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Page 1: Statement of Ethics - Wingecarribee Shire · The Statement of Ethics is an accompanying document to the Code of Conduct, and Business Ethics. The long term view is that these should

Wingecarribee Shire Council

Statement of Ethics

Page 2: Statement of Ethics - Wingecarribee Shire · The Statement of Ethics is an accompanying document to the Code of Conduct, and Business Ethics. The long term view is that these should

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Contents Section 1 Foreword ................................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 Corporate Statements ............................................................................................................. 4 Staff Obligations ...................................................................................................................... 4 Councillor Obligations ............................................................................................................. 5 Summary of Ethics - staff ........................................................................................................ 5 Guidelines on Professional Conduct ....................................................................................... 6 Section 2 Guidelines on Responsibilities ................................................................................................ 8

Page 3: Statement of Ethics - Wingecarribee Shire · The Statement of Ethics is an accompanying document to the Code of Conduct, and Business Ethics. The long term view is that these should

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Section 1 - Foreword In order to achieve the Council’s mission and values, and work effectively and efficiently within the local government sector and with the community and stakeholders, Wingecarribee Shire Council (WSC) must:

Uphold a position of integrity Maintain public confidence Operate within an ethical framework

Council’s Code of Conduct sets the minimum requirements of conduct for council officials in carrying out their functions. The Statement of Ethics was developed to assist council officials to:

Understand the standards of conduct that are expected of them Enable them to fulfil their statutory duty to act honestly and exercise a reasonable

degree of care and diligence Act in a way that enhances public confidence in the integrity of local government

This is the first time that it has been developed and covers actions of both staff and Councillors and complements Council’s Code of Conduct. As Local Government practitioners and Councillors, we use our knowledge and skills for the benefit of the community to provide services and solutions for a sustainable future. In doing so, we strive to serve the community ahead of other personal or sectional interests. As staff and Councillors we need to respect each other, our customers and clients, our Indigenous community, people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, the WSC’s resources and its reputation. Our Statement of Ethics defines the values and principles that shape the decisions we make as local government practitioners and Councillors. The Guidelines on Professional Conduct within this Statement provide a framework for staff to use when exercising their judgement in practice. We must encourage and contribute to a positive organisational culture that will result in a professional, safe and healthy work environment. By conducting ourselves in a professional and ethical manner at all times, we are reflecting principles contained in the Statement of Ethics (and Code of Conduct). Ann Prendergast Clr Duncan Gair General Manager Mayor

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Introduction The WSC Statement of Ethics (the Statement) sets out the ethical principles and professional standards of conduct you are expected to adopt in the course of your employment, and in the performance of your duties as a local government practitioner. The Statement is not intended to be a comprehensive set of rules but rather a set of principles that will form an ethical framework for your conduct and behaviour in the workplace. If called upon to do so, staff are expected to justify any departure from both the provisions and spirit of the Statement. It provides guidance on how to:

Carry out your duties in a lawful and ethical way Interact with other WSC staff, other professionals (contractors, consultants, etc.) and

members of the public in a fair and courteous manner Ethical practice requires judgment, interpretation and balanced decision-making in context. Council recognises that, while our ethical values and principles are enduring, standards of acceptable conduct are not permanently fixed. Community standards and the requirements and aspirations of local government practices will develop and change over time. Within limits, what constitutes acceptable conduct may also depend on the nature of individual circumstances. All permanent, temporary and casual staff are required to comply with the Statement and approved Council policies. If you have any concerns or are uncertain about your own responsibilities, the lawfulness or appropriateness of a Council policy, practice, or direction you should discuss these with a more senior member of staff. Alternatively, you can call Council’s Organisational Performance Branch on 4868 0766 for a confidential discussion. While your concern is being handled you should, as far as practicable, comply with the policy or practice in question, unless it would be unsafe to do so. Allegations of non-compliance will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and administered in accordance with the disciplinary regulations. Key documents and contacts in each section of this Statement provide additional reference points and explanations about the topics. This information is not intended to be exhaustive but as an indicator as to where further information may be obtained. The Statement of Ethics is an accompanying document to the Code of Conduct, and Business Ethics. The long term view is that these should be one document.

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Corporate Statements

Council’sMission‘To create and nurture a vibrant and diverse community, growing and working in harmony with our urban, agricultural and natural environments.’

Vision An innovative and effective organisation with strong leadership A community that values and protects the natural environment enhancing its health

and diversity A vibrant and diverse community living harmoniously, supported by innovative

services and effective communication with Council A community that values and protects the natural environment enhancing its health

and diversity A strong economy that encourages and provides employment, business opportunities

and tourism

Values Integrity, Trust and Respect Responsibility and Accountability Communication and Teamwork Service Quality

Staff Obligations The Code of Conduct and Statement of Ethics requires all WSC staff to:

Show respect for all persons associated with Council duties whether they be community, staff, clients or customers

Perform duties with professionalism, objectivity, honesty, integrity and compassion Be conscientious, fair and equitable in the performance of duties, and accountable

for actions and decisions Uphold public service above private interests Avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest Ensure the proper use of official information Maintain proper standards of confidentiality Ensure efficient and effective use of public resources Demonstrate leadership Implementation of relevant Government legislation and policies impartially Report suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct and Statement of Ethics and any

actual or suspected corrupt behaviour

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Councillor Obligations The Code of Conduct and Statement of Ethics requires all WSC Councillors to1:

Abide wholeheartedly by the spirit and letter of the Seven Principles of Public Life set out by Lord Nolan in 1995: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership

Be guided by considered evidence, our real world experience and expertise, our constituencies and our consciences

Be non-discriminatory, ethical and committed to pluralism Make decisions transparently and openly at every stage and level of the political

process, enabling people to see how decisions are made and the evidence on which they are based

Listen, consulting our communities constantly and innovatively Treat political opponents with courtesy and respect, challenging them when we

believe they are wrong, and agreeing with them when we believe they are right Resist abuses of power and patronage and promote democracy at every level Work with other elected members as a Group with a chosen spokesperson (Mayor) Claim expenses, salaries and compensation openly so the public can judge the value

for money of our activities

Summary of Ethics - staff Specific to the Statement of Ethics, a summary of staff responsibilities is as follows:

1. Demonstrate Integrity 1.1 Act on the basis of a well-informed conscience 1.2 Be honest and trustworthy 1.3 Respect the dignity of all persons

2. Practise Competently

2.1 Maintain and develop knowledge and skills 2.2 Represent areas of competence objectively 2.3 Act on the basis of adequate knowledge

3. Exercise Leadership

3.1 Uphold the reputation and trustworthiness of being a local government practitioner

3.2 Support and encourage diversity 3.3 Communicate honestly and effectively, taking into account the reliance of

others on our expertise 3.4 Drive growth and change 3.5 Manage for results

4. Promote Sustainability

4.1 Engage responsibly with the community and other stakeholders 4.2 Practise our expertise to foster the health, safety and well-being of the

community and the environment 4.3 Balance the needs of the present with the needs of future generations

1 as adapted from The Bell Principles

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Guidelines on Professional Conduct 1. Demonstrate integrity

1.1 Act on the basis of a well-informed conscience a) Be discerning and do what you think/know is right b) Act impartially and objectively c) Act appropriately, and in a professional manner, when you perceive

something to be wrong d) Give due weight to all legal, contractual and employment obligations

1.2 Be honest and trustworthy

a) Accept, as well as give, honest and fair criticism b) Be prepared to explain your work and reasoning c) Give proper credit to those to whom proper credit is due d) In managing perceived conflicts of interest, ensure that those conflicts are

disclosed to relevant parties in accordance with the Code of Conduct e) Respect confidentiality obligations, expressed or implied f) Do not engage in fraudulent, corrupt, or criminal conduct

1.3 Respect the dignity of all persons

a) Treat others with courtesy and without discrimination or harassment b) Apply knowledge and skills without bias in respect of race, religion, gender,

age, sexual orientation, marital or family status, national origin, or mental or physical impairment

2. Practice competently

2.1 Maintain and develop knowledge and skills a) Continue to develop relevant knowledge and expertise b) Act in a careful and diligent manner c) Seek peer review d) Support the ongoing development of others

2.2 Represent areas of competence objectively

a) Practise within areas of competence b) Neither falsify nor misrepresent qualifications, experience or responsibilities

2.3 Act on the basis of adequate knowledge

a) Practise in accordance with legal and statutory requirements, and with the commonly accepted standards of the day

b) Inform supervisor if a task requires qualifications and experience outside your areas of competence

2.4 Ensure a customer focussed orientation

a) Understand customer needs and provide solutions for positive outcomes b) Provide consistent high quality, excellent experiences to customers in the

provision of Council’s services c) Incorporate customer perspective all decision and activities

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3. Exercise leadership 3.1 Uphold the reputation and trustworthiness of a local government practitioner

a) Advocate and support the extension of ethical practice b) Engage responsibly in public service

3.2 Earn credibility

a) Aligns with Council’s culture b) Builds relationships c) Communication comprehensively

3.3 Support and encourage diversity

a) Select and provide opportunities for all practitioners on the basis of merit b) Promote diversity in leadership

3.4 Communicate honestly and effectively, taking into account the reliance of

others on your expertise a) Provide clear and timely communications on issues such as services,

costs, outcomes and risks

3.5 Drives progress and change a) Embraces and leads change b) Adds value to and advances the organisation. c) Demonstrates passion for the organisation

3.6 Managing for excellence

a) Technical proficiency b) Delivers on commitments c) Manages to achieve results

4. Promote sustainability

4.1 Engage responsibly with the community and other stakeholders a) Be sensitive to public concerns b) Inform supervisor, customers or clients of the likely consequences of

proposed activities on the community and the environment c) Promote the involvement of all stakeholders and the community in

decisions and processes that may impact upon them and the environment

4.2 Practise our expertise to foster the health, safety and well-being of the community and the environment a) Incorporate social, cultural, health, safety, environmental and economic

considerations into your tasks

4.3 Balance the needs of the present with the needs of future generations a) In identifying sustainable outcomes consider all options in terms of their

economic, environmental, social and cultural consequences b) Aim to deliver outcomes that do not compromise the ability of future life to

enjoy the same or better environment, health, well-being and safety as currently enjoyed.

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Section 2 - Guidelines on Responsibilities 1. Personal Responsibilities Council has a responsibility to provide you with access to policies and procedures you are required to comply with. As a member of WSC staff you have a responsibility to familiarise yourself with these and to cooperate in implementing them. You also have a responsibility to make enquiries if you are unsure about what action to take. You must act in a way that promotes public trust and confidence in the integrity of WSC’s operations and administration. You need to be aware that Council’s reputation can be affected by your actions at work and, in certain circumstances, by your conduct outside the workplace. You are required to:

At all times act faithfully, honestly diligently and in a lawful manner. Perform duties and functions in relation to Council as management will from time to

time allocate, including but not limited to, those duties and functions set out in the job description.

Act within your delegated authority and in accordance with Council’s policies and procedures, as amended from time to time and any other relevant legislative requirements

Conduct yourself in a professional and ethical manner at all times while at work or when your actions can be associated with WSC

Whenever required to be on duty, devote the whole of your time, attention, skills and ability to the performance of your obligations under this Contract.

Not at any time, do anything contrary to the interests of the Company or anything else which does or may bring Council into disrepute or cause loss or damage to Council by your actions or conduct

Use all proper means to maintain, improve and promote the work/goals of Council Be prepared to take personal responsibility and be accountable for your own

conduct, actions or omissions Co-operate with and obey lawful requests and reasonable, directions or instructions

given to you in the course of your employment by any person having the authority to do so.

Keep up with advances and changes in your area of expertise and in Council Attend meetings or training as reasonably organised by Council for required

performance in your role Disclose to your manager or supervisor any charge or conviction, that may impact on

your capacity to carry our your duties (e.g. loss of driver’s licence) Report behaviour that breaches Council policy

Keydocumentsandcontacts Code of Conduct GM Practice Note 6 – Acceptable use of the information and communication

technology resources Delegations Manual Occupational Health and Safety Policy Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Harassment Policy Drugs, alcohol and medication in the Workplace Procedure

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2. Manager and Supervisor Responsibilities An essential function of each manager and supervisor is the fair and effective management of their staff. If you are a manager or supervisor you are expected to demonstrate high standards of ethical conduct and to lead by example. You are required to:

Be accountable for your own actions or omissions, and those of your staff Be aware of acts or omissions that are sufficiently serious, repeated, or widespread

enough that you should have been aware of and corrected them Be fully informed about the matters you deal with Record and give reasons for your decision and actions to those people who are

affected Ensure workplace procedures and practices are established, complied with, and

regularly reviewed in your area Act as a role model by aligning personal conduct with the culture and business

values of Council’s strategic plan. Demonstrate energy and passion for the strategic objectives of Council Ensure your staff are informed of their duties and responsibilities, and receive

adequate information, instruction and training to achieve Council’s objectives and perform their duties effectively efficiently and safely

Manage staff to the performance standards and results expected and provide your feedback on their performance

Share information with your staff and encourage open communication and staff participation in the business of the workplace through individual and team consultation

Build relevant and enduring relationships with all stakeholders to achieve Council’s objectives

Be results focussed in planning, resourcing and implementing to Council’s objectives Make sure the workplace is free from all forms of harassment, discrimination and

bullying and resolve workplace disputes and grievances in a fair and timely manner and in accordance with the relevant policy

Ensure a safe workplace by undertaking appropriate risk assessments and establish safe work methods

Treat your staff courteously and fairly and consider any differences in views Promote and acknowledge excellence and innovation and deal fairly and effectively

with instances of under performance Be accountable and deliver on commitments as required Ensure work practices consider the diversity of staff members and customers Ensure adequate supervision so all tasks are developed, performed and completed

safely with regard to the safety of others and to the expectations set by Council

Keydocumentsandcontacts Code of Conduct GM Practice Note 15 – Guidelines for Grievance and Dispute Procedures WSC Guide to Performance Management GM Practice Note 11 – Guidelines for Administering Rostered Days Off GM Practice Note 29 – Variable Work Hours Anti Discrimination Act 1977 Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000 Occupational Health & Safety Policy Employee Assistance Program (1300 366 789) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policies & Harassment Policy

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3. Working ethically Working ethically is about ensuring we make decisions in accordance with Council’s values. Any information or advice you give or any decision you make should always be consistent with Council policies and procedures, Staff are required to follow principles of procedural fairness in decision making where those decisions impact on the rights or entitlements of others. You must always be able to justify a particular course of action and to demonstrate that a decision you have made is reasonable, fair and equitable in the circumstances. You are making an ethical decision when you:

Take into account all the relevant facts Take reasonable steps to obtain the necessary information to make a decision Be reasonably satisfied that the information is factual and correct Consider the merits of the case including the consequences of any proposed action,

and do not take irrelevant matters into consideration Ensure you make decision in a fair and impartial manner Keep full records of any decision you make.

Where your personal views conflict with the performance of you official duties – or you believe you cannot act impartially – discuss ways to resolve this with your manager. When exercising discretionary power, ensure the power is being used properly, impartially, equitably and consistently with relevant policies, guidelines and delegations. Decisions and actions should be made in a timely fashion, so that the persons affected by the decision are not disadvantaged by undue delay.

Keydocumentsandcontacts Statement of Business Ethics


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4. Responsibility to Council and the people of Wingecarribee Shire The people of the Wingecarribee Shire elect the Council to put into practice policies believed to be in the best interests of the community. As a member of this community you have a right to enter into public debate on political and social issues. However, regardless of your political or social views, when performing your duties as a Council employee you are required to:

Implement the policies and decisions of Council in an impartial, efficient and effective manner

Provide impartial and accurate advice Put the interests of the public above your personal interests or the interests of

another individual or group Ensure that any participation in political activities does not conflict with your Council

duties Ensure there is no likelihood that your comment on public issues could be interpreted

as being official Council comment made in your capacity as a staff member, unless you are authorised to make such public comment

Direct all media enquiries to the Media & Communications Officer and do not speak to the media without prior and written authorisation

Observe any requirements to resign or take leave if standing for election to State or Federal Parliament

Keydocumentsandcontacts Code of Conduct General Managers Practice Note 3 – Media contact

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5. Corrupt conduct and unlawful conduct As a Council employee, corrupt or unlawful conduct by you in the course of your duties is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Corrupt conduct includes any dishonest or improper use of position or information which provides, or may provide, a benefit to you or an associate of yours. Corrupt conduct also includes any action by a member of the public to influence you to act corruptly when carrying out your duties. Certain types of corrupt conduct and unlawful conduct may amount to a breach of NSW or Commonwealth law and may be referred to the police for investigation. Council defines serious misconduct as below and may terminate your employment without notice or without a payment in lieu of notice if you:

Commit any serious or persistent breach of any of the terms of your employment agreement or the Award

Are guilty of dishonesty, misconduct or neglect in the performance of your employment obligations

Are convicted of any criminal offence relevant to the performance of your employment obligations

Refuse to comply with any reasonable instruction or direction, this includes a failure on your behalf to comply with your obligations under any Council rules, policies and/or procedures and any directions given by management of Council

Fail to perform to the standard reasonably expected by Council, including persistent failure to achieve targets in your personal performance plan;

Obtain a medical assessment result that is not satisfactory to the Council and which objectively results in you being unable to perform your duties set out in your employment agreement;

Abuse alcohol or drugs whilst on duty or on Council premises or any other workplace, or just prior to commencing work on the premises, which adversely affects your ability to carry out your duties

Engage in physical abuse or display unreasonable verbal or physical threat or other aggression

Corrupt conduct or unlawful conduct in the course of employment may include, but is not limited to:

Theft and misappropriation of Council material or financial resources Offering or accepting bribes, commissions or secret payments Accepting a gift or benefit that is intended to, or is likely to, cause you to act in a

biased manner Fraudulent or criminal conduct Forgery and making false or fraudulent claims Misuse or unauthorised disclosure of information or material owned, held or

maintained by Council Willful or negligent damage to Council or third party resources Discriminatory behaviour Assault or other forms of unlawful violence against a person Possession or distribution of illegal drugs Possession or distribution of illegal pornography

Keydocumentsandcontacts Code of Conduct

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6. Protected disclosures If you report suspected corrupt conduct, maladministration or serious and substantial waste of public monies in accordance with the reporting system set out below, it will be deemed a protected disclosure under the Protected Disclosures Act 1994. To have the report treated as a protected disclosure, you are required to report suspected wrongdoing to one of the following Authorised Officers:

General Manager Director Corporate Services Manager Governance

Any manager who receives a report of suspected corrupt conduct must treat the report seriously and advise and encourage the staff member to inform one of the disclosure officers listed above. The report must be treated impartially and kept confidential. You can also report wrongdoing to specific external agencies such as:

Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) - for corrupt conduct The NSW Ombudsman - for maladministration The Auditor-General - for substantial and serious waste of public monies

Council will support you if you:

Report any suspected wrongdoing in accordance with the Council’s procedure for making a protected disclosure

Deal properly and quickly with reports you receive of suspected wrongdoing The Protected Disclosures Act 1994 affords protection against victimisation or discrimination to people who report suspected corrupt conduct to one of the persons or agencies specified above. Council may take disciplinary action against:

Any staff member found to have taken detrimental action against a person making a report of suspected corrupt conduct

Any staff member who makes reports proven to be vexatious, malicious, or lacking in foundation

Keydocumentsandcontacts GM Practice Note 16 – Protected Disclosures Act – Internal Reporting and

Investigating Procedures

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7. Conflict of interest A conflict of interest exists when it is likely that you could be influenced, or may appear to be influenced, by a personal interest (financial or otherwise) in carrying out your Council duties. Conflicts of interest that lead to partial or biased decisions may constitute corrupt conduct. Some circumstances that may give rise to a conflict of interest include:

If you, a family member, relative, friend, or associate has a financial interest in a matter you deal with or have the power to influence

Secondary employment or activities that conflict with your duties, or the efficient and safe work of Council

Personal political activities that conflict with your responsibility to undertake your duties in an impartial way

Making adverse public comments that relate to Council work or affect your capacity to undertake your duties effectively

Misusing your position or business information you have access to, to secure future employment advantages outside the Council or to benefit a family member, relative, friend or associate

You may often be the only person aware of the potential for conflict. To ensure that your honesty and integrity is not questioned, it is your responsibility to:

Recognise and disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest to your immediate manager or other senior manager

Take appropriate steps to resolve the conflict of interest in accordance with policy and prior to engaging in the affected work

Not misuse your position or make decisions that may, or may appear to obtain a benefit of any kind for yourself, family members, relatives, close friends or associates

Seek approval in accordance with relevant policy prior to embarking on any proposed private employment while giving employment with Council primary consideration

When you are uncertain whether a conflict exists, you should discuss this with your manager.

Keydocumentsandcontacts Private Employment Declaration Form Code of Conduct

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8. Respect for people WSC is committed to creating an environment where we can all enjoy rewarding and fulfilling professional working relationships and where differences are respected. Administrative decisions are to be based on sound management principles and on respect for people. As a member of staff you are required to:

Treat other staff, customers or members of the public fairly, with courtesy, respect and not give any preferential treatment

Ensure you do not discriminate against, harass, intimidate, bully or threaten staff, customers or members of the public

Ensure you do not victimise staff, customers, or members of the public for any reason, particularly if they may be involved in the investigation of misconduct or corrupt conduct

Not use the internet or email to access, create, store or distribute offensive documents or images including material that may be discriminatory, harassing, offensive, graphic or pornographic

Delete and/or report immediately any inappropriate email inadvertently opened by you

Commit to resolving personal or work-related disputes or differences in a constructive, cooperative and timely manner

Be sensitive to and respect the culture of the Indigenous community of Australia and the diverse ethnic and cultural background of staff, customers and members of the public

Harassment or discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, race, social origin, carers’ responsibility, religion, disability or illness, political opinion, industrial activity and irrelevant criminal record, transgender status (actual or presumed), or sexual preference (actual or presumed) may be an offence under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. In addition, staff must not harass or discriminate against others on the grounds of political or religious conviction or membership of a union. Report instances of discrimination, intimidation, victimisation, harassment, or workplace bullying that come to your attention to your manager or other senior manager. All such reports must also be referred to the Manager Organisational Performance.

Keydocumentsandcontacts EEO contact officer HR Team Leader Manager Organisational Performance Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policies Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Harassment Policy Equal Employment Management Plan

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9. Customer Service The people of Wingecarribee Shire and Council staff have a legitimate expectation that the service they receive from Council staff is of the highest standard that can be achieved with the available resources. In order to achieve a high level of customer service, Council and you as an individual are required to:

Deliver services in the most efficient and timely way Strive to improve standards of service Treat customers with respect, fairness and courtesy Listen to and understand what the customer wants and him/her an opportunity to

express their opinion Provide clear and accurate information and advice that is up-to-date and complete If you cannot provide the service requested, explain why and, if appropriate, discuss

with your management if the service can be provided in future Respond to customer complaints sensitively, appropriately and without undue delay

Keydocumentsandcontacts WSC Customer Service Charter

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10. Working efficiently WSC is entrusted with managing substantial public financial and material resources for the benefit of the people of Wingecarribee Shire. While you are carrying out your duties you are required to:

Ensure that your work is performed in an efficient, economical and effective manner, and to a standard acceptable to Council

Be conscientious in carrying out your duties and make the most productive use of your time while on duty

Work cooperatively and effectively within a team environment Look for ways to improve the way work is performed and services are delivered Ensure value for money is provided in all Council activities including services

provided by, or purchased from, other public and private sector organisations Avoid waste in the use of Council financial, material and human resources Use Council resources efficiently and effectively and for official purposes only. If you

wish to use Council resources for personal use you must seek approval from your Director

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11. Official and personal information All staff members are required to make full and accurate records of activities undertaken in the course of their work. You must take care to maintain the integrity and security of all WSC records and information, particularly personal information concerning staff and members of the public held by Council. As a general rule, you may only disclose Council information or records that are deemed to be in the public domain. You may only disclose other Council information or records:

Where your duties require you to do so. When proper authority has been given. When required or authorised to do so by law.

When called to give evidence in court. In respect of personal information, you are required to only:

Collect personal information for a lawful and authorised purpose, and where it is required as part of the exercise of your duties, with the express knowledge of the individual to whom the records relate

Use personal information for the purpose for which it is collected or held, unless authorised to do otherwise

Access, disclose or allow others to access personal information with the proper authority

Amend personal information held by Council with the proper authorisation

Misuse of official information is specifically included in the definition of corrupt conduct in the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988. The corrupt use or disclosure of personal information that a Council staff member has access to in the exercise of their duties, is an offence under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and penalties can be invoked under the Crimes Act 1900.

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12. Environmental awareness Environmental sustainability in design, planning, and construction are core values that underlie the operations and administration of WSC. Council staff have a responsibility to protect the environment and heritage, and achieve environmental outcomes which can be sustained. Council staff should be aware of the impact of work on the environment and make every effort to avoid and reduce impacts, energy use and minimise waste. As a member of staff, you are required to:

Comply with environmental legislation and regulations and work in accordance with all Council environmental guidelines, standards, and management procedures applicable to your area of work

Work carefully at all times to protect the environment in a manner consistent with Council’s legal environmental obligations

Report any environmental impacts, hazards or potential environmental management issues of which you become aware to the responsible officer, including poorly installed or poorly operating equipment encountered in your working day

Cooperate in the management of environmental matters, including responding to the reasonable directions of external environmental regulators

Participate in relevant environmental management consultation and training and use effective environmental management measures in your work

Use environmentally friendly products wherever possible and avoid waste of WSC resources

Be sensitive and responsive to environmental issues raised by the public, interested or affected parties; and where appropriate, involve the community in planning and implementation decisions

Where appropriate, demonstrate leadership and commitment in assessing and effectively managing environmental risks.

Keydocumentsandcontacts WSC Integrated Management System Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Heritage Act 1977 Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 Manager Environment & Sustainability Environment and Health Systems Officer

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13. Workplace safety The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 require Council to provide a safe workplace for staff wherever they perform their duties, and for visitors to Council premises and work sites. The Act and Regulation also impose obligations on all staff to take reasonable care of other persons at the workplace, and to cooperate with the implementation of safe systems of work. To ensure a safe workplace you are required to:

Follow all safety instructions and approved safe methods of work, including the wearing of safety clothing and equipment provided to you

Be familiar with and follow policies and procedures for the safety and security of Council staff, customers, premises, plant and equipment

Report any unsafe work practices or situations with potential to harm or injure staff or members of the public

Take swift and appropriate action to the best of your ability and expertise, to protect and ensure the safety of staff and the public in the event of an accident or incident

Take reasonable care for the health and safety of people at a Council workplace, who may be affected by your conduct

Ensure you are not impaired by drugs or alcohol while at work or while carrying out your duties

Participate, when required, in workplace health and safety consultation and training Assist in identifying risks at work and eliminating or controlling risks where requested

to do so

Not damage or destroy any information, materials, plant or equipment that are designed to ensure safety in the workplace

Council also has reporting obligations under occupational health and safety legislation. Where an accident has occurred at work or on Council premises, Council must report the incident to WorkCover NSW. As a consequence, you are required to:

Report any accidents or injuries in accordance with approved procedures Direct any enquiries relating to incidents at work or on Council premises to your

supervisor or manager

Keydocumentsandcontacts WSC OHS Policy WSC Integrated Management System Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 Drugs, alcohol and medication in the Workplace Procedure

Page 22: Statement of Ethics - Wingecarribee Shire · The Statement of Ethics is an accompanying document to the Code of Conduct, and Business Ethics. The long term view is that these should

WSC Statement of Ethics 21

14. Road safety When driving a vehicle or plant as part of your Council duties, you must:

Drive Council vehicles and operate Council plant safely and in accordance with the Law, namely the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 and Road Transport (General) Act 2005

Ensure you take frequent breaks when undertaking long distance journeys Not drive Council vehicles or operate Council plant while impaired by drugs or

alcohol, including prescribed or patented medicines Where required, ensure that appropriate traffic control plans and other road safety

procedures and protocols are established and followed on Council work sites

Keydocumentsandcontacts Road Safety Officer WSC leaseback agreement Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 Road Transport (General) Act 2005

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