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Page 1: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Summer 2014

Page 2: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Its intent is to be a vehicle to inform alumni, family and friends of recent and upcoming happenings and achievements at the school, as well as showcase the talents and gifts of its students and

alumni. Editor-in-Chief: Terese Carson | Deputy Editors: Gary Armbruster R’81 & Tina Hayes | Design Director: Kory Marks | Inquiries/Correspondence: Fran Davey, Roncalli High School, 3300 Prague Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227, (317) 787-8277 ext. 238 [email protected]

Website: www.roncalli.org Circulation: 13,500 Email: [email protected]


MISSION STATEMENTAs a Catholic high school, our pledge

is to provide, in concert with parents, parish and community, an educational opportunity which seeks to form Christian leaders in body, mind and spirit.

Guided by prayer and the Gospel values of faith, love and justice, students are challenged to respond to the call of discipleship and to fulfill their potential as lifelong learners in service to others.

Our end is to make God’s love complete among us.


inside this edition


Academic Awards .......................................................................................3Regional Academic All Star .........................................................................4Baccalaureate ............................................................................................5A Word With Wilmoth .................................................................................. 7It’s Not Business As Usual ..........................................................................8CYO Spirit of Youth Award ...........................................................................9Hoopster Invited To World Championship Team Tryouts ...............................9Auf Wiedersehen Frau Price ...................................................................... 10Roncalli Celebrates 5 Eagle Scouts ............................................................. 11Awards for the Performing Artists ..............................................................13Perr Wins First Place In Right To Life Art Competition ..................................13C9 Student of the Year ...............................................................................14Golden Guard Honored At Graduation Breakfast ..........................................15Perfect Scores Make History ......................................................................15Yearbook & Newspaper Awarded ............................................................... 16Senior Mass ..............................................................................................17Student Appreciation Extravaganza 2014 ....................................................18Time to Senior Picnic .................................................................................18We Heart Fr Wilmoth ................................................................................. 19Elseners Awarded The Saint John XXIII Award ............................................20Members of the Graduating Class of 2014 .................................................. 21Cole Walters Wins National Architectural Competition ..............................23Advancement Angle ..................................................................................24Think Fast Trivia Night ..............................................................................25Spring Sports In Review ............................................................................26All Sports Banquet ....................................................................................29Brusters Bits .............................................................................................31Homecoming 2014 ....................................................................................32Class Notes ..............................................................................................33Two Alumni Ordained Priests.....................................................................36The Last Word .......................................................................................... 37


Page 3: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

My life as the father of 11 children has left me with an abnormally high tolerance for chaos. But nothing could prepare me or our Roncalli delegation for what was about to unfold. There we were. In the heart of Rome. Less than a mile from St. Peter’s Square. Standing - being crushed actually - shoulder to shoulder with a million or more other pilgrims who had come to celebrate the canonization of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul. Two of the most compelling leaders of the 20th Century. Two gracious gifts from God to all of us who long for truth, peace, justice and love to prevail throughout the world. The animated conversations in languages from across the globe were growing with excitement and volume as the event got closer. Flags of every color – especially the red and white flags of Poland – were continually waving on a beautiful spring evening that slowly turned into the dawn of a new morning. Spontaneous outbreaks of joyous song and chanting kept occurring throughout the night. It was unlike anything I have ever been a part of, and I don’t expect to be witness to it again in my lifetime.

As fate would have it, the canonization was scheduled to begin within a few hours of the time when we would be hosting our celebration of Rebelation back at Roncalli. This is an annual gathering of over 400 friends and supporters of our financial aid program that allows students from families in need to receive assistance to attend our school. We devised what we thought was a crafty plan to have our delegation of four students and four adults to report live from St. Peter’s Square to the crowd in our gym via Skype. It was a well-laid plan. Its only flaw was that it did not account for the crowds and the chaotic excitement in the streets of Rome that night. It was not a violent chaos. The people were all very gentle and cooperative. It was simply the enormous size of the crowd and their vibrant enthusiasm that overwhelmed everything.

The first Skype call to our gym lasted about 30 seconds before it disconnected. The

next one lasted about 10 seconds and the final one lasted about 5 seconds. People who were in the gym that night later told me how exciting it was to have a live connection to Rome that evening in spite of the bad connection. It made them feel like they were a part of this celebration on the other side of the world. There is a part of me that appreciated that we had such difficulty maintaining a good connection. A smooth Skype connection would have concealed the frenetic happenings that were the reality for those who were there on the streets of Rome that night. Things were not operating normally. The Catholic Church from around the world was celebrating two of its greatest heroes and celebrations do not always unfold according to script. But God was there – watching over all of us.

When Mass finally began 12 hours after we had first joined the throngs who were gathering, the excitement that was generated by the appearance of the Holy Father was thick enough to cut with a knife. I expect this man may someday be declared a saint as well. Only the second coming of Jesus Christ himself could have generated the sort of spontaneous outpouring of enthusiasm and joy that the presence of

Pope Francis gave us all that morning. The crowd roared when early in the liturgy he officially declared these two men saints.

The Holy Spirit was present in a special way throughout the city that day. There was a palpable sense of love and grace throughout Rome that lasted on into that evening. Though I was exhausted physically and emotionally when it was over none of our delegation could sleep. We walked the streets of Rome that night reliving our own unique adventures as we tried to share with each other our own reflections on what we had just seen and been a part of. In its own way the joy, love and grace that we all felt must have been a small glimpse of Heaven that we had been allowed to see.

It is so good to be back because there is also a glimpse of heaven everyday at Roncalli if you learn how to see it. In fact, it is when things seem most chaotic that I am most likely to see it. Come Holy Spirit!




Page 4: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Anna’s Celebration of Life Scholarship – Shelbi Webb, Clair Strange, Jake Emery, Jacob Fryar and Liam Hosty

Congratulations to the students who were honored at the 24th annual Roncalli High School Academic Honors Reception on Wednesday, May 7th. Over 900 guests were in attendance to recognize students for their academic accomplishments during this school year. All seniors who earned an academic merit based scholarship, all students who earned/won awards in outside academic competitions and all students who were named “Outstanding Students of the Year” in the different curricular offerings were invited to attend the event. During the program, the winners of the annual endowed scholarships were also announced.


Clark Family STARS Scholarship – Jake Emery and Annie Wagner

Martin R. Eckstein Scholarship – Cameron Papandria and Eli Smith

PICTURED LEFT: Roncalli High School Leadership Scholarship – Kayla Streicher; PICTURED MIDDLE: Jennifer McKinney Memorial Scholarship – Krista Lutgring; PICTURE RIGHT: Emily Winters Lipps Young Women’s Scholarship – Abby Hines

Katie Lynch – Live, Laugh,

Love – Memorial Scholarship –

Kristen Henke and Briana Fox

PICTURED LEFT: Wong Family Scholarship – Morgan O’Brien; PICTURED RIGHT: Jeffrey N. Perkins Memorial Scholarship – Hannah Gahimer


Page 5: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Roncalli’s valedictorian Stephanie Asdell was honored by the Indiana Association of School Principals as a 2014 Indiana Regional Academic All Star. She was one of only 50 students from the over 400 high schools in Indiana to receive this prestigious award. The recognition is based on academics, extracurricular participation and service.

Regional Academic All Star



Page 6: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

It was another successful year for Roncalli as the Class of 2014 amassed in excess of $20.7 million in merit based scholarships, and 79% of the senior class was recognized for earning an honor, award or distinction. The following students were recognized for their leadership, faith and outstanding service at Baccalaureate, which was held on Friday, May 23, 2014.

BACCALAUREATESeniors Recognized For Outstanding Efforts

Pictured below: Deklin Veenhuizen was presented with the Bernie Dever Award by Marilyn Dever Miles, which was established in memory of the late Bernie Dever, principal of Roncalli from 1976 - 1983. This award honors one senior who embodies the personality, values and the academic achievements of Dever.


Page 7: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Pictured below: Moises Sanchez received the Robert F. Tully Scholarship. This award is given to a graduating senior who has demonstrated service, religious involvement and academic performance for a future in either service to the church, church related employment or pursuing careers in faith based organizations.

Pictured below: Cam Smock, Victoria Szczechowski, Adri Richardson and Nicholas Pittman each received the Saint John XXIII Award. To be considered for this prestigious award, seniors must have demonstrated

putting their religion into practice by their words and actions at Roncalli and in their home parish, service to the school and community, personal

contribution to the school and to the needs of others and have the respect of their peers and adults.

Pictured right: Aaron Schnell and Abbey Weisenbach were awarded with the Spirit of Roncalli Award, which recognizes graduates who have demonstrated integrity, a healthy lifestyle, diligence and perseverance in the classroom. The seniors possess leadership and positive character traits along with being both a positive role model in the classroom and a solid school citizen.

Pictured below: Seniors awarded with perfect attendance for all four of their years at Roncalli were Olivia Woodward, Thomas Shulse, Sydney Cabell, Ben Carpenter, Emily Prather and Kyle Lemmel.

BACCALAUREATEPictured above: Chip Hubbs R’89 and Royce Antolin R’89 were honored at Baccalaureate this year as members of the Silver Scholars graduating from Roncalli 25 years ago. Chip attended Indiana University where he earned his Bachelor's degree in Science in Public Health Administration and also earned a Masters of Health Administration degree from Indiana University. Today, he is the President of Memorial Health System in Marysville, OH. Royce attended Purdue University earning a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Law and Society. Royce has also earned a Master’s Degree from the University of Indianapolis. Royce has taught for the past 6 years in the Roncalli math department at various levels including Probability & Statistics and Trigonometry.


Page 8: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Fr. Jim Wilmoth, Chaplain

As we get into the late summer, we gear up again for another school year. For me, it is a good time. It is a time that gives me more energy and hope as I see these young people back in the hallways and in the classrooms both here at Roncalli and at St. Roch Catholic School. It is a time that I again realize the wonderful gift that God has given to me to be a part of Catholic schools.

As I reflect on my own experiences in a Catholic school, I can remember so well, the days I enjoyed at St. Phillip Neri School and had the opportunity and gift of having wonderful influences in my life from the Sisters of Providence. I can still remember the names of most of my teachers. They all were wonderful. The same is true of my days in high school. Great role models – examples of faith and trust in God. Many of these teachers and coaches that I had were true role models for me and have had tremendous influence in my life – even till today. And now, many years later, I still have people that God has sent into my life that inspire me and give me energy and happiness. I am sure you, who read this, can say the same thing.

I could tell you about the many women and men that still inspire me, but there are just a few that I want to mention in this article. (They tell me that I can only have so much space in the Update.) Obviously, my dad and mom continue to be a part of my life even though my dad went to heaven in the year 1978 and my mom went to heaven in 1999. They both gave me the example of hard work, loyalty and commitment to faith, family and friends.

At the time, I wasn’t thrilled that my dad got me up at 5 am to deliver the Indianapolis Star when I was 11 years old, and my mom “invited” me to work at our stand on the City Market at the age of 10. I still today feel their love and care for me and the great lessons that they gave me by humble, caring love and example. I am sure all of you have wonderful memories of people who have shaped and formed your lives today. Great blessings that God has given to us.

There was a man that I had the privilege of meeting when I was a young man and later as I became a priest. When I was ordained a priest, this man was a teacher and coach at Scecina Memorial

High School. Later, he became the “Head Man” at the CYO office for our Archdiocese. I can’t begin to tell you the number of young people and adults that had the opportunity of knowing him and loving him, and today

can say that this gentleman was a great influence in his/her life. He was a mountain of man in the areas of faith, family and friends. His name was Bill Kuntz. Just to be around him was always an inspiration to me. When you were with him and talking with him - it was like you were the only person that mattered to him. Bill Kuntz was truly a man among men. He loved his faith and was so very loyal to prayer and sacrament in his life. I really believe that his

A Word With


" It is a time that I again realize the wonderful gift that God has given to me to be a part of Catholic schools."


Page 9: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

love for our faith, his loyalty to prayer and sacrament, his love of his family, continue to influence my life to this very day. Bill went to his eternal reward in the year 1984. He and his wife, Florence “Hank”, have a great family, and perhaps many of you know some his grandchildren. Bill Kuntz has left a mark of love, faithfulness and respect in my life. I think of him often. I bet you have similar folks in your life. They are great blessings.

I think of these three individuals – my dad, mom and Bill Kuntz – as we begin another school year – another school year in a Catholic school. I think of all the wonderful Sisters of Providence. These three individuals and the Sisters gave of themselves for Catholic education in many different ways, but yet important ways. I pray and ask God to help all of us involved in a Catholic school to appreciate the gift of our faith, the gift of so many people who have given up so much for our schools, the gift of our students and teachers and administrators. We all stand on the shoulders of many great people. Thank God for them. May God bless us and guide us always.

May Saint John Roncalli XXIII continue to bless us and be an influence on all of our lives.

Bless your hearts,

Father Jim Wilmoth

(Editor’s Note: Father Wilmoth, you may have as much space in the Update as you want. We value your experience, inspiration, continued dedication and words of wisdom. We love you, Father Wilmoth!)

It’s Not Business As UsualJunior Julia Martinez was invited to participate in the Young Women’s Institute (YWI) at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Julia was selected to be part of this elite group of motivated young women as a result of her achievements both in and out of the classroom. She experienced five days of interactive workshops led by IU faculty while working with current students and alums from the Kelley School. During their time on campus, the young women, who are all entering their senior year of high school, spent their days (and nights!) learning about different aspects of business. They even completed a business case project during the institute. The YWI was developed to provide students a glimpse into college life while preparing the young women in attendance for success in business school and in business.

"Indiana University's Kelley School of Business offered me a very unique experience at the Young Women's Institute Program. My one week adventure on campus offered me a glimpse into life as an everyday college student. Throughout the week, I was able to interact with current students, administrators, and other major leaders of the Kelley School of Business. I was able to learn more about the Kelley School and about IU, as a whole. I feel as though I was given an amazing opportunity to, not only learn about what I really want for my future college life, but to also begin to understand myself as an individual.

"Throughout the program, I was able to make long lasting friendships with girls from around the world. I think meeting others with distinct mindsets from my own was an eye opening experience. However, despite our differences, we were all able to connect through our likes and interests, which was great.

"As a whole, the enriching program allowed me to open up to many different people and experiences I would have otherwise never would have been able to encounter. As I step into my future, this program has equipped me with the confidence necessary for me to become a successful woman and, for that, I am grateful for my time spent at the IU Kelley School of Business!" Julia comments of her experience.


Page 10: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Hoopster Lindsey Corsaro Invited To USA Women’s Basketball World Championship Team Tryouts

Sophomore Lindsey Corsaro received an invitation to try out for the USA Women’s Under 17 basketball team, which took place the week from May 22-26 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

As part of the Lady Rebel basketball team, Corsaro averaged 19.5 points, 10.8 rebounds, 3.3 steals and 2.5 assists last season. She is rated as the 26th overall prospect nationally in the class of 2016 by All-Star Girls Report and has verbally committed to the University of Kentucky.

Congratulations to Lindsay!

CYO SPIRIT OF YOUTH AWARDCongratulations to Roncalli students Madison Brehob (St. Roch), Alejandro Caldera (Good Shepherd), Ben Golab (Holy Spirit), Bridget Hammans (St. Roch), Logan Handy (St. Jude), Josh Herkert (St. Mark), Thomas Myers (St. Barnabas), Mason Pawlik (Ss. Francis & Clare), Annie Richardson (Ss. Francis & Clare), Teddy Ward (Good Shepherd) and Abbey Weisenbach (St. Jude) on receiving the Catholic Youth Organization’s Spirit of Youth award. They were honored by Archbishop Joseph Tobin at a Mass and awards ceremony held at the Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral on May 6. The Spirit of Youth award is presented annually to young people who have been active in living out their faith life and providing positive leadership in their parish.


Page 11: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Roncalli said goodbye to a longtime member of the faculty when Janet Price retired at the end of this year. She was a dynamic classroom teacher for 36 years including the last 21 at Roncalli, where she taught German and for some years French as well.

"Janet's passion for teaching and German both run deep. She is the consummate professional, and her love for and dedication to Roncalli High School has been unmatched over these past 21 years,” said Chuck Weisenbach, Roncalli’s

principal. “In and out of the classroom, Janet has been a major contributor to the success of our school. She has impacted many, many students' lives in a positive way, and we will miss her dearly!"

In addition to establishing our top-notch German program, Janet served as chairperson of the World Languages department, Spell Bowl and Academic Super Bowl coach, mentor teacher, student council moderator, South Deanery Middle School World Languages teacher and National Honor Society

moderator. She instituted and has led numerous German Club spring break trips to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Additionally, she and her husband, Tom, were key leaders in multiple capital campaigns to support the advancement of Roncalli and its mission.

Thanks to Janet for being such an important part of Roncalli for so many years. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.



Page 12: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

These young men have devoted the past ten+ years to the mission and values of the Boy Scouts of America always knowing they were willing to work hard to achieve the status of Eagle Scout. In order to do so, each was required to put together a service project that was indicative of his interests and served the greater good of his community.

Roncalli Celebrates

Eagle Scouts

Senior Josh Herkert earned the Eagle Scout designation after completing an improvement project

at the South Side Animal Shelter, which is

located on Edgewood Avenue. Josh is the son of Dr. Daniel and Shelley Herkert and is a member of St. Mark Catholic Church.

Freshman Spencer Jewula knew that he wanted to do something to benefit animals, and found Cat’s Haven

after a considerable amount of research.

Spencer spent over two months planning and building a large cat climbing shelf for the multiple cats that reside at the city’s oldest no-kill cat shelter. Spencer is the son of Stanley and Katrina Jewula and is a member of St. Mark Catholic Church.


Page 13: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Junior Mikey Reeves found The Refuge, a Greenwood outreach center and food pantry, through his service work at Roncalli. The

work being done at the organization inspired him,

and he knew he wanted to include them in his project. Mikey, a scout since first grade, decided to help organize the food and clothing pantry by building shelves and a hanging rack for donations. He knew that a more organized space would lead to clients being served in a more efficient manner. Mikey is the son of Michael and Rita Reeves and is a member of St. Barnabas Catholic Church.

Junior Ben Golab decided to return to his elementary school when looking for his Eagle Scout project. Afterall, he was given his

start in scouting while in first grade at Holy Spirit on

the eastside of Indianapolis. Ben asked his pastor, another scout, for ideas on ways he could complete his project and make a meaningful impact at the church and was given a handful of ideas. He and a crew of volunteers constructed a gravel parking area used by both the church and the school. Ben is the son of Adam and Michele Golab and is a member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church.


4%of all Scouts meet the requirements necessary to earn the Eagle Scout Award.

Senior Thomas Shulse decided to build eight

3-foot high outdoor flower boxes for the Social of Greenwood. Thomas

started scouting in second grade and works at the boy

scout camp at Ransburg during the summer. Thomas is the son of John and Carla Shulse and is a member of the Our Lady of the Greenwood Catholic Church.



Page 14: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


Awards for the Performing Artists“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato


The Fine Arts Department held their annual choral, theater and band end of the year banquets. In addition to celebrating another great year of performing arts

at Roncalli, the following students were recipients of awards recognizing their time and talent within their respective field:

THEATER AWARDSActor of the Year Sarah Barron as Anya in To See The StarsTechie of the Year Brendan Bard as Lead Carpenter in

The Sound Of MusicOutstanding Theatre Freshmen Chris GolabPatty Cunningham Memorial Award (Outstanding Theatre Senior)

Peri Barnhill

Dr. Tom Madden Excellence of Performance Award Danielle HughesNouveau Award Sarah Barron and Samuel LakinWoody Herman Jazz Band Award Kurtis LoyOutstanding Orchestra Member Sean Hayes

Senior Nina Perr won first place in the 2014 Right to Life Art Competition. Nina’s artwork will grace the cover of the annual Right to Life of Indianapolis Celebrate Life dinner program on September 30, 2014. This event, held at the Indianapolis Convention Center, draws 1000-1200 people every year. Nina will attend the event and be recognized during the program. Additionally, as the first place winner, she will receive $250 for herself and an additional $250 for Roncalli.

The theme of this year’s contest, Celebrate Life, was meant to encompass all aspects of life - unborn babies, the physically and mentally disabled, the elderly, families, friendships, etc. Right to Life of Indianapolis sponsors the annual art contest, which is open to students enrolled in 9th through 12th grades. The contest is open to students who reside in Marion County, or any of the seven surrounding counties.


Page 15: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


C9 STUDENT OF THE YEARRoncalli sophomore Michael Mitchell received one of two

merit awards from the Fire and Rescue Program at Central

Nine Vocational Center. Michael was recognized for his

outstanding work ethic in both the classroom and the

lab. His attendance, citizenship and classwork were also

factors in the award.

CHORAL AWARDSDirector's Award of Excellence Clare SchutteSinging Rebel Spirit Award Peri Barnhill (Rebel Rhapsody)Grace Koppenhofer (Advanced Women's Choir) Orpheus Award

Beth McKay (Rebel Rhapsody), Brenden Everett (Rebel Rhapsody) & Kate Myers (Advanced Women's Choir)

Nouveau Singing Rebel Award Connor Cleary (Beginning Mixed Choir) & Margaret McCloskey (Beginning Mixed Choir)

BAND AWARDSRoncalli Band Outstanding Band Members Sarah Eastes, Nicky Marino & Matt McKayRoncalli Band Outstanding Senior Matthew SteadhamRoncalli Band Outstanding Junior James BruhnRoncalli Band Outstanding Sophomore Maggie GlowinskiRoncalli Band Outstanding Freshman Madeline BrownRoncalli Band Most Improved Senior Cam SmockRoncalli Band Most Improved Junior Lauren LaheyRoncalli Band Most Improved Sophomore Spencer GrowRoncalli Band Most Improved Freshman Grace AlbertsonRoncalli Band Aide Award Lizzy LayerRoncalli Jazz Band Outstanding Member Matthew Steadham Roncalli Jazz Band Most Improved Member Madeline BrownUnsung Hero Award Caleb Hartford & Cameron PapandriaPractice Makes Perfect Award Ali Fox Louis Armstrong Jazz Band Award Sarah Eastes John Phillip Sousa Band Award Matthew Steadham


Page 16: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


Congratulations to Roncalli junior Matt Cunningham on becoming the newest member of the “Perfect Rebel” Club.

Matt becomes the first Roncalli student to record a perfect 36 on the ACT composite as a result of earning a perfect score of 36 on the science and reading sections and a

near perfect score of 35 on both the English and mathematics sections. The ACT composite score is the average of the four test scores earned during a single test administration.

The “Perfect Rebel” Club recognizes Roncalli High School students who have scored a perfect score on the ACT (36) or the SAT (800). Currently, there are 20 members of the Perfect Rebel Club attending Roncalli High School bringing the total number of students admitted to the club since its inception in 2001 to 67.

GOLDEN GUARD HONORED AT GRADUATION BREAKFASTThe calm and beautiful weather for this year’s Roncalli graduation in the stadium helped welcome the Sacred Heart Central Class of 1964 to campus. For the 18th year, the Roncalli Alumni Association and Administration welcomed back to campus the 50 year graduating class from Sacred Heart Central High School. This year, the Class of 1964 was honored at graduation ceremonies. Many from the class had never visited Roncalli but all had a wonderful morning reminiscing about high school days long ago and making new memories that will last for years to come.

Their morning closed by being presented with a 50 year pin and induction into the Golden Guard. From this day forward, they may enter any event at Roncalli High

School whether it be sports, theater or academic competition free of charge. Congratulations – Sacred Heart Central Class of 1964!


Page 17: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Senior Megan Yoder won first place in the Yearbook Copywriting category of the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW) High School Communications Contest. Megan’s award was for her story “A New Home” about Roncalli’s Burmese immigrant families.

“This particular article was one of the most difficult pieces I have ever written because I knew nothing of the Burmese culture before I began work on it,” Yoder said when asked how she prepared for the story. “To truly be able to write a story that captured the experience of these unique students, I needed to have a broad understanding of the situation myself. I spent a lot of time researching Burma and its people to understand the civil unrest that prompted these families to leave their home country. Only by doing this, was I able to accurately portray their situation.”

The annual contest is the only nationwide competition of its kind, and as a result of her award, Megan will be invited to attend the NFPW Conference in Greenville, South Carolina in September 2014.

"Megan is among the finest young journalists I have ever been associated with. She was the only Indiana journalism student to receive first place in this year's NFPW contest. Her exceptional writing and design ability combined with her strong organizational skills

have served Roncalli well,” said Julie Albertson, Roncalli journalism teacher and publications advisor.

Megan was up for consideration as a result of her first place award from the Woman’s Press Club of Indiana. Other winners from this contest were Clare Schutte (second place for yearbook photo), Ali Rollins (second place for yearbook layout) and Grayson Ellis (third place for yearbook layout).

Roncalli’s yearbook (The Reveille) and student newspaper (The Rebel Review) are some of the best in the state. The Reveille received an Excellent rating, and The Rebel Review was rated Superior in this year's Hoosier Star Award program. According to the Indiana High School Press Association (IHSPA), all superior and excellent ranked newspapers are exceptionally well done.

The Rebel Review and The Reveille are now entered into the Hoosier Star competition, the IHSPA's annual program which awards Indiana's very best student newspapers and yearbooks.

Congratulations to these student journalists and Mrs. Julie Albertson for putting together these award winning publications.



Page 18: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Roncalli Principal Chuck Weisenbach donned his infamous red jacket and spoke to seniors about the impact made during their time at Roncalli at this year’s Senior Mass. He thanked them for being a class of high motivation and strong morals. He had asked them at the beginning of their senior year to set a good example for the other students, and at the mass he thanked them for doing just that.

Students, parents, faculty and staff gathered for Senior Mass, the last Mass of the school year dedicated especially to the Class of 2014. Each year, one senior student is selected to speak about life as a Roncalli student. This year, the honor was bestowed upon DJ Glander.

“No matter how many times you fall down, you have to get back up. There is no sense in staying down and feeling sorry for yourself. Life is full of so many wonderful things that you might miss out on if you stay down,” said DJ during his senior reflection.

DJ encouraged underclassmen to “walk the halls of Roncalli with pride because you only get one shot at high school” and told the junior class that “the title of senior comes with many responsibilities because the underclassmen look up to you. Show them what it means to be a Roncalli Rebel!”

He closed his speech asking fellow seniors to join him as they “take the leap” into the next phase of their lives future and asking everyone in attendance to “let go and let God.”

Senior mass concluded with the legacy tradition where symbols of high school life are presented to the students who will follow in the footsteps of our senior leaders and with a recognition ceremony for students with parents who work for the school. It was a wonderful day to be a Rebel!

ReflectionReflectionS E N I O R M A S S


Page 19: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Time to Senior Picnic!Roncalli’s Senior Picnic was held at Northeast Park in Greenwood on Friday, May 2. Seniors played basketball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, cornhole, softball/baseball and some even took a chance at skateboarding.

Of course, the highlight of the picnic was the ever popular senior kickball tourney. Over 120 seniors competed in the tourney with the senior team from St. Roch walking away with the victory.

St. Roch team members include: Alee Brown, Danielle Babb, Carmela Verderame, Jessi Allard, Rachel Bova, Aaron Schnell, Brad Thacker, Sam Schwab, David Dickey and Nick Pittman.

Student Appreciation Extravaganza 2014Twenty teams playing cornhole. Free hot dogs. Chocolate chip cafeteria cookies. Snow cones from Kona Ice. It must be the Student Appreciation Extravaganza!

This annual event is the first (of many!) planned by the newly elected student council officers. The event is designed to celebrate the end of another successful school year and to simply thank the student body for their continued support of StuCo.

And what extravaganza would be complete without a raffle? Freshmen Alex Martinez won four free tickets to the Indianapolis Indians 4th of July game. (Pictured right)

Cornhole Tourney Champs: Juniors Aaron Brandenburg and Brian Hayden


Page 20: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Many thanks to Roncalli’s Student Council for saying what we all

know is true – We Love Father Wilmoth! In an effort to show our love and support during his treatment, members of the Student Council decided to put together a video to show just how many people love Father. StuCo Moderator Ryan Costello wasn’t sure how many

Rebels participated but said that the support came in fast and furious from across the country.

Take a moment, and be happy! Watch the video! www.youtube.com/roncallihigh or scan the

QR code to the right.


Page 21: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

At this year’s graduation ceremony, Roncalli High School recognized longtime Catholic educator and current president of Marian University president Dan Elsener and his wife Beth with the 2014 Saint John XXIII Award. The couple was honored for their lifelong commitment to the ministry of Catholic Education. The two have proven to be a dynamite team as they have been the catalyst behind so much growth and positive change within the educational landscape of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the state of Indiana. Dan has been a teacher, principal and superintendent in Catholic education in both Wichita, Kansas and Indianapolis. Beth and Dan have nine children all of whom graduated from Roncalli High School.

In recognition of their passionate, unwavering commitment to Catholic education and for the outstanding leadership they have provided and continue to provide the Catholic community within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, the Elseners were presented with the Saint John XXIII Award on Saturday, May 24.

Honorees are selected on the basis of living a life that is an example of dedication to youth and spreading the love of Jesus Christ by fervently living their vocation.



Page 22: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Members of the Graduating Class of 2014Jenna Nicole AgrestaSydney Shea AldersonJessi Renee Allard-TaylorAustin Michael Charles AlteBridgette Nicole AntolinStephanie Marie AsdellDanielle Paige BabbChristopher Kyle Baker*Claire Elizabeth BakerPeri Anne BarnhillMorgan Olivia BarrettConnor Logan BaschKristin Fadia BashoreAndrew Gustel BauerJeffrey John BeaumontNathan Herschel Douglas

BensonKaleb Larsene BitterlingAlex Charles BlankenbergerSamantha Taylor BolenRachel Marie BovaElizabeth Shari BowersDezmin Rose BowmanMegan Marie BowmanJacob Miller BrandonBailey Michelle BriggemanAnnaleah Marie BrownKelsey Kristine BrownMatthew Isaiah BrownDaniel Robert BurkhardtSydney Paige CabellEvan Michael CahillAlejandro CalderaJoshua Nicholas CannadayBenjamin Gene CarpenterSean Patrick ClareyMax Jacob ClawsonMadisen Michelle CliftonBrooke Logan ClodfelterJoseph William CobbDrew Hundley ConnerCraig Thomas ConnorsBenjamin Scott CoonsAndrew Aloysius Corcoran

Lauren Ashley CunninghamMargaret Lee CurtisDrew Alan DeakWalter Patrick DearingTrista Nicole DeBoltCody William DeLongBarbara Grace DeMossCarlie Elizabeth DickDavid Allen DickeyElizabeth Kathryn DubordAlexandra Marie DullSarah Jane EastesEmily Meryl ElliottJoseph Matthew ElliottLuke Daniel ElsenerJoseph Charles EnglishJoseph Ray EricksonKyle Erik ErikssonJared Allan FalkJacob William FarnworthNicholas Scott FarrarMichael Anthony FeldmanEvan Matthew FetskoChristopher Daniel FeyGrant Michael FieldAbbey Marie FinchAbigail Katherine FischerJohn Patrick FoxLauren Ashley FrankValerie Alessandra GambettaJoseph Patrick GankaMark Garrett GaskillChristian Myers GehringKelsey Desiree GibsonStephanie Lyn GillumErin Marie GinDavid Walter GlanderJohn William GlanderAbigail Rae GleixnerBrant J GossMitchell Joseph GoughEmily Kristine GriffinCarly Jo GurnikBridget Shea Hammans

Logan Leigh HandyChase Andrew HarkerAllison Lynn HarmonLeah Loudon HarmonPayton Maria HartmanMcKenzie Kay HayesKarlie Grace HeidenMeaghan Elizabeth HeinrichNicole Paige HensleyJoshua Lawrence HerkertDavid Scotten HoltkampLevi Douglas HornbergerAbigail Marie HuberLauren Marie HueblerDanielle Marie HughesLevi Joseph Hutchings-BaileyClaire Louise JacobsLuke Joseph JahnkeDaniel Joseph JenningsJacklyn Nicole JohnsonStephanie Ann KawakAshley Nicole KedraNicholas Peyton KellerCandice René KelsoLauren Michele KesslerDaniel Henry KieselRobert Forrester KileKellie Marie KirkhoffNoelle Rose KitchenGrace Josephine KoppenhoferDaulton Robert KramerJake Allan KuehrAnthony Joseph LaPintaAnthony Joseph LaRosaLucas Anthony LaRosaKyle Gregory LemmelEvan Michael LenahanNicholas James LoebigJacob Daniel LuebbehusenBrandon Allen LutgringKrista Jo LutgringRachel Anne LutgringJohn Charles MaddenElijah Harrison Marx


Page 23: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Taylor Maree MattinglyLucy Claire McClernonCatherine Renee´ McCloskeyElizabeth Rose McKayAbby Christine McKeandBrianna Michele McSwainJonathan Joseph MehringerNicholas Michael MiltoSophia Marielle MiltoDillon Patrick MoherDylan Owen MohrLauren Nicole MonteithCaitlin Nicole MorrisMichael Joseph MullinThomas Clifford MyersZachary Stuart NagyNicholas Ryan NeuWilliam Joseph NiezgodskiElizabeth Jane NormanKristen Kathleen NorrisZachary Taylor NowakMichael Patrick O’ConnorAustin Michael O’GaraErin Mari O’RileySamuel Lee OrrellIsaac Andrés OrtizKaitlin Elizabeth OwensAndrea Marie ParkerDaniel Jacob ParrettMadalyn Grace ParrottNina Therese PerrNicholas Paul PittmanEmily Marie PratherKatherine Mae PrenticeMeghan Marie PrettiEmily Marie QuillEllen Jeanette RakLuke Zachary RandolGina Marie RayJoseph Michael RayAdam Daniel RedmondMatthew Robert RedmondJoseph Bryan ReedLeah Dawn RichardsAdri Kathryn Richardson

Austin Alfred RodriguezJessica Anne RoederRaymond Joseph RoembkeHana Danielle RoesslerAlaina Cecelia RollinsAmanda Marie RuthBlake Todd RyanBailey Nicole SaltsMoises Emanuel SanchezEmily Elaine SandersElizabeth Tru SchmollRon Anthony SchmollAaron Jay SchnellAlyssa Nicole SchoettleJoseph Louis SchottClare Antoinette SchutteSarah Elizabeth SchutteSamuel James SchwabCaleb Charles ScifresMason Andrew SedgwickJohn Anthony ShambaughLauren Jacqueline ShanleySpencer Bishop ShawEmily Anne SheetsAustin James ShepherdCheryl Lynn ShoverThomas Carl ShulseAbigail Marie SkrzypczakHarrison David SmithNichole Madison SmithNoah Andrew SmithCameron Scheele SmockJamela Anne SnowKylie Michelle SowersKristen Marie SquillaceMatthew Charles SteadhamSara Mallory StevensMatthew Bradley StoltzKyle Austin StretchJohn Jacob StrevelsBrianna Judith Kay StuckeyBrian James SullivanSamantha Jane SwanVictoria Sakmar SzczechowskiMonica Lynn Tatarek

Bradley Thomas ThackerMegan Ann ThompsonDaniel Patrick TrickleCassey Nicole TurkChristian Antolin ValenciaMaria Sophia Van AukenKarlie Danielle VandagrifftHaley Anne VannoyDeklin Reid VeenhuizenCarmela Teresa VerderameAlexandra MacKenzie WallemCole Preston WaltersTheodore Barrett WardAbigail Lynne WeisenbachJonathan Andrew WelchKristen Maria WhiteMishial Alan WhiteSamantha Le WomackTaylor Gene WongKendall Scout WoodOlivia Renee WoodwardAllison Michelle WordenJesse James WormannMegan Marie YoderJessica Suzanne YoungSamuel Wade YoungBriana Marie ZahnKyle Andrew ZakrowskiOna ZekonisMicaela Maginn Zimmerman

*In Memoriam


Page 24: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Senior Cole Walters was named National Champion in the 2014 National Association of Women in Construction Design contest. Cole’s design won top honors against the top ten entries from across the United States. He is the recipient of a check for $1700 and becomes Roncalli’s tenth national champion in this architectural design competition since 1997. Our students continue to excel under the direction and guidance of Mr. Jim Ratliff.

Cole was challenged to design a handicapped accessible, open-style ranch home for an elderly couple. The couple would be moving from a 10,000

square foot home to one that was less than 1/3 of the size at 3,000 square foot. Additionally, the home had to incorporate space for a live-in housekeeper.

“Cole spent a considerable amount of time researching his project before his initial design and therefore created an outstanding structure from both an interior and exterior perspective,” said Jim Ratliff, Roncalli’s architectural drafting & design instructor.

Cole will attend IUPUI to study architecture this fall and is the son of Rick and Lisa Sheldon and is a member of St. Roch Catholic Church.



Page 25: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

On my first day of employment at RHS in 2002, Roncalli began a capital campaign to build the Fine Arts Center, the new guidance department and STARS area. That capital campaign, Building Faith and Futures, was a result of planning that began many years prior to that. Although it was a big task to start a capital campaign, it was exciting and reassuring to know that the projects in the capital campaign were a result of planning by our Board of Directors, Administration and our community.

Unfortunately, it is somewhat common for businesses to go through a strategic planning process and then have the resulting document sit on a shelf in someone’s office, rarely viewed and executed. I learned very quickly at Roncalli, that our strategic plans are considered our ‘marching orders’. We use the documents produced as a result of our strategic planning sessions to move Roncalli forward on many levels. Actually, in my 12+ years at Roncalli, I have been involved in our last three strategic plans. To me, that is a remarkable testament to the amount and level

of planning that is taking place and also proof that Roncalli is following and completing those plans. Our strategic plans are a result of planning retreats and many resulting meetings with a wide span of our community. The tasks and timelines associated with the plans give the Roncalli administration direction when budgeting and fundraising.

In 2002, when the Building Faith and Futures (BFF) capital campaign began, we had a goal of $3 million with a challenge goal of $3.5 million. (These goals are set in conjunction with campaign counsel after a feasibility study) Roncalli was blessed to raise over $4.1 million for that campaign and we were able to complete everything that was a part of BFF. There was still an item from the original plans that needed to be finished — building additional classrooms. In the spirit of how we strive to complete our plans at RHS, we would like to build these classrooms in the next 12 to 18 months. With an opening enrollment of 1,189 students in August, the additional 6 classrooms on the drawing board would accommodate this growth.

We have received the necessary approval from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and our Facility Committee has been working for months on architectural plans and timing of the construction so that these classrooms are ready for use for the 2015-2016 school year. The only thing left to do in this process is to secure the funds to build the classrooms.

Over the 2014-2015 school year, we will be communicating a lot of information about the construction of these additional classrooms and how our community can support this project to allow us to complete a project that has been in the plans since 2002. The additional space will allow us to maintain an average class size of 24-25 students, while accommodating a growth in our enrollment. These classrooms will also allow Roncalli to continue with the excellent academic programming that has been become our trademark and expectation from our families. Please pray for the success of this project and campaign over the next several months.

Terese Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Constantly Planning.... So What Is Next?

Advancement Angle


Page 26: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Roncalli Trivia NightSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014Gather up to 8 of the smartest people you know

(yourself included, of course!) to make your

team! (You don't have to have eight to make a

team, but guests must be 21 years or older.)

Pizza, chili and snacks will be provided. But feel

free to bring your own brain food - whatever

helps, right? We will also have beer, water and

soft drinks.

We're giving you three months notice. So, study

up! Trivia categories include: Roncalli History,

Pop Culture, Music, Sports and much more!

For more information, check our website or call

Gary Armbruster at 787-8277, extension 242.

Are you interested in sponsoring Think Fast?

We've got a place for your company name to be

featured at the event.


Page 27: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

BOYS TRACK & FIELDThe boys track team won the Archdiocesan Meet, and then saw several athletes experience postseason success. Junior Conner James won the Marion County title in

the discus, becoming just the second athlete in program history to win an individual Marion County title. James followed that up with a fourth-place finish in the state meet with a throw of 161-09. All three relay teams qualified for the regional, after two relay teams qualified for the indoor state finals. The freshman team scored points in all but three events and placed in the top five in the Marion County Freshman Meet.

Junior Nat Otley was named the team’s MVP. Senior Matt Brown earned the team’s Mental Attitude Award, as well as the team’s Sportsmanship Award. Senior Nick Farrar won the team’s Leadership Award. Farrar was also named the Senior MVP. James was selected the Junior MVP. Michael Schiefelbein was the Sophomore MVP and Andy Mappes was the Freshman MVP. Senior Andy Bauer was voted the Most Improved Athlete. Seniors Walter Dearing and Austin O’Gara were named to the Academic All-State team, while seniors Evan Cahill, David Holtkamp and Joey Ray and juniors Conner James and Nat Otley were tabbed as honorable mention Academic All-Staters.


Spring Sports In Review

Photo by Josie Wanner R'15

Photo by Liz Tames R'16

BASEBALLUnder first-year head coach Deron Spink, the Rebels finished the 2014 baseball campaign with a 19-7 record. The Rebels posted the 19-7 mark against a competitive schedule that contained five sectional championship teams -- Columbus North, Cathedral, New Palestine, Beech Grove and Cardinal Ritter – and won four of those five games. The team adjusted to a new coach by improving throughout the season and played its most cohesive baseball down the stretch. Highlights for the team included an eight-game winning streak, which featured an 8-7 win over top-ranked Cathedral. The Rebels scored six runs in the bottom of the seventh inning to knock off the Irish. Junior Bryce Bridgewater and sophomore Sam Phillips combined to no-hit Beech Grove in a 10-0 victory.

Junior infielder Tyler Schoettle was named the team’s MVP and sophomore infielder/pitcher Jake Franklin earned the team’s Mental Attitude Award.


Page 28: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

BOYS GOLFThe boys golf team played their best golf of the season down the stretch, qualifying for the regional yet again. Strong finishes by senior Chase Harker and sophomore Michael Zedrick allowed the Rebels to edge Franklin by one stroke for the final regional-qualifying spot. In the sectional, the team members shot four to five shots better than their season averages. The Rebels finished 12th in the regional, but posted a score that was 13 fewer strokes than their 2013 Regional effort.

Zedrick was named the team’s MVP, while sophomore Brayden Stegemiller earned the team’s Mental Attitude Award. Zedrick, Stegemiller, Harker and sophomores Trevor Jacob and David Doyle made up the Rebels’ postseason quintet.

GIRLS TRACK & FIELDThe girls track team logged a 19-3 dual meet record, followed by a fifth-place finish in the Marion County Meet and a fourth-place finish in the sectional. Freshman Paige Saylor led the team in points scored, thereby winning the team’s MVP Award. Saylor finished 19th in the 100 at the state finals and was one of four freshmen to state qualify for the event. Saylor established new school records for the 100 (12.49) and the long jump (17-8.75). In addition to advancing to state in the 100, she qualified for the regional in the 200 and the long jump. Sophomore Annie Richardson tied the school record by clearing 9-0 in the pole vault. In addition to the school records, several athletes posted top-five marks in program

history. Sophomore Leah Biasi ran the third-fastest 800 in program history. Senior Ashley Kedra (third) and freshman Emma Schmidt (fifth) both cracked the shot put all-time top five. Junior Halle Harris registered the fourth-fastest 300 hurdle time. Freshman Josie Asher ran the third-fastest 400 of all-time and her classmate Paige Saylor ran the third-fastest 200. The 1600 Relay team of Biasi, Asher, junior Emma Lawrie and sophomore Jenn Biasi ranks third all-time and the 3200 Relay team of the Biasi sisters, senior Kaitlin Owens and junior Kenzie Quinn ranks second all-time.

Sophomore Emily Barron earned the team’s Mental Attitude Award. Halle Harris, a regional qualifier in the 300 hurdles, won the team’s Leadership Award. Senior Abby Fischer won the team’s Sportsmanship Award. Emma Lawrie was named Academic All-State by the Indiana Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches (IATCCC) and senior Nina Perr was chosen honorable mention Academic All-State by the Indiana Coaches of Girls’ Sports Association (ICGSA).

Eight other athletes competed at the regional –Kaitlin Owens (3200 Relay), Ashley Kedra (discus), Emma Lawrie (1600 Relay), Kenzie Quinn (3200 Relay), Jenn Biasi (1600 Relay, 3200 Relay), Leah Biasi (800, 1600 Relay, 3200 Relay), Josie Asher (1600 Relay) and freshman Claire Whalen (high jump).


Photo by Megan Yoder R'14

Photo by Danielle Hughes R'14


Page 29: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

SOFTBALLThe softball team persevered through untimely injuries to post another 20-win season, which included six

wins over teams that won sectional titles. The team won four games in two days to capture the Terre Haute South Bash championship. Senior infielder/pitcher Emily Prather was named first team All-State, first team All-Marion County and was selected to play in the North/South All-Star Game. Sophomore infielder/pitcher Mallory Marsicek was also picked to the All-Marion County team. Senior catcher Abby McKeand was named the team’s MVP. Senior outfielder Monica Tatarek earned the team’s Mental Attitude Award. Senior infielder Alyssa Schoettle won the team’s Leadership Award and senior outfielder Haley Vannoy won the team’s Sportsmanship Award. Prather, Vannoy, McKeand and senior outfielder Hana Roessler were all named honorable mention Academic All-State by the Indiana Coaches of Girls Sports Assocation (ICGSA).


Photo by Ali Rollins R'14

BOYS VOLLEYBALLThe boys volleyball team capped a very successful season with their third trip to the state final in the last four seasons. Despite losing in the state final to Chesterton, the team accomplished many program firsts. For the first time, the team was the state's top-ranked team over the entire regular season. The Rebels are believed to be the first team to go undefeated in the regular season in Indiana Boys Volleyball Coaches Association (IBVCA) history. Along with a program-record 29-1 record in IBVCA play, the team won the program's first Metro tournament title, defeating Cathedral 19-17 in the final set to capture the crown.

Seniors Evan Lenahan and Nicholas Pittman were named to the All-Tournament team. Lenahan, Pittman, as well as Joey Ganka and Cody Delong were nominated for the postseason Senior All-Star Game. Colin McManama was selected for the Junior All-Star Game. Pittman earned the team's MVP Award and Ganka won the team's All-Defense Award. Sophomore Jacob Allard won the team's Mental Attitude Award.

Photo by Josie Wanner R'15


Page 30: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

ALL SPORTS BANQUETCongratulations to all of the Rebel student athletes who were honored at the 25th annual All Sports Banquet on Wednesday, May 14. It was another wonderful evening honoring many outstanding young athletes.

Roncalli Athletic Boosters Club Scholarship Evan Cahill

Outstanding Female Mental Attitude Abbey Finch

Outstanding Male Mental Attitude Aaron Schnell

Outstanding Female Scholar Athlete Emily Prather

Outstanding Male Scholar Athlete Cam Smock

Outstanding Male Athlete David Holtkamp

Outstanding Female Athlete Abbey Gleixner

U.S. Army Reserve National Scholar Athletes Walter Dearing, Emily Elliott

Rebel Courage Award Jessi Allard-Taylor

Jonathan Page Memorial Award Mason Sedgwick

Mike Brewer Memorial Award Elizabeth Bowers, Kellie Kirkhoff

Rebel Fan of the Year Award Jeff Fryar

Joe Mendez Distinguished Service Award Jeff Biltz

GIRLS TENNISThe girls tennis team fought hard and compiled a 9-4 record against a schedule that featured seven teams that won sectional titles. The No. 1 doubles team of junior Ally Crouch and senior Emily Quill won five postseason matches to advance to the regional final of the doubles state tournament. Crouch and Quill were named co-MVPs after compiling a season record of 16-3 as a doubles team. Junior Annie Wagner earned the team’s Mental Attitude Award. Senior Dezi Bowman won the team’s Leadership Award and senior Stephanie Kawak won the team’s Sportsmanship Award. Photo by Micaela Zimmerman R'14

FOUR YEAR VARSITY AWARDAbbey Gleixner - Girls Golf; Morgan Barrett - Girls Soccer; Megan Bowman - Girls Soccer; Carlie Dick - Girls Soccer; Taylor Wong - Girls Soccer; Jack Glander - Boys Tennis; Walter Dearing - Boys Cross Country, Boys Track and Field; Sam Bolen - Girls Basketball; Elizabeth Bowers - Girls Basketball;

Kellie Kirkhoff - Girls Basketball; Elly Dubord - Girls Swimming and Diving; Emily Griffin - Girls Swimming and Diving; Aaron Schnell - Baseball; Emily Prather - Softball; Joey Ray - Boys Track



Page 31: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


HONORS/AWARDS1st Team All-State - 2 Years

1st Team All-Marion County - 2 YearsAll-Metro “Super Team”

Indiana Football Digest “Prime Time Top 25”IFCA All-State “Top 50”

Voted Indiana’s Top Offensive Lineman - Indiana Mr. Football Balloting

HONORS/AWARDSFirst Team All State (Senior Year)

First Team All Marion County (Three Years)










Page 32: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

The entrepreneurial spirit is one that I have always admired. I have members of my own family that have taken a leap of faith and ventured out into the unknown business world so I have some idea what it takes to be an entrepreneur. There are also countless numbers of Roncalli alumni that also, over the years, have come up with an idea and made a successful business out of an exclusive idea or borrowed an idea and became a franchisee of an already successful business model. Either way, it takes a person willing to take risks, build on a plan and be able to follow through on it but probably most importantly, focus on what it takes for a successful outcome. A person working for themselves can almost always depend on working half days and by half days I mean exactly that, half days = 12 hours a day! Two Roncalli alumni with

similar ideas but wildly different approaches have recently jumped into the entrepreneurial pool. Jeanne (Lawrie) Farah R’87 and Andrew Castner R’99 are both in the refreshment business. Jeanne owns a brand new Kona-Ice truck, delivering wonderful snow cone treats to anyone needing a break from work or the play yard. Andrew also delivers great tasting treats but only to adults over age 21. The new MashCraft Brewing Company is Andrew’s microbrewery located on SR 135 South across from Hal’s Vegas restaurant.

Jeanne purchased her ice truck in May and launched her business at the Southport Street Festival. She said it’s her goal to get the word out about the delicious snow cones and the give-back program, which offers an easy way for ball teams, businesses, day-care centers

and churches to raise money or to just take a break and enjoy a snow cone. Jeanne’s truck visited Roncalli’s campus during the Student Council appreciation event “Student Extravaganza” in May to the delight of about 160 Rebels. Jeanne is also available for birthday parties and company outings and can be reached at [email protected] or followed on Twitter at Kona Ice Marion County SW to see where she is

Gary Armbruster R'81Director of Alumni Services



Email: [email protected] Twitter @KonaIceMarionSW

Website: www.mashcraft.com Twitter@mashcraftbrews



Page 33: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

headed next. Organizers need not do much of anything as Kona Ice does it all!

Andrew started his career with the BBB, the Beer Brewing Business after graduating from Indiana University in 2006 working part time at Oaken Barrel. Initially he was thinking of starting a media/IT company but the more he learned about brewing beer the greater his desire was to brew more great beers. He read and studied everything he could get his hands on about the beer making process and after working his way up through the ranks at OB, he became the head brewer for RAM Brewing Company in 2010. He continued to fine tune his craft taking what he had learned and developed at OB and then added an entirely different set of business skills from RAM. In early June this year, he jumped out onto his own and founded MashCraft Brewing Company in Greenwood near County Line Road and SR 135 South. MashCraft offers a simple, yet comfortable tap room with three house beers on tap every day along with another group of seasonal beers. The microbrewery can be followed @mashcraftbrews on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or visit their website at www.mashcraft.com.

Entrepreneurs! I have had the pleasure of enjoying both Jeanne’s and Andrew’s products and have to say I wish them both a prosperous and long business success.


Page 34: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


Ed Tinder C’67 Director of the CYO was named as a recipient of a National Catholic Youth Ministry Award in the area of Youth Athletics to be presented to him this December in Washington D.C. During Ed’s 34 years of service in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis he has become a strong, identifiable leader and true advocate for young people in Catholic schools and parishes. Through his dedication and support for children from all walks of life he is recognized by youth and adults alike as the person who works diligently to keep CYO programs and philosophies uniquely Catholic from start to finish.


Tim McCarthy R’82 recently received the Monsignor Downey Knights of Columbus 3660 "Catholic Layman of the Year."


Matt Hollowell R’99 was presented with the Saint Theodora Guerin Excellence in Education Award by Indianapolis Archdiocesan Superintendent for Catholic

Schools, Gina (Kuntz) Fleming R’89 during Catholic Schools Week. This award was created to honor exemplary teachers in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Matt teaches Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Physics and Trigonometry at Cardinal Ritter High School and will be the new Academic Dean at the westside school this year. Matt is also involved with Cardinal Ritter outside of the classroom as head of the Pro-Life club. He organizes prayer services and participates annually in senior retreats.


Greg R’00 Armbruster and wife Laura are thrilled to announce their newest addition to the family: Leo Daniel. He was born Saturday, June 21 at 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches. Laura says he has some catching up to do if he wants to hang with his big brother Stephen or to keep up with his big sister Catherine. Greg is on the coaching staff for the Roncalli football team while Laura teaches in the Roncalli math department.

Kyle Allen Miller R’00 married Meegan Johanna Manning of New Albany, Indiana on June 7th at the Frazier History Museum in Louisville, Kentucky. Kyle joined the Air Force after graduating from Roncalli. He is currently an active reservist who serves on the fire and rescue squad at the Air National Guard base at Louisville International Airport. Kyle earned his associate degree in Fire Science from the United States Air Force. In October, he joined his unit for a rotation in the Middle East, making his second visit to Kuwait.


Marcus Nalley R’03 and his wife Angie had triplets on May 21st. In order of arrival... Milania Kay 3 lbs. 16 oz, Marcus Edward Jr. 3 lbs. 9 oz and Luca Matthew 2 lbs. 3 oz. Please keep them in your prayers. They were all in NICU at St. Vincent's on 86th Street, but appear to be very healthy and doing well...breathing on their own and look beautiful.




Page 35: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.



Katie Putnam R’03 was the recipient of the 2014 Rising Star award from the Indiana Chapter of ISES (International Special Events Society). Katie is the Sales Manager for Centerplate at NCAA Headquarters in downtown Indianapolis. Katie graduated from IUPUI in 2008 with a degree in Tourism Conventions and Event Management. She has worked in sales management for Centerplate since graduating and has planned events for many downtown venues including the Indianapolis Zoo, the Indiana State Museum and White River State Park.

Britnee (Oncale) Richards R’03, husband Jonathon and son Gus welcomed baby girl Maria Mae on St. Patrick’s Day 2014! Britnee says, “She's our little lucky charm!!”


Aaron Hollowell R'05 and Jenny Lutgring R'06 were engaged on June 6, 2014. They are planning an early summer wedding in 2015.


Jaclyn Bevis R'06 has taken her broadcasting career to a new city. Jaclyn accepted a job at NBC2 in Ft. Myers, Florida, after spending the last three years at WTHI in Terre Haute, Indiana. She started this next chapter of her career as a reporter at the family-owned station on the Gulf Coast on July 7, 2014.

John Mather R’06 and Ashleigh Peterson R’08 were married on December 28, 2013 at St. Roch Catholic Church by Father Wilmoth. Other Rebels in the wedding included Brittany Peterson R’10, Sarah Mather R’10, Ryan Murphy R’06, Tommy Shakelford R’06, and Ron Allman R’10.

Rayta (Trumble) Nelson R'06 married Chad Nelson May 3, 2014 in a ceremony at St. Barnabas Catholic Church. Rebels in the bridal party were Conner Trumble R'08 and Laura McHugh-Trumble R'08. Other Rebels in the wedding included Audra (Hillan) Gardner R'95 and Sue (Hillan) Roberts R'84.

Tracey Horan R '06 was officially accepted for postulancy with the Sisters of Providence in Terre Haute. She will enter in September. Please keep her in your prayers.

Fr. Ben Syberg R’06 was ordained into the Catholic priesthood on June 7, 2014 at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis by Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin. Fr. Ben’s first assignment will be St. Barnabas parish.

Fr. Tim Wyciskalla R’06 was ordained into the Catholic priesthood on June 7, 2014 at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis by Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin. Fr. Tim’s first assignment will be St. Malachy parish in Brownsburg where he will share parish responsibilities with Fr. Joe Feltz R’81.


Vincent Lynch R’07 obtained his undergraduate degree from Holy Cross College at Notre Dame, Indiana. Future plans could include law school.

Caroline “Carrie” Syberg R’07 recently joined Saint Xavier High School as Assistant Director of Advancement – Leadership Gifts Officer. Saint Xavier High School is located in Louisville, KY and is a Catholic, college preparatory school for young men. Carrie will be responsible for securing donors for the school’s premier donor society. She previously spent three years in


Page 36: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


the Development Office at the University of Louisville before joining St. X on June 1st.

She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from Purdue University in 2011. She is a board member for CenterStage and a volunteer for LittleWay Pregnancy Resource Center.


Augie Hibner R'10 and Katie (Groves) Hibner R'10 were married on Saturday, July 5th at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church. Rebels in the wedding party

included Sarah Groves R'12, Louise Hibner R'12, Meg Ryan R'10, Lauryn Toll R'10, Will Hibner R'08, Louie Hibner R'16, Nathan Berrones R'10, Derek Dant R'10, Greg Scheaffer R'10, and Andrew Sahm R'10. Augie currently works at University Motor Cars in Bloomington and Katie is a Religious Studies teacher at Roncalli.

Lauren Ross R'10 graduated from Xavier University on Saturday, May 17, 2014 with her BSN. She and her sisters all graduated from the university; Allie Ross R'04 in 2008 and Erin (Ross) Bevis R'07 in 2011. Lauren's brother-in-law, Brian Bevis R'03, also graduated from Xavier in 2007. The Ross

girls are pictured with the Xavier University president, Michael J. Graham, S.J.

Stallings Welcomes Our Latest AlumniRay Stallings R’10 recently graduated from the University of Dayton. Ray came back to Roncalli on the morning of Senior Mass to address the seniors before they processed into the Family Room for the celebration. Ray’s message to the soon-to-be alumni addressed the responsibility it is to represent Roncalli out in the “Real” world and his experience the past four years in Ohio. He also pointed out to the seniors how fortunate they are to be part of the Roncalli extended alumni family and closed by sharing Luke’s gospel message in verse 12:48, “….When one has had a great deal given him, a great deal will be demanded of him.”


Alumni, do you have a class note that you would like to share? Send us an email at [email protected] with engagement or wedding news, new child announcement or recent success in your life with a picture if possible.


Page 37: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

On June 7, 2014 two Roncalli alumni, Benjamin Syberg R’06 and Timothy Wyciskalla R'06, affirmed their call to the priesthood and were ordained priests by Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin.

Fr. Ben Syberg’s parish priest at Our Lady of the Greenwood is Msgr. Mark Svarczkopf who became pastor of the parish in 2003 while Fr. Syberg was still a student at Roncalli High School. Over that time, he has observed how Fr. Syberg has grown in his ability to minister to other people.

“He found out at Roncalli that he could explain and promote the Catholic faith to his classmates,” Msgr. Svarczkopf said. “That gave him a lot of confidence to go into the seminary.

“But instead of just defending the faith, I think he is going to be strengthening people in their

faith as he himself becomes more involved in ministering to people.”

For his own part, Fr. Syberg has a great love of the faithful that he wants to express through living and ministering as a parish priest.

Fr. Syberg is the new Associate Pastor at St. Barnabas.

Fr. Tim Wyciskalla grew up as a member of St. Barnabas Parish.

“I always kind of considered St. Barnabas kind of the center of our whole life,” said Fr. Wyciskalla. With St. Barnabas being a magnet for the family, they also appreciated its longtime pastor, Father Joseph McNally, who died in 2012. “I had a pretty strong example of the priesthood and of the good a priest can do,” said Fr. Wyciskalla of his boyhood pastor.

The summer before his senior year at Roncalli High School, Fr. Wyciskalla began to seriously consider if God might be calling him to the priesthood.

He took those thoughts and prayers with him on a World Youth Day pilgrimage that summer to Cologne, Germany. The night before the closing Mass of the event, Fr. Wyciskalla reached a turning point in his discernment as he prayed in adoration of the Eucharist with Pope Benedict and hundreds of thousands of other Catholic teenagers. “It was actually during the holy hour the night before the closing Mass,” Fr. Wycsikalla said. “That was the first real time where I thought, ‘I’m going to at least look into this.”

Fr. Wyciskalla is the new Associate Pastor at St. Malachy in Brownsburg serving with another Roncalli alumni, Pastor Joe Feltz R’81.


Two Alumni Ordained PriestsPublished on May 23 in the Criterion written by Sean Gallagher


Page 38: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

WORDChuck Weisenbach R'79, Principal

You want to buy a new car (or even a new used car)? You have lots of options from which to choose in terms of where you purchase that vehicle. You want to purchase a home? You have all sorts of options from which to choose. When seeking a health care professional (dentist, doctor, etc.), you typically have a variety of options from which to choose.

However, when it comes to making one of the most important, if not the most important decision you will make as a parent, that being where to send your child to school, historically you have had very few options from which to choose. The good news is that across the country and specifically in Indiana that is changing. More and more educational options are being made available to families and children.

There are a few significant factors when looking at the issue of parents/families having educational options for their child’s education. My article this month will attempt to hit on a few of these significant factors.

Competition is healthy – One

would be hard pressed to identify any facet of our country’s economy that has not seen improvement when subjected to competition. Competition in the marketplace is inherently good. Schools are no exception.

A good fit – Size, curriculum, climate, extracurricular programs and religious affiliation are just a few of the factors that differentiate schools from each other. There is no “one size fits all” school out there nor is there such a thing as a “perfect school” for every student. Thus, parents and students deserve the right to seek out the educational setting that seems to be the best fit for their child and family.

College to kindergarten – Using this aforementioned concept of “a good fit,” we see this play out

all the time as students select their college choice. Brochures (lots and lots of brochures), visits with college representatives and campus visits are all designed with the intent of helping the student and his/her family find the right fit. If this is key to the college selection process why should it be any different for the high school, middle school or elementary school selection process? In fact, I could make an argument that the “right fit” selection process is more important in the younger years than it is for college where most kids/young adults are more adaptable.

Antiquated system – Our current system whereby a family’s access to public education is determined by their zip code is antiquated. Many believe it is a system that does not serve our country well, especially middle

The Last


Page 39: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

and low income families that often times find themselves with no other option than a failing or less than desirable public school system.

We should be proud of the steps that have been taken in our state the past few years with regard to expanding educational choices. Some of the specific steps include the following:

• Public school choice – Students/families may now choose to attend a public school other than the one in which they reside. There are many public schools that now market themselves aggressively to families outside their school district’s boundaries. Aha – competition!

• Charter Schools – Charter schools are public schools. The difference being that as a charter school they have been given the liberty to operate outside some of the bureaucratic entanglement

that at times can limit the effectiveness of a school. Also, many charter schools have been designed with a specific focus in mind, such as a school for students trying to battle through addiction; a school for kids with a strong passion for the arts; a school for kids with a strong passion for science and engineering, etc. Aha – competition!

• On Line Schools – Some kids for whatever reason learn best in a non-traditional setting. We are seeing an increasing number of students flourish in the on line educational world. Some question how these students will develop the necessary social skills to be successful in the professional world. That may or may not be a legitimate concern but it seems best to leave that concern to the student and his/her family as opposed to thinking the government has the answer. Aha – competition!

• Tuition scholarships/vouchers – Still in its infancy here in Indiana and around most of the country is the idea of offering tuition scholarships or vouchers to families, all of which to date have come with stringent financial and other requirements of the family. This latest addition to the line-up of school choice initiatives has opened up a whole new segment of schools (private and parochial) that previous choice options had not. Aha – competition!

Long before any of these choice initiatives were in place anywhere in the country, I often found myself trying to advance the school choice discussion by hammering home the point that no child belongs to the state or to any designated public school system. A child belongs to his/her parent or guardians. They are given the legal right and biblical responsibility to make the educational choice for their child. This fact must serve as the foundation that drives all school choice initiatives.

It is through the expansion of school choice initiatives and the competition it will bring about that our country will be best positioned to educate our young people and to prepare them to be the bold, visionary leaders we will need them to be.

"Competition is healthy – One would be hard pressed to identify any facet of our country’s economy that has not seen improvement when subjected to competition. Competition in the marketplace is inherently good. Schools are no exception."


Page 40: Summer 2014 - roncalli.net · Update Magazine is published by the Office of Institutional Advancement under the direction of Terese R. Carson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement.


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