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Page 1: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest




(A Descriptive Study on State Senior High School Students

in Banyumas)


Submitted to English Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S.Pd Degree








Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 2: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 3: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 4: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 5: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest



Allah tidak akan membebani seseorang melainkan dengan kesanggupannya

(Q.S. Al baqarah : 186)

“Thank you and Sorry are the magic words”

“Giving up isn’t my style”

“Do the best and pray. God will take care of the rest”

Man jadda Wa jadda

(Barang siapa yang bersunguh – sungguh pasti akan berhasil)

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 6: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest



Hopefully this simple thesis gives beneficial for the writer and the readers. This thesis is dedicated to:

1. Allah Swt, Thank you for all the blessing and mercy.

2. Mamah dan Papah, You are always gives support, affection, and pray for me. Thank you for all the things that you have done for me.

3. My lovely sister, silvy.

4. Bapak Dr. Furqanul Aziz, M.Pd as an Advisor, thank you very much for your guidance and assistance

5. RHAZ: RIZKY, HAFID, ANNAS, and ZIDNI. Finally we graduate from campus!!

6. Elsa Febrina Rahayu who is being my partner for discussing and help during the research, thank you.

7. All of member in D Class 2011 and all of my friends in PBI 2011 Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. I will not forget you all guys.

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 7: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, Praise is merely to the Almighty Allah SWT

for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enables me to accomplish

this bachelor entitled: “Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Classroom

Questioning” ( A Descriptive Study on State Senior High School in Banyumas).

This thesis is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing S-1

Degree in English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

The writer would like to express his great special appreciation to:

1. Drs. H. Syamsuhadi Irsyad, S.H, M.H, the rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Purwokerto.

2. Drs. Ahmad, M.Pd, the dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

who has given the permission to write this thesis.

3. Drs. Pudiyono, M.Hum, as the chief of the English Department who has

given opportunity and agreement to conduct this study.

4. Dr. Furqanul Aziez, M.Pd for your valuable assistance and inspiration to

the completion of this bachelor thesis.

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 8: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest


5. I also would like to express my deep gratitude to my academic advisor,

Lutfi Istikharoh, M.Pd who has guided when studied in the university.

6. The writer also would like to extent my gratitude to all of my English

lecturers who have inspired me. Thank you for the guidance and patience

during study in the university.

7. Furthermore, The writer would like to say thanks to headmaster of SMAN

1 Sokaraja, SMAN 3 Purwokerto, and SMAN Baturraden, who given

permission to do the research and to Mrs.Nining, Mrs Hesti, Mr. Toto,

Mrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the


8. The greatest honor and appreciation would be finally dedicated to the

writer’s beloved parents, my father Samsul Ma’arif and my mother

Castinah. It is truly undoubted that loves, cares, spirits, motivation,

patience, and willingness to wait for the graduation and timeless prayers

during days and nights are everything.

Finally, the writer believes that this thesis has still weaknesses.

Therefore, the writer would appreciate to invite criticisms and suggestions

from the readers. Hopefully this thesis will be useful for English education

especially for teachers and English learners.

Purwokerto, March 2015

Rizky Kurniawan

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 9: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest






This study attempted to find out types of questions applied by teachersin the classroom along with distribution of questions answered by and students’ perceptions of their teachers’ questioning at three different State Senior High Schools in the academic year 2014/2015. It is kind of descriptive survey with the population was all the tenth grade students. Total samples are6 classes observed and 85 students were distributed the close questionnaire. The results showed that the types of questions used by teachers are (21.07%) yes/no questions, (34.83%) short answer, (6.74%) open-ended, (6.74%) referential, (30.06%) display, and (0.56%) imaginative questions. While for distribution of questions answered by revealed that (16.85%) pointed by teachers, (12.92%) volunteer, (57.58%) the whole class, (7.87%) teachers themselves, and (4.78%) unanswered questions. The main data of students’ perceptions showed that the most students agreewhether they have understood about teachers questioning. Teachers also have given the questions in English. Students’ have participated a lot in teaching learning process especially in term of questioning session. The result showed 55.8% agree. The last Teachers’ questioning make students understand well with the material being discussed. The result showed that 55.25% said agree.

Keywords: Types of questions, questions answered by, and Students’ Perceptions.

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 10: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest




TITLE PAGE.................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE.......................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION............................................................................. iii

DECLARATION.............................................................................. iv

MOTTO............................................................................................. v

DEDICATION.................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT....................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLES............................................................................ xiii

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................... xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................. xv


A. Background of the Study............................................ 01

B. Reasons of Choosing the Topic.................................. 05

C. Research Problems..................................................... 05

D. The objectives of the Research................................... 05

E. Clarification of Terms................................................. 06

F. Contribution of Research............................................ 06


A. Students’ Perception................................................... 08

1. Definition of Perception..................................... 08

2. Factor Affecting Perception............................... 09

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 11: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest


3. Process of Perception......................................... 09

4. Basic Principles of Perception........................... 10

5. Students’ Perception.......................................... 12

B. Classroom Interaction................................................. 12

1. Participants......................................................... 13

2. Teachers’ Role................................................... 14

C. Teachers’ Classroom Questioning.............................. 15

1. Classroom Questioning...................................... 15

2. The Importance of Teachers’

Classroom Questioning...................................... 17

3. The Purposes of Teachers’

Classroom Questioning...................................... 18

4. The Types of Teachers’

Classroom Questioning...................................... 20

D. Relevant Previous Research........................................ 21

E. Basic Assumption....................................................... 23


A. Research Method........................................................ 24

B. The Place and Time of Research................................ 24

1. The Place of Research........................................ 25

2. The Tine of Research......................................... 25

C. Participant of the Research......................................... 25

1. Population.......................................................... 25

2. Sample............................................................... 26

3. Sampling Technique.......................................... 26

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 12: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest


D. Method of Collecting Data.......................................... 27

1. Observation (Tally)............................................ 27

2. Questionnaire..................................................... 28

E. Data Analysis.............................................................. 29


A. Result.......................................................................... 32

1. Observation result.............................................. 32

2. Questionnaire result........................................... 39

B. Discussion................................................................... 52

1. Types of Teachers’

Classroom Questioning...................................... 52

2. Distribution of Questions answered by.............. 53

3. Students’ Perceptions......................................... 56


A. Conclusion.................................................................. 60

B. Implication.................................................................. 61



Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 13: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest



TABLE 3.1 Schedule of the Research............................................ 24

TABLE 3.2 Indicator of Observation............................................. 27

TABLE 3.3 Indicator of Questionnaire.......................................... 28

TABLE 3.4 Scale – Likert.............................................................. 29

TABLE 4.1 Frequency of Questions’ Types.................................. 32

TABLE 4.2 Frequency of Questions’ Answered by....................... 35

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 14: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest



FIGURE 3.1 Scheme of Process Analyzing Data.......................... 30

FIGURE 4.1 Chart of Question 1................................................... 39

FIGURE 4.2 Chart of Question 2................................................... 39

FIGURE 4.3 Chart of Question 3................................................... 40

FIGURE 4.4 Chart of Question 4................................................... 40

FIGURE 4.5 Chart of Question 5................................................... 41

FIGURE 4.6 Chart of Question 6................................................... 42

FIGURE 4.7 Chart of Question 7................................................... 42

FIGURE 4.8 Chart of Question 8................................................... 43

FIGURE 4.9 Chart of Question 9................................................... .43

FIGURE 4.10 Chart of Question 10................................................ 44

FIGURE 4.11 Chart of Question 11................................................ 45

FIGURE 4.12 Chart of Question 12................................................ 45

FIGURE 4.13 Chart of Question 13................................................ 46

FIGURE 4.14 Chart of Question 14................................................ 46

FIGURE 4.15 Chart of Question 15................................................ 47

FIGURE 4.16 Chart of Question 16................................................ 48

FIGURE 4.17 Chart of Question 17................................................ 48

FIGURE 4.18 Chart of Question 18................................................ 49

FIGURE 4.19 Chart of Question 19................................................ 49

FIGURE 4.20 Chart of Question 20................................................ 50

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

Page 15: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM …repository.ump.ac.id/67/1/Rizky COVER.pdfMrs. Nina, Mrs. Indra, and Mrs. Kus for their assistance during the research. 8. The greatest



APPENDIX A The Indicator of Questionnaire

APPENDIX B The Questionnaires

APPENDIX C The Questionnaires in Bahasa

APPENDIX D The Results of Observation

APPENDIX E Observation Tally Sheet Types of Question

APPENDIX F Observation Tally Sheet Questions Answered by

APPENDIX G The Tabulation of Data

APPENDIX H Percentage of Questionnaire Each Indicator

APPENDIX I Percentage of Questionnaire Each Item

APPENDIX J Surat Keputusan Pembimbing

APPENDIX K Surat Permohonan izin penelitian

APPENDIX L Surat Keterangan Izin Penelitian

APPENDIX M Surat Pengantar Dari Dinas

APPENDIX N Surat Keterangan Telah Melakukan Penelitian

Students Perceptions of Teachers..., Rizky Kurniawan, FKIP UMP, 2015

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