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In U.S.A. 99% of boys under 18 and 94% of girls play regularly - 13 and 8 hours a week.

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2014 a primary gamification platform will become as important as Facebook eBay or Amazon2015More than 50% of organizations that manage innovation process will gamify them1.6 billion of dollar invested in gamification2016nearly 70% of Global 2000 organizations will have at least one gamified application2.8 billion invested

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61% dei C-Level Aziendali si concede una pausa ludica almeno una volta al giorno (2009)L’Età media dei videogiocatori in Italia è di 28 anni. Negli USA 1/4 ha più di 50 anni17% della popolazione italiana gioca ai videogame (contro il 38% dei Francesi)2009-2010: l’industria videoludica ha generato profitti - solo nel nostro paese - per oltre 604 milioni di euro, con un aumento del 17% rispetto all’anno precedente.

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Il vostro compito è quello di attaccare la candela (accesa) al muro al di sopra del tavolo, in modo tale che la cera sciolta non goccioli sopra il tavolo. Per farlo potete usare tutti gli oggetti che vedete in figura. - Una scatola di puntine - Una candela - Fiammiferi

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La Gamification applica le meccaniche del gioco alle attività non collegate direttamente al gioco al fine di modificare il comportamento delle persone (Bunchball) La Gamification è il processo che prevede l’impiego di un game-thinking e di meccaniche di gioco per ingaggiare gli utenti e risolvere problemi (Zichermann) La Gamification utilizza le tecniche del gioco per rendere le attività maggiormente divertenti e interattive(Kim) La Gamification è l’impiego di elementi di game design all’interno di contesti non di gioco(Dietering) La Gamification è l’utilizzo di meccaniche, dinamiche e esistetiche proprie del gioco e del game-thinking per ingaggiare le persone, motivare le azioni, promuovere l’apprendimento e risolvere i problemi. (Kapp) L’uso di elementi di gioco e di game-design all’interno di contesti non ludici(Werbach e Hunter)

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Nitro for Jive gives users a set of missions to complete, each of which exposes them to a critical piece of functionality within the Jive platform.Users earn points and unlock badges for using and mastering these pieces of functionality, and “level up” when they hit key milestones.Social elements like high score tables, newsfeeds, and the ability to display and share your status, drive friendly competition and collaboration among the user base.

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It teaches portion control and customer service in a cartoon-like simulation of a Cold Stone store. Players scoop cones against the clock and try to avoid serving too much ice cream. The company says more than 8,000 employees, or about 30% of the total, voluntarily downloaded the game in the first week. (Business Week)

It teaches portion control and customer service in a cartoon-like simulation of a Cold Stone store. Players scoop cones against the clock and try to avoid serving too much ice cream. The company says more than 8,000 employees, or about 30% of the total, voluntarily downloaded the game in the first week. (Business Week)

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It teaches portion control and customer service in a cartoon-like simulation of a Cold Stone store. Players scoop cones against the clock and try to avoid serving too much ice cream. The company says more than 8,000 employees, or about 30% of the total, voluntarily downloaded the game in the first week. (Business Week)

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It teaches portion control and customer service in a cartoon-like simulation of a Cold Stone store. Players scoop cones against the clock and try to avoid serving too much ice cream. The company says more than 8,000 employees, or about 30% of the total, voluntarily downloaded the game in the first week. (Business Week)

The opposite of play is not work is

depression- Brian Sutton Smith

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Stefano Besana Social Enterprise Strategist




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