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Page 1: Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes · Small Groups Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes Start Today! 9:30-10:30 am 12 Week Series on the book of Acts - Will meet in the Kindergarten

Small Groups

Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes Start Today! 9:30-10:30 am

12 Week Series on the book of Acts - Will meet in the Kindergarten Room. Led by Brenda Dean and Pastor Martin. [email protected]

Power of a Praying Parent - will meet in the office area upstairs. Led by Brenda Spieler. [email protected]

• Preschool (2 years to 4 years old) Pre-K 3 classroom down stairs • Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade - 4th Grade classroom upstairs • 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade - 8th Grade classroom upstairs • Middle School (6-8) will meet in the Music Room upstairs • High School (9-12) will meet in the Library upstairs • 2016 Confirmation - 7th Grade Classroom upstairs (Starts on September 18)


Thursday Morning - 10 am in the library. Open to all - Studying “12 Extraordinary Women of the Bible” - Meetings on 1st and 3rd Thursdays

Chapman Small Group - Saturdays at 6 pm - Studying Radical by David Platt. Contact Brian or Andreia Chapman at 678-654-9221

Bickhart/Brown Small Group - TBA

Calendar This Week

Sunday September 11 The Story Chapter 12

8:15 - Traditional Worship 9:30 - Sunday School and Bible Class Hour

10:45 - Contemporary Worship with Communion

12:00 pm - Confirmation

Meeting in 7th Grade Classroom upstairs

Monday September 12 6:30 pm - School Board

Thursday September 15 10 am - Adult Bible Class

Saturday September 17 5 pm - Wyldlife

6 pm - Chapman Small Group

Sunday September 18 The Story Chapter 13

8:15 - Traditional Worship with Communion

9:30 - Sunday School and Bible Class Hour 10:45 - Contemporary


Read Through the Bible in 2016!

September 11 Daniel 4-5 September 12 Daniel 6-8

September 13 Daniel 9-12 September 14 Hosea 1-4 September 15 Hosea 5-9

September 16 Hosea 10-14 September 17 Joel 1-3

Greetings from Pastor Jim Martin! I’m looking forward to meeting you…in church or during the week. I’ll be in the office (or out visiting) Mondays, Tuesdays, & Wednesdays, and sermon-writing on Thursdays. Friday is my day off. Saturday appointments are a possibility for those who can’t get together during the week. You would be doing me a big favor by helping me see how God is at work at St Paul!

Are You Reading “THE STORY?” This Sunday we’re reading Chapter 12 about David & Bathsheba, about confession & forgiveness; consequences & restoration. If you don’t have a copy, pick one up today.

Discovery Class starts next Sunday, right after 10:45 service. We’ll start with a light lunch, dig into God’s Word together, and be on the way by 1:30. We’ll be focusing on what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and part of His family at St. Paul.

Page 2: Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes · Small Groups Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes Start Today! 9:30-10:30 am 12 Week Series on the book of Acts - Will meet in the Kindergarten

Honduras Mission Information Meeting -September 18 at 12 pm

Come learn about our Honduras Mission Teams - January 21 - 28 Led by Mike and Donna King

February 18-25 Led by Kiara Denholm and Molly Millard.


Ministry TeamChurch Office 770-487-0339 School Office 770-486-3545


Worship Assistants Next Week Acolyte Morgan Stroud - 8:15 Natalie Spellman - 10:45 Altar Guild Rose Meyers - 8:15 Lisa Wright - 10:45

Counters Reid and Debbie White Elder Joel Heil and Mark Wachter - 8:15 Chris Schwartz - 10:45 Greeters Becky Dingler and Kathy Savage - 8:15 Rita Janssen and Florian Meyer - 10:45

Reader Kelli Barber - 8:15 Brandon Cline - 10:45 Ushers John Newman - Lead, Mike Mehaffie, Lenny Wright - 8:15 Chris Schwartz - Lead, Jan Beckman, John Beckman - 10:45

Video Robbie Senger Set-up Team Paul Hudson

Birthdays Katie Mehaffie, Eleanore

Gaynor, Cheryl McMenamin, Ethel

Munson, Randy Pinter, Becky Schuler, Paul Stark,

Joanne Poole Anniversaries

Chris & Katherine Spellman Larry & Carol Littmann

Given by Larry and Carol Littmann in

Celebration of their 54th Wedding Anniversary

Open Dates to Donate

Altar Flowers Cost = $40 Sept. 18 Oct. 16

Nov. 20, Dec. 18

September 4, 2016 Combined Worship Attendance - 121 2016-17 Ministry Plan calls for $693,600 September 4, General Fund $ 11,983

September Total, General Fund $ 11,983 Total Fiscal YTD - Actual $ 109,435 Total Fiscal YTD - Needed $ 131,000 Difference < $ 21,565 >

Weekly Prayer Requests

Praise and Thanksgiving For unity in the St. Paul family Continued improvement for Steve Smith

Strength and Healing Bill Bonds

Phyllis Davidson Jimmy Brooks

Phyllis and Ken Purcell

Sarah - Child due September 11

Mildred Pogue - Becky Clemen’s Aunt

recovering from heart attack

Ken Purcell - recovery from surgery

For Margaitte and family at passing of William


General God’s Will to be done at St. Paul

For all firefighters, police, and teachers DeWalt family

For all who are considering Honduras Mission Trips Military Personnel and Families Charlie Maten, Jared Breeden, Nicholas Kirkland, George Hall, Derek Jones, Zachary Atha, Katherine Mehaffie, Taylor Lee, Jonathan Gray, Dustin Ellis, Jennifer Hayes, John Saari

If you have a prayer need please contact Sharon Cook at [email protected] or Tamie Worthington at [email protected]

September 14 at 11:30

The Pioneers will meet at the Crosstown Grill at 620 Crosstown Rd. in Peachtree City, at 11:30 am on September 14. Please contact Camilla Reeves by Sunday Sept. 11 to RSVP. [email protected] or 770-389-9175 Everyone is welcome to join!

Rev. Jim Martin, Intentional Interim Pastor [email protected] Dr. Joel Dietrich, Ministry Facilitator [email protected] Nathan De Young, Youth & Family Minister [email protected]

Tamie Worthington, Church Admin Assistant [email protected] Jim Richards, Principal [email protected] Joanne Poole, School Administrative Assistant [email protected] Joanne Shepard, Receptionist [email protected]

Bill Bonds, Facility Manager [email protected] Maria Kachadurian, Marketing and Admissions [email protected] Donna Fornito, Accountant [email protected] Kim Langner, Eagles Landing After School Care [email protected]

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