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Page 1: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Student Groups, Organizations and Associations

One of the main reasons why Ås has such a good student environment is because of

the many student teams, organisations and associations. New students will see a lot of

these at the information course (Graskurs) on August 17th. Here, every organization

or association will present itself and you will get an insight in some of the

associations’ activities, and how to sign up or apply. By joining one of the more than

80 associations at NMBU you will get a bigger network of friends across your field of

studies and you will get a better social life outside of school.

Here follows a short introduction of all the student organizations and associations at


Page 2: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


The Cultural Trinity

Hankattforeningen stiftet 1902

(Tomcat society) is the oldest student fraternity in Norway. Established in

1902 by The Great Johan L. Hirsch (first director of NLH, now NMBU).

Twelve men live together in a frat house called “Faderloftet” at the top of

Jubilo student apartments Pentagon. All students will eventually attend a

party or afterparty here, and most female students or professors will spend

the night...



[email protected]

Den X-Clusive Stiftelse PB


Den X-Clusive Stiftelse PB is the eternal Counterweight against the


With X-Clusiv greeting

Det Hoeïwerdige Styre


[email protected]

Foreningen Hunkatten

(The She-cat Sorority) is the only Exclusive Sorority for Women here at the

agricultural Metropolis, and was founded by 10 female Students in 1960. A She-

cat spreads Happiness and Joy at every Occasion at NMBU. «Foreningen

Hunkatten» consists of maximum 20 She-cats, with different Responsibilities.

Once in a while does The Leader, FFD, open for new Members. For more

Information about «Foreningen Hunkatten», visit us at Qlturens Høiborg (Inferno

301-306), or


[email protected]

Page 3: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Associations with Norwegian Regional Origin

Page 4: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Trøndernes Fagforening

Mail: [email protected]

Web: www.karsken.no


Mail: [email protected]

Nord-Østerdal Karsk-, Kromkake- og EvangelieLag.

Mail: [email protected]

Web: http://nokkelaget.wordpress.com

Hedmarkslaget - NLH

Contact: Ola Åmodt og Bernt Bjørnstad

Nordlands Trompet

Facebook: Nordlands Trompet

Det Sørlandske Selskab

Mail: [email protected]


Bergensforeningen Breiflabb

Mail: [email protected]

Tlf Thomas (leder): 41559278

MF Svela

Mail: [email protected].

Facebook: MF Svela

Vestoppland Støl, Sild og Glass A/L

Page 5: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Choirs and Other Music Groups

The Male Choir Over Rævne

Do you like Mountains, Beer and Women? Do you have chest hair and a

powerful voice? Then the male choir Over Rævne is for you! Over Rævne

was founded in BEdogaen in 1993, and is still going strong! Our clothing is

inspired by the Norwegian farmers at the beginning of the 1900s. We often

perform for both large and small audiences, and sings everything from

Grieg to Sit on my face. Most of our songs are in Norwegian.

Web: http://www.overraevne.com

Mail: [email protected]

Pikekoret IVAR

is University of Life Sciences female choir who sing beautiful melodies every

Thursday at 7 pm. The girls sing about everything that is close to their heart;

flowers, dresses, love, spring, “Kjell” and their hero Ivar F. Andresen. Self-

written songs often appear. They have an exquisite wardrobe filled with

beautiful dresses from the colorful decades. The IVAR-flower is always

carried near their chest and they dress up with sequins, flowers and

stilettos. If you want to be glamorous and sing amorous songs, you should

consider Pikekoret IVAR.

Remember: more is more!

Web: www.pikekoretivar.com

Mail: [email protected]

Lærken the Choir

Lærken (=The Larch) is the oldest choir at NMBU and emerged in 1972. It

is a choir for men and women who want to spread awareness of the great

Norwegian writer Kjell Aukrust and sing not so serious songs about livestock.

We sing self-written songs in Norwegian with familiar and not so familiar

melodies. Every spring we put on a revue (=show) with humorous sketches

and songs. We have our own place at the student houses called Bohemen,

which is open for everyone who wants drop by for a coffee, a song or a pint

Mail: [email protected]

Kontaktadresse: Postboks 1237, NMBU, 1432 Ås

Page 6: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


The choir Noe Ganske Annet

Do you enjoy singing? Join the choir Noe Ganske Annet (Something

Quite Different)! We are a mixed choir, and our ultimate goal is to

spread the joy of singing wherever we might be and to whomever we

might encounter. Our repertoire is a varied one spanning from movie

themes and drinking tunes to pop or folk songs, all delivered with our

special touch, creative dance moves and a smile. Come, sing with us.

Web: www.noeganskeannet.com

Epost: [email protected]

Facebook: Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet


is NMBU's only, oldest and best big band. We play music from a wide

array of genres and have concerts and gigs throughout the year. The band

is composed of horns, percussion, and vocalists, and we are the only music

organization with a professional director. We are constantly seeking new

members, so, if you play an instrument and are looking for a fun, social

activity outside of you're studies, contact us! Practice is at Halvors every

Tuesday from 18-21.

Søk oss opp på facebook: STUMBb

Mail: [email protected]


(The Rock Club) has a room equipped with guitar/bass amplifiers, drums,

keyboard and a PA system. As a member, you/your band get practice

time every where the room is all yours. We also have jam nights where

you can come and play with other students who share your passion for

music. Check out our Facebook page and become a member today!

Rock on!


Dås – Dance Ås is an association for people who are passionate about

dancing. We dance everything form classic style to modern hip-hop. Through

workouts and social events we support each other as students and dancers.

If you like to dance or have experience as a dancer, this is the association for

you. We like to perform and take the opportunities we get. Contact us on

Facebook or talk to us, the coolest boys and girls at NMBU, on our stand at


Page 7: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


The Swing Club Snurrebass

The Swing Club Snurrebass is open for everyone enjoying dancing. We

primarily dance Norwegian Folk Swing. Every Monday and Thursday we

meet at Samfunnet for social dancing. On Thursdays we have free courses

in swing, and there will be given frequently beginner courses during the

whole semester. In addition, we will repeat the success of having a free

series of West Coast Swing classes, for the third semester in a row.

During the semester we also have several weekend courses, and we have

the most danceable Christmas dinner in Ås. For more information, check

out our group on Facebook: Swingklubben Snurrebass.

Mail: [email protected]

The student choir Selah

was established in august 2009 and is a choir open for all students. We

are a group of girls and boys that love to sing. There are no restrictions

on how good a singer you are, but it is important that you like to worship

God through singing! During the year we sing on the Christmas concert

(with all the other NMBU choirs) and arrange our own easter concert,

we also have some other performances during the year.

Our practices is every Tuesday from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Web: http://selahnmbu.wordpress.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SangkoretSelah

Mail: [email protected]


Have you ever played in an orchestra/band?

Åsblæst’n is NMBU’s only student orchestra/band, and have been playing

since 1974. Åsblæst’n aim to spread happiness and musical harmony among

everyone who are willing, or unwilling, to listen. We are always looking for

new potential people who want to play with us. We’re particularly looking

for people who play tuba, saxophone and trumpet, but all other instruments

are ok as well. If you don’t have you own instrument, we might have some

you can use. If you wish to know more, send us an e- mail or see us at

Samfunnet Wednesdays at 18.15.

Mail: [email protected]

Sjekk også ut Åsblæst`n på facebook og følg oss på instagram @aasblaesten

Page 8: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.



Døgnflua is a folk group playing different types of music with members on all levels.

Contact them at their mailbox at the post house!

Leikarringen Frøy

The oldest dancing association at NMBU! They practice every Wednesday at

17:00-19:00 at Samfunnet.

Facebook: Leikarringen Frøy

E- mail: [email protected]

Flatlusa spellemannslag

Flatlusa spellemannslag is a folk band playing traditional folk music! They

practice at Mondays between 18.30 and 21.00 in Allrommet at Samfunnet.

Check them out on Facebook: "Flatlusa Spelemannslag"

Phone: 97516711

E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 9: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Social Clubs and Unions

BB Cowboys

are one of the newest members of the association family at NMBU (founded

05.10.2011), yet we have still managed to attend most of the association

events and gotten many new members. We are an association for both

sexes regardless of the main subjects, musical skills or geographical

location. Cowboys live a relaxed life where there is life here and now that

counts. We are an association where the social environment is in focus. We

seek to find fun and enjoyable things to do together, whether it is lassoing,

line dancing, cinema or association evenings. We do not say no to a party

if the opportunity arises. If you want to spread the joy of cowboy life at

the Agrarmetropol it is reason enough to apply. So grab your hat and boots

and join in on the fun! Both cowboys and cowgirls are welcome, but cowboys are especially

encouraged to apply.

Mail: [email protected]

Web: www.bbcowboys.wordpress.com or “BB Cowboys” on Facebook.

Feminim & Fornem

is a social association based on democratic principles,

established on the 24th of August 2008. The sorority consists

of a unique composition of lovely, dedicated and humorous

young ladies that want to secure a good solidarity among

the students. The members behave in a feminine manner

dressed in their blue dresses, and are often seen at

different events at campus. Around Christmas time the

sorority shows extra goodwill and arranges a waffle sale for

a charitable purpose. Every year there are also several fund raising campaigns in relations to

United Aid. Feminin & Fornem puts up a revue every other fall, and builds a bar during UKA.

There is frequently a need for more young ladies in the sorority, and an information night will be

held during the fall. Welcome!

Web: http://www.femininogfornem.com

E-post: [email protected]

Gents Academy

is an association that builds on the strength of differences in people. The

Academy was created with focus on the somewhat forgotten art of the

gentleman. They maintain their values, have gatherings and do classy

appearances in the bodega. It is known that the academy is a factory

where boys enter and men appear. Keywords are companionship, tradition,

whiskey and intoxicating experiencesThis

Web: www.gentsacademy.org/

Mail: [email protected]

Page 10: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Broderskapet Unity

With the slogan “Quality through Unity”, the brotherhoods members always

work hard to deliver quality in our three visions; community, career and

charity. The strong bond between the current and former members assures

you a fantastic circle of friends and a professional network that you will have

for the rest of your life. If you have any questions, we`ll be at the introduction

course! Or you can ask us elsewhere. Are you interested in joining NMBUs

most innovative club?

Web: www.broderskapetunity.com

Mail: [email protected]

Collegium Alfa

is an academic and social association consisting of dedicated and

cheerful girls. As a member of Collegium Alfa we provide a unique

network of girls who all contribute different expertise to help each

other up - through academic events and internal coursing, company

visits and close contact with industry. In addition, we organize social

events and as part of the unique student environment at the university,

of course, we participate in the social festivities on campus.

We would like to have members from as many fields of study as possible,

that may contribute to increase the internal interdisciplinary. By learning

from each other the members get an unique opportunity to develop on

several levels. Do you want to make the most out of study time, then

Collegium Alfa could be for you.

Koneklubben Freidig

is an all girl's association that consists of members who want to

preserve traditions, and simultaneously be confident and independent

women. We want to learn the old, yet good traditions and bring them

with us throughout life, but also become modern women. Are you

interested in making food from scratch, knowing appropriate social skills,

learning how to pole dance, brew beer, make vine, and excel in social

life - and get to know other girls with the same interests? Then this is

the society for you! We are dressed in pink checkered aprons – so won’

t be hard to find at the ”Introduction course”!

[email protected]


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Clubs and Unions for Special Interests

Cold Pillow

For us that put our pillow in the refrigerator one hour before bedtime!! Do

you enjoy the feeling of going to bed, wrap yourself in your blanket and put

your tired head on a pillow that holds exactly 4°C that will guarantee you a

night of good sleep? Have you grown sick of all the judgmental looks you get

at samfunnet because you put your pillow in your refrigerator one hour

before bedtime? Then we`re the student union for you. We that put our

pillows in the refrigerator one hour before bedtime guarantee that you

won`t get a cold shoulder. Send a cool request to [email protected] for

closer contact.

Oikis – Organic Garden Group

The main focus of the organic gardening group is promoting organic

gardening and sustainable living, by managing an organic garden. The

group is highly social, and is open for everybody. The activities are

announced trough our Facebook groug, our mailing list, on athene, with

posters and trough general gossip. There are many exchange students in

our group, and we consider ourself an international group. Our

announcements are done in both Norwegian and English, and at the

events, we talk in english if there are english speakers present. The

activities that were arranged last year were building projects, guided

mushroom-picking trips, cheese making, felting, pasta and bread-

making course, beer and cider brewing, guided trip to Ramme Gaard,

etc. The vegetable garden itself is in any case a nice place to hang

out in-between stressful study work days. During the warmer months,

we meet in the garden every Thursday at 5 pm, to sow, weed and

harvest vegetables, berries and fruits. But activities are arranged

throughout the year, and we are always open for activity suggestions. Many of our activities

are based on the initiative of interested students. If you are interested in getting to know us

better, you can meet us in the vegetable garden at Thursdays after 5 pm. It is located on the

right side of the main entrance to pentagon, when walking from the university. You can also

sign up to our mailing list at [email protected]

Studenthunden NMBU

Studenthunden is a club for students interested in dogs. Whether you have

a dog or not, everyone is welcome! The purpose of Studenthunden is to

create a social environment for all dog-interested students. Send an e-mail

to [email protected] if you are interested!

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Spillforeningen Både Kort og Bredt

The gaming association «Både Kort og Bredt» is a club that plays all kinds of

analog games. This includes playing cards and board games. They meet every

Monday at 17.00 to play games and enjoy themselves in møterommet at

Samfunnet. Everyone is welcome!

Web: https://sites.google.com/site/kortogbredt/

E-mail: [email protected].

NMBU Gaming

NMBU Gaming is an association for game interested students where they

can connect and share experience with each other. We think it is important

not to let students play alone and to communicate a healthy lifestyle around

games. NMBU Gaming arranges LAN, casual play nights, and tournaments

in PC and console games. We have a Facebook-page where we have more

information about our events, gaming news and gaming related

conversations. We wish you welcome to our association.

Ås Studentmållag

The student language society at NLH (before NMBU became a university)

was first brought together in 1908. From that time it has been inactive

several times, but is active as of now. Ås student language society is an

organization for Ås-students that like new Norwegian (nynorsk) and other

dialects. We are also a member of Norsk Målungdom (The Norwegian

language youth), so some of us also attend their meetings. Join us if you`re


E-Mail: [email protected]


Budeieforeninga – to benefit and enjoy resources!

The members of Budeieforeninga works on benefiting resources effectively

in both a new and old fashion. Cooking and handwork is central, with a big

focus on the origin of the commodities they use.

They can be reached on e-mail at: [email protected]

Page 13: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Religion, Lifestyle and Politics


Laget is a nationwide organization with a vision to make Jesus believed,

loved and followed at schools and universities in Norway. At Ås, Laget is one

of two Christian student organizations. We therefore have members coming

from different churches, and we are one of the largest organizations at Ås.

We have meetings every Thursday at 7 pm, at Halvors Hybel at Samfunnet.

Throughout the school year we also arrange trips and other fun activities.

Each year we choose a missionary project, and we collect money by

arranging an American auction, a lottery and a charity race, among others.

You are most welcome to Laget!

Web: https://lagetnmbu.com/

E-Mail: [email protected]

Ås Kooperativ

Are you passionate about organic and biodynamic principles, and that the

local farmer will be rewarded for their work? Then Ås Cooperative something

for you! Ås Cooperative is a member owned and member run cooperative for

retailing organic and biodynamic produce from local farmers. Read more on

aas.kooperativet.no or like us on facebook!

Contact: [email protected]

Studentlaget for Natur og Ungdom og Naturvernforbundet ved NMBU

NMBU has a strong environmental profile and this student team is working

to support and follow up environmental work at the university, while

spreading awareness of environmental issues among university students.

Throughout the year we organize seminars, debates, christmas workshop

and a cabin trip. We also have the opportunity to participate in local and

national seminars on environmental issues we are passionate about.

Anyone with a commitment to the environment, large or small, are

welcome to join our student team! Here there are many possibilities for

those who want a greener and better world!

Contact us at: [email protected]

Page 14: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Norwegian Political Student Parties at Ås

Ås Senterstudenter

Norways Centre Party student organization. For more information, like “Ås

senterstudenter” at Facebook or contact them on: [email protected]

Ås Grønne Studenter

Norways Green Party student organization. For more information:


Arbeiderpartiets studentlag i Ås - Astud

Norways Labour Party student organization. For more information:

[email protected]

Page 15: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Sports and Leisure


The student athletic club is responsible for the daily

sport activities at the NMBU, in co-operation with SIÅS.

NMBUI is managed by and for the students, and offers and

organizes the sports and physical activities. We want to

create good social and active meeting-places for you who

want to participate in sports in combination with your

education. NMBUI is for you who want to make new friendships, attempt new sports, as well as

continue former activities and also participating in athletic competitions.

As of today we offer cycling, rowing, handball, football, orientation, badminton, basketball,

tennis, dancing, floorball, skiing, climbing, capoeira, MMA, rugby, Australian football and volleyball.

NMBU-students can participate in all of these sports for only 150,- NOK each term. NMBUI is an

athletic club for everyone, whether you want to participate just because it is social and fun or you

want to exercise more seriously, is all up to you. Several of the sports also have a team playing in

a league. We are situated in the GG-hall and payment for membership can be done at the reception

desk there. By joining an athletic club you will get important experience, friends and memories

for life. You will not regret coming to a training session.

Information regarding training schedules is listed on our web site www.nmbui.no. If you

have any questions, please send them to our mail: [email protected]. We are looking forward to

a healthy, varied and fun year filled with athletic pleasure!

NMBU Friluftsliv

is a hiking group for those who like fresh air, high mountains, green

trees and campfires. Our events range from traditional outdoor activities

such as hiking in the mountains and forests, both summer and winter,

to kayak courses. We organize a campfire every second Tuesday each

month, hikes in the Ås-area and varied weekend trips throughout the

semester. As a member of NMBU friluftsliv (100,- per semester/150 per

year) you get access to rental of hiking equipment, in addition to joining

our hikes. Join our Facebook page "NMBU friluftsliv" or check out our

website for more information.


Mail:[email protected]

NMBU Rumpeldunk (Quidditch)

We are the official Quidditch team at the university in Ås. Quidditch is a really

tough sport that follows the rules of the International Quidditch Association

(IQA). We workout once a week and attend to the national championship at

spring. Several of our players are previously champions, but as long as you’re

willing to try and can bring on a good team spirit, there’s no other requirement.

Show up on one of our trainings noncommittal if you’re interested.

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StudentKRIK Ås

KRIK means Christian Sports Contact and is an organization with

local sports teams all over the country, in addition running

international volunteering (CHRISC). KRIK has a team for students

in Ås. At the team meetings we play and do ball activities. In the

breaks we have devotional and information. We have a lot of fun

together and everyone is welcome, no matter what level you are on

when it comes to sports! Follow KRIK on our Facebook-page for

regular updates and information.


The Nordic Games

The Nordic Games is an annual social sports event that lasts for just over a

week. The competitors come from what used to be the colleges of agriculture

in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. There are competitions in a lot of

different sports, like most ball sports, shooting, swimming, track, rowing,

tennis and others. In addition they focus on the social part, in the usual

«NMBU-style», from theme parties to banquet with award ceremony for

brave effort in the different competitions. This year it will be held in Denmark.

You will get to know a lot of new people from NMBU and the other nordic

countries. If you wanna get the best start of a new school year of study,

contact us! We can be found on a stand at the information course (Graskurs)

or by email. Sign up for this years happening. The Nordic Games are one of

the most important sports memory you will have from NMBU. For more

information, like our Facebook-page «Nordisk Landskamp NMBU» or email us


Mail: [email protected]



is a student association for those who love horses and ridning, either you are a beginner or

an experienced rider. We have a small stable at NMBU’s own farm which is managed by

voluntary students. Our main focus is the riding school, for students, adults and teenagers, and

we have as a goal to have a wide range of courses at different levels both in dressage and show

jumping. We also have a trail ride course for the more unambitious people. At the weekends, we

sometimes arrange other courses with instructors for other stables. Competitions are also

arranged twice a year. To take a walk down to the stable after a long stressful day at school and

meet the horses, are the best way to relax and chill off.

Web: www.123hjemmeside.no/kor-umb

E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 17: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Student Line Organizations

Departement of Mathematic Science and Technology (IMT)


is the students organization for the Department

of mathematical sciences and technology (IMT). As

a student at our department you are automatically

enrolled in Teknikum. As a student at our department

you are automatically enrolled in Teknikum. We are

responsible for your well being both academically

and in your social life. Teknikum are responsible for the buddy-week at IMT, relevant business

presentations, other social activities and maintaining contact with the department board and

academic board. Everyone attending IMT can contribute by being a member of Teknikum!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/teknikum

E-Mail: [email protected]

Indøk NMBU

Indøk NMBU is the line association for students studying economy at

NMBU. Indøk is a civil engineering program which combines knowledge

within technology, economy and leadership, leading to an attractive and

diverse competence in your field. Indøk NMBU works to promote and

strengthen industry-economy as a a program of study. The line association

also creates contacts between the students and the business sector, and

also strengthens the bond between students at different stages in the

program. The line association arranges several events throughout the

year, like business presentations, academic lectures and social events.

There is also a room, the Indøk-room, open to all students participating in

the program. Follow us on Facebook, and take a look at out web page for

more informations. We are excited to meet you!

Web: www.indoknmbu.no

E-Mail: [email protected]

La Stå!

La stå! is the student association for lector students at NMBU.

The vision is to create a community for the lector-students

across the classes and combination of subjects. We wish to

arrange academic and social events, and to guide our members.

Contact us at [email protected] and like «La Stå» on Facebook.

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is an association for students who study Structural Engineering and

Architecture at NMBU. Our goal is to give the students opportunity to

enter a network together with other students where learning, social

networking and cooperation is important. We also want to sustain the

relationship between potential employers and students in order to make

the transition from being a student to become a worthy employee or,

furthermore, businessperson as easy as possible. We are going to organize

several social activities for our members and we are looking forward to

meeting you!

You can mail us or meet us at our Facebook site.

Kind regards: Fagverket

Web: http://fagverket.com/

E-Mail: [email protected]


is the student organization for the students at the study Machinery,

Process and Product Development and for students who study

Industrial Economics with a focus on mechanical engineering. We are

working to strengthen the bond between our students and can

offer both academic and social events. Examples are business

presentations, trips to relevant businesses, barbecues and quiz

evenings. As a mechanical engineering student, you are

automatically considered a member. To keep yourself updated

about our events you can join our Facebook group or check out

or webpage.

Web: www.tannhjuletnmbu.no

E-Mail: [email protected]


This is the student organization for students who study geomatics at NMBU. They arrange social

events, vorspiels, company presentations and more to make your time at NMBU as good as possible.

For more information, visit their webpage or send an e-mail. .

Web: atlasumb.blogspot.no

E-Mail: [email protected]


This is the student organization for students on the study of Water and

Environmental Technique. They faciliate for a good environment both socially and


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MILjøFysikernes linjeforening

Is the student organization for students who study environmental physics, industrial economy and

energy physics. MILF hosts different social events as well as professional events. MILFs purpose is to

facilitate for a social environment in the best of all students.

Web: : http://miljofysikk.wordpress.com

E-Mail: [email protected]

Departement of Animal and Agricultural Science, IHA


is the student association for students at the IHA (Animal Science and

Agricultural). Our main purpose is to create and promote better well-

being among our members. We organize social evenings and subject

related evenings. Some examples of some of our events are: Our

traditional Christmas rice porridge evening in December, bonfire nights,

knitting evenings, animal welfare theme evenings etc.

So if you are studying animal science, aquaculture or the horse course,

this is the association for you!

Mail: [email protected]

Departement of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, IKBM


Molekylet is the student organization for students at the Institute of

Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (IKBM) . Molekylet’s purpose is

to create an environment where you can build strong social ties to your

fellow students by attending parties and other social events. We also give

you the opportunity to become better acquainted with the various job

opportunities with presentations by different companies and by visiting

them. Hope you engage and sign up! You can find us in Facebook or at our


Mail: [email protected] Web: www.molekylet.com

Page 20: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Departement of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, INA


Is a student’s union primarily for students in ecology and nature

management, but it’s also open for others. Shortened” NF- laget”, we

work to promote social and professional activities for students across


We love being in the nature and therefore arrange hunting, practice

shooting on clay pigeons, spend a night on a black grouse leik and have

bonfire nights with beer and quiz. For those interested in more

professional activities we arrange theme nights and courses, and in the

fall we go picking mushrooms with an expert. Join the Facebook group

NF- laget and check out our webpage (in Norwegian) if you want to know

more! Web: www.naturforvalterlaget.org Mail:

[email protected]

Skogbrukerforeningen NMBU

Are you interested in forests and want to expand your academic horizon

through social companionships with likeminded students? Then the forest

operators association is something for you! The forest operators association

is the line associating for the forest program students, found at the former

college of agriculture, NLH in 1911 with a goal of creating an «exhilarating

forest environment». We arrange m3

- forum, the line associations own

discussion and debate forum, excursions, seminars, ball and several other

social events both within NMBU and in cooperation with the business sector.

We invite people interested in forests, no matter what field of study

welcome as a member in an association with many varied and social events.

E-post: [email protected]


is an association for students who study Renewable Energy at the

Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management (INA). As a

student in Renewable Energy you are automatically a member, however,

all interested students are welcome. Energiforeningen has educational

and social events throughout the year including various company

presentations, trips and discussion forums. We cooperate closely with

MILF (Miljøfysikerne) and have excellent contacts within the business

community. Follow us on instagram: “Energiforeningen” and snapchat


Mail: [email protected]

Hjemmeside: www.energiforeningen.net

Facebook: www.facebook.com/energiforeningen/

Page 21: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Departement of Biology, Plant Science, Environmental and Natural



Is the student organization for IPV and IMV (institute of biology, plant

science, environmental and natural resources, agri-ecology and basic study

program), in addition to other people of interest. The Line association

Hemulen, often just referred to as Hemulen, work for promoting the social

and academic activities for students at and in-between out institute, line of

study and classes. We arrange a lot of different activities, like documentary

movie nights, cheese and win nights, trips to cabins, christmas table and

other social and academic activities. Besides this, the association also has its

own sports team, «Hemulen IL». Here the arrangements are open for

everyone. We are a nice and social group, and do a lot of fun things both

inside and outside, all year and no matter what weather.

Facebook: Hemulen -Linjeforening for IPV og IMV

Web: www.hemulen-nmbu.blogspot.no

Mail: [email protected]

Departement of Economy and Business


Is the economics student line association at the Business School, HH, at

NMBU (School of Economics and Business ). As a registered student you are

automatically a member of optimum. Our vision is to promote the interests

of students and to improve welfare, learning and career. We organizer of

the fadder week, business presentations, academic and social events. This

is to organizing and optimize students' abilities and opportunities to perform

at a high academic level and introduce students to the business world. You

can find us in the 6th first floor of the tower building. If you want to

know more about us take a look at our website, Become friends with us

on Facebook or click "LIKE" on our new page.

E-post: [email protected]

Facebook: Linjeforeningen Optimum

Page 22: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Departement of Landscape, Architecture and Spatial Planning, ILP

Terra Forma

is the organization for students of Landscape Architecture and Landscape

Construction and Management. We aim to enhance the professional and

social environment between classes, by hosting guest speeches and corporate

presentations. We also organize trips relevant to field of study, as well as

parties and other social events.

Terra Forma welcomes you to Ås, and hope you will have a good time here!

Web: www.terraforma.info Mail: [email protected]


Is the line association for those studying city- and regional planing, real estate

and real estate development and geomatic. We arrange both academic and

social events and can offer an exciting program throughout the year, as the

annual «christening», dus-party, christmas table and business presentations.

We have our own club house where the events are held. The association of

«earth shifters» build their own bar during UKA and has won the best bar in

2008 and came in second in 2010.

Through the associations of the earth shifters you get in touch with businesses

and bond with students at NMBU. We hope you will engage and wish to

create a fun and interesting time while you study!

We wish you welcome to ÅS and NMBU.

Mail: [email protected] Web: www.jordskifterlaget.no"

Departement independent


Jordbrukerlaget is an informal union for all agricultural interested students at

NMBU. Everybody is welcome no matter the study. For more information, check

out their facebook page or contact them on mail: [email protected]

Page 23: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Interest organizations


Do you study science subjects, Tekna is something for you. Tekna is the

country´s biggest association for technical and natural scientific education on

master degree level. We are about 10.000 student members in an

organization of 61.000 members. The student membership only costs 150

NOK pr semester and gives you a lot of benefits. If you are going to, or are

planing on, doing a masters degree within technical and natural scientific

programs, you are welcome at our membership group at NMBU. We arrange

courses and social events for our members on campus throughout the year.

You will also receive a nice insurance deal as a member, and also get help with

you resume, legal assistance and lots of other good deals during the time you

study. Look for our stand on campus, and become a member today!

www.tekna.no/umb og [email protected]

Ingeniører Uten Grenser NMBU

IUG Norway is a politically and religiously independent organization with

the vision of stopping suffering by the help of engineers. Then student

organization IUG NMBU was founded in 2013, with a goal to develop and

use the NMBU student´s competence to strengthen the aid work. Through

IUB NMNU students can write a «Master paper with meaning» (MMM) and

contribute giving underdeveloped countries the help they need to get out of

poverty by themselves. IUG NMBU arranges seminars, social events and

works towards getting the aid work into the curriculum of NMBU. We want

to create engagement, also within the organization by courses,

documentary nights and lunches.

Do you want to make a positive difference and at the same time develop a new social network? Dont

hesitate with contacting us!

Web: Facebook: “Ingeniører Uten Grenser NMBU”

Mail: [email protected]


is the students and academics own assistance fund in Norway. Our motto is “Education for

Liberation, and we work by giving aid and doing information and political advocacy work. Through

the semester fee students in Norwegian universities support their fellow students in South and

their struggle for the right to higher education. Through arranging meetings, lectures, campaigns,

stands and other events with our partners from Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin-America, SAIH Ås

puts focus on the North/South division and students’ fight for liberation. There will be an info

meeting in the beginning of each semester, and we have meetings once a week.

www.saih.no/aas og [email protected]

Page 24: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.



«The international association for the Exchange of stu dents for Technical

Experience» is a large international student organization that purpose is

to exchange students. Norwegian students go all around the world to work,

and we also have exchange students coming to Norway to work and have

a good time. By doing this students gain work experience related to their

studies, culture insight and not to forget exciting new experiences, for a

shorter or for a longer period of time. As a member of the organization

you would be contributing to the daily functioning of the organization. We

seek members who are interested in organization -verv experience and to

come on exciting culture related traveling both in and out of the country

with great people. By being a member of IAESTE you have privileges as

building a network and priority when applying for internship jobs. Looking

forward to see you on our information meeting and at stands around

campus this fall!

Web: www.iaeste.no/aas Mail: [email protected]


The International Students' Union (ISU) is a national volunteer organization

that includes all international students in Norway. Membership is free, and

requires no registration. At the national and local level, ISU-NMBU represents

students' political, academic, and social interests. We also host lots of events

(like the International Food Festival), and ALL students are welcome! If you're

interested in getting involved with the local board, if you have ideas for

events, or if you want to know what's happening with the international

community here in Ås, find us on Facebook or send us an email!

facebook.com/groups/isu.nmbu and [email protected]


Naturviterne, or Norwegian Association Of Natural Scientists, is a trade

union for people who are working with or studying natural sciences, and

care about sustainability. Naturviterne is a part of Akademikerne, a large

trade union for people with higher education in Norway. Naturviterne is

working for better working conditions and higher wages for its members, as

well as making natural sciences more visible. As a student member in

Naturviterne you will, among other things, receive help to apply for jobs,

counseling and good offers on bank and insurances through DNB. We have

an active local organization in NMBU, which arranges interesting courses

and events for our members. There is lots of fun stuff to join! If you have

questions or want to know more, please visit our webpage

www.naturviterne.no eller send a mail to [email protected].

Page 25: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.



Spire is the Development Fund´s Youth Organization and works for a more

just and sustainable distribution of global resources. Spire wishes to bring

attention to sources of injustice in the world, and has focus on

environment, foo d security and international trading. There has been a

local chapter in Ås since 2007 that arranges debates and seminars. In

addition, we are active in the political work happening in Oslo. Spire is a

growing and ambitious organization with a large agenda. We are looking for

more people to create better policies for a more just and sustainable

distribution of global resources.

Web: www.spireorg.no

Mail: [email protected]

Start NMBU

Start NMBU is for those who are interested in innovation and

entrepreneurship. Do you dream of starting your own business, or gain

contact with the business community? Or just want to take part in a positive

environment of enthusiastic students? Then Start NMBU something for you!

We are one of the many local groups under Start Norway and together we

work to promote entrepreneurship at local and national level. By taking part

in Start you will meet many committed people and build up a wide network

of contacts in the business sector! Sounds exciting?

Visit www.startnmbu.no or facebook/startNMBU, you can also contact us

directly at [email protected]

NITO Studentene

NITO students is the organization for students studying bachelor or master in engineering and

technology. With our 11,000 members, we are part of NITO - the largest organization for engineers

and technologists with over 80,000 members. As a student member you get access to all courses and

activities held at NMBU organized by NITO students, as well as access to our network, with the

possibility of free participation in NITO vocational courses. You will also get good banking and

insurance benefits and help to get into employment, including career guidance, assessment of CV

and application and review of the employment contract. Membership costs only 300, - for the entire

study period! We go ahead. We have the knowledge. We care.


[email protected]

Page 26: Student groups, organizations and clubs at Ås.


Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Ås

is a non-profit organization that is based on the of idea "students helping students". More

accurately - we are doing everything in our means to make the Exchange-students’ stay in Ås as

great as possible. We arrange parties, trips and activities for both the international students and

the local students in Ås. Do you want to join our group?

For more information check out our Facebook-page or send us an email: [email protected].

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