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Strengths & Weaknesses Assessment1. Read all strengths (gray column) and put an X next to the ones you identify with. Then go back and do the same with the weaknesses (white columns).2. Circle any matches: a match is when you chose a strength and its corresponding weakness (for example, 7. Dynamic, Active and 7. Anxious, Restless). 3. For the traits that didn’t match, identify the corresponding strength or weakness. Does that trait describe you? If so, circle that match as well.

My TOP strengths are: _________________________________, _________________________________, and _________________________________.

Adapted from Rendall, D. J. (2015). The Freak Factor: Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting Weakness.


1. Creative, Inventive 1. Messy, Disorganized 27. Influential, Powerful 27. Controlling, Manipulative

2. Organized, Prepared 2. Firm, Inflexible 28. Obedient, Respectful 28. Weak, Passive

3. Dedicated, Determined 3. Stubborn, Inflexible 29. Motivated, Ambitious 29. Obsessive, Workaholic

4. Flexible, Easygoing 4. Inconsistent, Unreliable 30. Relaxed, Easygoing 30. Unmotivated, Lazy

5. Enthusiastic, Passionate 5. Quick-Tempered, Angry 31. Logical, Balanced 31. Critical, Judgmental

6. Calm, Laid-Back 6. Unfeeling, Emotionless 32. Compassionate, Kind 32. Pushover, Too Generous

7. Dynamic, Active 7. Anxious, Restless 33. Positive, Encouraging 33. Flattering, Naïve

8. Reflective, Thoughtful 8. Quiet, Shy 34. Realistic, Sensible 34. Negative, Discouraging

9. Adventurous, Courageous 9. Reckless, Irresponsible 35. Open-Minded, Accepting 35. Immature, Unexperienced

10. Responsible, Cautious 10. Boring, Uninteresting 36. Certain, Decisive 36. Opinionated, Unbending

11. Activist, Groundbreaking 11. Rebellious, Disobedient 37. Extravagant, Elegant 37. Complicated, Difficult

12. Predictable, Traditional 12. Old-Fashioned, Obedient 38. Simple, Natural 38. Plain, Dull

13. Direct, Honest 13. Blunt, Rude 39. Self-Controlled, Disciplined 39. Harsh, Stiff

14. Polite, Courteous 14. Shallow, Insincere 40. Fun, Entertaining 40. Self-Absorbed, Self-Indulgent

15. Cooperative, Helpful 15. Passive, Submissive 41. Serious, Mature 41. Humorless, Intense

16. Competitive, Assertive 16. Unfriendly, Aggressive 42. Funny, Amusing 42. Silly, Immature

17. Academic, Committed 17. Unrealistic, Unreasonable 43. Focused 43. Limited, Narrow

18. Realistic, Practical 18. Negative, Critical 44. Exploring, Discovering 44. Distractible, Unfocused

19. Independent, Self-Sufficient 19. Isolated, Selfish 45. Generous, Giving 45. Pushover, Sucker

20. Team Player, Unselfish 20. Dependent, Nosy 46. Pennywise, Thrifty 46. Stingy, Cheap

21. Objective, Neutral 21. Detached, Insensitive 47. Curious, Interested 47. Snooping, Nosy

22. Sensitive, Caring 22. Vulnerable, Emotional 48. Comfortable, Satisfied 48. Uninterested, Indifferent

23. Humble, Modest 23. Shy, Insecure 49. Loyal, Devoted 49. Robotic, Trusting

24. Confident, Secure 24. Arrogant, Conceited 50. Compliant, Flexible 50. Disloyal, Nit-Picky

25. Patient, Cautious 25. Slow, Indecisive 51. Detail-Orientated, Particular 51. Perfectionist, Compulsive

26. Spontaneous, Instinctive 26. Impatient, Impulsive 52. Common, General 52. Sloppy, Careless

My short-term academic goal is to raise my grade in the following class:

from a: to a: . My teacher for this class is:


Example Goal EvaluatorShort-Term Goal

On the next page, you will complete a “Goal Evaluator” to map out how you will achieve your short-term goal. Be sure that you customize your goal to fit your situation. Below is a sample of how to complete the goal evaluator.

Example Short-Term Goal What Are Detailed Action Steps?Specific short-term educational/career goal: To have zero tardies in my first-hour class.

Why did you choose the goal above? Because my tardiness is negatively affecting my grade.

The “action” steps I will take are:

1. Share my goal with my teacher and ask for advice.

2. Organize my clothes, book bag, and set my alarm clock in the evening. Go to bed at 10:30 p.m.

3. To avoid being late, set my alarm clock ahead. Start a good habit of leaving 5-10 minutes earlier.

4. Ask my mom to call me in the morning from work to help me stay on time.

5. When I get to school, go directly to class and do not socialize. Arrive in class at least one minute before the final bell rings.

6. Ask my instructor how my progress is going and for suggestions on how to improve my grade.

I will successfully complete this goal on: November 1st

1.  Do better.

2.  Study harder.

3.  Be more organized.

4.  Turn in all homework.

5.  Bring book home.

6.  Apply to college.

7.  Improve learning habits .

8.  Go to bed earlier.

1. Do better by turning in ALL homework, asking questions when I am not sure, and asking for extra credit.

2. Study harder by studying for an hour right after school in the kitchen with the radio and TV turned off.

3. Be more organized by using my daily planner.

4. Turn in all homework by writing all assignments in my planner and taking home all of my required materials.

5. Remember to bring my book home. Take a few minutes at the end of the day to review my planner and pack my book bag without distractions and socializing.

6. Talk to my counselor about applying to colleges that would best fit my career choices, visiting colleges, attending seminars at school, taking the ACT, and getting applications.

7. Improve learning habits by using flash cards, creating a study group that will quiz each other, and studying my vocabulary words 15 minutes before I go to sleep.

8. Go to bed no later than 10:30 p.m. each night. I will do this by limiting my evening social activities and completing all of my homework no later than 9:30 p.m.

Not Acceptable:


After you finalize your goal on the next page, fill in this section to have a copy in your book.

Tear this page out and take it home so you can remember each of your steps.

By , my goal is to raise my grade in the following class:

from a: to a: OR My educational goal is:


Daily Weekly Once Completed


Short-Term Academic Goal Evaluator

Weekly Check-in: once you have completed each action step, make a check in the “Completed” box.


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

List three HABITS you have that might stop you from accomplishing this goal.

1. 2. 3.

(Date Due)

My Vision BoardThink about what you want your life to look like in ten years. Design each section to be what you want for your future: education, career, family and friends, fun, where you will live, and other personal goals. Then, create a written vision statement for the education and career you want to have.

Education Career

My Career Vision is....


Family & Friends Fun

Where I Live Personal - Health, Fitness, Spirituality, Personal Mantra, Culture, Finance, Etc.


Career Scavenger HuntResearch and professional support can help you make the best career choice. Below, with your mentor’s support, use your Career Cruising results (www.careercruising.com) to research your top two careers or military choice. Once you complete your research, choose one career and share your research with your group. HINT: Start under assessments, then select matchmaker. For military, start under careers, then select military careers.

Career Interests Career 1: Career 2: Military: Military Job Family 1: Military Job Family 2:

What is the earnings range?

List two careers that interest you in this job family.




2.What are three core tasks for this career?







What are three core tasks for this career?






3.What personal attributes and abilities are needed for this career? List two.





What personal attributes and abilities are needed for this career? List two.





What type of education after high school or degree level is needed for this career?

Which Military Branch(es) offer service opportunity for your career interest? List the website and phone number.

How many years will it take to reach that degree level?

List one civilian career you would pursue after your military service.

Read the job description for this career. List one thing you might find difficult to enjoy about this career.

List one thing you would find difficult to enjoy about being in the military.



Career Name _________________________

Benefits (What I like about this career, what I get out of it)





Sacrifices (What I don’t like about this career, what I give up to get it)





Do the Benefits outweigh the Sacrifices?


Will I be able to use my strengths, talents, and passions in this career?


Career FitFirst, list your top three Strengths from page 3. Then look at your Career Scavenger Hunt on page 13 and write your top two career choices below. Determine the benefits of that career vs. the sacrifices to get that career. Career #3 is there if the first two aren’t worth it to you.

My Top 3 STRENGTHS: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________


Career Name _________________________

Benefits (What I like about this career, what I get out of it)





Sacrifices (What I don’t like about this career, what I give up to get it)





Do the Benefits outweigh the Sacrifices?


Will I be able to use my strengths, talents, and passions in this career?



Career Name _________________________

Benefits (What I like about this career, what I get out of it)





Sacrifices (What I don’t like about this career, what I give up to get it)





Do the Benefits outweigh the Sacrifices?


Will I be able to use my strengths, talents, and passions in this career?


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