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Page 1: Stress management

Stress Management

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Definition Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Information

Emotional stress usually occurs in situations people consider difficult or challenging. Different people consider different situations to be stressful.

Physical stress refers to a physical reaction of the body to various triggers. The pain experienced after surgery is an example of physical stress. Physical stress often leads to emotional stress, and emotional stress often occurs as physical stress (e.g., stomach cramps).

Stress management involves controlling and reducing the tension that occurs in stressful situations by making emotional and physical changes. The degree of stress and the desire to make the changes will determine how much change takes place.

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Types of Stress There are two types of stress a) Short term (acute stress) and

Long term (chronic stress). Short-term (acute) stress is usually caused by a temporary

situation or emotion that can be resolved quickly, for example, locking the car keys in the car or waiting in long lines. Although the stressful feelings can be very intense, they usually disappear after a short time.

Long-term (chronic) stress is constant, relentless pressure that can last for months or years. Many situations or conditions can cause chronic stress. Type A personalities or high-pressure lifestyles can be major factors in causing chronic stress. Some people get so used to the stress that they can't even recognize it anymore. Chronic stress predisposes people to higher risks of depression, mental illness, high blood pressure and various other medical conditions.

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Stress Management Techniques: 10 ways

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Step 1: Physical Activity Physical activity is a good way to fight the feelings

associated with stress. Plan your schedule to fit in at least 20 minutes of activity, three times a week. The type of physical activity does not matter, as long as you're moving around. Try teaming up with a buddy for additional motivation.

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Step 2: Healthy diet Stress can be related to an improper diet, so healthy

eating and nutrition is key to combating stress. Medline Plus recommends increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, while focusing on controlled portion sizes.

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Step 3: Socialization Stress can sometimes lead you to want to avoid your

friends. However, interacting with friends and family can boost your mood and take your mind off of anything that causes stress.

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Step 4: Avoid Stress One of the best ways to control your stress level is to

avoid known stress-inducing situations. Avoid people who cause you stress. Additionally, avoid places that may stress you out. For example, if crowds stress you out, avoid the mall or amusement parks. Also, avoid discussing topics that cause you stress. If political debates bother you, don't engage in them.

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Step 5: Be willing to adjust You need to be willing to adjust to situations to

combat potential stress. Be willing to compromise instead of fighting for your own way. However, if necessary, be more assertive and stand up for yourself and your opinions. Don't let yourself be walked all over, as that can lead to an excess of stress.

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Step 6: Look at the bigger picture Looking at the bigger picture, as focusing on smaller,

specific situations can often lead to negative thinking. Focus on the positive and try to find the silver lining in every situation. Positive thinking can go a long way in fighting stress.

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Step 7: Acceptance Sometimes it is important to just accept the things

you cannot change. Not everything in life can be controlled, and attempting to do so will only result in undue stress. Additionally, Help Guide suggests learning to forgive as a way to cope with stress. Holding grudges can be tiresome and upsetting; forgive people and move on.

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Step 8: Be healthy In addition to physical activity and overall nutrition

maintain a healthy lifestyle. This means that you should limit drinking, quit smoking and avoid drugs. Unhealthy habits can cause illnesses that can increase stress levels; try to be healthy to decrease stress.

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Step 9: Learn to say “No” Over-committing to too many things is a fairly

common cause of stress. Learn to say no; only take on as many activities as you can fit into your schedule, while still making time for yourself. Cut down on the number of things you put on your to do list. Forcing yourself to do too many things will only make you feel run down and stressed out.

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Step 10: Relax Finding a hobby or activity that you enjoy that will

allow you to release stress and enjoy yourself. Read a book every week, join a yoga class, get a massage, take a bath, go for a walk, or play with a pet. Whatever you do, just make sure it's enjoyable and relaxing.

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