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  • 8/3/2019 State's Exhibit 226 - PH April 30, 2004


    Friday, April 30, 2004R11:45 a.m. Naomie's Testimony of What

    Happened Through the NightWe arrived here last night about 11:00 p.m.

    You were out with thefamity untit about 12: 15 a.m.You came to your room and had Kate and I in hererubbing you. At 12:35 a.m. you asked what time itwas and I told you what time it was. You said "It'sthe 30th. We are into the 30th." You told Kate andIda to go to bed. You went unconscious right afterthat. You have been very still. You haven't reallymoved at all. Your body has been very still,outwardly, anyway.At 1:00 0 'clock a.m. you groaned and sighed

    and said, "Okay, Okay. I will do it. " At 1: 15 a.m.u said, "The Lord wants the ladies at R23 tomake sure these homes are getting cleaned as theyare getting finished. He is giving them un tit May5thfor the storehouse fridge and reezer room to becompleted. And then Mike and Luke are to head toR17 and continue in the push." You said at 1:30a.m. that the men were to leave R23 at 6:00 a.m. inthe morning, May rt. That is when the last peopleould leave, by 6:00 a.m. in the morning. Peopleould leave earlier than that, at least a halfhour,js 111b g t )JQl' f"jd 111(1)1 11'QlI'rJ 1tJ4W'(I( )'''11 (illVegas, Nevada and you would lead them to

    LasVegas?That is what you said. You said you wold leaver t and meet them there.LasVegas? I thought I said Colorado SpringsYes, you did.You said, "There is a spirit of oneness that is

    We must continue in the constantlighten up." You came to at 1 40

    m. and told me to turn off he music and turn onyou were very cold. It is now 2:00 0 'clock

    m. in the morning.6:00 a.m.

    1 talked to you last, finishing at 2:30 a.m. You0 'clock a.m. At

    3: 15 a. m. you said you were going to call thepeople at R17 this morning and tell them to allgather in the living room so you could talk to themand tell them they must increase their fervencythere. The wall ofopposition did move back some,but we are still under attack. We need to be morefervent and petition the Lord in greater faith thatHe will continue to bless us that we may continueto meet His time schedule.

    At 3: 30 a. m. you groaned and your body joltedfor a few minutes. Then you said that today youneeded everyone to do a cleanup of this wholeproperty and continue the cleanup of our homesand outside, beautifoing the land. You said, "If heweather permits we would do a major cleanupoutside." You went very quiet after that until 4:00o'clock a.m

    At 4: 15 a. m. I could feel the Lord was showingyou something. You said, "Oh, my. Oh, my. Thisis for real. It is no small thing. We must keepgoing. The Lord will bless us ifwe reach unto Him.There is a degree of oneness growing and He ispleased. "

    At 4:30 a.m. your body oltedagain. It trembledquite severely at that time. You said, "Every stepof he way requires an atonement. I am so willing,so willing." At 5:10 a.m. you said you hoped toarrive at R17 by 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. at night with thejb'9t ~ r a H f J tJojh, etN' m. Yl:l 3ttiti tl'fttt the fi, 3(Ietiers of ogs needed to be laid by midnight ofMayrt. You said, "If hese schedules are met the Lordhas a training on Sunday for everyone. Ifwe arereaching for the training and doing our part theLord will grant and avor us. "

    At 5:40 a.m. you said, "As we increase ouroneness and become a united people, the Lord willfight our battles on every hand. Nothing can breakthrough the power of oneness. It is up to usindividually to draw from the heavens that onenessin connection with me." You said, "It ishappening. The Lord is blessing us and willcontinue to do so, but we must do our part." Youcame to at 6: 00 0 'clock a. m. It is now 6: 10 a. m.

    6:16 a.m. Calling the Family at R17We can only be there on that land if you arestrength to the work ofbuilding up Zion. The work

    of building up Zion is first within, reaching for thestrength of heaven through prayer, revelation,

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    obedience, and sweet gratitude. Pray to be led,obey the sweet whisperings through the prayer ofrejoicing, the energy of reaching for oneness,exerting oneness to be a strength.This is April 30, it is a test on everyone in theCamp of Zion; and the Lord showed me howpeople involved in this mission one place of refuge

    can affect the success on other places of refuge.By tomorrow the men will be coming from R23 tothat place, R17, to meet a very tight, importantschedule. And I say to my family and all others:Exert that oneness today stronger than you did thelast three days. The Lord blessed us to give us afew more days before the government attack cameagainst us. The government attack is not removed,they can still come against us, but they are leavingus alone until May 5th So by May 4th , midnight, allthe concrete has to be poured on the walls andfloors ofthese two big buildings. The workers areworking hard and we need to ask the Lord tostrengthen us and them with the powers ofheaven,and you should feel the presence of the angels andthe Holy Spirit burning in you strong today if youare exerting the power ofoneness. This is a test onus. Do your duties, the Lord will do His. We haveto learn that building up Zion is a constant reachingfor the strength ofheaven and exerting it to bless.

    I would like to see a deep cleaning of that housetad a}' Fl,eqrhody mothers children5 jnsideand outside work hard in showing the Lord wewant to have a home that is a temple and do a majorspring cleaning inside and out, all around andexpand into the storehouse. Do all the cleaning ofwalls, ceiling, floors, doorknobs, doors, windows.Let us show the Lord we want a house that is atemple. Let us show Him that we will work hardtoday along with the workers, but us in our areas;and if that means put school off for today, fine, butkeep the little ones busy and not in the way; and letus put works to our faith and show the Lord that wemean business, that we want to be there. Don't letthere be any bad feelings or you will be detected bythe Lord. Your success blesses everyone. Youfailing will hurt everyone.

    Okay, dear family. I am trying to get hold ofErnest to give this message to everybody there, soStella tell Ernest to answer his phone. I will becalling in a few minutes. Prepare that room for ashort meeting ofme talking. Set the chairs up like

    a meeting, and you have already heard the messageso my children can be out and busy but notinterfere with my little meeting.The Lord will bless us with the powers ofheaven and strengthen everyone in our work today

    if we are one, exerting the gift of oneness. Stopyour selfish prayers, you selfish thoughts andfeelings. Stop living to please self. Stop tendingyour bad feelings. Come alive in the exertion ofoneness. Feel the heavenly increase today in youand in everyone around you. Say prayers ofrejoicing all day, thanking the Lord you are thereand you are privileged to work hard. Say prayersor rejoicing to Him, our Heavenly Father, for eachother. Pray for one another as you work together,said the Lord, to exert and earn the powers ofoneness. Come alive in this great mission.

    Have you been able to hear me? Okay. The testis on all ofus. I have people everywhere on all thelands of refuge, in Short Creek, and Canada, theyhave been praying fervently and here we are. Oh, Iyearn for us. Ifwe are not one then the powers ofdarkness will break through, the government willcome in, we will be a driven people. I hope we arenot waiting for some hardship before we startpraying hard. I hope the joy ofHeavenly Father'sSpirit makes us pray harder to be more grateful, todo more good, to be Zion. Don' t be laid back inyO)) own ljttle world Of lazjness Teach mychildren the joy ofwork. Have your hourly prayersand be fervent in them. Be Zion, family. Be Zion.

    Okay, Stella, run tell Ernest I am trying to callhim; and the family prepare that room and keep thechildren upstairs and downstairs while I talk to allthe families. Thank you, I love you all. Bye.7:11 a.m. Message to the People at R17

    Present at this meeting: Ernest Jessop andfamily, Raymond Jessop and family,Grandmothers Ruth Jeffs, Ruby Jeffs, GloriaJeffs, Grandmother Ruth Jessop, members of hefamilies of Warren Jeffs, Jim Jessop, JosephJessop, Moroni Steed, Seth Allred.Good morning, everyone. Ernest, tell me whichfamilies are present and who of he men are there.Elder Ernest Jessop: Ray and myself are theonly men here. Ray's family, my family, JosephSteed's family, and some ofyour family. Josephand Jim Jessop's families.

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    Okay. Dear people, I am delivering the Lord'smessage this morning. This is April 30, a vital dayin the Lord's schedule. We have just been throughthree days offasting and prayer. The Lord favoredus to a degree and moved the wall of oppositionback a few steps to give us time and room to meetthe Lord's schedule. The government attack is stillupon us. They still want to stop us and penalize usand make us so we cannot do as the Lord directs.The Lord favored the prayers of oneness. He hadthe men and families trained in this mission inCanada, Short Creek, and on all the places ofrefuge bowed in fervent prayer at those certainappointed times. Circle prayers, with the FirstPresidency also meeting together bowed in circleprayer. We had our one hour of fervent, silentprayer yesterday, and the Lord is showing us howhe battles ofZion are fought, how the blessings ofheaven are reached for and received. But it is aconstant, fervent prayer of oneness exerted. Therean be no lightmindedness or laziness orselfishness in Zion. Zion is the presence of Godnd the angels among us and the heavenly powersn us and round about us, even performing theiracles to do what the Lord directs.What we have been missing on this mission is

    of the exertion of oneness. Some haven fervent some have been not fervent. People"azmess. or w a ever, or e emp a IOns 0 athem. That destroys the oneness.o the Lord has had to humble this people therehow that it is only by His power that we canthis mission. He could bring the government

    us and carry us away. Now we have hadof

    in the state. This is how the battles ofn are fought. The Lord said, "I do not requirethe battles. I, the Lord, will fight your

    if you do what I say."Now, Zion is the love of the father perfected.

    ofn their nature. So every one of you ared for oneness to exist. No one can do yourof final preparation for you. Your success in

    of God in you is a blessing to

    everyone. If you fail through your laziness, bybeing distracted for whatever reason from yourHeavenly Father, then you hurt everyone, becausethe Lord will detect you. He reads our minds andhearts there so closely.The workers are praying so hard for the strength

    of heaven to attend them, but you ladies andchildren, if you are lazy spiritually, if you are notexerting the gift of oneness through sweetgratitude, the Lord will detect you. He will see thatwe are not one, that we are not all dedicated to Himand His cause, that we are still selfish, thinking ofourselves and our feelings and what we want, andHe won't bless the workers because of us. Andyou can't say, "Well, maybe I shouldn't be here.You are there. You are called of God. You onlyhave the one choice, because you have madesacred covenants. Get busy and be ye one. Exertthe gift of oneness through constant prayer,reaching to be led by revelation, and as you obeythe sweet whisperings in doing the will of thePriesthood over you, obey with a prayer ofgratitude with rejoicing. That is the exertion ofoneness, all through prayer. And you do what youare told.

    And as you are working and reaching for thestrength ofheaven to be a strength, you are prayingthat the Lord will bless everyone else, the workers,th ladies the children that all ill be fille withthe strength of heaven that we will be Zion. Allthat is lacking in that mission is this oneness.Some are doing it, some are not. So we are not one.Oneness is every person exerting the love of thefather by reaching through prayer to be led by HisSpirit and then obeying with a prayer of gratitudeunto God always being exerted. You are alwaysgrateful, every minute devoted to Him, to pleaseHim, your Heavenly Father. Today is a great testof oneness. The government is held back for a fewdays. The men are to have the cement walls allpoured on the meetinghouse. By May 5, they aresupposed to have the footings, floor and cementwalls, the foundation poured on the other bighouse.

    The Lord has promised that if this is done bytonight, midnight, and then tomorrow midnight,May first, the men are to have the first few tiers oflogs laid on the meetinghouse foundation, then theLord will have a meeting and special message forApril 30, 2004 Page 566 Record of President Warren Jeffs

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    the people there on Sunday, continued trainingneeded to learn the knowledge ofGod, that we maycome into the presence of God in His time. Andthat is Zion. That is our personal work, to becomeheavenly, Celestial in our nature. And in theCelestial Kingdom, every person is one with theFather, always exerting the love of the Fatherperfected. They think ofHim, live to please Him,reach for His strength, and do His will with aprayer of rejoicing. You are learning how to beheavenly, Celestial. To be Zion is heavenly,Celestial, sweet love on earth, heaven-sent,heaven-empowered.So dear people, what the Lord would like thefamilies to do today is to in their own houses showforth an effort of hard work and constant prayerwith rejoicing. The ladies assigned to the cookingneed to do that, and every family is called upon by

    the Lord to do a major deep cleaning of theirhouses inside and out - out around the property,sidewalks, porches - a deep cleaning, cleaning thewalls and vacuuming and washing the walls andwindows. And that whole property, all thebuildings where people live, go through a deepcleaning. Rally the children, the ladies, and let itbe a prayer of rejoicing as you are workingtogether; and all the while exerting that prayer ofoneness, reaching to be a strength and exerting aprayer of oneness to be a strength to everyone, tobuild up the Priesthood, to show the Lord we arewith Him. Will you do this, dear people?

    Response: Yes.In Zion there can be no bad feelings or evilthoughts because you are exerting the love of theFather unto perfection, which means every minuteearning a greater degree ofHis Spirit step by stepwith a prayer of rejoicing always working. Andmothers with children, be inspired. Be ahead ofthe troubles. Don't be the "get after" mothers that

    wait for the children to argue and fight before youare teaching them. Be with your children. Involvethem in the work. Separate them sufficientaccording to their age groups so that they areworking together. Don't let children grow up lazyin Zion. Be with the children, do the jobs with thechildren, don't just send them off to play; and letour children grow up with the happiness ofconstant prayer and constant hard work, thinkingofHeavenly Father, loving to bless others; having

    their times of rest yes, having their needs of foodand treats, but loving to give that to others andbless others in their work.Let the mothers be more quiet about their ownopinion and you will never be a gossip.Confidence between husband and wife causes awoman to not pass on to others what her husband is

    saying; and she is careful in her love towards sisterwives to not advertise what sister wives are sayingor doing. The love of God is a keeping of eachother's confidence. And your conversationsshould be comments of rejoicing in HeavenlyFather for your blessings and the privilege to bethere.The Lord has told me to tell the brethren therethat if any family members are not exertingoneness they should not be there. But the Lord hasgiven everyone a little bit oftime here, a test of hemen and women, to see who is exerting this gift ofoneness through prayer, revelation, obedience, andsweet gratitude always exerted. And I say it againhow it is done: Pray to be led, then obey the sweetwhisperings with a prayer of rejoicing exerted.Rejoicing in who? Not just in your blessings oryou have just become an idol worshiper. Yourejoice in your Heavenly Father and to Him forPriesthood and for the Spirit ofGod strengtheningyou; not just in that earthly strength or blessing,you rejojce jn your loying Heavenly Father for theblessings and then use those blessings to do Hiswill in obedience to Priesthood. You mustdiscipline your thinking and feelings through thisconstant gratitude prayer to be devoted to God inthe love ofGod.Now is the test, and the Lord will evenstrengthen the workers there and on other lands orefuge ifwe are one. Oneness is an exertion of thelove of the Father every minute with rejoicing.Reaching for His strength, exerting the heavenly

    strength to do His will and to bless others, that isthe description of oneness. It must exist in ourfamilies, among the workers, wherever we are. SoI repeat the training and I also tell you that the Lordhas great blessings if we will meet His schedule;and also He will allow me to come there andcontinue to train the brethren and the ladies and thechildren, all of you, with the needed gifts andblessings to qualify to build a temple andeventually come into the presence of God.Record of President Warren Jeffs Page 567 Friday, April 30, 2004

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    Without the keys of Priesthood among you, thefulness of Zion will not come. This is more thanust finding a little nitch and doing some work. It isa dwelling in the love and power of heaven.

    Can you still hear me? Hello. You can still hearme? Okay. Are they doing it downstairs on theother phone? Don't let that happen, they shouldn'tuse the phone. Okay, I hope you have heard thismessage, have you?

    I have had Isaac and the motor home stay there,but the Lord has told me to hold off sendinganyone back to give everyone the opportunity tolearn this gift of oneness exerted and show thathey want to be there and they will do it the Lord'sway. And in every man's family there, every Elderis to detect and be honest with me and the Lord thatif there is any selfish and bad feelings, and lack ofneness in a family, they should not be there onhat property; because the mission there ofstablishing Zion is the Lord's business and it muste done His way through His power. So the Lordas caused me to hold off and give us this time.

    Now we are to the Lord's schedule of April 30here the work has to be done here on R 17 and onof refuge by midnight tonight; then all

    of them, will come to that17, to do a hard, constant push on those twoings. And what the Lord wants to see is if

    is a fl8E)fl18 ViSE) saH 88 t8FRfl18 8Milai:ws aHame into His presence on that land. Thisjust your own private, selfishSacrifice your fallen nature ofCome alive in the cause of Zion

    of the gift andofoneness. This is the test on us today. And

    pand that effort to doo the storehouse and all around the storehouse.I am wondering, Ernest and Ray, if Rosemary

    ing with Nicole? You can decide if youto do that. Show the Lord we have aeffort there. I don't know what Josephed's ladies have as far as children there. I willfind out what their needs are. There are

    of Allen Steed's family there, is there? Doesteed have ladies there? Okay. And Josephis helping him on the storehouse so

    we will leave her to that duty. Jim Jessop's wife isin the storehouse and should be helping to takecare of the storehouse as her duties, and of coursehelping wherever, helping Mother Ruth Jessop.Paula is helping in the storehouse. And as I comethere I will better organize us in the workcrewmeals and so on. I had asked Seth Allred's wife,my daughter Shirley, to help Mother Gloria in thegarden and orchards.

    Now dear people, the threat of the governmentand the outside forces are real. We have justannounced to the government and the world that Icome there; and my enemies are seeking my life.They are searching for me. It will take great faithto bring me there and for me to be protected. Youroneness will bring forth that protection andblessings. You are needed. Don't let the evilwhisperings touch you because you are so busyexerting the love and prayer of gratitude toHeavenly Father in all things that you dwell inrevelation, obedience, and sweet gratitude - thatexertion of oneness making us Zion. You will doyou your own private kneel-down prayers throughthe day and you will work hard and look where elseyou can bless. You won't be talking of yourfeelings, your opinion of what you have heard; youwill be reaching to be led and you will be led with aprayer of gratitude working.

    Thank you for listening. This is a call of theLord. He told me to call you. Through hard workexert the prayers of oneness that the workerseverywhere will be strengthened, and the FirstPresidency strengthened in our mission. Comealive everyone. Today is a day of testing. Let itflow into tomorrow, the cleaning, the doing, as theworkers labor hard to lay up the first few tears oflogs by midnight tomorrow night.I hope to see you. I am on the Lord's errand. Igo where He sends me, and if we are one He is

    going to send me there by tomorrow night and intoSunday. The Lord bless you. Yearn for Zion byyearning for the approval of God to yearn for thepresence of God. In your yearning for Zion youare yearning for the presence of God, but theproper way to yearn for the presence of God is toyearn for His approval, to live in His approval, Hispower of oneness always exerted. Teach this to theyoung children by example. Let your commentsbe the voicing of sweet gratitude to Heavenlyay, April 30, 2004 Page 568 Record of President Warren Jeffs

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    Father and don't be distracted by your fallen natureof just useless talking and commenting. Be alivein the love ofGod every minute. ***

    So gather in and do this work call of the Lord,dear families. The Lord bless you all and I will bein contact. Heaven bless you.7:30 a.m. Calling Jerold Williams at R23Brother Jerold, good to hear you. I have a fewinstructions for you. The Lord directs that as thosehouses come to completion, the ladies should be inthem cleaning them and preparing them for use,okay?Jerold Williams: Yes, sir.And also we must stay on the Lord's schedule. Iwill leave a minimal crew there ifneeded, but all ofthe workers that are to go are to leave before 6:00a.m. tomorrow morning, with their trailers andeverything be off that property before 6:00 a.m.,and with Edson Jessop leading, the first groupleave at 4:30. A half hour later, the next groupleave at 5:00, and a last third group leave at 5:30,giving that half hour of time leeway to make surethey are gone by 6:00. They are to travel south, godown through Colorado on 125, into New Mexico,and I will meet them at a town called LasVegas,New Mexico. It will meet the first group there.They need to be spread out as they travel, and go

    il'tto Te,{flS thttt vre Me Bet eBe eig eFe'N tFaveliagalong. And even in their three groups, be spreadout to a degree, but where they can contact eachother ifthere is car trouble. Edson Jessop lead outthe first group.Jerold Williams: At 4:30?Yes. And that includes trucks, trailers, theirtravel trailers and such. We may need to send backfor some things. But you need to hold on to a truckand trailer to get the storehouse goods flowing.

    And we will work that out with me. You willcontact me on your needs on that. I will leaveMormon Steed with you. Also, by May 5, the Lordwants Mike Emack and Luke Jessop to have thewalk-in boxes done, and then go on to R17. SoMike Emack and Luke will stay there and workhard on some walk-in boxes - freezer andrefrigerator rooms.Jerold Williams: Does he know what boxes he

    is using?

    No. I just don't know. So ifyou attach it to theoutside, that is up to you.Jerold Williams: He mentioned one that was aShort Creek that used to be in Uncle Woodruff'shome that got moved down there that might beavailable from there. Is that what you would likeor ..... else?You get it where you need, but I gave you thedate the Lord gave me this morning. And then useBen E. and Rich and you, Mormon, and I will lookover the list. Is Wendell Jeffs there with you now?Jerold Williams: Yes. He made it back safelylast night, him and Rich.Is he doing all right?Jerold Williams: Yes. They are both fine. think his wife hadafew bruises ... steering wheel osomething .. but they are both fine. We are suregrateful.Very good.Jerold Williams: .... reconstruct thecabinets .. broken up like that . .Where were the cabinet coming from?Jerold Williams: They were some that Jamesbuilt and they got sent to Short Creek with the idea

    to get on the load that came up with the carpebefore .. but didn't get there in time. So we had toVery good.Jerold Williams: So we have had a number oreverses getting in the way, but we are making

    good headway. We have a lot to do today, but it icoming along pretty good.Very good.Jerold Williams: David mentioned that he wasending the insulation machine up on a truck thawas going after logs, but I haven't gotten a holdohim to know whether we need to meet themsomewhere to get it, or ustwhatwe needed to do.Call Ernest's number, and he can get hold oDave. Dave is working on the crew at 17 righnow. Ernest should answer. I just talked to him.Jerold Williams: All right.Okay, sir. I am trying to remember who is iyour crew that has been to R17 that is responsibl

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    and - I guess all ofthem are. Have Nephi lead outthe second group. He has been to R17, hasn't he?Jerold Williams: Yes.I hope you have some travel money, and I will

    bring some with me to meet them if they need.[Conversation about funds and checkingaccount]Okay. The Lord bless you, dear brother, and

    you can see the Lord wants the storehouseoperating, everything in place and the goodsflowing. And I have been using David Allred'sbrothers through David to work with WilliamJessop on the flow ofthe storehouse goods in verygreat privacy. And that is our next effort.

    Okay, dear brother. Let us do it. I am trying tothink of a third person who has been to R17 . Youhave a lot of new men there.

    Jerold Williams: Yes. We have about eight. 1think there is about eight of hem that hasn't beenown there at all.You just assign the men into three groups. Give

    e some names ofmen who have been down thereyour crew. Is this phone the storehouse

    e that I am calling? But are you in thetorehouse right now? Okay. Very good. I keep

    Very good. Is that neighbor fromshn there ? WeII, when the crew leaves,it should cause the curiosity to die down some

    it down. Let us pray them away.Exert your prayers of oneness, you brethren.eat test upon us. We need the strength

    f heaven. The government was held back; theof opposition moved back a step to give us a

    Lord's schedule down inBut they are still threatening, and we haveent that I come there and

    Priesthood project. So they have backedf a little. We sure need the oneness of all theHave Abram lead the third group. He knowsway, doesn't he? So just organize it and do it

    riving. And they need to be not coming as

    y are at. The route they will follow

    is to go on 125, go down through Lusk to 125through Cheyenne and Denver, right straight downinto New Mexico to a town called LasVegas, NewMexico, and then on Highway 84, they will godiagonally down to 140 to Santa Rosa. I hope theywill have phones so they can be in contact.

    At Santa Rose, the first group goes downHighway 84 to Lubeck, the usual way, downthrough Lubeck, Big Spring, and San Angelo,okay? The second group, if they are close to thefirst group, I will need them to divert over toAmarillo on 140 and go down 127 to Lubeck, sothat they don't follow the same course. They stayon the freeways clear to Lubeck. That wouldNephi's group. Stay on the freeways, and I can calllater today to say this to them. I am just saying weneed to come into R 17 in a scattered condition. Iwill give further instructions later this evening ifwe can get your phones working. The Lord blessyou. Abram's group go straight down if he is farenough behind Edson's group. We sure love andappreciate you. Have Mike and Luke stay there,Mormon Steed stay on to help you.

    [Question on generator]David hasn't got the power coming in? Are

    those power lines three-phase? Okay. You sureneed generator buildings that are not real noisydeveloped. You will need to keep it there, and youwill '/-lam gSftSfaf8f stiihiiftgs esta19lisfietl 8ft sstfisides of the property and the wiring all in place sothat your power hookup goes into the generatorbuilding, and you have your switches there toswitch over where you need. So you need agenerator building on both sides of the property,okay? And that can be worked out. I might leaveone or two men to help you do finish work andwhen you get back we can be in contact. Let us goover your list and I will name some men. The Lordbless you. I will try to call you around 6:00 tonightor 7:30, okay? Thank you for everything. Youalso. Heaven bless you. Good bye.

    8:00 a.m. Rl Time DictationMy last dictation was Tuesday afternoon, the

    2ih. I attended the 2:00 o'clock p.m. class at Rl,having the brethren continue as normal and callingon me as a guest speaker. That was recorded andshould be in the record. Fine-tuned training wasgiven on the tests we face through the powers of

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    evil trying to afflict us in order for the Lord to see ifwe will exert oneness to earn our blessing of thismission being accomplished.1 read some mail through the afternoon. 1 metwith the ladies in their hourly prayers. Between7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. the Lord took me into theheavenly session so 1 was not able to meet with the

    First Presidency in the appointed 8 :00 0 'clock p.m.prayer time that evening. And 1 went through theheavenly session until 6:00 o'clock a.m. the nextmorning. The Lord showed me more marriages toperform. He showed me that Thomas Barlow,Louis Barlow's son, and Don Holm, and alsoDavid Jeffs, my brother, couldn't exalt their ladies,had lost the confidence of God, and the Lordrevealed where they should be placed. Also twoother young marriages were revealed and 1 wastold to travel to Mesquite, Nevada and stay at GuyAllred's house there, perform the ordinances in amotel somewhere nearby.

    1 oined the First Presidency at our 7:00 o'clocka.m. in the morning prayer time appointed for ourfasting time, these three days of fasting and prayer.All the people on the lands ofrefuge and all trainedin that project were to join in this fasting andprayer and circle prayers, three times a day. 1 alsomet with the First Presidency at the 1 00 o'clockp.m. prayer time. Then 1 prepared. They wanted tosee me in my costume. or rather my d i s ~ u i s e . that 1dress in different clothes as 1 travel among thegentiles. It weighs upon me to make sure 1 am notpartaking of the spirit of the world, but the Lordhas directed that 1 be careful. They were pleasantlyimpressed as they saw that 1 didn't look like 1normally do. But our bodies are covered, we justwear a hat and dress in clothes that don't drawattention to us, as though we are not different fromthe world. We are in this world, but not of theworld, as the Savior said.We left Rl at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon andtraveled to Mesquite, Nevada. 1 made phone callsalong the way. 1 had the Bishop, William EdsonJessop, gather the six ladies. 1 talked to each groupofladies, Tom Barlow's wives first, and then DonHolm's former wives, and then David Jeffs'former wives. And over the phone 1 talked to eachone, gave them the Lord's message that theirformer husband could not exalt them and the Lordhad revealed where they should be sealed for time

    and eternity. 1 asked each one if they received theLord's message and were willing to go forward,and all six ladies said, "yes." So 1 arranged for theBishop and his counselors to bring these people tomeet me. We are careful in our travels. 1 don't tellpeople where 1 am until the very time 1 am ready tomeet them. 1 bring them close by and call them onthe mobile phones to come where 1 am.The ladies that were sealed: the former wives

    of Thomas Barlow were sealed to LeGrandeBarlow. 1 started that ceremony using his name"LeGrand Spencer Barlow" and then 1 stopped andasked him who is mother was and who she wasmarried to and he is now the son ofRichard Allred,his mother being sealed to Richard Allred for timeand eternity. So LeGrande Spencer Allred,formerly Barlow, received Fern Luana Shapleyand Terri Elissa Shapley. And then Thomas ArdenHolm received the former wives of Don HolmLinda Jessop and Enid Jessop.

    1 then brought in Madeline Barlow, DavidJeffs' former wife. She received the Lord'smessage. 1 told her she belonged to Merril JessopThere was some emotion but she acted on correcprinciple and at least put on an outward show of asmile. And 1 sent Merril Jessop with Madelineback to Short Creek in one car. Then separately, 1brought in Susanna Barlow, the former first wife oDavid Jeffs. and 1 felt a great concern about her. 1asked her again ifshe received the Lord's messageShe hesitated a long time. She asked if there wasany hope for David Jeffs. 1 said, "I love mybrother, but 1 love God most and 1 will tell you thetruth, what the Lord as shown me, that Davidcannot exalt his ladies, but ifhe will continue in hisrepentance, he can earn a degree of salvation."Every step was a long hesitation for her. Shefinally said, almost in a whisper, "I want to do whathe Lord wants me to do." 1 said to her, "I have toldyou what the Lord wants you to do." 1 told her 1would give her an official release before hesealing. 1 had her stand and taking her hand in thepatriarchal grip was a resistance. 1 told her, "Thereis no force in this." That is when she said, "I juswant to do what the Lord wants me to do." 1 gaveher a release, using these words in these releaseceremonies, calling the sister by name, "Sister soand so, in the authority of the holy MelchizedekPriesthood and by the keys and powers thereof, 1

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    release you from your sealing for time and alleternity with -- the name of the former Elder -- inthe name of the Father and of the Son and of theHoly Ghost, amen." I don't use the word"Brother" in that because often it is a man who isunworthy and not a member any more.I then brought Jim Allred in and she would

    hardly look up. She would hardly take his hand.As the ceremony ended he was smiling and shewas looking down, and I said, "You may kiss thebride," and she would hardly do it. She wouldhardly handshake for congratulations and shewould hardly take his hand to go out to the car. Soshe showed a great spirit ofresistance, yet she wentthrough with it. I pray the Lord to bless her, lestshe fail in that covenant. She has been a gentile fora lot of years. Now she needs to learn to submit toPriesthood and the ways of God.

    Madeline is fifty years old, and Susanna is alittle older than that, both from the same father andmother.We finished that work around 1 00 o'clock a.m.in the morning. I then stayed in Mesquite at GuyAllred's house through the night and went throughthe heavenly session. The Lord told me that Hewas testing the people, this new Camp of Zion, thisarmy of Zion trained in establishing Zion on theplaces of refuge and He wanted our 7:00 o'clock

    a,m. Qil'Qli oPl'ayil' ts taloi oPlaQi. TRia Ws waat8Qan 8:00 o'clock a.m. circle prayer and everyone sitin silence for an hour praying fervently and thenhave a 9:00 o'clock a.m. circle prayer, talkingabout the families and also the men in Short Creekand Canada who are not on the places of refuge.I came out of the heavenly session around 6:15a.m. and I began calling everyone on the places ofrefuge and who was involved. I called the brethrenin Short Creek and told them to meet in father's

    office at 8:00 a.m., have their hour of silent prayerand then finish with a circle prayer at 9:00 a.m.,Merril Jessop as mouth, then to have their 1 00o'clock p.m and 8:00 o'clock p.m. prayers thatnight. I called R17 and told Ernest to tell thefamilies to do so, but the workers were to havetheir prayers and then go about their business, keepthe work going.

    The brethren went to visit the governmentagency, the environmental agency in SanAngelo,

    Texas, meeting them by 8:00 o'clock a.m. ourtime, and that hour of fervent prayer was offered inall places involved in this mission, while thosebrethren -- Ernest Jessop, David Allred, and AllenSteed -- were talking to the government officials.I joined with two brethren there at Mesquite,Nevada -- William Benjamin Johnson and Seth

    Jeffs and I in circle prayer at 8:00 o'clock a.m. Wethen each went to our own areas and with myscribe present, Naomie, I knelt and with my arm tothe square, supported on the bed and blanket andpillow, I offered nearly an hour of vocal prayer inbehalf of the work of God and the redemption ofZion, rejoicing in the Lord all the while. We thengathered the two brethren together with me and wehad another circle prayer.

    I had previously called Guy Allred to bring fourmen to meet me for the special training on theredemption of Zion and the lands of refuge andthey arrived close to 10:00 0 ' clock a.m. at GuyAllred's house. I had Guy Allred leave. And thereLeGrande Spencer Allred, formerly Barlow, andFredrick Merril Jessop Jr. and Keith Dutson Sr.and Keith Dutson Jr. received the training. I talkedto them and received a phone call in the middle ofthe training from David Allred and the brethren inTexas.

    They informed me that they gave the messagets tR8 sftiQials. TR8 RigR81' Yfl sff:iQials 1'8ally W81'8not interested in listening to our religious motive.It ended up being two other lower officials whowould inform their superiors. But we talked to thehigher officials and found out they had softenedand were giving us until May 5 th instead of animmediate cease order to cease making our owncement. So I told the brethren, "The Lord movedthe wall of resistance back a step and that is thetime schedule the Lord gave to have bothfoundations poured and the floors poured of bothbig buildings. And they must meet that schedule.Then we will go through the process of gettingtheir permits." We informed the governmentagencies these last two days that we were there tostay and we are religiously motivated by inspiredleadership and we yearned the governmentagencies would help us meet the requirements andnot try to stop us. And they received the message.I sent the brethren to go talk to the neighbors allaround the property, to inform them who we are

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    and be friendly and establish a Spirit of peace inthat community.I need to go back to Wednesday. While I wastraveling to Mesquite from R1, I had previouslysent Allen Steed, LeRoy Steed, his brother, DavidAllred and Ernest Jessop to meet the sherif inEldorado, Texas, and the judge. In their meeting,

    Kirk Smith, the sherif from Washington County,Utah walked in for a few minutes. And while hewas there he received a phone call from SamBarlow, stepping out. So the two sheriffs of bothlocations are communicating with each other. Thebrethren gave me a report. I told them to make awritten record, but overall they were flooded withquestions from the sherif and judge showing theyhad listened to all the apostate talk against us -accused us of forcing women and children in ourreligion, ofblood atonement, of a secret society ofevil, ofunmarked graves, of he split in our Church-- everything the apostates could say they wereflooded with. The brethren were inspired. I hadthe brethren tell these men who their leadership isand they named my name and that we were fromthe Short Creek area and that this was a specialChurch mission to establish an order ofcooperation called the Holy United Order, that weare religiously motivated and that we are there tostay and we yearn the government agencies andofficials would cooperate with our staying thereand not try to hght us. ]hey reported that often thesherif would say, "My mind just goes blank. Thequestions are just taken from my mind." And itshowed us that the Lord was taking charge of thatinterview and we were being favored in our fastingand prayer being answered.

    I had them give me a detailed report on thequestions and their answers. I had appointed AllenSteed as spokesman. I had given a phone calltraining to these brethren Wednesday morning andthe Lord blessed us with the answers they shouldgive and it happened to be all the questions theywere hit with and the Lord inspired Brother AllenSteed, in particular. The sherif and the judgeseemed satisfied. In yesterday's meeting of theneighbors, one of the neighbors said they met KirkSmith, the sherif from Utah, and Kirk Smith toldhim, the neighbor to our north that, "thesepolygamists are good people. You don't need toworry about them. They are good neighbors." So

    even Kirk Smith's heart was softened and he wasinfluencing for our good among the people oEldorado. So the Lord has softened our neighborshearts and the officials hearts and given us sometime. We have announced we are there to stay, thawe will be setting up a cement plant and buildinghouses. They asked how many. We said aboutwenty-five in number and we wanted to follow theenvironmental rules because we want our peoplesafe and healthy. One neighbor yesterday voicedconcern about the water table being lowered by alot of people coming in there. That was the onlyworry one neighbor had. We know the Lord canbless us.I left Mesquite, Nevada by 2:30 p.m. in theafternoon. We traveled over the Kiabab mountainthrough Short Creek, but didn't stop, just on theroad I went through Short Creek, yearning for the

    people there. I stopped up at the Kiabab mountainsand by phone gave a forty minute training to thefamily in Short Creek on oneness and on thepresent tests the Lord is taking us through. Thashould be in the record. We stopped along the waytoward R1 and I gave about a ten minute training tothe brethren meeting in father's office in ShorCreek at their circle prayer, telling them to be morefervent in their prayers, individually, for the causeof the redemption ofZion. We arrived at R1 abou11:00 p.m.

    I started into the heavenly session by 12:30 a.mI was shown that today, April 30, was a vital day inthe Lord's schedule, and there needed to be anexertion of oneness, particularly at R17. I calledthe family and gave them instructions. Then called Ernest to gather the families together andthe brethren that could. And I informed thefamilies a training on oneness, that they shoulddeep clean all their houses and work hard today tobeautify their dwelling places and surroundings.They were taught how to exert their faith. I toldthem the Lord had withheld me from sendinganyone away from there while they went throughthis test of oneness, so they have been taught. I cansee everywhere it is just a matter of losing focus.That is why our oneness doesn't exist. We losefocus by not reaching to be led of how to be astrength to the Priesthood over us. We have thosemoments and times of"What do I want? What dowant to do?" separate from our Priesthood head.

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    "What do I think needs to be done," instead ofreaching and asking the Lord what we need to do tobe there and ready and useful and to be a strength.

    I called Jerold Williams also this morning atR23. I told him that the workers had to leavebefore 6:00 a.m., May 1 t, tomorrow morning, andto break into three groups and Edson Jessop shouldlead a first group at 4:30 a.m., Nephi Jeffs at 5:00a.m. and Abram Jeffs at 5:30 a.m. Only leavethose there that are named to do some finish work.I told him to keep Mike Emack and Luke Jessopthere at R23 to finish the freezer room and therefrigerator room by May 5th , that Jerold William,Ben E. Johnson, and Rich Allred, Jim's son, are toremain there. I would leave Mormon Steed there todo some trucking and their work is to move goodsfrom the storehouse in Short Creek and establish astorehouse at R23.

    I told the people at R17 over the phone that thestrength of heaven corning down upon them andstrengthening the workers depended on everyperson there, that ifeven one ofus had bad feelingsor are selfish and were not focused on this exertionof oneness, then we hurt everybody, but the Lordwould bless us with the strength and powers ofheaven if everyone was exerting the gifts and

    owers of oneness, of Zion. So each person'ssuccess in exerting blesses everyone. Anyerson's failure of not exerting oneness, havingad feelings or selfishness, hurts everyone. This is

    they received this morning. And nowof deep

    ng their faith for the workers and for the Firstcy and others. So I pray the Lord to

    s exertion oneness among us.The brethren have been told that if they will get

    t -- I gave the number two -- two tiers oflogs

    Ernest Jessop is developing into a man ofHe always seeks how to accomplishs directive and doesn' t make excuses. So

    I have told Ernest that most of the workers10:00

    ' clock p.m. tomorrow night, in a scattered entry, a

    I am here at Rl now, yearning unto the Lordwhat to do next, willing to pay the price to earnthese blessings to corne forth.

    Yesterday I informed Fred Lindsay to get downto R17. He is the crew boss. He has beenarranging sending the materials. They have sevensemi truck loads oflumber to transport. I told FredLindsay to bring Keith Dutson Sr. and KeithDutson Jr. and Jeffery Williams Jessop with him toR17 from Short Creek. So may the Lord bless thiswork crew to assemble, be protected and join asone in the great cause of building up Zion on thatland of refuge. And though the world looks onmay we sweetly and quietly reach for the strengthof heaven and do the Lord's work.

    The government agencies admitted that theyhad been flying over our property in Texas, orpeople were flying over and calling them,informing them ofwhat we were doing. We askedthese government agencies, these officials to justtalk to us instead ofhaving to spy on us all the time.We were opening up our communication, but wewere there to stay, willing to cooperate on theproper rules of safety, but not be stopped in ourreligious endeavor. And thus far the Lord hassoftened these people's hearts. I thank the Lordand acknowledge Him with rejoicing. We havehad a great training in this experience of how thebattles of Zion are fought. Through constantfervent prayer of oneness exerted and hard workwith rejoicing we earn the Lord's blessing and Hefights our battles and it is magnificent how He cansend His Spirit into all directions and affectdeliverance and protection in people's hearts andminds as well as the physical surroundings.

    Thursday morning early, Wendell Jeffs and hiswife were traveling back from Short Creek to R23,bringing a load of cabinets to finish the projectthere. And he hit black ice on his travels and rolledthe truck and trailer. The truck was on its top as hegot out and called some of the brethren. At 4:00a.m in the morning he was in a police car, as thepoliceman was looking at the accident. And withthat bad of an accident, he didn't have to go andeven get checked. The policeman put him in amotel for friends to corne pick him up. He and hiswife were miraculously preserved with no injuries.He had a bruised nose. She had a few bruises, butno injuries. We thank the Lord for that miracle.

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    Wendell Jeffs had his birthday on the day of thisaccident and he just turned nineteen.My driver is William Benjamin Johnson,Kendall's Johnson's son, now, as the Lord hasdirected me to use drivers who don't have the lastname of "Jeffs" or "Allred". I always have a lead

    car in front. The Lord has blessed us thus far. Ihave noticed in my travels that often as I come intoa place where I will stay, the Lord sends a cloud byday, even a storm to divert the attention ofeveryone, where they can't see us coming orgoing. Sometimes when we leave it is so, a cloudor storm to divert the attention of everyone. Forinstance the last time I left R17, April 10 th , theLord sent a lower cloud cover and storm so that theairplanes wouldn't fly over and notice ourmovements, so we were very blessed. Iacknowledge the Lord in all things and only wantHis will. Thank God for Priesthood and the causeof Zion that shall be fulfilled.

    Naomie has been a sweet and wonderful wifeand helpmate, scribe, assistant, sweetheart, alwaysthere, always looking ahead and I rejoice in her.Thank the Lord and father for preparing her tocome to the earth and be on this mission at thisneeded time. I love her more than she knows.I called the First Presidency during my travelsand informed them in their 2:00 o'clock p.m. class

    about the L o r d ' ~ deli.crllftCC ift TCXll3, bttt that heneeded to be more fervent. I informed the brethrenin Short Creek about the blessing and that theyneeded to be more fervent and also JeroldWilliams at R23, told those brethren throughJerold, or through Rich. I told Rich to tell Jeroldthe message and that they needed to be morefervent and meet the Lord's schedule at R23 as wewere going to stay on the Lord's schedule. I thankHeavenly Father for His schedule and He keeps meon His schedule and I am grateful for it. I yearn fora place with Him in Zion, with God and father andthe Prophets and that forever and ever. Enddictation.

    6:09 p.m. Dinner with the Family at RlIs this warm pears or cold prayers? Alright,everyone. Thanks for being here, Seth. Your sonisn't shaving, Mother Merilyn. [ChuckleJ Me, Idon't need to - I start having a little nothing.Have a seat, Nomie.

    All we have is a stewardship, it belongs toHeavenly Father. The one who made it, it belongsto, and nothing is ours forever really until it issealed to us by the keys of Priesthood and theSavior Himself. The love of the Father perfectedcontinues into eternity. You don't just become aGod or Goddess and then just break away and doyour own thing, it will require other Gods to helpyou exalt your children. So it is always a foreverwork of love, and the higher you go the more yourendure and suffer to bless. So what are you willingto suffer for others? At least be long-suffering. Tothe degree you are willing to suffer for others, thatis the degree oflove you are exerting. Really, it is aprivilege to bless. The Lord loved the mostbecause He suffered the most, so I tum you to Him.Kate, say our prayer please.Prayer: KateNo food? What is this? No, I am just trying tokeep up on the current one. These are the lastletters we picked up, so I try to keep up; but witheverything the Lord has had me do in handlingmen, now I am really seeing what you are saying.Who is Sarah Barlow? Aunt Sarah? Oh. How doyou know? You are right. Get Seth something,unless that is my crispy one and you want him tohave a soft one. We will split it, Seth! I bet MotherMerilyn should have my other halfofmine. I havenever had pear sauce on it. Hmmm .. who wants tocut up my pears more? I will, I am going to try i

    just as it is. What is the white in the sauce made ouof? Very interesting. Very interesting. Who isDouglas Barlow's mother? Nomie, who isDouglas Barlow's mother?Naomie: IsabellAnd who is she married to now?Naomie: Donald RichterOh, Blaine. Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, Blaine

    Blaine. A lot of these men are writing me letters,"My mind is confused," and right there is a showthey have not repented.9:15 p.m. Naomie's Testimony

    The Lord took you in hand at 7:45 p.m. tonight.You had the ladies listen to your talk again thatyougave this afternoon in class. The Lord took you inhand and at 8: lOp. m. you said you didn' t know iyou were going to be going tomorrow, that the men

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    weren't going to make it at R23. Your body wasjerking and jolting. You got out of he chair andgot into bed. From 8:10 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. yourbody went through a very severe time of erkingand jolting. I could feel the Lord and father soclose. You were shining with that heavenly light.

    You went unconscious at 8:30 p.m. At8:40p.m.you said, "I am willing to go through whatever ittakes. Whatever it takes, I am willing to do it. "You said, "The men at R17 will meet theirdeadline. The Lord wants Edson Jessop, NephiJejft, Charles Jejft, Abram Jejft, Preston Barlow,Joseph Jessop" -- there was one more that younamed -- they were to head to R17 at 4:00 0 'clocka. m. in the morning. The rest of the crew wouldstay at R23 tomorrow and finish up that job. Yousaid that Abraham Draper Barlow would lead therest to R17 on Sunday morning, that even i f theywere not done, they were to go there and if theywere done, the Lord would be pleased i f theywould be done by tomorrow night. You said thatthe Lord is allowing you to atone. You said thatmany of the brethren are obtaining that faith likethe brother of Jared. Many there at R23 haveshown the Lord they would give their all as far asthey knew how. They have kept sweet throughtheir reverses, but the Lord expects us to meet His

    deadline. You said, "By the 5th of May the Lordwants that storehouse at R23 running, those homescomplete.

    At 8:50 p.m. your body jolted really hard. Youtrembled very severely. You said, "The 5th ofMay,the houses at R23 must be complete, the crew atRl7. They must be done with the foundation ofmyhome and also they must have the meeting houselogs stacked up to past the first window, " is whatyou said. You also said, "The floor to your homepoured, all the concrete work for the foundationand the floors done by May 5 th." You said, "This isa very important deadline. It must be met. It mustbe met. "

    What about the floor? Say it again.You said all the concrete work including the

    floor, the concrete floor of our home done by May5th .

    I didn't say I was going, right?You didn't say anything about going.Okay. Anything else?You said, "This is a very important deadline. It

    must be met." You repeated it, "It must be met. "Then you went quiet untilyou came to at 9:1 0 p.m.

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