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Page 1: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite

Sunday, 9 September 2018

News Bulletin

1. Introduction

Meadowbank Aldi

Exercise from last week...

Spectator or Builder?

2. Love

A. A More Excellent way 12:31

B. Love driving behaviour



No envy

No boasting

Not conceited

Acts properly

Not selfish

Not provoked

No record of wrongs

Rejoices in Truth

C. Hebrews 10:24-25

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on

toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting

together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encour-

aging one another—and all the more as you see the

Day approaching.

3. Conclusion

Photo Album

Seeing in a new way… Practical serving.

Ask for prayer points—and pray!

1 Cor 13:1-13

13 If I speak human or angelic lan-

guages but do not have love, I

am a sounding gong or a clang-

ing cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of

prophecy and understand all

mysteries and all knowledge,

and if I have all faith so that I

can move mountains but do not

have love, I am nothing. 3 And if I donate all my goods to

feed the poor, and if I give my

body in order to boast but do not

have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love

is patient, love is kind. Love

does not envy, is not boastful, is

not conceited, 5 does not act im-

properly, is not selfish, is not

provoked, and does not keep a

record of wrongs. 6 Love finds no joy in unrighteous-

ness but rejoices in the truth. 7 It

bears all things, believes all

things, hopes all things, endures

all things.

8 Love never ends. But as for proph-

ecies, they will come to an end;

as for languages, they will

cease; as for knowledge, it will

come to an end. 9 For we know

in part, and we prophesy in part. 10 But when the perfect comes,

the partial will come to an end. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a

child, I thought like a child, I

reasoned like a child. When I

became a man, I put aside child-

ish things. 12 For now we see

indistinctly, as in a mirror, but

then face to face.

Now I know in part, but then I will

know fully, as I am fully known. 13 Now these three remain: faith,

hope, and love. But the greatest

of these is love.

Page 2: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite


10am Family Service Lord’s Supper 2nd Sunday of Month 5pm Family service

$3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday

10:30am New Horizons (1st & 3rd weeks) Aged Care Service—Badajoz Rd

First and Third Mondays of the month


Ph: (02) 9878 3974 [email protected]

152 Cox’s Rd North Ryde 2113 Find us in the middle of the community hub of North Ryde—we are located in the

centre of the Cox’s Rd Shopping district, adjacent to North Ryde Public School,

opposite IGA and North Ryde Library. There are around 30 onsite car parking spots,

with adjacent council car parking and shopping centre parking

Safe Ministry Representative: [email protected]


SERVICES 152 Coxs’s Rd (opposite Mall)

9am Family service & Morning Tea

5pm Family service & optional $2 dinner Monthly Communion: 9am (2nd Sunday) 5pm (4th Sunday)

3pm SOMA church (Macquarie Centre) Lead Pastor: Rev. John Chappell

Ph: 9878 3974 Mobile: 0403 812 782

Lead Pastor:: John Chappell

(Kylie, Joseph, Tara, Nathaniel & Jacob)

Ph: 9878 3974 & 0403 812 782.

Children’s & Youth Pastor

Ellyce McKirdy (Jake)

Mob: 0401 335 622

Yr 13 Apprentice

Lauren King

Mob: 0411 594 681

St John’s Preschool Team. Ph: 9888 7835

L-R: Mary, Elena, Sophia, Joan

L-R Rachel, Kathy (director), Brenda

Children’s & Youth pastor

Sarah Robertson

Mob: 0417 863 852

ESL Pastor

Ruoxin Zhang

Mob: 0451 575 355

2018 Parish Council Chris Aspland, Peter Bliss, John & Kylie Chappell,

Bruce Duncan, Francis Gosling, Jennifer Harrison,

Rick Wu

2018 Wardens Chris Aspland

Ph: 9887 2663

Peter Bliss

Ph: 9878 3978

Francis Gosling

Ph: 9878 3840

Page 3: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite

WHAT DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE? The bible explains that our world is God’s good

creation, a display of his honour and majesty. How-

ever, humanity has chosen to try to run life inde-

pendently from God. This has disastrous conse-

quences. Life lived in opposition to the maker natu-

rally breaks down—we cannot control God’s world

without him. We begin to experience the just

judgement from the maker we have rebelled


Creation no longer reflects the majesty and honour

of God. God could justly put an end to his rebel-

lious creatures, but in his love, treats us differently to

what we deserve.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one

and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall

not perish but have eternal life”

John, Chapter 3 verse 16

(John 3:16 Mandarin)

(John 3:16 Japanese) Jesus, the Son of God, is God’s rescue plan for his re-

bellious creatures. Jesus did not rebel against God—he

was perfect. He is God’s gift to us in that he, being the

perfect human, can be punished or judged in our

place. On the cross Jesus Christ dies taking the punish-

ment of separation from God that we all deserve.

Therefore, anyone who believes in him can escape

God’s anger. But that is not all, they can reconnect

with God and start to experience life the way it should

be, finding true freedom in obediently serving our


The bible explains that this sacrificial action of Jesus

brings great honour to God. All who believe in Jesus

continue to bring honour to God. But God’s patience

with ongoing rebels who bring him dishonour will run

out, and Jesus will soon return to eternally punish.

Christians are eternally thankful to Jesus as our saviour,

and strive to live rightly under him as Lord and master.

The bible explains that we need supernatural help to

do this. We can never be thankful enough or good

enough to earn ‘saved’ status. We must be saved first,

then thankfulness and obedience rightly follow.

Will you accept God’s rescue plan?

in Jesus right now ?

PRAYER POINTS Prayer points are compiled in the church office. Please email

Thank God for the safe birth of Kira to Brittani on Wednesday night

Pray for the victims of domestic violence in our community. Pray for wisdom as our leaders en-deavour to respond appropriately and to both support and equip victims

Ryde Combined Youth Night—Friday 21st Sep-tember at St Anne’s Ryde.

Pray for recruitment of new staff over the next month—seeking full time assistant minister, part time children’s and youth, part time preschool and a partner with Generate—RACE.

Thank God for our playgroup ministry. Pray for opportunities to introduce Jesus to new families.

Pray for Ryde Secondary College. Pray that we would find a new gospel worker to join the team ASAP following Ellyce’s departure.

Pray for Norma Grenier, Wilma Wilson.

DROUGHT PRAYER Our heavenly Father, we acknowledge our ingratitude when we have taken your goodness for granted, when the heaven has poured forth rain and the earth has pro-duced its fruit. Yet now we cry to you for help, as the drought in New South Wales deepens. Have mercy on our land; have mercy on the people of the land. May your bountiful hand send forth rain upon our parched earth. Fulfil your promises that while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease, so that those in remote and rural areas may find relief from their distress and glorify your name for the provision of their needs. We ask this in the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Giving @ St John’s Can you partner with others in our church in helping to meet our


The best way to do this is via

establishing an electronic transfer with your bank.

BSB: 032 088 Account: 810054 Currently over 50% of all offertory is given electronically.

Please contact Francis via email ([email protected])

to confidentially notify him that arrangements are in place. For more

details speak to our treasurer

Francis Gosling on 9878 3840.

Seniors Activities 2018

22/09/2018 Meet @ Church -car pool 9.30am BBQ - Buffalo Creek Reserve

20/10/2018 Meet @ Church -car pool 9am Windsor Antiques Tour

17/11/2018 6pm @ Venue Dinner -Noble Terrace Chinese Restaurant - Cox's Rd

15/12/2018 9.30 am Morning Tea + Board Games @ Robert Taylors

Contact Glenn Walker on 0411 463 494 or Robert Taylor 98781353

Page 4: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite

Sermons Online Missed the Chris Edwards address from last Sunday night? All our sermons are recorded and available on the internet. Go to our our homepage at www.northrydeanglican.org.au and click on the sermons tab. The sermon audio is coupled with the slides during the presen-tation.

Passing of a leader who made ‘immeasurable’ contribution

One of the towering figures of Anglicanism in the 20th century

and former Archbishop of Sydney, Bishop Donald Robinson

AO, has died at the age of 95.

Born in Lithgow and educated at North Sydney Boys High

School, Sydney Church of England Grammar School, the Uni-

versity of Sydney and Queens' College, Cambridge, Donald

William Bradley Robinson began his ordained ministry in


He was a lecturer and Vice-Principal at Moore College, before

becoming Bishop in Parramatta and later Archbishop of Syd-

ney and Metropolitan of New South Wales from 1982 to 1993.

Bishop Robinson died early on the morning of September 7 at

HammondCare at North Turramurra.

The first to pay tribute was the current Archbishop of Sydney,

Glenn Davies, who described the contribution of Bishop Rob-

inson as ‘immeasurable’.

“We have lost a giant in the world of New Testament scholar-

ship” Dr Davies said in a statement.

“Bishop Robinson, who lectured at Moore Theological College

for more than 30 years, influenced a generation of future min-

isters and scholars. His innovative approach to Biblical Theol-

ogy is one of his many lasting legacies. While a scholar of

great intellect, he was also a man of great humility and grace.”

the Archbishop said.

“His influence in the Anglican Communion was also highly

significant and his becoming Bishop in Parramatta and subse-

quently Archbishop of Sydney for more than a decade gave

opportunity for him to declare the glories of Christ

through his commitment to the truths of God’s word,

which was exemplified in his godly personal leader-


The Principal of Moore College, Dr Mark Thomp-

son, also paid tribute saying Bishop Robinson's in-

fluence on the College and the Diocese 'has been

immense and it continues as strong as eve

"He taught us how to read the Bible as a whole, to

understand its big picture of ‘biblical theology’. His

insights have been shared around the world thanks to

Graeme Goldsworthy and Vaughan Roberts. He

taught us to think about church the way the Bible speaks

about church rather than to impose our traditions on the Bi-

ble. He taught us to be courageous when our biblical convic-

tions are not shared by others and to do so without personal

animosity or venom." Dr Thompson said.

"He could capture the imagination of generations of students

as, with a twinkle in the eye, he promised to take them to the

moon but not necessarily to bring them back. We thank God

for a faithful life as tutor, lecturer, Vice Principal, Bishop

and Archbishop, but above all as a disciple of Christ and

biblical scholar."

Dr Davies announced the news to the Anglican Future Con-

ference in Melbourne which, in God's providence, had

planned a seminar titled 'Truth and Grace: Key Lessons for

Australian Christians from the Life and Work of Donald


A funeral service will be held at 11 am next Tuesday, Sep-

tember 11 at St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney.

Page 5: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite


One of the great strengths of a gap year is the chance to take a


There are so many options and decisions facing your child after

school, and the impact they’ll have on the rest of their lives can be

daunting. They feel so much pressure to get it right!

You naturally want what’s best for your son or daughter, but the

reality is many school-leavers drop out, burn out, or realise they are

doing something they don’t enjoy and have to change mid-year. In fact, the inci-

dence of such “churn” has become so significant that some universities are quite con-


The year after school is such a unique time in your child’s life. They will never have this

level of freedom again. Why not encourage them to invest this special time to great

benefit? Life is not a race. There is no prize for getting through school and study and

into the workplace the quickest.

A growing body of research backs up the benefits of tak-

ing a gap year, some of which can be found under Gap

Year Research. Indeed, more and more universities are

now advocating a gap year, and making it as easy as pos-

sible for entrants to defer their studies.


Photos above and below from

Lauren King currently on

Year 13 mission in Fiji

Gingerbread making at playgroup last week

Page 6: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite

Trusting in God in drought By Russell Powell, 2nd Sept 2018

“Be strong and courageous” sang Colin Buchanan but the words of one of his most famous kids’ songs were being applied to all ages as St Andrew’s Cathedral filled with people wanting to pray for an end to the worst drought for more than a century.

The singer’s poignant songs about the Australian bush, farmers and faith hit the right note as the Father's Day (Sept 2nd) congregation was told of the struggles of those living and working in rural and remote areas of New South Wales.

“We’ve gathered to pray for rain. We’ve gathered to show solidarity to our neighbours on the land in their distress and to pray - for God is the creator of all that is,” said the Dean, Kanishka Raffel. “The Lord is near to all who call on him.”

The congregation, in the centre of Australia’s largest city, heard an ABC Landline report which said urban areas were only just awakening to the devastation wrought on parched areas of Australia.

Archbishop Glenn Davies, who activated the Anglican Aid drought appeal last month, preached and wrote the prayer for rain used at the start of the service.

“Our heavenly Father, we acknowledge our ingratitude when we have taken your good-ness for granted, when the heaven has poured forth rain and the earth has pro-duced its fruit. Yet now we cry to you for help, as the drought in New South Wales deepens.” the prayer reads. “Have mercy on our land; have mercy on the people of the land. May your bountiful hand send

forth rain upon our parched earth. Fulfil your promises that while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease, so that those in remote and rural areas may find relief from their distress and glorify your name for the provision of their needs.”

The director of Anglican Aid, the Rev David Mansfield, told the congregation he had re-cently returned from the North West of the state, where the appeal funds had started to be distributed.

“People were telling me they have never seen or experienced a drought like it,” Mr Mansfield said. “There is a pessimism which comes with that - but we must remember there is hope.”

“We trust in God that this drought will break.” echoed Dr Davies.

The drought funds are already heading to needy farmers and rural families through churches of the Bathurst and Armidale dio-ceses in the Central West and North West of New South Wales. Bush Church Aid is also distributing funds from its Kirkby Trust.

Some churches have reported that even the distribution of dog food is welcomed by weary farmers unable to feed, and facing the pro-spect of losing, their working dogs. Donate through Anglican Aid


Page 7: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite

Spring HSC Study Camp 1 Sept 29-Oct 5 2018 Port Hacking 1 Study Camp 2 Who: All those Year 12 in 2018 Start: 29 September 2018 Finish: 5 October 2018 Where: Rathane, Port Hacking Conference Centre, Royal National Park, NSW Cost: $525 https://outdoors.youthworks.net/spring-hsc-study-camp-1

Date - Saturday 15th September 2018 Time - 9:00am - 3:00pm

Location - St Paul’s Castle Hill, 421 Old Northern Rd, Castle Hill

NTE18: December 1-5, 2018 Exhibition Park in Canberra

Page 8: Sunday, 9 September 2018 News Bulletin · SUNDAY SERVICES 10am Family Service nd Lord’s Supper 2 Sunday of Month 5pm Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday 10:30amopposite

Sunday, 16th Sept 12-2pm Join us for lunch and a presentation that explains our


Lunch is served from 12-12:30pm, an opportunity to meet

other new people in the St John’s Community.

12:30pm—2pm Our Church Explained Presentation

What do we believe

What is our Vision

How do we work together in achieving the vision


Organisation Structure and Finances

Q & A

RSVP: John Chappell on 0403 812 782 September Sermon Series

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