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  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework



    of a Statewideof a StatewideWater Quality TradingWater Quality Trading


    Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    What is Water Quality Trading?

    Water quality trading is an exchange ofpollutant reduction credits.

    A buyer with a high pollutant control cost canpurchase pollutant reduction or treatment

    from a willing seller.

    Trading can produce substantial cost savingsbut must result in an improvement in waterquality and a net reduction of the pollutantbeing traded.

    Trading also can provide ancillaryenvironmental benefits such as floodretention, riparian improvement and habitat.

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Trading is a Potential Tool

    Several options exist to meet WQBELs and TMDL

    allocations including:

    Modifying wastewater treatment systems Modifying your production process to limit additives or

    raw materials


    Options can be used in combination

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    TMDL = LA + WLA + MOS


    LA = Load AllocationLA = Load Allocation

    (Nonpoint Sources)(Nonpoint Sources)

    WLA = Wasteload AllocationWLA = Wasteload Allocation

    (Permitted Point Sources)(Permitted Point Sources)

    MOS = Margin of SafetyMOS = Margin of Safety

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    WLA and LA

    Waste Load Allocation

    Waste Water Treatment Plants

    (WWTPs )/ Publicly Owned

    Treatment Works (POTWs)

    Municipal Separate Storm Sewer

    Systems (MS4s)

    Concentrated Animal Feeding

    Operations (CAFOs)

    General permits

    Industries Non-Metallic Mines

    Construction Sites

    Load Allocation



    Non-permitted urban

    (no MS4 permit)

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Assemble a stakeholder group of thoseAssemble a stakeholder group of thoseinterested parties in watershed based tradinginterested parties in watershed based trading

    issues and develop aissues and develop a trading frameworktrading


    including any recommended rules or guidance toincluding

    any recommended rules or guidance tofacilitate watershedfacilitate watershed based trading, and reportbased trading, and report

    back to the Board no later than July 1, 2011.back to the Board no later than July 1, 2011.

    June 2010 NRB ResolutionJune 2010 NRB Resolution

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Specific ObjectivesSpecific Objectives

    Develop a water quality trading framework that:Develop a water quality trading framework that:

    Encourages water quality tradingEncourages water quality trading

    Prevents exceedances of water quality standardsPrevents exceedances of water quality standards

    Results in more water quality improvement than in theResults in more water quality improvement than in theabsence of tradingabsence of trading

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Denny CaneffDenny Caneff, River Alliance of Wisconsin, River Alliance of Wisconsin

    Paul KentPaul Kent, Municipal Environmental Group, Municipal Environmental Group

    Betsy LawtonBetsy Lawton, Midwest Environmental Advocates, Midwest Environmental Advocates

    Melissa MalottMelissa Malott, Clean Wisconsin, Clean Wisconsin

    Kevin SchaferKevin Schafer, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Tom SigmundTom Sigmund, Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District

    Pat SutterPat Sutter, Dane County Land & Water Conservation Department, Dane County Land & Water Conservation Department

    Dave TaylorDave Taylor, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District

    John UmhoeferJohn Umhoefer, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association

    Paul ZimmermanPaul Zimmerman, Wisconsin Farm Bureau, Wisconsin Farm Bureau

    Meeting summaries:Meeting summaries: http://http://fyi.uwex.edu/wqtradingfyi.uwex.edu/wqtrading//

    External Stakeholder Committee MembersExternal Stakeholder Committee Members

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    WQT Framework ReportWQT Framework Report SummarySummary

    Introduction and BackgroundIntroduction and Background

    Part 1: Summary of Water Quality Trading EffortsPart 1: Summary of Water Quality Trading Efforts

    Part 2: Draft FrameworkPart 2: Draft Framework

    Part 3: Action/RecommendationsPart 3: Action/Recommendations


  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Wisconsins History with Trading

    Fox River BasinFox River Basin Developed guidance,Developed guidance,

    element list, issueelement list, issuesummary, and reports.summary, and reports.

    Rock River BasinRock River Basin Developed aDeveloped a

    framework andframework andpursued some tradespursued some tradesbut lack of sufficientbut lack of sufficient

    economic incentiveseconomic incentivesprevent trades.prevent trades.

    Red Cedar BasinRed Cedar Basin City of CumberlandCity of Cumberland


  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    EPA Trading Program Structure

    EPA Guidance for trading and NPDES permit programs:EPA Guidance for trading and NPDES permit programs:

    Water quality trading programs must meet requirements of theWater quality trading programs must meet requirements of theClean Water Act.Clean Water Act.

    The Clean Water Act provides legal authority for states and tribesThe Clean Water Act provides legal authority for states and tribesto develop and administer trading programs.to develop and administer trading programs.

    EPA's 2003EPA's 2003 National Water Quality Trading PolicyNational Water Quality Trading Policy(Trading Policy)(Trading Policy)

    recommends basic ground rules for trading.recommends basic ground rules for trading.

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    WQT Framework ContentsWQT Framework Contents

    Part 2: Draft FrameworkPart 2: Draft Framework

    2.1 Pollutant Parameters Acceptable for WQT2.1 Pollutant Parameters Acceptable for WQT

    2.2 Appropriate Circumstances for WQT2.2 Appropriate Circumstances for WQT

    2.3 Location and Geographic Scope2.3 Location and Geographic Scope

    2.4 Credit Threshold2.4 Credit Threshold

    2.5 Trade Ratios2.5 Trade Ratios

    2.6 Timing of Credit Generation and Use2.6 Timing of Credit Generation and Use

    2.7 Trade Duration2.7 Trade Duration

    2.8 Quantifying Credits2.8 Quantifying Credits2.9 Compliance and Enforcement2.9 Compliance and Enforcement

    2.10 Trade Administration2.10 Trade Administration

    2.11 Legal Issues and Statutory Changes2.11 Legal Issues and Statutory Changes

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.1 Pollutant Parameters Acceptable for WQT2.1 Pollutant Parameters Acceptable for WQT






    Dissolved Oxygen-related ParametersDissolved Oxygen-related Parameters

    e.g., Biochemical oxygen demande.g., Biochemical oxygen demand

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.2 Appropriate Circumstances for WQT2.2 Appropriate Circumstances for WQT

    WQT May be UsedWQT May be Used

    Demonstrate compliance with WQBELsDemonstrate compliance with WQBELs

    Offset pollutant load from new or expanded dischargerOffset pollutant load from new or expanded discharger

    WQT not allowed when localizedWQT not allowed when localized

    exceedances of water quality standardsexceedances of water quality standards will occurwill occur

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.3 Location and Geographic Scope2.3 Location and Geographic Scope

    Non-TMDL WQBELsNon-TMDL WQBELs Credits must be generated upstreamCredits must be generated upstream

    TMDL WQBELsTMDL WQBELs Credits may be generated within the drainageCredits may be generated within the drainage

    area for the impaired segment (segmentshed)area for the impaired segment (segmentshed)

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Figure 1: No Impaired WatersFigure 1: No Impaired Waters

    Reach A

    (100 ug/l)

    Reach B

    (100 ug/l)

    Reach C

    (100 ug/l)

    Reach D(WQC 100 ug/l)

    Reach E

    (75 ug/l)

    Reach F

    (75 ug/l)

    PS 1TBEL: 1,000 ug/lNR 217: 900 ug/l

    PS 2TBEL: 1,000 ug/lNR 217: 800 ug/l

    PS 3TBEL: 1,000 ug/lNR 217: 300 ug/l

    Trade should occur

    upstream of point


    If trading to meet

    WQBELs, trade should

    occur in same watershedand not create violations

    in local water quality


  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Figure 2: Impaired Waters with TMDLFigure 2: Impaired Waters with TMDL

    Reach A

    (100 ug/l)

    Reach B

    (100 ug/l)

    Reach C

    (100 ug/l)

    Reach D(WQC100 ug/l)

    Reach E

    (75 ug/l)

    Reach F

    (75 ug/l)

    PS 1

    TBEL: 1,000 ug/l

    NR 217: 100 ug/l

    TMDL: 650 ug/l

    PS 2

    TBEL: 1,000 ug/l

    NR 217: 800 ug/l

    TMDL: 600 ug/l

    PS 3

    TBEL: 1,000 ug/l

    NR 217: 75 ug/l

    TMDL: 400 ug/l

    Trade location set

    based on the


    responsible for the


    The trade must occur

    in the watershed of

    that waterbody

    assigning the WLA.

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.4 Credit Threshold2.4 Credit Threshold

    Credits Generated byCredits Generated by Point SourcePoint Source

    Lesser of WQBEL or TBELLesser of WQBEL or TBEL

    Credits Generated byCredits Generated by Nonpoint SourceNonpoint Source

    Lesser of TMDL LA or PerformanceLesser of TMDL LA or Performance

    StandardStandard (e.g., ch. NR 151)(e.g., ch. NR 151)

    5-yr Interim Credit = Reduction from Existing5-yr Interim Credit = Reduction from ExistingPollutant LoadPollutant Load

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.5 Trade Ratio2.5 Trade Ratio

    Uncertainty - Based on effectiveness and ease of verification of theUncertainty - Based on effectiveness and ease of verification of the

    management practices employed. Practices will be classified intomanagement practices employed. Practices will be classified into

    different categories and assigned ratios.different categories and assigned ratios.

    Lower RatioLower Ratio 2:1 Ratio2:1 Ratio Higher RatioHigher Ratio

    Companion CropsCompanion Crops Buffer withBuffer withupland practicesupland practices

    Tillage PracticesTillage Practices

    Fall cover cropsFall cover crops Buffer withoutBuffer withoutsupportingsupportingpracticespractices

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    Management Practices MenuManagement Practices Menu




    UncertaintyUncertaintyTrading RatioTrading Ratio

    Schedule forSchedule forCredit UseCredit Use



    Credit UseCredit UseRestrictionsRestrictions

    Companion CropsCompanion Crops 2.5 lbs P per2.5 lbs P peracrePIacrePI-1-1in.in.


    1.21.2 Credits may beCredits may bebanked andbanked and

    used over theused over theentire year.entire year.

    First monthFirst monthsecond coversecond cover

    crop establishedcrop established

    Credits may notCredits may notbe carried overbe carried over

    from year to year.from year to year.



    Buffer StripsBuffer Strips

    Vegetative FilterVegetative FilterStripsStrips

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.5 Trade Ratio2.5 Trade Ratio

    Delivery (distance between generator and user)Delivery (distance between generator and user) TMDL Same factors used in TMDLTMDL Same factors used in TMDL Non-TMDL USGS SPARROW model for P, N and sedimentNon-TMDL USGS SPARROW model for P, N and sediment

    Equivalency (form of pollutant)Equivalency (form of pollutant) Not necessary with phosphorusNot necessary with phosphorus Not yet specified for N and sedimentNot yet specified for N and sediment

    RetirementRetirement Concept addressed with interim creditsConcept addressed with interim credits

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.6 Timing of Credit Generation and Use2.6 Timing of Credit Generation and Use

    Credits must be generated before they areCredits must be generated before they are

    usedused Point source pollutant reduction must be measurablePoint source pollutant reduction must be measurable

    BMP in-place and effectiveBMP in-place and effective

    Credit use timing depends on credit sourceCredit use timing depends on credit source

    Point source Averaging period of limitPoint source Averaging period of limit Nonpoint Anytime during calendar yearNonpoint Anytime during calendar year

    (highly variable discharge exception)(highly variable discharge exception)

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.7 Trade Duration2.7 Trade Duration

    Water Quality Trade ends:Water Quality Trade ends:

    At conclusion of BMP lifespan, orAt conclusion of BMP lifespan, or

    When one of the trading partners endsWhen one of the trading partners endstrade agreementtrade agreement

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.8 Quantifying Credits2.8 Quantifying Credits

    Nonpoint Source CreditsNonpoint Source Credits SNAP-Plus and RUSLE2 for agricultural fieldSNAP-Plus and RUSLE2 for agricultural field


    SLAMM and P-8 for urban practicesSLAMM and P-8 for urban practices

    Point Source CreditsPoint Source Credits Effluent monitoringEffluent monitoring

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.9 Compliance and Enforcement2.9 Compliance and Enforcement

    Credit Users WPDES PermitCredit Users WPDES Permit

    WQBELs and Effluent MonitoringWQBELs and Effluent Monitoring

    Language Allowing Use of CreditsLanguage Allowing Use of Credits Application Submittal RequirementApplication Submittal Requirement

    Effluent Limit when TradingEffluent Limit when Trading (e.g. TBEL)(e.g. TBEL) Reporting Requirements for Credits UsedReporting Requirements for Credits Used

    Management Practice CertificationManagement Practice Certification

    Annual Inspection of ManagementAnnual Inspection of ManagementPracticePractice

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.9 Compliance and Enforcement2.9 Compliance and Enforcement

    Application for TradingApplication for Trading

    Submitted by permittee credit user for DepartmentSubmitted by permittee credit user for Departmentapprovalapproval

    Indentifies credit generatorIndentifies credit generator

    Identifies credit generation method (e.g.,Identifies credit generation method (e.g.,management practice)management practice)

    Provides site location where credits are generatedProvides site location where credits are generated Provides amount of credits that will be generatedProvides amount of credits that will be generated

    Provides date when credits become availableProvides date when credits become available

    Provides trade ratio for each site and practice.Provides trade ratio for each site and practice.

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.10 Trade Administration2.10 Trade Administration

    DNR intends to:DNR intends to: Develop management practices menuDevelop management practices menu

    Issue WPDES with WQT conditionsIssue WPDES with WQT conditions Track tradesTrack trades

    DNR will not act as broker or central exchangeDNR will not act as broker or central exchange

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


    2.11 Legal Issues and Statutory Changes2.11 Legal Issues and Statutory Changes

    Modify s. 283.84, Wis. Stats.Modify s. 283.84, Wis. Stats.

    Eliminate pilot program referenceEliminate pilot program reference

    Eliminate 5-year trade limitEliminate 5-year trade limit

    Provide authority for rulemakingProvide authority for rulemaking Provide authority for WQTProvide authority for WQT

    permit conditionspermit conditions

    No rule changes at this timeNo rule changes at this time

  • 8/2/2019 State-wide Water Quality Trading Framework


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