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Steeple Call

August 2013

H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d C o m p a n y From the Pastor’s Desk


Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so

that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. (1 Timothy 6:18-19 – Paul’s charge to Tim-


Edwin Hubbel Chapin once said, "Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will

vibrate in eternity." That is the definition of a legacy. Wouldn't you love to do something that

might strike a beautiful chord that will "vibrate in eternity"?

I am reminded of a commercial on TV that follows the effects of one kind action. The one who was shown kind-

ness goes on to help someone else. That person, in turn helps another. This person then helps someone else. So it

is when we offer acts of kindness, compassion, mercy and love. Smile and usually the one you smile at will find

themselves smiling. Let someone merge in busy traffic and more than likely they will do the same to another mo-

torist in a similar situation. Our good actions live on. They leave a legacy of love and kindness that continues to

“vibrate in eternity.”

Steve Goodier tells a story about a couple in Canada and their legacy of love and kindness. This couple stopped to

help a motorist who had run out of gasoline. It was a regular occurrence in their part of rural Canada. After they got

him on his way, they bought a new fuel can, scratched their initials on it, filled it with gas and stored it in the trunk

of their car.

A few months later they again stopped to assist a stranded motorist. But this time they GAVE him their gas can

and told him to fill it up, keep it with him and pass it along to the next motorist he sees who has run out of fuel.

Though they never expected to see their can again, in a couple of years they spotted it being passed along to a

grateful motorist on the road. They recognized it several more times over the years, and each time they asked its

owner where it had come from. They ascertained that the can had traveled across the continent at least two times!

They never intended to leave a legacy. When they bought the fuel can they never dreamed that their action might

strike chords that could vibrate in eternity. But that container may still be traveling around the country.

And it might not seem like a big thing, but many motorists have been saved by the generosity of complete strangers

who stop to help. Then each in turn has taken the container, re-filled it, and diligently looked, perhaps for days or

weeks, for an opportunity to pass it along. Good will generated by a humble can of fuel has no doubt been multi-

plied many times in countless ways, striking beautiful chords that vibrate forever.

It's true - generous people leave great legacies. Even that small piece of yourself you generously give away may

thrive in surprising ways throughout eternity. What can you share with someone else today? This week? This

month? This year?

In His Service, Mike

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I have been in ministry for about 12 years now, and I have been a United Methodist pastor for 7 years. This is not

much time in ministry. I am sure many pastors have put in double and sometimes triple the amount of time and

years in ministry. Though I have not been in ministry for as long as some people have, I hope that I can share a

couple of things about God’s grace.

Grace is a hard thing for me to grasp. Most people hear about grace and think of the hymn, or they may know

about the definition, “unmerited favor.” Thinking about grace and preparing for August and what is to be called

“Special Offer” got me to the point of being perplexed. I don’t understand grace. I really cannot fathom the depth

of God’s forgiveness and love to where he would forgive people who sin and sin again. On the cross, Jesus ex-

claimed, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Forgiving people for murder and scoffing be-

cause they “know not what they do” is truly amazing. This begins my thought process on grace.

I believe that it is not so much about what it is and understanding the meaning behind the word and the

“theological idea.” Instead, grace is more about “bending” and “stretching.” Let me explain my thought process.

I have been a part of a workout routine that included many things such as heavy weights, cardiovascular exercise,

and a 1½-hour stretch routine. Out of all of the exercises, the stretch routine was the hardest. At the end of the

program I could do 480 pushups in one routine, do 180 squats and lunges in another routine, but I still could not

finish the stretch routine all the way through. Grace is like bending and stretching.

Stretching requires a person to push their muscles to the point where they literally hurt which lets your body know

that it’s time to stop. I believe that our God stretches his heart each day to the point where it hurts to pull his most

beloved creatures (humanity) back to him. I keep thinking, “How far does God stoop?” He bends to the point of

breaking, and it broke his Son on the cross for many to see his love for us. So, grace is like stretching.

For us, to show grace (i.e. love, forgiveness, and mercy when none is deserved) is a big stretch. I found that the

more I stretch, the easier it is for me to do so the next time. I also found that the more I stretch, the further I can go

without it hurting so much. To show grace instead of hatred means that we will feel the pain, but push through the

pain to give out love. I don’t know about you, but that is a big stretch (pun intended).

I believe that the more we give grace, the closer we come to being in the presence of God. There is power in grace

and mercy, and it sets people free.


Pastor Joseph

ELEVATE Children's Ministry at FUMC will be

hosting the first annual Back to School Bash for

kids of all ages. We will gather at the church on

Sunday, August 18, from 4-6pm as a way to cap-

stone the summer season. We will have music,

bouncy houses, games, food, even snow cones!

Please make plans to attend this first annual event.

You don't want to miss the biggest party of the

summer! At the end, the children will receive a

goody bag of school supplies to help get them off

to a great start to the school year. See you there!

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8:30 a.m. Service 11 a.m. Service

August 4 Vicki & Bud Daniels Lynne & Jodie Woolard

Rodney Kemp Dan & Margaret Wade

August 11 Jim & Ellie Buckingham Liz & Cliff Merrill

Cecelia Fulcher Fran Welch

August 18 Jean Kittrell Jean Peterson

Try & Frances Baugh Richard & Liv Stephens

August 25 Connie Daniels Steve & Ada Nunn

Lee & Teresa Everett Jerry Fischler


Stanley Harrell Class


The food for the month of August

is baby foods. Thank you for your

continued support of this valuable



How nice is it to have someone greet you on Sunday

morning with a smile and handshake? You are invited

to become one of those greeters. You will be asked to

greet once every 6-10 weeks, depending on which

service you attend. It's easy! Just notify the church

office with your name, phone number, email address

(if you have one), and which service you prefer.

That's all you need to do! You will be notified and be

provided with easy instructions and your very own

name tag . . . who could ask for more. See you at the

door soon!


Our Christian love and sympathy is extended to Kathy

Chalk and Family upon the death of her mother,

Frances Lawrence, of Apex, NC who passed away



We celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at the

8:30 service on July 7 for Charles Brantley “Charlie”

Bissette and Etta Clementine Bissette, children of

Brantley & Keri Bissette. Charles & Nancy Bissette

of First UMC are the proud grandparents.


We would like to celebrate the 60th Wedding Anniver-

sary of Roy and Peggy Denkins, who were married on

July 4.


Congratulations to Jon & Hannah Symonds upon the

birth of their son, Jack Hugh Symonds, born on July

5th, 2013. The maternal grandparents are Bruce &

Pam Styron and Pam & David Waller. The paternal

grandparents are Joe & Judy Symonds.

Congratulations to Robert & Dega Lancaster upon the

birth of their son, Mason Curtis Lancaster, born on

July 23. The maternal grandparents are Dykeman &

Loretta Baily.


We celebrated the confirmation of Christian Michael

Garner on July 14 as he made his first profession of

faith, confirming the vows of baptism and committing

to church membership through the Confirmation ser-


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It is with our prayers that the Staff Parish Relations

Committee is sending our two pastors to a Leadership

Institute Conference at the United Methodist Church

of the Resurrection in Kansas City, for a total of 4 1/2

days, including travel. The Conference is over Sep-

tember 25-27. Keynote speakers are Adam Hamilton

and John Ortberg. For those who have taken Glenda

Fleshman’s classes, you have seen that both speakers

are awe-inspiring. There will be workshops on

preaching, leadership and self care, among others.

Neither will miss a Sunday service, and should there

be spiritual needs during that week Jerry Webster is

available for pastoral coverage. Please join us in our

prayers for Mike and Joseph, because not only will

they participate in the conference, but they also will

have time to refresh their spirits and reinforce their

ability to lead our church as a team.


Boys and girls 4th grade through high school!

We are recreating the acolyte process and are looking

for people interested in serving.

There would be a short training session involved.

Please call the church office at 726-7102 to sign up.


The Worship Committee

My dear Church Family

Thank you for the comfort you give me and all the

many ways you continue to minister to me—for your

prayers, love, visits, cards, phone calls, and delicious


Special thanks to Pastor Mike and Pastor Joseph for

visiting with me and giving me communion.

Thank you everyone for making my 96th birthday so

special and wonderful, and I thank God for giving me

a new beginning and new year and pray to be used as

His Servant. I do keep all in my prayers 24/7. So

many made it so special, I can’t name each one and

still re. Day by day new mercies I see. Great is His

faithfulness to all.

Jim say thanks to all.

Love & Prayers to All

Virginia Swann & Son, Jim

Thank you all for your kindness and well wishes. It

was ever my joy to work for you as you all have en-

riched my life in many ways.

Love & Blessings

Frances Welch

Dear Scholarship Committee

Thank you so much for providing a scholarship op-

portunity with the First United Methodist Church

Scholarship. I am very honored to be a recipient of

this award. It will help me offset some of my tuition,

allowing me to go to my dream school, WFU! Thank

you again!


Sydney Pfaff

Dear First United Methodist Church

Thank you so much for providing a special lunch, bi-

ble, and homemade pillow to all of us seniors. Out of

all of the events commemorating our graduation, Sen-

ior Sunday was by far my favorite as well as a favorite

for my family. Thank you so much again.


Hannah Fischler

Dear Pastor Mike & Joseph

I just wanted to thank you for my gift! You guys are

very thoughtful and caring! I also want to thank those

who contributed to my gift and senior lunch.

Carly Jo Toler

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We will be going to see Ice Age at the Atlantic Station

Cinema on Wednesday, August 7. Arrive at the

church at 9:30 am; the movie starts at 10:30 am, and

we should be back to the church by 12 pm. This is a

time for kids to hang out and do something fun during

the day, and a great way for Mom or Dad to get a little

free time! There is no cost for the movie ticket, but if

you would like a small combo of popcorn, drink, and

candy, there is a $5 charge. Please see Jennifer if you

have any questions. To sign up, you can call the

church office. We hope to see you there!


Very soon our college students will begin another

year. We need current addresses for all students so

that we can remember them throughout the year.

Whether your student has the same address as last year

or a new one, please notify the church as soon as you

have access to the address. You can call the church

office or notify Ellie Buckingham at 726-8633 or

[email protected].



Wednesday, August 14, 2013. A road trip is planned

to the Spice Boutique in Kinston, NC. At the Spice

Boutique we will be touring the facility and having a

gourmet lunch that is prepared just for us. The cost of

the meal is $15 per person. Reservations and payment

for the meal must be made in the church office by

Monday, August 5, 2013, by 5 pm. We will be travel-

ing in the church vans and private cars. We will be

traveling in the Church Vans and private cars. We will

be leaving the Church parking lot at 8:30 am on Au-

gust 14 and returning approximately at 4 pm.

Menu for our lunch is as follows:

Greek Salad, Athenian Chicken,

Triple Roasted Potatoes, Vegetable Medley

Dessert: Chocolate Ganache Cake


As Christians, we have an obligation to decide the

ways God intends us to use our talents and resources.

We make the commitment to worship Him through

faithful living and careful stewarding of our gifts.

Through this, we reap spiritual benefits ourselves as

well as those whose lives we touch. Whether it is fi-

nancial support of a church mission, prayer for some-

one in need, or a simple act of kindness, we give of

ourselves yet, ultimately we are the benefactors.

“It is the most beautiful compensation of this life that

no one can sincerely try to help another without help-

ing oneself." Ralph Waldo Emerson



Teams of 4 -6 people are needed to host Coffee Fel-

lowship between services on Sunday mornings from

9:20 - 9:45 a.m. no more than twice a year. Duties

include: providing juice (coffee is already made) and

a simple snack, set up, and clean up. There is a sign-

up sheet in the atrium, or you may contact Lynne Mil-

ler at [email protected] or any Witness Committee

member. Help us to extend hospitality, meet new

people, greet visitors and catch up with old friends by

volunteering to be a host.


FUMC has a team of Prayer Partners who will pray for

you or your concern. Please fill out one of the Prayer

Request Cards (on the back of the Visitor Card) in the

pew; either give it to one of our ministers, or drop it in

the white Prayer Box found to the left of our front


Do you have a new address or phone number? Is your

birthday listed in our newsletter? Please contact the

church office with any changes or additions to your



Monday, August 26

9 am until 3 pm

FUMC Fellowship Hall

Give the Gift of Life!

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8/1 1 Corinthians 1:18-24 John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35

Hebrews 11:33-12:2 Matthew 10:32-36; 11:1

Hebrews 2:11-18 John 5:1-4

1 Corinthians 3:18-23 Matthew 13:36-43

8/2 1 Corinthians 4:5-8 Matthew 13:44-54

8/3 Romans 9:1-5 Matthew 9:18-26

8/4 Romans 12:6-14 Matthew 9:1-8

8/5 1 Corinthians 5:9-6:11 Matthew 13:54-58

8/6 1 Corinthians 6:20-7:12 Matthew 14:1-13

2 Peter 1:10-19 Matthew 17:1-9

8/7 1 Corinthians 7:12-24 Matthew 14:35-15:11

8/8 1 Corinthians 7:24-35 Matthew 15:12-21

8/9 Galatians 5:22-6:2 Luke 6:17-23

1 Corinthians 7:35-8:7 Matthew 15:29-31

8/10 Romans 12:1-3 Matthew 10:37-11:1

8/11 Romans 15:1-7 Matthew 9:27-35

8/12 1 Corinthians 9:13-18 Matthew 16:1-6

8/13 Hebrews 7:26-8:2 Matthew 5:14-19

1 Corinthians 10:5-12 Matthew 16:6-12

8/14 1 Corinthians 10:12-22 Matthew 16:20-24

8/15 1 Corinthians 10:28-11:7 Matthew 16:24-28

Philippians 2:5-11 Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28

8/16 Colossians 1:12-18 Luke 9:51-56; 10:22-24

1 Corinthians 11:8-22 Matthew 17:10-18

8/17 Romans 13:1-10 Matthew 12:30-37

8/18 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 14:14-22

8/19 1 Corinthians 11:31-12:6 Matthew 18:1-11

8/20 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 Matthew 18:18-22, 19:1-2, 13-15

8/21 1 Corinthians 13:4-14:5 Matthew 20:1-16

8/22 1 Corinthians 14:6-19 Matthew 20:17-28

8/23 Philippians 2:5-11 Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28

1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Matthew 21:12-14, 17-20

8/24 Romans 14:6-9 Matthew 15:32-39

8/25 1 Corinthians 3:9-17 Matthew 14:22-34

8/26 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 Matthew 21:18-22

8/27 1 Corinthians 15:29-38 Matthew 21:23-27

8/28 Galatians 5:22-6:2 Luke 6:17-23

1 Corinthians 16:4-12 Matthew 21:28-32

8/29 Acts 13:25-32 Mark 6:14-30

8/29 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 Matthew 21:43-46

8/30 2 Corinthians 1:12-20 Matthew 22:23-33

8/31 Romans 15:30-33 Matthew 17:24-18:4

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Family Promise of Carteret County is an interfaith hospitality network of congregations in Carteret County that

provide emergency shelter, hospitality, and services to homeless families. So what does that mean? It means that

there are thirteen churches which host homeless families for a week, from Sunday to Sunday. Each church hosts

once every three months. Families spend the night in the church. During the weekdays, families leave the church

about 7:00 am and return around 5:30 pm. Some families leave the church to go a day center that’s located off of

20th Street while those with jobs go to them. School age children go to school. The day center provides guests

with a mailing address and a base for housing and employment searches. On Saturdays families are free to come

and go from the church during the day while Sunday’s are largely devoted to moving from one church to the other.

First United Methodist Church (FUMC) is one of the thirteen host churches. FUMC like the other host churches

have churches that help with the day-to-day of the host week. In the case of FUMC, it’s St. Andrews Episcopal

Church and Unitarian Coastal Fellowship. It is important to know however, that characterizing the work of the

volunteers from St. Andrews as “helping” does not do their work justice. It is more accurate to say that the volun-

teers from St. Andrews have played and continue to play a crucial role in making FPCC successful. Members of

St. Andrews have served as overnight hosts and provided dinners to our guests along with members from FUMC.

Together, we have hosted six times since December 2011.

So, who are we helping? By in large, our guests have been single mothers with children from infant age through

high school. We have however, also hosted a single 55-year old woman whose children were old enough to be on

their own as well as, a working father and his three sons.

Maybe you are now thinking to yourself: “Wow, that many homeless mothers with children in Carteret County.

I’ve never seen them around town.” Well, that’s because they double and triple up in the homes of friends and

acquaintances many times only until relationships get strained due to the cramped quarters. They live in their cars

in the parking lot of Wal-Mart and they stay in cheap motels until the money runs out. Some of them have includ-


The 55-year old woman who thanked all of the volunteers profusely on the Wednesday morning when she left

the program because she had gotten a job that would allow her to find a place to stay. She kept telling us

that Family Promise was a God-sent for her and that she hoped we would continue on with it.

The mother of an 11-year old boy who found herself homeless because her hours of employment got cut to the

point that she could no longer afford the rent.

The young working mother of two, very well behaved, courteous and darling young children, who through no

fault of her own, came home one day to her mother’s house where she was living to find that her mother

had sold all her belongings and told her to get out. A mother I might add that she still loves.

These women are not the chronic homeless. They just need assistance until they can get back on their feet. And

that’s where the volunteers come in. Volunteers are the human spirit of hospitality, personal support and compas-

sion that families need to help them get back on their feet. They cook and serve meals, assist overnight and

transport guests to and from the day center. But more importantly, volunteers just make guests feel at home.

Do things always go perfectly? No. Our guests are people and people have flaws. So occasionally our house rules

have to be emphasized. From time-to-time our volunteers have to bite their tongues because they might not think

the parenting skills they are seeing matches that which they would do. But Galatians 6:9 says: “…let us not grow

weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (because things don’t always go swim-


And reap we have, as evidenced by just a few of the stories about some of the guests who have spent the week at


The mother’s whose work hours were cut has a new job, a place to live and her own car now. Her son is fin-

ishing up the 8th grade.

(See next page)

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One of the mom’s who stayed with us has a new son. She continues to work at McDonalds, has an apartment

in Beaufort and a car.

A high-school student whom we hosted with his mother graduated from West Carteret High School during

June 2012. He obtained two scholarships which help him continue to pursue a career in music and broad-

casting. Prior to that, we even got a Christmas card in from his mother in 2011 which included the fol-

lowing note:

Thank you for your prayers and support. We got our Christmas wish just in time for my son’s birthday and

Christmas. We move into our new apartment between today and Tuesday. Thank you so much.

The young mother who was forced to leave the home of her mother passed her CNA recertification and is

doing very well. Last we heard, she had even reconciled with her mother.

We along with the volunteers from St. Andrews and Unitarian Coastal Fellowship have made these and other suc-

cess stories possible. As the FUMC site coordinator, I thank you all of you who have made the success stories

possible through your volunteer efforts.

Lastly, if you have not volunteered to date, I encourage you to do so. Our most pressing volunteer needs are listed

below along with the person to contact should you want to volunteer.

Overnight Host - Spends overnight in the church (7:00 pm to 7:00 am). Each night the overnight hosts will

consist of two people. They will be either two ladies or a married couple.

Contact: Loretta Bailey at 726-9521 or [email protected]

Dinner Provider – Prepares dinner for our guests for serving at approximately 5:30 pm. Will also dine with

the guests and assist them until shortly after arrival of overnight hosts at 7:00 pm.

Contact: Susan Turnage at 726-9786 or [email protected]

Saturday or Sunday Lunch - Provides and delivers lunch items such as bread, lunch meats, sandwich mak-

ing condiments, chips, potato salad, macaroni salad, tea, sodas, etc.

Contact: Susan Turnage at 726-9786 or [email protected]

Saturday Monitor - Serves as an onsite monitor with a partner during Saturday between the hours of 8:00 am

to 5:30 pm, typically in a 2 hour shift.

Contact: Jayna McDonald at 622-3272 or [email protected]

Sunday Arrival Host - Will be present at the church on arrival Sunday from approximately 12:30 pm to 5:30

pm to assist and make newly arrived guests feel at home.

Contact: Greg Meshaw ar 247-7993 or [email protected]

Again, I thank you for your work.

Greg Meshaw

First United Methodist Church Family Promise Coordinator

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The highlight of Annual Conference for me this year

was what I called laboring in the rice paddy. Rodney

laughed at this but we spent one evening there for 4

gongs. I’ll explain! The program is called Stop

Hunger Now and it is a very much a Methodist crea-

ture with UMCOR as a major donor to its mission.

At the Hilton in Greenville, a room had been desig-

nated as a SHN workshop. Here 400 gram bags of

rice, soy, dried veggies and vitamins were measured

and sealed by volunteer workers. The goal was to

make 100,000 bags in just 3 days. Every 1,000 bags

packaged is heralded by the sounding of a gong.

Many hundreds of our delegates and more than 40

youth labored in this mission. I spent most of Friday

in the rice paddy and we met the goal and exceeded

it by 252 bags.

Each bag is a meal for 6 people but I consider it to be

insufficient and as usual we need to do more. Our

own church will be the site of a SHN workshop in

September. Let’s support this endeavor to the max.

Scouts, youth, seniors, men, women and children of

the church and community, you are being called to

ministry for God’s own dear Son, the Christ, who fed

the multitudes. Come and let us do as He did then!

There is a prayer I love that goes like this: “You

have taken the Yoke of Christ upon you when you

chose to follow Him, take now also His Towel of

Service and go out to wash the feet of the world!” I

won’t kid you and say you won’t be tired or that your

back won’t hurt or that you won’t be sore; but it will

be the best ‘tired’ of your life! Amen!

At the annual memorial service, the Rev. Langil

Watson, among others was remembered for his faith-

ful service to the church. He is a distant cousin and

was the senior minister at University Methodist in

Chapel Hill, but not when I was a student there. A

note of interest is that while there, his congregation

made a Carolina fan of him and it stuck long after he

departed Chapel Hill. His wife was there for the ser-

vice and Rodney and I gave her our condolences.

Financially our conference is in great shape. We are

the only conference in Methodism that sets a budget

in one year, raises it the next and spends it in the 3rd

year. The NCAC has met all its obligations to the

General Church and its agencies and to the Jurisdic-

tional Conference and all its agencies. Christine

Dodson, the Conference Treasurer is a key reason for

this and she reports that the auditors have again giv-

en us the highest rating possible. It was pointed out

that the value of all Methodist holdings in this con-

ference from Virginia to South Carolina and from

Burlington to Buxton, amounts to $4.1 billion dol-


As usual, Rodney and I met many friends in both the

clergy and laity. Among the minister friends we

greeted were: Ben Sims, Ben Wells, Andi Wood-

house and husband, Ernie Porter, Rufus Stark and

wife, Homer Morris, Ben Ball, Powell Osteen,

Cloman Staton, Billy Seate & wife, Dennis Good-

win, Milton Gilbert, Doug Jesse, Eric Lindblade,

Adam Seate , Charles Smith, Kermit Braswell, Larue

Hill, Douglas Byrd, Lynda Harris & Reginald Pon-


I also ran into the former Denise Collins and her hus-

band, who were lay delegates from their church.

Denise is the daughter of the late Malcolm and

Frances Collins of MHC. Rodney and I saw numer-

ous other lay delegates from Carteret Co. and even

beyond that were known to us.

One of our speakers introduced us to the term

“vigorous inertia”! The world changes but the

church has a tendency not to and instead fervently

preserves and defends its principles, dogmas and

practices. And that is not always a bad thing, but

sometimes it is.



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900 Arendell Street

Morehead City, NC 28557

Return Service Requested

Phone: 252-726-7102 Fax: 252-808-2812 Web Address: www.firstchurchmc.com

Senior Pastor—Michael D. Frese [email protected]

Associate Pastor—Reverend Joseph Franklin [email protected]

Administrative Office Manager—Christy Venters [email protected]

Director of Children’s Ministries & Education—Jennifer Lewis [email protected]

Director Early Learning Center—Vera Price [email protected]

Editor of the Steeple Call—Cindy Toler [email protected]




Permit No. 17

First United Methodist Church Mission Statement is



Newsletter Deadline for September is

Monday August 19

Articles may be dropped by the church

office or e-mailed to Cindy at

[email protected]

The Steeple is lighted the month

of August in memory of Gordon

Laughton, whose birth date is

August 26, by Mary Laughton.



Page 11: Steeple Call August 2013 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurchofmoreheadcity/documents/August 2013...Steeple Call August 2013 HewlettFrom the Pastor’s

August Meetings & Gatherings

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Lay Shepherd



ELC 10:00




Fellowship Time

Stanley Harrell



UMW Lunch



SPRC 6:00

6 7

Children’s Free

Movie 9:30



8 9 10

UMM Breakfast



Fellowship Time




Staff Vision

Dinner 5:30

Autism 6:30





History 11:00

Stewardship 7:00

Trustees 7:15

Education 7:15


ELC Board 6:15


ELC 10:00




Fellowship Time

Adult Bible SS


Back to School

Party 4:00-6:00




Witness 6:30

20 21

Finance 7:15

22 23 24


Fellowship Time

Family Life



Missions 6:00

27 28

Church Council


29 30

ELC 10:00



Page 12: Steeple Call August 2013 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurchofmoreheadcity/documents/August 2013...Steeple Call August 2013 HewlettFrom the Pastor’s

August Birthdays Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Charles Freeman

Sandy Sneesby

Lynn Cox

Bryan Gray

Misty Penny

Kathryn Zettl


Mike Wright




Myriam Nantz

Carolyn Brown

Matthew Riddle


Glen Mason

Vicki Zettl



Claire Dalton


Mary Ruth Adams


Randy Hondros


Bill Jones

Gary Mace

John McCann Jr

Elaine Hughes

Erica Hughes

Spencer Russell


Bud Daniels

Joshua Faglie


James Smith Jr.

Ashley Colley


Willie Mae Lewis

Debbie Carroll

Sean Kelley

Raymond Lewis


Joanne West

Lugean Hogan

Wesley Kittrell


Steve Nunn

Susan Garlow

David Hardy

13 14

Rachel Mundine

Bob Upchurch

Tommy Webb

Harrison Smith


Janit Black

Sandra Wagoner

Ella Graham


Willa Bailey

Jacob Smith


Sharon Dowdy

Warren Perkinson

Lana Cox

Corey Highman


Imogene Phillips

Nancy Hanf

Laney Morgan


Gene Russell

Jayna McDonald

Mary Elizabeth



Lynn Hollowell

Nina Norris

Jan Loyd

Stephanie Garner

R. B. Hedgepeth


Sue Foscue

Bob Daves

Michael Gyure

Terri Mace

Jordan Davis


Chuck Pfaff


Betsy O’Meara

Mike Saleeby

Tommy Price


Margaret Wade

Anne Upchurch

Steve Price


Alan Leary Jr.

Marie Sawyer

Craig Willis

Christian Thomas


Fred Willis Jr.

Charles Willis Jr

Kevin Mancini


Suzanne Scott

Marjorie Kelley


Gates Eure


Christian Garner

Patrick Harrell


Mary Sue Noe

Billy Loyd

Jack Wagaman




Peggy Nicholson

Tony Small

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