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State of the Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 2008

Final Report

Prepared by

Sue Hunter Environmental Consultant

June 2008

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State of the Solway Coast AONB 2008



1. Introduction 4

2. Data collection 4

2.1 Demographic and Socio-economic dataset interpretation 4

3. Landscape 6

3.1 Agricultural Land Use 6

4. Biodiversity and the Natural Environment 8

4.1 Habitats 8 4.2 Species 8 4.3 Designations 9

4.3.1 Natura 2000 sites 9 4.3.2 SSSIs 9 4.3.3 Other important wildlife sites 11

4.4 Geology 11 4.5 Soils 11

5. Air 11

6. Water 12

6.1 Water Quality 12 6.1.1 River Water Quality 12 6.1.2 Bathing water quality 12

6.2 Water Resources 13 6.3 Water Framework Directive 13

6.3.1 WFD Monitoring 14 6.4 Flooding 14

7. Pollution 15

7.1 Pollution Incidents 15 7.2 Industrial Pollution 15 7.3 Pollution Hazards 15

8. Waste 15

9. Historic and Built Environment 16

10. Tranquillity 16

11. Enjoyment 17

11.1 Open Spaces 17 11.2 Public Rights of Way 17 11.3 Cycling 18 11.4 StewardshipAcess 18 11.5 Other Access 18

12. Demographics 19

13. Socio-economic profile 20

13.1 Employment 20 13.2 Local Businesses 21 13.3 Health 22 13.4 Housing 22 13.5 Indices of Multiple Deprivation 22 13.6 Local Services 24

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13.7 Tourism 25 Appendix 1 Agricultural Land Use

Appendix 2 Natural Environment

Appendix 3 Water

Appendix 4 Cultural Heritage

Appendix 5 Demographics

Appendix 6 Socio-economics


Figure 1 Map of the Solway Coast AONB

Figure 2 Tranquillity map: Cumbria

Tables Table 1 Percentage Parish area and population within the AONB

Table 2 Agricultural land use within the AONB

Table 3 Types of agricultural land use within AONB (2006)

Table 4 Agri-Environment schemes within the AONB

Table 5 Natura 2000 sites within the AONB

Table 6 SSSIs within the AONB

Table 7 ‘At Risk’ water bodies within the AONB

Table 8 Historic landfill sites within the AONB

Table 9 Public Rights of Way within the AONB

Table 10 Stewardship Access within the AONB

Table 11 Percentage of children and retired people within the AONB and comparative areas

Table 12 Employment in tourism in Cumbria, 2006

Table 13 Ward level Summary, Incomes and House Prices (based on 2006 data)

Table 14 Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2004 and 2007

Table 15 Distances to nearest doctor’s surgeries from locations within the AONB

Table 16 Number of visitors to the Solway Coast Discovery Centre, 2005-2007

Table 17 Tourism revenue, tourist numbers and tourism days in Cumbria in 2006

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1. Introduction The Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty was designated in1964 under the

National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act of 1949, in recognition of the outstanding

qualities of its landscape. The AONB covers an area of 115 sq km and is located on the Solway

Firth estuary on the border between England and Scotland, see Figure 1. The designated area

follows 59km of the Cumbrian coast between Maryport and Rockcliffe and is split into two

separate sectors by the exclusion of the town of Silloth.

The Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CRoW) 2000 required all AONBs to publish

management plans. The Solway Coast AONB Joint Advisory Committee, on behalf of the

three principal local authorities in the area, Cumbria County Council, Carlisle City Council and

Allerdale Borough Council, published the current Management Plan1 in April 2004 in

fulfilment of this requirement. The CRoW Act 2000 also requires that the Plan be reviewed

after five years to properly reflect the changes that occur within the AONB. A review of the

current management plan is now underway and the purpose of this report is to assess the

current condition of the AONB’s special qualities and resources to provide a baseline for the

development of the new management plan.

2. Data collection Data for this report have been collected from a range of sources. Some information is readily

available for the AONB area but much is only available for wider geographical areas such as

local authority districts and at county level and above. Wherever possible, local information

has been collated and analysed but, where this is not available, other information has been used

to illustrate the Solway Coast in the wider context. This is particularly the case for tourism,

employment and local businesses.

Additionally, the boundary of the AONB dissects all wards and parishes for which

demographic and socio-economic data sets are readily available and occupies a significantly

small proportion of some wards. The area does not encompass a town or major conurbation.

This has required the interpretation of certain demographic and socio-economic datasets at

ward, parish and district level as described below.

2.1 Demographic and Socio-economic dataset interpretation Population clusters were compared between whole parishes and the area intersected by the

AONB within each parish was identified2, as shown in Table 1. The resultant percentages were

applied to demographic data at parish level. The derived figures were then added together and

divided by the total population calculated for the AONB in all parishes. Demographic data was

taken from the Parish Profiles (from the 2001 census and including mid year estimates for

2006) available in the Cumbria County Council Information and Intelligence Policy and

Performance Report 2007.

Statistics covering quality of life are not generally available at Parish level and have therefore

been derived from information at Ward level, again from the Cumbria County Council IIPP

1 Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan, April 2004. 2 By Brian Irving, Manager of the Solway Coast AONB.

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Figure 1 Map of the Solway Coast AONB

(c) Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number 100019596, courtesy of Cumbria

County Council

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Report. Assumptions have been made3 based on the commonality between areas of the AONB

and the wards in which they sit. In some cases a ward is clearly not representative of the

AONB population and so a sample of wards has been selected to provide the data for this

report – Burgh, Marsh and Holme.

Table 1 Percentage Parish area and population within the AONB



Parish % Area within


% Population in


Rockcliffe 25 10

Beaumont 35 12

Carlisle City


Burgh by Sands 45 35

Bowness 55 90

Kirkbride 15 25

Holme East Waver 50 65

Holme Abbey 20 40

Holme Low 20 40

Holme St Cuthbert 25 35

Allonby 50 85

Hayton and Mealo 25 10

Oughterside and


15 5

Allerdale Borough


Crosscanonby 40 15

3. Landscape The majority of the AONB, around 65%, is farmland. Raised mires cover a further 10% and

the remaining 25% covers areas such as settlements, sand dunes, rivers and highways.

3.1 Agricultural Land Use

Appendix 1 contains detailed data on agricultural land use within the AONB obtained from

Defra and based on the annual June Agricultural Surveys. Data is available from 1990, 1995,

and 2000-2006. A summary of this data is given below.

The total area of agricultural land within the AONB in 2006 was 7779.7 hectares (67.6% of the

total AONB area). The area of farmed land appears to have remained fairly stable since 2000

(from when comparable figures are available) – see Table 2. The amount of land rented

compared to that owned has declined in recent years from 15.9% in 2001 to 11.3% in 2006.

Table 2 Agricultural land use within the AONB

Year Total area,


% AONB No. holdings

2006 7779.7 67.65 134

2005 7483.1 65.07 132

2004 8147.4 70.84 139

2003 7524.3 65.42 123

2002 7420.8 64.52 129

2001 7392.6 64.28 130

2000 7704.4 66.99 131 Data suppressed prior to 2000 to prevent disclosure of information about individual holdings.

3Agreed by Brian Irving, Manager, Solway Coast AONB.

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The majority of farms within the AONB are dairy and lowland livestock grazing farms and this

has remained the same for many years (at least since 1990 from when data is available). The

figures do, however, show a continuing decline in the number of holdings involved in dairy

farming (from 68 in 1990 to 46 in 2002 and then 32 in 2006). A significant fall to 18 in 2001 is

likely to illustrate the severe effects of the Foot and Mouth disease outbreak in this area.

Table 3 shows that of the 7779 .7 ha farmed within the AONB the vast majority (73.8%) is

grass (temporary and permanent) and is used for grazing. A further 5.8% is classed as rough

grazing. 13.6 % is used for crops, mainly spring and winter barley and wheat. Woodland

comprises only 2.4 % of the agricultural land, 1.9% of the AONB.

Table 3 Types of agricultural land use within AONB (2006) Land Use No.







Crops/bare fallow 52 1097.8 14.1

Temp. grass 51 854.3 11.0

Permanent grass 106 4881.7 62.8

Rough grazing 22 452.8 5.8

Woodland 20 222.0 2.8

Set aside 23 87.3 1.1

All other land 23 183.8 2.4

Total farmed area 134 7779.7 100 Bare fallow = 42.6ha , Crops = 1055.2ha (13.6%)

There have only been minor changes in land use within the AONB over recent years and

grazing has remained the largest land use type. In 1990, grazing (temporary and permanent)

accounted for around 77% of the farmed land within the AONB; in 2000 the figure was 78.0%,

only slightly more than the 73.4% in 2006. The amount of crops and bare fallow increased

from 865.9ha in 1990 to a peak in 2004 of 1324.0ha falling to 1097.8ha (14.1%) in 2006. The

figures for woodland vary, with around 230ha (2.8%) in 2000 and 2006 but much lower, 47-

88ha (less than 1.2%) in other years. Set aside was 0 ha in 1990 and has since fluctuated

slightly reaching a peak of 130.6ha in 2003 and falling to 87ha in 2006 but remaining only a

very small percentage (1 to 2%) of the farmed land.

Cattle and sheep are a very important part of farming on the Solway Coast. In 2006, there were

69 holdings keeping 9,942 cattle and 40 holdings keeping 8,962 sheep. The total number of

cattle (dairy and beef) has declined since the 1990s and the impact of Foot and Mouth can

clearly be seen in the figures, with a sudden fall from 14,924 in 2000 to 4,667 in 2001. Total

cattle numbers recovered and remained fairly stable at around 11,500 between 2002 and 2005

but the figure for 2006 of 9,942 indicates a recent decline. This pattern is clearly seen in the

figures for dairy cattle but the numbers of beef cattle, which also fell significantly following

the Foot and Mouth outbreak, have since steadily increased. The numbers of sheep also fell

sharply following Foot and Mouth but have been steadily increasing and are now back to pre-

outbreak levels.

Arable farming currently represents around 13-14% of the land use within the AONB. Cereals,

mainly wheat and winter and spring barley, are the main crops currently grown on 46 holdings

within the AONB and covering an area of 949.7ha. The area of cereals appears to fluctuate

slightly year on year, recently peaking at 1174.8 ha in 2004 but no significant trends are

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apparent. Small amounts of other crops including potatoes, sugar beet, root crops, brassicas,

oilseed rape and maize are also grown. 42.6ha (0.5% of farmed area) was recorded as bare

fallow in 2006.

Agri-environment schemes are very important within the AONB. Table 4 illustrates the

number and area of these schemes within the AONB.

Table 4 Agri-Environment schemes within the AONB Type of Scheme Number Area (ha)

Environmental Stewardship, Entry Level Scheme


69 6357

Environmental Stewardship, Higher Level Scheme


3 1039

Countryside Stewardship Schemes, CSS 51 4480

Woodland Grant Schemes, WGS 4 40

Wildlife Enhancement Schemes 7 152

The percentage of the area of AONB covered is around 74%.

4. Biodiversity and the Natural Environment

4.1 Habitats The following UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) habitats are present within the AONB


Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh

Coastal Sand Dunes (including both Dune Grassland and Dune Heath)

Lowland Raised Bog (and Lowland Heathland)

Coastal Vegetated Shingle

Coastal Grassland

Maritime Cliffs and Slope





Saline Lagoons

Sabellaria alveolata reefs

The location and extent of priority BAP habitats within the AONB is available on the Natural

England website but there is currently no information available on the condition of those

habitats outside the designated SSSI series or whether they are recovering or declining or

remaining stable.

4.2 Species Within the AONB there are 8 Cumbria BAP species: Songthrush, Barn Owl, Brown long-eared

Bat, Natterer’s Bat, Pipistrelle Bat, Marsh Fritillary, Natterjack Toad and Great-crested Newt

(also known as Warty Newt) as well as a number of national BAP species; 6 EU Habitats

Directive ‘Annex II’ Species5 – Common Porpoise, Common Seal, Grey Seal, Otter, Marsh

4 Nature on the Map, http://www.natureonthemap.org.uk/map.aspx?m=sssi 5 "Animal and plant species of Community interest (i.e. endangered, vulnerable, rare or endemic in the European Community) whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation."

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Fritillary, Great-crested Newt; and 7 EU protected species6 - Brown long-eared Bat, Common

porpoise, Natterers Bat, Pipistrelle Bat, Otter, Natterjack Toad and Great-crested Newt.

4.3 Designations

4.3.1 Natura 2000 sites Natura 2000 is the European Union-wide network of nature protection areas established in

1992 under the Habitats Directive7. The aim of the network is to assure the long term survival

of Europe’s most valuable and threatened species and habitats. The Natura 2000 network is

comprised of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) designated under the Habitats Directive

and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) which are designated under the Wild Birds Directive8.

SACs and SPAs are also referred to as European sites. The government requires that Ramsar

sites (wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention9) are

afforded the same level of protection as European sites.

Large areas of the AONB are of international importance – see Table 5. There are 4 Natura

2000 sites, all partly within the AONB: 3 SACs – Solway Firth, River Eden and Tributaries

and South Solway Mosses and 1 SPA – Upper Solway Flats and Marshes. The latter is also a

Ramsar site.

Table 5 Natura 2000 sites within the AONB

Designation Description Total Area


Area within


% of AONB

River Eden (and


2463.23 17.5 0.15%

South Solway


1962.36 967.6 8.4%

Special Area of



Solway Firth 43636.72 3497.1 30.4%



Areas (SPA)

Upper Solway Flats

and Marshes

30706.26 3497.1 30.4%

Ramsar site Upper Solway Flats

and Marshes

30706.26 3497.1 30.4%

4.3.2 SSSIs The AONB supports 6 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI): Upper Solway Flats &

Marshes, River Eden (and Tributaries), Salta Moss, Glasson Moss, Silloth Dunes and Mawbray

Bank and Bowness Common. Table 6 gives the areas of the SSSIs within the AONB and the

percentage of each SSSI in ‘favourable’ or ‘recovering’ condition.

The 6 SSSIs all have units within them which are in unfavourable condition. Some of these

units are recovering, others are showing no change and some are declining. In total, 90.5% of

the SSSI area within the AONB is in favourable or recovering condition. 4 SSSIs have units

within them showing unfavourable and declining status (1.4% of SSSI area). 0.20% of the

6 The Conservation Regulations (1994) are the UK law that enacts the EU Habitats and Species Directive Annex 4 and 5, which are

respectively lists of "Animal and plant species of Community interest (i.e. endangered, vulnerable, rare or endemic in the European

Community) in need of strict protection. They are protected from killing, disturbance or the destruction of them or their habitat." and "Animal

and plant species of Community interest (i.e. endangered, vulnerable, rare or endemic in the European Community) whose taking in the wild

and exploitation may be subject to management measures. Member states must ensure that taking wild specimens and their exploitation is

compatible with the species being maintained in favourable conservation status." 7 Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. 8 Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds. 9 The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat, 1975.

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SSSI area has been partly destroyed (at Salta Moss). A summary of the condition of the

individual SSSIs is given below. Further details are given in Appendix 2.

Table 6 SSSIs within the AONB

SSSI Area (ha) % AONB % of SSSI (in AONB) in

Favourable or Recovering




854.78ha 7.43% 87.5%

Silloth Dunes and

Mawbray Bank

91.23 0.79% 41.4%

Glasson Moss 225.26 1.96% 63.8%

River Eden and


17.5ha in AONB 0.15% 0%

Salta Moss 45.61 0.4% 0%

Upper Solway

Flats and Marshes

3497.14ha within


30.41% 95.9%

Bowness Common

6 of the 26 units are in favourable condition and 12 are recovering, accounting for 87.5% of

the SSSI area. 9 of the units are in an unfavourable no change condition due to inappropriate

ditch management.

Silloth Dunes and Mawbray Bank 1 of the 4 units is in favourable condition and a further unit is recovering (in total 41.4% of the

SSSI area). The other two units are classed as unfavourable no change and declining

respectively due to inappropriate weed control and undergrazing.

Glasson Moss

2 of the 18 units are in favourable condition and 1 is recovering, accounting for 63.8% of the

SSSI area. 13 units are in an unfavourable no change condition and 1 unit is declining due to

inappropriate ditch management and inappropriate scrub control.

River Eden and Tributaries (only 17.5ha in the AONB)

Of the 41 units making up the whole SSSI, 26 are in unfavourable condition due to invasive

freshwater species, agricultural pollution/runoff, water pollution and discharge, inland flood

defence works and overgrazing. Only 17.5ha of one unit lie within the AONB. The condition

of this unit is unfavourable no change due to overgrazing and water pollution (discharges).

Salta Moss

Out of 8 units, 1 is part destroyed and 7 are in unfavourable (no change and 1 declining)

condition due to drainage, inappropriate ditch management, pheasant rearing, inappropriate

scrub control and water pollution (discharges).

Upper Solway Flats and Marshes 20 out of 24 units are in favourable condition and 1 is recovering (95.9% of the SSSI area

within the AONB). 2 are in unfavourable no change condition due to inappropriate stock

feeding, overgrazing, inappropriate scrub control and coastal squeeze. 1 unit is declining due to

inappropriate agri-environment scheme (css/esa) prescription.

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4.3.3 Other important wildlife sites Other important wildlife sites within the AONB include:

1 National Nature Reserve – South Solway Mosses (967.55Ha) of which Glasson Moss and

Bowness Common lie within the AONB(area = 448Ha, 3.9% of total AONB area). Wedholme

Flow lies outside.

16 County Wildlife Sites

2 County Wildlife Trust Reserves:

- Bowness on Solway Nature Reserve, (area =7.21Ha, 0.06% of total AONB)

- Rockcliffe Marsh, (area = 1120Ha, 9.7% of total AONB)

1 RSPB Reserve, Campfield Marsh, (saltmarsh area = 52.40 Ha and intertidal area = 23.83 Ha,

0.66% of total AONB).

4.4 Geology There are two SSSIs within the AONB – Upper Solway Flats and Marshes and the River Eden

and Tributaries – which are designated partly for their geological importance.

There are also four Regionally Important Geological/Geomorphological Sites (RIGS) in the

AONB : Beckfoot- submerged forest; Rockliffe – sandstone outcrop; Swarthy Hill – drumlin

and raised beach profile; Dubmill Point and Allonby – raised beach profiles.

4.5 Soils10

Sandy clay loams derived from glacial till extend across much of the coastal plain to the coast

itself in the southern part of the AONB. To the north, the raised beach and marine deposits

extending from Dubmill Point to Grune Point generally produce poor sandy and gravelly soils.

These give way to marine warps, consisting of heavier and more fertile soils east of Bowness

on Solway. Inland, the cores of the formerly extensive Salta, Glasson and Bowness Mosses,

while of high nature conservation value, are of little agricultural use.

The Solway Coast is a dynamic environment. From Grune Point to Maryport the coast is

directly exposed to the sea and in particular the northerly longshore drift. The sand and shingle

beaches and dunes accrete during periods of calm weather and erode during extreme weather

conditions. The erosion of the soft raised beach between Mawbray and Maryport and of the

sand dunes is an ongoing issue. In March 2008, high tides breached the sea wall and

undermined the B5300 coast road between Allonby and Silloth, causing collapse of a 12m

stretch of the road at Dubmill Point.

East from Grune Point is an area of mudflats and saltmarshes. This estuarine system is also a

dynamic one with shifting channels and changing phases of erosion and deposition. These

natural cycles of erosion and deposition may be altered by climate change, particularly by the

predicted more extreme storm events.

5. Air The Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 place a duty on local authorities to review and

assess air quality for seven pollutants and ensure that standards and objectives laid down for

each will be met. Monitoring of air quality by Allerdale Borough Council is ongoing in

Wigton, Aspatria, Maryport, Workington, Cockermouth and Keswick. None of these sites have

produced levels which have given cause for concern. Monitoring is not carried out within the

10 Information obtained from ‘The Solway Coast Landscape Assessment, Countryside Commission, 1995.

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AONB boundary by either Allerdale Borough Council or Carlisle District Council and air

quality is not considered to be a problem within the AONB.

The Environment Agency record the pollution released into the environment (air, land and

water) by industrial sites under the EC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive

(IPPC). This includes air pollution. There are no active industrial sites located within AONB

which are monitored by the EA (website accessed 22/4/08).

6. Water The AONB is bordered and crossed by many streams and four major rivers – the Waver,

Wampool, Eden and Esk. The major rivers and their tributaries drain into the Solway Firth.

Many of the smaller streams, such as Crookhurst Beck, Brunsow Beck and Scad Beck, drain

westwards into Silloth and Allonby Bays. The coastal waters around the AONB, particularly in

the southern part, are important for bathing.

6.1 Water Quality

6.1.1 River Water Quality The Environment Agency assesses the quality of rivers by looking at nutrients (nitrates and

phosphates) chemistry and biology. Sites are sampled 12 times a year to test chemistry and

nutrients. There is currently a 3 year rolling sampling programme to test the biology of rivers.

During survey years sites are sampled twice to see what species are living in the rivers.

Chemistry and biology are classified as A being very good down to F for bad. Nutrients are

analysed for nitrate and orthophosphate. These are not classed as "good" or "bad" but are given

grades of 1 (very low presence of nutrients) to 6 (very high presence of nutrients). This is

because rivers across the country naturally have different levels of nutrients and is not

necessarily bad for the environment. Information on each of these parameters has been

obtained from the EA website for the last 5 years and is given in Appendix 3.

The biological and chemical quality of the River Eden as it enters the AONB is classed as

‘very good’ with ‘moderate’ levels of nutrients (nitrates and phosphates). Water quality within

the Esk is also generally ‘good’ with very low levels of nutrients. Trends in concentrations are

steady. In the Waver, biological and chemical quality is classed as ‘fairly good’ with

‘moderate’ levels of nutrients and there have been recent improvements in chemical quality

and levels of phosphates. The chemical and biological quality of the Wampool within the

AONB is classed as ‘Fair’ (chemical quality improving recently from ‘Poor’). Nutrients are

classed as ‘moderate to high’ and appear to be stable at these levels.

6.1.2 Bathing water quality Bathing water quality is also monitored by the EA at four beaches in the AONB – Allonby,

Allonby South, Silloth and Skinburness. Sampling is carried out weekly from May to

September. The water is tested for: Total coliforms (colonies / 100ml), Faecal coliforms

(colonies / 100ml), Faecal streptococci (colonies / 100ml), Salmonella and Enterovirus (plaque

forming units / 10 ltr). Assessments for each of the beaches over the last five years is given in

Appendix 3.

All of the beaches have been classed as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ over the last 5 years. All were

classed as ‘good’ in 2007. Skinburness beach has remained ‘good’ since 2004; the other three

beaches were classed as ‘excellent’ in 2006 and ‘good’ prior to that.

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6.2 Water Resources Abstraction from ground and surface water is not extensive within the AONB and low flows in

the rivers and streams are not considered to be an issue. The Catchment Abstraction

Management Strategies (CAMS) covering the area11

do not identify any abstraction related

ecological issues in the rivers flowing through the AONB and water is available at low flows

for further abstraction in the Waver, Wampool, Eden and Esk catchments. Abstraction is not

expected to increase greatly within the local river catchments and EA targets (2011 for the

Eden, 2017 for the Esk and 2013 for the Waver and Wampool) are for the status of all the

rivers to remain as they are currently.

6.3 Water Framework Directive The Water Framework Directive

12 (WFD) is European Community legislation to ensure waters

are managed to achieve good quality across Europe. All waters (coastal, transitional,

groundwaters, rivers and lakes) are to be assessed to see if they are likely to meet the

objectives of the Directive. The pressures assessed are alien species, diffuse pollution, physical

and morphological alteration, point source pollution and water abstraction and flow regulation.

The water bodies within/bordering the AONB which have been assessed against the objectives

of the WFD and which are identified by the EA as being ‘at risk’ or ‘probably at risk’ are listed

in Appendix 3 together with details of the risks. There are no lakes within the AONB, and no

groundwaters in the area have been assessed as ‘at risk’ or ‘probably at risk’.

A summary of the water bodies which have been assessed by the EA as being ‘At Risk’ are

listed in Table 7 together with their status.

Table 7 ‘At Risk’ water bodies within the AONB Water Body ‘At Risk’ status WFD River Basin District


Wampool (upstream of

the Laythes as it enters

the AONB)

Diffuse source pollution Solway Tweed

Great Gutter Diffuse source pollution Solway Tweed

Causewayhead (wath)


Point source pollution and

physical or morphological



Solway Tweed

Black Dub Diffuse source pollution North West

Crookhurst Beck Diffuse source pollution North West

Brunsow Beck Diffuse source pollution North West

Scad Beck Point source pollution and Diffuse

source pollution

North West


Outer Solway South Physical or morphological


North West

11 The Eden, and Esk Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy, Environment Agency (2006), TheDerwent, West Cumbria and Duddon Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy, Environment Agency (2007). 12 The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). 13 Morphology (form and structure) of the aquatic environment is a key factor in determining the nature and condition of ecosystems within

water bodies. Physical alterations to the water bodies will have an impact on the ecosystems within them. These include flood defences,

weirs, dams, channelisation and culverts. Other activities can impact on the physical characteristics of rivers, such as cattle poaching

(trampling on grassed areas which leads to the soil being eroded) or construction close to rivers. Often rivers are reprofiled to create a more

uniform cross-section, which allows faster passage of flood flows. The impacts on the environment include: habitat reduction, loss of marginal

vegetation, reduction in cover for aquatic and marginal species, soil erosion and siltation of important habitats and increased likelihood of

flooding (Environment Agency).

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6.3.1 WFD Monitoring Three elements of WFD monitoring carried out by the EA to assess ecological quality are of

particular relevance to the Solway Coast AONB. These are saltmarsh monitoring, the extent of

algal beds (opportunistic macroalgal blooms) and the upstream limit of fucoids (brown

seaweeds). The EA are carrying out a 3 year survey programme (2007-2009) along the English

coast of the Solway Firth to provide a score and classification for the estuary (classified as a

transitional water body). Surveys are done over the summer months, June to September.

Saltmarsh monitoring was carried out last year at Cardurnock Marsh. Skinburness is likely to

be surveyed this year followed by Burgh, Rockcliffe and Newton Marshes. Surveys involve

transect surveys being carried out at 500-1000m intervals along the marsh identifying the

distinct zonation of vegetation along the transect from the low water level to the highest

saltwater inundation level.

Monitoring of algal beds is also underway. The survey area extends from Rockcliffe to

Skinburness. An assessment of macroalgal blooms, the coverage, biomass and entrainment of

algae in the sediment are required. This information will then be used to assess the impact of

nutrient enrichment and chemical pollution.

The presence of fucoids is also indicative of the water quality of a water body. The upstream

limit of three key seaweed species within the estuary is being monitored together with salinity

ranges at each location. The higher up the estuary these species are found the better the water


Monitoring data is not yet available.

6.4 Flooding Areas potentially at risk from flooding from rivers (a 1 in 100 year event) or the sea (a 1 in 200

year chance) without flood defences have been mapped by the Environment Agency. The flood

risk maps indicate potential flooding of all the main rivers plus some flooding of the smaller

watercourses flowing west between Maryport and Skinburness. The maps also indicate

potential flooding around much of the AONB coast with inundation of the low lying marshes –

Rockcliffe, Newton, Calvo and Skinburness Marshes.

An indication of the likelihood of flooding is also provided, derived from a national flood risk

assessment completed by the EA in 2005. This assessment used ground levels, predicted flood

levels, information on flood defences and local knowledge. The likelihood is described in one

of three categories, low – where the chance of flooding each year is 0.5% (1 in 200) or less and

where an area is unlikely to flood except in extreme conditions; moderate - where the chance

of flooding each year is 1.3% (1 in 75) or less, but greater than 0.5% (1 in 200); or significant -

the chance of flooding each year is greater than 1.3% (1 in 75).

Most of the AONB coast and the water courses are assessed as having a significant chance of

flooding ie. the chance of flooding each year is greater than 1.3% (1 in 75). This takes into

account the effect of any flood defences that may be in the area, whether or not these are

currently illustrated on the Flood Map.

The EA are also producing Catchment Flood Management Plans (Final plans for the Eden and

Derwent are in preparation).

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7. Pollution

7.1 Pollution Incidents Pollution incidents are reported by the Environment Agency as Category 1 – incidents which

have a major impact on the environment and Category 2 – incidents which have a significant

impact on the environment. There have been no Category 1 or 2 incidents reported in the

AONB within the last 5 years (EA website accessed 22/4/08).

7.2 Industrial Pollution As mentioned in Section 5, the EA record the pollution released into the environment (air, land

and water) by industrial sites under the EC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

Directive (IPPC). Operators must measure or make an estimate of the amount of emissions of

each controlled substance every year. They must also specify "notifiable" releases in a year.

These are where there has been an emergency, mis-management, accident or plant failure

which has caused pollutants to be released.

There are currently no sites within the AONB requiring monitoring for industrial pollution (EA

website accessed 22/4/08).

7.3 Pollution Hazards

There are no industrial sites involved in processes that may pose an environmental risk in the

AONB (EA website accessed 22/4/08).

8. Waste There are no active landfill sites within the AONB.

Historic landfill sites are locations where there are records of waste being received to be buried

but are now closed or covered. The information held by the EA is collated from data held by

local authorities, the former Department of the Environment, the British Geological Survey and

Environment Agency suspended authorised landfill licences. There are 10 historic landfill sites

within the AONB. Details are given in the table below.

Table 8 Historic landfill sites within the AONB.

Site name Operator NGR Type of waste buried

The Docks


British Transport

Dock Board

X : 310472.62, Y:



Disused gravel

workings, adjacent

to the Docks

n/a X : 310485.31, Y:


Inert, liquids/sludge

Mawbray Banks


n/a X : 308242.72, Y:


Inert, industrial

Angerton Tip



Wigton Rural

District Council

X : 322323.84, Y:



Bowness Tip,

Bowness Common

Wigton Rural

District Council

X : 322937.69, Y:



Tile Kiln Tip

Bowness Common

Bowness Road

Bowness on


n/a X : 323001.19, Y:


Inert, liquids/sludge

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Whitrigg Marsh


n/a X : 323894.41, Y:


Inert, industrial

Canal Cottage

Longburgh Farm

Burgh by Sands

n/a X : 331165.16, Y:



Railway cutting

Burgh by Sands

n/a X : 332636.22, Y:



Disused railway




n/a X : 334424.81, Y:


Inert, industrial,

commercial, household

EA website accessed 22/4/08

9. Historic and Built Environment The most famous heritage site within the AONB is Hadrian’s Wall which terminates at

Bowness-on-Solway. Hadrian’s Wall Military Zone was designated as a World Heritage site in

1987 and Roman monuments can be found throughout the AONB from Maryport to Beaumont.

Cumbria County Council holds the Historic Environment Records (HERs)14

for Cumbria and

details of those within the AONB are listed in Appendix 4.

In summary, the AONB contains:

423 Sites and Monument Records (SMR)

102 Listed Buildings (4 x grade I, 6 x II*, 92 x II)

51 Scheduled Monuments

7 Conservation Areas (containing 65 SMR sites, 48 listed buildings, 8 Scheduled Monuments).

0 parks & gardens

Of the 102 Listed Buildings, only 20 are currently recorded in the SMR (Listed Buildings were

originally kept apart from the SMR which traditionally recorded archaeology rather than

(standing) buildings). 80 SMR sites lie within the 51 Scheduled Monument areas. The 7

Conservation Areas (Built environment) are Allonby, Boustead Hill, Bowness-on-Solway,

Burgh-by-Sands, Dykesfield, Mawbray and Port Carlisle.

There are no listed buildings within the AONB which are on the national English Heritage

‘Register of Buildings at Risk’(date accessed, 2/5/08). However Hadrian’s Wall, between Port

Carlisle and Bowness on Solway, which is listed as a Scheduled Monument, is at risk with its

condition being poor.

There is one Village Design Statement for Burgh-by-Sands and there are no Conservation Area

Character Appraisals and Management Plans.

10. Tranquillity A Council for the Protection of England Tranquillity Map is available for Cumbria – see Figure

2. The detail is somewhat inadequate at AONB level. However, the AONB generally is

mapped as a ‘most tranquil’ area with the level of tranquillity decreasing slightly in the

southern area of the AONB along the coast from Silloth to Maryport. The impact of the roads

on tranquillity is clearly seen.

14 HERs were previously known as Sites and Monuments Records: the name has changed to reflect the wider scope of the data they now

contain. This includes listed buildings, scheduled monuments, parks and gardens of special historic buildings, archaeological events (surveys, evaluations, building recording etc.) and conservation areas.

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Figure 2 Tranquillity map: Cumbria Reproduced courtesy of the Campaign to Protect Rural England. Revised edition 2007.

Crown copyright. All rights reserved. The Countryside Agency 2006. Licence No. 100018881.

11. Enjoyment

11.1 Open Spaces

There are five areas of Open Access land within the AONB: Silloth and Mawbray Bank, Burgh

Marsh, Skinburness Marsh, Bowness Common and Glasson Moss.

11.2 Public Rights of Way Public Rights of Way (PRoW) within the AONB are shown in Table 9.

Table 9 Public Rights of Way within the AONB

Cumbria County Council is the highway authority for the whole of Cumbria and has a statutory

duty to manage and maintain all public rights of way throughout the county. The Best Value

Type of Access Length, km

Public Rights of Way

Footpaths 144.9

Bridleways 20.8

1 byways open to all traffic



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Performance Indicator 178 (BVPI 178) is used to monitor performance. Under the Countryside

and Rights of Way Act 2000 the Council also has a statutory duty to produce a Rights of Way

Improvement Plan (ROWIP). The Cumbria ROWIP15

was published in 2007 and stated that, in

general, just over half of the public rights of way network passed the BVPI ‘easy to use’ survey

in 2006. The report concluded that Cumbria’s PRoW network is not reaching its full potential

because people lack confidence that a route will be signed, free from obstruction and safe. The

difficulty with using BVPI as an indicator for the condition of rights of way within the AONB

is that it is based on county-wide surveys. There is no measure of the condition of public rights

of way locally within the AONB.

11.3 Cycling The National Cycle Network Route 72 passes through the AONB (the Hadrian’s Wall

Cycleway) and part of the Cumbria Cycle Way between Silloth to Maryport (this is considered

too dangerous by cycling enthusiasts). A purpose built cycle path has been proposed between

Silloth, Allonby and Maryport to boost tourism. Within the AONB cycling is becoming more


11.4 StewardshipAcess Natural England has agreements including conservation walks and rides and educational access

under previous (Countryside Stewardship Scheme, CSS) and current (Higher Level

Stewardship, HLS) Agri-Environment Stewardship Agreements. Table 10 gives the extent of

stewardship access within the AONB.

Table 10 Stewardship Access within the AONB

Site Type of Access Length of



Access end


Swarthy Hill Conservation


0.4 30/9/2012


Farm Silloth



3.0 30/9/2010





0.8 30/9/2013

Bank Mill


Educational access Not



11.5 Other Access Three long distance footpaths pass through the AONB: the Cumbria Coastal Way, the

Hadrian’s Wall Path National Trail and the Allerdale Ramble which extends northwards along

the shore as far as Grune Point. There are also 11.4km of Easy Access walks.

The Government’s commitment to improve coastal access under the CRoW 2000 Act is likely

to improve access within the AONB (particularly on the marshes between Rockcliffe to

Skinburness). Proposals for a North West Regional Trail (the Cumbria Coastal Way will form

part of this trail) will further enhance the access resource within the AONB.

15 Cumbria Rights of Way Improvement Plan, Cumbria County Council, 2007

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12. Demographics The total population of the AONB is approximately 3220

16. The population increases

significantly over the summer months due to tourists.

Between 2001 and 2006, the population in Cumbria increased by 0.8%, a little slower than that

in the North West (1.2%) and England as a whole (2.7%)17

. Over this period, the overall

population within the AONB increased by approximately 1.7%.

Within the total population of the AONB, the percentage of children under 16 is estimated at


and the number of adults over 65 at 17% - see Table 11. This indicates that the AONB

has more children than on average in Cumbria and in Allerdale and Carlisle Districts in

general, and also fewer retired people. The data suggest the number of children in the AONB is

more similar to that of the North West as a whole than the rest of Cumbria. The number of

retired people in the AONB appears to be higher than in the North West and England but not as

high as in Cumbria as a whole or Allerdale and Carlisle Districts.

Table 11 Percentage of children and retired people within the AONB and comparative

areas % AONB Allerdale Carlisle Cumbria North



Childen (0-


20.0 16.7 16.5 16.4 19.3 19.1

Retired (65+) 17.0 19.3 18.1 19.2 16.2 15.9

Cumbria’s population is growing but more slowly than nationally and the overall growth masks

demographic changes within the total population19

. Over the period 1981-2006 there were

significant changes in the age structure of the population of the county: the number of young

people (15-29 year olds) has declined significantly (by 23% compared with 15.2% in the North

West and 6.4% in England and Wales) and the number of middle aged people (30-59) has

grown; the number of 60-74 year olds has remained consistent but the number of older adults,

75+, has increased. This rapid growth in older adults is more marked in Cumbria than

regionally and in England and Wales. Allerdale District follows the county trend and Carlisle

District’s age profile is similar but with a slightly less steep decline of 15-29 year olds, and a

slightly slower increase in the number of older people.

In the future the population of England is expected to continue to grow and numbers are

projected to rise more quickly over the next five years than they have over the last five years.

Cumbria as a whole is forecast to grow in population size by around 7.1% by 2029. This is

slower than the predicted national growth of 12.7% and around the same as the suggested

regional figure of only 7.4%. There are, however, significant differences in the predicted

change on a district by district basis. Moderate growth is predicted for both Carlisle (9.2%)

and Allerdale (3.1%). These increases are expected to be reflected in the AONB.

16 Based on 2001 census data adjusted to reflect 2001-2006 changes –see Appendix 5. 17 Office of National Statistics Update, Winter 2007, No. 130 Population Trends. 18 Based on Parish profiles, Cumbria County Council Information and Intelligence, Policy & Performance report Sept 07 19 Population Trends 2006. A presentation for Cumbria and its Districts, 19/9/07, Cumbria County Council Information and Intelligence,

Policy & Performance report Sept 07

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Continued demographic changes in the population are expected to lead to an increasingly

ageing UK population and Cumbria is forecasted to see a quicker decline in young people and

a faster growth in older adults than the regional or national figures. By 2029, Cumbria’s 0-14

year olds are predicted to decline by 13.5%, 15-29 by 5.9% and 30-44 down by 15.6%. The

45-59 age group is predicted to fall by 7.6%. In England, all these age groups are predicted to

grow. Significant growth is expected in Cumbria in all ages over 60. Predictions for Allerdale

and Carlisle follow broadly the same pattern as the one predicted for the county as a whole.

This pattern is likely to be reflected within the AONB.

The working age group (15-64 year olds) in Cumbria in 2006 was 64.5% and in 2029 is

estimated to fall to 56.7%.

13. Socio-economic profile

13.1 Employment The working population within the area is consistent with the percentage for Cumbria

generally. Within the Allerdale BC and Carlisle DC areas, ‘distribution hotels and restaurants’

employ the majority of people followed by ‘public administration’ and then ‘manufacturing’. A

working population of 60% is expected to be reflected within the AONB but the types of

employment are likely to be slightly different. Farming and tourism are both key generators of

income for the local economy and key employers.

Around 65 % of the AONB is used for farming and there are 134 farm holdings. In 2006, there

were 106 full time farmers and a total of 248 people (full and part time farmers, managers and

casual labour) employed in farming within the AONB – see Appendix 1. The number of full

time farmers within the AONB has shown a steady decline from 124 in 2000 to 106 in 2006.

The total number of people employed in farming has fallen significantly from over 300 in the

1990s but has remained between 240 and 250 over the last 5 years.

Tourism is second only to farming in its importance to the local economy and is a major

employer in the area. Information on employment in tourism within Cumbria and local

authorities is available in the Cumbria STEAM20

Report. AONB specific data is not available

but the figures give a picture of the importance of tourism to employment within the local area.

Tourist activity supports the largest proportion of tourism FTEs in South Lakeland, accounting

for 40.5% of all tourism employment in Cumbria in 2006. Allerdale, the closest performing

local authority, supported 4136 FTEs, accounting for 19.4% of the county total and Carlisle,

2206 FTEs, 10.3% (see table 12) . The total number of jobs supported by tourism activity is

even higher. One FTE may be comprised of a number of people in jobs in reality, particularly

once seasonal and part time employment is taken into account. Additional analysis of the

STEAM Model data by Cumbria Tourism has indicated that the total number of jobs supported

by tourism activity is significantly higher than the FTE figure. Using this methodology, the

estimated total number of jobs supported by tourism in Cumbria and the two local authority

areas is also given in Table 12.

Direct employment in tourism includes accommodation, food and drink, recreation, shopping

and transport but indirect employment is also important. The accommodation sector is the

primary direct tourism employer in Cumbria but the food and drink sector is also important in

supporting tourism employment.

20 Cumbria STEAM (Scarborough tourism Economic Activity Monitor) Report (2006), Research Dept., Cumbria Tourism


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Table 12 Employment in tourism in Cumbria, 2006 Full Time


posts (FTEs)

% (change


Total no. of

jobs supported

by tourism


Allerdale 4,136 19.4 (-1%) 7,114

Carlisle 2,206 10.3 (-3%) 3,794

Cumbria 21,322 100 (-1%) 36,647

The Office of National Statistics 2006 Annual Business Survey Key Findings for Cumbria

2004-2006 gives some indication of the recent changes in employment within the area. The

report shows a loss of manufacturing in Carlisle (-16%), strong growth in hotels/restaurant

sector in Allerdale (+29%) and business services showed falls in both Allerdale (-16%) and

Carlisle (-19%).

Ward profiles based on the 2001 Census indicate that a significant number of people within the

AONB work from home ranging from around 17% in Burgh to 26% in Holme. This compares

with 12% for Cumbria as a whole.

Unemployment in the area is around 2% (February 2008 - Allerdale, 2.0% of all people aged

between 16-74 and economically active, Carlisle, 1.9%, Cumbria 1.7%) which compares to

2.7% in the North West as a whole. Figures at ward level suggest that, within the AONB, the

rate may be a little lower (February 2008 – Holme – 1.4%, Marsh – 0.6%, Burgh – 1.2%). It

would appear that the level of unemployment in the AONB has remained fairly stable over

recent years.

13.2 Local Businesses Information on local businesses within the AONB is very hard to find. West Cumbria

Development Agency (WCDA) was able to provide some information: they list 60 businesses

within the AONB area with a further 181 in Silloth. These businesses vary in type but include

Consultancy (7), Garden & Home Improvements (6), Food and Accommodation (3), Plant Hire

(1) and shops (5). North West Business Link was unable to provide any information for the

local area but suggested some additional sources of information, most of which, however, were

found to provide high level regional and national business statistics. Cumbria Rural Enterprise

Agency (CREA) advised speaking to WCDA for this type of information. Cumbria Chamber

of Commerce will not release information on their members to third parties. Statistical

information is only given to their national organisation.

Some data is available from the NOMIS website on businesses at a district level and will have

some relevance to the AONB area. The number of VAT registrations and deregistrations per

year and total business stocks by industry type is available - see Appendix 6. In Allerdale, the

largest number of businesses were in agriculture, fisheries and forestry (970), wholesale, retail

and repairs (610) followed by real estate, renting and business activities (500), construction

(435) and hotels and restaurants (430). Please see Appendix 6 for a full definition of these

business categories. The figures indicate that across Allerdale the number of businesses within

the agriculture fishing and forestry sector has remained essentially the same over the last five

years. The number of businesses involved in construction increased by around 16% between

2002 and 2006 and then fell with an overall increase of 14% over the 5 years. Within the

wholesale, retail and repairs sector there has been an increase in the number of businesses of

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4% over the last 5 years; hotels and restaurants has seen a 16% increase and real estate, renting

and business activities has seen a large increase of nearly 30%. The total number of VAT

registered businesses in Allerdale increased by 8% over the period 2002-2006.

In Carlisle, in 2006, the largest number of businesses were again in agriculture fishing and

forestry (745), wholesale, retail and repairs (705) followed by real estate, renting and business

activities (615) and construction (490). The hotels and restaurants sector is smaller here than in

Allerdale (280). Over the last 5 years there has been a decline of 3% in the number of

businesses in the agricultural/fishing sector but large increases in other important sectors: 29%

in construction, 27% in real estate, 6 % in wholesale and retail. The number of businesses in

hotels and restaurants increased by 8% between 2002 and 2004 but remained stable between

2004 and 2006. The total number of VAT registered businesses increased by 11%.

13.3 Health Around 70% of the population of the AONB indicate that their health is good. This compares

with 67% in Cumbria as a whole.

13.4 Housing There are 1034 owner households (81%) and 244 rented households within the AONB with

rented accommodation being proportionately higher in the south. Owner occupation is higher

in the AONB than in Cumbria generally (72.3%).

House prices range considerably across the AONB from a median price of £99,000 in Silloth

Ward to £213,000 in Burgh21

. Affordability ratios (the multiples of median income to afford

the median house price) are around 1:6 and 1:7 – see Table 13. This is better than for much of

the county especially South Lakes (eg. Lyth Valley affordability ratio is 10.44) but worse than

the Maryport/Workington and west coast areas with affordability ratios of 2.94 - 4.20. The

percentage of households which can afford the median price is between 8 and 11%. This

compares with 2% in the Lyth Valley and 52% in Flimby).

Table 13 Ward level Summary, Incomes and House Prices (based on 2006 data) Ward Mean

Price, £


Price, £





Income £



% households who

can afford median


Burgh 209,108 213,000 36,558 31,989 6.66 11

Holme 149,495 170,000 27,052 23,467 7.24 8

Marsh 164,268 166,000 31,692 27,727 5.99 11

House prices continued to rise through the early and mid part of 2007 but recent figures22 (last

quarter of 2007) are starting to show a fall (-0.4%, -2.0% and -1.5% in Cumbria, Allerdale and

Carlisle respectively). House prices will have to fall significantly to make a big difference to

the affordability ratios quoted above.

13.5 Indices of Multiple Deprivation

The Indices of Deprivation are widely recognised as one of the most accurate statistical

measures of quality of life in local communities. The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)

21 Cumbria County Council Information and Intelligence, Policy & Performance report Sept 07, ward Profiles 2007. 22 Land Registry of England and Wales, October to December 2007.

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combines a number of indicators23

, chosen to cover a range of economic, social and housing

issues, into a single deprivation score for each small area in England. This allows each area to

be ranked relative to one another according to their level of deprivation. Cumbria County

Council has calculated ward-level deprivation estimates for all wards in the county. The quality

of life for those living within the AONB, as measured against those of Cumbria and the rest of

England (based on sample wards taken to best represent the AONB population), is illustrated in

Table 14. IMDs for 2004 and 2007 are available and full details of the rankings for all the

indicators are given in Appendix 6.

Table 14 Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2004 and 2007 Ward Burgh Holme Marsh

2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007

Index of


Deprivation (UK


4688/7936 n/a 1849/7936 n/a 3310/7936 n/a

Index of





121/168 109/167 39/168 39/167 76/168 54/167

The National ranking ranges from 1 (most deprived) to 7936 (least deprived). The Cumbrian rank ranges from 1 to 167/8.

Cumbria as a whole is becoming less deprived than other parts of England. Allerdale District

has become less deprived (an improvement of 14 places, 2004-2007) and also Carlisle (an

improvement of 2 places). However, within the wards most representative of the AONB, the

levels of deprivation have not improved over this period and, in some cases, have declined

quite steeply. A summary of the 2007 rankings and changes between 2004 and 2007 are given

for the three wards most representative of the AONB.

Holme (IMD = 39/167). The highest ranking indicator is Crime and the lowest is Barriers (to

housing and services). The overall IMD has stayed the same between 2004 and 2007 indicating

the overall level of deprivation has remained the same – in the bottom quarter of all wards in

Cumbria. The largest decline is in Health, followed by Income and Living Environment. The

largest improvement is in Crime.

Marsh (IMD = 54/167). The highest ranking indicator is Education and the lowest is Barriers.

The ranking for Barriers is particularly low and especially that for geographical barriers.

Overall there has been a large decline (down 21 places since 2004). The largest decline is in

Income, with declines also in Crime, Employment, Living Environment and Health. There is

no improvement in any category.

Burgh (IMD = 109/167. Burgh is the highest ranked ward out of the three - in the top 40% of

all wards in Cumbria. The highest ranking indicator is Income and the lowest (significantly

lower) is Barriers – again, particularly geographical barriers. The overall IMD has declined (by

23 The IMD uses 38 indicators that are grouped into 7 domains. These are: Income deprivation (weighting 22.5%), Employment deprivation

(weighting 22.5%), Health deprivation and disability (weighting 13.5%), Education, skills and training deprivation (weighting 13.5%) Barriers

to housing and services (weighting 9.3%), Crime (weighting 9.3%) and Living environment (weighting 9.3%) Sub Domain – the “indoors”

living environment (quality of housing) Sub Domain – the “outdoors” living environment (air quality and road traffic accidents).

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11 places) since 2004. There has been a large decline in Crime with small improvements in

Health, Employment and Education.

National ward rankings are not available for 2007, but in 2004 Holme was in the lowest quarter

of wards nationally, Marsh was just below midway and Burgh was ranked just above midway.

In summary, it would appear that levels of deprivation within the AONB have not improved

over the period 2004-2007 and in some cases have declined quite steeply. Barriers (to housing

and services) is the lowest ranked indicator in all wards with geographical barriers being a

particular issue.

13.6 Local Services Local services include GP surgeries, banks and building societies, post offices, petrol stations,

schools, libraries and supermarkets. Within the AONB, the provision of these local services is

very variable.

The NHS Direct website24

indicates that there are no doctor’s surgeries actually within the

AONB. Surgeries are located at Maryport, Aspatria, Silloth, Kirkbride, Wigton and Carlisle.

Table 15 gives an indication of the nearest surgeries in different parts of the AONB. It is clear

from the table that, for many parts of the AONB, it is a significant distance to the nearest


Table 15 Distances to nearest doctor’s surgeries from locations within the AONB Town/village Nearest surgery Distance (km)

Rockcliffe Scotland Road, Carlisle 9.53

Beaumont Port Road, Carlisle 8.65

Burgh by Sands Port Road, Carlisle 11.38

Boustead Hill Kirkbride 10.67

Drumburgh Kirkbride 7.93

Port Carlisle Kirkbride 8.89

Abbey Town Silloth 11.98

Mawbray Silloth 11.34

Allonby Aspatria 9.72

Crosscanonby Maryport 7.35

There is one bank within the AONB, located in Silloth. Other banks are located nearby in

Maryport, Aspatria, Wigton and Carlisle. There are post offices in Allonby, Bowness on

solway, Burgh by Sands, Anthorn, Drumburgh (mobile service and Port Carlisle (mobile

service) within the AONB and in Silloth, Abbey Town, and Rockcliffe just on the outskirts.

Garage services can be found at Silloth and Burgh by Sands within the AONB and also at

Kirkbride, Aspatria, Maryport and Carlisle. There are 7 primary schools in the AONB

(Crosscanonby, Allonby, Holme St Cuthbert near Mawbray, Silloth, Bowness on Solway and

Rockcliffe) and also ones at Abbey Town and Kirkbride. There is one secondary school at

Silloth. Other secondary schools are further away at Maryport, Wigton and Carlisle. There is

one library within the AONB, at Silloth. A mobile library is also available at Abbey Town. The

next nearest libraries are in Maryport and Carlisle. There is one supermarket within the AONB

– Spar in Silloth. Other nearby supermarkets include the CoOp in Aspatria, Somerfield in

Wigton and others in Carlisle and Maryport.

24 http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/find/results/index.aspx?type=1&location=Boustead+Hill

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13.7 Tourism Tourism within the AONB is concentrated along the coast and, particularly, around Silloth and

Allonby. There are nine caravan/holiday parks within the AONB (with licences for 936 static

caravans) predominantly located along the south coast, and two hotels. Further accommodation

is available in the form of Bed and Breakfast, guest houses, self catering accommodation and

camp sites. There are a further six caravan/ holiday parks and three hotels in and around

Silloth, which although not within the AONB boundary, provide bases for tourists visiting the

AONB. There is one Tourist Information Centre (TIC) within the Solway Coast Discovery

Centre at Silloth, managed by Allerdale Borough Council with further centres at Maryport and

Carlisle. In addition to the traditional seaside holidays, the principal recreational activities are

informal – walking, cycling, bird watching, fishing and Allonby is also popular for


Table 16 Number of visitors to the Solway Coast Discovery Centre, 2005-2007

No. of visitors 2005 2006 2007

UK 10,583 11,012 10,719

Overseas 131 199 104

Total 10,714 11,211 10,823

There have been no recent local tourist surveys to estimate the number of people who visit the

AONB each year or to assess their reasons for visiting. Visitor numbers to the Discovery

Centre are monitored by the TIC and a breakdown of the numbers for 2005-2007 is given in

Table 16. Apart from this information on overseas and UK visitors collected by the TIC, there

is no more detailed information on visitor makeup. Information on tourism is, however,

available for Cumbria as a whole and Allerdale and Carlisle districts from the Cumbria

STEAM Report (2006). Key statistics from this report for visitor revenue, numbers and days is

given in Table 17. These set the context for tourism activity within the AONB.

Table 17 Tourism revenue, tourist numbers and tourism days in Cumbria in 2006:

Visitor Revenue, £M

(change 2005/06)

Visitor Numbers, millions

(change 2005/06)

Tourist Days, millions

(change 2005/06)









Carlisle 120.01














Tourism activity in Cumbria (and the AONB) and the consequent tourism revenue is subject to

seasonal variations, July to September being the busiest part of the year. Revenue created by

tourism activity is a key measure of a destination’s performance. In 2006, Carlisle accounted

for 11.2% and Allerdale 18.1% of the tourist revenue to Cumbria. In comparison, South

Lakeland accounted for 43.5% and the Lake District National Park (LDNP) 56.3%.

Carlisle and Allerdale accounted for 16.5% and 15.9% of visitors to Cumbria in 2006 (South

Lakeland = 30.5 %, LDNP = 53.6%). Carlisle received a higher proportion of the county’s

visitors than tourism revenue. As well as shorter days and lower spend this area also attracts a

high proportion of day visitors. In contrast, South Lakeland accounted for 30.5% of the

county’s tourist numbers in 2006 yet generated 43.5% of the revenue. This indicates a higher

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spend per trip and longer trip lengths in South Lakeland compared to other districts. In 2006,

visitors to Cumbria generated 27.5 million tourist days. Over half of these were within the

Lake District National Park Area (53.3%). South Lakeland accounted for more than a third of

all visitor days (35.8%) and Allerdale almost a fifth (19.3%).

The overall trend between 2005 and 2006 is a slight decline of 1% in tourism revenue and

visitor numbers across Cumbria. In Allerdale there was a 1% decline in visitor revenue and a

3% decline in visitor numbers between 2005 and 2006. In Carlisle, there was a 5% decline in

visitor revenue and a 2 % decline in visitor numbers.

The figures clearly show the importance of tourism in the local area, in particular in Allerdale.

Allerdale Borough Council in its Tourism Strategy25

identifies tourism as a vital sector in the

local economy and a large employer in the borough. Tourism is seen as an increasingly

important component of Allerdale’s economy. The report also confirms that Allerdale attracts a

predominantly day visitor market.

Survey data regarding visitor make-up is not currently available but it is thought that day

visitors come chiefly from Carlisle and north Cumbria and from the northern Lake District;

staying visitors are dominated by traditional seaside holidays based at the coastal chalet and

caravan parks. Data available for the whole of Cumbria suggest that visitors to this area are

more likely to stay for a shorter time and spend less than in other areas, such as South


Although visitor numbers recorded by both Allerdale Borough Council and Carlisle City

Council (and across Cumbria) have shown a recent downward trend the number of visitors to

the AONB specifically is rising (according to AONB staff) mainly as a result of the

designation of Hadrian’s Wall as a World Heritage Site and the development of the Hadrian’s

Wall Cycleway and Trail (opened in May 2003).



25 A Strategy for Tourism 2005-2015, Allerdale Borough Council, August 2005.

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Agricultural Land Use

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June Agricultural Survey

All agricultural data has been obtained from the farm statistics provided by Defra and based on the June Agricultural Survey. The June Agricultural Survey is an annual

survey of agricultural activity which collects information from selected agricultural holdings in England relating to land use, crops, livestock, labour, horticulture and

glasshouse. The following information was obtained from the Defra website, accessed on 23/4/08:


Background Historically named the June Agricultural and Horticultural Census this survey was, as its name implied, a Census collecting data. In recent years it has been conducted as a

sample survey, in which data is only sought from a proportion of holdings in each year. The exception to this is in every tenth year when EU regulations demand a complete

census; 2000 was the most recent occasion this was undertaken.

There are currently around 210,000 agricultural holdings in England, many of which are very small. The small farms are sampled at a low rate, and the sampling rate

increases with farm size to a near

census for the largest holdings. Two sets of results are produced and published each year. Provisional estimates are published for key sections during September and final

results are published for all sections in December. All estimates are produced using statistical methods which allow for non-respondent/non-sampled holdings, making use of

past data, where available.

Datasets The datasets provided include information for most of the arable crops, and summary information for livestock and labour. It is important to note that: from 2000 - the

datasets relate to both main and minor holdings; pre-2000 - the datasets relates to main holdings only. In some cases the data has to be suppressed to protect disclosive

or dominant information. This is the policy concerning the disclosure of data collected under the Agricultural Statistics Act, 1979.

If a data item is not present within a ward or an authority then it is recorded as zero. If the data are present and not confidential then they are presented in the form of a count

and a value. This relates to the number of farms contributing to the total (the count) and the total hectares or total livestock on those farms (the value).

The total area given is the total area being farmed (including seasonally rented land). Saltmarsh - if it is part of a farm (i.e owned by somebody), would be included in the

figures. If its common land/common grazing then it would not (confirmed, I Knapper, Defra, 20/2/08).

All holdings are allocated a holding type which is based on predominant activity. Until 2003 there were 9 holding types. From 2004 onwards there are 10 holding types. The

key changes to the system made in 2004 were: the separation of Specialist Pigs and Specialist Poultry into two different types and the extension of Cattle and Sheep types to

include other grazing livestock (inc. goats and deer). There were significantly larger numbers of "new" holdings than usual in 2006, since the introduction of the Single

Payment scheme has led to many more farmers registering land in order to be eligible for payments.

Datasets cut to AONB boundaries are available from the Defra website for 1990, 1995, 1999 and 2000-2006. The available data for Solway Coast AONB is given below.

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Farmed Area (hectares)

Year Farmed area Rented land Owned land

[Holdings] [Area] [Holdings]

[Area] (%

farmed area) [Holdings] [Area]

2006 134 7779.6 34 877.0 (11.3) 126 7445.3

2005 132 7483.1 37 864.8 (11.6) 132 6654.1

2004 123 7375.2 41 956.9 (13.0) 116 6416.3

2003 123 7524.2 37 930.2 (12.4) 117 6513.3

2002 129 7420.8 40 1044.3 (14.1) 129 6748.4

2001 130 7,392.6 42 1,173.7 (15.9) 127 6,296.3

2000 131 7,704.4 39 1,130.9 (14.7) 125 6,781.8

1999 n/a n/a 37 1,163.5 119 6,167.6

1995 n/a n/a 37 1,190.4 121 6,171.9

1990 n/a n/a 47 1,510.2 116 5,803.5

Table 1 indicates that in 2006 the farmed area within the AONB was 7779.6 hectares (67.6% of the total AONB area). The table also shows that the area of farmed land has

remained fairly stable over the last few years (at least since 2000 from when comparable figures are available). The figures also appear to show a declining trend in rented


Farm Types (No. of farms)

Year Cereals


Cropping Horticulture




Poultry Dairy






(lowland) Mixed Other 2006 5 ## 0 ## 5 32 ## 34 14 55

2005 7 ## 0 0 8 37 ## 32 10 48

2004 7 0 # 0 5 39 ## 30 13 45

2003 # 0 0 # 41 ## 40 7 46

2002 4 0 0 # 46 ## 38 8 46

2001 32 0 ## 7 18 ## 20 ## 50

2000 ## 0 0 ## 51 ## 41 7 29

1999 4 ## 0 ## 50 ## 52 7 10

1995 ## ## 0 3 59 ## 46 6 11

1990 ## 3 0 0 68 ## 41 6 11 Other: These are holdings which either do not fit well with mainstream agriculture, such as specialist horses, or which are of limited economic importance, such as specialist set-aside, specialist grass and forage and

non classifiable holdings. Specialist grass and forage holdings consisting only of fodder crops, or only of grass or rough grazing and having no livestock. Non classifiable holdings are holdings consisting of fallow or

buildings and other areas only, for which no SGM coefficients are calculated.

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Table 2 indicates that the largest number of farms within the AONB are dairy and lowland livestock grazing farms and that this pattern has remained the same over many

years (at least since 1990). The figures also indicate a steady decline since the early nineties in the number of holdings involved in dairy farming. The figures for 2001 are

different from previous and later years and may illustrate the effects of Foot and Mouth disease.

Farm Size (No. of hectares)

Year <5 5 <20 20 < 50 50 <100 >=100 2006 54 22 27 25 23

2005 44 20 32 25 24

2004 51 17 26 26 23

2003 51 14 28 27 24

2002 50 17 30 31 17

2001 37 20 27 32 18

2000 35 19 31 35 16

1999 13 25 34 37 19

1995 13 23 39 40 15

1990 12 25 38 46 12

Types of agricultural land use within AONB (2006)

Land Use No. holdings Area (Ha) % agricultural land



52 1097.8 14.1

Temp. grass 51 854.3 11.0

Permanent grass 106 4881.7 62.8

Rough grazing 22 452.8 5.8

Woodland 20 222.0 2.8

Set aside 23 87.3 1.1

All other land 23 183.8 2.4

Total farmed


134 7779.7 100

Bare fallow = 42.6ha , Crops = 1055.2ha (13.6%).

Of the 7779 .7ha farmed within the AONB, the vast majority (73.8%) is grass (temporary and permanent) and is used for grazing (dairy and beef cattle and sheep). A further

5.8% is classed as rough grazing. 9.2 % is used for crops, mainly spring and winter barley and wheat. Woodland covers only 2.4 % of the AONB.

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Land Use (1990-2006)

Crops &










right) Woodland Set-aside

All other


[Holdings] [Area] [Holdings] [Area] [Holdings] [Area] [Holdings] [Area] [Holdings] [Area] [Holdings] [Area] [Holdings] [Area]

2006 52 1097.8 51 854.3 106 4881.7 22 452.8 20 222.0 23 87.3 23 183.8

2005 56 1300.8 65 1095.4 105 4262.6 25 413.2 17 59.3 22 102.6 27 249.3

2004 57 1324.4 68 1317.4 98 3987.7 24 435.4 14 53.8 12 56.0 30 199.4

2003 54 1184.1 69 1215.1 98 4349.1 27 474.9 14 51.6 12 130.6 28 119.1

2002 53 992.4 69 1323.5 97 4382.2 24 474.1 # # 9 73.7 # #

2001 56 1,087.1 68 1,159.3 115 4,470.9 27 352.6 18 87.9 5 62.3 ## ##

2000 60 922.5 69 1,106.4 120 4,902.1 27 328.1 18 238.9 5 39.0 ## ##

1999 61 996.6 66 1,126.1 118 4,474.8 30 457.6 14 66.8 4 36.6 51 172.6

1995 70 890.5 78 1,377.0 121 4,289.4 33 500.9 16 70.5 3 64.0 48 170.0

1990 74 865.9 89 1,542.6 121 4,146.4 34 549.2 14 47.4 0 0.0 42 162.2

Crops and bare fallow show an overall increase from 1990 to a peak in 2004 of 1324ha. The figures for 2005 and 2006 then show a slight decline. Temporary grass area

remained around 1200-1300 in the early 2000s but the figures indicate a decline since then to 854ha in 2006. permanent grass increased from 1990 to a peak of 4902 in 2000

declining to a low in 2004vof 3987ha and then appears to be increasing again to 4881 in 2006. Rough grazing – Figures indicate that this was a little higher in the nineties and

a little lower between 2000 and 2004 than the 2006 figure of 453ha. The figures for woodland vary considerably, around 230ha in 2000 and 2006 but much lower, 47-88ha in

other years. Set aside was 0 in 1990 and has since fluctuated reaching a peak of 13ha in 2003 and falling to 87ha in 2006.

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Cattle and Sheep numbers

* Includes ‘total herd replacements 1 year and over’ and ‘other cattle over 1 year’.

Cattle and sheep are an important part of farming on the Solway coast . In 2006, there were 69 holdings keeping 9942 cattle and 40 holdings keeping 8962 sheep. The total

number of cattle kept has declined since the 1990s and the impact of Foot and Mouth can clearly be seen in the figures, with a fall from 14924 in 2000 to 4667 in 2001. Total

cattle numbers remained fairly stable at around 11500 between 2002 and 2005 but the figure for 2006 of 9942 indicates a recent decline. This pattern is clearly seen in the

figures for dairy cattle but the number of beef cattle appears to have increased slightly from 2004.

Important arable crops within the AONB

Year Wheat Winter






Bare Fallow



Area No.


Area No. holdings Area No.


Area No.



2006 13 143.9 19 259.6 36 497.7 46 949.7 9 42.6

2005 13 227.2 17 224.3 42 574.3 51 1083.6 8 39.5

2004 17 247.4 17 243.0 29 590.9 51 1174.8 0 0.0

2003 11 203.2 23 244.3 42 560.1 51 1044.3 ## ##

2002 9 181.3 26 280.5 36 426.3 51 910.7 ## ##

2001 8 107.3 21 190.4 56 673.6 49 992.9 ## ##

2000 11 136.9 28 281.1 42 381.3 54 815.9 ## ##

1999 12 123.9 32 225.1 47 467.9 58 857.6 ## ##

1995 8 94.3 35 291.8 49 384.3 64 806.1 ## ##

1990 5 23.9 20 128.8 63 584.8 71 798.6 ## ##


Cattle Total sheep

Total Cattle* Dairy Beef

No. Holdings No. cattle No. Holdings No. cattle No. Holdings No. cattle

No. Holdings No. sheep

2006 69 9942 31 2837 41 754 40 8962

2005 70 11532 35 3278 34 726 36 7456

2004 73 11479 37 3292 33 638 36 6567

2003 74 11575 38 3334 37 714 38 6021

2002 77 11540 39 3437 36 723 33 4834

2001 35 4667 18 1359 17 356 12 1307

2000 93 14924 54 4418 46 917 49 8466

1999 107 16037 55 4567 51 975 46 8308

1995 112 15823 61 4749 53 750 48 7113

1990 115 15527 70 4926 55 772 55 8758

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Crops (2006)

Wheat Winter




Oats Other




Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area



13 143.9 19 259.6 36 497.7 ## ## ## ## 46 949.7

Crops (continued)

Potatoes Sugar






Peas for





Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area



## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

Crops (continued)

Linseed Root






crops for



Maize Other





Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area



## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 9 42.6

Crops (continued)


peas and


All other

veg and


Total veg

grown in

the open


glass or


Top fruit Total



Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area



0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 ## ## ## ##

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Crops (continued)









Holding Area Holding Area Holding Area



## ## 0 0.0 0 0.0

Cereals, mainly winter and spring barley and wheat, are currently grown on 46 holdings within the AONB covering an area of 949.7ha. Small amounts of other crops

including potatoes, sugar beet, root crops, brassicas, oilseed rape and maize are also grown. 42.6ha are recorded as bare fallow.

Employment in farming

Year No. Farmers (full time from


Total labour (farmers full and

part time, managers and


Holdings No. people Holdings No. people 2006 66 106 113 248

2005 68 113 109 258

2004 69 109 102 250

2003 69 110 104 240

2002 72 117 112 246

2001 77 120 117 260

2000 79 124 117 268

1999 112 212 115 293

1995 112 200 115 310

1990 116 215 117 315

Pre 2000, No of farmers was recorded. 2000 onwards, this was split into ‘full time and part time’ farmers.

The number of full time farmers has shown a steady decline from 124 in 2000 to 106 in 2006. The total number of people employed in farming (farmers, managers, full time,

part time, casual) has fallen significantly from over 300 in the 1990s but has remained between 240 and 250 over the last 5 years.

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Natural Environment

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Bowness Common Units Unit area (hectares) Main habitat Condition Reason for adverse condition / Condition Assessment


1,4,5,7,24,25 & 26 97.76 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable no change Inappropriate ditch management

2,6,9,10,16 & 23 350.8 Bogs - lowland Favourable

3 & 15 8.9 Improved grassland Unfavourable no change Inappropriate ditch management

8 12.02 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable recovering Damning has improved condition of vegetation adjacent to

the pond

11 83.39 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable recovering Unit is already responding to the blocking of the main


12,13,14,17,20,21 &


285.32 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable recovering

18 8.78 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable recovering Ericaceous shrub cover too high, but other targets of

condition assessment are met

19 7.81 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable recovering Works underway in 2006 to block drains

Total SSSI area (hectares) 854.78

Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition (hectares)


% Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition


Silloth Dunes and Mawbray Bank Units Unit area (hectares) Main habitat Condition Reason for adverse condition / Condition Assessment


1 22.69 Supralittoral sediment Unfavourable recovering Management works have resulted in a significant

improvement in the condition of this unit

2 43.31 Supralittoral sediment Unfavourable no change Inappropriate weed control, undergrazing

3 10.15 Supralittoral sediment Unfavourable declining Inappropriate weed control

4 15.08 Supralittoral sediment Favourable

Total SSSI area (hectares) 91.23

Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition (hectares)


% Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition


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Glasson Moss Units Unit area (hectares) Main habitat Condition Reason for adverse condition / Condition Assessment


1 & 18 134.74 Bogs - lowland Favourable

2,5,6,7,11,12,13,14 &


42.33 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable no change Inappropriate ditch management

3 7.25 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable recovering

4,8,9 & 10 36.15 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable no change Inappropriate ditch management, inappropriate scrub


15 3.13 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable declining Inappropriate ditch management

17 1.76 Neutral grassland - lowland Favourable

Total SSSI area (hectares) 225.36

Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition (hectares)


% Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition


River Eden and Tributaries Units Unit area (hectares) Main habitat Condition Reason for adverse condition / Condition Assessment


236 106.3 Rivers and streams Unfavourable no change Overgrazing, water pollution – discharge

Total SSSI area within AONB (hectares) 17.5

Area within AONB in Favourable and

Unfavourable recovering condition (hectares)


% Area within AONB in Favourable and

Unfavourable recovering condition


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Salta Moss Units Unit area (hectares) Main habitat Condition Reason for adverse condition / Condition Assessment


1 4.36 Neutral grassland - lowland Part destroyed Drainage, inappropriate ditch management

2 4.93 Bogs - lowland Part destroyed Drainage, inappropriate ditch management

3 19.91 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable no change Inappropriate ditch management, vehicles - illicit, water

pollution – discharge

4 1.46 Dwarf shrub heath - lowland Unfavourable no change Game management - pheasant rearing, inappropriate ditch


5 2.19 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable no change

6 & 7 9.8 Fen, marsh and swamp -


Unfavourable no change Inappropriate ditch management, inappropriate scrub


8 2.96 Bogs - lowland Unfavourable declining Inappropriate ditch management

Total SSSI area (hectares) 45.61

Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition (hectares)


% Area in Favourable and Unfavourable

recovering condition


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Upper Solway Flats and Marshes Units Unit area (hectares) Main habitat Condition Reason for adverse condition / Condition Assessment


2 74.33 Littoral sediment Unfavourable no change Inappropriate stock-feeding, other - specify in comments,


3,5,7,8,10-16,18-23 3264.37 Littoral sediment Favourable

6 19.09 Littoral sediment Unfavourable recovering

9 48.0 Littoral sediment Unfavourable declining Inappropriate css/esa prescription

17 2.25 Littoral sediment Favourable Whilst the unit is favourable at the moment the grazing

levels need review and specified more closely.

24 20 within AONB Supralittoral sediment Unfavourable no change Coastal squeeze, inappropriate scrub control

25 & 26 69.1 within AONB Littoral sediment Favourable

Total SSSI area within AONB (hectares) 3497.14

Area within AONB in Favourable and

Unfavourable recovering condition (hectares)


% Area in AONB in Favourable and

Unfavourable recovering condition


Total SSSI area within AONB = 4731.62 ha

Total SSSI area in Favourable and Unfavourable recovering condition = 4284.45 ha (90.5%)

Total SSSI area in Unfavourable declining condition = 64.24 (1.4%)

SSSI area part destroyed = 9.29 (0.2%)

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River Water Quality - Environment Agency website accessed 18/4 and 21/4/08.

River Year Chemistry Biology Nitrates Phosphates Target Water Quality

Wampool (just

outside AONB)

WHINNOW BECK TO FWL(RDBR TO THE LAYTHES), X:329000, Y:550350 X:324300, Y:555700


2004-2006 D 4 5 4 Compliant

2003-2005 E D (2004) 4 5 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2002-2004 E 4 5 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2001-2003 E 4 5 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2000-2002 D C (2000) 4 5 4 Compliant

Waver QSL AT FAULDS BROW TO FWL(DISUSED RLY), X:329600, Y:540800 X:318070, Y:551750


2004-2006 C 3 3 2 Significant failure (Dissolved oxygen)

2003-2005 D C (2004) 3 4 2 Significant failure (Dissolved oxygen)

2002-2004 D 3 4 2 Significant failure (Dissolved oxygen)

2001-2003 C 3 4 2 Significant failure (Dissolved oxygen)

2000-2002 B C (2000) 3 4 2 compliant

Eden (just outside


WILLOWHOLME STW TO FWL(BEAUMONT), X:338420, Y:556560 X:335100, Y:559400


2004-2006 A 3 3 2 Compliant

2003-2005 A A (2005) 3 3 2 Compliant

2002-2004 A B (2002) 3 3 2 Compliant

2001-2003 A 3 3 2 Compliant

2000-2002 A A (2000) 3 3 2 Compliant

Esk QSL AT SCOTTISH BORDER TO FWL (METAL BR), X:339500, Y:573800 X:335450, Y:564900


2004-2006 A 1 1 2 Compliant

2003-2005 B C (2005) 1 1 2 Compliant

2002-2004 B B (2002) 1 1 2 Compliant

2001-2003 A 1 1 2 Compliant

2000-2002 A B (2000) 1 1 2 Compliant

Great Gutter QSL SILLOTH AERODROME-FWL SKINBURNESS RD, X:312600, Y:554500 X:312900, Y:555400


2004-2006 E 6 5 4 Significant failure (ammonia), marginal (biochemical oxygen demand)

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River Year Chemistry Biology Nitrates Phosphates Target Water Quality

2003-2005 F E (2005) 6 5 4 Significant failure (ammonia), marginal (biochemical oxygen demand)

2002-2004 F E (2002) 6 5 4 Significant failure (ammonia)

2001-2003 E 4 5 4 Significant failure (ammonia)

2000-2002 E E (2000) 4 5 4 Significant failure (ammonia)



QSL WOLSTY TO FWL, X:310300, Y:550500 X:314000, Y:555100


2004-2006 E 3 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2003-2005 E D (2005) 3 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2002-2004 E D (2002) 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2001-2003 D 2 4 4 Compliant

2000-2002 E D (2000) 3 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

Blea Gutter QSL ABBEY COWPER TO CAUSEWAYHEAD3 BECK, X:315300, Y:550500 X:313310, Y:553390

Length 4.1

2004-2006 E 3 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2003-2005 E D (2005) 3 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2002-2004 E D (2002) 3 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2001-2003 D 3 4 4 Compliant

2000-2002 E D (2000) 3 4 4 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

Black Dub QSL AT LANGRIGG TO FWL (B5300), X:316000, Y:545600 X:307800, Y:544950


2004-2006 C C (2006) 4 2 2 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

2003-2005 D 4 4 2 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen and Ammonia)

2002-2004 D C (2003) 3 4 2 Significant failure (Dissolved oxygen), Marginal (Ammonia)

2001-2003 C C (2000) 3 4 2 Significant failure (Dissolved oxygen), Marginal (Ammonia)

2000-2002 C 4 2 2 Marginal (Dissolved oxygen)

Crookhurst Beck NEWTON OUT FIELD TO FWL(FORESHORE), X:311700, Y:543500 X:308000, Y:543650


2004-2006 B 4 3 2 Compliant

2003-2005 B C (2004) 4 3 2 Compliant

2002-2004 B 4 3 2 Compliant

2001-2003 B 4 4 2 Compliant

2000-2002 B C (2000) 4 4 2 Compliant

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River Year Chemistry Biology Nitrates Phosphates Target Water Quality

Brunsow Beck NY 086391 TO FWL(FORESHORE), X:308600, Y:539100 X:307300, Y:540800


2004-2006 C 5 5 4 Significant failure (Biochemical oxygen demand)

2003-2005 D D (2005) 5 5 4 Significant failure (Biochemical oxygen demand)

2002-2004 D 5 5 4 Compliant

2001-2003 D D (2002) 5 5 4 Compliant

2000-2002 D D (2000) 5 5 4 Compliant

Scad Beck QSL CROSSCANOBY STW TO NY 056386, X:306500, Y:538850 X:305600, Y:538600


2004-2006 D 6 6 4 Compliant

2003-2005 E E (2004) 6 6 4 Compliant

2002-2004 E 6 6 4 Marginal (Biochemical oxygen demand)

2001-2003 E 6 6 4 Marginal (Biochemical oxygen demand, Ammonia, Dissolved oxygen)

2000-2002 F D (2000) 6 6 4 Significant failure (Biochemical oxygen demand), Marginal (Ammonia)

Scad Beck NY 056386 TO FWL(FORESHORE), X:305600, Y:538600 X:305000, Y:538700


2004-2006 C 6 6 4 Compliant

2003-2005 C E (2004) 6 6 4 Compliant

2002-2004 C 6 6 4 Compliant

2001-2003 C 6 6 4 Compliant

2000-2002 C D (2000) 5 5 4 Compliant

EA Classifications


Classification Description

A - very good Biology similar to that expected for an unpolluted river

B - good Biology is a little short of an unpolluted river

C - fairly good Biology worse than expected for unpolluted river

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D - fair A range of pollution tolerant species present

E - poor Biology restricted to pollution tolerant species

F - bad Biology limited to a small number of species very tolerant of pollution

Chemistry classification method

Classification Likely uses and characteristics *

A - very good

All abstractions Very good salmonid fisheries Cyprinid fisheries Natural ecosystems

B - good

All abstractions Very good salmonid fisheries Cyprinid fisheries Ecosystems at or close to natural

C - fairly good

Potable supply after advanced treatment Other abstractions Good cyprinid fisheries Natural ecosystems, or those corresponding to good cyprinid fisheries

D - fair

Potable supply after advanced treatment Other abstractions Fair cyprinid fisheries Impacted ecosystems

E - poor Low grade abstraction for industry Fish absent or sporadically present, vulnerable to pollution ** Impoverished ecosystems **

F - bad Very polluted rivers which may cause nuisance Severely restricted ecosystems

*providing other standards are met **where the grade is caused by discharges of organic pollution

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Classification for phosphate Grade limit (mgP/I) average Description

1 0.02 Very low

2 0.06 Low

3 0.1 Moderate

4 0.2 High

5 1.0 Very high

6 >1.0 Excessively high

Classification for nitrate Grade limit (mg NO3/I) average Description

1 5 Very low

2 10 Low

3 20 Moderately low

4 30 Moderate

5 40 High

6 >40 Very high

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Bathing Water Quality Beach Sampling Year Water Quality

Skinburness X : 312621.03, Y: 556643.31

2007 Good

2006 Good

2005 Good

2004 Good

2003 Excellent

Silloth X : 310361.5, Y: 553484.19

2007 Good

2006 Excellent

2005 Good

2004 Good

2003 Good

Allonby X : 307742.12, Y: 542456.38

2007 Good

2006 Excellent

2005 Good

2004 Good

2003 Good

Allonby South X : 306445.66, Y: 540752.44

2007 Good

2006 Excellent

2005 Good

2004 Good

2003 Good

EA website accessed 21/4/08

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Coastal and transitional waters assessed under the WFD.

Coastal/Transitional Water





Water body type Heavily


water body

River Basin District Risk Assessment Results

Outer Solway South (Coastal) X : 305768.34, Y: 543056.94






Provisional North West Point source pollution Probably at risk

Diffuse source pollution Probably not at risk

Physical or ‘morphological’ alteration At risk

Alien species Probably not at risk

Solway (Transitional) X : 306403.34, Y: 547925.31


bly at


TW3 No Solway Tweed Point source pollution Probably not at risk

Diffuse source pollution Probably not at risk

Water abstraction and flow regulation Not at risk

Physical or ‘morphological’ alteration Probably not at risk

Alien species Probably at risk

EA website accessed 21/4/08

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River assessments under the WFD (details of types of risks only given for ‘At risk’ or ‘Probably at risk’ categories)

Type of Risk River River basin


Overall Risk


River ID

Point source


Diffuse source



abstraction and

flow regulation

Physical or



Alien species

Esk and Lyne


ST Probably not at


Eden (Cumbria

Lower, near


ST Probably not at


Eden ST Probably not at


Powburgh Beck ST Probably at risk GB102076073950 nar pnar nar pAR pnar

Eden (Cumbria

lower) flowing

through Burgh


ST Probably at risk GB102076073960 nar nar nar pAR pnar

Waver ST Probably at risk GB102075073420 nar pnar nar pAR pnar

Great Gutter ST At Risk GB nar AR nar pnar pnar


(Wath) Beck

ST At Risk GB102075073470 AR pnar nar AR pnar

? (south of


NW Probably at risk GB112075073680 nar nar nar pAR pnar

? (near Mawbray) NW Probably at risk GB112075073540 nar pnar nar pAR pnar

Black Dub NW At Risk GB112075073670 nar pnar nar AR pnar

Crookhurst Beck NW At Risk GB112075073660 nar AR nar pAR pnar

Brunsow Beck NW At Risk GB112075073610 nar AR nar pAR pnar

Scad Beck NW At Risk GB112075073590 AR AR nar pAR pnar

EA website accessed 21/4/08

AR –At Risk

pAR – Probably at risk

pnar – Probably not at risk

nar – Not at risk

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Cultural Heritage

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SMR sites within AONB with date record created

Jo Mackintosh, Cumbria County Council, SMR sites within AONB (as of 08/05/2008)

SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

148 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 2, North Plain, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/12/1983

148 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 2, North Plain, Bowness on Solway Milefortlet 01/12/1983

149 Hadrian's Wall Turret No 2A, Maryland, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/12/1983

149 Hadrian's Wall Turret No 2A, Maryland, Bowness Turret 01/12/1983

150 Campfield, Bowness on Solway Field System 01/12/1983

150 Campfield, Bowness on Solway Linear Feature 01/12/1983

150 Campfield, Bowness on Solway Settlement 01/12/1983

151 Hadrian's Wall Tower 2B and Roman Road, Campfield, Bowness-on-Solway Road 01/12/1983

151 Hadrian's Wall Tower 2B and Roman Road, Campfield, Bowness-on-Solway Signal Tower 01/12/1983

151 Hadrian's Wall Tower 2B and Roman Road, Campfield, Bowness-on-Solway Frontier Defence 01/12/1983

151 Hadrian's Wall Tower 2B and Roman Road, Campfield, Bowness-on-Solway Ditch 01/12/1983

152 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 3, Pasture House, Bowness Common Frontier Defence 01/12/1983

152 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 3, Pasture House, Bowness Common Milefortlet 01/12/1983

152 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 3, Pasture House, Bowness Common Milefortlet 01/12/1983

152 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 3, Pasture House, Bowness Common Findspot 01/12/1983

153 Hadrian's Wall Turret 3A, Pasture House, Bowness Common Frontier Defence 01/12/1983

153 Hadrian's Wall Turret 3A, Pasture House, Bowness Common Turret 01/12/1983

154 Hadrian's Wall Tower 3B, Pasture House, Bowness Common Findspot 01/12/1983

154 Hadrian's Wall Tower 3B, Pasture House, Bowness Common Frontier Defence 01/12/1983

154 Hadrian's Wall Tower 3B, Pasture House, Bowness Common Turret 01/12/1983

155 Bowness Common Palisade Palisade 01/12/1983

156 Knockcross Mound, Bowness on Solway Mound 01/01/1984

156 Knockcross Mound, Bowness on Solway Standing Stone 01/01/1984

156 Knockcross Mound, Bowness on Solway Findspot 01/01/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

157 Fishers Cross Mound, Port Carlisle, Bowness Cross 01/01/1984

157 Fishers Cross Mound, Port Carlisle, Bowness Findspot 01/01/1984

157 Fishers Cross Mound, Port Carlisle, Bowness Burial 01/01/1984

157 Fishers Cross Mound, Port Carlisle, Bowness Mound 01/01/1984

158 Knockcross Camp, Grey Havens, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/04/1987

158 Knockcross Camp, Grey Havens, Bowness on Solway Marching Camp 01/04/1987

159 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 1, Biglands House, Bowness Ditch 01/09/1987

159 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 1, Biglands House, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/09/1987

159 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 1, Biglands House, Bowness Milefortlet 01/09/1987

160 Hadrian's Wall Turret 80A, Bowness on Solway Turret 01/01/1984

160 Hadrian's Wall Turret 80A, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

161 Hadrian's Wall Turret 79B, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

161 Hadrian's Wall Turret 79B, Bowness on Solway Turret 01/01/1984

162 Hadrian's Wall Turret 79A, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

162 Hadrian's Wall Turret 79A, Bowness Turret 01/01/1984

163 Bowness Tower, Bowness on Solway Pele Tower 01/01/1984

165 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 79, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

165 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 79, Bowness on Solway Milecastle 01/01/1984

166 Maia / Bowness Roman Fort, Bowness on Solway Fort 01/01/1984

166 Maia / Bowness Roman Fort, Bowness on Solway Fort 01/01/1984

166 Maia / Bowness Roman Fort, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

167 Maia Roman Fort Vicus and Bathhouse, Bowness-on-Solway Vicus 01/01/1984

167 Maia Roman Fort Vicus and Bathhouse, Bowness-on-Solway Bath House 01/01/1984

167 Maia Roman Fort Vicus and Bathhouse, Bowness-on-Solway Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

168 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 78, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

168 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 78, Bowness Milecastle 01/01/1984

169 Hadrian's Wall Turret 78A, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

169 Hadrian's Wall Turret 78A, Bowness Turret 01/01/1984

170 Inscribed Stone, Glasson, Bowness on Solway Inscribed Stone 01/01/1984

171 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 77, Raven Bank, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

171 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 77, Raven Bank, Bowness Milecastle 01/01/1984

172 Axe Find, Bowness Hall Findspot 01/01/1984

173 Adze Find, Bowness Findspot 01/01/1984

174 Axe Find, Brackenrigg, Bowness on Solway Findspot 01/01/1984

175 Axe Find, Bowness Findspot 01/01/1984

176 Axe Hammer Find, Bowness Findspot 01/01/1984

177 Bowness Temple Site Temple 01/01/1984

178 Inscribed Stone and Coin Hoard, Bowness Rectory, Bowness-on-Solway Coin Hoard 01/01/1984

178 Inscribed Stone and Coin Hoard, Bowness Rectory, Bowness-on-Solway Findspot 01/01/1984

178 Inscribed Stone and Coin Hoard, Bowness Rectory, Bowness-on-Solway Inscribed Stone 01/01/1984

179 Coin Hoard, Bowness on Solway Findspot 01/01/1984

180 Statue Find, Bowness Findspot 01/01/1984

181 Architectural Feature, Bowness Architectural Feature 01/01/1984

182 Altar Find, Bowness Temple 01/01/1984

183 Altar Find, Bowness-on-Solway Temple 01/02/1984

194 Polleburc / Sandsfield Port, Old Sandsfield, Burgh By Sands Port 01/12/1983

194 Polleburc / Sandsfield Port, Old Sandsfield, Burgh By Sands Farmstead 01/12/1983

194 Polleburc / Sandsfield Port, Old Sandsfield, Burgh By Sands Public House 01/12/1983

201 Beaumont Coin Hoard Findspot 01/12/1983

201 Beaumont Coin Hoard Findspot 01/12/1983

202 Old Sandsfield Coin Hoard Findspot 01/12/1983

203 Altar Find, River Eden, Beaumont Temple 01/12/1983

205 Altar Find, River Eden, Beaumont Temple 01/12/1983

345 St John's Chapel, Skinburg, Silloth Chapel 01/02/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

345 St John's Chapel, Skinburg, Silloth Town 01/02/1984

345 St John's Chapel, Skinburg, Silloth Cemetery 01/02/1984

346 Skinburness Marsh Sea Dykes, Silloth on Solway Sea Defences 01/02/1984

350 Wolsty Hall Cropmarks, Holme Low Hut Circle 01/05/1987

350 Wolsty Hall Cropmarks, Holme Low Enclosure 01/05/1987

350 Wolsty Hall Cropmarks, Holme Low Farmstead 01/05/1987

350 Wolsty Hall Cropmarks, Holme Low Field System 01/05/1987

350 Wolsty Hall Cropmarks, Holme Low Enclosure 01/05/1987

351 St Christian's Chapel / Winding Banks Chapel, Holme Abbey Chapel 01/01/1984

351 St Christian's Chapel / Winding Banks Chapel, Holme Abbey Chapel 01/01/1984

353 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 9 and Camp, Skinburness, Silloth Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

353 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 9 and Camp, Skinburness, Silloth Milefortlet 01/05/1987

353 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 9 and Camp, Skinburness, Silloth Temporary Camp 01/05/1987

354 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 5, Cardurnock, Bowness Findspot 01/05/1987

354 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 5, Cardurnock, Bowness Findspot 01/05/1987

354 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 5, Cardurnock, Bowness Milefortlet 01/05/1987

354 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 5, Cardurnock, Bowness Milefortlet 01/05/1987

354 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 5, Cardurnock, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

354 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 5, Cardurnock, Bowness Findspot 01/05/1987

355 Hadrians Wall Tower 4b, Cardurnock, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

355 Hadrians Wall Tower 4b, Cardurnock, Bowness on Solway Signal Tower 01/01/1984

356 Hadrians Wall Milefortlet 4, Herd Hill, Bowness Milefortlet 01/05/1987

356 Hadrians Wall Milefortlet 4, Herd Hill, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

357 Bowness Cremation Cemetery, Herd Hill, Cardurnock, Bowness Cremation Cemetery 01/01/1984

357 Bowness Cremation Cemetery, Herd Hill, Cardurnock, Bowness Cremation Cemetery 01/01/1984

358 Hadrian's Wall Turret 4A, Cardurnock Marsh, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/01/1984

358 Hadrian's Wall Turret 4A, Cardurnock Marsh, Bowness Turret 01/01/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

364 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 13, Holme Low Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

364 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 13, Holme Low Milefortlet 01/02/1984

371 Newton Arlosh Shrunken Village, Holme East Waver Shrunken Village 01/01/1984

371 Newton Arlosh Shrunken Village, Holme East Waver Shrunken Village 01/01/1984

372 Altar Find, Skinburness Temple 01/02/1984

376 Axe Find, Mireside Findspot 01/01/1984

377 Axe Find, Anthorn Findspot

378 Axe Find, Anthorn Findspot 01/01/1984

380 Kirkbride Roman Fort and Vicus, Whitrigg Bridge Findspot 01/06/1984

380 Kirkbride Roman Fort and Vicus, Whitrigg Bridge Fort 01/06/1984

380 Kirkbride Roman Fort and Vicus, Whitrigg Bridge Frontier Defence 01/06/1984

380 Kirkbride Roman Fort and Vicus, Whitrigg Bridge Findspot 01/06/1984

380 Kirkbride Roman Fort and Vicus, Whitrigg Bridge Findspot 01/06/1984

383 Hadrian's Wall Turret 76A, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

383 Hadrian's Wall Turret 76A, Bowness Turret 01/02/1984

384 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 76, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

384 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 76, Bowness on Solway Milecastle 01/02/1984

385 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 75, Drumburgh, Bowness-on-Solway Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

385 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 75, Drumburgh, Bowness-on-Solway Milecastle 01/02/1984

386 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 74, Burgh By Sands Milecastle 01/02/1984

386 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 74, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

387 Congavata / Drumburgh Roman Fort, Bowness on Solway Pit 01/02/1984

387 Congavata / Drumburgh Roman Fort, Bowness on Solway Fort 01/02/1984

387 Congavata / Drumburgh Roman Fort, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

388 Drumburgh Medieval Boundary Ditch, Bowness on Solway Boundary Ditch 01/02/1984

389 Hadrian's Wall Turret 74A, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

389 Hadrian's Wall Turret 74A, Burgh By Sands Turret 01/02/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

390 Hadrian's Wall Turret 74B, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

390 Hadrian's Wall Turret 74B, Burgh By Sands Turret 01/02/1984

391 Burgh By Sands Earthwork Frontier Defence

391 Burgh By Sands Earthwork Linear Earthwork

394 Altar Find, Kirkbride Rectory, Kirkbride Temple 01/02/1984

394 Altar Find, Kirkbride Rectory, Kirkbride Findspot 01/02/1984

397 Coin Find, Drumburgh Findspot 01/02/1984

412 Burgh By Sands Fortified House Grange 01/03/1984

412 Burgh By Sands Fortified House Curtain Wall 01/03/1984

412 Burgh By Sands Fortified House Hall House 01/03/1984

412 Burgh By Sands Fortified House Fish Pond 01/03/1984

412 Burgh By Sands Fortified House Motte and Bailey 01/03/1984

412 Burgh By Sands Fortified House Ditch 01/03/1984

413 Powburgh Beck Culvert Culvert 01/03/1984

414 Burgh By Sands Bath House/Temple Temple 01/03/1984

414 Burgh By Sands Bath House/Temple Findspot 01/03/1984

414 Burgh By Sands Bath House/Temple Bath House 01/03/1984

415 Aballava Fort, Burgh By Sands Fort 01/03/1985

415 Aballava Fort, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/03/1985

416 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 72, Burgh By Sands Milecastle 01/03/1984

416 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 72, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/03/1984

416 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 72, Burgh By Sands Milecastle 01/03/1984

417 Hadrian's Wall Turret 71A, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

417 Hadrian's Wall Turret 71A, Burgh By Sands Turret 01/02/1984

418 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 71, Beaumont Frontier Defence 01/03/1984

418 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 71, Beaumont Milecastle 01/03/1984

419 Hadrian's Wall Turret 70B, Beaumont Frontier Defence 01/03/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

419 Hadrian's Wall Turret 70B, Beaumont Turret 01/03/1984

420 Hadrian's Wall Turret 72A, Fauld Farm, Dykesfield Turret 01/02/1984

420 Hadrian's Wall Turret 72A, Fauld Farm, Dykesfield Findspot 01/02/1984

420 Hadrian's Wall Turret 72A, Fauld Farm, Dykesfield Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

421 Hadrian's Wall Turret 72B, Rindle House, Burgh By Sands Turret 01/02/1984

421 Hadrian's Wall Turret 72B, Rindle House, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

422 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 73, West End Cottage, Dykesfield Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

422 Hadrian's Wall Milecastle 73, West End Cottage, Dykesfield Milecastle 01/02/1984

425 Beaumont Roman Temporary Camp Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

425 Beaumont Roman Temporary Camp Temporary Camp 01/02/1984

427 St Mary's Church and Hadrian's Wall Turret 70A, Beaumont Fort 01/02/1984

427 St Mary's Church and Hadrian's Wall Turret 70A, Beaumont Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

427 St Mary's Church and Hadrian's Wall Turret 70A, Beaumont Motte 01/02/1984

427 St Mary's Church and Hadrian's Wall Turret 70A, Beaumont Turret 01/02/1984

427 St Mary's Church and Hadrian's Wall Turret 70A, Beaumont Church 01/02/1984

427 St Mary's Church and Hadrian's Wall Turret 70A, Beaumont Church 01/02/1984

428 Aballava Vicus, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/03/1984

428 Aballava Vicus, Burgh By Sands Vicus 01/03/1984

429 Carved Stone Find, Burgh-By-Sands Carved Stone 01/02/1988

429 Carved Stone Find, Burgh-By-Sands Carved Stone 01/02/1988

430 Hadrian's Wall Turret 73A, Burgh Marsh, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/03/1984

430 Hadrian's Wall Turret 73A, Burgh Marsh, Burgh By Sands Turret 01/03/1984

431 Hadrian's Wall Turret 73B, Burgh Marsh, Burgh By Sands Turret 01/03/1984

431 Hadrian's Wall Turret 73B, Burgh Marsh, Burgh By Sands Frontier Defence 01/03/1984

453 Altar Find, Dykesfield Temple 01/03/1984

454 Altar Find, Kiln Garth Temple 01/03/1984

455 Altar Find, Beaumont Temple 01/03/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

455 Altar Find, Beaumont Temple 01/03/1984

457 Centurial Stone Find, Beaumont Centurial Stone 01/01/1984

459 Altar Find, Hallstones Bridge, Burgh By Sands Temple 01/03/1984

460 Altar Find, Hallstones, Longburgh Temple 01/03/1984

590 Hadrian's Wall Fortlet 15, Castlefields, Holme St Cuthbert Fortlet 01/05/1987

590 Hadrian's Wall Fortlet 15, Castlefields, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

591 Beckfoot Cemetery, Mawbray Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Cemetery 01/04/1984

591 Beckfoot Cemetery, Mawbray Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Cremation 01/04/1984

591 Beckfoot Cemetery, Mawbray Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/04/1984

591 Beckfoot Cemetery, Mawbray Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/04/1984

592 Bank House Settlement Settlement 01/04/1984

604 Belmont House Romano-British Farmstead Farmstead 01/05/1987

604 Belmont House Romano-British Farmstead Field System 01/05/1987

609 Swarthy Hill Hillfort, Crosscanonby Hillfort 01/04/1984

610 Crosscanonby Farmstead, Oughterside and Allerby Farmstead 01/04/1984

610 Crosscanonby Farmstead, Oughterside and Allerby Farmstead 01/04/1984

613 Hadrian's Wall Tower 16B, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/04/1984

613 Hadrian's Wall Tower 16B, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/04/1984

613 Hadrian's Wall Tower 16B, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Tower 01/04/1984

619 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 16, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/04/1984

619 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 16, Holme St Cuthbert Milefortlet 01/04/1984

620 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 16A, Cote Howe, Holme St Cuthbert Signal Tower 01/04/1984

620 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 16A, Cote Howe, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/04/1984

621 Holme St Cuthbert Roman Signal Station Frontier Defence 01/04/1984

621 Holme St Cuthbert Roman Signal Station Signal Station 01/04/1984

622 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 17, Dubmill Point, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

622 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 17, Dubmill Point, Holme St Cuthbert Milefortlet 01/05/1987

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

623 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 15B, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/04/1984

623 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 15B, Holme St Cuthbert Signal Tower 01/04/1984

624 Hadrian's Wall Tower 15A, Bank Mill, Holme St Cuthbert Tower 01/05/1987

624 Hadrian's Wall Tower 15A, Bank Mill, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

625 Bibra / Beckfoot Roman Fort, Holme St Cuthbert Fort 01/05/1987

625 Bibra / Beckfoot Roman Fort, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

626 Beckfoot Roman Fort Vicus, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/05/1987

626 Beckfoot Roman Fort Vicus, Holme St Cuthbert Vicus 01/05/1987

627 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 14A, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/04/1984

627 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 14A, Holme St Cuthbert Signal Tower 01/04/1984

628 New Mawbray Deserted Village, Holme St Cuthbert Deserted Village 01/04/1984

629 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 14, Holme St Cuthbert Milefortlet 01/04/1984

629 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 14, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/04/1984

630 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 20B, Swarthy Hill, Crosscanonby Frontier Defence 01/06/1987

630 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 20B, Swarthy Hill, Crosscanonby Signal Tower 01/06/1987

631 Mealo Hill House Settlement, Hayton and Mealo Field System 01/04/1984

631 Mealo Hill House Settlement, Hayton and Mealo Enclosure 01/04/1984

631 Mealo Hill House Settlement, Hayton and Mealo Enclosure 01/04/1984

631 Mealo Hill House Settlement, Hayton and Mealo Field System 01/04/1984

650 Quern Find, Beckfoot Findspot 01/04/1984

651 Axe Find, Allonby Findspot 01/04/1984

782 Crosscanonby Settlement Enclosure 01/05/1987

782 Crosscanonby Settlement Enclosure 01/05/1987

789 Maryport Settlement Cropmark Settlement 01/06/1984

793 Altar Find, Maryport Temple 01/06/1984

795 Altar Find, Maryport Findspot 01/06/1984

796 Altar Find, Maryport Findspot 01/06/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

797 Commemorative Stone, Maryport Findspot 01/06/1984

798 Axe Find, Bank End Field, Maryport Findspot 01/06/1984

799 St John's Church, Crosscanonby Architectural Fragment 01/06/1984

799 St John's Church, Crosscanonby Hogback Stone 01/06/1984

799 St John's Church, Crosscanonby Cross 01/06/1984

799 St John's Church, Crosscanonby Church 01/06/1984

799 St John's Church, Crosscanonby Church 01/06/1984

800 Altar Find, Crosscanonby Churchyard Temple 01/06/1984

801 Pottery Find, Camp Road, Maryport Findspot 01/06/1984

802 Pottery Find, Camp Road, Maryport Findspot 01/06/1984

812 Hall Farm Enclosure, Crosscanonby Enclosed Settlement 01/05/1987

813 Brownrigg Ring Ditch, Crosscanonby Ring Ditch 01/06/1984

822 Cup and Ring Marked Stones, Maryport Cairn 01/07/1984

822 Cup and Ring Marked Stones, Maryport Cup and Ring Marked Stone 01/07/1984

825 Maryport Roman Temple Building 01/06/1987

825 Maryport Roman Temple Temple 01/06/1987

832 The Serpent Stone / Maryport Roman Cemetery Burial 01/07/1984

832 The Serpent Stone / Maryport Roman Cemetery Ditch 01/07/1984

832 The Serpent Stone / Maryport Roman Cemetery Enclosed Cremation Cemetery 01/07/1984

832 The Serpent Stone / Maryport Roman Cemetery Cremation Cemetery 01/07/1984

833 Tomb Finds, Maryport Temple 01/06/1987

833 Tomb Finds, Maryport Tomb 01/06/1987

833 Tomb Finds, Maryport Findspot 01/06/1987

833 Tomb Finds, Maryport Enclosure 01/06/1987

834 Altar Finds, Maryport Roman Fort Ditched Enclosure 01/06/1987

834 Altar Finds, Maryport Roman Fort Altar 01/06/1987

835 Maryport Pavement Pavement 01/06/1984

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

836 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 22, Brownrigg, Crosscanonby Findspot 01/06/1987

836 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 22, Brownrigg, Crosscanonby Milefortlet 01/06/1987

836 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 22, Brownrigg, Crosscanonby Frontier Defence 01/06/1987

837 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 21, Swarthy Hill, Crosscanonby Milefortlet 01/06/1987

837 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 21, Swarthy Hill, Crosscanonby Frontier Defence 01/06/1987

838 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 21B, Swarthy Hill, Crosscanonby Frontier Defence 01/06/1987

838 Hadrian's Wall Signal Tower 21B, Swarthy Hill, Crosscanonby Signal Tower 01/06/1987

839 Hadrian's Wall Tower 21B, Canonby Hall, Brownrigg, Crosscanonby Frontier Defence 01/06/1987

839 Hadrian's Wall Tower 21B, Canonby Hall, Brownrigg, Crosscanonby Signal Tower 01/06/1987

1851 Crossbeck Bridge Pillboxes, Holme St Cuthbert Pillbox 01/11/1994

2444 Roman Coastal System and Patrol Road, Cardurnock, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/09/1987

2444 Roman Coastal System and Patrol Road, Cardurnock, Bowness on Solway Road 01/09/1987

2444 Roman Coastal System and Patrol Road, Cardurnock, Bowness on Solway Ditch 01/09/1987

2992 Pottery Find, Kirkbride Findspot 01/05/1984

3021 Kingside Temporary Camp, Holme Abbey Temporary Camp 01/05/1984

3021 Kingside Temporary Camp, Holme Abbey Temporary Camp 01/05/1984

3041 Hadrian's Wall Turret 13A, New House, Wolsty Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/07/1987

3041 Hadrian's Wall Turret 13A, New House, Wolsty Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Signal Tower 01/07/1987

3041 Hadrian's Wall Turret 13A, New House, Wolsty Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Signal Tower 01/07/1987

3042 Hadrian's Wall Turret 13B, New House, Wolsty Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Frontier Defence 01/07/1987

3042 Hadrian's Wall Turret 13B, New House, Wolsty Bank, Holme St Cuthbert Signal Tower 01/07/1987

3043 Beckfoot Vicus and Field System, Holme St Cuthbert Field System 01/05/1984

3043 Beckfoot Vicus and Field System, Holme St Cuthbert Vicus 01/05/1984

3044 Mealo Hill Settlement, Hayton and Mealo Settlement 01/05/1984

3044 Mealo Hill Settlement, Hayton and Mealo Settlement 01/05/1984

3045 Crosscanonby Farmstead, Oughterside and Allerby Settlement 01/05/1984

3045 Crosscanonby Farmstead, Oughterside and Allerby Settlement 01/05/1984

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3061 Allonby Saltpan, Crosscanonby Salt Works 01/05/1984

3181 Blue Dial Enclosure, Oughterside and Allerby Enclosure 01/05/1984

3182 Allonby Settlement Settlement 01/05/1984

3182 Allonby Settlement Settlement 01/05/1984

3183 Cowgate Settlement, Beckfoot, Holme St Cuthbert Settlement 01/05/1984

3184 Nook Field System, Beckfoot, Holme St Cuthbert Field System 01/05/1984

3185 Nook Enclosure, Beckfoot, Holme St Cuthbert Enclosure 01/05/1984

3186 Cowgate, Beckfoot Unclassified Site, Holme St Cuthbert Site 01/05/1984

3187 Beckfoot Farm Unclassified Site, Holme St Cuthbert Site 01/05/1984

3266 Kingside Hall Enclosure, Holme Abbey Enclosure 01/05/1984

3267 Rumbling Bridge Unclassified Site, Holme Abbey Site 01/05/1984

3269 Brownrigg Enclosure, Holme Abbey Enclosure 01/05/1984

3282 Biglands Ditch, Bowness on Solway Ditch 01/10/1984

3284 Herd Hill Settlement, Bowness on Solway Settlement 01/05/1984

3288 Bowness Hall Cropmarks, Bowness on Solway Pit 01/05/1984

3288 Bowness Hall Cropmarks, Bowness on Solway Road 01/05/1984

3293 Knockcross Settlement, Bowness on Solway Settlement 01/05/1984

3297 Brackenrigg Cropmarks, Bowness on Solway Pit 01/05/1984

3297 Brackenrigg Cropmarks, Bowness on Solway Settlement 01/05/1984

3390 Watch Hill Unclassified Site Site 01/05/1984

3393 Burgh By Sands Settlement Road 01/03/1987

3393 Burgh By Sands Settlement Settlement 01/03/1987

3395 Beaumont Unclassified Site, Burgh By Sands Site 01/07/1984

3398 Priesthill Unclasified Site, Beaumont Site 01/07/1984

3693 Crosscanonby Settlement, Oughterside and Allerby Enclosure 01/07/1984

3694 Crosscanonby Enclosure Cropmark Enclosure 01/07/1984

3698 Holme Unclassified Cropmark Site 01/07/1984

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3699 Holme Settlement Cropmark, Holme St Cuthbert Settlement 01/07/1984

3699 Holme Settlement Cropmark, Holme St Cuthbert Settlement 01/07/1984

3700 Holme Unclassified Cropmark Site 01/07/1984

3701 Oughterside Roman Milefortlet Milefortlet 01/08/1986

3701 Oughterside Roman Milefortlet Frontier Defence 01/08/1986

3730 Church of St John the Baptist, Holme East Waver Church 01/02/1987

3730 Church of St John the Baptist, Holme East Waver Pele Tower 01/02/1987

3730 Church of St John the Baptist, Holme East Waver Church 01/02/1987

3751 Bowness Unclassified Earthworks Earthwork 01/08/1984

3752 Bowness Unclassified Cropmark Site 01/08/1984

3769 Church of St Michael, Burgh By Sands Pele Tower 01/08/1984

3769 Church of St Michael, Burgh By Sands Temple 01/08/1984

3769 Church of St Michael, Burgh By Sands Church 01/08/1984

3769 Church of St Michael, Burgh By Sands Findspot 01/08/1984

3772 Burgh By Sands Unclassified Cropmark Site Site 01/08/1984

3893 Grune Point Pillbox, Skinburness Pillbox 01/11/1994

3994 Anthorn Cross, Bowness-on-Solway Battlefield 01/08/1984

3994 Anthorn Cross, Bowness-on-Solway Cross 01/08/1984

3994 Anthorn Cross, Bowness-on-Solway Commemorative Monument 01/08/1984

4347 Maryport Tannery Tannery 01/01/1988

4412 Raby Cote House House 01/09/1984

4412 Raby Cote House Farmstead 01/09/1984

4412 Raby Cote House Salt Works 01/09/1984

4414 Maryport Quarry Quarry 01/01/1988

4494 Alavna / Maryport Roman Fort and Vicus Pit 01/09/1984

4494 Alavna / Maryport Roman Fort and Vicus Fort 01/09/1984

4494 Alavna / Maryport Roman Fort and Vicus Fort 01/09/1984

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4494 Alavna / Maryport Roman Fort and Vicus Vicus 01/09/1984

4494 Alavna / Maryport Roman Fort and Vicus Road 01/09/1984

4494 Alavna / Maryport Roman Fort and Vicus Frontier Defence 01/09/1984

4499 Hadrian's Wall Tower 22A, Maryport Golf Course, Maryport Frontier Defence 01/09/1984

4499 Hadrian's Wall Tower 22A, Maryport Golf Course, Maryport Signal Tower 01/09/1984

4500 Canonby Hall / Crosscanonby Hall, Crosscanonby Hall House 01/09/1984

4521 Rapier Find, Salta Moss, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/09/1984

4522 Axe Hammer Finds, Mawbray Findspot 01/09/1984

4523 Spear Head Find, Dubmill Farm, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/09/1984

4524 Axe Find, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/09/1984

4525 Old Mawbray Mound Mound 01/09/1984

4545 Hangman Tree, Burgh By Sands Tree 01/09/1984

4548 Drumburgh Stoup Find Font 01/09/1984

4549 Drumburgh Castle, Drumburgh, Bowness on Solway Altar 01/08/1986

4549 Drumburgh Castle, Drumburgh, Bowness on Solway Farmhouse 01/08/1986

4549 Drumburgh Castle, Drumburgh, Bowness on Solway Tower House 01/08/1986

4550 St Bridget's Church, Kirkbride Church 01/09/1984

4584 St Michael's Church, Bowness-on-Solway Architectural Fragment 01/09/1984

4584 St Michael's Church, Bowness-on-Solway Church 01/09/1984

4585 Altar Find, Port Carlisle, Bowness Temple 01/09/1984

4588 King Edward I Monument, Burgh By Sands Commemorative Monument 01/09/1984

4595 Hadrian's Wall Turret 78B, Port Carlisle, Bowness Turret 01/09/1984

4595 Hadrian's Wall Turret 78B, Port Carlisle, Bowness Frontier Defence 01/09/1984

4595 Hadrian's Wall Turret 78B, Port Carlisle, Bowness Findspot 01/09/1984

4627 Burgh-By-Sands Pottery Vessel Find Findspot 01/03/1988

4627 Burgh-By-Sands Pottery Vessel Find Findspot 01/03/1988

4630 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 20, Low Mire, Oughterside and Allerby Milefortlet 01/09/1984

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4630 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 20, Low Mire, Oughterside and Allerby Frontier Defence 01/09/1984

4688 Barracks House, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Bastle 01/09/1984

4689 Brackenrigg Fortified House, Bowness Fortified House 01/09/1984

4716 Maryport Salt Works, Allonby Bay, Maryport Salt Works 01/07/1984

4880 Axe Find, Mawbray Findspot 01/06/1987

4881 Adze Find, Mawbray Findspot 01/06/1987

4882 Axe Find, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/06/1987

4883 Mawbray Axe Find, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/06/1987

4884 Axe Hammer Find, Mawbray Findspot 01/06/1987

4885 Axe Hammer Find, Mawbray Findspot 01/06/1987

4946 Grune Point Pillbox, Skinburness, Silloth on Solway Pillbox 01/11/1994

5086 Serpent Stone Find, Maryport Carved Stone 01/03/1988

5086 Serpent Stone Find, Maryport Carved Stone 01/03/1988

5393 Rockcliffe Stone Circle Stone Circle 01/07/1988

5494 Pottery and Bead Finds, Kirkbride Findspot 01/10/1984

5494 Pottery and Bead Finds, Kirkbride Findspot 01/10/1984

5649 Castle Green Motte, Beaumont on Eden Motte 01/06/1987

5782 Hadrian's Wall and Vallum, Cumbria Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

5782 Hadrian's Wall and Vallum, Cumbria Frontier Defence 01/02/1984

5783 Hadrians Wall Military Way, Waterhead Military Road 01/06/1987

6056 Beckfoot Roman Fort Cropmark, Holme St Cuthbert Fort 01/09/1988

6057 Allonby Enclosure Cropmarks Pit 01/09/1988

6057 Allonby Enclosure Cropmarks Enclosure 01/09/1988

6158 Horse Trappings Find, Maryport Roman Fort Findspot 01/02/1988

6184 Skinburness Marsh Salt Pans Pond 01/02/1988

6184 Skinburness Marsh Salt Pans Salt Works 01/02/1988

6184 Skinburness Marsh Salt Pans Salt Works 01/02/1988

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6283 Pottery find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 01/03/1988

6283 Pottery find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 01/03/1988

6295 Port Carlisle Harbour, Bowness-on-Solway Dock and Harbour Installation 01/07/1988

6295 Port Carlisle Harbour, Bowness-on-Solway Dock and Harbour Installation 01/07/1988

6295 Port Carlisle Harbour, Bowness-on-Solway Dock and Harbour Installation 01/07/1988

6296 Port Carlisle Canal / Carlisle Navigation Canal Canal 01/07/1988

6299 Brackenrigg Temporary Camp, Bowness on Solway Temporary Camp 01/01/1989

6299 Brackenrigg Temporary Camp, Bowness on Solway Temporary Camp 01/01/1989

6474 Stone Axe Find, Mawbray Findspot 01/02/1989

6697 Holme St. Cuthbert,Solway View Rectinlinear Cropmarks Site 01/07/1989

6698 Crossbeck Bridge Ridge and Furrow, Allonby Broad Ridge and Furrow 01/07/1989

6873 Boustead Hill Medieval Village Broad Ridge and Furrow 01/01/1990

6873 Boustead Hill Medieval Village Village 01/01/1990

6881 Biglands Unclassified Cropmarks, Bowness Site 01/01/1990

6882 Biglands Unclassified Cropmarks, Bowness Site 01/01/1990

6883 Campfield Enclosure Cropmark, Bowness Enclosure 01/01/1990

6891 Burgh-By-Sands Linear Cropmark Linear Feature 01/01/1990

6894 Beaumont, Mill Dykes Square Enclosure Cropmark Enclosure 01/01/1990

6894 Beaumont, Mill Dykes Square Enclosure Cropmark Site 01/01/1990

6895 Brackenrigg Cropmarks, Bowness Site 01/01/1990

6895 Brackenrigg Cropmarks, Bowness Linear Feature 01/01/1990

6896 Biglands House Unclassified Cropmarks, Bowness Site 01/01/1990

6928 Bowness Cropmarks Field Boundary 01/02/1990

6928 Bowness Cropmarks Site 01/02/1990

6929 Holme East Waver Linear Cropmarks Field Boundary 01/02/1990

6929 Holme East Waver Linear Cropmarks Site 01/02/1990

6930 Holme East Waver Enclosure Enclosure 01/02/1990

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6930 Holme East Waver Enclosure Enclosure 01/02/1990

6960 Heather Bank Circular Cropmarks, Crosscanonby Site 01/02/1990

9515 Birkby Lodge Sub-oval Enclosure, Crosscanonby Enclosure 01/01/1990

9528 Old Kiln Linear Cropmark, Holme St Cuthbert Linear Feature 01/09/1989

9528 Old Kiln Linear Cropmark, Holme St Cuthbert Enclosure 01/09/1989

9530 Holme St. Cuthbert, Mawbray Unclassified Cropmark Site 01/09/1989

9531 Crossbeck Earthworks, Allonby Earthwork 01/09/1989

9531 Crossbeck Earthworks, Allonby Field System 01/09/1989

9608 Grune House Enclosure, Silloth Enclosure 01/09/1989

9610 Kingside Hill Cropmark, Holme Abbey Site 01/09/1989

9687 Cocklakes Unclassified Cropmark, Bowness on Solway Site 01/09/1989

9756 Burgh By Sands Linear Cropmark Trackway 01/01/1990

9758 Beaumont, Holmesmill Enclosure Cropmark Enclosure 01/09/1989

9759 Rockliffe Enclosure Cropmark Field System 01/09/1989

9759 Rockliffe Enclosure Cropmark Enclosure 01/09/1989

9760 Rockcliffe, Castletown Wood Cropmark Complex Site 01/09/1989

9761 High Sand Enclosure Cropmark, Beaumont Enclosure 01/09/1989

9762 Beaumont, NW of High Sand Cropmark Complex Site 01/09/1989

10009 Beckfoot Corn Mill, Holme St Cuthbert Corn Mill 01/03/1986

10009 Beckfoot Corn Mill, Holme St Cuthbert Watermill 01/03/1986

10036 North British Railway, Carlisle & Silloth Branch Railway 01/03/1995

10076 Longlands Head/Kirkbride Tile Works Tile Works 01/01/1986

10079 Oldkiln Place Name, Allonby Kiln 01/02/1986

10081 Whitrigg Common Tile Works, Bowness Tile Works 01/01/1986

10084 Bank Mill, Beckfoot, Silloth, Holme St Cuthbert Corn Mill 01/02/1986

10084 Bank Mill, Beckfoot, Silloth, Holme St Cuthbert Watermill 01/02/1986

10084 Bank Mill, Beckfoot, Silloth, Holme St Cuthbert Farmstead 01/02/1986

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10085 Dub Mill, Holme St Cuthbert Corn Mill 01/02/1986

10085 Dub Mill, Holme St Cuthbert Watermill 01/02/1986

10109 Castletown Farm Place Name Site Castle 01/03/1986

10109 Castletown Farm Place Name Site Town 01/03/1986

10117 Rockcliffe Ferry Route Ferry 01/03/1986

10131 Winding Banks Tile Kiln Tile Kiln 01/03/1986

10132 Salt Marsh Saw Pit, Holme Abbey Saw Pit 01/03/1986

10209 Skinburness Pond Pond 01/03/1986

10210 Port Carlisle Pump Pump 01/03/1986

10211 Solway View Pump, Port Carlisle, Bowness-on-Solway Pump 01/03/1986

10212 The Binnacle Pump, Port Carlisle, Bowness-on-Solway Pump 01/03/1986

10213 Airey Hill Windmill, Bowness-on-Solway Windmill 01/03/1986

10300 Beaumont Brickworks Brickworks 01/03/1986

10300 Beaumont Brickworks Tile Kiln 01/03/1986

10333 Glasson Moss Charcoal Works, Bowness on Solway Charcoal Works 01/03/1986

10334 Herdhill Scar Jetty Jetty 01/03/1986

10335 Tilekilns Place Name Site Tile Kiln 01/03/1986

10336 Port Carlisle Railway Station, Bowness-on-Solway Railway Station 01/03/1986

10338 Port Carlisle Jetty, Bowness Marsh, Bowness-on-Solway Jetty 01/03/1986

10339 Port Carlisle Quay Quay 01/03/1986

10340 Bowness Marlpit Marl Pit 01/03/1986

10341 West Cottages Clay Pit, Bowness on Solway Pit 01/03/1986

10352 Rockliffe Gas Works Gas Works 01/05/1986

10364 Castle Town House Sundial Sundial 01/05/1986

10375 Lockcliffe Jetty Jetty 01/05/1986

10376 Old Sands Field Jetty Jetty 01/05/1986

10377 Old Sandsfield Jetty Jetty 01/05/1986

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10378 Burghmarsh Point Jetty Jetty 01/05/1986

10379 Burghmarsh Point Jetties Jetty 01/05/1986

10490 Cross Cottage Building 01/05/1986

10502 Drumburgh Forge Forge 01/03/1986

10556 Solway House, Anthorn, Bowness on Solway House 01/03/1986

10557 Cardurnock Pond, Bowness on Solway Pond 01/03/1986

10662 Holmes Mill, Beaumont Mill 01/05/1985

10700 Maryport & Carlisle Railway, Kirtlebridge Annan & Brayton Branch, Aspatria-Bowness on Solway Railway

10721 Dearham Roman Road Road 01/05/1986

11268 Castletown Wood Place Name Site Castle 01/06/1986

12410 Maryport Roman Road Road 01/02/1987

12433 Bankend Quarry Quarry 01/02/1987

12485 Millrigg Farm Place Name Site Mill 01/04/1987

13653 The Vicarage, Bowness on Solway Findspot 01/08/1990

13653 The Vicarage, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/08/1990

13653 The Vicarage, Bowness on Solway Vicarage 01/08/1990

13654 Bowness on Solway Watching Brief Frontier Defence 01/08/1990

13655 Bowness on Solway, Port Carlisle, Hawthorn Cottage Watching Brief Frontier Defence 01/08/1990

13656 Hadrian's Wall Vallum, Bowness on Solway Frontier Defence 01/08/1979

13657 Bowness on Solway, Port Carlisle, Westfield House Watching Brief Frontier Defence 01/08/1990

13658 Bowness on Solway, Port Carlisle, Seaholm Trial Trenching Frontier Defence 01/08/1990

13660 Statuette Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 01/08/1990

13810 Inscribed Stones Find, Maryport Golf Club, Crosscanonby Inscribed Stone 01/09/1991

13971 Crosscanonby Linear Cropmark Road 01/11/1991

15198 Altar Find, Orchard House, Burgh By Sands Temple 01/02/1996

15198 Altar Find, Orchard House, Burgh By Sands Findspot 01/02/1996

15224 Sea Dyke End Pillbox, Holme Low Pillbox 01/05/1996

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15229 Holme Low, Pillbox near Skinburness Pillbox 01/05/1996

15230 Holme Low, Pillbox near Skinburness Marsh Pillbox 01/05/1996

15231 Pillbox, Holme Low Pillbox 01/05/1996

15235 Roman Coin Find, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 01/03/1996

15252 Pillbox, Burgh By Sands Pillbox 01/05/1996

15451 Crosscanonby Pits Pit 01/11/1987

16504 Ravens Bank,Glasson Medieval Pottery Finds Findspot 01/09/1987

16504 Ravens Bank,Glasson Medieval Pottery Finds Findspot 01/09/1987

16515 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 23, Sea Brows, Maryport Frontier Defence 01/09/1987

16515 Hadrian's Wall Milefortlet 23, Sea Brows, Maryport Milefortlet 01/09/1987

16524 Roman Fort at Boustead Hill, Burgh By Sands Fort 01/09/1987

16703 Anthorn Unclassified Cropmarks, Bowness Site 01/01/1994

16796 Brugh By Sands, Chemical Works nr West End Chemical Works 01/06/1994

16944 Pottery Finds, Herd Hill, Cardurnock, Bowness Findspot 01/12/1994

16955 Rogersceugh Model Farm, Bowness on Solway Horse Engine 23/02/1999

16955 Rogersceugh Model Farm, Bowness on Solway Model Farm 23/02/1999

17685 Sea Brows Cropmarks, Maryport Site 20/04/1999

17685 Sea Brows Cropmarks, Maryport Field System 20/04/1999

17685 Sea Brows Cropmarks, Maryport Linear Feature 20/04/1999

17685 Sea Brows Cropmarks, Maryport Field System 20/04/1999

17685 Sea Brows Cropmarks, Maryport Pit Alignment 20/04/1999

17688 Burgh by Sands Enclosure Cropmark Enclosure 20/04/1999

17689 High Plasketlands Enclosure Cropmark Enclosure 20/04/1999

17697 Coin Find, Drumburgh, Bowness on Solway Findspot 21/04/1999

17754 Gaming Board Find, Brackenrigg, Bowness on Solway Findspot 13/05/1999

17810 Excavatioj, Jeffrey Croft, Acremire Lane, Bowness on Solway Boundary 03/06/1999

17811 Allonby Roman Site Coastguard Tower 04/06/1999

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17823 Flint Finds, Beckfoot Flint Scatter 07/06/1999

17825 Flint Flake Finds, Brown Rigg, Crosscanonby Findspot 07/06/1999

17964 Lamp Find, St Michael's Church, Burgh By Sands Findspot 22/09/1999

17970 Urn Find, Beckfoot, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 23/09/1999

18947 Coin Find, Beckfoot, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 08/12/1999

19166 Blue Dial Farm Coaching House and Stables, Oughterside and Allerby Coaching Inn 04/02/2000

19166 Blue Dial Farm Coaching House and Stables, Oughterside and Allerby Coaching Inn Stable 04/02/2000

19169 Weight Find, Lowther House, Beaumont Findspot 07/02/2000

19183 Pivot-Stone Find, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 08/02/2000

19194 Sinker Find, Cardurnock, Bowness on Solway Findspot 09/02/2000

19195 Sinker Finds, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 10/02/2000

19205 Grooved Weight Find, Allonby Findspot 10/02/2000

19206 Awl Find, Grune Point, Skinburness Findspot 10/02/2000

19309 Roman Finds, Sea Brows, Maryport Findspot 31/07/2000

19319 Silver Pendant Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 02/10/2000

19320 Copper Alloy Figurine Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 02/10/2000

19321 Copper Alloy Knife Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 02/10/2000

19323 Copper Alloy Stud Find, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 02/10/2000

19324 Copper Alloy Figurine Find, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 02/10/2000

19380 Silver Coin Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 06/10/2000

19381 Silver Coin Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 06/10/2000

19382 Silver Coin Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 06/10/2000

19383 Silver Coin Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 06/10/2000

19384 Silver Coin Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 06/10/2000

19428 Copper Alloy Brooch Find, Burgh By Sands Findspot 10/10/2000

19483 Axe Find, Holme Croft, Seaville, Holme Low Findspot 16/10/2000

19514 Coin Find, Beaumont or Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 19/10/2000

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19529 Heraldic (?) Disc or Mount Find, Beckfoot Findspot 23/10/2000

19542 Coin Hoard, Beaumont Findspot 27/10/2000

19546 Pottery Find, Allonby Findspot 30/10/2000

19548 Copper-Alloy Object, Beckfoot Roman Fort, Holme St Cuthbert Findspot 30/10/2000

19617 Ring/Ferrule Find, Burgh Road, Carlisle Findspot 16/11/2000

19625 Axe Find, Allonby Beach Findspot 17/11/2000

19635 Axe-shaped Stone, Bowness-on-Solway Findspot 17/11/2000

19683 Quernstone (?) Fragment, Burgh Marsh, Burgh By Sands Findspot 28/11/2000

19688 Pottery Sherds, Ravensbank, Glasson, Bowness on Solway Findspot 28/11/2000

19705 Stamped Ball Find, Anthorn, Bowness on Solway Findspot 30/11/2000

19705 Stamped Ball Find, Anthorn, Bowness on Solway Findspot 30/11/2000

19717 Effigy Find, Bowness Rectory, Bowness-on-Solway Findspot 04/12/2000

19717 Effigy Find, Bowness Rectory, Bowness-on-Solway Findspot 04/12/2000

19718 Carved Torso Find, Bowness Rectory, Bowness-on-Solway Findspot 04/12/2000

19734 Carved Stone Head, Anthorn, Bowness on Solway Carved Stone 07/12/2000

19750 Auger Find, Bowness-on-Solway Findspot 11/12/2000

19931 The Old Reading Rooms, Allonby Reading Room 20/02/2003

19931 The Old Reading Rooms, Allonby Caretakers House 20/02/2003

19987 Cardurnock Airfield, Bowness on Solway Airfield 26/03/2003

19987 Cardurnock Airfield, Bowness on Solway Shelter 26/03/2003

21586 Buckbottom Farm, Burgh-by-Sands Cow House 12/12/2006

21586 Buckbottom Farm, Burgh-by-Sands Dairy 12/12/2006

21586 Buckbottom Farm, Burgh-by-Sands Barn 12/12/2006

21586 Buckbottom Farm, Burgh-by-Sands Farmhouse 12/12/2006

21586 Buckbottom Farm, Burgh-by-Sands Farmstead 12/12/2006

40270 Crookhurst Farm, Allonby Farmstead 24/09/2003

40443 Burgh Head Demesne Farm, Burgh by Sands Farmstead 22/03/2004

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40458 Pear Tree Farm, Bowness on Solway House 22/03/2004

40458 Pear Tree Farm, Bowness on Solway Cow House 22/03/2004

40458 Pear Tree Farm, Bowness on Solway Farmstead 22/03/2004

40824 Middle Farm, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Farmstead 08/11/2004

40824 Middle Farm, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Barn 08/11/2004

40824 Middle Farm, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Farmhouse 08/11/2004

41100 Mealo Cottages Linear Cropmarks, Hayton and Mealo Linear System 29/01/2007

41110 Wormanby Farm Enclosures, Beaumont Enclosure 30/01/2007

41454 Bowness-on-Solway Ridge and Furrow Ridge and Furrow 23/12/2005

41455 Millend / Shore Gate House, Bowness-on-Solway Mill Race 23/12/2005

41455 Millend / Shore Gate House, Bowness-on-Solway Mill 23/12/2005

41466 Burgh Marsh Concrete Arrow, Bowness on Solway Military Training Site 10/03/2006

41472 Red Flatt, Holme Abbey Farmstead 04/04/2006

41475 West Border Farm, Border, Holme Abbey Farmstead 01/08/2006

41501 Whitrigg House, Whitrigg, Kirkbride Horse Engine House 03/08/2006

41501 Whitrigg House, Whitrigg, Kirkbride Farmstead 03/08/2006

41502 Whitrigg Hall, Whitrigg, Kirkbride Farmstead 03/08/2006

41502 Whitrigg Hall, Whitrigg, Kirkbride Horse Engine House 03/08/2006

41503 Longcroft Farm, Whitrigg, Kirkbride Horse Engine House 03/08/2006

41503 Longcroft Farm, Whitrigg, Kirkbride Farmstead 03/08/2006

41521 Hartlaw, Silloth Horse Engine House 18/01/2007

41521 Hartlaw, Silloth Farmstead 18/01/2007

41522 Wath, Silloth Farmstead 18/01/2007

41522 Wath, Silloth Horse Engine House 18/01/2007

41524 Newtonholme, Kirkbride Farmstead 18/01/2007

41524 Newtonholme, Kirkbride Horse Engine House 18/01/2007

41525 Arlosh House, Kirkbride Farmstead 18/01/2007

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41525 Arlosh House, Kirkbride Horse Engine House 18/01/2007

41526 Angerton Farm, Angerton, Kirkbride Farmstead 18/01/2007

41526 Angerton Farm, Angerton, Kirkbride Horse Engine House 18/01/2007

41527 Bank House, Kirkbride Horse Engine House 18/01/2007

41527 Bank House, Kirkbride Farmstead 18/01/2007

41694 Salt Cote Hills, Esk Boathouse, Rockcliffe Salt Works 16/06/2006

41694 Salt Cote Hills, Esk Boathouse, Rockcliffe Salt Works 16/06/2006

41696 Anthorn Marsh Saltworking Site, Bowness-on-Solway Salt Works 16/06/2006

41697 Longcroft Marsh Saltworking Site, Holme East Waver Salt Works 16/06/2006

41698 Whitrigg Marsh Saltworking Site, Bowness-on-Solway Salt Works 16/06/2006

41699 Newton Marsh Saltworking Site, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Salt Works 19/06/2006

41699 Newton Marsh Saltworking Site, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Salt Works 19/06/2006

41700 Salt Cotes, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Salt Works 19/06/2006

41700 Salt Cotes, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Salt Works 19/06/2006

41700 Salt Cotes, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Ridge and Furrow 19/06/2006

41700 Salt Cotes, Newton Arlosh, Holme East Waver Salt Works 19/06/2006

41701 Kiln Close Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Barn 02/08/2006

41701 Kiln Close Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Farmstead 02/08/2006

41702 Calvo Marsh Saltworking Site, Calvo, Holme Abbey Pond 19/06/2006

41702 Calvo Marsh Saltworking Site, Calvo, Holme Abbey Salt Works 19/06/2006

41703 Sea Dyke End Saltworking Site, Skinburness Marsh, Wath, Holme Abbey Salt Works 19/06/2006

41703 Sea Dyke End Saltworking Site, Skinburness Marsh, Wath, Holme Abbey Pond 19/06/2006

41713 Midcroft, West End, Burgh-by-Sands House 02/08/2006

41725 Anthorn Hill Mills, Bowness on Solway Watermill 17/08/2006

41725 Anthorn Hill Mills, Bowness on Solway Windmill 17/08/2006

41727 Staith Bridge Tile Kilns, Allonby Tile Kiln 17/08/2006

41750 Glasson Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Farmstead 11/10/2006

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

41750 Glasson Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Cow House 11/10/2006

41750 Glasson Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Workers Cottage 11/10/2006

41750 Glasson Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Barn 11/10/2006

41750 Glasson Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Stable 11/10/2006

41750 Glasson Farm, Glasson, Bowness-on-Solway Farmhouse 11/10/2006

41762 Westfield House Ridge and Furrow, Westfield Marsh, Glasson Plough Marks 17/10/2006

41762 Westfield House Ridge and Furrow, Westfield Marsh, Glasson Ridge and Furrow 17/10/2006

41763 Westfield Marsh Roman Site, Glasson Carved Stone 17/10/2006

41763 Westfield Marsh Roman Site, Glasson Site 17/10/2006

41775 Aballava Vicus Field System, Amberfield, Burgh By Sands Well 30/10/2006

41775 Aballava Vicus Field System, Amberfield, Burgh By Sands Industrial Site 30/10/2006

41775 Aballava Vicus Field System, Amberfield, Burgh By Sands Field System 30/10/2006

41775 Aballava Vicus Field System, Amberfield, Burgh By Sands Findspot 30/10/2006

41775 Aballava Vicus Field System, Amberfield, Burgh By Sands Tanning Pit 30/10/2006

41801 Duke's Head Inn / Skinburness Hotel, Skinburness Inn 22/11/2006

41801 Duke's Head Inn / Skinburness Hotel, Skinburness Hotel 22/11/2006

41826 Buckbottom Farm Well, Burgh-by-Sands Well 13/12/2006

41827 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 13/12/2006

41827 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Field System 13/12/2006

41827 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 13/12/2006

41828 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Pit 13/12/2006

41828 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 13/12/2006

41828 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Post Hole 13/12/2006

41828 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 13/12/2006

41828 Buckbottom Farm Field System, Burgh-by-Sands Field System 13/12/2006

41855 Bowness House Farm, Bowness-on-Solway Farmhouse 12/06/2007

41855 Bowness House Farm, Bowness-on-Solway Farmhouse 12/06/2007

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

41855 Bowness House Farm, Bowness-on-Solway Farmstead 12/06/2007

41858 Orchard House, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Farmhouse 12/06/2007

41858 Orchard House, Mawbray, Holme St Cuthbert Barn 12/06/2007

41925 Aikshaw Cottage, Glasson Moss, Bowness on Solway House 21/06/2007

41954 North British Railway, Port Carlisle Branch, Bowness on Solway Railway 22/08/2007

41963 Church Farm, Bowness on Solway Farmhouse 18/10/2007

41963 Church Farm, Bowness on Solway Farmstead 18/10/2007

41971 Horn House Farm, Abbeytown, Holme Abbey Farmstead 22/04/2008

42072 Marsh House Ditch, Burgh-by-Sands Ditch 05/03/2008

42072 Marsh House Ditch, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 05/03/2008

42072 Marsh House Ditch, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 05/03/2008

42072 Marsh House Ditch, Burgh-by-Sands Boundary Ditch 05/03/2008

42072 Marsh House Ditch, Burgh-by-Sands Ditch 05/03/2008

42072 Marsh House Ditch, Burgh-by-Sands Findspot 05/03/2008

42078 Maryport Prehistoric Site, Camp Farm, Maryport Site 27/03/2008

42078 Maryport Prehistoric Site, Camp Farm, Maryport Rectangular Enclosure 27/03/2008

42078 Maryport Prehistoric Site, Camp Farm, Maryport Sub Circular Enclosure 27/03/2008

42078 Maryport Prehistoric Site, Camp Farm, Maryport Settlement 27/03/2008

42079 Maryport Field System, Camp Farm, Maryport Field System 27/03/2008

42079 Maryport Field System, Camp Farm, Maryport Bank (Earthwork) 27/03/2008

42079 Maryport Field System, Camp Farm, Maryport Field System 27/03/2008

42079 Maryport Field System, Camp Farm, Maryport Ditch 27/03/2008

42080 Maryport Ditched Enclosure, Camp Farm, Maryport Ditched Enclosure 27/03/2008

42080 Maryport Ditched Enclosure, Camp Farm, Maryport Pit 27/03/2008

42080 Maryport Ditched Enclosure, Camp Farm, Maryport Temple 27/03/2008

42081 Maryport Roman Road Road 27/03/2008

42081 Maryport Roman Road Road 27/03/2008

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SMR No SMR Name Site Type Compile date

42085 Maryport Curvilinear Ditch, Camp Farm, Maryport Ditch 27/03/2008

42085 Maryport Curvilinear Ditch, Camp Farm, Maryport Boundary Ditch 27/03/2008

42086 Barney Gill Roman Road, Maryport Road 27/03/2008

42087 Barney Gill Harbour, Maryport Platform 28/03/2008

42087 Barney Gill Harbour, Maryport Building 28/03/2008

42087 Barney Gill Harbour, Maryport Enclosure 28/03/2008

42087 Barney Gill Harbour, Maryport Pit 28/03/2008

42087 Barney Gill Harbour, Maryport Findspot 28/03/2008

42087 Barney Gill Harbour, Maryport Harbour 28/03/2008

42088 Camp Farm Field System, Maryport Field System 07/04/2008

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Cumbria in Figures 2007, Information and Intelligence, Policy and Performance, Cumbria County Council, January 2008. http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/Content/Internet/536/675/1762/39324131059.pdf

District and County Demographics and Employment

Allerdale Carlisle Cumbria

Population – 2006 Mid-Year Estimates

Total 94, 300 103,300 496,200

% change between 2005 and 2006 -0.1% 0.4% 0.1%

Age breakdown – 2006 Mid-Year Estimates

0<=15 15,700 17,000 81,400

(16.7%) (16.5%) 16.4%

65+ 18,200 18,700 95,000

(19.3%) (18.1%) 19.2%

Working Population

Working population (16-64) 56,200 63,200 297,100

% working population 60% 61% 60%

Employees in Employment, 2005

Total workforce 31,783 49,729 200,617

Standard Industrial Classification of


Agriculture/fishing 623 (2.0%) 542 (1.1%) 3,481

Energy/Water 267 (0.84%) 185 (0.4%) 1,511

Manufacturing 5,809 (18.3%) 5,691 (11.4%) 34,032

Construction 1,991 (6.3%) 2,297 (4.6%) 9,704

Distribution/Hotels/Restaurants 9,717 (30.6%) 15,436 (31.0%) 61,693

Transport/Communications 1,221 (3.8%) 4,685 (9.4%) 11,273

Banking/Finance/Insurance 2,867 (9.0%) 5,664 (11.4%) 18,151

Public Admin 7,216 (22.7%) 12,395 (24.9%) 49,677

Other Services 2,073 (6.5%) 2,834 (5.7%) 11,095

Unemployment, 2006

Numbers unemployed (claimants)

Total 1,248 1,395 5,820

% of working age population 2.1% 2.2% 1.9%

*This dataset excludes self employment in all sectors.

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District and County House Prices and Incomes

Allerdale Carlisle Cumbria

Average House Prices, 2006

Mean £156,495 £135,746 £157,841

Median £132,500 £119,950 £132,725

Average Incomes, 2006

Estimated Mean Income £25,132 £22,760 £25,542

Estimated Median Income £23,952 £21,593 £22,691

Office of National Statistics Update, Winter 2007, No. 130 Population Trends http://www.statistics.gov.uk/downloads/theme_population/Population_Trends_130_web.pdf

The UK population grew by almost one and a half million between mid-2001 and mid-2006, and at the fastest rate of growth since the 1960s

The population of the UK is expected to continue to grow. It is projected that it will rise to 65 million by 2016 (an increase of 7.2 per cent compared with 2006), and will

exceed 71 million by 2031..The population of all four constituent countries of the UK are projected to rise more quickly over the next five years than they have over the

previous five years. Over the next 25 years, the population of England is projected to increase by 19 per cent. The population of the UK is ageing see Table 1.

Population Estimates mid 1981- mid 2006

Population (millions) % increase Mid 2006 1981-2006 2001-2006

England 50.8 8.4% 2.7%

North West 6.9 -1.3% 1.2%

Predicted changes in population

Expected increase in population

2006-2011 2006-2031

England 3.8% 19%

The ageing population of the UK

Age of Population % of Population

1981 2006 2031 (predicted)

<16 22 19 18

>65 15 16 22

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Cumbria County Council Information and Intelligence, Policy & Performance report Sept 07 http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/factsandfigures/Statisticsal-summaries/statistical-summaries.asp

1. Population Briefings: Population Trends 2006. A presentation for Cumbria and its Districts, 19/9/07

Cumbria’s population is growing but more slowly than nationally. Overall growth masks demographic changes within the total population. District trends vary.


The current population for Cumbria is 496,200 and the overall growth in the population since 1981 for the county is 3.1%. Cumbria has not grown as quickly as England and

Wales throughout this time – indeed, England & Wales has seen a growth of 8.2% throughout the period. However, Cumbria has grown quicker than the North West region,

which has actually seen a decline of -1.5%. Looking at the districts individually, the largest growth has been experienced in Eden (19.4%). Growth has also occurred in

South Lakeland (10.4%), Carlisle (2.3%). Allerdale (-1.5%), Barrow (-2.2%) and Copeland (-3.6%) have all experienced a decline.

Demographics, 1981-2006

England and Wales - Numbers of young people have declined; middle aged (30-59) have grown. The number of 60-74 year olds has remained consistent but the number of

older adults, 75+ has increased.

North West - Broadly similar picture. However, the decline in young people is more marked and there has been a moderate decline in the numbers of 60-74 year olds (E and

W static). The number of older adults is rising, consistent with the national picture.

Cumbria - The changes are not dissimilar to E and W as a whole. The number of 15-29 year olds has declined significantly (by 23% compared with 15.2% in NW and 6.4%

in E and W). The rapid growth in older adults is more marked in Cumbria than regionally and in E and W.

Allerdale - Follows the county trend with the same increases in older adults and decline in the younger age groups.

Carlisle - Carlisle’s age profile shows a couple of variations from the county figures. Although there has been a decline in the number of 15-29 year olds, this decline is not

so sharp as the county figures suggest. Also notable, whilst there has been an increase in the number of older people in Carlisle, this is not increasing at the same rate as

Cumbria is experiencing.

Forecasts to 2029

The county as a whole is forecast to grow in population size by 2029 by around 7.1%. This is slower than the predicted national growth of 12.7% and around the same as the

suggested regional figure of only 7.4%. Once again, there is a significant difference in the predicted change on a district by district basis. The greatest increases are predicted

for Eden and (+17.9%) and South Lakeland (+15.3%). However, there is also moderate growth predicted for Carlisle (9.2%), Allerdale (3.1%).

Cumbria is forecasted to see a quicker decline in young people and a faster growth in older adults than the regional or national figures. Cumbria’s 0-14 year olds are

predicted to decline by 13.5%, 15-29 by 5.9% and 30-44 down by 15.6%. The 45-59 is predicted to fall by 7.6%. In England, all these age groups are predicted to grow.

Significant growth is expected in all ages over 60. Allerdale and Carlisle follow broadly the same pattern as the one predicted for the county as a whole althought the

population of 0-14 year olds in Carlisle is set to fall at a slower rate then the county overall.

Long term trends for Cumbria (1981 to 2029).

The 0-14 age group is shown to decline by 24.5% compared to only 3.2% nationally. The ‘working age’ group in Cumbria has decreased by 2.4%, compared with a 15.7%

increase nationally. The 65+ group is seen to rise by 102.2%, compared only to a 73.1% increase for England. In 1981 the graph shows that Cumbria and England had very

similar population profiles. As we track towards the present day, the profiles start to diverge. In 2006 17.7% of England’s population was under 15, whilst in Cumbria this

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figure was only 16.4%. ‘Working age’ in England accounted for 66.3% of the population compared to only 64.5% for Cumbria. 15.9% were over 65 in England compared to

19.1% in Cumbria. At the present time therefore it is clear that we are starting to see differences between the national and the local picture of population structure.

If we look forward to 2029, we can see that these differences have been magnified – In 2029 the under 15 population for England is predicted to be 16.3%, whilst it will only

be 13.7% in Cumbria. 61.9% in England will be working age compared to 56.7% in Cumbria, and 21.8% will be retirement age compared to 29.7% for Cumbria.

2. Population Briefings : Recent Changes in Cumbria’s Population 2005-2006, 21/9/07 Cumbria is experiencing the effects of an ageing population – see Table 6. The table illustrates that the proportion of cumbria’s population falling into younger age groups is

less than that of the NW region and the UK. Conversely, from 45 years upwards, Cumbria is over represented in all categories when compared to the regional and national


Changes in Cumbria’s Population 2005-2006 Age group Cumbria North West UK

15-29 15.9% 19.7% 19.6%

60-74 16.5% 14.0% 13.6%

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3. Ward Profiles, 2007, Authored 17/4/07

Selected ward and county profiles Marsh Holme Burgh Cumbria


Population in 2001 1692 1657 1973

Population in 2006 1685 1754 2105

% increase -0.4% 5.9% 6.7% 0.8%

General Health2

Good 67.1% 70.1% 73.3% 67.1%

Fair 23.9% 21.0% 20.6% 22.9%

Poor 7.5% 8.9% 6.1% 10.0%

Age Structure2



Household Tenure2

Owner 87.5% 72.2% 82.7% 72.3%

Renting 12.5% 27.8% 17.3% 27.7%

Travel to work2

Work from home 21.0 25.6 16.9 12.0

Public transport 1.8 1.8 2.5 5.9

Car/motorbike 66.0 59.0 71.0 56.5

Passenger 6.4 5.6 5.4 7.9

Bike 1.0 0.7 1.0 2.7

On foot 3.8 6.1 2.6 14.4

Other 0.0 1.2 0.6 0.6


Total claimants 6 11 17 5346

Rate 0.6% 1.1 1.4 1.8

Family Income3

Median £27,727 £23,467 £31,989

Mean £31,692 £27,052 £36,558

House Prices3

Average £164,268 £149,495 £209,108 £162,647

Median £166,000 £170,000 £213,000 £146,000

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1 Census 2001 and mid year estimates 2006, 2 Census 2001, 3 CACI Ltd 2006

4. Parish Profiles

Profiles of Parishes within the AONB

Ward Population


Age Structure


Mean Age





Household Tenure












0-4 5-15 16-64 >65 Owner Rented

Allonby 462 21 70 287 84 41.1 44 141 64 294 2.25 205

Bowness 1221 59 159 780 223 42.3 45 439 63 815 2.43 502

Crosscanonby 1054 43 130 683 198 42.6 42 357 82 691 2.37 439

Hayton and


229 13 35 149 32 40.1 42 63 26 153 2.57 89

Holme Abbey 776 44 150 447 135 38.7 38 199 106 562 2.54 305

Holme East


306 21 49 199 37 38.4 39 94 27 226 2.53 121

Holme Low 373 19 54 236 64 40.9 40.5 122 17 264 2.72 137

Holme St


421 23 63 272 63 41.0 44 146 18 307 2.55 165

Kirkbride 519 35 79 332 73 36.7 36 154 44 383 2.62 198


and Allerby

626 32 104 400 90 40.0 40 195 56 446 2.49 251

Beaumont 447 20 55 296 76 42 43.5 148 29 326 2.54 176

Burgh 1143 55 198 740 150 38.3 40 366 63 864 2.66 429

Rockcliffe 733 19 108 493 113 41.9 44 243 58 513 2.44 301

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Derived population figures

Ward Population


Age Structure


Household Tenure
















0-4 5-15 16-64 >65 Owner Rented

Allonby 392.7 17.9 59.5 244.0 71.4 119.9 54.4 249.9 174.3 415.1


Bowness 1098.9 53.1 143.1 702.0 200.7 395.1 56.7 733.5 451.8 1054.9


Crosscanonby 158.1 6.5 19.5 102.5 29.7 53.6 12.3 103.7 65.9 155.1


Hayton and


22.9 1.3 3.5 14.9 3.2 6.3 2.6 15.3 8.9 22.4


Holme Abbey 310.4 17.6 60.0 178.8 54.0 79.6 42.4 224.8 122.0 328.1


Holme East


198.9 13.7 31.9 129.4 24.1 61.1 17.6 146.9 78.7 206.7


Holme Low 149.2 7.6 21.6 94.4 25.6 48.8 6.8 105.6 55.6 155.3


Holme St


147.4 8.1 22.1 95.2 22.1 51.1 6.3 107.5 57.4 155.7


Kirkbride 129.8 8.8 19.8 83.0 18.3 38.5 11.0 95.8 49.5 134.8



and Allerby

31.3 1.6 5.2 20.0 4.5 9.8 2.8 22.3 12.6 30.7


Beaumont 53.6 2.4 6.6 35.5 9.1 17.8 3.5 39.1 21.3 57.2


Burgh 400.1 19.3 69.3 259.0 52.5 128.1 22.1 302.4 150.2 426.9


Rockcliffe 73.3 1.9 10.8 49.3 11.3 24.3 5.8 51.3 30.1 76.7


Totals 3166.6 159.8 472.9 2008.0 526.5 1034.4 244.3 2198.1 1278.7 3219.6

% 5.0 14.9 63.4 16.6 80.9 19.1 69.4

Increases based on percentage increase for relevant wards as given in CCC’s Information and Intelligence, Policy and Performance Report, 2007

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Indices of Deprivation, CCC website.


Changes 2004-2007

Cumbria – 84/149, up 3 places

Allerdale – 119/354, up 14 places

Carlisle – 110/354, up 2 places

IMD National and County rankings, 2004 and 2007

Marsh Holme Burgh

2004 Ranking 2007 Ranking 2004 Ranking 2007 Ranking 2004 Ranking 2007 Ranking

National Cumbria National Cumbria National Cumbria National Cumbria National Cumbria National Cumbria

Overall IMD 3310 76 n/a 54 1849 39 n/a 39 4688 121 n/a 109

Barriers 150 19 n/a 15 541 31 n/a 37 684 36 n/a 30

Income 6744 129 n/a 79 2905 53 n/a 42 7514 151 n/a 145

Crime 7712 132 n/a 91 4934 51 n/a 63 7136 110 n/a 62

Employment 4223 103 n/a 71 2056 54 n/a 60 4769 123 n/a 130



2419 84 n/a 61 1605 55 n/a 39 3456 113 n/a 108

Health 3869 101 n/a 83 2356 68 n/a 50 4010 103 n/a 112

Education 4758 94 n/a 89 2029 41 n/a 49 5302 103 n/a 110

Barriers Ranking (2007): Marsh – 4 geographical, 155 wider barriers; Holme – 31 geographical, 152 wider barriers; Burgh – 26 geographical, 134 wider barriers.

Unemployment Unemployment Briefings, Cumbria County Council


February 2008

Cumbria – 1.7%

North West – 2.7%

Carlisle – 1.9%

Holme – 1.4%

Marsh – 0.6%

Burgh – 1.2%

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1. ONS 2006 Annual Business Survey, released December 2007. CCC summary: http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/factsandfigures/economy/economy.asp

Key Findings 2004-2006

Loss of manufacturing in Carlisle (-16%)

Strong growth in hotels/restaurant sector in Allerdale (=29%)

Business services showed falls in Allerdale (-16%) and Carlisle (-19%).

Cumbria Business Survey, April 2008, BMG Research for Cumbria Economic Intelligence Partnership 40% of businesses describe the market as being one in a period of growth, 43% describe the market as stable, 16% feel their market is contracting.

Computer Usage Over three-quarters of businesses (76%) have adopted computers or computerised machinery within their business as an aid to business processes or production. Amongst

computer users, 66% consider their current provision to be satisfactory for their needs, whilst 33% feel that improvements could be made (including 5% who state that

significant upgrades are required). Those highlighting a need for improvements are most likely within transport & communications (41%) and agriculture (36%).

Internet Access 91% of computer users have an internet connection and 78% of computer adopters have broadband. Of those with an internet connection, 63% have their own website, from

31% in agriculture to 85% in the hotels & restaurants sector.

Business Profile

The industrial base of Cumbria is varied, with no individual industry type accounting for more than one in five businesses. The four largest Cumbrian sectors include

business & professional services (19%), wholesale & retail (18%), construction (13%) and hotels & restaurants (12%).26

The urban and rural economies of Cumbria differ to an extent; within urban areas, the largest individual industry sector is wholesale & retail (23%), whilst for rural areas, this

is supplanted by primary industries (22%), and particularly agriculture (also 22%).

Workforce size Approaching nine in ten businesses (87%) are micro-businesses, having up to ten members of staff at that site. A further 7% of businesses have between 11 and 25 staff, and

4% between 26 and 100 staff. The remaining 2% have over 100 staff.

Micro-businesses (those with up to ten staff) are least likely to be found within the following sectors: utilities27 (59%); health, education and other community services

(26%); and manufacturing (22%). By location, Carlisle businesses are least likely to be micro sites (82%).

Cumbria Economic Plan, Consultation Draft, August 2007, Cumbria Vision


Historically low growth in new enterprises is steadily improving….Since 2000 however, the Cumbrian growth rate has been more favourable, with all districts except Eden

matching or out performing the national average. In terms of the survival rate for newly-registered businesses, all districts of Cumbria fare significantly better than the nation

or region as a whole.


Note that the industry classification table is weighted to represent the actual breakdown of businesses within Cumbria according to the ONS Annual Business Inquiry. This does not represent the actual exact number

or type of businesses interviewed in the study. 27

Not included in the table due to the small sample base of seven respondents.

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Examining Affordability of Houses in Cumbria using StreetValue and Paycheck , Information and Inteligence, Policy Unit, Cumbria County Council.


Using 2005 CACI data.

Ward level Summary Incomes and House Prices Ward Mean Price, £ Median Price, £ Mean Income, £ Median Income £ Affordability Ratio % households who can afford median price

Burgh 209,108 213,000 36,558 31,989 6.66 11

Holme 149,495 170,000 27,052 23,467 7.24 8

Marsh 164,268 166,000 31,692 27,727 5.99 11


Flimby, AR = 3.12, (52% households can afford median price)

Lyth Valley, AR = 10.44 (2% households can afford median price)

Recent house price changes Average house price % change in last quarter % change over the last year

Cumbria £171,865 -0.4 6.5

Allerdale £167,403 -2.0 3.5

Carlisle £146,999 -1.5 5.5

BBC website, accessed 29/4/08

Source – Land Registry of England and Wales. Figures are for the period Oct-Dec 2007.

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NOMIS (official labour market statistics) website, accessed 16/5/08


Table 13 vat registrations/deregistrations by industry

ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis on 16 May 2008]

area type local authorities: district / unitary

area name Allerdale

item name stocks at end of year

Industry 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

1 : Agriculture; Forestry and fishing (SIC A,B) 985 985 980 985 970

2 : Mining and quarrying; Electricity, gas and water supply (SIC C,E) 5 5 5 5 5

3 : Manufacturing (SIC D) 170 180 175 175 175

4 : Construction (SIC F) 380 415 420 440 435

5 : Wholesale, retail and repairs (SIC G) 585 595 595 600 610

6 : Hotels and restaurants (SIC H) 370 385 405 415 430

7 : Transport, storage and communication (SIC I) 140 135 130 130 135

8 : Financial intermediation (SIC J) 20 20 25 30 30

9 : Real Estate, renting and business activities (SIC K) 385 440 455 490 500

10 : Public administration; Other community, social and personal services (SIC L,O)

140 145 140 140 140

11 : Education; health and social work (SIC M,N) 40 40 35 35 40

Column Total 3,220 3,345 3,365 3,445 3,470

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Table 14 vat registrations/deregistrations by industry

ONS Crown Copyright Reserved [from Nomis on 16 May 2008]

area type local authorities: district / unitary

area name Carlisle

item name stocks at end of year

Industry 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

1 : Agriculture; Forestry and fishing (SIC A,B) 770 760 765 755 745

2 : Mining and quarrying; Electricity, gas and water supply (SIC C,E) 5 5 5 5 5

3 : Manufacturing (SIC D) 205 210 210 220 225

4 : Construction (SIC F) 380 410 435 470 490

5 : Wholesale, retail and repairs (SIC G) 665 670 680 695 705

6 : Hotels and restaurants (SIC H) 260 275 280 280 280

7 : Transport, storage and communication (SIC I) 225 230 250 250 260

8 : Financial intermediation (SIC J) 15 20 20 25 30

9 : Real Estate, renting and business activities (SIC K) 485 515 540 580 615

10 : Public administration; Other community, social and personal services (SIC L,O)

155 155 155 155 155

11 : Education; health and social work (SIC M,N) 60 60 60 70 75

Column Total 3,225 3,310 3,400 3,505 3,585

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Caravan Parks

Table 15 Caravan Parks within the AONB and numbers of licenced pitches.

Caravan Park Location No. of licences No. of caravans

Glendale Caravan Park Port Carlisle 220 220

Dickinson Place Caravan Park Allonby 33 24

Manor House Caravan Park Allonby 142 142

Rowanbank Caravan Park Beckfoot 33 33

Spring Lea Caravan Park Nr Allonby 100 100

Westville Holiday Parks Allonby 56 49

Mealo House Caravan Park Allonby 120 120

Blue Dial Caravan Park Nr Allonby 152 152

Vicarage Field Caravan Park Allonby 80 69

Total 936 909

Information on the sites located within the AONB obtained from the Yellow Pages website and brochures received from Silloth TIC, May 2008. Sites confirmed and

licence and caravan information from Choctaw Media based on information provided by Allerdale Borough Council.

Other caravan sites are located around Silloth (Yellow Pages and tourist Information), which although may not be located within the AONB, provided bases for

tourists visiting the AONB and supporting the local economy. These include:

Solway Holiday Village, Silloth (caravans and camping)

Tanglewood Caravan Park, Causewayhead, Silloth

Stanwix Park Holiday Centre, Silloth

Broughton Farm Caravans, Skinburness

Moordale Caravan Park, Silloth

Tarnside Caravan Park, Silloth

Hotels - Information from Yellow Pages website and TIC.

Kings Arms Inn, Bowness on Solway

Baywatch hotel, Allonby

Golf Hotel, Silloth

Queens Hotel, Silloth

The Skinburness Hotel, Silloth

Other accommodation

Bed and Breakfast, Guest houses, Self catering

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