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Page 1: Strategic Plan Advisory Committee August 19, 2013 1.


Strategic Plan Advisory CommitteeAugust 19, 2013

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SPAC by the Numbers

200 Large Group participants220 Focus Group participants4,105 Survey participants

Approximately 4,525 total participants


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Strategic Plan Advisory Committee

Development of:






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Beliefs Protocol-SPAC Kick OffEach team member wrote a list of Beliefs and

marked their top 3 most strongly held convictions

Each member shared one Belief with the team

Team came to agreement on the 3 most strongly held convictions of the team and posted on chart paper

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Group Beliefs


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Beliefs Protocol-SPAC Kick Off

Teams conducted a gallery walk of each poster:◦Used red dots to note disagreement◦Used green dots to identify 3 most strongly held convictions

Results- 18 most strongly held Beliefs

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Gallery Walk Results


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Beliefs to Focus GroupsWho?

◦Homogenous◦Staff (6 groups)

Teachers, Administrators, Central Office◦Community (12 groups)

Parents, HS students, Community members

What?◦Took 18 Belief statements and began process

of reducing and refining most strongly held Beliefs Individually (agree or disagree) Extended discussion and group tally


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Beliefs to Survey

10 strongest held Beliefs

Participants asked to rank order by level of importance


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NISD Vision-Focus GroupsWho?

◦Homogenous Focus Groups (Staff & Community)

What?◦Vision Protocol

Each team member wrote a Vision statement Each member shared their Vision statement with the group◦Facilitators captured key words from each shared Vision statement


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Vision Key Words

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Vision to Survey9 most used words/phrases from focus

group Vision statements

Participants asked to rank order by level of importance


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Vision to SPAC Large Group

Groups utilized ranked words/phrases from survey to craft a statement that utilized the most highly prioritized key words

Groups chose one person (the Visionary) to represent them in the Vision group


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Vision Group ProtocolQ1: Who is the subject of the Vision statement?

Q2: What is the ultimate purpose/cause/hope (verb)?

Q3: How is the action qualified in time, space, quality?

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NISD Vision

Our students will be equipped with knowledge and skills to become productive life-long learners in an ever-changing global society.


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NISD Mission-SPAC Large GroupEach individual wrote a Mission statement

Each team crafted and came to agreement on one Mission statement

Each team chose one person (the Missionary) to represent them in the Mission group


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Mission Group ProtocolQ1: Who is the subject of the Mission statement?

Q2: What is the ultimate role/operation/service (verb)?

Q3: How is the action qualified in time, space, quality?

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NISD Mission

The Northside Independent School District community will provide innovative, quality, diverse learning opportunities in an ever-changing world.


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SWOT Protocol: SPAC Large Group Each group drew a picture of the current state of

the district as a vehicle, metaphorically representing the strengths and weaknesses of the district.


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SWOT Protocol: NISD in Pictures


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SWOT Protocol-SPAC Large GroupUsing pictures to springboard

conversations, groups conducted a SWOT analysis:

◦Strengths- What do we do better than others?

◦Weaknesses- What can we improve on?

◦Opportunities- What could help us move something from weakness to strength?

◦Threats- What are obstacles and barriers to improvement?


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Critical Issues to Objectives Protocol-SPAC Large GroupTable groups conducted a gallery walk of all

SWOT posters and came to agreement on most critical issue/opportunity for district.

Using identified issue/opportunity, groups drafted a strategy/goal (Objective).


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Post-SPAC Work

Compiled data from SWOT analysisCompiled and reviewed Critical Issues

◦Collapsed Critical Issues into broader Priorities

Drafted 5-year Priorities and Objectives


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2013-18 Priorities & Objectives

Using “SPAC Large Group Critical Issues and Objectives,” identify your group’s Critical Issue

Discuss: Is the intent of your original Objective captured in the “NISD 2013-18 Strategic Plan: Draft?” (10 min.)


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Priorities & Objectives Review ProtocolComplete the “2013-18 Strategic Plan

Priorities & Objectives Review” handout (15 minutes for each Priority and its Objectives. 60 min total.)

Facilitator will submit completed copy


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Closing ThoughtsWhen thinking about the 2013-18 NISD

Strategic Plan, what impact do you believe it will have on your school-aged child?

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Final Steps

Review and revise Priorities and Objectives◦Board approval

Develop Year 1 activities of the District Improvement Plan

Begin implementation of new Strategic Plan & District Improvement Plan


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