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Page 1: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexSteering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO Complex

1 Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-701, KoreaTel82-2-961-0995~6 Fax 82-2-961-0997 e-mail [email protected]

Page 2: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Message from Kyung Hee University

Peace BAR Festival – purpose / outline / schedule / significance / programs

UN Peace Park / Global NGO Complex – background / purpose / contents / brief history

Invited Guests


Page 3: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Peace BAR Fest iva l

The efforts of NGOs to design a better future for humanity herald the arrival

of a new era of participatory democracy

Page 4: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International


K yung Hee University was established in 1949, a few years after

Korea won her independence. At that time, the Korean

peninsula was at the center of a severe conflict between two

competing ideologies. Kyung Hee was built upon the ideals of United

Nations that took a vital role in resolving conflicts in divided Koreas.

Thus, from its very inception, Kyung Hee has pursued the ideals of

harmony, democracy, and international cooperation. It also initiated

the United Nation’s International Year of Peace, launched the Brighter

Society Movement, and published the World Encyclopedia of Peace.

As a result, Kyung Hee University has become renowned for its active

role in working toward a better human society.

Despite many challenges, Kyung Hee has continuously promoted its

goal to become an international institution for world peace. For the

last several decades, Kyung Hee has put emphasis on the role of

NGOs, Non-governmental Organizations, in overcoming national,

ethnic, and religious divisions. NGOs, as borderless, cross-cultural

organizations with autonomous capability to promote humane causes,

are seen as major vehicles to add a new dimension to global peace

for the 21st century. It is in this context that Kyung Hee supported

global NGO movements by co-hosting the “1999 Seoul International

Conference of NGOs.” Her co-hosts included the Executive

Committee of NGOs Associated with the Department of Public

Information (UN NGO/DPI) with the Conference of NGOs in

Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO). At the

Conference, representatives of more than 1,300 NGOs from 107

countries gathered to discuss the role of NGOs in the 21st Century.

The Conference Declaration stated that the global civil society should

develop greater cooperative networks between international NGOs.

Honoring the Conference Declaration, Kyung Hee University is now

seeking to enrich cooperation amongst NGOs. It has decided to build

the Global NGO Complex within UN Peace Park, which has been

endorsed by former UN Secretary General Butros Butros-Ghali and

Secretary General Kofi Annan. Upon completion, the Global NGO

Complex is expected to serve as an international venue for

cooperative interaction between NGOs. NGO education programs,

research, and practical works will be conducted simultaneously, and

this concerted effort will lay down the groundwork for worldwide NGO

networks, which will help promote world peace and human prosperity

for the 21st Century.

Message from Kyung Hee University

Page 5: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

K yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Conference of NGOs that dentified the limits of contemporary civilization and called for the promotion of a new world community. The Peace BAR

Festival is dedicated to the commemoration of the launching of the project and to world peace. (BAR stands for “spiritually Beautiful, materially Affluent,

humanly Rewarding.” It is the ideal that represents the fifty-five year history of the Kyung Hee University System of which the University is a part, and is

also the aim that contemporary society should pursue.)


To search for the Concord of Humanity Overcoming Conflict and Confrontation

Peace BAR Festival

Page 6: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Slogan Logotype

B eautiful

A ffluent

R ewarding



Page 7: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Peace BAR Festival

A ceremony for theannouncement andcelebration of the UNPeace Park and theGlobal NGO Complex

Workshops for examiningthe international statusand role of the GlobalNGO Complex in the“Era of a Global CivilSociety”

An art festival to praiseuniversal values of“Peace and Co-pros-perity,” the spir i t ofestabl ishing the UNPeace Park and theGlobal NGO Complex

InaugurationCeremony Workshops Peace BAR


Subjectthe commemoration of the UN Peace Park / the Global NGO Complex

- Peace BAR Festival

Period July 1 ~ 3, 2004

Place Seoul and Suwon Campuses, Kyung Hee University

Participantsdomestic civil society organizations, international NGO associations,

associates of the UN, citizens

Co-hosts Kyung Hee University /HCP (High Commission for Peace)

The Peace BAR Festival consists of Inauguration Ceremony, Workshops,Peace BAR Festival and other events.


The Peace BAR Festival is held with the participation of domesticcivil society organizations, international NGO associations,associates of the UN and citizens at both Seoul and Suwon campusesof Kyung Hee University from July 1st to 3rd, 2004.

Page 8: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International


July 1 (Thu) 18:30~20:30Reception Dinner hosted by the Chancellor,

Kyung Hee University System Hotel Lotte

14:00~16:30 Workshop I : UN/NGO/Business Partnership in the 21st Century Seoul Campus,

Kyung Hee University

17:10~18:10 Reception hosted by the President of Kyung Hee University Seoul Campus,

July 2 (Fri) Kyung Hee University

18:30~Ceremony in Commemoration of the UN Peace Park and

Grand Peace Palace, the Global NGO Complex Kyung Hee University

~20:20 Peace BAR Festival

11:00~11:30Groundbreaking Ceremony of the UN Peace Park Suwon Campus,

and the Global NGO Complex Kyung Hee University

12:00~13:30Luncheon hosted by the Vice-President of Kyung Hee University, Suwon Campus,

July 3 (Sat) Suwon Campus Kyung Hee University

15:00~17:00 Workshop II : Korean Civil Society and Global NGO Complex

Hotel Lotte

17:30~19:00Reception hosted by the Chairman of the Planning Committee

of the Global NGO Complex


Complimenting state-centric orders with the construction of an NGO

network and seeking an alternative human society based upon

universal values

Page 9: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

The Peace BAR Festival will present a vision for world peace and the co-prosperity of humanity, and inducecitizen participation in the establishment of partnerships among the United Nations, NGOs and the businesssector. The festival will also popularize the image of the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex.

UN Peace Park

Global NGO Complex

Peace BAR Festival

VisionPursuit of the common values of

peace and co-prosperity

ParticipationCitizen participation for

UN/NGO/business partnership

EmpowermentPromotion of the international character of the UN

Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex


Page 10: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International


① Synopsis of events

The festival consists of the Groundbreaking Ceremony, Workshop I, Workshop II, andthe Peace BAR Festival.

Inauguration CeremonyCeremony for the Inauguration of the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex

Award Ceremony for the Oughtopia Peace Prize

Workshop I Unfolding Inclusive Governance: UN/NGO/Business Partnership in the 21st Century

Workshop II Korean Civil Society and Global NGO Complex

Peace BAR Festival Art festival for the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex


Page 11: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

② Ceremony

A celebration of inaugurating the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex where inviteddignitaries and citizens participate together.

Opening Announcement

Progress Report Inwon Choue“Global NGO Complex: Its History and Future” Chairman, Planning Committee, UN Peace Park / Global NGO Complex

Welcoming SpeechByung Mook KimPresident, Kyung Hee University

Keynote SpeechYoung Seek ChoueChancellor, Kyung Hee University System

Congratulatory Music

Congratulatory Video MessageRoh Moo-hyunPresident, the Republic of Korea

Joseph V. Reed

Commemorative remarksUnder-Secretary-General representing the Secretary-General of the United Nations

Afaf MahfouzFormer President, CONGO

Government representative

Yul ChoiCongratulatory remarks Executive Director, The Green Foundation

Renate BloemPresident, CONGO

Conferring of the Great World Peace Award Oughtopia Peace Foundation

Congratulatory Music

Closing Announcement

Page 12: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International


③ Workshop I

“Unfolding Inclusive Governance: UN/NGO/Business Partnership in the 21st Century” provides an opportunity for the multi-visioin holders of UN, NGO, and Business to discuss the possibility of a better society for peace and co-prosperity. It will alsoserve as an international forum for dialogue, consensus, and solidarity among multi-vision holders.

Unfolding Inclusive Governance: UN/NGO/Business Partnership in the 21st Century

Date : July 2, 2004 (Fri.) 14:00 ~ 16:30

Venue : Chongwoonkwan B117, Seoul Campus, Kyung Hee University

Language : English and Korean with simultaneous translation

Chair : Afaf Mahfouz (former President, CONGO)

Keynote Speech :

Yersu Kim (Secretary-General, Korean National Commission for UNESCO)

“An Alliance for Global Common Values”

Discussants :

Hanifa Mezoui (UN DESA/NGO Section Chief)

Paul Hoeffel (UN DPI/NGO Section Chief)

Renate Bloem (President, CONGO)

Sung-Ho Kook (Assistant Secretary-General, The Federation of Korean Industries)

Tae-Kyu Park (President, The Korean Association of NPO Research)

Hyung Mo Lee (President, The Corean NGO Times)

Yul Choi (Executive Director, The Green Foundation)

Organized by Graduate School of NGO Studies / Institute of Civil Society and New Governance, Kyung Hee University

Sponsored by Solidarity Network

Page 13: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

④ Workshop II

“Korean Civil Society and Global NGO Complex” will discuss the means to promote international cooperation of Korean NGOs and theways to best utilize the Global NGO Complex to this end. It will also explore the possibility of developing joint projects between GlobalNGO Complex, UN, UN associated NGOs, and Korean NGOs.

Korean Civil Society and Global NGO Complex- Roundtable -

Date : July 3, 2004 (Sat.) 15:00 ~ 17:00

Venue : Hotel Lotte (Sogong-dong)

Language : English and Korean with simultaneous translation

Chair : Inwon Choue (Dean, Graduate School of NGO Studies, KHU)

Keynote Speech :Vo-Kyung Song (Chair, Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on Civil Society Development )“The Korean Civil Society and International Cooperation”

Presentation :Euiyoung Kim (Professor, Political Science/Graduate School of NGO Studies, KHU)

“International Cooperation of Korean NGOs: The Role of the Global NGO Complex”

Co-organized by Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on Civil Society Development / Kyung Hee University

Discussants:Afaf Mahfouz (former President, CONGO), Hanifa Mezoui (UN DESA/NGO Section Chief), Paul Hoeffel (UN DPI/NGO Section Chief), Renate Bloem(President, CONGO), Gibung Kwon (Professor, GIP, KHU), O-Ryong Kwon (Assistant Minister, Ministry of Government Administration and HomeAffairs), Sang-Kyun Kim (President, Masan MBC), Sang-Jun Kim (Professor, Graduate School of NGO Studies, KHU), Sang-Hee Kim (Co-representative, Korean Women Link), Young-Rae Kim (President, Korean Association of NGO Studies), Woon Ho Kim (Professor, Graduate Schoolof NGO Studies, KHU), Young Sun Park (Secretary-General, People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy), Tae-Bom Park (Vice President,Korean Bar Association), Do-Yoon Byun (President, Seoul Women’s Foundation.Seoul Women Plaza), Hyuk-Sang Sohn (Senior Researcher,Institute of Civil Society and New Governance, KHU), Kyu-Hwang Lee (Secretary General, Federation of Korean Industries), Dongsoo Lee(Professor, Graduate School of NGO Studies, KHU), Young-Ja Lee (Professor, Catholic University), Chang-Ho Lee (Deputy Director, Institute forCivil Society, JoongAng Ilbo), Hack-Young Lee (General Secretary, YMCA Korea), Sung-Hyo Chang (Executive Director, IHT-JoongAng Daily),Ik-Rae Chung (Secretary to the Prime Minister for Civil Affairs), Yul Choi (Executive Director, Korea Green Foundation)

Page 14: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International


⑤ Peace BAR Festival

An art festival to commemorate the inauguration of the UN Peace Park and the GlobalNGO Complex and to express the desire for the promotion of human welfare and worldpeace.

Date : 18:30 ~ 20:20, July 2, 2004

Vanue : Grand Peace Palace, Kyung Hee University

Co-hosts : Kyung Hee University / HCP(High Commission for Peace)

Music : Seoul Gongyeon Elementary School Children’s Choir

Soprano : Chung Won Park / Tenor : Nam Doo Kim

Alleluia Choir, Kyung Hee University

Spirit Philharmonic Orchestra (Conductor Hyung Joon Kim)

Dance : Kim Mal-Ae Korean Dance Company

Art Director & Choreographer : Kim Mal-Ae

Korean Traditional Costume Designer : Greta Lee

Page 15: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

I n October, 1999 Kyung Hee University with UN NGO/DPI (the

Executive Committee of NGOs associated with the Department of

Public Information), CONGO (the Conference of NGOs in Consultative

Relationship with the UN) sponsored the Seoul International Conference

of NGOs where 1,300 delegates from 107 countries participated. The

conference adopted the “Seoul Millennium Declaration” that identified

the limits of modern civilization and called for the promotion of a new

international community. The United Nations and the civic society of the

world must play leading roles in the new millennium overcoming the

conflict among nations, systems, ideologies, religion and race. In an

effort to promote the realization of these goals, Kyung Hee University

has decided to establish UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex.

It is hoped that UN Peace Park will become the mecca of the world

peace movement and the Global NGO Complex will promote the

realization of the framework for peace and co-prosperity.


Promoting the realization of the framework for peace and co-prosperity

UN Peace Park / Global NGO Complex

Page 16: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International



To realize the peaceful future of humankindthrough participation and solidarity

To promote universal values of peace and co-prosperity through

the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex

To establish a venue for dialogues, communication, and consensus among the UN and other

international organizations, governments, NGOs, enterprises and academia

To provide an opportunity for the Global NGO Complex to take off as a center of international

activities of citizens’ organizations throughout the world

To bring about a Global Common Society

Page 17: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

UN Peace Park / Global NGO Complex On the Suwon Campus of Kyung Hee University with 82 acres of land

Scheduled to be completed by September 2006

UN Peace Park

Peace Museum

Peace Plaza

Peace Castle

Peace Garden


Global NGO Complex – NGO International Center – GCS International – Graduate School of NGO Studies / Institute of

Civil Society and New Governance – Cyber University – Internet Broadcasting Station – International House

Kyung Hee University will construct the UN Peace Park on its Suwon Campus allocating 82 acres of its land to this purpose.The Park will contain the Global NGO Complex, peace museum, peace plaza, peace castle, peace garden and an amphitheater.The Global NGO Complex will contain NGO International Center, GCS International, Graduate School of NGO Studies / Instituteof Civil Society and New Governance, cyber university, internet Broadcasting Station, and an international house.


Page 18: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

■ UN Peace Park ● August 1996 Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali approves the establishment of

the UN Peace Park on the Kyung Hee University campus

● January 2004 Kyung Hee University allocates 82 acres of land for the UN Peace Park

● March 2003 Secretary–General Kofi Annan reaffirms the UN Peace Park

■ Global NGO Complex ● 1June 1998 Kyung Hee University and the CONGO sign accord at Geneva on the

1999 Seoul International Conference of NGOs and the erection of an

NGO resource center.

● June 2001 The Executive Committee of the UN DPI/NGO, meeting in New York,

decides to support and cooperate in the establishment of the Global

NGO Complex.

● July 2001 The Board of Directors of CONGO, meeting in Geneva, announces its

support of the Global NGO Complex.

● December 2002 The Asian Civi l Society Forum, meeting in Bangkok, discusses

cooperative programs with the CONGO, UN DPI/NGO, UN DESA/NGO.


There have been lots of heartful efforts in the process of establishing the UN Peace Parkand the Global NGO Complex.

Brief History

The UN and the global civil society should

design a better human world, overcoming

conflicts and strife among states, nations,

regimes, ideologies and races

Page 19: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Kofi Annan UN Secretary-General (Congratulatory Message)

Joseph V. ReedUN Under-Secretary-General representing

the Secretary-General of the UN

Rodrigo Carazo Odio Fomer President, Costa Rica

Daisaku Ikeda President, Soka Gakkai International

Renate Bloem President, CONGO

Afaf Mahfouz Fomer President, CONGO

Paul Hoeffel UN DPI/NGO Section Chief

Hanifa Mezoui UN DESA/NGO Section Chief

International Guests Many dignitaries from the United Nations and International

NGOs, scholars, and representatives of domestic civil societyorganizations are invited to participate in the festival.

Invited Guests

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Diplomats in Korea

Business Communities


Domestic Guests

Page 21: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International
Page 22: Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexK yung Hee University plans to construct the UN Peace Park and the Global NGO Complex upholding the spirit of the 1999 Seoul International

Steering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO ComplexSteering Committee, UN Peace Park/Global NGO Complex

1 Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-701, KoreaTel82-2-961-0995~6 Fax 82-2-961-0997 e-mail [email protected]

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