink bottles & Pens Old

books Scrolls

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Spratton Hall Newsletter Page 4


Home Clothes Day today was also held to support the Alzheimer’s Society and, with everyone wearing green, white and blue, we raised in excess of £388!

Thank you for your support.

Raising Money for Alzheimer’s Society

Last Sunday, almost our entire charity team was able to meet

up with bikes at Brixworth Country Park to raise money for

Alzheimer’s Society. We all put on our Alzheimer’s t-shirts and

posed for photographs before setting off around the reservoir.

Luckily the weather was sunny, which meant that there were

lots of runners, cyclists and walkers out and people were very

friendly and generous. We all had great fun and we raised a

total of £1,100 for our charity.

On 24th September I competed in the Roade triathlon. I was a

little nervous as I had not done a tri for two and a half years, I

had moved up an age category (13-14 years) and I had bor-

rowed a bike, as my bike was still on its way back from India!

To complete in a triathlon, you have to swim, ride and run one

after the other, passing through a transition area between

each phase to change your shoes, make sure your number is

showing the right way and pick up or put back your bike. Your

time is taken from the start of your swim to the end of your

run, including the time you spend in transition, so that is also

an important part of the race and also needs practice.

I really enjoyed competing in a triathlon again. I was particu-

larly pleased with my swim, which was much faster than my

practice. Luckily my sibling did not need to drag me over the

line! I plan to train hard and do more events next year. I also

raised £35 for our charity, Alzheimer’s Society, as I was spon-

sored for every person in my category that I finished ahead of!

Adam Gray

Outspan School Project, Uganda Northampton scout leaders came to talk to us about the

Outspan School and Flavia. It was really interesting to see

how much the Outspan School is developing and we learnt a

lot about Uganda.

We are now ready to

start our sponsored

run in January so

that we can raise

funds to keep Flavia

in education.

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Lunch Menu for Next Week

Spratton Hall Newsletter Page 5



















Years 5&6

House Hockey

& Rugby

French Celebration Day


U9 Hockey v Maidwell

Hall (A)

U9A Rugby v Maidwell

Hall (A)


Year 4 Visit to Stratford-upon-



U11 A&B Hockey v Winchester

House (A)

U10 A&C Hockey v NHS (H)


1st & 2nd XIII, 3rd X Rugby v

Oakham (A) - change to calendar


U11C Hockey v Winchester

House (A)

U10 B&D Hockey v NHS (H)


1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th VII Hockey v

Leicester Grammar (A)


Year 5 Visit to

Coventry Cathedral


HPV1 Vaccinations for

Year 8 Girls


Year 1 Assembly in

Hunter Hall


Cancelled: Art &

Design Club, Year 5

Girls’ & Boys’ Team



Informal Concert in

Hunter Hall


Assembly with Mr

Peter Last, Walpole

Housemaster, Stowe

School—Parents are

welcome to attend

and join Mr Last

afterwards for

refreshments in the

Drawing Room


U11 IAPS Hockey

Tournament at



Year 7 & 8 House

Hockey & Rugby


U10 A&B Rugby v

Stamford (H)


1st & 2nd VII

Hockey v Maidwell

Hall (A)


U10A Hockey v

Maidwell Hall (H)


3rd VII Hockey v

Maidwell Hall (A)




School Diary for Next Week

Menu Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Soup of the Day Leek & Potato Soup Tomato Soup

Meat Main Course Sausage & Bacon Pasta

Chicken Fricasse Meat Loaf in a Peppercorn Sauce

Roast Loin of Pork & Trimmings

Fish Fingers, Chips & Peas

Vegetarian Main Course Mushroom Stroganoff

Stuffed Peppers with Vegetable Cous Cous

Red Onion & Goats’ Cheese Tart

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

Vegetable Burgers

Salad Bar Options Chicken Pitta or

Cheese & Vegetable Pitta

Feta Cheese & Olives

or Roast Pork

Selection of Cheese & Bacon

or Cheese & Tomato


Tuna Mayonnaise or

Egg Mayonnaise

Roast Ham or

Prawns in Marie Rose Sauce

Jacket Potato Bar Cheese & Beans Minced Beef & Vegetables

Brie & Bacon Chilli Con Carne Chicken Curry

Pre-Prep (Meat & Vegetarian Main

Courses plus)

Roast Ham or

Grated Cheese

Sausage Roll or

Boiled Egg

Grated Cheese or

Tuna Mayonnaise

Roast Ham or

Egg Mayonnaise

Grated Cheese or


Desserts Bananas & Custard

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Bakewell Tart

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Cranachan Trifle

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Pineapple Upside Cake

Yoghurt, Fruit,

Cheese & Biscuits

Fudge Brownie

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Soup of the Day Scotch Broth Cock a Leekie

Meat Main Course Steak & Mushroom Pie

Spaghetti & Meatballs

Tandoori Chicken Roast Loin of Pork with Trimmings

Fish, Chips & Peas

Vegetarian Main Course Creamy Tagliatelle with Sugar Snap Peas & Cherry


Vegetable Curry Cauliflower & Broccoli Polonaise

Stuffed Beef Tomatoes

with Cous Cous

Spinach & Butternut Squash Omelette

Salad Bar Options Roast Ham or

Grated Cheese

Roast Turkey or

Crab Sticks & Prawns

Minted Lamb Cous Cous

or Boiled Eggs

Roast Beef or

Salmon Pate

Roast Ham or

Grated Cheese

Jacket Potato Bar Cumberland Sausages

Mediterranean Vegetables

Lamb Curry

Pre-Prep (Meat & Vegetarian Main

Courses plus)

Ham or


Sausage Roll or

Egg Mayonnaise

Grated Cheese or

Tuna Mayonnaise

Ham or

Egg Mayonnaise

Grated Cheese or


Desserts Toffee Sponge

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Apple Pie

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Strawberry Sponge Gateau

Yoghurt, Fruit,

Cheese & Biscuits

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits


Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

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Spratton Hall Newsletter Page 6

With pockets full of

shiny brown conkers

now being emptied

out in ‘News Time’,

the change of seasons

is bringing a rather

chilly start to the

mornings. Our move

to winter uniform takes effect from Monday 10th October and de-

tails of the clothing required can be found in the back of the School

calendar or in the Pre-Prep Information Booklet. It is definitely time to pack away

the girls’ summer dresses in favour of thicker pinafores and to enjoy the additional

warmth of knee high socks, as worn by the boys. I can imagine that it will not be

long either until the children’s fleecy lined blue school coats start to make an ap-

pearance – a reminder that new coats purchased need to be the regulation school

coat please, as described on our uniform requirement list, thank you.

As many of you will know, from my frequent mentions on this page, I am a huge

advocate of the BookTrust website. Whether your child’s interest is captured by

tales of adventurous animals, dinosaurs, pirates or magical worlds, the BookTrust is

an Aladdin’s Cave of inspiring book titles for all ages. Each month they compile

themed lists of recommended reads, as well as providing features such as ‘Tips for

reluctant readers’ or ‘How to be a great story teller’. Their list of ‘100 Best Books’ is

well worth dipping into and I just love their ‘Bath, Bed, Book’ list, which provides

suggestions for a calming, wind down time at the end of the day. This week, our

Reception children brought home a free BookTrust ‘Time to Read’ pack, designed to

inspire a love of reading and provide that wonderful bonding experience that shar-

ing a book with your child can bring. I hope you enjoy your copies of ‘Kitchen Dis-


Mrs Fleming-Jones has been packaging together the orders for the family, individual

and form photographs, ready to send to Tempest Photography. If you still wish to

place an order, please may we ask that remaining order forms are handed to your

child’s class teacher, with payment, by Monday 10th October, thank you.

Finally, the school has been awash with green, blue and white today, with the first

of our non-uniform days. Organised by a group of our Year 8 pupils, today’s event

raised valuable funds for the Alzheimer’s Society, and forms part of the charity

work that is undertaken as part of the PHSE curriculum for our oldest pupils. The

children have thoroughly enjoyed wearing something a little different and we thank

you for your support.

Mrs Fiona Sanchez

Head of Pre-Prep

Thursday 13th October, 3.00 pm in the

Hunter Hall – Year 1 Assembly

(parents, family and friends are all wel-

come to attend)

Thursday 20th October, 3.00 pm in the

Hunter Hall – Reception Assembly

(parents, family and friends are all wel-

come to attend)

Friday 21st October – Half Term Begins

Very well done to Jehan Jasinarach-

chi (1G) who has successfully

gained his Red Belt in Martial Arts.

Congratulations also go to Alfred

Cowell (1N) who has achieved his 5

metre ASA Rainbow Swimming


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