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Page 2: STEAMASTER - Australia’s Leading Supplier of …...STEAMASTER - Australia’s Leading Supplier of Carpet ...

My name is Tam Le. I’ve been involved in the carpet cleaning and pressure cleaning industries for more than 21 years. During that time, I have helped many of leading carpet cleaners in Australia to start and grow successful businesses. I also own Steamaster ­ one of Australia’s most successful carpet cleaning equipment suppliers.

But Back In 1995, Things Were Very Different… At that time, I was working as a cleaner to support myself, but I didn’t know a lot about business. I constantly made mistakes. Sometimes, I struggled to pay the bills… and I lost a lot of sleep worrying about the future. It was hard to keep going. I often felt like just giving up. But I had to keep trying for my family’s sake. Eventually, after years of trial and error in business, I start getting results. Now I want to help other people to launch a successful carpet cleaning business. I thought the best way to do that was to ask some of Australia’s leading carpet cleaners the following question:

What’s The One Thing You Would Do If You Had To Start Your Business From Scratch Today?

Here’s what they said...

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Col Nation ­ ABBsovle Services ABBsolve Services provides specialist rug cleaning, fabric and leather upholstery cleaning and leather repair services on the Sunshine Coast. Col has been operating service industry businesses since 1982. He has started several successful carpet cleaning businesses and he also helps other carpet cleaners to succeed. Here’s how he answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? If I was starting out, the first thing I would do is to clean some carpet and upholstery free for family and friends to get some experience. Then I would take some photos and short videos showing clean and dirty results. Next, I would start a business Facebook page. I would write posts, upload before­and­after photos and videos from happy clients. These posts can be ‘boosted’ for just a few dollars. You can target people within your local area, say a radius of 5 kilometres, and an age group from 30 +. For $20, you can reach about 1,000 potential clients. Even if one person responds, you will have made a profit. Next, I would set up a basic website using a service like Weebly or Wix. You can use this website to explain what services you offer. However, I urge you to do avoid SEO companies. They are generally a rip off. Just let your website grow organically.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Barclay Wade ­ Five Star Carpet & Upholstery Care

Barclay Wade started in the carpet cleaning business 45 years ago. He has seen a lot of change in the industry. He had seen fads come and go… and he knows what it takes to get clients and make money as a cleaner in almost any economic climate.

Here’s how he answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? If I had to start a business today, I would door knock, promise (and deliver) great service.

My motto has always been " DO IT NOW AND YES WE CAN DO IT'.

The best way to build a successful carpet cleaning business is to do a great job for every client. Your business will grow by itself.

Another suggestion is to offer a "freebie" (hall or rug) or complimentary spotting to get your foot in the door.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Bryon Smith ­ Bryon’s Carpet Cleaning Bryon Smith is a very experienced carpet cleaner with more than 15 years’ experience. His business is in the Hunter Valley, NSW. Here’s how he answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? To answer your question, I will assume that you are starting from scratch ­ no one knows that you are a Carpet Cleaner.

The first thing I would do is write an introductory letter. This letter would describe who you are, what you do and why your service is better than your competition.

Next, give this letter to every real estate agent you can find. Real estate agents are a great way to get clients. However, one important lesson is to never turn away work from them. They don’t’ like that… and they are less likely to refer clients in the future.

After contacting real estate agents, I would talk to businesses in the area – pubs and clubs, pre­schools and churches. Do not try to sell yourself during these chats. Instead, find out if they are satisfied with their current cleaning services. You could also offer to inspect (and maybe even clean) their carpets free.

Follow up on the above every few weeks.

Other tips I would tell a new carpet cleaner include:

Get a set of business cards and hand them out freely. Even though 4 out of 5 people will throw them away, the person who keeps one may become your best client.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Get a set sticker made up with the same information as your business card. Put them on the main cupboard of empty houses you clean.

If you are just starting out, you can ask to help out other carpet cleaners in the area to get experience.

Never take on a client with a bad reputation. They are more trouble than they are worth.

Wear a uniform, use quality signage and keep your equipment clean. Be a professional.

Offer free 2­room cleans in local raffles. They are great publicity tool and can introduce you to new clients.

Always answer your telephone. You never know when an important future client will call you.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Sophie Chamberlain ­ Clean Team Townsville Phil and Sophie Chamberlain have owned and operated the Clean Team in Townsville for more than 17 years.

The Clean Team is Townsville’s preferred professional cleaning company among businesses, homes owners, tenants and real estate agents.

Here’s how she answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? If I was starting today, I would focus on getting the marketing for the business right. The most valuable lesson I learned is that I am not in the cleaning business, I am in the sales and marketing business When you understand that, and can do it better than everyone else, you win. Clean Team has grown 250% in 2 years.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Peter Hartley ­ Hartley Commercial Cleaning Services

Hartley Commercial Cleaning Services was established in March 1994.

Starting with just one contract the business has grown over the years to become an industry leader in the region. The business is owned and operated by Peter and Sandra Hartley. Here’s how Peter answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? Not an easy question to answer quickly. However, I think the most important thing would be to find a point of difference for your business. If you can offer something unique then you can usually charge a premium.

There are many players in the cleaning game. Generally, a prospective client will have plenty of options to choose from. If no one organisation stands out, then often it becomes a decision based on price.

Over the years we have tendered for jobs and not been successful only to be approached again by the same client who discovered that the cheapest quote is often not the best.

The point of difference could be something like:

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Using only environmentally­friendly cleaning products and stressing the benefits to the planet

Offering a guarantee on your work

Developing some expertise in a particular business/industry and marketing yourself as a specialist in that field. (Using a sweeping machine to clean warehouse spaces, offering sanitary bins as an optional extra when maintaining toilet facilities or supplying and laundering tea towels for staff kitchens at a small fee)

Focusing on the health and wellbeing of the staff in a client’s workplace. Using a disinfectant to wipe down telephone handsets and promoting that as a way to reduce the spread of colds and flu in winter

Whatever it is that you are offering, so long as it is something that the client sees as valuable, you are differentiating your business from your competitors. This makes it more likely that you will be selected as the cleaning company of choice. And it positions you to charge a fair price for your services and not get into a price war where nobody wins.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Frank Devine ­ Devine Rug Care Frank Devine has been in the Carpet Cleaning Industry for more than 30 years. He is an expert when it comes to cleaning Persian rugs, wool rugs, silk rugs, cotton rugs and acrylic rugs. Here’s how he answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? I believe the most important thing in any business is to try to keep every customer and ensure they pass your name on to family and friends. Repeat and referral work is the way to build a successful business.

I also believe that you can never do too many courses. I have been in the industry for over 30 years and still take refresher course. I find that I always pick up something new or remember something I had forgotten.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Michael Izhik ­ Carpet­Tech Michael is the owner of Carpet­Tech, a business that he started on his own and has over the years, grown to become one of the highest rated carpet cleaning services in Sydney. Here’s how Michael answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? If I had my time again, I would train myself in basic sales. I'm not a natural salesman (and I don’t believe in hard sales) however not having a base understanding of sales techniques cost me plenty of jobs when I started.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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Michael Isshak ­ Diamond Universal Cleaning Diamond Universal Cleaning is a domestic and commercial cleaning business owned and operated by Michael.

Here’s how Michael answered my question: What’s the one thing you would do if you had to start your business from scratch today? There are 3 key strategies that make a successful business grow;

ADS that speak to the heart of the customer and touch a nerve are the ones that turn little companies into big companies.

When it comes to SERVICE, it’s all about building a friendship with each customer you interact with.

WORD OF MOUTH ­ this will happen when you build a reputation; by being genuine and putting yourself in the customer’s shoes in every situation.

W: www.steamaster.com.au P: 1300 855 677 E: [email protected]

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