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Page 1: Student led conference

In unit7, I learned about Fractions pattern blocks.

Some things I am very good at are fractions and word problems.

I would like to show you how I solve the partial products division problems.

I was in Ms. Coleʼs class for Unit 8. I learned about area and perimeter. I understand the formulaʼs for area and perimeter.

The area is the inside of a shape. The perimeter is the area around the outside of the shape.

I will be starting Unit 9 next week. I will be learning about fractions, decimals and percents. Writing Script

This trimester I wrote a realistic fiction essay. First, I thought of ideas from ordinary moments to get my idea for my topic. These were some of my ideas are... First I thought about an old man cleaning the play ground in the morning. I wondered if he was cold or not. Another idea I thought about was nature.

Next, I chose my topic. My topic was about a boy who was lost in nature. But then he is found.

After that I developed the main character of my story. My main characterʼs name was Tom. Some of his internal and external characteristics are listed in my composition book.

Later, I made a story mountain. A story mountain is a plan that tells the beginning, middle, and ending of my story. The beginning is when the problem starts and the characters and setting are introduced. The middle or top of the story mountain is the high point, when the problem really develops. In the ending, the problem is solved.

Once I had my plan I was able to write a rough draft. I will show you my story mountain and rough draft.

Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Page 2: Student led conference

Our class used a rubric to assess (to grade) our writing. This rubric explains what is expected of a fourth grade writer. I went over this rubric with my teacher before and after I finished my writing piece.

The next thing, I learned in writing was how to compose poetry. I learned that there are many different styles of writing poetry. Some styles I learned are cinquain, haiku, acrostic, diamond, free verse, and shape poem.

I will show you my poems on my blog that I uploaded using an application called ISSU. It is like a magazine or book with pages that turn.


This trimester I read ʻThe Earth Dragon Awakesʼ and ʻWorthʼ books. My partner was Michael. When I read the book ʻWorthʼ. My book club group had 1 classmates in my group. My book club name was ʻDark Dragonʼ.

While reading I learned many different strategies to help me improve my skills. Some of the strategies I used are the chart to write down the setting, main characters, vocabulary,and technology. I use a book mark to write down the vocabulary.

When I would meet my book club friends after reading a designated number of pages we would discuss some of these issues. We discussed how and why the author write this books.

Some of the information we learned when reading our book we used to make a poster.

If we use P.I.P.E.S. I can record my voice and then listen to it when I am finished. I try to see if I am able to brag to my parent that I work hard with my partner about discuss.

Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Page 3: Student led conference

The genres I enjoy the most are historical fiction drama books mystery and fantasy.

Some areas I feel I could work a little harder at attaining are explaining and understanding the meaning of hard vocabulary words and writing post-its.

Some things I feel I do my best at in reading are typing down the important part of a story.

I do not read every night for at least thirty minutes and record this in my planner.I have been need to improve upon this homework assignment. My favorite place to read at home is at the bean bag area. Reading

This trimester I read ʻThe Earth Dragon Awakesʼ and ʻWorthʼ books. My partner was Michael. When I read the book ʻWorthʼ. My book club group had 1 classmates in my group. My book club name was ʻDark Dragonʼ.

While reading I learned many different strategies to help me improve my skills. Some of the strategies I used are the chart to write down the setting, main characters, vocabulary,and technology. I use a book mark to write down the vocabulary.

When I would meet my book club friends after reading a designated number of pages we would discuss some of these issues. We discussed how and why the author write this books.

Some of the information we learned when reading our book we used to make a poster.

If we use P.I.P.E.S. I can record my voice and then listen to it when I am finished. I try to see if I am able to brag to my parent that I work hard with my partner about discuss.

The genres I enjoy the most are historical fiction drama books mystery and fantasy.

Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Page 4: Student led conference

Some areas I feel I could work a little harder at attaining are explaining and understanding the meaning of hard vocabulary words and writing post-its.

Some things I feel I do my best at in reading are typing down the important part of a story.

I do not read every night for at least thirty minutes and record this in my planner.I have been need to improve upon this homework assignment. My favorite place to read at home is at the bean bag area. !"#$%&'()*+$,('-'&,%./,+'%0"*)')1,'+2/%()$,('"3'41$/%5'61,'+2/%()$,('-'()*+$,+'7,.,'8-9:;<9:6<9=:!>9=:?-9=:>-9=5





Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw
Marian Bradshaw

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