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SPED 438Susan Quick

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For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a teacher. I’ve worked with kids since I was in high school and just know that this is what I was called to do, but there is so much more than just walking into a classroom . . .

This class has touched on several topics which has helped me build my skills so that when I get out on my own, I will have some great information to lean back on.

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Collaboration is very importation. I will be working with administration, other teachers, educational professionals, community and parents. If we can’t work together, it’s the students that are going to suffer. I think it’s important to remember that every body is going to have good ideas, and that even though I think my idea is great, it might not be best for the current situation. There are others that will bring things to the table that will enhance the learning process, or make things run smooth. There are others that have stronger strengths in areas then other. When we figure out our strengths and where we all fit together, we can get a lot done, with great ideas that will benefit many.

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Interpersonal Relationship

In teaching, I will be working with a lot of people, there will be days when not everybody will agree with every thing that is going on, but it is important to me to have a good relationship with the people that I work with. It is easier to approach someone that you have a good relationship if you have an issue or concern.

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In teaching there are all kinds of teams. It might be the elementary teachers, the paras, the IEP teams, the administrators. To be effective we all must learn, collaborate, listen and work together.

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Consultation is another important “skill”. In special education there is A LOT of outside people that I may have to be in contact with depending on the students that I will have in my classroom. I may have to deal with OT, PT, other outside professionals. I may know a lot about teachings, but I certainly do NOT know all the ins and outs of their jobs. It is important that I meet with them so they can help me make the goals to help make my student successful.

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Co-teaching is an important to know how to do, especially in Special Education. I will be working a lot with the Gen. Ed teachers. Depending on the district, there will be a lot of co-teaching. It’s important to work together, work towards the students goals. Working together and planning together in advance makes things a lot smoother, then just having a student come down to the classroom with a test and an instruction note with modifications that the gen ed teacher wants to make. That just makes it difficult for everyone and more frustrating for a student who is already stressed.

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Para Educators

I cannot say enough about Paras. They are a vital part of my classroom. They are my extra eyes, ears and hands. I know that they will have ideas that are valuable and I want them to bring those ideas to me. Some of them will work one on one with my students on a daily basis and they may see issues arise that need addressed, They need to feel comfortable coming to me with all of these things. I’ve seen to many times paras not get the credit they deserve. They may not have the degree, but they sure do a lot to enhance the learning and education of my students and I know that my classroom won’t run as smoothly without them.

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Families are ALWAYS going to be an important part of the team, especially in Special Education. They know their student better than anybody else. They can supply us of information that we may not know or things they are seeing at home. We must keep the line of communications open and make them feel that they are an important part and that no one part is better than the other. I think it’s also a good idea just to send little notes home for the good things too. To many times all parents get are the bad reports.

We rely on them for their consent for evaluations for their children, we need to make our classrooms accessable, and professional, but inviting for them as well. I want my families to know that I am approachable too.

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Asking Questions

I think this can go with several of the other topics. Everybody can have questions. We are always learning, regardless of how old we are. I have a lot of questions about technology still. Questions can be asked for understanding and clarity. I may have questions of other teachers when working with my students, or parents. The students and parents may have questions of me. I want to make sure that if a student is asking a question of me, that I am giving them my full attention, not being distracted, so that they know that what they are asking is just as important as other things in the classroom.

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Difficult Interactions

There can always be an opportunity for difficult interactions to happen. A bad day, misunderstandings, and frustrations just to name a few. The interactions can be with students, parents, and other staff. It’s important to know how to approach these situations, how to possibly prevent these from happening. If we do have to deal with students, especially students that may have IEPs there are a few things that are done differently unless there are special circumstances. It’s just always important to remember to keep the parents as part of the team to help if there are behaviors that need to be addressed

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Technology and Interactions

Technology is everywhere and the classroom is not going to be immune either. The kids coming into my classroom were born with Ipads in their little hands. Some of them are way ahead of me when it comes to the things that are out there and available with technology. However, technology can add a lot to the classroom. It can help me save time in doing lesson plans, it can take my students on “field trips” without leaving classroom. It also helps with differential teaching. The software already is adjusted so that you can pick the level that your student is working at. So not only can technology help in Gen. Ed class there is a lot of technology that can help in the special education class as well. It can help with communication, and other needs that the students may need.

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It’s Almost here . . .

I cannot believe how fast these last couple of years have gone. I start block in the fall and student teaching in December. I am ready to be in the classroom again, and the skills that I will take with me are very valuable. I will carry this information with me to help both me and my students be successful.

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