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Page 1: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob

Preston Meadow Lutheran Church Plano, Texas

November 25, 2018 8:30 & 11am


Page 2: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob


Prelude Welcome

Gathering Hymn 


Welcome to worship! Today, we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, the final day of the Church Year. We remember that Christ is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. His kingdom is everlasting, and he freely gives mercy to all who ask for it. Jesus does not reign as some tyrant only concerned about his own power. He is the true Servant King who gives his life for his people so they may experience the abundance of life. When we believe in Jesus as our Savior and accept him as our King, we are saying to ourselves and this world that we will live under his rule. Our lives begin to change, along with this world, the moment when people who believe in Jesus as their King begin to obey him in all they say and do. Let’s get ready to worship Jesus, our King!

Please silence your cell phones. Feel free to notify an usher if you would like a hearing assistance device.

Page 3: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob
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Confession and Forgiveness All may make the sign of the cross, the sign marked at baptism, as the presiding minister begins. 

P Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.

Please kneel as you are able.

             Silence for reflection.   

P Merciful God,

C you made us in your image, with a mind to know you,

a heart to love you, and a will to serve you.

But our knowledge is imperfect, our love inconsistent,

and our obedience incomplete.

Day by day, we fail to grow into your likeness.

In your tender love, forgive us our sins, known and unknown.

We pray, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

P In the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus,

we are assured that there is no sin so terrible that God cannot forgive,

no hurt so terrible that God cannot heal.

God accepts, God forgives, and God sets free.

Receive the forgiving love of God in the name of ☩ Jesus Christ.

C Amen.

P Blessed be the ☩ holy Trinity, the One who creates us,

the One who heals us, the One who raises us to new life.

C Amen.

P Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom

no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your

Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy

name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

C Amen.

Page 5: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob

Prayer of the Day P Let us pray. Almighty and ever‐living God, you anointed your beloved Son to be

priest and sovereign forever. Grant that all the people of the earth, now divided

by the power of sin, may be united by the glorious and gentle rule of Jesus Christ,

our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and forever.

C Amen.

Apostolic Greeting

P The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,

and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

C And also with you.  

Page 6: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob


First Reading Daniel 7:9‐10;13‐14 Pew Bible p. 744


                                          After the Reading, the People say, Thanks Be to God.

Gospel Acclamation

A The Holy Gospel according to St. John, the 18th chapter:

C Glory to you, O Lord.

Gospel Reading John 18:33‐37 Pew Bible p. 904

A The Gospel of our Lord.

C Praise to you, O Christ.

Gospel Acclamation Please repeat from above.

Kids Word Time (11:00)

Second Reading Revelation 1:4b‐8 Pew Bible p. 1029


                                          After the Reading, the People say, Thanks Be to God.

Page 7: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob

Sermon Pastor Paul Mussachio

Hymn of the Day

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The Nicene Creed

C We believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made,

of one Being with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary

and became truly human.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;

he suffered death and was buried.

On the third day he rose again

in accordance with the scriptures;

he ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,

and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church.

     We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

We look for the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the world to come. Amen. 

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Prayers of Intercession

        Please kneel as you are able. After each petition:

A Lord in your mercy,

C hear our prayer. 

The Peace

P The peace of the Lord be with you always.

C And also with you.

         The people greet one another with a sign of Christ’s peace. 

Offering Anthem (8:30) “Christus Paradox” by AV Fedak

PMLC Sanctuary Choir

Offering Prayer

A Let us pray. God of all creation,

C all you have made is good, and your love endures forever. You bring forth

bread from the earth and fruit from the vine. Nourish us with these gifts,

that we might be for the world signs of your gracious presence in Jesus Christ,

our Savior and Lord. Amen. 

Worship, Connect, Grow Serve Opportunities

To all of our guests: One of the many ways we live out our faith is through JOYFUL GENEROSITY. We’d like to celebrate that God has brought you here

today by making a $25 contribution in your name to a charity of your choice. After worship, please stop by our Welcome Center in the Atrium so you can designate the

charity and provide us with your information. Thank you for joining us today.

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The Great Thanksgiving

P The Lord be with you.

C And also with you.

P Lift up your hearts.

C We lift them to the Lord.

P Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

C It is right to give our thanks and praise.

P It is indeed right, our duty and our joy...and join their unending hymn:

P Holy God, mighty Lord, gracious Father...now and forever.

C Amen.

P Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, we pray the prayer Jesus gave us:

Lord’s Prayer

C Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

Page 11: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob

At Preston Meadow Lutheran, our communion table is “open.” That means that you don’t have to be a member of PMLC to commune, or even a Lutheran. We welcome children of all

ages to this favorite meal of the church because we know that we come at Jesus’ invitation to receive his free gift of grace. Parents, if your children are not yet communing,

encourage them to fold their arms over their chests to receive a blessing. If you are communing, simply open your hands and bread will be given to you. Cups with white grape

juice are located in the center of the trays; gluten-free wafers are available on request. Come and enjoy the free gifts of God!


Page 12: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob

Communion Hymns

Page 13: SUNDAY - Amazon S3€¦ · Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie Ushers: ... Bill Drake Chris Nolden Dan Hammons Brian Scott Nick Hu ltgren Curt Selman Asst. Head Ushers: Bob

Table Blessing

P May the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen you

and keep you in his grace.

C Amen.

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Sending Prayer

A Let us pray. God of abundant grace,

C with this bread of life and cup of salvation

you have united us with Christ,

Making us one with all your people.

Now send us forth in the power of your Spirit,

That we may proclaim your redeeming love to the world

And continue forever in the risen life of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Please stand. 


P May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord’s face shine on you and be gracious to you.

May the Lord look upon you favor and ☩ give you peace.

C Amen.

Closing Hymn

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 Used by permission under copyrights: GIA Publishing, Inc., license no. 8077;    

 Augsburg Fortress license no. 10240‐S;   

 CCLI license no. 2221727 & OneLicense.net license# A‐705394


A Go in peace. Serve the Lord!

C Thanks be to God.


Life can become scrambled. Sort it out with a Stephen Minister

by your side.

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November 18, 2018

Church Attendance: 388 | Communion Attendance: 339| Online Attendance: 53

Overall Attendance: 441 | Offering: $12,407.35

Serving in Worship

8:30 11:00

Preacher: Pastor Paul Mussachio Pastor Paul Mussachio

Presider: Pastor Jackie Linden‐Schade Pastor Kate Knutson

Acolytes: Dylan Volk Everson Enderlin

Assisting Minister: Jim Simpfenderfer Steve Larson

Lector: Russ Abercrombie Susan Kahl

Organist/Choir Dir.: Anne Abercrombie Anne Abercrombie

Piano: Hannah Abercrombie Hannah Abercrombie

Ushers: Steve Monson Kurt Kern

Jay & Kara Chiglo Kai Johnson

Bill Drake Chris Nolden

Dan Hammons Brian Scott

Nick Hultgren Curt Selman

Asst. Head Ushers: Bob Goetz Dennis Hahn

Atrium Greeters: Rich & Gail Falco Allen Gray & Judy Haven

Altar Care: Marilyn Layher & Holly Stephens

Breadbaker: Lisa Rose Lisa Rose

Coffee: Floyd Ericson Kai Johnson

Pastors: Rev. Paul Mussachio, Lead Pastor · Rev. Kate Knutson, Pastor for Family Ministries

Rev. Dr. Jackie Linden-Schade, Pastor for Congregational Care

6801 Coit Road, Plano, Texas 75024 · 972.618.2233 · www.pmlc.org

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