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Page 1: Stage one: Validate that the patient group is Web viewFax: 0844 477 8591. Patient Representative Group Report 201 3 - 201 4. ... PRG members are encouraged to spread the word. and

St Johns Wood Medical PracticeDr S Charkin Brampton HouseDr D Abadi Hospital of St John & St ElizabethDr J Miller 60 Grove End RoadDr R Jones London NW8 9NHDr J PawaCL CCG Tel: 020 3657 9449Practice Code: E87609 Fax: 0844 477 8591

Patient Representative Group Report 2013 - 2014

Component 1 – Establish a PRG comprising of only registered patients and use best endeavours to ensure the PRG is representative.


Age: Age:0 – 4 872 45 – 54 14785 – 16 1285 55 – 64 105117 – 24 838 65 – 74 78925 – 34 2352 75 – 84 53335 – 44 2169 84+ 324

Sex :Male 5355 (46%)Female 6336 (54%)


Ethnicity Type Registered with SJWMP Ethnicity Type Registered

with SJWMP

African 168 (1.4%) Other Asian 951 (8.1%)

Bangladeshi 40 (0.3%) Other Black 82 (0.7%)

British / Mixed British 2691 (23.1%) Other Mixed 148 (1.3%)

Caribbean 19 (0.2%) Other White 3673 (31.4%)

Chinese 281 (2.4%)Pakistani /

British Pakistani148 (1.3%)

Ethnicity not stated 310 (2.6%) White & British 160 (1.4%)

Indian / British Indian 945 (8.1%) White & Asian 119 (1.0%)

Irish 122 (1.1%) White & Black African 28 (0.2%)

Other 1044 (8.6%) White & Black Caribbean 25 (0.2%)

Ethnicity not recorded 710 (6.1%)

Working patterns of patients Not Known Levels of

unemploymentMinimal in St Johns Wood

Care groups, e.g. Nursing Homes, Learning Disability Community, Mental Health Groups

N/A Carers 94

Other HouseboundAges: 45 - 74 = 13; 75 – 89 = 58; 90+ = 45

(Figures for regular patients registered in February 2014)

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Disease Registered with SJWMP Disease Registered

with SJWMP

Asthma 358 (3.1%) Hypertension 1155 (9.9%)

Atrial fibrillation 157 (1.3%) Hypothyroidism 422 (3.6%)

Cancer 289 (2.5%) Learning Disabilities 5 (0.04%)

Chronic Heart Disease 282 (2.4%) Mental Health 59 (0.5%)

Chronic Kidney Disease 392 (3.4%) Osteoporosis 27 (0.2%)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 87 (0.7%) Palliative Care 11 (0.09%)

Dementia 51 (0.4%) Peripheral Arterial Disease 46 (0.4%)

Diabetes 411 (3.5%) Rheumatoid Arthritis 50 (0.4%)

Epilepsy 35 (0.3%) Stroke / TIA 144 (1.2%)

Heart Failure 59 (0.5%) No Disease 7651 (65.4%)

(Figures for regular patients registered in February 2014)



25 – 34 – 035 – 44 – 045 – 54 – 155 – 64 – 365+ - 8


Male – 1 (8.33%)Female – 11 (91.67%)


British / mix British – 11Other White – 0Not known – 0Other Asian – 1

Working patterns of patients:

Unknown, although largely not working

Levels of unemployment:




Care groups, e.g. Nursing Homes, Learning Disability Community, and Mental Health Groups:




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The largest group in the Practice is the 25 – 44 age groups. The over 65 population totals 1646.

The Practice PRG is well represented by the over 65s, but under represented by the 25 – 44 age group.

Health factors as above, but the PRG felt that it was not appropriate to disclose their health factors.

In order to reach out to the other age ranges, working patients and mothers, the Practice has advertised the group through posters; forms on the reception desks; the electronic messaging board; Practice newsletter, website; local library and as an attachment this year to the PRG / Patient questionnaire.

A tear off slip was attached to each PRG questionnaire handed out asking patients to register their interest in becoming part of the PRG. 30 responses were received. Dr Malcolm Godfrey & Jacky Erwteman (two members of the PRG) met with the respondents with a view to getting a broader representation on the PRG.

After emailing each respondent, 3 responded and agreed to a meeting; 1 joined the PRG.

PRG members are encouraged to spread the word and are now taking a more proactive role.

The PRG now has a notice board in the Practice waiting area, so this will also raise awareness of their existence

Two open evenings were held this year, 24th April and 6th November 2013. They were a great success and many new faces attended, but no one stepped forward to join the PRG.

The PRG will have a regular column in the Practice quarterly newsletter.

The PRG will set up a corner in the waiting area twice a week where two members can share material and talk to patients.

Encourage the Partners to recruit or put forward patient names for the PRG.

The PRG will speak with mothers at the Wednesday morning baby clinic.

To encourage new members of a younger age group, the PRG are prepared to hold telephone conferences; Skype members or use Email.

The PRG will work with the practice in developing future patient communication

Component 2 –

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Page 4: Stage one: Validate that the patient group is Web viewFax: 0844 477 8591. Patient Representative Group Report 201 3 - 201 4. ... PRG members are encouraged to spread the word. and

Agree with the PRG which issues are a priority and include these in the local practice survey.


The PRG and GP Partners went through the GPAQ questionnaire that is used each year for the practice patient survey; revisited last years results; took into account suggestions taken from the suggestion box and from several complaints received.

The Practice used the GPAQ questionnaire this year alongside a questionnaire set up by the PRG.

In discussions within the PRG and with the GP Partners, priorities for the PRG questionnaire were determined by areas not covered within the existing Practice questionnaire and with further thoughts to patient’s needs e.g. promotion of online booking; sufficient information about healthcare provisions; what information would patients like to receive from their PRG and how would they like to receive it. The survey was also used to raise awareness of the PRG amongst patients.

The Practice used the GPAQ questionnaire as this sets a benchmark nationally in order for the practice to be able to measure results nationwide.

PRG questionnaire - Open questions were used to probe likes and preferred areas of improvement; closed questions were used to establish the knowledge of / use of the Practice website and the online booking system. Two new questions were added this year, ‘do you feel you have enough information about your healthcare provisions’ and ‘if we were to provide more information how would you like to receive it’.

Component 3 – Carry out the local practice survey and collate and inform the PRG of the findings.

The Practice questionnaire: A GPAQ survey, to be administered within the surgery was downloaded via

www.gpaq.info along with an excel spreadsheet to analyse the data. Starting August 2013, using GPAQ figures for the number of questionnaires to be

handed out, 6 folders containing 30 questionnaires each (Dr Charkin, Dr Abadi, Dr Miller, Dr Jones, Dr Pawa & Dr Sharma) were handed out by reception staff to patients as they checked in for their doctor appointments. 3 folders containing 30 questionnaires each (Practice Nurse K Hulstrom, Practice Nurse J Chapman & Health Care Assistant M Cohen) were also handed out by reception staff to patients as they checked in for their appointments.

A search was run for all patients that are coded as housebound and a questionnaire was sent to them with a SAE to return it. The questionnaires were numbered as they went out to ensure anonymity.

A request was made that following completion of the questionnaire (anonymous) it was to be handed in at a box located on the reception desk.

These were then passed on to the Assistant Practice Manager, Sharon Ryan, for analysing.

The PRG questionnaire: 236 questionnaires were handed out in the Practice, alongside the Practice

questionnaire. A request was made that following completion of the questionnaire (anonymous) it was to be handed in at a box located on the reception desk.

A search was run for all patients that are coded as housebound and a questionnaire was sent to them with a SAE to return it. The questionnaires were numbered as they went out to ensure anonymity.

The questionnaires were then passed to the PRG for analysis.

Dates the survey was carried out.

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August 2013 – September 2013

Survey results –

Component 4 – Provide the PRG with an opportunity to comment and discuss the findings of the local practice survey. Reach agreement with the PRG of changes in provision and manner of delivery of service. Where relevant, notify NHS England of the agreed changes.


In February 2014 both the practice questionnaire and PRG questionnaire were shared with practice members of staff and the PRG in preparation for the meeting in March 2014. The meeting on 5th March 2014 was to discuss the results of both questionnaires and decide on an action plan.This meeting was attended by PRG members, the Partners and members of the practice staff.

See minutes below:

Component 5 – Agree with the PRG an action plan setting out the priorities and proposals arising out of the local Practice survey.Seek PRG agreement to implement changes and where necessary inform NHS England.


All members of the PRG were sent copies of the Practice questionnaire results in February 2014 and asked to comment before the Practice meeting on the 5th March 2014.

3 PRG members met with the Partners and Practice staff to discuss the results of the Practice / PRG questionnaires and decide on an action plan.

Agreed Practice action plan below. Agreed PRG 5 point action plan below. It was felt by all present at the meeting that the action points within the

plans would be achievable. There are no contractual considerations to any of the agreed actions.

Component 6 – 5 E87609

Page 6: Stage one: Validate that the patient group is Web viewFax: 0844 477 8591. Patient Representative Group Report 201 3 - 201 4. ... PRG members are encouraged to spread the word. and

Publicise the Local Participation Report on the Practice website and update the report on subsequent achievement.


See below for the updated achievements from the previous year’s Action Plan.

See below for the updated PRG Action Plan from the previous year. See below for a link to our practice website where a copy of this report

can be downloaded.




Morning AfternoonMonday 8.00am – 6.30pmTuesday 8.00am – 6.30pmWednesday 8.00am – 6.30pmThursday 8.00am - 1.00pm 1.45pm -6.30pmFriday 8.00am – 6.30pmWeekends Closed

Appointments can be made either in person, telephone or online, please ask at reception for an online access letter, and then visit


OUT OF HOURS: If you need to contact the practice when it is closed, call 1 – 1 – 1.


All minutes from the PRG meetings can be accessed from our website or you can click on the links below for the most recent minutes.

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