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Page 1: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

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Using Owner Side – TutorialVideo tutorial

Page 2: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 1 - RegisterClick here for basic instruction

Page 3: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 2 – Contact us

• Send us an e-mail at [email protected]• We will authorize you and give you Owner

privileges:– Open restaurant– Add menus– Manage waiters and tables at restaurant

Page 4: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 3 – Enter restaurant details

Enter details here


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Step 4 – Enter Menus and dishes

Click here

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Step 4 – Enter Menus and dishesoption 1

1 2 3

1) Click “Add a new menu”2) Give the new menu a name3) Hover the new menus’

name4) Clock “Add dish” –

explained later


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Step 4 – Enter Menus and dishesoption 2

1) Go to your rest.co.il account

2) Copy the menus’ URL3) Enter it in the text line4) Hit “sync menu”



Copy URL

Paste URL click 4


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Step 4 – Enter Menus and dishesDishes

Enter dish details and properties

Allows you to add things that go along with this dish. Enter a name for this selection menu, the options in it and it’s price.E.g.: drinks; water, cola; 8

Page 9: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 5 – Add tables




1) Click tables link in the toolbar

2) Click create a new table

3) Enter a table name (E.g.. VIP) and click create

Page 10: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 5 – Add tables

When hovering with your mouse over a tables name you can get the tables QR code for diners using the application to use

For your diners use of the application, print for each table its Diners key and QR code and attach them to the right table.By using these codes the diner can sign in as diners at that tables and make orders, call waiters etc.

Page 11: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 6 – Add waiters



1) Click “Waiters”2) Click “Add a new waiter”

and enter the waiters E-mail. Finish by clicking “Add waiter”

Pay attention! The waiter must have a user account in order for you to add him as an employee

Page 12: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 7 – View restaurant

Page 13: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 7 – View restaurant

• This is where you see all the live action of your restaurant.

See and respond quickly to calls made from diners (waiter and check calls.To respond to a call, click on it and it will disappear

See each tables current state, regarding orders made, orders forwarded to the kitchen, open waiter or check calls and total bill. By clicking the tables name you see the exact order made, waiter calls times etc.


Page 14: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

Step 8 – View table order

• After clicking a tables name in the page above you get here

You can see all the orders made from this table, who made them, comments regarding these orders and when they were ordered.

Once you or one of your waiters had forwarded the order to the kitchen you must clean it by clicking this.

You and your waiters can check in as this table and use the app to make orders

When clicking this you clear all unforwarded orders and unresponded waiter calls from this table. this will also generate a new table key and barcode for security

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Step 9 - Editing

• Now that you had finished entering basic details to start using this app, you can keep adding new stuff, and editing old details.

Our custom made toolbar will take you anywhere you want to go in your restaurant. You can also find it in the bottom of the page:

Page 16: StrEAT – Eat out app eat-ria.appspot.com eat-ria.appspot.com Using Owner Side – Tutorial Video tutorial.

• This will bring you to the page we saw in step 6.

• This is the main page as far as you’re concerned.

• All actions regarding normal flow of this app use is managed through this page.

• STEP 7

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Edit the details regarding your restaurant here

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1) Find the name of the menu you want to edit

2) Hover the menus name and choose the option “EDIT MENU”

3) A text line will open and you can enter a new name for the menu. Hit “update menu” to finish

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• When you add a dish to the menu you have the option of inserting a URL for its picture.

• If you choose not to give one, our app will choose a default picture for this dish from our picture database.

• When you go to this page you can identify the dishes that didn’t get a picture from you by this pic placeholder:

• Once you add a picture url to the dish the real picture will appear next to it.

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To edit a dish:1) Find it in your menu and

Click “Edit dish”, or “delete dish” if you want to delete it altogether

2) In the window opened you can see and edit the dishes details. When finished click “Update dish”

3) The menu will automatically refresh and you can see the updated dish.

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You can also click on the dishes name and get the page that the diner will see.From this page you can also choose to edit the dishOr delete it.

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When hovering over a tables name you get a menu that allows you to change the table name, delete it or create it’s QR code

You can also create a new table as explained in Step 5

To edit the tabled name enter the new name in the text box and click “change table name”

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Here you can manage your employees.You can change a waiters state from “punched in” and “punched out” by clicking the link next to his name.Only a “punched in” waiter can make operations in this app such as taking orders, answering calls etc.You can also remove waiters by clicking “remove waiter” next to his nameYou can always add new waiters as explained in Step 6

In the side bar you can see al unresponded waiter and check calls, and tend to them. By clicking on an open call it is cleared from the database.Hitting “Clean restaurant” clears all unresponded waiter call and unforwarded orders, and also makes all you waiters “punched out”

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So sign in or register to start using this wonderful app!

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