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bibletimeLevel 2 Bible Stories

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l 2


STORY 1: Jesus changes water into wine KEY VERSE:

John 2: 5Ask someone to help you find this verse.

READ:John 2: 1-11

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Have you ever been to a wedding? If so, you’ll know what a happy event it usually is - unless something goes wrong!

Jesus and some of His disciples were guests at a wedding. Another important person was also a guest.

Q: Work out her name by writing down the first letter of each object.

The wedding was taking place in a small town in Galilee.

Q: Write the name of the town below, leaving out all the wedding bells.

C A N AThe name of the town was . / 2



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When the wedding was in full swing, the supply of wine ran out! What were they to do? Everyone would be so disappointed! Mary did a very wise thing. First, she told Jesus about the problem, then she spoke to the servants.

Q: Join the dots to find out what she said.

“Do whatever He tells you.”

John 2: 5

That was good advice. The Bible says that obeying Jesus is very important!

Nearby stood some huge pots.

Q: Count them and put the total number on one of the pots.

Jesus told the servants to fill them with water. It was a lot of work, but the servants did exactly as He had said - they filled them all up to the brim. “Now draw some out, and take it to the man in charge of the wedding feast,” said Jesus. The water was no longer water! It had turned into:

Q: Colour in each shape which has a dot in it.

When they had tasted it, they all agreed it was the BEST wine! It was the first miracle which Jesus did. He had used His power to solve their problem. Wasn’t it a good thing that they did exactly what He told them to do? If they hadn’t, the problem would still have been there. The Bible says that we have a big problem, too. Our sins have taken us away from God, but He loves us and gave Jesus to be our Saviour.

Q: Colour the letters.

To get rid of our problem we must and

Him, as the servants did at the wedding. / 4

B2Level 2 Bible Stories


bibletime Name:

STORY 2: Jesus heals a sick boy KEY VERSE:

John 4: 50Ask someone to help you find this verse.

READ:John 4: 46-54

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One day Jesus came back to the town where He had turned water into wine. Its name was Cana. An important man, a government official, heard that Jesus was there. He set out from where he lived in Capernaum, and went to see Jesus.

It was a long journey of about 20 miles, but the official didn’t complain about the distance. His son was very sick and he wanted to ask Jesus to come to Capernaum to heal him.

Q: Write the names of the towns in the boxes.

When the official arrived in Cana, he found Jesus and begged Him to come to his house before his child died.

How tired and worried the father must have been! Jesus didn’t keep him waiting, or ask him to do something difficult. Instead He simply said:

John 4: 50

Q: Decorate the letters above.

Sea ofGalilee

__ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __





The official took Jesus at His word. He had such trust in Him that he knew Jesus didn’t have to come 20 miles to heal his boy. So, he set out to return to Capernaum.

The Bible makes it clear that Jesus deserves our trust. He loves each of us so much that He gave His life in order that we could be forgiven.

Before the official reached home, his servants met him with the good news that his son was completely better. The servants were able to say exactly when this happened. His father remembered that this was the very time at which Jesus had said,“Your son will live.”

Q: Complete these sentences:Before he reached home, the official’s s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ met him.

They brought him very g __ __ __ news.

They said his son was c __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ better.

How happy the whole family was! All of them were sure that Jesus really was who He claimed to be - the Son of God.

The power of Jesus to heal the boy, even when He was miles away, convinced the whole family that they should believe in Him.

Q: Cross out the WRONG endings to this sentence.The boy was healed: when Jesus touched him.

when his father carried him to Jesus.

at the moment when Jesus spoke about him.

B2Level 2 Bible Stories


bibletime Name:

STORY 3: Jesus and the blind man KEY VERSE:

Mark 10: 52Ask someone to help you find this verse.

READ:Mark 10: 46-52

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It started just as an ordinary day. Bartimaeus was, as usual, at the side of the road near Jericho. He was begging for money from the crowds who passed by. He was blind and there was no other way for him to earn a living.

Q: Fill in the missing letters in these words. The beggar’s name was B __ r __ __ m __ __ __ s .

He was begging near __ __ r __ c __ __ .

He had to beg because he was __ __ __ __ d .

In the distance, he heard a noise. It sounded like a lot of people. He wondered what was happening. Someone told him that Jesus of Nazareth was coming. As soon as he heard that, Bartimaeus knew this was his big chance to see. He knew that Jesus had the power to do this. He began to shout loudly,

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”Q: Draw Bartimaeus on the mat.

Some people were angry with Bartimaeus for making so much fuss. They told him to keep quiet, but Bartimaeus paid no attention to them. Indeed, he shouted even louder than before. He really wanted Jesus to help him.

The Bible teaches that each one of us needs Jesus to help us too. We need Him to forgive our sins.



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Jesus stopped. He told someone to call Bartimaeus over to Him. As soon as Bartimaeus heard that Jesus wanted him, he threw his cloak aside, got up and came to Jesus.

Q: Put a tick (✓) after the RIGHT sentences, and a cross (✗) after the WRONG sentences.

Bartimaeus shouted loudly to Jesus.

Bartimaeus kept quiet when the people told him to.

Jesus walked past the beggar, pretending not to hear him.

Bartimaeus got up and came to Jesus.

The crowd kept Bartimaeus from coming to Jesus.

“What do you want me to do for you?” asked Jesus.

“Lord,” he answered, “I want to see.”

“You can go,” replied Jesus. “Your faith has healed you.” No sooner had He said the words than Bartimaeus received his sight!

Jesus has the power to do such miracles. The Bible tells us that when we trust Him, He does an even greater miracle for us, He takes our sins away.

Q: Fill in the missing letters, using these clues. All the words you need are found in the story.

1. “Your f __ __ __ __ has healed you.”2. Bartimaeus threw this away.3. This m __ __ __ __ __ __ was done by Jesus.4. Jesus stopped and c __ __ __ __ __ Bartimaeus.5. Bartimaeus called Jesus “The S __ __ of David”.6. This story shows the wonderful p __ __ __ __ of Jesus.

Bartimaeus followed Jesus along the road. What a happy man he must have been! His life had changed! The Bible says that our lives can change too if we trust Jesus as our Saviour and follow Him every day.








B2Level 2 Bible Stories


bibletime Name:

STORY 4: Jesus heals ten men with leprosy KEY VERSE:

Psalm 107: 21Ask someone to help you find this verse.

READ:Luke 17: 11-19

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In the country where Jesus lived there were many people who had a horrible skin disease called leprosy. It was so serious that they were not allowed to mix with other people. They had to leave their families, and live outside the towns and villages.

One day, as Jesus was about to go into a village, ten men met Him. They all had leprosy! As they weren’t allowed to come near anyone, they stood at a distance and shouted, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”

Q: Circle the correct word in each of these sentences:

The serious skin disease was called: CHICKEN POX MEASLES LEPROSY

There were TEN NINE SIX men who met Jesus.

Q: Fill in the missing letters to show what they shouted to Jesus.

Jesus called back to them,“Go and show yourselves to the priests.” At once, they obeyed Jesus, and set off to find the priests.

By acting on Jesus’ words, they were clearly showing that they believed in Him. Before they had taken many steps the miracle happened! All ten men were completely healed!

J __ __ __ __ ,

M __ __ __ __ __ , h __ __ __

m __ __ __ __ o __ u __ !

level 2Marks (to be entered by leader)






Grand Total

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LEVEL 2 B202/2020

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Q: What’s the missing word in this sentence?

They were healed when they b __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Jesus.

When they saw the wonderful change that had taken place, one of them went back to thank Jesus. This time, he didn’t have to keep at a distance from Him! He went right up, fell down at His feet, and thanked Him for what He had done for him.

Jesus noticed that only one had come back to say “Thank You.”

The one who returned was not a Jew. He was a Samaritan.

“Where are the others?” Jesus asked.

Q: Write down the first letter of each object to discover what the Samaritan said to Jesus.

Christians have said thank you to God for sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for their sins.

The story ends with Jesus saying to the Samaritan, “Your faith has made you well.” What a happy day for him! Jesus had changed his life!

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