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Page 1: STAT!- Fl:BRUARY4, 1916. r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ … · t rts. Th1:-o he mn:-ot sJffPr tort•1res u1ttl hardshilb Jr th ff' \\hl

~~ 1 .• xpnurt MO'\JTA '-\STAT!- C'OlU:GE,Fl~lDAY. Fl:BRUARY4, 1916.

r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NUJ\\BER I~\

ONTESTS ARE OPEN ;: :: :: :rn :: :: :: :: lllt:: 11 :: :: :: : I ::uuuuu::uu::::u::uuuu :: u M. S. C. WILL DEBATE





the date ~n

e\ -n- -ec nd gift of F. K


hree Hundred Men and Women From Al P1 ·ts of State Attend-Great

nterest Shown in Lectur.,.s




htv Does

S 1me wil as~ist th~ mn11a~ement of the Ex· 1 one,t hi Oistnb11t111 ... 1his week'~ is­llt Thr thir:-tv wl J bP: furnif'=hP.d

w11h wat r anri tllE ,l.h'-'Pllt-mlndP1l will he J?iYPn information by others of a r C·re t mid naturp

art' s a r11l1

~ e inall

011P. 11 111<lrert talks wrre given

d11 ing tnP wt>Pk on this program

, " y onP ~ tlwr b rN·vg-ntzed

\fontana "xp~rt or ~1111wont. brought



(Hy < e1: 1 I~ l hrrmkle)


Bobcats Are Re dy for t~e V· tors V..' C • 'lln Cotner and Ham tton Back n the L ie..,p ..,..o .z19 H s Sam fe::1m \Vh1ch Defeated Montana

St-te's F ve L t Year 3nd Wh1 h Has Recent y Suffered Four Defeats at Hands o' West- n Teams.


:: T trd Ann• te Vv th C,i nz a to

:: :: ::

:: ::

Torture Reigns In

Stagdom Tonight

tlw ordf•r nnd hef'ome 11 PJlll1Prf: or J}U l <':tl'P.·frN! org;mizatlon knnwn s the ~tag~ brfnre nltl So1

Be Hel n Spo ne Febr dry

ma\·es l1is n11pf"nraIH'f' tnmorro" morn- 1->Xpt"rt 111e g;n\Ji('r by hr co\lPe in mg. Fawn~ are to he startt•!l o~f right that deb: l whP. " they u11hPlii hf' af· lht~ year "nn1l pV<>rY nnr should get {11"111 •i P 1i(' :--111 11cl 11 "la erta'lv in n·ady for the big Fawn c·:irnivnl to be kno\\ mg how to nHn k tlH' Gonzaga stagf'd thi" aftPrnoon on )fain --trPPt .irgumP11ts. \\'ith tllfs PX 1erienC'f' 'lnd To enumeratp the nftf'rnoon's program \>ith a good kuowlPfl ' of ho n1 gative i .. out o" the que--tion nnd. bP.siile~. ~ide of the <JUPstkn I 1'e t\ll Park

f'ome (If t11P morn timid and pngn - sho111d ma 1 e 'l ' 0 ry cr~d ble r;ho" ing rious fawns might suddenly te\olt if in ~pokane this year

ThP,. knew Jtlst what ha~ hPE>U planned As soon 'l" t'le Gou aca debate is

lor them to tlo. The bi~ pertorman<'e out of thP way worJ.;. ~ill bP. com­

will start at two o'clock and run until menred on The Sonth Dakota and lda­

every onP hns seen nt least one full ho debates. whkh take plar-e 1 tter in

program "'hen all ha\ P bPen ~Pn'ed the year The questions for these

a ref'ee::s will bP taken :mil the fawns last debates haYe not been de<'idPd as ,1'lowec1 to take on a big fPP~l so that yet but as soon ns thrv are thP entire 1hP'.\ w1 1l b(· ahlP to "ith:-:tand the squad will hP g"fven n chnnce to show evening~ "lhakPllJ1, the meril~-

The Tf'"ll a Hl ~P<'TPt Initiation }Y11en:; I II, E'XC'ept onr-).-ear nH n in J:Ooc1

1 standing ai·t b rrPti \\iii he~ln as soon a.;; the Stat:"s an1l Fnwnl" enn g-et to


The Athlet C'ounril a1;t \\·ednf'~·

th H ll!° fl 1 rter~ 1r1er the E!"amc- Anil <lay took action on a r~·r 1 1e~t rotr. the h~ n w0l if' into the poor nltintPs state mi\ Prs t' o r nc" thlt. tir re·

"hen ·short\ Pres 011 and his gnne Ia•ion" Th hast" of h "'i re 1 1 twas

or fiendi"h sophomor('s start to shClw ~Pl of elie:1bO ty rule "9hich they

\ft r t\\ h[{l

Hl'l· thr-m the bi"at of the F;P:t .. oned sta!?: have atlopteil. Tlw counc wns dis-

'' l b • In a 1- di son 1ort ure mnr-ht es ha, e been appotnt"d 11 the rules in sm era re­t pN·t 'J he dl"C'arcleil nrl tH'w and more powerful spe ts and d<"'f'lined to rl:"nP\\ n .. l·Hions

onPs mnnufarturP<l hy th(' Plf!'C'tt"iC'al until more s.at!sftH'lon- evid n1·e can w·iarrli:; of th<' ro1l1?gr Timp, money be prorlul'Pd. showing: that the diffi­

anrt sleep han bPen rorg-otten in pre- rnltieg uf Ow ra~t will be done away

paring for tlw PH•ning'~ C'f'1Pbr:-ttion. "ith nntl that thr two ln!';titnlions can

_\II of the committPes h·n·p bf'eu work- ('OTilJWte c111 , hasis ot f"riE>ntll) Ti\' Jry

11 g n er··lm to n~sur" the t'nwn'-' thPir monr,·'s "nrth. The cal of 'he .... tai..:: wil be 1H•ard by p\·en nnP tn-1 l!!hl a~ tlJP fawn~ al'P tAkPn into tJi.P. order ,11ul JHlt nn the-ir ow11 re-

~ • tent~ From he t m(I tht:' fa"n g,..l•:-


chroug-h 1he door of stai:?:1l1111 ·ntil he- w. s. Edsall Wins High Place With

t rts. Th1:-o he mn:-ot sJffPr tort•1res u1ttl hardshilb

Jr th ff' \\hl<'h 11 \Ptf•r1111 ~t ~~ hil\1 ~OlH

We5:tinghouse Company n

New York State.

Censored Reports Direct From Front



Aft<'r nHlll<'ll\f'ring: ,1r )l1!11l in l me f'

or ]P iumlt• manta r for !'our and

• ·parl'.'-· PH::.rr al-;·

f1 1m :-:onw othr>r stnlf' who <'onld ..-113 k with r,\·Pn gr nt<'r aiithorltv. a lwlf 1ro111h sitH·1 1111s1JlltiPs wp1·e

f1r 1 1lf"t JarPd la t fall maldng s.011w fre1 1H~n1 lnclpl'isi\"f• nini-: at intC'rval~

of 1 few \\'t>Pk~ 1lw n·g- 1 ,Lr nrmy of th(• F:n·11ll'.\ Jnd1·r lllf 11 adl't"hhtp ol

i•ll(>!HI ad\ \ll('t ( f thf' P11Pll1Y he~n.n

lilt! i1 "R" 11l·n ! 11 1 a\01w thnt 3\Pd

hP s.tudt•nl flr<P !rom au oH'l"

h In 11 ~1 f1 t 1 lt' lll an lmosl

<' ot "iral 1 e an•l artiv!t" hart l'" 'I h" ran~t ot thP arldn f:ifir> \\R br md a 1hr ntP""f'sts 01 thC> farm: hnt

1 acTnr<lnnre vdth rhr pla11 for this er + r r(' e ta ti ,. r-pt'crnl

s1ons \ dozen 1 ~irl 'lry sessions •rP h<' l clnrini; the ,·p1 besiilpc; the

e 1's f:irmr·rs' WPf'k pro~ram. li\·p- ~htjor-1.f nf'ral llnmilton. 11,11'•• :'l H'if's

st ><'k intrrP ts har1 the emphac;is 1.?111 r lPf·t JrPs nnd l"n10n;;trat1on~ rhroup:hout thP ~sions. Poultry,

erPr! by tho rnllf'gP far·11Jt~- anrl t11P win<'. i;hf'Pf1. hPl'f <'<!TIP, clairy rattle

,. finmt1 f'XpPrts brnu~ht hPrP for 'ts ~ 11 lrnr!';f's w<'r<' lul\y dis(·ns,..ed from

ogr·1m. :'\o b~tter in,Hrntio1 ('Oulrl ;i'I potntR of Yif'\\'· brN•fling, fPPrling,

gin·n nf how The ollrr;e ha!; be l1011 .. 1ng and marketing-.

m,.. tlit> r·PntPr for all adlvitl~~ thn.t Till" ro-npPrntivr ,.011 ,·rntion h~ld on

at< t(t rural w1llfar" in :'\lontana F i1lay aflprnoon . .lnn. is. waf> n no·

10 a list or thesP. ::incl many or the table e,·ent. as brins.:-lne; to~rlher on

I t lvittes touch town ancl city lif P itP M dPfinitely aud , tall)-• as rhey llH' platform rPprP:--Pnfatlvps of all

the lite of the rountry_ thP f<lrmPr:-;' organi7.a.tlons of the . I e Hund re d T a lks stalP. with rPpn:srntat1vps of the col-

.-.., r st thP regulnr program ~·htch lc->~e. thf' c•otrnt)- .1,1:~ricult11r.il agents.

spite r1f the mterruptlons r .rnsPd in i thl' l'N lamat1on se1 vie~. ete The re-

• ., or two ca1.:.es by snowbound trains I e::1•1t in seeming a bPttPr underRland­

ir h b a d in tend ed lec t urer s a boa rd ..• 1g all the way round s h ou ld be con-

<;; rar rif"d out almo~t :1!'" pl:tn ned (t'ontinued 1111 F'-age T h ree>.)

of \H>"erf111 anrl, n ·p,f'ral c ac:.-.. .., --11<· <'<'581111 ,tf'"a11lls 1110111!," thP rntirP ha1t\p front pif•rdn~ th1• 1i11e of 1\11" stnd1•11t

c.:on~H·ri11t1011is1" ir1 many p\:11·1-'~

Green Troops Suffer Worst. The> grr;.ltl'81 1•a:-omilti1•s l't'JIOrlPd by

our rorc-1's arc• in tllP ran! .. !' of thC' Hllfl rf'c·ruits SonH· ot 1his. h:ind ot 11ntrainPrl troo11s ha\ ill" hN'll C'aught aslPf>Jl in 1lw trpn('hPs when 1lw at·

tac·k '''a:-- mnd1· \H'n· i1Tl'l11Pdiahly di!' ablP<l and haH' hPPll s(·llt to tlu? rC'ill' In neilrly PH'rY ''aSl'- thP most badly wa111HJNI are suffering- from the ef·

te<•ts of n d1•ndly ,·olJPy of c·a11i~te1'.

Ammu ni ti o n S upply Low. Tiw new~ of the intt>ndell assault akPd out ~e ,·eml days before the

,1Pral, ,., ndgh tl11• ammunition !;UJJ· lJV }1<111 !it'Pll fl\\(•£1 [0 1Jillllni~h

o a dtl11c1•ro11 fll'gT1·1 ;111cl at tht t'me

l •• alarm w1s ~prt•ad thnt a 111itPrl ml1\·enH n1 of th<' F~u ulty wa~ aliont

n eomnw11 *" hut CollP or two rounds f sho1 wPn' \:Jii'lhlP in most of thr Frtda Ft-'h 11 .111

fl ncl ·r~· 1111m lion C'<'nll'r'-' Only by !IH' grP:_ltf" t ,~~qll'nrl llll"f' or l:ibor :tncl Ht>\, Ulit;s l~ a 111nn "llh

:• t t 11 d l't gird nf ordman· working: I If" will hol!l l mi~sion 11 tht t

114 rs "'Hi 11 11... 11 pply :i11c:;nwnl1.."fi suf pal l'lrnrc-h from FPh. 111 to Ft'' ~·1

fidPntly tn wlth:->1a11d lilt> tuhancP. F'or f'\"• ral niRht~ hpforp 111 '-''ery 1'\t'll·

nc during 1111' ntt:.11·k llw l":llHJI firP~

, r th1> munition makf'r~ huruPd hrigl11-

1v wa~ into th1' small hours ot till"

mornin~ F ield M arsh al l L e::ids Attack .

The lt'aders of thr upposinv; fort'es

who were most t.·onsi::Ht>JHly successful

in the ir au:u .. ·k anc.J w ho almost preC'ip. (ContinuPd on !-'age Four)

\\~nshilll.!tOn, Jl, ('. '' h1•rp lw will <"llll fPr \\ilh tht gn\Prnnwut nu1honttf'"' n·earcling- I hp agronomy \\ orl\ to 1w nHriPd 110 n .1011rn11a thi...; s11m111Pr lie will bP g-onf for rome littlt· tlnw

Amo11~ th"' alumni \\ hn atlt<llfh•d the farmers' (·ours.es wen::o .Jnrk Taylor,

,J I·~. Hodgshbs ancl Rny Ranc·roft.


The t"1r..,;1 s1 hrn 1 of 11 1 1 (Hl

dl"<"lt' I ' 1\ (I I l l :\\ f'I' Ill!' !,1

l!Oll {l RO\ Pl"'lllll lit PX!1•n:-.1 Ill n (' fo1 thl· lll'ttt•lit o 10r..; bret'lh~ \\a

brltl hl l ll '<SI I (II a tll 1•

l'Olil'i!t' •\:-t fm I l) \hn!ll )\I hur'"' 1'

IJrPt.'lh~rs 1rom all 1, r:; ,1f tht· s1tlt1

were in atlt·Hdalll'C' sonh un•n t'olll· inµ; tru111 opposlll' nir111..·r oi till' stall:'. from K.1lispt>ll to .\lill·~ l'ity. 11 .. nple1l over four l111111ln·cl mi1P:- for thl' l\\O

da ,·:- ... e110olin~ i·1w l'OUtM' w:1..; U11HJllt.> htll thorom.:h-

1) 1 r:.utical, and 111-·rha11,.. the.• nrn tin·

strr1·ti\ t t>' t·r offered in tht'- l:'Xltinswu

H·ni<"e 01 thl! ('l11leg£' l'rof. c· :--; Ar (C'ontimwd on PaRC' ~·'lur}

Page 2: STAT!- Fl:BRUARY4, 1916. r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ … · t rts. Th1:-o he mn:-ot sJffPr tort•1res u1ttl hardshilb Jr th ff' \\hl




ouLrowt 1 of '.\Ion tidy f~•ponent. f -tablisbed Janunry I 1~!-ln. 1


I lH \\ E·ei Jy Exponent s st ic.:: ly u 5tudent emerpnse. Jl"s c-b.el purpose l-h 10 r rf' 'l'[lf It n 1.ai·r:>. <.ach we:e"k. au ac( 11ra.tl:' a.nd cnmpll1te T_ecord. 01 tl.Je <l• l n -i s n uil!q:t? ff i.irs during t-hat .. icriorl and ( 1 exe-rl HS 1utlu·

Tragedy in Five A.::ts.


\d II

\1·r III .\, ! 1'

Aet \'


Fat he F·11l11

lrl 1• r

a1 I • Io\ er nntl \j("l.L


old 11-a\t:is 1

.~01 I b d

h.l:- 11 tt



wn1 ii r ' Hill~ I'

' Jlli>-l"

~annnnnnnnnnnnnn!; n - I •• f

:: II :: ..


.... ,,, 'l"' ·l) 11 (,pJJ/.l' I BLACK WALNUT CHEWS

!!"ft .1'

=r ~ ! !

nrl Int

I> ..\f" T' 11" ..!8 llt


~ ! : ;. I The Bungalow I

II 11 :-: \I 1 tul ~' t1 ll

,.. af' !Ol lfllTCl\\


,w 1

o Ha g 0 \loulaa 1 s1 t.- lo _t: t'. Tbii.> pu.pcr is tht.• rc:su t of

vn m ar ~ 1 ort p It fo1 1_1 _"_' t_h_e_•_' u_de-:its wll0 c<:•mro~e the ~1a_.1 ___ _ I I

-----... n~~~~~~J f' J:::l

\rm t

'E GI 1 E YOU b 511 t. , tcr' , da~ 0 ti." , 0 , cg<' ,.e •r b: a ::;ia ' he l°'ll 'rorn 1ht~ t _

MOil a titlt 1l11·~e or ·\r:;r1c11ltllrt" IHI :'\lecl1an11.: ~-ts. I ., I'

of I"


' I"' I

p· , 11 t

'll r.. Ji i :!. T.i11rnh1·:-: :l i

r 1 ::n hollda:"-' J ROSES CARNATIONS

\ ut Mno aua Jl(12f·nwn. Mon uuH 1

\ \ 1

I ~second· la ~I: 11 r ~ rt<'i' al Ho t·man. 'lcrntanu. node the Act of : tli·i J

I l

:: T .I) ,. F1 h ''~. "'· llirt~tm ~ :: l 0 I ri 111 \' b lid ~ ::

~annannnLnnanaan; I VIOLETS DAFFODII.S : f. ,. \ l :

Tt·n Cenrs Fer Copy I, , : 11· Per '\ , .... t I 'r;b,•i·c ,1pon 1,a,.·nient ol the re~uJ, r actinty fee. ! 1 Stticltt s bPcome 1;0l1 "' • t

----- l \! 11..1


T\\o 1011

ociety _ fl I L Ai:..GOHR'S I· I t "I !!El·,

STAFF I' L Clll~l.,,, 17 , \\ l ,· \\ l I I I


ars1 :-; ES'3 )j \:"AGER .HAFOLD DJCK~U:\' 'LS 1 ,1 ... 1 t

_____ Rl'BERT STREETS. 'lb I \\ \ ,. I .CLINTON G STHANAHA}I. 'lS I 1 I


~I\" \GT:"G 8DITOn


EDITH FOWLER. '17 ' II ~~~-:~-~.~-N~l:~~=~~~~q~ ~IA~:;:;~;-· --·----------------~::~nED \YALLACE. ·1s I --------------


.I. Gordon Sewell. 'lb !Jon Langohr. '17. Henry Murray, '!fl. Henry Lorentz. 'HI. .John "'- Miner, '18. Frank Hogeland, '19. Curtis Nelson. '19.



The game lhis C'Yening with the Gonzaga basketball team will be. the first ~ame of the lnterrollagi.r.1~ bns!. etb~ll season at the college. The vis·

Hors nre here with the intention o!' ri:i11enting their performance of last season when they tnrnerl th;io trick on their own floor and won both con­tests of the two·g-nme serle~ •ritb the college fh·e. DPspite the fact that Dame Fortune hes been unkind dnring the opening of the loC'al season.

Coach Benni1 n lrns dt>veloped out of thl' TIC'W material. with l;ut two ,·eterans a~ n nurlens:. a te:im which snows grent promise or gl\•lng a eooc.1 account

of its:elf this winter

Ro:~ .. ~!,l~~-co. I



! : I~~~~;:;.>~ I (lur ..;,prin~ fashions and \\ ,nJ- j .m~ fr, im Fd. \ 1 'ril·l 1\: l ('r J awCl.ih ~·uur 1.~h•)t '-'111!.!". 1

' I

'.\fis~ Lnhl Chf:':\iln1 • lptt rPsterda\' ; 315 Tracy Avenue S Phone 95W for llrn n· wht?n' ,;;,he iR J:?oin:; ti' 1s- t------------­sis;1 'Ti~ .lrns:.(·n 11 a ~hnrt C'O\trZiP ===============================-

'.\1 ~-- IO$(' •hinP ho nL p-nl.-•rtainerl thp C'o·Nl H11rb drls S11nd.1y aftprnnnn. .-\bnnt ~'l girls \\·ere pre:;:enl.

A few of the friends of :'lfarie \Ya­termnn of rh•• fre-.Jrntan clns:.s enjoyed n \\. "l~h rarebit party Friday eYening nanriug and mns:.k were llH' rii\·ersions nf th(' e\·pning.

:\fi~R Alrla Smith is on an ext~nsion trip to Iklt :Hiss -Smit! tanght in the Hell schnob be1·nrP t !\lug i1p her tea<hin!! in 1he rollPt.:t'.

.,.,if>T 1•!' thC' frien<ls of \Iii;~

Si...ella Solberg entertained at a sur­prh:e dinner for her \Vetlnesday even­in.2". thr o~casion being her birthday. The <'O}or SC' heme was in yellow: plar<'~ WC'rC lairl lnr Pight.

A. G. McKEY The Printer


I Montana State College of Agriculture I 1

1 Practical ~~r~s ~~~i~~~~~al~1:t~ecbanical l1

b:ngineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Horti-cultural. Home Economics. Industrial Chemistry I

Economic Biology. Music and Art. I

Beautiful grounds, commodious tuildings complete wood and iron shops, extensive Jaborator.ies, model kitchen and se~ri11g rooms. music and en ~tudio.


~fontana St;:1.te must make this opening series a good start toward a :::lrln!-! of victories. "\~ext week, unless the present "·ell developed plans fall througli. the team will start <'D the hnrdest trip that has eYer been under­taken h~· a ?ifontana collegiate basketball team. The strongest quintets of !chi ho and Ptab will be met and ten g-ame~ in all will be played before the

men return. '\70 tPnrn f'n.n do its be!=;t work away rrom home unless It takes witb it

the knowl~ge that it hns behind it thP support end interest of a loyal

s:turlent Oody. No team can rlo its best on the hoDle floor unless It can see' thnt if has support Many of the upperC'IRsemen at thP. coHege <'AD re<'all I ha.rd 1mporta1H Yirtories that would haYe bf>en lost were it not for the ef· forfl"' ot' the "ooting s<'ction.


Pr11f <1n<I '.\lrs. Edmund Rurke euter­tainf-' 1 ::it n ~Pries of delighUul dinner part 1·~ this week. The table was pre1 ~- clt>C'oratetl with re.cl candles anrt ~11:Hles and rPd azeleas formed the ('Pnter pie<'e The guests Tuesday wen) Prof. and '.\frs. ·whipple, Prof.

• lnd "'.\frs. Holst. .and Prof. and Mrs. 'Thaler Thursday evening Prof~ and ~[rs. F' R Cooley Prof and )1rs Cobleigb. Prof. and Mrs. Dearborn, R . S. Shaw nnd Prof. ancl Mrs_ Swin-

College Boys Thelen & Hanley I

Only last year the Rlue and Gold would haYe lost the state intercol1egi· ate clrnmpionship battle had not the student supporters been behind the men eYer:r minu1e of the contest

tr the team tollt.gbt receiYes <lOY lef;S then twenty times the support it

rereived in t.11P Rillings game two wePks ngo it will TI<'._ bP tendered sup­port worthy of the natne.

IN DEFENSE OF COLLEGE ATH- and intellectual manhood. LETICS.

Three da~·s after last Cbristm:is Day Jl[·arly three lrnndrerl <'allege men met in >-'"ew York Cltr to di~cuss in· tercolleglatr athlE'ti<'s They did not agree to abolish athIPtks. ror thev· founrl ma11y rea~on~ ng::iinst such ~ nror·erlurP. The following remarks bv Dl":in Driggs of Hi1rY<H(l nnd Profe;. ~or Corwin 1 Yale. respectively, are YnlunblP

"Let our college keep at the head of their athletics men who try to be honest. let those men trust each other down to the ground, and half the evil~ of intercolle.~ate ritbletics will die a natural death

'·'.\fan~· belie-re. and I am of their number. that the athletic fle1rt offer~

n h:ihorritorr ln the art of living: for whicJ1 no other featnre of the untYer· ~it~~ ('an be n substitute Our reading and our history may do for UR all that a Racon or Chesterfield promised:

lnterr-olledatP athlptic::: are under our lectures on economics. psychology. constant a1taek-an<1 11Pservedly. ·in and Ph.n:::i<'S may ghe us the words or tramural' athletiC's rec-eiYE> constant nrnny \'ahrnble and infallible lftws: bm tJrni~~anr1 deSf'rveril\ Yet neithE'r the word becomes life in the [ield 0r th<" lllPritPtl Cli!'\approval of the one in ihe boat. Here WE' r-an get a se,~ere n<H· rhc> merit('d praise of the other tn--out f or our philflsophy of life and makes rle~r that tlw one should he theories of conduct. ebanclonetl and fht? r:ilher should be all "Tf. then tl1ere are many who <'On-11! all The M'ib of intercoJ. sidt•r ihnt athletics ofrer a course not 1l-'giatl~ athletics arP man~· and ~refit. so nrnc-h in the precepts a:; in thP anti of these eYils the most C'(lmpre· practice nf manlinP~~. lrnnesty_ self­bPn!-:.h f' and the mo~t senrchintr i~ resu alnt persi:-t€"lll.:e. resourc·efulness n11•1_11~al dii:.t_r11 $f. ancl fair µlay-the virtues neeessarr

:\:ot.unul we <'Pnse to helieYe> witll· fnr Pffer·tiYP Jh·ing: if most of us bf'· ~ut. 4'YHlence. nnt ~~1~1i~ WP are lf'ssl li("Yl' that if C"ncourageR <'lean living.

nx10i1s ulH'lll our 1 n :l} s moral~ than I whil·h is a.lmo~t synonymous wi1 ll C'lear hout our own shi\ll w1· hP eithPr J thinking: it seems to me that there i~ on:-: 1111 11 or gP1Hhllllf'll I no qnl·~1inn as to thP \\·i~dom of re·

''roiit->rly i·pndunl ti, 1111 sJiort wlil- rain nr: thi~ cour!"e, ·ntl. further thnt ns s:rnwathy promote~ Jrt>nero~ity ~ninu~ r·onl"'irteration ought to be giveu

trnl ~ 1 r 1 ' 1 '~thPus honor lmpro11erly to lht achisnbility llf erec-ling this de· • nurlt!E t-··<l. it ma~ lit· 1111 1hat ils Pl\P· •<ll'llnPut of tHhletk sports into (JTie 01 •· f'" h•t' are ii ii 111nu~tr011s growth ~l't>Utf:'l' impor1ancr anli dignity· Ar.

f ht 11;.ilit:- and 1·rafl ov~r 11hys:kal ;.wn:rnt 1 Jrlaha.·1

--- ----

I~ I Ii=:-::;~ I

I ~· l -~f




1-. tJl'll1•1il"li'<lt1..

hrt:-. • i \1..man .. ~


L SYSTEM CLOTHES gle: Satnrday Hening Prof. and Mrs.

I E. L. C'urrler. Mr. and Mr<. R . 0. Stetson Shoes and Stetson Hats \\'ilson. Mr. and ~!rs. E. G. Smith.

:-----------·---~• nnd l\Ir nnd 1\!rs. Shea. The hostess

_\11 cx\'erl exami11atit1n of the eYl'<.:. 1s 11ccc~-.an \1cinrt: ordcr­i1.l!.! !,!"la:-'.-->cs, (1lh r\\ "l' the; II be harrni11\.

\ 1 \ • •tlr "l"I"\ l(l'

J 1 H. A. Pease & Co.

Jewelers ar.d Optometrlsh.

The Hallmark Store,


was assisted by Ermn Lessel and ;o..rary n:i.nfel~on.

:\frs. Jone~. who spent the pai:-:t week in Bozeman, a guest at Hamilto 11 hall. while giYing- lectures at the short ro11rse. IPfl ~unrlay for South nakota. where she will Yisit before returning to her home in \\ris<'onsin.

-:\Jiss Mildred ('line has returned from Livingston, where she Yisited the pn!':t WPPk,

The members of the Faculty Card dub mPt 7\Ionday eq•ning nt the home nf Prof_ nnd "'.\!rs. F. "p Ham on Snnth C'e>nll'al. tbe other farully mem· hers whn were hosts and hostesses were Prof and Mrs. Ed Bm·ke. Prof. anrl Mrs. Fred Reunion .Misses Cehrs. ~fis~ ~foorP Miss Wnllf'n. Mr. Quinn anrt Mr Rierer. There were eleven table" playing oOO. and tbe eYen!ng \\"ft!'i enjuyPd i.n this way until late. \\ hPn most exC'ellent refreshments ,,·pre. Ben?ed

\lt~s M2ry Noble. who was a mem­ber of the 11resent jnnior class. is e.."X­peC'tert ro ::iniYe Sunday to spend a few dnys ·dsiting with friends.

.la111?1lf' nod Helen Lund Iert for their hc>ne in Three Forks today. whf're lhey will vfsit over Sunday.

\Vl'HAT. \Ve'd cLh "•ide-rmina­W tion" in ourselves. we of' en mistake for "bc .. 1-l1eaded­

ness "in the oth.:!r fel!m-.-. 3ut we ?-o.u't _ever mistake rP·1l . "Ue g·en­rnlity 111 a man or a tobaL ~~




done at our shop. Tr) our new shine art!at.


' I I 16en.6eorg~ !

Livery, Saddle Hor-sea and Auto For Hire.

P hone 57.




Office-Golden Rule Block.

Phone-Office 97 W. Residence. 601 W.

I"" '"''~/~~~'.~~,~~'~I 1o, 0:;:~::;;:~ '"'"'"" I I I h' 1

. I Martin Block 1 J ne ... t m a I I~ nrn t·rtai.:;:rng-s. l Bozeman . Montana i : He wa~ as punctil 11\h ah11,Jt ! _I ____________ --:•

! his dre~s. as he wa~ i11 ~en-ing 1


, hi:-> country. Follow l1 i:-;. l''.\:-1 I Ors. Davidson &. Cook,

arnpk and celebrate ht< I :irth- I DENTISTS. i day 011 fieh. 22 by t"lnlering- a I

! new suit at Cha,·ey &Jacol>'s. I' Commercial Nat'! Bank Building.

You will find us \'cl'\ ~arm·st l in our endea\•ors w p.lea'e ,.,,11 I hy giving ,·ou c1,1thin;:- that i

I will be perfect in C\ cry p0int t Trail Creek I ' Coal! , I I of st_vle. finish rtnrl iit. l

1~~ ! Ice! l~,~I ! .! dM*~ I. Frank Kyle !

Bear Wood

! I F-hone 326. 48 E Main 81. !

I Chavey & Jacobs_


1 Popular Price Store-~o~:Jj=PH=RO=Nll=[ =~U=-=R ~=OV=ERT=IS=ERS


I J R~1el°lll'r. the I )n1g-gi .... t. recently purd1a:-.t.:tl t ~.·ppl;. pf the !h.:,1

: f._czema rcmed: lll1 the market Ii: 11tt .1··c i hc1l·11. call and

l ~~~is\h~n~n~:io~~'.r 1,::1' "/a~:;_~ 1 e~~11;"'.'.'.~,, trt~s;;~ 11''.:\r~~::1 ·,,',\',',tl '! men ts for the two di..:.tinct t; pes ni 1 t.:7t·1n:1

l'h.:1nre tn !'.!"Cl the relicf yCJu haYt' ln'{ n 'eekin~·


Page 3: STAT!- Fl:BRUARY4, 1916. r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ … · t rts. Th1:-o he mn:-ot sJffPr tort•1res u1ttl hardshilb Jr th ff' \\hl

·~~~~-============-.:~::--=:::--~~~~~~~--~l~H~E~W~EEKLY EXPONENT FRIDAY, FEBRLARY 4, i916. ----•I

too 111 II I just .bou as .. ,1

I S. OF A. NOTES/: ~~-~,t~i~·pvl~~~~;11;·~1,::'. ,: d.·:~i na

te ft er


I The ArrnHrone rlr><:lamatory conte~t ycw·11 kno~v ldrn bv the \\' " l• ·m1.k·· ,,;11 he held on TueRrlay r·ven!ng~ Fe.b. thP ~p;!'' 1 \!' fly Th• 1l1>nd ! "'::lt n<l

t S. There nre elghl contestants. the li'rf> wirE< W"..'r~· m \···r able.- fr· 'H1'·k

If 1 togeth T 1t rtnythill~. ln_it'ct onw n(·p

l_ IT. Holst will go to Three Forks sparks into your ryc;t~m; b:J~·Sl with Saturday to ad1lrP:':S a mass mf!eting tht:• boost(''rS. on the cons11lidating of ihe schools Do,i't Get the Swelt Heri:d ·

, H:ere. He will also spea .... in '\fanli...;t- RernH::O.P ~·01ir gl·:rnrl 'athr-ir·:-; secnnd

tr ·i .':! CJ : ran on Sunday e\·ening. <'<m~in was fin:a 1n 11la111 th•· f!nc 01 PorJ 11P"k l::{jll i~ nt'l sie:n t1i<!t vo1

.... le ' 11' ..:; \\ e stil' 1" The- ~chool of .\grlculturi:: 1 fP· h· YP11·1 a YPlll." tr,.nk TIPeuust

, f .,.. 1 1 p;;rin~ fnr fl hig r •mm 1~, 1 " ll?T• .. iti ~ ". nr rl;'lci h11.•·s :;-01 1r gl.i( ntj?S ilne:-o n t

Drop In and let n~ ~htJ\\." \"11u lit nt:\\ spnng- ~tuft

... 1ri1·t.."" \\ 1: nnt 1;1ck l Ill: 1q1r 1.,,w .... mt and F.1--.t<.r.

\ 1l l11e bltt.-..i 1 Ye it :--tirt: i

1 1 H' ir ThPv "·ii' in• a ;J:i\ 00 Tu'.", i"'ldirri 1

• th t '"O' ''"<lllhln • lr<111l in

...,~ ... -. - ~ 1 I d?"t'" even-in~ The stamp l• ,., i h~ vnorl"lousi:: if '1Hnwn nnnn onr !'J

I ne.sd· v l'>\"f'1 llf; ~ nd th ':~ ,-.:~;~ wii '"(:-:OIJr('(•S P.1 CB USP YOU ha\"P went ::iddr '.::s "ill he g e 11 ThiiN- 911 <'('PeffPrl in 2'.ehtng ~ll the rrtnss nff

I EXTENSION NOTES 1· I "Moore" - .Fountain Pens ·

1 dn) evening ~-011 r 1, k <::.f ph is not i:::ninl?'" th ... •

I fhf.>rf' v-'T hF no n11lr-or~ · hf~~r thi;.; in

f Pror .1 H flls n lle ~ 1 ·honl 01 miari

f-!olloway' s j Hart Schaffner & Marx j

Clothe• I

\gril nlt11rf' lPa T' urr ,r nr Tllrr: F'm·k~ 11t:r1 11 "1Pal1 on th~

com:.i"l' 1td11tion t1T di t1·ir• chf 11 1 ·or. l-loJ~t Of''M1 7,...,1 ·11,... fir• f ('fm::::olirlntr ~drnnl in iJ,p "l'~f~ ~1:


\'(tor- s1·\·Pa1

_, r• rs go.

:\.!i8s Emma fa nr 1;; lia::; be-en fl'lt-•r·red te<'!C"he 01 hmm ~r l.enC'e 111 rh~

qphrraclf:' s1 hrnl~ ~r !';<: T!\ylor gTaci:

0011" Sport Clothes Beyond YoLr Mea·,s:

Ynu ruight r~frl1 a j:rnri who jnclgo~'o .•OllT i1of'J>etbooli b~· your dnthl"'~. anfl wh(''l ~he rlio:~·m·rq·ed hPr mi~fnkP ~h

n~igln-wf'll yon mit!h1 w;11lt tn PX­

rr ·~q ;,"r>lJr~PJf f!bOllf fl ~irJ \\"hQ WO'Jlfl

mp.-.. , ror money

Don't Bluff in Class·

. 11Pted lilM goring anrl hns n~!l.n'" fri.,.nd-: cl on thP hill who wh•h hE'.,. SUC'<'l'>.::;s in her

~=:;:;;;;;:.,,.=:;=:;;,,.,;;;=. I new ~d1ool work.

lf vm havPn't the nPr1·e tn drop that society i=:t11nt or card game anrl get ~·our lessons. don't mak€' ~ big fuss in rlass about f'ol11mhm:1 <lisroYering-Americ·a when T::i.ft's arlminis1ration i~ <, ''" , '" I ' I' l h 1

1 . -­E:rrell Bunnell e-x-'17 ,,·ho has been bPin~ dii::.cusserl The Prnf. has heard

attending the -n·orcester Po1yteC"bnic yr111 mention that faC'f heforP and can institute. hag retnr11ed TO Rozeman. tell fn a minute that :rou :lrf' trying ro suffering from an attact of appendi- bulldoze him F11rthermorP, it throws

liH;Z i..::_i;\t:r 11d

l1l' lahlc

pattern:- and ' pn.l1erns

ilatt:d ''are


eslie E. fiage

citis. the who!P class off the subjert.

-- Give the Other Fe llow a Chan ce:

!\frs. Harry :\nckelson. formerly Miss! ff you haven't the ability to think I Agnes Mountjoy 'Oi. ar>ent the past up a plan -with a diamond sparkle week with friends in the city. don't run Clown the A·l iclea the oth­

er fellow suggests. Tn other words if ~.,.ou are not capable or heing a gen-

I i rh~· ol 1.:;P w l "('nil F. ;--;, CooJp~·. )I l None Bette· for the Students. ..-i•~ I .i e~. ;

At a " on ('Pl°:' in 1Plt Ft·h 1

Rn 11b. nr "\V .I T-l::i.rPnn ancl .J R r ,\.l!"on l;:atli ·nnp ,, D"l'll, \Ir!: I Post Office News Stand :. f'arnnbl" 1 n~t :. ·(_.i·~ l

:'1!1~;:: un1stt-1 ) T· 1:•IH \Mt y '"lPT" =;;:;::;;;~=:::;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;:;;:;=;;;;~::;;::=;;;;;;;;;;--.:I cla'· for l~etrng-. 111 '\"c nhr l \[o~ ~P .. whr·•rP ":"])1• W'i!l dt Ill 11.,ll».tr ~lid r ~

plain th "anniuf: f' ·11 ". irh t ll"l HaYre. T 1 onl Z111fr·h nic Sand .ill C'hote<lll

1---;~;;~-;;;BER I: 1


l I Ir l'l an .. 1•)1.' -. <l Lie ·1 '1 i :-ir•

"'.\fis~ l 11111 '1\PS!ll\11 11 f ··r ' ilc11·c the I a:-...1 '011 ~hi)p \Ylli : ·1

day. Fe.t.. '. (or 11 t\TP wh"r·· ...;lH" ,, 1 I plea:::e you. f 1 R~Rt~t JT ~ hnmP t'<"Ollnlllics ·n11rs• y _ _ l I gh·Pll by lhr S1~11 ... C'0lh~,.w ,~l:..Ir-nsin·1 I ·1 •.l.l .2."et hetttr 'rn ii:-t>. i i serYic-e w 1he pt:>oplf' of f\;1\,'1' :1.1?'1 : l l~tn liath<:.. l I

Yicilllty ' ' I I LETTS &: MARQUIS. ' I

T11e tnstt·.11dors rcr t\11 11a, n• F:.1r111 ,1 I 1' Under Gallatin Trust Bank . I School Feb. 7 to l '.t n rP F' s C'of1leY. l • KatbArine Jensen. 1\1. L. \Yils;rn, (" ~ .. f t

Arnett, Dr. \\7 . .J. llartmnn .. T. n. Camp­

hell. Augusta D. l"i';Yans 1\f. L. Dean and :JR. W. E. DEAN, Lulu Chestnut. Governor Stuart w111 speak on Thursday eYening. Osteopathic Phynclan


ROSES -;111tal1lL

k·itp1e t .tll

Tracy Greenhouses

1'111 ne +11.

eral ste11 into lfeutenant'i:; place and M. L. Wilson wi11 addresg a cmtntry remain loyal to the ""'aw~e.

K0LLEGE KOMMANDMENTS Michigan 8ld9. l\j -? Thou Shalt Not Belliak; Don't Try to Advertise Your Vacuum: life -meeting at Kalispell. February fa.

t showing of Bozeman, Mont.

RING WASH GOODS Any pessimist can infonn tbe cook Jr Ytlll haven't nnn'1 ~ 11 '~ ;n Y 'o:r Dean Lin.fie]() and M. L. \\Tilson bave'

that ::-he burned the b1'•ot11·1e. bt1t ,·1 tbiul;;: tank you won't hrive w 1."IJ ---------------1 been irn·ited to alt.end a C'onvention of 1 takes a true optimist to tell her tbat peop e about it, the~· will 'tiscoYer flax men at St. Paul in February, It

e n<~n,· haye on display they are well done. 1f vou must bel- it sooner than you expect. If you is e~-:pected that the same liberal pol­, of the new wash goods liak do it in your 11riYn.te sanctum- 1 baven·t any ~rey mattE-r iY- tlv:. llt)- iry of flax promotion will be pursued

pring. l don't tourture vou- best friends· they per story, gf'l busy and bur,) mid- in 1\fontana as in prPvious years. t.terns and ,,·eaYe that might get 'vise. to your real cha;acter ni.e::h1.. ofl until yon devplop smnP.-Es:

nee to be most popular t Don't Spend All Your Kale the First 1\tiss :\fartha L. Drake. extension

g-ht now and spring wear I Semester: t tlu-. ::innnuncement take He who takes ln the moY]es a-nd FARMER'S PROGRAM nnn of a personal invita- ice cream parlors evet·y night t11e lO y iu t•' c1·1111t cin<l ~ee ·JI first semester is Hkely to spend the le\\ va.sh fabnc~. 1 e"Venings of thP last haH-year in bis rCmnhrned from Pnge OneJ

er_: are ~ingl a.111 at IOC to I room trying to m~ke h_im!";e]f beliP,·e siclerahle. 14 ren "h Percales at r :;c. that the Old Man is a ughtwad. Some Special Meetings.

plain and fancy at 25c -to J Put a Silencer on That Loud Mouth: A mef'ting of the tlermty fruit in-

secretary. will leave Bozeman about the mrndle of l\'1arch for an extended \°isit at her borne in \Valtham, Mass. ~he ex11f'cts to be away all summer.

F'. B. T.infield will address farmers' meeting' at Big Sandy and Jorlln, Feb. 12 and 14.

Crepe~. plain and fancy ~f you ha•en·t the brains and in- gpertors of the state was held at the : to Sr Gabardines. plain rtelll.gence to get your _written work. c·ollege for conference and L hear I Dickson (after ads ) - .. Well, how's






Eve') Lhin.g- in the line of ice ! cream and Jllmches.

I --- I

' I Judevine & Sons. ' ' I . .-1


r:-.. . I

I ,~-' I

: ~. _.,,~'iii I ~~ .. ~~;vu l You_ are likdv thinking- oi a

I pa~o:1'.!;1

el~~"sli~>el:~re ynu ieel

vour shoe d. ·liar will get vou

the most for your maney, so

'i.vould we 1 if we were you.

a.ncy at 29c to 1~sc. :\fer- don t copy from yom· fr.1end. DeveloIJ JPctu . t t 1 t d" business?!! v b · I d h · re.s on lnsec pes 5' p aLi is- Merchant-"Young man, you should

"ri linens in colors at 35c. - our rams. t oesn t nrt your 11 "d 1 l friend to do vour work for -vo11 bnt tt eases. and inspef"tton law~. A school remove your hat when speaking of the

~s a ", t 1 at 2~C to ;10C le7W€rs you i~ big eyes. Ln-tPr ·in life for horse breeders rlealing with the dead."

.ect populin at 20f to 35c. he might not be suTprised to bave you Lechniq11e of that subjf'rt for two days '11$ at 2oc to 35c. I I


Cu me to our shop. I\ rithing



11 J. H. Harris '& to . •

BETTER SHOES, l ask for a handout at llis bacl< a-oor. wai:; Attended by forty practical horse Teacber-"Explain the meaning of

hu t first da~s work111e11 em-

nambers~fisher Co. jf -you have to bray like a jackass 1.and demcnstrat,ions. with enthusiasm. I Student-" A bnchelor is a very haj>-ployed .

Strictly sanitar~ and tlJYtP t -- I Put a Silence on That Loud Mouth: breeders. who followed tlle lectures the word 'bachelor.'"

to get people to listen to you it's 8 The Mom:a11a "\ eterinar:r Medical As· 1 py man." t pretty good sign that rou rea1ly have t ~oC'iation held its semi-annual meet- Teacher-".Why. where did you learn

============================- 111g just. before the horse breeders' that?'' I meeting. with a program to which the Student-··M:r fatl1er told me.''

~rate eoll~e faculty C'Ontflbuted S-2V·

[ P1al talks. A course was given For ~~rlsmen of the state :n which they

were given practtca1 worli. In the st'.lte gi-din laboratory by 'B. ·w·. Whitlock in

Love and porous plaster. son, Are very much alike;




Manager I

'rtraiture, O"tana enen·· 1'

f' ·ture Framing.

The Schlechten : IPsiing, and ~etecting aduh:era~ions

anti ,~arieties. This brought an unPx­

per·ledl:r large nnmbe-r of men .and

was a prono11need success.

Short Course Reun ion.

The State Co1tege School of A;rl­

rultur~ held its first annual r~union

of ::i Jumui and former students. Tbe

.lt's simple getting into one, But getting out-1?;ood night!-E.'x.


lch bin still Und gpreche nicht,

Tc.h bln ein Fresh Und habe keln kjck:.

Bbe-"ls th ts dress easily spotted?" He--'·Yes~ at least fonr blockg off.''

School -0f Agriculture is a :hrl"P-year 1 He's Still in the Class. -eourse, running six month". for boys Prep 1Trru1Slating German')-"Es from the farm, who f()r the most part - .... ht .w:nir gut.''-lt -gets my ~oat.

I Klass Kicks ,! ,, y

and QUALITY i'OOT\\'EAR ror

College Men and vromen


l ~1!~~!2uc l' • IBOZEMA~ MONTANA

Coal, Wood · Lumber

t blessed pipe \Yii , !:'." c:cl oH "Tux" and ock the dayligh ·s c ·': 0t care a1J d woe and

' ·uble and all the rest of that tribe ..

have not bad high school ad·\'antagP.s, and do not expect to go tn ... ollege. Fair Co-ed "\\"bat woult.1 you

I Thi~ school. under tbe di.r~tion •Jf J (or a -voice Pke mine?~' Principal ! H. Holst hi.s made re- Her sr.eady-"Cblorotorm."-Ex.

1 markable progress <lurin~ !be Jast


Reed's Bootery ~IUJ~~~~ ~I~ V ~A ~ ,,~ ... : J r. ~ .- ,i.:..~ ~ T~e lleT°fe~t :. ;:;acc.o fo1 Pipe and C.gt:T.•. •te

'Tu,''·_, i~1ad~ of tl'~ .fin_st selected Burley­; of r;. ,r1 a,d an<, ,j gel-there li1·eli tess.

b l h .

t)"t 'l • ',,,1 h, • cJl lW fragrant SttlOke-,, '~t 1 } 1rc'ccs". '"hie] i« often in itated

e·'Cr u1

: ! ilkd, ta ·s -.. '."' v .. !! the bi1.:~ and · .d k·n-cs it :~ 1 i1{ , ;\,ef:l and cool ..

Try one Lin of 'Tux ' , 0/il find it· ,li 1 .omfort, ~ "t.-1- :1mt s.: :_fy ycu -:s no

1i:;r tob·icco can.

J CA.:'l LiJY TUXEDO J.V .::RYWi-1.Ef~E

'-t•.!.:.1t:, ~ • • \r· tu1 ~-r r 1 mwh

}'-1110 •

~-~ncnn .. t r\ ,.

uit117)ltl ;• I 1(. :~ t'<

J,1 r, ... '/:tm .. ltn' lo: u.11.I s. Jn (_,'/aJJ -'! r111:Ju1J, j{k a11,' '1:lc


1 three yeaTs. 'fhP re•.nion nf a1ntllni

I and former 1'Jtuclents inrluded A con­ference on the work and prospects of

the school : and ~ ban<1t•et 0f th~


I alurnni, at wh ieh '"'· H. Flu hr of Hel· ena, aD alumnllf'. anrl now E'SSif\t ant

st.ate dairy ins1}6('tor. 1•re,:;1dC"d. This I year's graduating .... ·lass of fourteen

from lh'? school wt-rP. m:l'1€' t'"'lt>mi:t>rs

::: :dems' Headquarters. ' 1

TH[ GtNTR~l 11

1 Our ~Tuai~ I ':

Specialties of the l'·Ub. anrl m'!11v Wdrds or 1.,~on-

: i:rratut.1fi.rn for the ~i('hiJ'11 an1. its pnn- • I I 011101 were spoken ALFRED SCHLECHTEN, PROP. I I


Sheep Breeders Elect. I I Other svecwl ~Jee ttngs held du1·rng t J

Tea, Coffee. ::-pices, Canned Fruits and\ egetable> And the be.st nf en::rything to ea~ 2.- · e

THE MODLL GROCERY --George Ba r tz, P rop.--

Prompt l·f •n·n Belt PllOJJC 88

the "eek w""~e or the GalJatm rounty I Phone 88

Sheep nreeders' a•sociatlon. "hioh PHRONll[ O~R AOHRmrn~ i27 West Ma in

elert· 1 J. J. StLJckey president., and re· I ''-'------------------------------• e lected R. R. Uodrlerlrlge of the ex· _ -------------------------------periment i;;Lation Rt.aft as secrelnry;

the maintenctn('e and operatle>n su­perintenden ts from the Montana, WYO·

miug, and North Dalrnla (.'. S. reclama· tion projects, who werf': summoned to meet their chief. L D. O'Donnell. and

held st>veral conferenres with. bim, as I well as attended th" regular Jertures;

and the field agenls of the Billings

beet sugar rartorr. l'\ ho heard spPC'inl

TRY LEES EGG MAKER For the Worth While Egg.

111.it 1111 ma11cr \\hat \Ott arc kt.!ding· anti reQardle"" • f llll· 1111mhcr of c.~gs you 3re g-dling 31 ihL· pn: . .::enr l me. 1i Lee"s Egg Maker j.:: added t0 the dai~y rat11lll~madt .a pi•rti··1~ 11 !ht.,.: 111crca~e cg·g- \"ield rv•ull111.l!· !llL'l'L'lr1'll1 \\11l 11111re i:


pa_ thl' (O~t of thl ·E~.:.-~ ).l:1ker. r11-..1 ,j lah11r re1111i:·l"d. 1d

roo per cent profit nn sairl lah11r

I lectures on tbe manrigement of alkali j I ::-:otl, and upon 1he inRert pests of th~1 QWENHQUSE sugar beet. I ·~--~~-~---~-------


Page 4: STAT!- Fl:BRUARY4, 1916. r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ … · t rts. Th1:-o he mn:-ot sJffPr tort•1res u1ttl hardshilb Jr th ff' \\hl

THE WEEKLY toi<PONENT . FAJOA Y, FEBRUARY 4, 1916. P ~GE ~F~O~U~R~~~~~~~~~----:::=:=-----:::=::=::=::=::=~-::::=::=::::::=~~~_'._'.~:__:;;~'.:..'._~~.::'.,'.:'..'.::.:..:_.:__::_:::_::::~~;;.:.:.:_:.:_:_:.:..:~:_:,::...:_:::.__-:-·~-:--::~, ~1 ~~:;;~:::::;;:;::::;;;;;::::;;;;;::::::::;::::~::;;:::::;~~;:;::::::;;;;,;;::~~~~ a 1preci:J.th1n for the insrruction of- to which the publication is adapted .

r: · rcretI weri? giYeo 11y- the- men who at- To receiYe th is ('ircutnr regular!). I ""Something New''

R d Sh t tended thE' ("OUr:-t ask the L'blef of tlie DiYi~ion ol Pub- 1 an 0 lT1 0 s in~~~lt~~~\~~d"~~a~ o'.';,. ~:: ~!~',;',:. :i~;;'.:~:~·\\l~.sl~ng[tl:1'.'al~~lel:I'. ~~ ~~~::· I ;c ,i'J\:;all\o1Jld lr»p \\ afm" packed in c:;c J' .m,_,<" Mnd dolJ;u·!'= t<' b m and anothf'r, that W)tlr addres~ <'n 1ts pf'rmnnL•nt ma I- I \l 't)J1.1r1.:h · brand 1 1 \ cnnnnt ~ Iaplc :--ap ~! rup• iu11


I I , . I

0 1r j •I


1l t corr1ing.

' r.


<'lever floor \ynrk. Jadi Abrams. who he hncl ri:uw t mi c in t£'n minute'f' i11g lil'lt. One C't PY of l<l ·h pul H< :1

· 1111..:a~ttfl.'. lays C"'Tl er ha~ led lu the scoring ID from tile :lif:~Pn <"Il of a 111 r~P 1hnn 1n ion stt'.'cl in the c rcular uu1)· he e· 1' l)1;arh . -hi." two f?;ames wbtch c.onzag,1 has l\\f., ,.ear" of a('tll 1 exp1;-11f•ncP nth· C'Llrt•tl llJlOll requt-sl to 1111.~ •'bier. pro- j·- alf I ;al\on • ,,.,ti tlus :-t r Int Jc lh'e/:'"1-.n J.!ame p··~ ~aici that tlley uo<;\ ;.;..'l.w nnil unrter~ ,.tdr>d thl" ~upply of the tie: iartment ha • l lPl l 1nll1


h .oul ~ nr··d two basket,; bnt the tocrl wh'' liH''" 11ntl not b1•<.'n s11C'<e~.:: ro h ~r prC'd('IH:- ~- exh:11sttd.. Tl• It ,l ~ 1. J11..a1,e I ur. _pk!--' ... ioh. ll s1 ort "ri'er" claimed that t 1 11 tht-> Jl:l!-.t nnd rhn.t the cour:-;t> Pl £-'\.(·~pt Ions 10 1 lls rulr- :lre till + 1 1;d .. g-

' s 1ff orni IHlj 11 , pr\ ·r'l1't<?bli:· rn 1bem r'xtH-' 1rnt n1 ~tathlll r1.: c nnl .lourtrnl 1j

J '\ \ _ 1 n P • '\ rbnok.

~}~HOS. H. REA - CO Fer r ujinj; 111 n

\\lJ. 11 r·kt "'ther ,, , 0 :L,. \11 tJ1re

,, " "' r

·e 1 hp~ <;:. t(' .... (I\ p



l " 2.f)(l

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11 •1 f' th Ptt•~ h l



I '------HOWARD'S---.!


' 11 en! 1

- n t

011 T

OS. 1(1n


ncl r111 n p

HORSE BREEDERS (( nntinnecl from l1nge On{ 1

1 t 1'rr, :\r I Sp ·11 mg. and Doe

". , I t I rT("t} t1




VY K·O"e Shoes

M_r. S tag 1' L< rt l r ~ rt -:;.prit 11 ar,~ n ·~

\\ e n ma e t_,t · t- n l t .:.~

e .uh Lou Howard, Proprietors

Stetson Hats


•-r ra l Pll the .l\vl\w;":r l s natl uncl 1

("(l\"Pr 01 ,\ Hlt1'>\" ~l(fflll 111' it W s

r1f" 1111 i!' ~·pat onv 'nie11cP ,tS n n11y rlnc t111Pnts eo~l Im! -, or 11"1 eenTs.

ThP 1rnblita1ion!:.> or the n0parlmenl of Agr•rnlturr nmy lie cl9~$••d in five !:::r1mps. fl 1 F· rmers· P111!1?tin:'>"; 121 'll+'p.irt111£·nt Tiulletins"'; 1::t) Pe

.idh_·al P11blit"l inns. t ! 1 ..\nnnal


i I I I I I I I I I I I I



l I I

rH1 n <'Jn~s ~1re issned in large Pditions I .\eriJl att1ck llr -sttdt rr ,e1 ahil"·y tlrn1 ·rncl rtHl) bl.' reprimed wht>n the de- I mnny a prnmisin~ p11111!ryma11 ft>P with I

Book. Cases .. \LILT T<l T'\lll f\.!



Ceretana Means Quality IN FLOUR AND ROLLED OATS- TRY THEM TODAY. n Swnn ~nng- on his lips. ma11d indicates the neetl. The editions --,


The Bozeman Company Milling \\(• Ii l\i,: 1 l t)Hl'_:.!"l' \!..I l_!..!,· lilt 11 1i1, 11· ! Il(j l 1,l1 ~i,: I Ir '• 11'\. \ l

t1 1 ~ ami tint ~.?.1 l) ,111d ( ., 1:.:r. I le~~-.,~!~-i1: 11 ~~r~ ':,111 lit l lt~~~~1 ~·r~d

,, nt:-; , p1e ~ ... 1.. ll l i_1 ~ \ dl 1 \ I -..1 l 1 :--. \\ I ... ( 1 1'1 prr('en-r nff l 1~1:k·t:..:,1.: ~. iL.,.

nf t flt .. Uepart mP11t bulletins" are] 1

1 tn :'On i lst tllr·e.;:; ~l11<1n a(·tion hy nrnte limited. TbP more technical

thP · n1l· yd\ ~inn ,,a .. ,111 that s,n·. 1 r •ll'l•"ll}PT'" ::lt \,lrinus pidn ~ from and profPs~ionaJ of this series an;; ~1 ::~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~§§§~§§§~§§§§§ oftt.~n-tilllPs rest r idl'tl lo an edition of dt>IE-nt h il l\ 111 lt> lhP l'" 11 ( fi11Ul r if h hf<' nh inr ·<>s ditl .::::•1011 '"ork 1nnn. T lwsi: lattt>i ··nC' rt .t.~·1t bul-J"j ti_•{ C.1 1 ['),. ,;.I pl1.. ...,, Ill.\)

t H.' ilu1he 1) pa) 1ur dn\-t'r f ) O! 1 ·, l~ t ..;, Y('l\11" b.1mdry

· '"rh pacbge' \\, ,. 11 l' ~a-• I Oallatin Laundry Company

l I j

.11fll1•11:.ch n somP r~f.i ll es lnr~L' lenn~... the prriodkal nblk•Jtions, 11:11 lllk"' r l~a1l Wl re wn lt:>ll J.ie•c•flth;e tln aan11a rt'port::> t'ie1d operl"'llions.

} poor aim Preparedness Advocated.

t'>H • mnst in ordin:.ir;; ('a-.?~ be pnr-Phas.Pd frPm t h e Snperintenden1 of Documeu t c::..

'1•)S! flf l1p it" arling iniop!,'; h·1\'1 re-t;r,,tl te1 tll \\'N' ·~ PJJt::8!!"r'lf'' t>:. 'l"nrmPrs' bulldins" arr· pamrhlPls

1l e 11

l"t ,1 11_ \\ ar "lllliborl)ly nn r. Pr~ phasf' 01 azric11it11rf' . me·

chanir· ~·n~. h 1m£:>-mnl\ing :i.n11 11 p·i· pf'1·~ s1in;; rn th~ ;it iek r1t~ milH 1Q. thin. and rhn ' ry from Hi U) :~o or t x • rts or !he <l,.H·ndi11_ tor1.·f~ rf'--------- - ----- - -1 tit t •h,1 tliesc: 'ill lJ..., tor1 ed t<" .... e-

mut'P pa.-Ps Tl1e) nr~ written iii a phlin. popular ;::;t:de. :nvl iell pe-011lP bow to rlo th ings. 1'"our-fifths or 1 hesi• b111lf'tim: are by la\\ at the disposnl of

lu,f . h d T I trPat b) :-:aturday .llt~rnnnn and but r11meograp an ypeivriter j'p" B\Orl C''SllRllies aro anLidpated

WORK DONE I r s f')l11r Pil in ~Oll\f' I ·1 \'[!!\ ~ ! I al I l 11 ;., ho, n"' 1 •ts to h ~ ,reek':' t 1t-

)l' rf'1 f'"t·ntat \·es. clelef!ntes.

'l I I' l' I« k \I' 1<nlJ \I ·ind rP!'>itl@lll t·ommissiom·rs in c..·on­g'Tt~~!'. ea1·h ot' whom has 12.n1111 as-l

I 111 s ,~·e1·p llpJiom·nt ... of prP11ar•·rln1·~s. 110\v f1rmlv H}Yoca11 tt a w ltlll?' lJt·St

<.;jc111 d to him a n nna\Jy or distril.m-mP\'r•:::~ .. 1 t,~~~in;i ,;rm~:.- 1 \:0~,~~~.,~~~ c: rim1 Re~tiden s of Cnlorndn i::houh.l lJP

c I I I I

' I I I

I LI\ · ,

NEW SEMEST ER - -------- --1 I

w· .;;;.lilt i.:lca11 +I ,lll(l pr1 ..... ed 1 1e!.." n h lh.:\' .... l_. 1 ~ ... • r i t CF'P'CE

COLLEGE PRESS ! College Club Hous e C. C. HOLT Proprie t or J 1 __

I I nal'lf~ rh•1:lee.- It's all 11

lY 11~ 01 'l ce:·tain

I l Fransham Coal Co.

\,; I S'!\'illf": :lt Ot:l

i he r .. ta:idittg e .d: g

it ;.1nrt !lee.


I ' :~ ! !



r.$ l a C'mh.,ty Scale Ticket with every ordP:-

PHONE 2S.. ,

P hone 253


pt \11 .. n\1~Hl clli1·ing 111 llt''t '' allle to set·ure "F'n.rniPu· bnllPtins·· liy applic'a1ietn to 1m~ of theil' ~e11utors.

\\t-t ks 1 11'" .. a ·cH :..; 0 :"-lnlili tn ~~ Hnn .Tnlrn P. Slwfroth or 1-lon. ',...till lw rci1Ji:>tl UTIOD.


1 ~ s1 c11rt1 1n1- ,11on 1

Fr,·:-.h "\n il :.. llh ct ~w1•r

'rot .Junior

'0\11' \\ ) ), i::- 3 I Ili::. l

7\o 1. 1:;1. t. It:.. pi!.11~

h \\ 11..~ •11 \1 t' p

:-OCll I I\\£'!'


W\ 't l

11· d"- '\JI I


C'll:· !"IP::> ::-;. Thom .. s or to tlH•ir rep. th rv:::E'nt;1 ll\'t"S, Hon Ed wa1·1l T Tayhll'.

lTon B. C 1-filliarcL 11011. l 'lulrlP~ n. Tirnberh1kl1

• nr Hon. F:dwarrl K~min~ 'Tll~ achlres..~ ot' Padi of tht"sP tln!it~~ lhP ses!:linn of (·nng,·e~!'.. a111l p r ro<.·­til·aly at ·1Jl tinw:-; fer lhe iuriJOse 0f 1.,tp('11rin.(! lrnllt·•ins, is \Ya$hingt.on. n.c.

II· '\\Jl C1u1 ~hoult.1 h1 tak£n to Oi::;tii ;11i:-;h

lit• \\PPn 'F:11·1w•rs' hu1lf"t1n:-;." :incl 1hr n :1 hr> f't ·vr~, -: of Df"p rtment hul­l 1 II!' ' ~i!H'P II ·rn~ {'! them l!'lflk

The ne11ar1 ment bl.ii 11ti11 ••

11 ti•1 Tr ~t& Sa" ,1gs ~ank; t I

I '1 _ b ac·t - I t

---===~==~~==:::==::::::::~~ I "" Ill: drag 1 1st r to


! de t he best Heatl r. g and P iumb-rng JObs In town. If you want the

best, see


0 . H. BUDD CO. ·~1.tra~ _\ veuue

Phouo 300 .T

Thompson ~ ~N BER SHOP.

: nJ~r National Batik of r·1H...a•i

l ! ..,t..1, nt

• r--~~~~erc~a! ! ! N a~ional Bank j ' rAI J.1 ' ~ •IL I\. ~ -.l/., t ~ st RP' 1• 1 ....... " ·r1·~ ~-...,- 1 1

1 ! H 3 '\K:... C01:i?'llc r I 1 P.0Z~ ill,,.,, ~!ONTA)!A l '



:tt lea-.t one third of th(' ~uits

l''d < 1\ crr.."1)3.h we arc oifl·ring-

"• ' ! \\'t.:1...;·ht nccdul ior I

i 1 ::::' •\I 1\1 ..;elf !

IJ d11 llr•l inn'...;ti- f I

The Willson Co.

hi~ hair u 11} 1 i'•Hng· lu hi~ h l h' h:1\h•d hilll::;i I

common ,, Us•

Ht.· ·\\'t·ll. h<C WOll t



Uea<~a~rs ~~! 1:~i ~L ~::1K':! ~E~~ES~~: REEK COALS.- Your trade will be appreciated. ppo site Court House P hone 20.


r~---,· --:swa.e-­-- ---~:::--..,._ .!!'

-- .;_ --~~ - -

I - I' I

.l~L JC l!n:\· arau the .. n::lt~r • l J.


.r~nte•tce .. 1U1 0- . '-ir 11

resp(>.idf l.n tn.e ir-c .. 1

llt d1a. _ h is s\,..~10(.~ .. .:! • _ -K ...... b_ cigaret ~ of Bu.I" DJ !-, - 1 just tl:ii1l-. ·; '"1 .orceful t \.'.tic n.

l ~ ... ::icie a f .. hright,, \ ng' u • orth ( r ... 11 1J, '' Ru ii i iurhant is ... i tr:.n.g- d!lt. n' ~Ho....,; !~\--ee l the :r:.i: ... ~ · 1. mo~. ic ,b1 e. <--~· ,.,k~ ' .

i:: j.( .... cv;1·" h·,th PltH 1 •1 .. 1 l j t?. •• 1c rrny o

! 1"1.C: l.t:!'S ·.\.\ ) ~ 'r.!,;.) •nd th ~l fiO

\("'It ~ '<:: tle:


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