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Mohit SrivastavaCo-Founder & Former CTO of Faves.com

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

1996-2000BS in CS



Dec 2004Co-Founder


Dec 2008Senior PM

Oct 2008Consultant

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Co-founded Faves in December 2004

Grew to 10 employees (including 2 founders)

Launched at Gnomedex in June 2006

Initial offering: “Share the Web, Connect with Friends”

Raised approximately $2M via multiple angel rounds

Still operating in low burn mode and are pursuing a few high ROI yet relatively low cost initiatives

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Over 1M monthly visitors

Over $2 sitewide CPM in some months

One of TechCrunch 2007 “Web 2.0 Companies I Couldn’t Live Without”

Technology Pioneer in aggregating friend activity (pre-

Facebook newsfeed and pre-Twitter) Pioneer in creating an intelligent in-page

yet no-install authoring experience

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: We unknowingly overemphasized items that were “comfortable” to us while underemphasizing those that were more important for the business.

Mitigation: Checklist that captures the major components of a product lifecycle. This would have kept us grounded. I recommend: http://www.pragmaticmarketing.com/pragmatic-marketing-framework.

Corollary: Hire and/or find a co-founder such that you have the expertise to cover the checklist.

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: We underestimated the difficulty in building a viable advertising-supported business. While both our CPM and traffic levels were respectable, one of those two parameters needed to be *exceptional* (e.g. 10x).

Mitigation: CPM: More focus on a vertical with higher

CPM’s. Traffic: More focus on positioning and


Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: We had difficulty articulating why

customers should pay for our white-label feature set. They perceived us as a “nice-to-have” but not a “must-to-have”.

Mitigation: Create an offering where the return on investment (ROI) is simple and direct. Articulate why you help your customers make more money and/or save money.

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: We did not have somebody with deep pre-existing relationships with our target customers. This is often *the* differentiator in a customer selecting your offering over a competitor’s.

Mitigation: Talk to your advisor network to find such a person. Be generous with equity and/or incentive-based compensation. Do not underestimate the value of relationships.

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: We focused on a general purpose Internet audience. We found that acquirers often prefer more targeted audiences. They (just like advertisers) are willing to pay to get access to customers consistent with their business. For example, a bookseller might pay for a community book review site.

Mitigation: Build your business around a lucrative and targeted user base.

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: We (and hence our customers) were conflicted:▪ Were we about bookmarking or were we about friend

activity aggregation?▪ In what area did we want to be known as the “only”,

“best”, “first”, and/or “most-used” way to accomplish something?

Without good answers to the above, we fragmented our development activities.

Mitigation: Answer the above questions Hire a positioning expert

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: We could have given more attention to our highest value (yet smallest in number) group of users.

Mitigation: Periodically segment your user base. Understand the dynamics of each group, which groups you want to invest in, and what features will best target those groups. I recommend this case study by HBS – http://harvardbusinessonline.hbsp.harvard.edu/b02/en/common/item_detail.jhtml?id=707406 – which shows how LinkedIn did just that.

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Situation: For awhile, we had a high “maintenance tax” which compromised our ability to innovate. This was a combination of us having built our own datacenter and us not bounding our database calls (i.e. no more than n joins, kill queries after ).

Mitigation: Don’t build your own datacenter. Anticipate requests that could bring down your

site. Note: This is not the same thing as over-engineering in anticipation of massive user growth.

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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Release early, and release often.Don’t be shy to share you idea –

especially with friends and potential advisors. Do they get it right away?

Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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More About Me http://faves.com/users/mohit http://thishostedlife.com


Copyright (c) 2009 Mohit Srivastava

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