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bubblyCfW of Southamptonsundayk"%**


Kt'llGHTot,l ARMS arethrough to the AI MillerFnal rfter a quito brilliant&1 victory over lfrribnap.

Luke Watts and LiamCrcok put lhighton aheadb€for€ tho brsak and ShaneFlooks, Costa Sounnenidis,Richie Channdl ad amfierfrom Wattc make it sifEd$.ad lMiliamr scorlrg aconsoldon for lthitemp inonesided affair.

In the TrophynanGhallengo Cry seml.fi nal,Fountain Court and AFCAllbrook played ottt abamstoming semi-fiml onSunday, whk$ was settedon penaltics.

Sean Stone and JackBetleridge scor€d for eachside in the firct half, JamesBurken and Antony Maskelllikewise in the second half.



I CUP REVIEWAnd the familiar pattem

continued in exba-time asS:tone and Dave Readinggoals ensuring penalties,

Fountain Court managedto hoH tpir nerveswindng the shoot out 5-gtaking tftem to lhe final.

In the Judor Trophysemi-finals, Roll Gall madetheir rvay to the final with a91 victory over DMsion 4side New Forest Eagles.

The ffi halfwas an ovoncontest with James Fartherand Dean Floyd on thescoredpet for fteirr€sp€ctivo teams.

ll,owever the Roll Callcomo out lh6 blocksquickly in the second halfand their pressure told onthe team a division below

them, Alan HiHrcock andMad< Williams scoring.

The othor semi-final wasa much morg unevencontest as AFC Toynbeeran out corfltortablewimers.

Toynbee have beenmrklng inroads o|i the top. -of DMsion 4 and still hayesh games in hand on theleaders, and they got tohalf time 4-0 up and thegame was virtually alrcadydone as a contest

Aftorthe break, Toynboeadded three mors goalsto complele a fine 7-0Yictory.

Even tfiough Roll Call arechasing the top two inDivision 3, a great fnal isexpectgd botmon theselwo sftleo as both are ingreat fofin.

,lea€ueFootball 4.

Avenae uack the

AUElllE wm ilp Senlolpffibn wlilput euonScklng a ball onSnday as llorm hnbot +1 away bWosilood Old BoUs,utl|bo SlltAfrf ffiWnHorns Inn hadthe chanceto

continue a title fieht as theyhad several games in hand,but this defeat was one toomany. A hat-trick from TomMiller and a Jason Buncegoal game the home side vic-tory. Greg King scored a con-solation for Horns Inn

ln Junior 1, tlre top twonlaclrd urillr irrcf fhrc minfcscPararulB rlrem pnor Iokick-off. Brookhill saintswere superb in the first half,racing into a 4-l lead withgoals from Tom Mason, PenryHarding (2) and Stu Gregory,with a reply ftom Tavern'sAlex Gudgeon.

The victory was cementedin the second halfas Gregoryadded his second and a WadbWilson goal gave the visitorsa Gl win and the league title.

In Junior 2. both teams hadIittle to play for position wisebut the game was a superbway to draw the season to aclose nonetheless. Craig Mewfor Casfle Inn and Ben Clarkfor Academy SC scored in attht first half, but there wasa flurry of goals to come.

SC emerged 4-5 winnerswith a Craig Edwards braceand goals from Steve Wheat-land and Matthew Pildm.

The hosts replied drroughJoel Portlock, Martin Stuartand Rich Warner.

In Junior 3, SherfieldEnglish and ChamerlayneAthletic Reserves finishedtheir seasons off with a com-pelling game. The home sideled $0 at the break with a

brace from Toby Rogers andanotherfrom Dave Wdker.

Athlefic forced their wavback into the game in the sei-ond half, scoring three, butfurther goals from Walkerand a brace from ShaunWoodhouse, one of whichwas a sublime lob, gaveEnglish a $3 victory.

In Junior 4 on Thursdaynight, two tifle challengerscollided as FC Salt and HOIUdrew 2-2. James langer andCraig Phillip netted in thefirst half before tee Cnlwelland a second for Phillifsmeant honours ended even.

AFC Riverside kept intouch with leaders ErC Saltwiiir rvrii<e' couini.-nftvDance and Dan Palmes oirtarget, and - with two gamesin hand - they could mount areal title charge.

FC Salt won a tight gamewith Newton Athletic. thegoal coming in the secondhalf from James Langer.

HC4U battled back ftom 2-ldown at LH Galaxv to win ,f2and, with so many games inhand, they have a real oppor-tunity to take the Division 4title. Galaxy's goals camefrom Martin Wolfand CallumOvenden and HC4U repliedwith a double for OllieDavidson and Craig Phillips.

In Junior 5, AF'C Burseldonclosed the gap at the toD as ahat-trick fiom Ross W'alton.brace from Antony Arrandand Matthew Neary soal sawthem beat bottom cif the tableEasfleigh Irish, whose goaldifference now stands at -36.

Eastpoint whacked Cher-bourg &3 away after a tightfirst half. Dean Brunsdenscored a fantastic hat-trickand goals were added byMarc Fielder. Adam Fielder.Dan Brunnen, KennethHampton and Pete Parker.

GLINICAL: ShaneFlooks was on targetas Knighton Arms hitWhitenap for six tomarch into the AJ MillerCup Final.Cherbourg won the Junior

6 tiile with a 2-2 draw atBitterne Park Hotel. DarurvMead and Darrell Coffin oirthe mark, while nearest chal-lenegers Bishops Blaizerecorded a tremendous ?-0victory at HL Cornithians.

Marchwood's goal differ-ence is now an astonishing -121 after Sportins Compassadded nine-with

-tee Viient

(3), Luke Webster (2), TomWilliams (2I Ashley Drouetand Andrew West scoring.

Dan Saunders was the herofor RS Ocean Village as theybeat Amplifield 3-2.

Lord Nelson in commanclLORD NELSON increasedtheir gap at the top of theDivision 2 on Sundav with atenilic five-goal vict6ry overTrants.

Trants themselves couldhave been right in themiddle of the title race hadthey not succumbed to

Sorrtharnpton & DistrlctSunda5r Lda€Ue

such a defeat. Goats came prayfust att.r:iB;"from a Danny Fry brace, sides batfled out a tired 0-0Ben Bofton (left), Alfie Cole oraw.and Tom Dixon. Echo threw a lead awav

In the reverse fixture to drop two points at hori.re

to Otter, Ker and Lace anda solitary reply fromEdmonds giving them a 2-1lead at hatf time.

A Phillips goal gave Ottera deserved equaliser afterthe break.

Maple FC produced adramatic comeback againsl

Chartwell that lifts theirchances of getting ofi thefoot of the table.

Chartwell went in athalf-time 3-1 ahead withgoals from Gary Klepp,Jamie Mcloughin andMichael Thomas.

In reply, Kieron Hobbs

scored for Maple, who thenreversed the first half scoreto snatch a ooint.

The goals came frnmChris Astridge, a secondfrom Hobbs and JoeCordwell, with MichaelThomas netting forChartwell.