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Creating Vibrant Communities

Starting Vibrancy at the Top George Cuff October 1, 2013

Spirit in Service for Vibrant Communities

George Cuff Starting Vibrancy

at the Top

Creating Vibrant Communities

The Speaker Series: Urban Systems- Edmonton Office

George B. Cuff, FCMC

36 years of consulting experience; own firm since ’84

Consulting largely to senior levels in the public sector

12 years as Mayor of Spruce Grove, Alberta; former

President of Alberta Urban Municipalities Association

& Federation of Canadian Municipalities; received

Award of Distinction from both

Introduction to George B. Cuff, FCMC

Author: Magazine articles since 1979; two books

“Cuff’s Guide to Municipal Leaders, Volumes One and

Two; 2 books of articles “Off the Cuff, Volumes One

and Two

Reports for +500 organizations; +500 seminars in all

10 Provinces, 3 territories; some international

Introduction to George B. Cuff, FCMC

Leadership Impacts Creative Communities

Leadership is About Learning

In a study of 90 top leaders, leadership experts Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus made a discovery about the relationship between growth and leadership. They reported “It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers”. Successful leaders are learners.

What is Leadership All About?

Leadership is about Self-Awareness

The late English Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli

commented “To be conscious that you are

ignorant of the facts is a great step to


What is Leadership All About?

Leadership is About Preparation Former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier stated

“You can map out a fight plan, but when the fight

starts you’re down to your reflexes. That’s where

the roadwork shows. If you cheated in the dark of

the morning, you’ll be found out under the bright


What is Leadership All About?

Leadership is About Influence

Harry A. Overstreet, author of the Mature Mind, a required text for our university class 40 years ago, states "The very essence of all power to influence lies in getting the other person to participate". While you may be able to demand certain actions as a manager, you will only capture their hearts by effective persuasion and by example.

What is Leadership All About?

Leadership is All About Integrity

General Norman Schwartzkopf spoke of the issue

of integrity when he said, "Leadership is a potent

combination of strategy and character. But if you

must be without one, be without strategy".

What is Leadership All About?


Understand the need for role clarity

See beyond; possess the necessary vision

Recognize it is they who are accountable

Focus on their primary client

Are resilient; they bend on issues; not on principles

Sense the need for maturity in decision-making style

and comments

The Essence of Governance: The Cotter Pin of Communities

The Queen of Oak Bay understood the importance of

the cotter pin on June 30th 2005 when its absence

caused the ship to collide into the docking facility

resulting in damage or destruction of 28 smaller


The cotter pin is the linkage between fuel control

and engine speed. Its loss meant that the ship’s speed

could not be controlled.

Governance is a poorly understood concept given that

it affects all of our lives from birth to death. It

underlies what our decision-makers do and how they

do it. It is at the heart of issues and their resolution

by those we elect to govern us. In effect, it is

critical to our well-being and central to how we treat

others. George B. Cuff, FCMC September, 2012

What is Governance?

The process of exercising corporate leadership:

by the governing body

on behalf of its members (the citizens)

to the community & organization as a whole

in terms of purpose, control and future

while providing oversight to ensure that the

mandate of the municipality is achieved.

How is it Achieved?

Effective decision-making by Council; clear


Good administrative advice/reports

Reasonable avenues of input for the public

Thoughtful reflection on the key issues/priorities

Council makes its decisions and management

carries these out as effectively and promptly as


Good Governance Stems From…

“I presume the public interest to be

what people would choose if they

saw clearly, thought rationally and

acted benevolently.”

Walter Lippmann

Key Roles (of a Mayor & Councillors)

Leadership: Set direction & priorities; advocate

Governance: Pass resolutions/bylaws/policies

Oversight: Ensure fiscal fidelity; relate to auditor

Assess: Evaluate City Manager, results of Plan(s)

Connect: Listen to citizens & delegations

Correct: Resolve issues; make tough decisions

Bridge-Building: Reaching out to others

Monitoring: The eyes of the community

A Vibrant Community will be Connected to its Council

Who is the public?

Generally viewed as the totality of residents

and businesses lodged in your municipality

Who does a Council see on a regular basis?

Those who appear as delegations or who come

to audit the meetings

Are these folks the “public”?

Maybe not…but they should be heard and


Council’s Linkage to the Public (1)

How should Council communicate?

As best as it can within the resources/time that it has

How is that done well?

Depends on each community…who is at home during the

day? Who attends meetings? When are agenda packages

made available? What newspaper coverage is available?

Does every Council use electronic means? Most if not all

do; does it work? Sometimes

Can a Council improve its connection?

Council’s Linkage to the Public (2)

Today’s local governments are served by those with much better academic training & relevant experience than previously

Good managers are still very scarce; we have not developed solid training programs which are requirements

Communities that dismiss top managers readily are still too prevalent; their track record at attracting future quality people is not positive

What I See as Trends (1)

Council members generally younger than heretofore; being elected no guarantee of being elected!

More Councils are not meddlers; better at resisting the temptation to manage

Considerably more pressure on Governments to engage in longer term budget and business planning for local governments

What I See as Trends (2)

Pressure building on Governments to re-think the

survival of very small communities

Electoral apathy still a very significant factor in most

elections; low turnout rates at local level still a

troubling factor; how to build relevance

Connecting with the new, young generation is a major

challenge; staffing of volunteer bodies like fire

departments & service clubs a huge challenge

What I See as Trends (3)

The publics increasing need for everything now, not in

a week! (consequence of social media, internet etc)

Real need to be facilitators in the process as opposed

to being subject experts (public has huge access to


Growing the capacity of employees to be successful in

a multi-disciplinary environment

What I See as Trends (4)

Tendency towards the doom and gloom based on a

smaller world

Taxpayers do not want to pay any more for services

despite the value they get from City services

Baby boomers retiring albeit slowly; a lot of good

positions will come open over next few years

We need young people ready to step up

What I See as Trends (5)

Your Role in a Vibrant Community?

Vibrant Communities Need (1)

1. Quality thinkers and planners

a. Who are not constrained by history

b. Who are respectful to those who led the way

c. Who make up for lack of experience through

creativity, perseverance, connections

Vibrant Communities Need (2)

2. Staff who function as team players

a. Understand need for integration of resources

b. Silo mentality dysfunctional

3. Managers who are human

a. Remember that you are dealing with people

b. People not as impressed by how much you know,

as how much you care

Vibrant Communities Need (1)

4. Managers who function at the head and heart level

a. Understand your need to be human

b. You have your own frailties

c. Apology is good for the soul

5. Defeats perceived as opportunities

a. Roadblocks not final

b. Creative people look for solutions not kleenex

Keys to Success at a Young Age (1)

1. See that you are their champion

a. You admit to mistakes & deal with theirs

2. Commit to your own ongoing development

a. We all are a work in progress; do not stop learning

3. Maximize the potential of those around you

a. Focus on their career development

Keys to Success at a Young Age (3)

4. Be ethical in your own behavior

a. Tone at the top begins with you

5. Be open to the ideas of others

a. Encourage others by commending their ideas

6. Don’t pussy-foot around problems; tackle them

before they derail you

a. Problems are cancers (they grow); be decisive

Keys to Success at a Young Age (4)

7. Own up to failings; take responsibility for those

reporting to you

a. If you are a champion, be accountable

8. Celebrate successes, particularly of others

The capacity to see beyond their position


The desire to integrate functions, departments

The understanding of how to manage up

Willingness to embrace change as a constant

Recognition that delegation and mentoring essential

Capacity to stay focused on the basics

Willingness to manage themselves

What Distinguishes the Very Good from Average

Vision and Creativity

In order to discern the reason most progress is

painfully slow look to the leaders we elect

Most focused on the “here and now” because their

constituents do

Making a Vibrant Community: The Need for Vision (1)

Many lack the tools or support of colleagues to see

beyond, to be dreamers of big dreams

Our focus in local government has been on planning

Not bad, unless what you need is vision

Making a Vibrant Community: The Need for Vision (2)

Proverbs states that without vision the people perish

Time for elected officials to recognize we have

good planners and administrators; the public needs


Elected officials need time to reflect

Making a Vibrant Community: The Need for Vision (3)

Most of us are caught in what we know; the older you

get the more that contents you

Young people are trapped in “nothing of today is good

enough!” which may well be true except…

Care needs to be taken with what you throw out; with

what will you replace it? Is it better or just different?

The Challenge of Creativity (1)

Opposition is guaranteed regardless of how good the

idea; most new inventions, ways of thinking even

music encounter resistance

Most problems faced today with new development or

over-crowded conditions or difficult to place

infrastructure result from poor vision

Projections of what’s coming in terms of travel,

space, work, home life, climate merely that…

The Challenge of Creativity (2)

“Success is to be measured not so much by the

position that one has reached in life as by the

obstacles which he has overcome”.

Booker T. Washington, American educator, author and political leader

The Challenge of Creativity (3)

“Small things maketh perfection and perfection is no



The Impact of Creativity (1)

Each of the following were labeled as slow learners,

not likely to amount to much, idle, or bizarre

Albert Einstein: told his cousin re their impending

close relationship “I’m your relativity relative”

Charles Dickens: liked to hang out at the morgue

Ludwig von Beethoven: wore dirty clothes; left

food out to rot; never married!

The Impact of Creativity (2)

Thomas Edison: slept with marbles under his arms so when he slept and thought of a great idea, his body would jerk & the marbles would fall

Creative ideas will inevitably be resisted

Many of these might alarm political leaders

Worthwhile ventures will succeed

The Impact of Creativity (3)

Municipal leaders looking to make a difference

Easier to get on the local agenda than federal or provincial radar

If it looks supportable, it likely will be

If you can mobilize others, your idea gets a hearing

If you can connect it to a local agenda priority, your possibilities are endless

Dynamic Leaders: Dynamic Communities

What Results

A community that believes in itself

A community that celebrates achievement

A community where the talents of everyone are utilized and appreciated

A community with a clear sense of priorities

A community that reaches out to its neighbours

A community where young children can age, go to school, find work, raise families, contribute, retire

I’m Almost Done!

Easy to point out the foibles of others

Communities will stagnate without an infusion of new ideas

Vibrant communities only happen when good people take charge; when the notion of being a pedestrian in life fades; when doing for others is paramount

Where Do You Fit?

Sir Wilfed Grenfell (1865-1940) a medical missionary to Newfoundland and Labrador once said:

"The service we render to others is really the rent

we pay for our room on this earth. It is obvious

that man is himself a traveler; that the purpose of

this world is not 'to have and to hold‘ but 'to give

and serve.' There can be no other meaning.”

Where Do You Fit?

I want to live my life so that my nights are not full of regrets.“ -- D.H. Lawrence, British novelist "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, you are a leader.“---John Quincy Adams

So You Want to be Successful

The Change Imperative

The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my

tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time

he sees me. ... The rest go on with their old

measurements and expect me to fit them. --George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright

The Adage of the Sparrow A farmer comes upon a sparrow lying in

the middle of a road. He asks the sparrow

“Mr. Sparrow, what are you doing?” The

sparrow replies “Why, can’t you see? I am

holding up the sky.” The farmer says “But

you are so small. Look at your spindly

legs. You can’t hold up the sky! The

sparrow replies “One does what one can!”

Achieve What?? If Columbus had turned back, no one would have blamed him. No one would have remembered him either. (Anon)

“How wonderful that no one need wait a

single moment to improve the world.”

Anne Frank (1929-1945)

Creating Vibrant Communities

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