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Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–15 1

Submission to the Premier and Ministers

Hon Will Hodgman MP Premier Minister for Sport and Recreation Minister for Aboriginal Affairs

Hon Jacquie Petrusma MP Minister for Women

Hon Michael Ferguson MP Minister for Information Technology and Innovation

Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP Minister for Education and Training

Hon Peter Gutwein MP Minister for Planning and Local Government

Hon Matthew Groom MP Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage

Dear Premier and Ministers

In accordance with the requirements of Section 36 of the State Service Act 2000 and Section 27 of the Financial Management and Audit Act 1990, I submit to you, for presentation to Parliament, this report on the affairs and activities of the Department of Premier and Cabinet for the financial year ended 30 June 2015.

Yours sincerely

Greg Johannes Secretary

Department of Premier and Cabinet 22 October 2015

2 Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–15

Our Year in Review

• Delivered Election Commitments

• Assisted with the successful visit of the Chinese President Xi Jinping

• Assisted the Government with the delivery of its agenda for the “First 100 days”

• Assisted the Government in starting to reset the relationship with the Aboriginal Community

• Delivered Major Government Reforms in collaboration with other Agencies

• Raised funds for community charities through our “Casual Clothes for a Cause” program

• Achieved an Unqualified audit Report on our financial statements with no audit findings

• Two budgets and Estimate Committee cycles in one year

• Responded to recommendations from the Bushfire Inquiry

• Provided TIS scholarships to support 87 athletes

• Represented the State in national discussions about the Future of the Australian Federation

• Processed approximately 480 grants valued at an estimated $34 million

3Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–15

• Launched Managing Positions in the State Service (MPSS) and managed MPSS whole-of-government reporting

• Assisted the Government with the delivery of the “Next 365 Days” Plan

• Successfully integrated Sport and Recreation Tasmania into the Department

• Developed a new Strategic Plan for 2015-18

• Provided high quality support to the Premier at COAG meetings

• Provided support to the Minister on reviews and reforms in local government

• Prepared for the transfer of Service Tasmania shops to us from 1 July 2015

• Supported the launch of the Centenary of ANZACs

• Our supported “Elite” athletes achieved high level performances

• Provided support to the Minister on ICT governance and whole-of-government policy

• Continued to roll-out services under the Modern Communications Project

• New Women on Boards strategy

• Our legislative team drafted 42 Acts and 115 Statutory Rules

• Undertook major internal restructures within the Department

Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–154

The nature of our business changed over the course of the year, and into 2015-16, so too have our strategic plans. The Department responded quickly to the priorities of the new Government last year by introducing a transitional strategic plan. This year the Department’s leadership group came together through a series of in-house workshops to develop a new Strategic Plan to guide us for the next three years. This has a clear focus on delivering the Government’s priorities while improving our performance as an organisation and upholding our values.

As the year came to a close I had the opportunity to reflect on our achievements during a time of change and challenge. I am incredibly proud of what the people in this Department have achieved. We have improved the way we operate, expanded the functions and services we provide, delivered on the Government’s priorities and made a significant contribution to the overall savings task in the State Service. And we have done so while maintaining strong results in the annual survey of the State Service. Thank you to everyone involved.

Greg Johannes Secretary

Department of Premier and Cabinet

Secretary’s Report

The Department of Premier and Cabinet experienced significant change during the financial year. We were given new functions, our structure and budget were adjusted, and we saw a number of our staff depart under voluntary separation arrangements.

At the same time, the Department maintained a clear focus on delivering the Government’s priorities and achieved very good results in the annual State Service Survey, which is testimony to the strength of our culture.

We began the financial year by welcoming Sport and Recreation Tasmania to the Department, where it merged with Community Development to create a new division of Community, Sport and Recreation. This has given the Department a strong focus on building the capacity of a wide range of Tasmanians to participate regularly and actively in the community and the economy.

The addition of Sport and Recreation to the DPAC family substantially expanded our accommodation footprint. We now operate out of a number of new locations including the Silverdome in Launceston and the Technopark in Glenorchy. At the same time, we consolidated some of our inner-city accommodation to reduce expenditure and bring complementary functions together. This consolidation is continuing.

The Department also combined the functions of its previous Corporate Services area with much of the Executive Division to create a new Corporate and Governance function. This new area is driving a commitment to customer service and efficiency throughout the organisation.

Changes in our structure and the addition of new functions made the Budget and Estimates processes particularly challenging. This was made doubly so by the fact that we had the unusual circumstance of having two Budgets and two sets of Estimates in a 12 month period. Our corporate team did a great job to make sure that all ran smoothly.

The first Budget brought substantial funding into the Department to honour more than 100 separate election commitments by the new Government to provide support to a wide range of community and other organisations in Tasmania. Almost all of this funding has now been allocated to those groups.

Elsewhere it was a year of achievement across DPAC. Some highlights included:

• Helping the Government to host the visit to Tasmania by the Chinese President Xi Jinping;

• Coordinating reporting and activity across Government to implement the Government’s plans for the “First 100 Days” and the “Next 365 Days”;

• Delivering the highest percentage savings of any Tasmanian Government agency;

• Administering almost 480 grants worth almost $34 million;

• Supporting Cabinet meetings across the State;

• Preparing a comprehensive package of new legislation in areas ranging from planning and local government to forestry and health administration;

• Representing the State in national discussions about the Future of the Australian Federation;

• Making sure the Premier had the highest quality support at multiple meetings of the Council of Australian Governments; and

• Organising two development workshops for all of the State Service’s Senior Executive Service (SES) Officers, and administering the first ever audit of skills in our SES.

Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–15 5

The nature of our business changed over the course of the year, and into 2015-16, so too have our strategic plans. The Department responded quickly to the priorities of the new Government last year by introducing a transitional strategic plan. This year the Department’s leadership group came together through a series of in-house workshops to develop a new Strategic Plan to guide us for the next three years. This has a clear focus on delivering the Government’s priorities while improving our performance as an organisation and upholding our values.

As the year came to a close I had the opportunity to reflect on our achievements during a time of change and challenge. I am incredibly proud of what the people in this Department have achieved. We have improved the way we operate, expanded the functions and services we provide, delivered on the Government’s priorities and made a significant contribution to the overall savings task in the State Service. And we have done so while maintaining strong results in the annual survey of the State Service. Thank you to everyone involved.

Greg Johannes Secretary

Department of Premier and Cabinet

The Department responded quickly to the priorities

of the new Government last year by introducing a transitional strategic plan.

This year the Department’s leadership group came

together through a series of in-house workshops

to develop a new Strategic Plan to guide us for the next three years.

Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–156

Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–15 7

Departmental overview

Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014–158

OUR VISIONA respected and valued Agency that leads an accountable, professional and collaborative public service.

OUR PURPOSEThe Department supports the Premier and Cabinet in achieving the Government’s vision of Tasmania.

We do this by providing the following core services:

• strategic whole-of-government policy advice for the Premier and the Cabinet;

• management of intergovernmental relations;

• whole-of-government co-ordination and leading whole-of-government initiatives;

• support for the machinery of government;

• Statutory Employer;

• a statutory framework for local government in Tasmania; and

• programs to improve the wellbeing of Tasmanians.

OUR VALUESProfessional

We aim for excellence and act with integrity and impartiality.


We are focussed on achievement, open to questioning and responsible for our actions.


We respect and value the expertise of others and seek to work in partnership.

Forward looking

We plan so we can be responsive to future needs.

Connected to the community

We seek to understand and engage with the community and communities of interest.


We seek to provide a family-friendly and flexible workplace that fosters mutual respect and open communication.

OUR KEY THEMES Our agreed key themes for 2014-15 were:

• Assisting the Government to deliver its election commitments

• Establishing a new machinery of government

• Supporting the current reform agenda

• Working closely with the Tasmanian community

• Positioning for the next wave of reforms

• Getting on with core business.

OUR STRATEGIC GOALS Our strategic goals for 2014-15 were:

1. To lead the development of whole-of-government advice, direction and co-ordination of policy

2. To provide comprehensive, timely and accurate services that support the Government

3. To work across the Government and with communities to build: individual and community capability to increase participation in sport, physical activity, recreation and community life; and develop Tasmania’s high performance athletes

4. To provide comprehensive, timely and effective services that support a modern and efficient State Service

5. To contribute to the wellbeing of local communities through the promotion of a vibrant and sustainable local government sector

6. To develop a supportive, innovative and productive workplace.

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