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Page 1: Studies on Insect Cognition Lecture 4 Psych 1090.

Studies on Insect Cognition

Lecture 4

Psych 1090

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Now, we’ve spent a few lectures discussing animal


but concentrating on creatures mostly like apes, monkeys, and


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Creatures with either large brains or brains that are

organized somewhat like ours

but what about the insect world?

Until fairly recently, “insect cognition” was considered an


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An ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells

For example, ant brains are among the largest per body

weight in insects…

mushroom shaped brain appendages have function similar to the gray-

matter of human brains.

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But a human brain has 10,000 million brain cells

It has been estimated that an ant's brain may have the same

processing power as an old Macintosh II computer

Something that carries out a program, but can’t think on its


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Behavior that seemed intelligent in creatures like

bees was dismissed as something rotely specified

immutable and inflexible

impervious to environmental influence

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And, to some extent, a significant amount of insect

behavior is indeed like that…

If you put a ‘foreigner’ scent on a worker ant in some colonies,

the other workers attack, and nothing can be done to stop the


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But, as we will see, other aspects of insect behavior do seem to reflect some levels of intelligence….

learning, flexibility, adaptation to various

circumstances and, at least sometimes, at

primate-like levels

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We’ll concentrate today on bees and spiders…

Not because ants—or a number of other insects—are


But just as representative critters

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Jumping spiders are particularly intriguing

because they stalk, chase, and essentially hunt other critters…

a far cry from the view of a lump of protoplasm sitting on a web waiting for a meal to appear

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In general, the spider we’ll discuss today, Portia,

Uses active mimicry to catch other spiders in their own

webs…As we’ll see, Portia lands on

webs and mimics the mating or prey behavior of the prey

spidermunching the occupant that

comes to investigate

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But Portia is also able to adapt to other types of prey and their situation in a given


In at least in one area where another type of prey spider


Portia has evolved a strategy to hunt it as well

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The species, Euryattus, are also rather unusual, in


only the juveniles spin webs

Instead they inhabit curled up leaves that they suspend

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Euryattus females also build suspension nests

that the males visit and on which they perform special

vibratory dances

The female is lured out and either mates or drives the male


And Portia capitalizes on this behavior

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So to test exactly what Portia could do, the researchers gave it

a Euryattus female in her nest

a vacant Euryattus nest as one control

a choice between a juvenile Euryattus and a juvenile of another related species

a Euryattus juvenile in its web

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The experimenters also used Portia of different ages, raised

in the lab w/o experience in nature

in order to see what could be changing with maturation w/o


that way they could separate out learned behavior from what would just appear with age

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They also tested male and female Portia

Conceivably, some difference could exist in the behavior based on

nutritional needs of egg-laying females

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They also tested Portia from areas in which the Euryattus

spiders did not live

that comparison would allow them to determine if the

behavior had evolved only in the specific area in which it

was used

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When given just the suspended Euryattus female in her nest

Only adult Portia females of the type that were sympatric with the Euryattus in the wild

succeeded in capturing and killing the Euryattus

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And only that same subset of Portia in the lab

engaged in the specific “shuddering” behavior exhibited by the male


despite never having seen these males in the lab

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If you looked only at final outcomes,

you’d figure that this behavior was just something that had

evolved for this particular situation

and that developed without any learned component

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But you also have to look at the specific processes in which Portia engaged…..

Portia ‘waiting at the door’ after an initial failed attempt

Portia tracking whether it had been observed by Euryattus and freezing

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Was Portia learning something from these

interactions?How much of the behavior

was fixed and how much was flexible?

Also, look at the defense strategies of Euryattus…

some of which succeeded

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Note that Portia males and juvenile females attempted

the successful behavior patterns

But did not succeed and did not seem to ‘learn’ from

their failures

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Tentatively, such data suggest some kind of

interplay between some innate, fixed

program and

some maturation of the ability to both learn, adapt,

and persevere

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But let’s keep going….

What if you give Portia some empty Euryattus


Is Portia fooled in some way?

Will it perform the behavior, hoping that its prey will

eventually appear?

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Well, yes, female Portias do go onto the leaves of the

empty nests and stick around…

So that tells us that Portia’s behavior is not triggered by,

say, the scent of a prey animal

But rather the observation of an appropriate nest

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What about males and juveniles of the sympatric


and what about allopatric Portia (those w/o Euryattus in

their natal area)?

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Sympatric Portia adult females went and stayed more

frequently than other Portia species

Sympatric adult males acted similarly, tho’ females ‘waited’


So males either didn’t learn when driven off or didn’t care to wait

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Note that earlier studies had already shown that males were less efficient


But if they don’t need extra energy to lay eggs,

that might be evolutionarily fine

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Allosympatric Portia pretty much did not respond

Suggesting that some genetic component had evolved only

in those Portia

that had this type of prey available

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Of interest, however, was that the juvenile sympatric Portia

didn’t engage much in this behavior

was it simply because the behavior pattern had to


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Or was it some “knowledge” that they

were just too small to take on the Euryatta

Euryatta females are about the same size,

and actually are predators in their own right….

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Of course, one can imagine an evoltionary “just-so-story”

In which those Portia for which the behavior matured

too early

were themselves eaten and taken out of the gene pool…

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So we really can’t argue for a level of conscious

decision on the part of the juveniles

And we can’t yet do any tests to separate out decision

versus genetic wiring

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Note that if Portia faced off Euryattus that were not in

nests or webs

Portia succeeded when the Euryattus were small or


But didn’t bother with a large one

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Whether that was because the larger Euryattus could

more easily get away

and other prey was available

is unclear

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Interestingly, too, is that Portia didn’t seem very interested in juvenile

Euryattus in their webs

Remember that Portia’s usual predatory technique is to mimic

a mate on a web

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Somehow Portia recognizes the species on the web as


(a) too small to be worth pursuing


(b) juvenile and not interested in pursuing a potential mate on the


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Note, too, that the Euryattus somehow did recognize Portia as

something predatory….

Portia is the only spider that will engage in these

particular behavior patterns…

other than conspecifics….

and tried to fight it off right away

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Most other prey of Portia do not recognize it

Or at least not in time to escape from Portia once it is on their


Has Euryattus evolved some kind of “you-me” distinction?

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The authors suggest some kind of evolutionary ‘arms race”

which means that each time one species evolves some technique

to its advantage,

the other species evolves some technique that overcomes this

advantage, ad infinitum

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What is clear, however, is that even in what appear

to be set behavior patterns,

elements of decision and choice appear

arguing for at least some behavioral flexibility and cognition

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In fact, Portia is quite the expert when it comes to

flexibility and at least some forms of learning…

And even if we don’t want to call the behavior advanced


it’s quite impressive…

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Again, the critical issue is that Portia has evolved

not to sit and wait for something to hit its web,

but to actively hunt other jumping spiders

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And, what is more important,

is that Portia is a generalist…

a critter that is not specialized for just a few

types of prey

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Portia engages in what appears to be classic trial-

and-error learning…

try a bunch of different behavior patterns

see which one seems to work the best in a given situation

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and then concentrate on the winning strategy!

But what makes Portia unusual

is that it forgets or erases what worked the most recent time

so as to be able to start from scratch in a novel


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So, one might argue that failure to recognize

something familiar is a drawback

and evidence of stupidity rather than intelligence

but in the life of Portia, such is not the case

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Because even if Portia finds the web of a similar prey


The specific conditions are likely to differ….

and if Portia misreads the situation,

it might itself end up as dinner

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In demonstrating this behavior, Jackson and

Wilcox again used Portia that were raised in the lab

Thus the individuals had no previous experience with the specific prey items used in

the experiments

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The experimenter first put Portia on a three webs of the same species of prey spider

And showed that Portia adjusted its behavior to each of the different situations for

the same prey

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Thus showing that it wasn’t something

specific about the web that triggered Portia’s

behaviorBut rather the actions of the

individual prey items

that led to the different types of Portia’s actions

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Thus Portia was sending out a set of


determining what the prey was doing in response (which differed in each


and adjusting behavior in response

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And, yes, one might argue that there are just so many different

combinations and that these could be programmed…

But programming (hard-wiring) takes a lot of neural space

And the spiders don’t have that much; learning is more efficient

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Next, the experimenters tagged prey spiders with

magnets so that the prey could be made to move on demand

They reinforced some random movement of Portia’s with the prey

movementAnd saw that Portia repeated

these randomly reinforced motions

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Portia also could be ‘duped’ by fake movement if it could see a prey spider

And if a signal that was initially reinforced was no longer reinforced, Portia stopped

repeating it

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And Portia could be duped into repeating a signal if it

saw, but not felt, a response by the prey spider

Such data suggested that Portia used visual and

vibratory cuesand could quickly alter use of cues

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And, too, the experimenters choose only about five signals

out of the 100 or so that Portia could make

but repetitions were still limited to those that were


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Other data (Tarsitano and Jackson, 1997, Animal

Behaviour 53, 257-266) suggest that Portia has a

“cognitive map”

That is, if given an overview and then two indirect routes to

preyPortia more often chooses the

correct one

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And we’ll talk a lot more about cognitive maps and what they

mean in bees in a bit

But remember that such ability will help Portia take a circuitous

route to its prey

which could be very important in not getting detected

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Interestingly, when Portia of purportedly the same species but of different

habitat were compared…

One with high prey diversity and one with low prey diversity

and neither with any hunting experience

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The Portia that came from the high prey diversity area used more trial-and-error


suggesting that what was maybe genetically fixed is the USE of

such behavior

and not a particular set of responses

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Another study (Jackson, Carter, Tarsitano, 2001, Behaviour 138,

1215-1234 )

showed that Portia will use trial-and-error learning to

escape confinement

suggesting that such learning can be adapted to other tasks

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But Portia’s “cleverness” doesn’t stop at trial-and-error


Portia also uses various background noises to mask its

stalking movements

Thus Portia has to be keenly aware of its environment

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In the very basic experiments, Jackson and Wilcox put Portia onto the

web of its prey

then disturbed the web with either wind or a magnet that

mimicked the prey of the prey species (e.g., an insect caught

in the web)

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Portia consistently moved closer to its prey during times of


and there were no sex or age differences involved

Now, it could be that Portia just reacted to web disturbance

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So the researchers tested whether Portia was

attending to what its own prey was doing during the


Remember, Portia sometimes was on the web of a spider

that could attack and eat it as well….

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First, they made sure that Portia would not respond to disturbance if the web was

empty of its own prey

or if it was on the web with something that didn’t need

stalking such as a moth

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Interestingly, if disturbance was constant,

Portia was generally more successful, but sometimes gave


Possibly because the prey will sometimes leave the web

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Basically, the wind interfered with the preys’

ability to detect Portia

but not Portia’s ability to detect the motion of the prey, likely

because Portia uses visual as well as vibratory cues

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Further work by Jackson and his colleagues (Ethology 106, 2000, 595-615) showed that Portia will

also create its OWN smokescreen,

Setting up pulses of brief, strong rocking motions to confuse the

prey spider and hide its own movement

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Sci AM

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So, now that we know at least some spiders are

smart, what about bees?

The article we read was a bit old, but provided a really nice review of bee behavior

I’ll add some new stuff as well…

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First, let’s state that a honeybee brain has only about 960000 neurons (I’m assuming this is what was meant in the

ant wrt brain cells)

So it’s got a lot more than the ant, but it’s also a lot bigger than

an ant

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We’ll see that bees go beyond simple stimulus-response

associationsAnd that they seem to draw

inferences, at least with respect to what is ecologically valid to them…

Note that, like ants, they have mushroom bodies, which are sort of like human grey matter—areas

related to ‘intelligence’

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So, these seem to be ideal critters in which

to examine insect cognition

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Nevertheless, Gould doesn’t look at cognition quite the same way that I define it…

I want a subject not only to figure out the correct answer to a given


but to be able to do so for a wide variety of tasks

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But bees seem to do fine on a number of different tasks related to their survival

And, as Gould states, there is definitely the need to access the capacities in terms of the

ecological niche

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One of the big issues in bee behavior was how the bees

stored their representations…

And not only of a particular flower

but of the area in which they foraged

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According to some data, animals recognize mirror images as identical to the


Note that mirror images are NOT simple rotations of the


Any arboreal animal had better understand rotation…

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And, of course, the issue of what exactly one is asking the

animal is truly important

Remember the study that couldn’t understand why pigeons were sorting blue

and green things together?

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So asking whether the bee can distinguish


is not the same as asking if it thinks they are quite similar

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Is the animal ‘stupid’ because is ‘suffers’ from mirror-image ‘confusion’?

or is it ‘smart’ because it ‘understands’ the ‘relationship’

between mirror image ‘reversal’?

Depends on how the experimenter is defining the


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When researchers found that bees couldn’t

understand 90 N rotations

the data didn’t make any sense…

Until they realized that they were using a vertical format specific to

the laboratory….

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And that bees didn’t view flowers vertically, but did so horizontally

And, as Gould mentions, flowers have a specific type of

symmetry, as least as far as the bee sees

And, luckily, bees could easily be trained to win-stay

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Obviously, researchers have to be very careful, the more different an animal is from a


To design experiments that will reproduce the world of the


rather than that of the human

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Now, we obviously didn’t read about the symbolic bee


And that is because I think that the topic is well-covered in a

number of other courses.. and we’ll see some video…

And, if needed, a nice review is in Griffin’s “Animal Minds”

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And cognitive maps are just as controversial

Various papers argue that bees aren’t really using such maps

But rather some form of path integration, concerning the

distances and directions

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But let’s see the issues starting w/ the material reviewed by Gould….

Let’s start with the idea of a cognitive map…

A mental representation that has various landmarks

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So that you can decide the best way to get from one

point to another

Even if the route involves a detour or if you have never

taken that path before

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So, the idea, is that if I know something about the

Harvard campus,

And the usual route between Wm James and the Oxford St garage is closed because of


I can still figure out an efficient way to get to my car after class

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The issue is

whether the bee can use


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Does the bee notice various aspects of its environment as

it searches for food…

And does it remember these various aspects over time?

And can it integrate these aspects over a fairly large


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Although the idea makes a lot of sense for a human,

the question is how much sense it makes for a bee….

And Gould provides strong support for his thesis; I won’t go

over the details here

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The real issue is how a brain that is so small, even

relative to the body weight,

stores this kind of information

and that is something that we have not yet completely

worked out

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In fact, another set of researchers, Kirchner and Braun (Animal Behaviour,

1994, 48, 1437ff) argue that bees don’t have this map…

They interrupted the bees’ flight, put them in a wind tunnel turned

at a different angle

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And when the bees were released, they didn’t act as

tho’ they had a map,

but rather flew and danced as tho’ the extra distance and the direction from the tunnel was

realHow do we deal with these data?

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Well, one issue is that the wind tunnel was a real

experience for the bees….

It was open on top, but the sides were striped

The arrangement was like this:

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Open to the sky gave

them the direction,

which was 90 N off the path

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Conceivably, the experience was somehow part of the cognitive map that they

stored….And, as Gould states—and we

also know from homing pigeons—the bees will use whatever is


odor, landmarks, color, shapes, etc.

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And they use them in whatever order is most likely

to help

Support for this hierarchy comes from other work by

Gould on mapsOnes that ‘fake’ the bees

And, conceivably, they update this information as needed…

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Bees were

ferried out to

a station in the lake


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When these bees returned and danced to tell the others of the

food source

They were ignored because the other bees “knew” that no

flowers grew in the middle of the lake

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When the

scout bees were

put on a boat

near the shore


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and then came back and danced about that


they were followed because that more or less made sense according to what the bees

already knew

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More recently, Sherman and Visscher (Nature, 2002, 419,

920-922) have shown that the bees really attend to the

dances when food is scarce…

food-location information in the dance is presumably important


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Food sources are

hard to find

variable in richness


Such that any extra clues would be extremely useful

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Remember, most of these studies,

even if carried out in open land

still use hives that are opened and shut and maintained by


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So, we next look at a paper that puts the bees into a really

controlled experimental situation…

To see if it can understand ‘same’ and ‘different’

according to the rules we discussed last lecture

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Well, even in the abstract, the authors admit

that what they will show is match-to-sample versus


which we know isn’t really a concept of same/different

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But how complex a concept can these bees learn?

Here the bees were, as were pigeons, trained to see A

And then asked to choose A or B

Then given C, with choice of C or D

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The interesting thing was that bees got the match-

to-sample idea in only about 60 trials….

Which was an order of magnitude faster than the


Now, think of why…..

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If you are a bee, colors and shapes are CRITICAL indicators of food….

Such is not really true for a pigeon

One problem with this paper is that we do not know how

many trials were needed for transfer

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Even tho’ the

data are

good, we

need first trials

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The bees were not, however, rewarded on the transfer trials

Which suggests that they probably were not learning anything about the novel


Although the were ‘retrained’ after each set of transfer trials

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And what seems weird to me was that the bees

had a 90 degree rotation on the vertical


Which other researchers had shown was really difficult

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So, although the bees probably haven’t got a true

sense of same-different

They do, with their very tiny brains,

manage an ecologically relevant matching/nonmatching paradigm

and faster than pigeons

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Recently, Dyer and his colleagues (J. Expt’l Biology,

2005, 208, 4709ff) argued that bees can recognize human


Something for which they would have absolutely no ecological predisposition…

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He and his colleagues fastened a portrait above

each of four feeders

They used portraits of men's faces from a standard test used

to diagnose people with cognitive deficits

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One picture was above two feeders with sugar


Others, a stylized cartoon and one real one, were above

feeders with quinine, which bees hate

Bees learned to go to the feeder with the one photo

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The researchers then switched the photos around,

giving the bees the other pictures

Bees consistently chose that one picture EXCEPT

when the photos were upside down

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Data which are consistent with the original work on bees having trouble with

vertical rotations…

Now, did the bees really learn to recognize a face?

or just a specific pattern?

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Probably just the latter

Given that the expression never changed

Nor the ‘normal’ angle from which it was viewed

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Nevertheless, it was a fairly complex form of


And that was really all the researchers wanted to


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Now, remember that most of this material has been

on honeybees….

And it isn’t clear that bumblebees or stingless bees will respond quite the same

way…In fact, work on bumblebees

suggest slight brain differences compared to honeybees

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although the researchers aren’t entirely clear about what these differences might mean (Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 2005,

66, 50-61)

They do remind us that honeybee brains increase in size with age

and foraging experience…

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which suggests some role for learning ….

But they also suggest that larger brains are needed for creatures that fill multiple


which honeybees do sequentially

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In honey bees, workers perform different tasks depending on their age:

young workers care for the brood,

older ones guard the nest entrance

and the oldest workers forage

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Thus the oldest ones are the ones that experience the

greatest variation in environment,

And probably need the greatest flexibility in their behavior


And only foraging honeybees have been tested….

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So, with all that said…let’s look at some bee video…

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