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PREFACEAdvertising of late, has become a mega-bulk industry in India. There is no escaping from it. It is ubiquitous- in the living room through the T.V. and radio. In the office, on the bus which carries us to work-you name it, and it is there. Even a retailer realizes the benefits of advertising. With such awareness, it is hardly surprising that advertising agencies have mushroomed all over.What just was a typographical notice a few years back has acquired sophistication now. Advertising practice and profession is now a lucrative field. It calls for talents from diverse academic disciplines. Besides, advertising is a creative effort, where creativity has to further the marketing objectives of the firm. Globalization and outward-orientation of economy has given a tremendous boost to advertising activity.For an organization advertising is the most convenient and important to interest the consumer behavior because the cost per prospects is very low and we can interact large number of prospects at time advertising uses a tool to change the consumer behavior towards our product and increasing the sales as well as profit. In advertising we try to affect an consumer behavior through psychologically, emotionally but, our motive is only one is that to divert the attention of consumer towards your product.To be effective, advertising aimed at supporting the marketing strategy for a company's product (services) must ultimately influence buyer purchase decisions (sales). However the relationship between advertising and sales is difficult to sort out. Advertising companies with a host of other influences to determine buyers purchase decisions.The problem is to figure out what contribution advertising made to those decisions. INDEX

S. NO. TOPICS 1. INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC .2. Consumer behavior





7. BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPICWe must sell the world through the persuasion techniques developed by advertising, on the necessity of reducing population, of conserving and recycling the earth' resources, of exploiting space for energy.

ADVERTOLOGY ? SELL THE WORLD ?It is perhaps appropriate that be beginning our study of advertising with a futuristic quotation. We are, after all, approaching no less than the end of a Century; no small event as we have come to celebrate them. Advertising has been very much of a presence along our way and we are to believe futurist. Asimov. It would see destined to span our future as well. To understand this fascinating and prorogating phenomenon, then it would first seen appropriate to inquiry as to what advertising is all about.

The purpose of this unit is to make a start, to describe something about what advertising is and is not, to introduce you to some of its major forms and functions, and to begin to raise some of the issues that make it such an intriguing subject for study.

Often covered by the media without charge. But non personal they are distinguished from forms of personal salesmanship in business establishment or door to door. The advertiser is identified, which again sets this form of persuasive communication apart from various types of promotion and publicity in the form of "News" or Feature" Material feature" often carried by the media, but supplied by a particular source whose intent is often persuasive (e.g. a "consumer information" specialist on a TV talk show who in fact works for an appliance company). Advertising are most commonly associated with the mass media of newspapers, magazines, cinema, television, and radio, although they frequently flourish in order forms such as bill boards, posters and direct mail as well. An finally, advertisement are over whelming used with persuasive intent i.e. the advertisement are striving to alter our behavior and/ or levels of awareness, knowledge,, attitude and so on in a manner that would be beneficial to them.These are some of the most obvious characteristics of advertisement, the end product of much that is advertisement commonly emerge only after formal or informal decisions dealing with matter of research, strategic planning tactical execution, and the construction and placement of the final message.

Advertisers are varied lot-producers, retailers, wholesalers, service organizations, distributors, schools, churches, Governments, Politicians, Individuals and many more.

Advertisers pay the bills and today the amount spent on advertisement in this country is estimated to be in excess of $ 65 million. There are many sources and faces of advertising in eight basic forms.1- Advertising by producers of consumer goods and or service to reach individuals for selling purposes.

2- Advertising by producers of business goods and / or services to each other businesses for selling purposes.

3- Advertising by producers of business goods and / or service to reach other business for selling purposes.

4- Advertisement by producers of consumers and / or business goods and / or services to reach individuals, groups, government and their own employees for "public relations" purposes.

5- Advertisement by producers of consumer and / or business goods and/or services in international distribution to reach individuals, business and governments for selling and / or "public relation" purposes.

6- Advertisement by retailers to reach individuals for selling and or "public relations" purposes.

7- Advertisement by individuals to reach other individuals for selling or buying purposes.

8- Advertising by government organizations, special interest groups to reach individual governments and groups for selling and or "Ideal" purposes.

Advertising Agencies

To be formal, advertising agencies have been defined as "independent businesses composed of creative and business people who develop, prepare and place advertising in media for clients seeking to find customers for their goods and services."

Basically, agencies offer potentials clients a collection of specialities. For example Copy Writers , art directors, Television and radio producers, media buyers, specialities in mechanical reproduction, selection of printing and broad casting processes, type selection and the like, researchers, advertisement planners, public relations experts, merchandisers etc.

Depending on the definition used, there are well over 5,000 U.S. agencies serving companies engaged in national, multinational, regional and local advertising.

Support Organizations

As already noted, there is a great deal more behind the typical advertisement than simply a writer an art director. Modern advertising - particularly television. Advertising often calls for a highly complex cast of specialities not employed by either the advertiser or the agency. Specialities in casting, cinematography, Film/tape editing sound effects, musical scoring and like are common fixture in the production of many radio and television commercials, as are photographers and artists in the print media of magazines, newspapers and the direct mail advertising.


Advertising people watch and listen to television and radio programs and read news paper and magazine articles, even as you and I in either business roles, however they tend to regard the mass media as vehicles for the delivery of an advertising message to an audience that has been gathered by the non advertising content of the station newspaper or magazine. So the audience can be addressed by advertisers. Other media however must rely solely on the advertising message itself to attract an audience. In this capacity, direct mail, bill boards, posters car cards and point of purchase material also play an important role as a link between advertisers and potential customers. Advertising is, above all, a form of mass persuasion and the mass media are advertisers conduits to reach.

CONSUMERSAs consumers of advertising we probably realize that it is different in some important ways from other communications we may regularly encounter.First, advertisement is repetitive. How well we know this only do we see advertising for the same advertiser again and again, but we also see exactly the same advertisement many times. This is, of court, the advertiser's intention.Second, we receive advertisement in a highly competitive environment. Some advertisements urge us to spend and others to save. Some to smoke and some to give it up. And of course, we want to do something with a particular brand or at a particular store. The repetitive nature of advertising combined with this competitive environments too often resulting in disinterested or alienated viewers listener or reader.Finally, advertisement seems to be accepted as part of our popular culture. Thus, we accept many of the things that occur in advertisements as "the way things are even though we would regard them as outlandish in many other communication forms. Elves deliver sales pitches for cookies. Adults dance to celebrate a soft drink. Shoppers burst into song about toilet issue. Grown men appear as pieces of fruit. Generally, the world in those ads is bigger, neater, more beautiful, exciting predictable and interesting than that we see around us. Yet we typically accept it without a second thought and it is no unimportant that we do.

How do we react to ads ?

Generalization is difficult. Depending on a host of individual circumstances, we may welcome some ads, be indifferent to others, and be repelled by some. They lead us to be stringently frugal or woefully extravagant.

Of course these reactions could very by medium they could be different for newspapers, television or bill boards, Notice that as with many other facts of advertising generalizations are difficult. Different people react to different advertisements in various ways at different times. It is an oversimplification of reality to suggest that it is otherwise.KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CONSUMERS

The function is to help consumers maximize their satisfactions.-AnonymousIn commercial matters, business operators can be seen as essentially self appointed employees of consumers. They strive to provide product and services that will meet specific need or wants of consumers and thus contribute to the maximization of consumer satisfactions. The key success is the ability to sense or determine what consumers needs 7 wants and then to effectively inform and persuade consumers concerning the merits of such products and services. Business failure results when consumers dismiss or fire those self appointed employees by refusing to buy products or services that do not meet needs or wants.Often business firms are prone to think in terms of the characteristics of products rather than focusing attention on how the product will bring satisfaction to potential buyers. Consumers may not understand the language of the producer any more than the later may not sense force that motivates consumers to seek products.Who are Consumers ?Let us repeat that the professional advertising person is a middle man standing between the consumers and the producer. Thus the advertiser must have a deep knowledge of both. It is important, however, to recognize that while everyone is a consumer, consumers are by no means all alike. It is therefore no realistic to assume that advertising provides a method for selling to the masses. Instead, it is important to recognize that people of all ages of all income levels of all occupations of all places and from all walks of life do not want the thing, have the same tastes thing the same way, or live by the same scale of values - they are not interested in the same things. Consumer or Market SegmentationInstead of appealing to one big heterogeneous mass the advertiser may single out those groups of consumers who are the most promising prospects and concentrate efforts of them. The advertiser researches these groups more intensively, designs messages to fit their way of life, and places ads in media that reach them efficiently. The process of subdividing a market to isolate the best target is referred to as market segmentation.To delineate more homogeneous market segments composite classification system such as family life cycle and social class have been brought into play. Family life cycle combines marital status age, presence of children and age of children. Social class combines family background, occupation and education, neighborhood and the sources as well as the amount of income. More subtle differences in the consumers behavior can only explained in psychological terms. Therefore more attention in recent years has turned to psychographics and life style. Which include classification based on personally traits attitudes, motivation and self image? Recognizing that buying behavior in itself can be meaningful basis of segmenting a market various buyer behavior factors such as product usage brand loyalty and responsiveness to innovations are also used.

The strategic importance of market segmentation can be ascertained by examining the structure of our total population and by nothing the differences in buying behavior among different consumer groups.

AGE:-The number of people with in each age group is significant as a guide to the volume of certain kinds of products that will be consumed currently and in the future.Of course changes in the relative importance of different age groups will not change the problems of determining the desires and habits of those with in a group. Parents will continue to have less influence on the choice of goods to be used by the children as they progress to higher age groups. Desires of young people are more elastic than those of older persons and it is easier to establish new habits of consumption among these groups. This is illustrated by the quicker acceptance of new modes of dress by young people than by older persons.INCOME:-People with money to spend make markets and in most cases money income is the most significant factor influencing what and how much a consumer buys. The number of consumers at various levels of income is an index of potential sales. The unique tastes and desires of different income groups serve as a useful guide when selecting advertising appeals and media.Personal income in the U.S. has persistently displayed two market tendencies: The tendency to rise and the tendency to be more evenly distributed. Great number of consumers has been moving up into higher income groups. Part of this movement upward has been the result of inflation and those not always indicated an increase in market fertility.Another aspect of the movement upward for family income has been the great increase in the number of women employed.As consumers move up from one income group to the next, they represent substantially increase markets for goods and services. However they do not automatically take on the same desires and standard of living of the income group into which they have moved stimulating their wants and spending in line with their increased income could be considered a task and opportunity of advertising.

The tendency towards a more even distribution of income has been influenced by government tax structures, welfare payments unemployment, and compensation and retirement income programs. All of these factors as well as wages and salaries are important for assessing the fertility of markets. Retirement income programs including social security increase the purchasing power of older age groups and make such groups effective markets.


The question of whether the man or women is important and the purchase of consumption goods have been debated often and long. The evidence seems to give women first place as buyers. This established by the reason of two facts (1) The position of women as controllers of income and wealth and (2) Their influence as purchasers for the family.More that 40 percent of all individual wealth in the U.S. is owned by women. Life insurance companies each year pay to women between one half and three fourth of a billion dollars. 60 percent of all estates go entirely to women and only 25 percent entirely to men, the remainder being divided.Not only is this purchasing power available to women for spending but also much of the earnings of men are available to them. As homemakers, the influence of women in determining what will be purchased is great. The woman has often been referred to as the purchasing agent for the family. The U.S. department of commerce estimates that 85 percent of all retail purchase is made by women.Education:-

As a classification factor, education is interrelated with age, income and occupation. Relatively few people in the older age groups went to college. A higher proportion of the younger men and women completed this level of education and percentage of high school students going onto college is steadily increasing. College education people are more apt to be found in higher income groups reflecting both the possible by their higher level of education.

Education probably has less effect on what people buy that on how they buy and how they are influenced by advertising. Perhaps better educated people are more discerning, more discriminating and more rational buyers. Perhaps they are less suggestible less susceptible to non rational appeals and less responsive to persuasion. Talking the consumers language is axiomatic. As the consuming public becomes better educated the advertiser should avoid talking beneath their notice.


Our present age has been referred to as the "age of religious decay". Although there is evidence of a considerable revival of religious feeling and practice. Perhaps religious does not play the part in human lives it did at an earlier dates, yet it holds a stronger grip on & a deeper significant for human actions than surface observation would indicate. Even adults may feel that the religious forces that helped to direct their children actions have been discarded. But nothing that has grooved itself into our lives at any time can be entirely erased. To a degree it still consciously or unconsciously, influences our daily actions. In the certain parts of the U.S. it would still be unwise for a meat plenty of fish on hand, while in same spots much kosher meat is sold. In other sections of the country the druggist that kept the store open on Sunday would sell few products during the week the restaurant that sold beer in Sunday would find few customers and the promoter of a dance hall would probably be ushered out of own.

Religion oriented movements such as the moral majority give advertisers additional insight into the influence of religion on the buying behavior of a segment of the population. In the final analysis the advertisers must decide what segment of the population is to be served and striver to understand the needs and wants of the segment.

The Family Life Cycle:-

The family life refers to the progression of important stages in adult life. It breaks through the arbitrary classification of people in terms of calendar age and groups them according to more meaningful periods of their life e.g. if we assume that in family A, there are two children under 6 and the parents are age 42, in family B, there are two children under 6 and the parents are age 28, and in family C , there are no children and married couple are age 42, we will find that for many products the buying behavior of families A and B will be more nearly alike than the buying behavior of families A and C. The presence of young children can be more signification factor than calendar age.

The life of a family being with the marriage of two people and continues throughout the remaining span of their lives. It can be sub divided into stages marked by the birth of children, age level of the youngest child, the departure of children to set up their own homes and the death of one of the spouses John B. Lansing and James N. Morgan in their benchmark study". Consumer Finances over the life cycle" used these stages.

1- The bachelor stage: Single individuals living alone. They have the home in which they were reared, but they have not founded a new home.2- The married couple with no children.3- Young married with children, youngest under 6.

4- Young married with children youngest 6

5- Older married (over 45) with children.

6- The empty nest, the married couples after the children have left home.

7- The Solitary survivor in the natural course of events one of the couple dies before the other.

Buying behavior at different stages in the life cycle varies according to need. For reasons obvious to parents the most washing machines are bought by young married families with children less than six years of age. Purchases of furniture, refrigerator and stoves are frequent among all married people under 45 years old less common in the older groups. Families with young children are the most frequent purchasers of chest fubs cough syrups and packaged detergent. Newly married are prime prospects for cake mixes pre cooked foods new recipes and few labour saving devices.

Social Class:-

The concept of social class is especially useful in studies of consumer motivation. One's Goals attitudes, value systems standards of taste and behavior patterns are largely influenced by the social word in which she lives. Social classes are determined by combining such factors as occupation family background education neighborhood and the source as well as the amount of income.

Social research includes an organization that specializes in motivation studies used these six social classes.

1. Upper-Upper:

The "Aristocracy" of a community, the old line families with inherited wealth who can live comfortable on income derived from investments.

2. Lower-Upper:-

Families with newly gain economic and social power.

3. Upper-Middle:-

Families in which husbands are likely to be successful business executives or be occupied in one of the professions. Their income average some what less than the people in the upper classes and are predominantly salary and current earnings rather than income from invested wealth.

4. Lower-Middle:-

White collar workers, tradesmen a few skilled workers and their families. They have accumulated little property but are frequently name owners.

5. Upper-Lower:-

Skilled and semi skilled workers who participate relatively little in educational and other advances of our society.

6. Lower-Lower:-

Unskilled laborers, people on relief unassimilated foreign groups. Many of them are poor and lack the ambition or opportunity to improve their lot.

The Concept of an "average consumer" is fallacious for only by the process of classification and reclassification is there obtained group similarity; and each criterion of income race, nationality, creed etc. is significant only as related to all other criteria. For instance when nationality is isolated from its various neighborhood relationships it appears to have little weight in determining consumption habits. But when placed in its neighborhood environment in relation to income prices and other factors its influence is important.

The study of consumers in groups is not a perfect solution to the problem of determining their needs and wants. Yet it is sufficiently valuable to encourage business people to intensity their efforts in such study.CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR

Consumer behavior is concerned with activities and actions of people and organization that purchase and use economic goods and services including the influences on these activities and actions.

Consumer behavior may also be defined as "all psychological, social and physical behavior of potential consumers as they become aware of evaluate purchase consumer and tell other about products/services.

But most important and basic question always arise that do potential buyers have needs or wants that this product or brand is capable of satisfying and how important and how strong are there needs and wants ? If there are strong needs or wants for the products, the chances for its sale exist. If the product is capable of satisfying only the comparatively weak and has basic needs or wants there is not nearly so much advertising opportunities. The extent of advertising opportunity varies with the strength of the basic underlying needs or wants that are satisfied by the products of brand.

To understand consumer behavior, we must examine the events that proceed and follow from the purchase act. Consumer behavior results from individual and environmental influences. Consumers often goods and services which want other to accept behavior is therefore determined by the individuals psychological make up and the influence has been summarized in the following simplified equation of behavior.

B = F (P, E)WhereB~Consumer BehaviorP~the results of the interaction of the consumer's personal influences.E~the pressure exerted upon by outside forces in the environment.Decision Process:-

The consumer as a first step recognizes his unfulfilled need or want. It is called problem recognition. It actually leads to information search and evaluation. The information search can be deliberate or prolonged or can happen without the consumer being even aware of it. He can rely on past experience or can seek information from external environment, e.g. friends shopkeepers and advertisement. The consumer evaluates the collected information to arrive at a purchase decision. They are having a choice regarding the outlet to buy from. He consumers the product which either satisfies him. Confirming correctness of his decision or dissatisfied him leading to a search for alternative choices and evaluation fresh.

Individual determinants

Two individual from one family may show entirely different purchase preferences. One may like Marathi theatre, novels of Khandekar and Phadke, humor of P.L. Deshpandey & neem soap, why do they show variations though the family environment is the same? The answer may be their individual motivation and involvement, attitudes self concept, personality, learning memory and information processing.

Except of these are a lot of factors which may create an impact on consumer behavior like.

1- Motivation and involvement

2- Attitudes

3- Personality and self concept.

4- Learning and memory.5- Information processing.

6- External environment

7- Culture

8- Social Class.

9- Social Groups.

10- Personal influences..etc

Types of purchase decision behavior:

Consumer behavior changes depending upon the nature or type of buying - a razor blade may be purchased without much fuss but a color TV set purchases takes time and deliberation. The nature or type of purchases gives rise to three types of consumer behavior.

RR (Reutilized Response)

LPS (Limited Problem Solving)

EPS (Extended Problem Solving)

RR occurs where there is low product involvement the consumer knows the brands available and criteria of choice, the stakes are not so high in terms of price; e.g. bread, soft drinks pastes, soaps etc. Here the customer expects a consistent quality in the products. New customers are drawn by sales promotion and product involvement.

LPS occurs when the consumer knows the brands available, but still needs additional information to make a correct choice, especially when a new or unfamiliar brand confronts him. Thus or Surf Ultra enzyme detergents must convince the house wife that they are superior to conventional detergents due to presence of enzymes and so the house wife feels the necessity of searching additional information. The marketer here has introduced a new brand in the well known product category.

The promotion here should explain complete features of the brand and build up consumer's confidence to facilitate the purchase decision.

EPS occurs when a new product category comes on the scene. Here extensive information is needs on both the product category and the brand made available. e.g. micro wave cooking is distinguished from conventional cooking and then sell the brand color TVs as a product category, a particular brand of color TV (say Onida or Videocon) and a particular model (say PIP) do need information at three levels and especially how the advertising brand has a unique set of possible attributes. This concept is most applicable to new products may be new to consumers. For a tribal even purchase of a toothpaste may involves EPS, whereas for us it is just RR.MODELS OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR

Research workers have developed various models to explain the influences on buyers behavior of purchase. Howard Sheath model which has been developed by an Indian Jadish Sheath in collaboration with Howard explains the behavior of an individual consumer; there are separate models for group consumer behavior and organizational buying behavior.

HOWARD - SHETH MODEL The decision process is influenced by four major sets variables e.g. (1) Inputs (2) perceptual and Learning Constructs (3) Outputs (4) External Variables.Inputs:-

These are stimuli to purchase decision. Significative stimuli are tangible product characteristics provided by the marketer. Symbolic stimuli are intangible or perceptual characteristics of the product, e.g. the overall quality. The actual price may be significative stimulus, and the price being on higher or low side for the bargain is symbolic stimulus. Social groups like the family, reference groups and social class are the social stimuli.

2.Perceptual and Learning Constructs:-

These are psychological variables e.g. innovation, attitudes and perceptions affecting the buyers. The interpretations of the stimuli are influences by stimulus ambiguity and perceptual bias.

Ambiguity of stimulus means the consumer is not sure of the meaning of the stimulus and his responses them to. Perceptual bias makes him distort the information received to fit his previous experience and his established needs.

His interpretation of the stimuli results into brand. Comprehension ----- his understanding of the brands and their ratings. High builds up his confidence resulting into the purchase decision.

3- Outputs:-

The purchase decision itself is a Product trial may him satisfaction. It reinforces his positive attitude. Then there is reinforcement of purchase intent and brand. He is favorable inclined to receiving stimuli which further improves his brand. Comprehension. On getting dissatisfied with the product, he may develop negative attitude, insensitivity to stimuli, poor brand comprehension and negative intention to purchase.

Product / Brand Experience

Expectations of performance Evaluation of actualFrom the brand performance

Evaluation of gap betweenExpected and actual performance

Dissatisfaction Satisfaction

Expectance confirmedPerformance Doesnt performance confirms PerformanceConfirm to expectations mostly exceeds Expectations.

4- External Variables:

These are not part of the decision process in the model, but are improvement to the extent they influence a buyer. These differ from buyer and include status, relevance of the product, social and include status, relevance of the product, social class, personality traits etc.

Post - Purchase Behavior:

The desire to study the behavior of consumer after the purchase has been made in a "true" marketing orientation, identification with the consumer and seeing things from their perspective. Purchases are purposive and motivated. Post purchase behavior indicates to what extent these purposes have been met and motives achieved. Post-purchases activity gives an indication as to whether the customers are going to again patronize a firm in future, and also whether they will be in a need to recommend product to potential customers.

Formation of satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction:

A purchase may lead either to satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Satisfaction is a result of expected outcome - when the product meets our expectations. Dissatisfaction means it doesnt perform as our expectation. Dissatisfied customer may discontinue their association with the company may spread negative word of mouth may send a formal compliant or in extreme cases may sue the company. The communication strategy depends upon the expectation performance disparity.

The other types of advertiser to avoid dissatisfaction:

1- State the facts execute the factual promotion creatively.

2- Help the consumer on product use by giving adequate instructions or information.

3- Promotion should be solution based rather than product based. Emphasis product's performance.

4- Assure the customer even when the purchase is over. State in your ads the fact many have been used the product and are satisfied. Write thank you letters. Make the technical staff visit the customer's residence to assess his feelings.The technical performance term for a very wide gap between expectations and actual performance is post purchases dissonance. SOCIAL FUNCTION OF ADVERTISING

Advertising has affected not the core cultural values but the subsidiary cultural values, e.g. to get married in a core cultural value. Advertising cannot effectively change it by telling people that do not marry. Yes, too many late and not at an early age is a subsidiary culture value. Advertising can definitely affect it. It can persuade people to marry late.

"Advertising is a mirror of the society in which it operates. It reflects the cultural values of that society".

Some argue that advertising debases our cultural standards. There are many factors which affect cultural and get affected by them- Schools, colleges, families, museums, churches etc. Successful advertising is consistent with the cultural values of a given society. Yes, it can transfer some cultural values of one society to another society at a given point of time. Its cross cultural impact will depend upon the universalisation of appeal.

Advertising has improved our standards of living. We realized how comfortable we could be in presence of AC, pressure pans and cookers, compact disc (CDs) and music systems, autos and two wheelers, polyesters and pop corns ball point pens and antibiotics. We used these articles after getting interested in them through advertising weve accepted some new ideas like micro-wave cooking electric, shaving bucket washing through detergents etc. through advertising, advertising has created new markets. It has contributed to our standard of living substantially.

Advertising invests a new product with confidence - Confidence about its functions quality, price and available. Advertising promises a quality and forces manufactures to live up to the promised quality. So advertisement brings about consumer welfare by two-fold method.

By improving standard of livingBy improving product quality.

Advertisement for social causes like cancer prevention, anti dowry campaign, family planning etc. makes us socially responsible. Advertisement protects the consumers by the educating them and by forcing the manufacturers to maintain a quality and be fair.

Advertising respects the ethics of the prevalent society.

Psychological Functions:-

Advertising is closely linked to consumer behavior. So it affects personality of the consumer, his concept of self, his attitudes, beliefs and opinions, his life-cycle and life style etc. Advertising appeals to our psychological and psychological motives. Its appeals may be rational or emotional.

Advertising is an icon of our times :-

Advertisements are not mere sellers. They reflect the contemporary society. Whatever is used in the society is reflected. In advertising. Women are used not only as sexual symbols in Advertisements: there are other - beds bathroom fittings, cars and what not. Yes, the use of women's anatomy in a children manner is a transitory phase which we will soon grow out.


Culture is a basic part of human nature. It also determines a persons wants and behavior. Culture is learned. There is a socialization of a child right from the time it comes into this world. The child acquires a basic of set of values, perceptions of family, school, church friends etc. Advertising also shapes our cultural values. The other maxim is also true; the cultural values shape up our advertising. In fact, both interact with each other.

Indian advertising asks us to save for the marriage or our daughter or for the education of our child. We are other centered and not self centered. So the advertisements reflect this cultural value of ours. Beside there are advertisements for the well being of the family, for the betterment of the child, for a gift to a loved one etc.

We, as a cultural group, prefer advertisements of products like incense sticks (agarbattis), bindis (Shilpa), Kajal (Jai Kajal), ornaments (tribhovandas bhimji) shaloos (marriage sarees) bidies (smoking device).

We love (thumps-up), hospitality (Rasna) health (chyavanprash), long hair (keo karpin, Coco Raj), thick hair (Shampoos), complexion (Vicco Turmeric vanishing cream).

So the advertisements we see are steeped into our cultural ethos. But at the same time some advertisement make us receptive to the denim and pop-culture. We change our cultural values under the influence of these advertisements.

But core cultural values are not affected much by the advertising. It does effect the subsidiary cultural values.

"Advertising is the creativity that builds a brand"Just what, then must your advertising do to deliver unmatched value to the customer? Even the most cogent, appealing, entertaining. And memorable advertising can will still fail to enhance the customer value. If it can not improve the customer's understanding of the need-real or emotional - that the brand being advertised will fulfill. For that, your thing she did not know. It must raise your customer's interest levels and it must induce a change in her attitude, which can be translated by additional marketing inputs into a reinforcement of existing behavior, or a change in it, so that she buys your brand. Only if it meets these criteria will your advertising raise your brand above the level of all competing products undifferentiated from one another. That's what Ravi Gupta, 57 managing director, Trikaya Grey, is referring to whom he says.

"Advertising is what gives the product its life-cycle and creates into a brand".

Interactional Advertising

Undifferentiated advertising is usually a one-way communication between the company and the customer, with the later doing all the listening. It is just this passivity inducing quality of conventional advertising that has made some marketing pros resort increasingly to below-the-line activity, where the scope for interactive communication is much higher. Thus, smart advertising can induce the feed back loop, boosting customer value by offering the potential buyer the opportunity to, say sample the product and participate in the process of expressing a response, marketers can steal a march over their competitors in the value race. For, interaction cements a company's relationship with the customer, adding to the latter's sense of receiving value added benefits by offering emotional add-ons. And advertising can achieve this by introducing the element of interaction.

A classic example : the campaign used to launch HLL's surf excel the latest extension to its surf brand of detergent powders. The value that HLL wanted surf Excel to provide to the customer : superior washing power. The focus, therefore, was not on specific attrific such as better dirt fighting ability or a whiter wash but all round performance that delivers the greatest value among all brands in the market for every paisa spend. However, the company and its ad agency, Lintas concluded that simply making a claim of superior value wouldn't suffice: Customers, would have to be given the change to test it for themselves.

To capitalize on the initial involvement that the advertising had build up, the third commercial in the campaign went on to depict the feedback from (ostensibly) real life users who declared their delight with Surf Excel . Says M.S. Banga 42 Director (Detergents, HLL: "it was very important here to understand whom we were targeting. Is the customer Sandra in Bandra, or Geeta in Gorakhpur? What does she look like' what kind of a house does she live in ? If she unmarried or married ? How many children does she have ? What's her educational background?

Transformational Advertising

One of the jackpots in the search for a value differentiator for you brand be the very experience of using the product where competing products coverage in terms of tangible attributes and benefits, it is often the largely emotional experience by using the product that can provide additional value to your customer. The task for the advertising. Develop and communicate the associations that make for richer, warmer and more exciting brand usage experience, transcending a mere objective description of the brand attributes.

Or create What DDB Needham terms as transformational advertising. Its fundamental objectives:

Weld the experience and the brand so strongly to each other that the value from the former is transferred to the later in the customer's mental map. What other value do Titan watches provide, if not the joy of giving a gift? And doesn't of life"? To achieve this objective- which followed a decision to target the adult buyer rather than children, Cadbury and its advertising agency, Ogiluy and Mather (O & M), started out by examining just why adults don't eat chocolate. And in the answer to that question lay the opportunity for adding unique customer value.For, findings showed that adults felt too self conscious to be seen consuming a producer actually meant for children. The strategic response: address the emotional appeal of the brand to the child with in the adult. Naturally that provided just the value cavum that Cadbury India". Therefore it was the job of advertising to communicate to the carefree, unselfconscious, pleasure seeking child with in himself and graft feeling onto the brand.The creating execution translated the idea a series of different commercials each depicting a spontaneous, artless response from a patently adult person to a situation aimed at bringing a smile to the viewer's lips. Explain Piyush Pandey 42 Executive Creative Director, O & M who developed the campaign alongwith the creative director. Sonal Dabral : "We decided to look at the little activities that an adult some times indulges in spontaneously.

It was Cadburys commercial that virtually handedly created the value that today's customer associates with the brand. Is you advertising doing the same for your customer?

Emotional AdvertisingWhen the value that your product delivers in tangible the real differentiator may lie in the emotional condition that it generates in your customer's mind crucially, it is your advertising that can be used to bridge the gap between the solid benefit and its emotional extension. For the classic example, consider the heart stopping commercial for Saffola cooking oil created for the Rs. 348 Crores Marico Industries in 1992 by Ambience Advertising. Probing customer concerns, Marico released that the benefit of offering protection to the heart could be traced backwards to a feeling of comfort that this protectiveness generates the mind. And the greater the sence of worry, the stronger the value of the protection that Saffola could offer. Realizing that the apprehension was highest among the wives of men over 30 years leading, stressful lives which they knew was the classic condition for a heart attack - Marico and Ambience decided to fulfill the need for comfort of this particular customer.

So the advertising that they devised addressed in stark, black and whites images, the apprehension of the wife. A series of shots, depicting the middle aged man being rushed to hospital and wheeled into the operating room after he's had a heart attack while his panic stricken wife waits fearfully drove home the message. And the reference to Saffola's Product benefit the voice over announces. There are many things in your husband's life that you cannot control Saffola:

Its your insurance stuck up immediate association with safety and relief says Rajesh Jejurikar 31 General Manager (Mktg) Marico Industries:" We had felt that the advertising could have had a negative impact If we ran it for too long but continuous tracking has revealed no negative scores." Clearly, it was the commercial that helped add the real value to the brand which distinguished it from its competitors- for the customer?

"I love watching cookery programmes on TV, followed by serials. So I watch the ads very carefully because they are always full of new information. But I finds difficult to understand some of the as the pictures change very quickly. I am usually very relaxed in the afternoon when I watch TV but all these ads for clothes and cars give me a headache. I wish they had a rule, saying you can show nothing but food products ads with cookery programs. As for newspaper ads. I only read them for discounts and sales announcements."


Meaning of Research Methodology: Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problems. It may be understood as a science of study how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know only the research methods/ techniques but also the methodology. Researchers not only need to know how to develop certain indices and tests, how to calculate the mean, mode and medium or the standard deviation or chi-square , how to apply particular research techniques, but they also need to know which of these methods or techniques are relevant and which are not and what would they mean and indicate and why.

Researchers also need to need to understand the assumptions, understands underlying various techniques and procedures will be applicable to certain problem and others will not. All this mean that it is necessary for the researchers to design the methodology for his problems as the same may differ from problem to problem. In research, the scientist has to expose the research decisions to evaluation before they are implemented. He has to specify very clearly and precisely what decisions to evaluation before they are implemented. He has to specify very clearly and precisely what decisions he selects and why he selects them so that they can be evaluated by others also. So, we can say that research methodology has many dimensions and research methods to constitute a part of research methodology.

The scope of research methodology is wider than that if research methods. Thus, when we talk of research methodology, we not only talk of the research methods but also considered the logic behind the methods we use in the context of research study and explain why we are using the particular method or technique and why we are not using other so that research results are capable of being evaluated either why the researchers himself or by other.

Why a research methodology has been undertaken, how the research problem has been defined, in what way and why the hypothesis has been formulated, what data has been collected and what particulars methods has been adopted, why particular technique of analyzing data has been used and a most of similar other question are usually answered when we talk of research methodology concerning a research problem of study.

Significance of research :While identifying the significance famous Hudson Maxim Defines, All progress is born of enquiry. Doubt is often better than over confidence, for it leads to enquiry, and enquiry leads to invention".Significance of research can be understood as follows:1- Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes the development of logical habits of thinkings and organization.

2- The role of research in several fields of applied economics, whether related to business or to economy as a whole, has greatly increased in modern times.

3- Research provides the basis for nearly all government policies in our economic systems.

4- Research has its significance in solving various operational and planning problem of business and industry.

5- Research equally for social scientific in studying social relationship and in seeking answers to various social problems.

6- To those students who are to write a Ph.D. thesis, research may mean careerism or a way to attain a high position in the social structure.

7- To professionals in research methodology, research may mean a source of lively hood.

8- To philosophers and thinkers, research may mean the outlet for new ideas and insights.

9- To literary men and women, research may mean the development of new styles and creative work.

10- To analyst and intellectuals, research may mean the generalization of new theories.

This research is the fountain of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and an important source of providing guidelines for solving different business, Governmental and social problems. It si a sort of formal training which enables one to understand the new developments in one's field in as better way.


Meaning and Importance / Need

Meaning: it is the blue print of action; it identifies the course through which the research process has to follow. According to green & Tull A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed. It is the overall operational pattern or frame work of the project that stipulates what information is to be collected from which source by what procedure".

Research design specifies the method of collecting, measuring and analyzing the data.

Importance / Need:

Research Design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of various operations thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information with minimum expenditure and efforts, time and money. Research design stands for advance planning of methods to be adopted for collecting the relevant data and techniques to be used in their analysis. Keeping in view of objectives of the research and availability of staff, time and money. Research Design, in fact, has a great bearing on the reliability of the results arrived at and as such constitutes the firm foundation of entire edifice of the research work. Thoroughlessness in designing the research project may result in rendering the research exercise futile. It is, therefore, imperative that an efficient and appropriate design must be preferred before starting research operations. The design has the researchers to organize his idea in a form where by it will be possible for him to look for flaws and inadequacies, such a design can never be given to other for their comments and evaluation.Types of Research Design: on the basis of Fundamental objectives of research, we can classify the research in to two categories.(1) Exploratory Research

(2) Conclusive Research

(1) Exploratory Research: The measure purpose of exploratory studies are the identification of problems, the more precise formation of problems including the identification of relevant variables and the formulation of new alternative coursed of action.

In such a study no clear hypothesis has been developed about the problem. Hypothesis are tentative answer to question that serves as guide for most research projects. In this study , the researchers is seeking information that will enable him to formulate specific research questions and to state hypothesis about the problem.

In case of exploratory research, the focus is on the discover of ideas. In my project, first I want to find out various alternative ideas about the satisfaction level regarding the claim settlement of LIC. As we know that the exploratory research is generally based on secondary data that are readily available. It does not have a formal and rigid design as the researcher may have to change is focus depending on the availability of new ideas.

An exploratory study is in the nature of a preliminary investigation where in the research himself is not sufficiently knowledgeable and is therefore unable to frame the details research questions. Ways of conducting exploratory research:(1) Literature Survey(2) The experience Survey(3) The analysis of "insight stimulating" examples.Literature Research: It is also known as secondary data. It is fast economical way for researcher to develop a better understanding of a problem area in which they have limited experience. It also familiarizes them with past research results, data source and the type of data available.The experience survey: It concentrates on persons who are particularly knowledgeable in the particular area. The object of such a survey is to obtain insights into relationships between variable and the few ideas relating to research problems. For such a survey people who are competent and can contribute new ideas may be carefully selected and respondents to ensure a representation of different type of experience.

The analysis of "insight stimulated" example. It is also fruitful for suggesting hypothesis for research. It is particularly suitable in areas where there is little experience to serve as a guide. This method consists of intensive study of selective instances of the phenomenon in which one is interested.

(ii) Conclusive Research :Exploratory research gives rise to several hypotheses which will have to tested for drawing definite conclusions. These conclusions when tested for validity lay the structure of decision making. Conclusive research can be classified as either descriptive or experimental.

a) Descriptive ResearchIt is marked by the prior formulation of specific research questions. The investigator already knows a substantial amount of research problem, perhaps as a result of an exploratory study. Before the project is initiated. In this the investigator should be able to define clearly what it is that he or she wants to reassure and to set up appropriate and specific mean for measuring it. Descriptive studies vary in the beginning to which a specific hypothesis is to guide.SAMPLINGA sample is a part of aggregate selected with a view to obtain information about the whole group also known as population. The population is composed of number of units. In sampling song population parameter is inferred by studying only a part of population. Therefore sampling refers to the process of choosing a sample from the population so that some inference about the population can be made by studying the sample. The various reasons which make sampling a desirable are given below:1- Time taken for the study.

2- Cost involved for the study

3- Physical impossibility of complete enumeration

4- Practical Infallibility of complete enumeration

5- Enough Reliability of inference based on sampling

6- Quantity of data collected


PROBABILITY SAMPLING NON PROABIBILITY SAMPLING1. Simple random sampling1. Convenience sampling2. Systematic Sampling2. Judgment sampling3. Stratified Sampling3. Quota Sampling4. Cluster SamplingProbability Sampling:In Probability sampling, the decision the whether a particular element is included in the sample or not is governed by chance alone. All probability sampling designed ensure that each element in the population has some non zero probability of getting included in the sampling. This means defining the procedure, for picking up the sample, based on chance, and avoiding chances in the sample except by way of pre defined process again.

Non Probability Sampling:Any Sampling which does not ensure some non zero probability for each element in the population to be included in the sampling would belong to category of Non Probability Sampling.

This sampling procedure does not provide any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population processes to be included in the sample. In this case, samples may be picked up based on the judgment or convenience of enumerator. Usually, the complete sample is not decided at the beginning of the study but it involves as the studies progresses. In protesting a questionnaire, we are interest to as certain its suitability for the problem under consideration.

Convenience Sampling:In this case, samples are selected at the convenience of researcher/ investigator. Here, we have no way are determining the representatives of the sample. The cost involved in picking up the sample is minimum and the cost of data collection is also low.Judgment Sampling:In this case, the judgment or opinions of some experts form the basis of samples selection. The experts are persons who are believed to have information on the population which can help in giving us better samples.


To study the actual impact of advertising on consumer behavior a case of Bareilly City. Initially the study made includes the surveys as well as in depth analysis of the available existing records to evaluate and conclude as per the objectives of the present study. Total project work was undertaken in two parts.

Pilot Study Final Study

Pilot StudyFor the purpose, a pilot survey of 10 different respondents was personally carried out the to assess the attitude and opinion about the advertisement.

As far as the area of study is concerned as mentioned in the synopsis and is also clear from the title, it is Bareilly City where the researcher adopted a samples random strategy: in which the researcher took a sample of 60 prospects that divided into 3 groups. Each group as 20 prospects. The researchers divided the group according to age because attitudes, habits as well as behavior are changed with the age. So there are three groups i.e. up to 25 years, 25-40 years and above 40 years. We keep in mind the literacy level also.

In our working, we directly approached the prospects at the shopping complex, colleges, offices etc. and given our full introduction and requested to respond our questionnaire. As a result, the researcher collected 60 different views of different prospects and got a clear picture to know the actual impact of advertising on consumer behavior.

Final Study:Based on pilot study of 10 respondents a structure and undisguised questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire contained 14 questions dealing with various aspects of Impact of advertising on consumer behavior a case of Bareilly City, such as ethical, unethical is it increasing purchasing power or not and like wise.

The type of research design chosen was descriptive and the study was conclusive in its nature. Non probability type of sampling technique was used and was based on convenience and judgment.

DATA ANALYSIS1- To how many 'ad' media, are you familiar? Give the name of that media.

a) T.V. b) News Paper c) Magazine d) Out Door

In response of the question, researcher got that 57% prospects are familiar with TV , only 20% the Newspapers, 15% with Magazines and 8% with outdoor.

T.V.News PaperMagazinesOutdoor


It shows that now days, largely prospects are influenced by television because now television has been a basic necessity for age groups of peoples. It may be in terms of entertainment, news, business etc.

2- Do You really think that these ads affect your buying behaviora) Yes b) No c) To some extent

In response of this question, 70% prospects are in favor, 8% are in against and 22% are not fully confident.

FavorAgainstNot Fully Confident


In shows that largely prospects accept that ads effect their buying behavior.

3- Any advertisement, you can recall.

a) Product Name _________________ 2) Media __________

In response of this question, it is found that prospects choose those products by which they are familiar, e.g. below 25 years, prospects revealed the ads of Liberty Footwear, Elle 18 cosmetics, , Jai Soap, Rasna, Uncle Chips etc. In 25-40 years old prospects recalled the ads of Parag Saree, Rainbow Heart Jewellery, Pepsi, Close-up, Ariel, Lux Soap, Maggi, Annapurna salt etc. In above 40 years prospects recalled the ads of whirlpool, Escotel Cellular Phones, Bazooka T.V. etc.

So, I found that prospects recalled only those products by which they are interested to use or consume.Basic Reasons for memorizing it due to :

a) Action b) Theme c) Personality

d) Sound effect e) Way of presentation.

In response to this question the researcher found that 50% prospects are memorized on "ad" due to its way of presentation , 40% by theme and 20% by personality, i.e. their favorite personality is used in that "ad".

Way ofPresentationThemePersonalitySound EffectAction


4- Whether Advertising is

a) Confusing b) Clear the fog of buying decisions

c) Informative d) only as a part of entertainment

In response to this question, the researcher found that 60% prospects accepted that advertising is informative, 15% said that advertising is confusing 6% said that advertising clear the fog of buying decisions and 15% accepted that advertising is only as part of entertainment.

ConfusingClear the FogInformativePart of Entertainment


Do you think ads waste your time ?

a) Yes b) No c) To some extent

In response of this question, we found that 68% prospects are not in favor. They said by the advertisement time utilizes to know about market. 4% people said that ads waste their time and 28% people said to some extent ads waste their time. In this category only those persons come who have no faith on ads. So they don't see ads carefully.

Dont DisturbDisturbTo some extent


7- Is the disturb in your entertainment?

a) Yes b) No c) To some extent

In the context to this question, 80% persons realize that ads do disturb in their entertainment and 10$ said that ads do not disturb in their entertainment and 10% peoples said that ads disturb in their entertainment to some extent. The reasons for those who realize that ads disturb their entertainment because it breaks the concentration upon the interesting and entertaining programs. Other reason is that by displaying a lot of ads, we have to wait for an entertainment program. At that moment ads seem to be very bore and time wasting.

FavorAgainstTo some Extent


8- Is advertisement misleading you?

a) Yes b) No c) To some extent d) Not sure

In response to this question, 70% persons have not any one decision i.e. Yes or No. They perveive that some time and mislead them & sometime no, 30% accepted that ads mislead them. In this category mostly persons are made fool by producers i.e. consumer didnt product as shown in an 'ad' in terms of functional capabilities promises with ad or shown as in an 'ad' . So they think that 'ad' mislead to them.

YesNoTo some ExtentNot sure


9- Whether these days advertising is :

a) Ethical b) Unethical



10- If unethical, why?

a) Making children early nature.b) Unbelievable claims leads to cheating or befooling.c) Unnecessary exposing.d) Attack on the image of Indian Women.e) Playing with emotion and sensitiveness.f) Attacking on economy.

Those who commit that advertising is unethical. To know the reason of unethical, we gave above options to prospects in which 20% people said that I makes children early nature, 32% said that it unbelievable claims leads to cheating or befooling, 40% committed that it unnecessary exposing 20% said that it attacking on the image of Indian women, 80% said that it paying with emotion and sensitiveness, 10% said that it attacking on economy.

Making children early naturedUnbelievable claims lead to cheatingUnnecessary exposingAttack image of Indian WomenPlaying with emotionsAttacking economy


If you like an 'ad' very much will it force you to buy that product ?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

In answer of this question, 95% persons are not sure to buy the product. They chosen @ option. Only 5% people are willing to buy the product by the market if they like an 'ad' very much.

Not SureNoWilling to Purchase


11- Is it increasing your purchasing habit?

a) Yes b) No c) To some Extent

In response of this question, we got that 64% persons are agreed, 30% are not agreed and 6% persons are not sure that purchasing habit might be increased.

YesNoTo some Extent


12- What image of product is performed in your mind after seeing an ad?

a) Good advertisement represents a good quality product.

b) There is a need of good 'ad' for weak product.

c) None of these.

In response of this question, we got that 50% people said that there is need of good 'ad' for weak products and 50% chosen none of these option. It means 50% people think that advertising is important only for promotion of weak products.

13- What shouldn't be included in ad or what you expect from good 'ad'?

In the answer of this question people generally said that message should be clear, false , promises, over show shouldn't take place, burglary shouldn't be there short time duration, idea should be very vivid. It should be informative and product oriented rather than emphasize on other irrelevant things.

CONCLUSIONAs we all know that "change is the law of nature'. So advertising is also an advancing trained because satisfaction level of consumers is going up, so naturally there will also be an increasing trend in our advertising level.

The success of a product in the market is directly related to the company's ability to understand about the product and its influence on consumer behavior. Naturally, of depend how and what product is doing in the market. For this the marketer has to require the understand.

1- Confirm existing behavior, if the product is doing well.2- Change existing behavior if the product is not doing well.3- Create new behavior by introducing a new product if required.

But now days a factor of unethical has been engaged in advertising sponsors do false claims, over shows false promises etc. As a result buyer becomes mislead and a negative image of advertising is performed which shouldn't exist.

It is clear by the evaluation that advertising is increasing the purchasing habit of prospects. It is only possible when person adopt the 'ad' in his/her behavior. A person can't ready to buy the product if he/she is not fully satisfied with the product and by advertising we can ensure them for fulfillment of their satisfaction and consumer becomes ready to buy the product. So advertisement very much effect on consumer behavior for buying the product.

BIBLIOGRAPHY1- Manendra Mohan, Advertising Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Comp. Ltd., New Delhi.

2- Philip Kotler; Marketing Management, Prentice Hall of India.

3- Book on research methodology by G.C BERI.

4- Other websites: www.google.com , www.msn.com.

5- Marketing related website www.hprofesser.com




1. To how many ad media are you familiar? Give the name of that Media.

a) T.V. b) Newspaper

c) Magazine d) Out Door

2. Do you really think that these advertisements affect your buying behavior?

a) Yes b) No c) To some Extent

3. Any Advertisement you can recall?

a) Product. B) Media

4. Basic reasons of memorizing is due to

a) Action b) Theme c) Personality

d) Sound Effect e) Way of presentation

5. Whether Advertisement is

a) Confusing b) Clear the fog of

c) Informative d) only as a part of entertainment

6. Do you think, advertisements waste your time?

a) Yes b) No c) To some extent

7. Is advertisement disturbed in your entertainment?

a) Yes b) No c) To some extent.

8. Is advertisement misleading you?

a) Yes b) No c) To some extent

9. Whether these days, advertisement is

a) Ethical b) Unethical

10. If unethical, why?

a) Making children early matured b) Unbelievable claimsc) Unnecessary exposure d) Attacking on economye) Playing with emotions f) Attacking on image of Indian women.

11. Is it increasing your purchasing habit?

a) Yes b) No c) To some Extent

If you like an 'ad' very much then will you buy that product by the market?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

12. What image of product is performed in your mind after seeing an 'ad'

a) Good ads represent a good quality product.b) There is a need of good advertising for weak product.c) None of these.

13. What should not be in an or what you expect from a good ad?

Name & Address __________________________________________Age _____________ Profession _____________________


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